' The job of the Government is to keep greed in check '

UPDATED: Monday, July 14, 2008 10:30
VIEWED: 2034
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Saturday, July 12, 2008 8:25 AM


America loves a winner!

How many of you agree w/ that statement ?

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, July 12, 2008 9:17 AM


keep the compulsion to want things in check or the result of greed in check?

either way I don't know how many people think that is government's role. You're coming at it from the wrong side.

Of course in our country, the government's job that our elected officials hate so much, is to protect the Constitution.

the reason we have a Constitution as it is written is because we wanted certain rights, to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, because some of our forefathers thought it would be wise and just to give us all more hands-on control of our own lives, through government.

So the job of government now should be to benefit the greatest cross-section of its population...whether that manifests in direct material benefits or in enrichment of self-identity.

Nowhere does this check greed, unless the very equity of it starts to pull people up into a more thoughtful, considerate place where material wealth takes a back seat to personal responsibility about desegrigation,improved handicap access, etc.

Instead, what government does do, when we stay invovled on a large scale, and when we vote our self-interest, is to cancel out other, more powerful (and as they tend to benefit the few at the cost of the many), more detrimental self-intersts.

I got no problem with self-interst. But what I want to keep alive in this country is that opportunity isn't a possibility, it is a probability. The more everything gets sucked to the top, the less entrepreneurship is possible because of abuses of patent laws, undercutting by massive stores, crack legal teams that can sue competitors for mind-boggling things like saying you don't have growth hormones in your milk,

the more everything gets consolidated into less and less megacorporations, the less skilled labor is needed, the more jobs are outsourced, the more goods are imported, the less capital we have in fighting for a decent wage, the less money we have to buy those ultra cheap products, which, lo, are starting to not be so ultra cheap...go figure.

If people truly voted their own greed, their own self-inerest, we'd actually be in better shape now than we are, problem is most of us are uninformed as to the issues, uninformed as to the impact of policies of our candidates on our own we get people like Bush, and then we get all this.


Saturday, July 12, 2008 11:12 AM


Like hell.

The Gov's job a, SMALL set of EXTREMELY limited duties and responsibilities, it clearly outlined in the Constitution - not that the rampant monster borne from that original concept gives a shit, however.

That bein said, it ain't the Gov's job to PROTECT the greedy against the retaliation of folks they may have wronged along the path to "success", regardless of the "legality" of their gripe or method, either.

The Gov don't BELONG in it, and I state that as a FACT since 1906 they have come in on the side of the greedy every single time, so let's not get any Conservative Faery Tales about how the poor corps have the Gov holding them down - when those corps have historically had the full assistance of the Gov in beating down, harrassing and even murdering activists and unionists who would be the logical check and balance against rampant exploitive greed, if the Gov did not stand WITH the corps against them.

Ain't the fucking job of the Government to protect the greedy from those they fucked over neither - so quid pro mutherfuckin quo here!

I don't want em involved in such things either way, but they ARE, and sure as HELL not keepin greed in check, but rather the opposite and only the historically ignorant would ever even pretend otherwise.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, July 12, 2008 11:16 AM


i always thought the job of the gouvernment was to carry out the will of the people who elected them in to power but then im just naive

im just going out,i may be some time


Saturday, July 12, 2008 11:26 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I feel the job of the government is to guarantee basic, equal rights. Not so much to take care of me, nor guide my morality nor shield me from the consequences of my foolish actions...

Rather, government exists to make sure my property rights are upheld, and that I'm not killed, maimed, or otherwise abused by my fellow man.

Beyond that, I have no real desires or expectations.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Saturday, July 12, 2008 12:12 PM


Frem, is the like hell for auraptors post or mine,

and if for mine could you clarify what you are disagreeing with,



Saturday, July 12, 2008 1:43 PM


From times past, no. As in, there was enough competition to make capitalism work.

Today, yes and no.

No, because it's impossible to keep people from attempting scams, etc and getting away with it some time. So, the laws in this regard shouldn't really change much except to keep up with new ways to screw people.

Yes, because international conglomerates have effectively made competition non-existent. Which makes capitalism in its current state completely broken.

