Isn't she lovely..........hmmmmmm

UPDATED: Saturday, September 13, 2008 04:12
VIEWED: 5098
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Sunday, September 7, 2008 4:32 PM


Alaskans Speak (In A Frightened Whisper): Palin Is “Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean”
September 5, 2008
by Charley James –

“So Sambo beat the bitch!”

This is how Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin described Barack Obama’s win over Hillary Clinton to political colleagues in a restaurant a few days after Obama locked up the Democratic Party presidential nomination.

According to Lucille, the waitress serving her table at the time and who asked that her last name not be used, Gov. Palin was eating lunch with five or six people when the subject of the Democrat’s primary battle came up. The governor, seemingly not caring that people at nearby tables would likely hear her, uttered the slur and then laughed loudly as her meal mates joined in appreciatively.

“It was kind of disgusting,” Lucille, who is part Aboriginal, said in a phone interview after admitting that she is frightened of being discovered telling folks in the “lower 48” about life near the North Pole.

Then, almost with a sigh, she added, “But that’s just Alaska.”

Racial and ethnic slurs may be “just Alaska” and, clearly, they are common, everyday chatter for Palin.

Besides insulting Obama with a Step-N’-Fetch-It, “darkie musical” swipe, people who know her say she refers regularly to Alaska’s Aboriginal people as “Arctic Arabs” – how efficient, lumping two apparently undesirable groups into one ugly description – as well as the more colourful “mukluks” along with the totally unimaginative “f**king Eskimo’s,” according to a number of Alaskans and Wasillians interviewed for this article.

But being openly racist is only the tip of the Palin iceberg. According to Alaskans interviewed for this article, she is also vindictive and mean. We’re talking Rove mean and Nixon vindictive.

No wonder the vast sea of white, cheering faces at the Republican Convention went wild for Sarah: They adore the type, it’s in their genetic code. So much for McCain’s pledge of a “high road” campaign; Palin is incapable of being part of one.

Tough Getting People Who Know Her to Talk
It’s not easy getting people in the 49th state to speak critically about Palin – especially people in Wasilla, where she was mayor. For one thing, with every journalist in the world calling, phone lines into Alaska have been mostly jammed since Friday; as often as not, a recording told me that “all circuits are busy” or numbers just wouldn’t ring. I should think a state that’s been made richer than God by oil could afford telephone lines and cell towers for everyone.

On a more practical level, many people in Alaska, and particularly Wasilla, are reluctant to speak or be quoted by name because they’re afraid of her as well as the state Republican Party machine. Apparently, the power elite are as mean as the winters.

“The GOP is kind of like organized crime up here,” an insurance agent in Anchorage who knows the Palin family, explained. “It’s corrupt and arrogant. They’re all rich because they do private sweetheart deals with the oil companies, and they can destroy anyone. And they will, if they have to.”

“Once Palin became mayor,” he continued, “She became part of that inner circle.”

Like most other people interviewed, he didn’t want his name used out of fear of retribution. Maybe it’s the long winter nights where you don’t see the sun for months that makes people feel as if they’re under constant danger from “the authorities.” As I interviewed residents it began sounding as if living in Alaska controlled by the state Republican Party is like living in the old Soviet Union: See nothing that’s happening, say nothing offensive, and the political commissars leave you alone. But speak out and you get disappeared into a gulag north of the Arctic Circle for who-knows-how-long.

Alright, that’s an exaggeration brought on by my getting too little sleep and building too much anger as I worked this article. But there’s ample evidence of Palin’s vindictive willingness to destroy people she sees as opponents. Just ask the Wasilla town administrator she hired before firing him because he rebelled against the way Palin demanded he do his job, or the town librarian who refused to hold the book burning Walpurgisnach Mayor Palin demanded.

Ironically, Palin was pushed into hiring the administrator by the party poobahs who helped get her elected after she got herself into trouble over a number of precipitous firings which gave rise to a recall campaign.

“People who fought her attempt to oust the librarian are on her enemies list to this day,” states Anne Kilkenny, a Wasilla resident and one of the few Alaskans willing to speak on-the-record, for attribution, about Palin. In fact, Kilkenny actually circulated an e-mail letter about Palin that was verified and printed by The Nation.

For good measure, Palin booted the Wasilla police chief from office because, she told a local newspaper, he “intimidated” her.

Running on Extreme Fringe Evangelical Views
Sarah Palin drew early attention from state GOP apparatchiks when, during her first mayoral campaign, she ran on an anti-abortion platform. Normally, political parties do not get involved in Alaskan municipal elections because they are nonpartisan. But once word of her extreme fringe evangelical views made its way to Juneau, the state capitol, state Republicans tossed some money behind her campaign.

