Congratulations Colombia

UPDATED: Sunday, July 6, 2008 08:33
PAGE 1 of 1

Saturday, July 5, 2008 1:17 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Since no one else mentioned it, congratulations to Colombia for rescuing Ingrid Betancourt and other hostages from the FARC "rebels". Well planned and carried out without a shot being fired. Hope they can get some more out soon.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, July 5, 2008 9:05 PM


Good stuff, what I find a little strange though is that the three Americans (Marc Gonsalves, Thomas Howes and Keith Stansell), who were also rescued, are hardly mentioned in the press, mostly just as an afterthought. Somehow I expected a bigger deal to be made out of their rescue. There were also 11 Colombians, but one wouldn't expect them to get a lot of attention in the US and Europe.

Well planned and carried out without a shot being fired.
Well, that's no good. How is Hollywood supposed to make a decent movie out of it if there's no bloodshed? Clearly, the Colombian military doesn't respect the American entertainment industry. If that's not a reason to bomb that country, I don't know what is!


This isn't my signature. I have to type this every time I make a post.


Sunday, July 6, 2008 3:24 AM


America loves a winner!

The media seems reluctant to remind folks of what's going on in other parts of the world. Guess they figure we don't want to read good news ?

My local paper recently went from 50 cents to 75 cents, right before the July 4th weekend.

Print media is hemorrhaging jobs, and they still refuse to face the facts, that Americans are tired of the Left wing bias in not only what is reported, but what ISN'T reported.

When I get my new G3 I-Phone, I'll likely never buy anther newspaper again.

Save the trees!!

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, July 6, 2008 8:33 AM


plenty of print media has not been particularly liberal.

The New York Times, your favorite whipping boy has had a sordid history of throwing truth under the bus in favor of this administration's talking points, so it's hardly as liberal as you'd like to claim, at least, you know, when it actually fucking matters.

I'll agree that they've done a good job of setting themselves up with 'liberal' credentials though.

And what about the washington Post? go to geezers thread about yellowcake and Frem has posted a laundry list of their poor reporting that did NOt have a liberal slant.


You can keep saying it, but again and again the facts don't bear it out.


But that's ok. The real reason I wanted to post in response is because the very thing your planning on doing, the very thing that I think most of us feel as the final solution to getting better news is to go in search online for the news source that best reflects our values...

seems like it makes sense, except I wonder at the rift that that is going to continue to develop between people on the right and people on the left. There's no point in reading news you don't think you're going to "agree" with.

For most people there will be no fact checking of their own sources, no cross referencing, no sense of the criticisms the other side is leveling against those stories. There will be no exposure to certain stories at all, for that matter.

It is much the fault of main-stream newspapers though, that both the left and the right feel disenfranchised by them. I don't think it's inaccurate to say that those of us on both sides have been devalued, in favor of quick profit. They've streamlined their departments, cut their foreign correspondents, cut their journalists, bought up competitors, recycled the same crap articles throughout their whole newspaper empires, leaned heavily towards infotainment over actual news, settled for "fair and balanced reporting" that has nothing to do with vetting talking points and everything to do with allowing both sides to spew equally.

We can disagree with who that benefits, but I think you'll agree that they don't take people to task for their obvious lies. They don't spend the resources to do so,

and between liability issues and ad revenue concerns, they have almost no reason to go after anybody that can fight back, so they often don't.


Still, I think its worrisom that our solution to this is going to result in no common ground in our understanding of our nation and its problems. For so many people there is just no reason to engage the other side because they have begun to think of them as appeasers or warmongers or player haters, etc........

That's why I think sites like this are good in the end. That's why I keep coming back here, because the perspectives are diverse and the tone is actually amazingly civil for such exlosive topics as politics and religion.

Not that any of us changes our mind very often, but at least it forces us to undersand our own positions better, in the face of conflicting information.

Maybe there's always been a rift and my concerns aren't so well founded, I don't know. still, blogs have less accountabiliity than newspapers (in theory) - propaganda that gets spread on blogs as fact isn't likely to damage the blogs reputation if nobody who reads from it bothers to take a moment to verify what he reads with another source.

but then the papers and tv media have been getting everything wrong too, and only in one case I know of off the top of my head has there been any accountability, so maybe that's moot.

It just comes back to two wholly seperate worlds of reality that are going to intersect less and less in my opinion, and instead will clash more violently with time.

edit to apologize for hijacking thread....forgot the original topic after raps' post