So, it's not really a question of should it, but rather how.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Saturday, July 12, 2008 1:55 PM


The "like hell" comment was directed at the entire concept.

Morality is a very relative thing, and every time some pack of morons tries to use the Gov as a weapon to enforce THEIR morality upon others, disaster surely results.

Temperance Movement/Prohibition.
War on (some) Drugs.
Anti smoking and related legislation.

Gov ain't got no business in morality.

As for the rest of that post, our countries history is rife with corporate robber barons exploiting and abusing their workers, and then when said workers took issue with it, calling in the guns of the US Armed Forces to "restore order" (i.e. suppress folk with a legit gripe) and as such, I place the Gov *firmly* in the camp of actively advocating and protecting such behavior.

Which is the opposite extreme from the Conservative shills and their "how dare the Gov prevent me from exploiting, polluting, or scamming!" sad-ass sob stories which always seem to be base fiction on the merest bit of real investigation.

That bein said, the Gov should NOT be in it at either extreme, as morality is a personal business, highly individual and subjective, and any attempt to enforce it rides very damn close to the line separating church and state, if not outright crossing it.

Just look into some of the horrific abuses of the "faith-based initiatives" for Gov finance of specific religions and moralities, as well as tax breaks only for recognized "official" (and thus, de-facto sponsored) belief systems, if you wanna see why I got such a gripe about it.

The Gov has ZERO place in defining, enforcing, or even advocating any form of morality whatsoever.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Saturday, July 12, 2008 3:52 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

The job of Government is to "...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, July 12, 2008 8:05 PM



Originally posted by Geezer:
"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."

Sounds good.

I'm a little surprised that people are debating this. Don't we all agree that the job of a government is to get in a man's way?


This isn't my signature. I have to type this every time I make a post.


Sunday, July 13, 2008 7:35 AM



legislation against say....murder, could be called legislating morality. There is no intrinsic truth that murder is is a moral judgement. Or do you see that as a property rights issue?

I suppose you could argue that nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights legislates morality because every law seems to have a more pragmatic, neccesary quality for the health of the state and the balance of power that needs to remain in effect in order for a democracy to endure,

but by extension, what laws couldn't we apply that same measure to? Hell, it could be argued that laws against drug use are pragmatic,and for the overall health, stability and sanity of the voting public at large. It would be a bullshit argument to a great degree, or at least I would disagree with it, but I just wonder what law can be taken purely as a legislation of morality.

Laws detailing hiring practices, forcing integration, forcing fair wages for women in the same jobs as men, etc. These could be morality laws, or they could be laws enacted to ensure that power in this nation is balanced more equally throughout the population, a strength to democracy.

I guess indecency laws are legislating morality, but even then I suppose that we could argue health reasons for some of those standards.

I got nothing for prostitution. That's a morality law if I ever saw one...but is setting the legal age for marriage at 18 and creating pedofelia laws for adults who have sex with children. This is a societal moral standard. Centruies ago, Girls used to be married off at far earlier ages. It was not thought wrong. Some kooks today don't think that would be wrong. What about laws like this?


Sunday, July 13, 2008 7:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

All laws reflect societal ethics. Laws are simply epxressions of how a society thinks people "should" behave. Often, there is more than one set of laws... a set for each "class".

I don't think Frem is arguing the basis of law. I think Frem is saying that because laws are codified morality he would like to see FEWER laws overall, and leave the morality to the individual. The rationale behind his thinking is that governments (and laws) are too often co-opted by the wealthy and are used to formalize/ secure the advantage of the controlling class.

Let's party like it's 1929.


Sunday, July 13, 2008 8:16 AM


fair enough,

and I have no disagreement with him there, except that I don't think his endgame changes the tapestry much.

If we just institute the barest bone laws like he suggests, like say, preventing murder or assault, then the same people will continue to reap the benefits.


you suggest that we don't have to let the greedy corporations slide, that we can go after them with pitchforks and torches when they abuse us, and in that way we'll be able to keep them in check, but they'll still have the cops on their side, to protect them against that sort of thing, because in this pared down world, that's one of the few laws that would still be government enforced, I assume.