Once in office, Palin set out to build a machine that chewed up anyone who got in her way. The good, Godly Christian turns out to be anything but.

“She’s doesn’t like different opinions and she refuses to compromise,” Kilkenny notes. “When she was mayor, she fought ideas that weren’t hers. Worse, ideas weren’t evaluated on their merits but on the basis of who proposed them.”

Sound familiar? Palin may well be Dick Cheney’s reincarnate.

Something else has a familiar Republican ring to it: Her tax policies, and a “refund surpluses but borrow for the future” attitude.

According to Kilkenny and others in Wasilla as well as Juneau, Palin reduced progressive property taxes for businesses while mayor and increased a regressive sales tax which even hits necessities such as food. The tax cuts she promoted in her St. Paul speech actually benefited large corporate property owners far more than they benefited residents. Indeed, Kilkenny insists that many Wasilla home owners actually saw their tax bill skyrocket to make up for the shortfall. Two other Wasillian’s with whom I spoke said property taxes on their modest, three bedroom homes rose during the Palin regime.

To an outsider, it would seem hard to do, but an oil-rich town with zero debt on the day she was inaugurated mayor was left saddled with $22 million of debt by the time she moved away to become governor – especially since nothing was spent on things such as improving the city’s infrastructure or building a much-needed sewage treatment plant. So what did Mayor Palin spend the taxpayer’s money on, if not fixing streets and scrubbing sewage?

For starters, she remodelled her office. Several times over, as a matter of fact.

Then Palin spent $1 million on an unnecessary, new park that no one other than the contractors and Palin seemed to want. Next, Sarah doled out more than $15 million of taxpayer money for a sports complex that she shoved through even though the city did not own clear title to the land; now, seven years later, the matter is still in litigation and lawyer fees are said to be close to at least half of the original estimated price of the facility.

She also worked hard to get voters approval of a $5.5 million bond proposal for roads that could have been built without borrowing. Anchorage may not be the center of the financial universe but, like good Republicans everywhere, Sarah Palin knows how to please Alaskan bankers and bond dealers.

For good measure, she turned Wasilla into a wasteland of big box stores and disconnected parking lots.

Sarah Barracuda
En route to the governor’s igloo, Palin managed to land what Anne Kilkenny says is the plumb political appointment in the state: Chair of Alaska’s Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (OGCC), a $122,400 per year patronage slot with no real authority to do anything other than hold meetings. She took the job despite having no background in energy issues and, as it turned out, not liking the work.

“She hated the job,” an OGCC staff member who is not authorized to speak with the news media told me. “She hated the hours and she hated what little work there was to do. But she couldn’t figure out a way to get out of the thing without offending Gov. Murkowski” and the state Republican Party regulars, some of whom were pissed off they didn’t get appointed.

But ever the opportunist, Palin quickly concocted a way. First, she waged a campaign with the local news media claiming that the position was overpaid and should be abolished – despite the fact that she lobbied Murkowski hard to get it. Then, mounting what she saw as a white horse, Palin raised a cloud of dust by resigning from the OGCC and riding away with an undeserved reputation as a “reformer.”

But when a local reporter dared to suggest that the reformer Empress has no clothes, Palin tried to get her fired.

“She came at me like I was trying to steal her kids,” said the targeted reporter, who now works for an oil company in Anchorage. “I heard she had a wild temper and vicious mean streak but it’s nothing like you can imagine until she turns it on you.”

Not surprising since some of her high school classmates still openly call her “Sarah Barracuda,” Kilkenny insists.

Still, as a Republican Party hack Palin managed to get herself elected running under the false flag of a “reformer.”

And what did she bring to the job? No legislative experience other than a city council of a village of 5,000 people, which is smaller than some high schools in Chicago. Little hands-on supervisory or managerial experience; after all, she needed to hire a city administrator to run Wasilla. No executive experience, except for almost being recalled as mayor. A philosophy of setting public policy based on one word: No.

And what has she done since winning the job?

According to Kilkenny, nothing. Well, nothing other than suggesting the state’s multi-multi-million dollar, oil-generated surplus be distributed to residents and finance future state needs by borrowing money. Gee, doesn’t that sound precisely what George Bush did with the surplus he inherited from Bill Clinton in 2001 and we all know in what great shape Bush’s economic policies left the nation.

It may explain why, when asked by reporters, including me, what she thought about Palin being picked to be McCain’s running mate, her mother-in-law replied with a sardonic, “What has Sarah done to qualify her to be vice president?” Of course, when the woman – said by many I spoke with to be well-respected in Wasilla – was running to succeed Palin as mayor, Sarah refused to endorse her, so that may explain the family tension.

As Governor, Palin gave the legislature no direction and budget guidelines, according to the chair of a legislative committee. But then she staged a huge grandstand play of line-item vetoing countless projects, calling them pork. “They were restored because of public outcry and legislative action,” the aide said. “She vetoed them mostly because she had no idea what they were or why they were important.”

But it was enough to get the McCain, who is mostly unobservant of the world around him anyway, to think Palin has a reputation as being “anti-pork”.

In fact, Juneau observers note that Palin kept her hand stuck out as far as anyone for pork ladled out by indicted Sen. Ted Stevens. She only opposed the “bridge to nowhere” after it became clear that it would be politically unwise to keep supporting it, these same insiders assert. Then, Palin fell back on her old habits and publicly humiliated him for pork-barrel politics.

As for being “ready on day one” to be commander in chief, despite the repeated public claims she’s made, the Alaska National Guard commander said that, “she has made no command decisions, other than sending some troops to help fight a few brush fires and march in parades at county fairs.”

“Sambo Beat the Bitch”
“Palin is a conniving, manipulative, a**hole,” someone who thinks these are positive traits in a governor told me, summing up Palin’s tenure in Alaska state and local politics.

“She’s a bigot, a racist, and a liar,” is the more blunt assessment of Arnold Gerstheimer who lived in Alaska until two years ago and is now a businessman in Idaho.

“Juneau is a small town; everybody knows everyone else,” he adds. “These stories about what she calls blacks and Eskimos, well, anyone not white and good looking actually, were around long before she became a glint in John McCain’s rheumy eyes. Why do I know they’re true? Because everyone who isn’t aboriginal or Indian in Alaska talks that way.”

“Sambo beat the bitch” may be everyday language up in the bush. Whether it – and the outlook, politics and worldview Palin reflects when she says such things in public – should be part of a presidential campaign is another thing altogether. The comment says as much about McCain as it does about Palin, and it says a lot of things about Americans who overlook such statements (as well as her record) and vote anyway for McCain.

by Charley James

Friends: This article has been inundated with comments. We are no longer accepting comments. Please see the followup article by reporter Charley James, “Me and Sarah Palin.” –Eds.

Charley James is an American journalist, author and essayist who lives in Toronto.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Sunday, September 7, 2008 5:20 PM


America loves a winner!

100 % Pure Liberal B.S.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, September 7, 2008 5:23 PM


And according to numerous “eye-witnesses” in Arkansas the Clinton’s routinely used the word “nigger.”

Of course if we’re really going for character assinating accusations of racism in this campaign, Barack Obama gets that award, since we don’t need second-hand “eye-witnesses” to associate him with racists and terrorists.

You'd think someone who so vividly supports Obama would be a little more mindful of that.

It should be noted that this article seems to come from a blog that has more then a little bias and seems to pride itself on posting supposed second-hand accusations about Palin. The author of this article may be a fictitious name designed to spread lies about Palin:

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Sunday, September 7, 2008 5:35 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I find some of the allegations of the article suspicious. Most particularly since I thought Palin was married to one of the natives in question.

I'd be looking to see this from additional sources before I trumpeted it as verity.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Monday, September 8, 2008 8:20 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

No way could Palin be GOP governor unless she was a crook, a liar and a ho.

After all, British Petroleum owns Alaska and almost all of its oil, for export to Commie China, Japan and Mexico. What's left is pumped back in the ground to keep oil prices high. Gas in Mexico costs 45-cents a gallon. Gas in S America costs 11-cents a gallon. Gas cost 6-cents a gallon in Iraq before the latest invasion to shut off the supply of cheap oil to USA. Now Haliburton imports gas to Iraq for 65-cents a gallon.

That's poly ticks - many bloodsucking creatures.

Queen Palin for President of Vice


Monday, September 8, 2008 8:24 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"No way could Palin be GOP governor unless she was a crook, a liar and a ho."


Does that also apply to representatives in congress like Ron Paul?

I'll reserve judgment.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Monday, September 8, 2008 8:24 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

You'd think someone who so vividly supports Obama would be a little more mindful of that.

We really don't need this kind of suspicious and irrelevant hearsay to determine that Palin isn't up to the task, the words out her mouth can confirm that- this is just mudslinging.



Monday, September 8, 2008 8:38 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

The "liberal BS" quoting official Wasilla Budget Reports proves Palin is a weak leader who's controlled by the robber barons. She's the faceman for their shell games.