What truly, in this vision would promote a better balance of power? The corporations would have even more fredom to do what they wanted, and they would still have the strength of the state to protect them at the end of the day. So long as they are making a profit they can do whatever the hell they want.


Sunday, July 13, 2008 10:24 AM


Yeah, that's the basic crux.

The Gov should not, should never, decide morality - that is for the people to decide, however, there needs to be some level of protection from one group forcing a morality on others, which is, as stated, always disastrous.

My take on it is simple - if it directly harms no one, or no one BUT YOU, it ain't no one else's business.

Pretty simple application of the non-agression principle there, and as stated, a minimalist approach is far better than what we have now, so many useless, unenforceable laws that you cannot live a normal life a single day without violating maybe a score of them or so.

That is pretty ridiculous, innit ?

As for Corporations, Righteous... umm, point of fact is, that it IS that way now, they get a free pass due to corporate personhood, AND they get police protection.

One suggestion (this is tenative, and hasn't been really researched yet, so keep that in mind) would be to simply remove both, UTTERLY.

Remove all responsibility for local and state police concerning a corporations property - if they desire the power, let em deal with the responsibility.

Sure, if INDIVIDUALS feel threatened or in danger, they can call upon the police to protect THEM - but the corporations PROPERTY is on it's own.

No police, no fire dept, no "free security" or disaster relief, etc.

UNLESS, they surrender corporate personhood.

That might balance the odds some, I dunno, it just popped into my head while thinkin on this post.

Here's the thing, and my essential point though, corps have gotten a free ride for a long time, allowed to abuse or exploit workers with impunity, and then when workers did take issue, called upon the forces of the State to enforce their interests - not ONCE have the forces of the State ever stepped in to protect the workers.

And if they had, just imagine how things might have gone different, say if the Army had acted in defense of the workers and their kids that Carnegies men were machinegunning, perhaps ?

Seriously, read through the history thoroughly and you'll understand why I've zero respect or sympathy for them, especially corporations that amount to generational dynasties, and their involvement in pro-fascist(gov-corp mussolini type) politics up to and including the business plot.

A Union can fight a corp, a Union can NOT fight a corp and the combined forces of the entire US Military and Police forces - which is what they would have to DO since Gov is clearly on one side of the issue.

So it amounts to either throw a full on revolution/civil war, or resort to terrorism and sabotage, neither of which has worked here very well historically...

Or somehow change the equation and correct this imbalance of power.

Removing Gov's full and overwhelming support of corps against the folks they have wronged is a needed step in that process - even "Free Market" folks will, if pressed, admit this, cause Gov-Corps are the least competitive, most exploitive, and most ruinous things to free trade there is.

Just look at Amtrack for a perfect example, you'd think that with our current fuel crunch and other difficulties, we'd by now have a modern high speed rail system, but what we got is an antiquated, dangerous relic from a bygone era that is massively overpriced and inefficient because there IS no competition thanks to Gov sponsorship.

Anyhow, the whole concept of the Gov being a check against greed set me off when the concept is so damn laughable in the fact of 150 years of actively, intensively, deliberately SPONSORING greed.

And let's not even "go there" about no-bid contracts and the Military-Industrial complex.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Sunday, July 13, 2008 10:59 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
How many of you agree w/ that statement ?

That sounds like a liberal trying to redefine the government's role to stopping free enterprise, which is a principle the country was founded upon.


Sunday, July 13, 2008 11:42 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Khyron:
Sounds good.

I'm a little surprised that people are debating this. Don't we all agree that the job of a government is to get in a man's way?


Ding! Ding! Ding!

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, July 13, 2008 11:44 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
How many of you agree w/ that statement ?

That sounds like a liberal trying to redefine the government's role to stopping free enterprise, which is a principle the country was founded upon.

Actually, I heard this from a caller on a talk radio program. The caller, I assume was a socialist, because there had been a socialist on as guest earlier on the show. The caller said some other equally crazy stuff, but I wanted to be sure that I remembered this quote , specifically, and see what others thought.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, July 14, 2008 7:26 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Yeah, that's the basic crux.

The Gov should not, should never, decide morality - that is for the people to decide, however, there needs to be some level of protection from one group forcing a morality on others, which is, as stated, always disastrous.

My take on it is simple - if it directly harms no one, or no one BUT YOU, it ain't no one else's business.

Pretty simple application of the non-agression principle there, and as stated, a minimalist approach is far better than what we have now, so many useless, unenforceable laws that you cannot live a normal life a single day without violating maybe a score of them or so.

That is pretty ridiculous, innit ?

As for Corporations, Righteous... umm, point of fact is, that it IS that way now, they get a free pass due to corporate personhood, AND they get police protection.

One suggestion (this is tenative, and hasn't been really researched yet, so keep that in mind) would be to simply remove both, UTTERLY.

Remove all responsibility for local and state police concerning a corporations property - if they desire the power, let em deal with the responsibility.

Sure, if INDIVIDUALS feel threatened or in danger, they can call upon the police to protect THEM - but the corporations PROPERTY is on it's own.

No police, no fire dept, no "free security" or disaster relief, etc.

UNLESS, they surrender corporate personhood.

That might balance the odds some, I dunno, it just popped into my head while thinkin on this post.

Here's the thing, and my essential point though, corps have gotten a free ride for a long time, allowed to abuse or exploit workers with impunity, and then when workers did take issue, called upon the forces of the State to enforce their interests - not ONCE have the forces of the State ever stepped in to protect the workers.

And if they had, just imagine how things might have gone different, say if the Army had acted in defense of the workers and their kids that Carnegies men were machinegunning, perhaps ?

Seriously, read through the history thoroughly and you'll understand why I've zero respect or sympathy for them, especially corporations that amount to generational dynasties, and their involvement in pro-fascist(gov-corp mussolini type) politics up to and including the business plot.

A Union can fight a corp, a Union can NOT fight a corp and the combined forces of the entire US Military and Police forces - which is what they would have to DO since Gov is clearly on one side of the issue.

So it amounts to either throw a full on revolution/civil war, or resort to terrorism and sabotage, neither of which has worked here very well historically...

Or somehow change the equation and correct this imbalance of power.

Removing Gov's full and overwhelming support of corps against the folks they have wronged is a needed step in that process - even "Free Market" folks will, if pressed, admit this, cause Gov-Corps are the least competitive, most exploitive, and most ruinous things to free trade there is.

Just look at Amtrack for a perfect example, you'd think that with our current fuel crunch and other difficulties, we'd by now have a modern high speed rail system, but what we got is an antiquated, dangerous relic from a bygone era that is massively overpriced and inefficient because there IS no competition thanks to Gov sponsorship.

Anyhow, the whole concept of the Gov being a check against greed set me off when the concept is so damn laughable in the fact of 150 years of actively, intensively, deliberately SPONSORING greed.

And let's not even "go there" about no-bid contracts and the Military-Industrial complex.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Frem, I am concerned that this principle would simply give a corporation even more power than previous. Please do not encourage corporations to provide their own police forces. I do not want corporations to enjoy private corporate armies. (Some of them already come pretty close to this now, no need to foster the growth of this phenomenon!)

On the other hand, removing corporate personhood might be a good idea. This would of course require us to look very carefully at lawsuits.

I don't think the owner of a MacDonald's franchise ought to lose his house in a lawsuit because someone slipped on the floor at his business.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Monday, July 14, 2008 10:30 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
How many of you agree w/ that statement ?

Lets ask assorted Founders:

US- We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and
to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and
to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and
to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,
Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations.

India- WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN
SOCIALIST[1] SECULAR[1] DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;

and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;

IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY

Canada (short and sweet)- Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:

Fiji- This one is too long. Basically a history of Fiji.