Ron Paul is a rare breed who says NO to govt spending and borrowing and counterfeiting.

But something very odd happened to Dr NO's presidential campaign. No national campaign ads. Ads that censored his anti-IRS anti-income tax platform. Ads and campaign signs that made him sound like any other politician. Gay NeoCons ran his campaign, with his manager dying of AIDS a couple months ago. How convenient now that $20-million is missing...


Archived Shows in September of 2008

MP3 Files: Hour 1, Hour 2
Playlist Files: PLS M3U

Due to technical difficulties the archives are corrupted but will be corrected by September 9, 2008

Hour 1: Jack discusses recent news in the republican party.

Hour 2: Guest: Steve Martin
Discussion on the Ron Paul campaign, questions raised.

Martin pointed out that for RP to be ignorant of infiltration of his campaign by neocons proved he was incompetent to be president. Or worse, RP never had intention of winning and subverted his own campaign.

Infiltration of opposition "grass roots" organizations is standard procedure for political mafias, and cop cointelpro. Here in Knoxville TN, county property owners and homeowners associations banded together to stop "predatory annexation" by the city, which doubled taxes without representation. So our gay Skull & Bones NeoCon mayor had his non-resident brownshirts infiltrate the org and literally steal their $250,000 legal fund. Now that mayor and RNC delegate is ambassador to Poland, aiming nukes at Russia and torturing CIA prisoners.


"You WILL pay any tax increase I tell you to pay! You CAN afford it!"
Skull & Bones mayor/ambassador Victor "Victoria" Ashe, Knoxville city council, October 2000 (re predatory annexation increasing corporate taxes $500,000 per business)

"Sitting on Council, I was in the presence of evil. There was just darkness. Hopelessness."
Knoxville councilmember Carlene Malone, Metro Pulse, "Malone Alone", December 13, 2001

"Knoxville must be the most corrupt city on earth. People worry about the national government but it's the local government people need to fear."
City Councilmember Carlene Malone to Pirate News TV

Martin points out that if RP wanted to re-enter the race - and explain these problems in public - he could still win the presidency, thanks to massive grass-roots talent.

RNC refuses to count RP delegates at Non-Con 2008

RNC and Secret Service shake down RP delegates, confiscate buttons

Video: Ron Paul's speech at RP Convention 2008 in St Paul


Monday, September 8, 2008 8:44 AM


Please do Anthony - I've been doing some of my own digging in that respect, and what I have found and verified is certainly unpleasant enough.

One my few contacts in Alaska is from the region, and personally confirms the library incident, which is, in my sole opinion, THE most damning condemnation against her.

Most of this crap I don't care about, but that one is a clear indicator of serious trouble.

Oh, and the next time any knuckle-draggin, kool-aid chuggin, sawtoothed redneck proud to be ignorant neocon jackboot sympathizer shitheel has the nerve to utter the words "Liberal BS"...

Better show me those WMDs first, or how bout the corpse of Osama Bin Laden (aka Tim Osman), or how bout Gas prices under $1.00 or maybe those crowds of cheering, flower throwing iraqis, maybe some mobile weapons labs, or a balanced budget, open government or any one of the endless trail of broken promises and lies shovelled like an endless wave of fertilizer by hard right conserva-tards whos fanatic gullibility causes them to swallow even the most pathetically obvious BS if you candy coat it with the party line.

Lest you forget, it was those "damn lying liberals" who didn't buy into any of that bullshit in the first place, and now as the GOP lines up another shovel load, there you are with gaping gullet and empty eyes.

You'd think people would have the sense to be skeptical of BOTH parties, given how fulla shit they are, but I find it seriously offensive when people are too fucking stupid to question their own.

That leads down paths I would really not like to travel, folks.

It is certain that today every honest German is ashamed of his government. Who among us has any conception of the dimensions of shame that will befall us and our children when one day the veil has fallen from our eyes and the most horrible of crimes ... reach the light of day?

That's where unthinking party loyalty leads, and those marching in step to THAT tune are the collaborators and enablers that allow monsters to rise to power.

And I'll not have it here, by no means.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, September 8, 2008 8:53 AM


Well, if Lucille, the waitress said it, it must be true.


Monday, September 8, 2008 9:14 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
by Charley James –

This guy is a slightly more successful version of PirateNews.

The story is a lie. I don't know if the lie is from Mr. James or to Mr. James...I don't think it matters.

If he can't prove it he should not write it. If he can, then his evidence should be readily available.

It is nonsense. For one thing...Alaskans don't whisper in fear about anything. They're tuff Deadliest Catch


Snow Dogs

And if Sarah Palin would casually say something like that once...she'd have said it again and it'd be all over Youtube. Frankly if that kind of thing does exist, they liberal dirt divers have not had a chance to find it yet...its been too quick and they simply don't have the resources in Alaska to dig deep.

That means they made it up...just like all the other dirt and mud they've been flinging. And the more they fling the cleaner she gets because now...if they do find something...nobody will believe it cause the credibility wagon has sailed on the Sarah-haters.

So attack her experiance...well, she's got more the Barrack. Attack her policies...well, they seem to be good for Alaska. Make fun of her appearance...well, folk seem to like it (,0,75850
). Attack her for being a woman, wait...they're Democrats, they love woman leaders. They seem to have a bit of a Sarah problem...which I suspect is the reason McCain picked her.



Monday, September 8, 2008 11:26 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


If he can't prove it he should not write it. If he can, then his evidence should be readily available.

I could make the same claim of your drivel. Where is your evidence? Where is your proof? If you can't prove it, you shouldn't write it, eh? You've said he's a liar and his work is all lies - can you PROVE that?


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Monday, September 8, 2008 12:22 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
I could make the same claim of your drivel. Where is your evidence? Where is your proof? If you can't prove it, you shouldn't write it, eh? You've said he's a liar and his work is all lies - can you PROVE that?

The onus is on James to provide evidence for his article. He is none. At most he has hearsay, which quite frankly is probably a lie, at some point. Nonetheless, it is up to James to confirm his own story, not Hero or me or you or anyone else. I promise you that I could write a story about Obama in which I stated as fact the things many people have said, and I could make him look like a raving lunatic. Funny, I’m willing to bet you’d not let me get away without providing my own proof, so why do you do it to Palin?

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, September 8, 2008 4:44 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
I could make the same claim of your drivel. Where is your evidence? Where is your proof? If you can't prove it, you shouldn't write it, eh? You've said he's a liar and his work is all lies - can you PROVE that?

The onus is on James to provide evidence for his article. He is none. At most he has hearsay, which quite frankly is probably a lie, at some point. Nonetheless, it is up to James to confirm his own story, not Hero or me or you or anyone else. I promise you that I could write a story about Obama in which I stated as fact the things many people have said, and I could make him look like a raving lunatic. Funny, I’m willing to bet you’d not let me get away without providing my own proof, so why do you do it to Palin?

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


I agree with Finn here. The claimant must provide the evidence, not the defending party.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Monday, September 8, 2008 5:29 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I agree with Finn here. The claimant must provide the evidence, not the defending party.

Which is what I was asking for - Hero made the claim that these are all "lies" - hence he became the claimant. I asked for cites for his assertions, or evidence to support his claims.

In a court of law, if you are accused of libel or slander, it is incumbent upon the accuser to prove his case, more than on you to disprove it, is it not?


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Monday, September 8, 2008 5:35 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Curious turnaround. But I'll still stick with him.

Because the proper response when someone accuses someone else of something is this:

"Oh yeah? I don't believe you. Prove it."

It's the whole innocent until proven guilty mindset, and it was well executed. Now you're saying, "You don't believe him? He's a liar? Prove it!" Which is a nice turnaround, but not really a very good way to handle it in my opinion.

So I'll reserve judgment, and so should you, until this is backed up from additional sources.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Monday, September 8, 2008 6:56 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

In Federal and State Rules of Evidence, hearsay is allowed as evidence in court. One exception to the hearsay exclusion is "excited utterance", another is "detrimental statement".

Palin calling Obama "Sambo" would be allowed as evidence in court.

So would Laay Sinclair's testimony that Obama told him to suck his protuberance and pass the crack pipe.


Monday, September 8, 2008 10:37 PM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:

I agree with Finn here. The claimant must provide the evidence, not the defending party.


Actually, they both should. If hero said, back that up, he's not making a claim, but he did make a claim, he claimed that the opening claim was a lie. If they're both making claims, they both should back them up.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 1:15 AM


I've been saying it now for 11 days.....every time some Liberal or Democrat foams at the mouth and besmirches Sarah, she and McCain go up in popularity. From 7 points down to USA/Gallop's 10 points up. That's a lot more than a convention bump...that's the start of an avalanche. Obama has gone from just one Reverand Wright to now hundreds, and although his campaign desperately wants the Palin bashing stopped for obvious reasons (well, obvious at least to anyone with a brain or some political saavy), they can't stop it. And the liars and character assassins cannot control themselves either. It's just a perfect scenario for McCain & Palin to waltz into the White House.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 1:36 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


So I'll reserve judgment, and so should you, until this is backed up from additional sources.