Iran (long, but basically it says the purpose of their govt is to oppress women, kill the innocent, and grow long beards)- The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran advances the cultural, social, political, and economic institutions of Iranian society based on Islamic principles and norms, which represent an honest aspiration of the Islamic Ummah. This aspiration was exemplified by the nature of the great Islamic Revolution of Iran, and by the course of the Muslim people's struggle, from its beginning until victory, as reflected in the decisive and forceful calls raised by all segments of the populations. Now, at the threshold of this great victory, our nation, with all its beings, seeks its fulfillment.
The basic characteristic of this revolution, which distinguishes it from other movements that have taken place in Iran during the past hundred years, is its ideological and Islamic nature. After experiencing the anti-despotic constitutional movement and the anti-colonialist movement centered on the nationalization of the oil industry, the Muslim people of Iran learned from this costly experience that the obvious and fundamental reason for the failure of those movements was their lack of an ideological basis. Although the Islamic line of thought and the direction provided by militant religious leaders played an essential role in the recent movements, nonetheless, the struggles waged in the course of those movements quickly fell into stagnation due to departure from genuine Islamic positions. Thus it was that the awakened conscience of the nation, under the leadership of Imam Khumayni, came to perceive the necessity of pursuing a genuinely Islamic and ideological line in its struggles. And this time, the militant 'ulama' of the country, who had always been in the forefront of popular movements, together with the committed writers and intellectuals, found new impetus by following his leadership.

The Dawn of the Movement
The devastating protest of Imam Khumayni against the American conspiracy known as the "White Revolution," which was a step intended to stabilize the foundations of despotic rule and to reinforce the political, cultural, and economic dependence of Iran on world imperialism, brought into being a united movement of the people and, immediately afterwards, a momentous revolution of the Muslim nation in June 1963. Although this revolution was drowned in blood, in reality it heralded the beginning of the blossoming of a glorious and massive uprising, which confirmed the central role of Imam Khumayni as an Islamic leader. Despite his exile from Iran after his protest against the humiliating law of capitulation (which provided legal immunity for American advisers), the firm bond between the Imam and the people endured, and the Muslim nation, particularly committed intellectuals and militant 'ulama', continued their struggle in the face of banishment and imprisonment, torture and execution.

Throughout this time, the conscious and responsible segment of society was bringing enlightenment to the people from the strongholds of the mosques, centers of religious teaching, and universities. Drawing inspiration from the revolutionary and fertile teachings of Islam, they began the unrelenting yet fruitful struggle of raising the level of ideological awareness and revolutionary consciousness of the Muslim people. The despotic regime which had begun the suppression of the Islamic movement with barbaric attacks on the Faydiyyah Madrasah, Tehran University, and all other active centers of revolution, in an effort to evade the revolutionary anger of the people, resorted to the most savage and brutal measures. And in these circumstances, execution by firing squads, endurance of medieval tortures, and long terms of imprisonment were the price our Muslim nation had to pay to prove its firm resolve to continue the struggle. The Islamic Revolution of Iran was nurtured by the blood of hundreds of young men and women, infused with faith, who raised their cries of "Allahu Akbar" at daybreak in execution yards, or were gunned down by the enemy in streets and marketplaces. Meanwhile, the continuing declarations and messages of the Imam that were issued on various occasions, extended and deepened the consciousness and determination of the Muslim nation to the utmost.

Islamic Government
The plan of the Islamic government as proposed by Imam Khumayni at the height of the period of repression and strangulation practiced by the despotic regime, produced a new specific, and streamline motive for the Muslim people, opening up before them the true path of Islamic ideological struggle, and giving greater intensity to the struggle of militant and committed Muslims both within the country and abroad.

The movement continued on this course until finally popular dissatisfaction and intense rage of the public caused by the constantly increasing repression at home, and the projection of the struggle at the international level after exposure of the regime by the 'ulama' and militant students, shook the foundations of the regime violently. The regime and its sponsors were compelled to decrease the intensity of repression and to "liberalize" the political atmosphere of the country. This, they imagined, would serve as a safety valve, which would prevent their eventual downfall. But the people, aroused, conscious, and resolute under the decisive and unfaltering leadership of the Imam, embarked on a triumphant, unified, comprehensive, and countrywide uprising.