If you notice, I haven't offered any judgment on this. It reads to me like one of those chain e-mails that pop up - you know, like the one that got posted here about Obama being a Muslim!

I haven't offered an opinion on the piece one way or the other. That puts me pretty squarely in the minority here, it looks like. From the local loony-right, we get these opinions, none of which are backed up by a single "fact":

From AuRaptor:

100 % Pure Liberal B.S.

So, not only is it a lie, in his book, but a LIBERAL lie, to boot.

From Finn comes this gem:


And according to numerous “eye-witnesses” in Arkansas the Clinton’s routinely used the word “nigger.”

Not explicitly calling it a lie, just trying to deflect with something even more inflammatory.

And then Hero offers us this rationalization:


The story is a lie. I don't know if the lie is from Mr. James or to Mr. James...I don't think it matters.

So he KNOWS it's a lie, but doesn't know how. And doesn't think it matters.

You'll note that these are the same three posters who insisted that if Bush didn't know the WMD thing was a lie, then he didn't technically lie about WMD. Only he did. Whether it was a lie he told, or a lie told to him, it doesn't really matter, does it, Hero?


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 1:46 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


It's the whole innocent until proven guilty mindset...

Yes, it IS the whole innocent-until-proven-guilty mindset. Hero and AuRaptor have explicitly called the original article a lie, and the author a liar, and have offered not one scintilla of proof to back that up. And that's just typical of the Republican mindset; someone writes something unflattering about you, you try to destroy them, personally. Call them a liar, but offer no evidence.

Is the article in question a lie? I have no way of knowing. I haven't hailed it as the absolute truth, and I haven't derided it as a scurrilous lie, either. The real truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 1:48 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Obama has gone from just one Reverand Wright to now hundreds...

That's a lie. It's pure conservative BS.

Eyewitnesses said McCain called Obama a "nigger".

There. Now, according to the prevailing logic around here, the onus is on YOU to prove me wrong.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 3:24 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
There. Now, according to the prevailing logic around here, the onus is on YOU to prove me wrong.

That is not the “prevailing logic.” That is your logic.

According to YOUR logic I can accept as true:
"Obama has gone from just one Reverand Wright to now hundreds..."
Because the Onus is on YOU to prove it wrong, and you haven't done so.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 4:00 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
There. Now, according to the prevailing logic around here, the onus is on YOU to prove me wrong.

That is not the “prevailing logic.” That is your logic.

According to YOUR logic I can accept as true:
"Obama has gone from just one Reverand Wright to now hundreds..."
Because the Onus is on YOU to prove it wrong, and you haven't done so.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero

Don't waste a minute of your life trying to converse or debate with him....he's like all the rest. The following was taken from a media article today ...

"We need to throw every last molecule of shit we've got at McCain and Palin," said a poster at the Democratic Underground. "Demonize them. Dehumanize them."

Panic brings out the ugliness in ugly people. And ugliness of this sort is not restricted to moonbat bloggers.

"In the press galleries at the convention, journalists wrinkled their noses in disgust when Piper, Ms. Palin's youngest daughter, was filmed kitty-licking her baby brother's hair in place," wrote David Carr in the New York Times Sunday.

The sewer that is the left-wing blogosphere pumps its bilge directly into the "mainstream" media. "People say yes, she looks good in a bikini clutching an AK-47, but is she equipped to run the country?" asked CNN reporter Lola Ogunnaike, referring, as if it were true, to a crude photoshop on left wing blogs that imposed Ms. Palin's face on someone else's body.

Sarah Palin's approval rating in Alaska last month was 81.6 percent. That means for every person who doesn't like Ms. Palin, there are four who do. But reporters seem only to quote her political enemies, without identifying them as such.

Media honchos say they're just doing due diligence."

They're pathetic & hopeless. And when Obama goes down in flames they're really gonna lose it.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 4:32 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
I could make the same claim of your drivel. Where is your evidence? Where is your proof? If you can't prove it, you shouldn't write it, eh? You've said he's a liar and his work is all lies - can you PROVE that?

I didn't write the story. The burdon of proof is on the author or the article.



Tuesday, September 9, 2008 4:37 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
In a court of law, if you are accused of libel or slander, it is incumbent upon the accuser to prove his case, more than on you to disprove it, is it not?

Libel and slander are civil actions. In such a case the accuser has the right to discovery. Discovery rules would force the author/defendant to produce his evidence and sources for examination by the accuser. If he can't (or wont) then that can be used as evidence that such evidence did not exist.