The Wrath of the People
The publication of an outrageous article meant to malign the revered 'ulama' and in particular Imam Khumayni on 7 Jan 1978 by the ruling regime accelerated the revolutionary movement and caused an outburst of popular outrage across the country. The regime attempted to quiet the heat of the people's anger by drowning the protest and uprising in blood, but the bloodshed only quickened the pulse rate of the Revolution. The seventh-day and fortieth-day commemorations of the martyrs of the Revolution, like a series of steady heartbeats, gave greater vitality, intensity, vigor, and solidarity to this movement all over the country. In the course of this popular movement, the employees of all government establishments took an active part in the effort to overthrow the tyrannical regime by calling a general strike and participating in street demonstrations. The widespread solidarity of men and women of all segments of society and of all political and religious factions, played a clearly determining role in the struggle. Especially the women were actively and massively present in a most conspicuous manner at all stages of this great struggle. The common sight
of mothers with infants in their arms rushing towards the scene of battle and in front of the barrels of machine-guns indicated the essential and decisive role played by this major segment of society in the struggle.

The Price the Nation Paid
After slightly more than a year of continuous and unrelenting struggle, the sapling of the evolution, watered by the blood of more than 60,000 martyrs and 100,000 wounded and disabled, not to mention property damage, came to bear fruit amidst the cries of "Independence! Freedom! Islamic government!" This great movement, which attained victory through reliance upon faith, unity, and the decisiveness of its leadership at every critical and sensitive juncture, as well as the self-sacrificing spirit of the people, succeeded in upsetting all the calculations of imperialism and destroying all its connections and institutions, thereby opening a new chapter in the history of all-embracing popular revolutions of the world.

On 12 and 13 Feb 1979, the world witnessed the collapse of the monarchical regime. Domestic tyranny and foreign domination, both of which were based upon it, were shattered. This great success proved to be the vanguard of Islamic government -- a long-cherished desire of the Muslim people -- and brought with it the glad tidings of final victory.

Unanimously, the Iranian people declared their final and firm decision, in the referendum on the Islamic Republic, to bring about a new political system, that of the Islamic Republic. A majority of 98.2% of the people voted for this system. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, setting forth as it does the political, social, cultural, and economic institutions and their relations that are to exist in society, must now provide for the consolidation of the foundations of Islamic government, and propose the plan of a new system of government to be erected on the ruins of the previous order.

The Form of Government in Islam
In the view of Islam, government does not derive from the interests of a class, nor does it serve the domination of an individual or a group. Rather, it represents the fulfillment of the political ideal of a people who bear a common faith and common outlook, taking an organized form in order to initiate the process of intellectual and ideological evolution towards the final goal, i.e., movement towards Allah. Our nation, in the course of its revolutionary developments, has cleansed itself of the dust and impurities that accumulated during the past and purged itself of foreign ideological influences, returning to authentic intellectual standpoints and world-view of Islam. It now intends to establish an ideal and model society on the basis of Islamic norms. The mission of the Constitution is to realize the ideological objectives of the movement and to create conditions conducive to the development of man in accordance with the noble and universal values of Islam.

With due attention to the Islamic content of the Iranian Revolution, the Constitution provides the necessary basis for ensuring the continuation of the Revolution at home and abroad. In particular, in the development of international relations, the Constitution will strive with other Islamic and popular movements to prepare the way for the formation of a single world community (in accordance with the Koranic verse "This your community is a single community, and I am your Lord, so worship Me" [21:92]), and to assure the continuation of the struggle for the liberation of all deprived and oppressed peoples in the world.

With due attention to the essential character of this great movement, the Constitution guarantees the rejection of all forms of intellectual and social tyranny and economic monopoly, and aims at entrusting the destinies of the people to the people themselves in order to break completely with the system of oppression. (This is in accordance with the Koranic verse "He removes from them their burdens an the fetters that were upon them" [7:157]).