That means that the proof is the other person's lack of proof.

Don't forget, in a Civil Action a person cannot refuse to testify. My first witness representing the accuser in such a trial would be the Defendant.



Tuesday, September 9, 2008 4:43 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
Palin calling Obama "Sambo" would be allowed as evidence in court.

Only in direct testimony from the person who heard it. There would be no 'I heard from a lady who says she heard Palin say'. It would have to be 'I heard Palin say'.

And somehow I doubt the actual witness exists or if she does I suspect that there would be a dozen other people who'd say...didn't happen, there'd be proof she (Palin) was never there, etc. You know...cause its all a lie.



Tuesday, September 9, 2008 5:23 AM


Ive stopped paying attention to what each of the candidates supposidly said....

Im sure you can find someone who would testify to B.O. saying "If I'm in power, Im gonna make whitey pay!"

Or McCain, "If Im in power I'm gonna make those slopes pay!"

Im so sick of politics.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 5:29 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


And somehow I doubt the actual witness exists or if she does I suspect that there would be a dozen other people who'd say...didn't happen, there'd be proof she (Palin) was never there, etc. You know...cause its all a lie.

Weren't you one of the ones who fervently believed that Obama was in church when Reverend Wright made his fiery sermons demonizing the U.S.?

Even when there was PROOF that he wasn't there - in fact, was over 1000 miles away.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 5:34 AM


Well Wulf, there's always this guy.

You weren't here for it, but I actually owe Sharpton one for his assistance with the Genarlow Wilson case, he was pretty helpful, and without a lot of the grandstanding he's generally known for.

And I pay my debts.



Tuesday, September 9, 2008 5:40 AM


Sharpton is probably one of the single biggest influences in holding down black people.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 5:59 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Don't waste a minute of your life trying to converse or debate with him....he's like all the rest. The following was taken from a media article today ...

"We need to throw every last molecule of shit we've got at McCain and Palin," said a poster at the Democratic Underground. "Demonize them. Dehumanize them."

Ah, yes... Dehumanize & demonize, the two top rules out of Karl Rove's "Rules for a Better Amerika".

What, you don't like it when we play by your rules?

I've seen Obama variously attacked over the last several months here as a Muslim, an Arab, a "spook", a "monkey", a "lawn jockey", a socialist, a communist, a terrorist, and anything else you and your kind can think to throw at him.

I really shouldn't waste a minute of my life trying to converse with you; you're like "all the rest" of them on the right.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 6:34 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

Originally posted by AnthonyT:

I agree with Finn here. The claimant must provide the evidence, not the defending party.


Actually, they both should. If hero said, back that up, he's not making a claim, but he did make a claim, he claimed that the opening claim was a lie. If they're both making claims, they both should back them up.

I proclaim the claims are left unstated AND demand a rematch!


It was like that when we got here!


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 7:01 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Actually, they both should. If hero said, back that up, he's not making a claim, but he did make a claim, he claimed that the opening claim was a lie. If they're both making claims, they both should back them up.

Exactly. If he said, "I don't believe that" then that's all fine and good. But if you're going to ACCUSE the person of lying, or outright call them a liar, it becomes YOUR responsibility to prove your claim.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 7:12 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Are we making a distinction between saying, "I don't believe that what you are saying is the truth"


"You are a liar?"

I suppose the second statement is more offensive, and ought to be avoided.

However, I still think that if I say "Margaret Thatcher was a Nazi Jew,"

and someone else says, "You're a liar, prove it!"

The onus is actually on me, since I leveled the initial accusation.

Otherwise we end up with, "You're calling me a liar?! That's a lie!"

which can be responded with,

"You're calling ME a liar?! That's a lie!"

Which really just goes in circles with no one ever required to stop and provide evidence. Actually, that sounds a lot like our political debates. Two people pointing fingers at each other across an aisle shouting, "No, YOU are the liar!"


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 7:17 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:

Are we making a distinction between saying, "I don't believe that what you are saying is the truth"

Actually, I'm making a distinction between a request and a claim. "Have you got any evidence for that?" is a request, "You're a liar!" is a claim.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 7:32 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Actually, I'm making a distinction between a request and a claim. "Have you got any evidence for that?" is a request, "You're a liar!" is a claim.


As Geezer is fond of saying, "Cites, please." It IMPLIES that he doesn't believe you, but it in no way calls you a liar. It asks for evidence, but doesn't insist that you have none.