In creating, on the basis of ideological outlook, the political infrastructures and institutions that are the foundation of society, the righteous will assume the responsibility of governing and adMinistering the country (in accordance with the Koranic verse "Verily My righteous servants shall inherit the earth" [21:105]). Legislation setting forth regulations for the administration of society will revolve around the Koran and the Sunnah. Accordingly, the exercise of meticulous and earnest supervision by just, pious, and committed scholars of Islam is an absolute necessity. In addition, the aim of government is to foster the growth of man in such a way that he progresses towards the establishment of a Divine order (in accordance with the Koranic phrase "And toward God is the journeying" [3 28]); and to create favorable conditions for the emergence and blossoming of man's innate capacities, so that the theomorphic dimensions of the human being are manifested (in accordance with the injunction of the Prophet (S) "Mould yourselves according to the Divine morality"); this goal cannot be attained without the active and broad participation of all segments of society in the process of social development.

With due attention to this goal, the Constitution provides the basis of such participation by all members of society at all stages of the political decision-making process on which the destiny of the country depends. In this way during the course of human development towards perfection, each individual will himself be involved in, and responsible for the growth, advancement, and leadership of society. Precisely in this lies the realization of the holy government upon earth (in accordance with the Koranic verse "And we wish to show favor to those who have been oppressed upon earth, and to make them leaders and the inheritors." [28:5]).

The Principles of Governance of the Just Holy Person In keeping with the principles of governance and the perpetual necessity of leadership, the Constitution provides for the establishment of leadership by a holy person possessing the necessary qualifications and recognized as leader by the people (this is in accordance with the saying "The direction of affairs is in the hands of those who are learned concerning God and are trustworthy in matters pertaining to what He permits and forbids"). Such leadership will prevent any deviation by the various organs of State from their essential Islamic duties.

The Economy is a Means, Not an End
In strengthening the foundations of the economy, the fundamental consideration will be fulfillment of the material needs of man in the course of his overall growth and development. This principle contrasts with other economic systems, where the aim is concentration and accumulation of wealth and maximization of profit. In materialist schools of thought, the economy represents an end in itself, so that it comes to be a subversive and corrupting factor in the course of man's development. In Islam, the economy is a means, and all that is required of a means is that it should be an efficient factor contributing to the attainment of the ultimate goal.

From this viewpoint, the economic program of Islam consists of providing the means needed for the emergence of the various creative capacities of the human being. Accordingly, it is the duty of the Islamic government to furnish all citizens with equal and appropriate opportunities, to provide them with work, and to satisfy their essential needs, so that the course of their progress may be assured.

Woman in the Constitution
Through the creation of Islamic social infrastructures, all the elements of humanity that served the multifaceted foreign exploitation shall regain their true identity and human rights. As a part of this process, it is only natural that women should benefit from a particularly large augmentation of their rights, because of the greater oppression that they suffered under the old regime.

The family is the fundamental unit of society and the main center for the growth and edification of human being. Compatibility with respect to belief and ideal, which provides the primary basis for man's development and growth, is the main consideration in the establishment of a family. It is the duty of the Islamic government to provide the necessary facilities for the attainment of this goal. This view of the family unit delivers woman from being regarded as an object or instrument in the service of promoting consumerism and exploitation. Not only does woman recover thereby her momentous and precious function of motherhood, rearing of ideologically committed human beings, she also assumes a pioneering social role and becomes the fellow struggler of man in all vital areas of life. Given the weighty responsibilities that woman thus assumes, she is accorded in Islam great value and nobility.

An Ideological Army
In the formation and equipping of the country's defence forces, due attention must be paid to faith and ideology as the basic criteria. Accordingly, the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps are to be organized in conformity with this goal, and they will be responsible not only for guarding and preserving the frontiers of the country, but also for fulfilling the ideological mission of jihad in God's way; that is, extending the sovereignty of God's law throughout the world (this is in accordance with the Koranic verse "Prepare against them whatever force you are able to muster, and strings of horses, striking fear into the enemy of God and your enemy, and others besides them" [8:60]).

The Judiciary in the Constitution
The judiciary is of vital importance in the context of safeguarding the rights of the people in accordance with the line followed by the Islamic movement, and the prevention of deviations within the Islamic nation. Provision has therefore been made for the creation of a judicial system based on Islamic justice and operated by just judges with meticulous knowledge of the Islamic laws. This system, because of its essentially sensitive nature and the need for full ideological conformity, must be free from every kind of unhealthy relation and connection (this is in accordance with the Koranic verse "When you judge among the people, judge with justice" [4:58]).

Executive Power
Considering the particular importance of the executive power in implementing the laws and ordinances of Islam for the sake of establishing the rule of just relations over society, and considering, too, its vital role in paving the way for the
attainment of the ultimate goal of life, the executive power must work toward the creation of an Islamic society. Consequently, the confinement of the executive power within any kind of complex and inhibiting system that delays or impedes the attainment of this goal is rejected by Islam. Therefore, the system of bureaucracy, the result and product of old forms of government, will be firmly cast away, so that an executive system that functions efficiently and swiftly in the fulfillment of its administrative commitments comes into existence.

Mass-Communication Media
The mass-communication media, radio and television, must serve the diffusion of Islamic culture in pursuit of the evolutionary course of the Islamic Revolution. To this end, the media should be used as a forum for healthy encounter of different ideas, but they must strictly refrain from diffusion and propagation of destructive and anti-Islamic practices.

It is incumbent on all to adhere to the principles of this Constitution, for it regards as its highest aim the freedom and dignity of the human race and provides for the growth and development of the human being. It is also necessary that the Muslim people should participate actively in the construction of Islamic society by selecting competent and believing officials and keeping close and constant watch on their performance. They may then hope for success in building an ideal Islamic society that can be a model for all people of the world and a witness to its perfection (in accordance with the Koranic verse "Thus We made you a median community, that you might be witnesses to men" [2:143]).

The Assembly of Experts, composed of representatives of the people, completed its task of framing the Constitution, on the basis of the draft proposed by the government as well as all the proposals received from different groups of the people, in one hundred and seventy-five articles arranged in twelve chapters, in 1979, and in accordance with the aims and aspirations set out above, with the hope that this century will witness the establishment of a universal holy government and the downfall of all others.

Iraq- In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful,
"Verily we have honored the children of Adam" (Qur'an 17:70)
We the sons of Mesopotamia, the land of the prophets, resting place of the holy imams, the leaders of civilization and the creators of the alphabet, the cradle of arithmetic: on our land, the first law put in place by mankind was written; in our nation, the most noble era of justice in the politics of nations was laid down; on our soil, the followers of the prophet and the saints prayed, the philosophers and the scientists theorized and the writers and poets created.
Recognizing Allah's right upon us; obeying the call of our nation and our citizens; responding to the call of our religious and national leaders and the insistence of our great religious authorities and our leaders and our reformers, we went by the millions for the first time in our history to the ballot box, men and women, young and old, on 30 January 2005, remembering the pains of the despotic band's sectarian oppression of the majority; inspired by the suffering of Iraq's martyrs — Sunni and Shiite, Arab, Kurd and Turkomen, and the remaining brethren in all communities — inspired by the injustice against the holy cities in the popular uprising and against the marshes and other places; recalling the agonies of the national oppression in the massacres of Halabja, Barzan, Anfal and against the Faili Kurds; inspired by the tragedies of the Turkomen in Bashir and the suffering of the people of the western region, whom the terrorists and their allies sought to take hostage and prevent from participating in the elections and the establishment of a society of peace and brotherhood and cooperation so we can create a new Iraq, Iraq of the future, without sectarianism, racial strife, regionalism, discrimination or isolation.
Terrorism and takfir (declaring someone an infidel) did not divert us from moving forward to build a nation of law. Sectarianism and racism did not stop us from marching together to strengthen our national unity, set ways to peacefully transfer power, adopt a manner to fairly distribute wealth and give equal opportunity to all.
We the people of Iraq, newly arisen from our disasters and looking with confidence to the future through a democratic, federal, republican system, are determined — men and women, old and young — to respect the rule of law, reject the policy of aggression, pay attention to women and their rights, the elderly and their cares, the children and their affairs, spread the culture of diversity and defuse terrorism.
We are the people of Iraq, who in all our forms and groupings undertake to establish our union freely and by choice, to learn yesterday's lessons for tomorrow, and to write down this permanent constitution from the high values and ideals of the heavenly messages and the developments of science and human civilization, and to adhere to this constitution, which shall preserve for Iraq its free union of people, land and sovereignty.







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