Put it this way:

If Bush comes on the TV and says "Mission accomplished", and I post on here that he's lying and he's full of shit, do you think there's even a slight chance that I'm not going to be asked to "prove it"?

What you're saying is that, for every claim and news story posted by the righties, all I have to do is call bullshit on it, and it's on them to prove me wrong. And if I call bullshit on their proof, it's on them to provide more proof.

Several people on this thread called the original story's author a liar, and the stories complete BS. I asked them to provide evidence to back their claims, which has decidedly NOT been forthcoming.

If you post up a press release from the White House, and I immediately call it a lie and pure 100% bullshit, then is it the White House's responsibility to prove me wrong? Or is it MY responsibility to prove THEM wrong? 'Cuz if that's the case, then I'll just start posting "Bullshit. Pure lies." to everything Hero, 'Rap, and Finn care to put up here. Let them try to prove me wrong...


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 7:52 AM


Guys...seriously...chill out.

ALL politicians are liars. We know this.

Why argue it?

The truth is only what you can hold in your hand.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 7:52 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Which really just goes in circles with no one ever required to stop and provide evidence. Actually, that sounds a lot like our political debates. Two people pointing fingers at each other across an aisle shouting, "No, YOU are the liar!"
But when it comes right down to it, many are unable or unwilling to enter into the honest, detailed, data-driven discussions which are often the only way to sort out truth from fiction. For example, Rapo and I have had many discussions about the economy and WMD. But when his points are punctured one by one with data, he goes off in a huff, only to re-appear with the same bull that was disproved just a few threads before. Finn has a very difficult time explaining what he thinks because he operates with idealized, compartmentalized concepts, but gets frustrated when the edge of one idealized concept (anti-abortion, value of human life) conflicts with another (war, death penalty). When messy reality conflicts with idealized vision, he goes off in a huff. Geezer, OTOH, often acts like a solid disinformatinalist. He uses every trick in the book: Innuendo, strawman, distraction, insistence on perfection, etc. to prevent or frustrate productive discussion.

I'm all for discussion. I'm be happy to provide cites, and quotes, and data as much as anyone wants. But what comes to mind when I try to lay out data is Pearls before swine because, really, MOST people are not objective or rational. They're only interested in protecting their precious ideologies and staying in their comfort zone. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but that's one of the things I've learned here at

Any idea, no matter how much you may agree with it, can be radicalized and employed as an excuse for violence. There is no such thing as a righteous or untouchable philosophy, and when you start thinking that there is, you have become an extremist.- Finn Mac Cumhal


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 8:24 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
I've been saying it now for 11 days.....every time some Liberal or Democrat foams at the mouth and besmirches Sarah, she and McCain go up in popularity. From 7 points down to USA/Gallop's 10 points up. That's a lot more than a convention bump...that's the start of an avalanche. Obama has gone from just one Reverand Wright to now hundreds, and although his campaign desperately wants the Palin bashing stopped for obvious reasons (well, obvious at least to anyone with a brain or some political saavy), they can't stop it. And the liars and character assassins cannot control themselves either. It's just a perfect scenario for McCain & Palin to waltz into the White House.


McCain and Obama were in a statistical dead-heat before Denver, then Obmana got a bump that put him some 10 points ahead. Now, McCain's got the bump and they're in a statistical dead-heat again. People talk about momentum after a week. That's not momentum. That's still just the bump.

I understand that before the RNC McCain looked dead in the water. I understand that no one expected him to regain what he'd lost. But just because he's exceeded expectations (or rather his party machine dropping the Palin bomb has), doesn't mean he's got momentum in anyone's mind but the the people who were rooting for him in the first place.

We'll all see if Palin has what it takes to carry the ticket (when was the last time that a VP carried the ticket--or had to? Good luck with that!). Just as instantaneously as her star has risen, it can fall. That the press is acting like monkeys at a poo party, is nothing new and, like monkeys, they'll get tired of it pretty quick. You're crowing about "11 days" like it's an eternity, but it's not. It's a week and a half.

And again, calling a Governor "the most beloved" while she's in the first year and a half of her first term in office, after defeating a corrupt incumbent in a state with the populations of a large city is pretty pathetic and of course aggressively misleading. But "aggressively misleading" is the name of the GOP game, isn't it? Enjoy the confusion Palin's thrown into the race while it lasts.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 9:03 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
Guys...seriously...chill out.

ALL politicians are liars. We know this.

Why argue it?

The truth is only what you can hold in your hand.

I don't disagree with you...
the problems arise when you just accept the lies you are told without looking for the truth...
that is how we got into Iraq: Bush lied to us and we all accepted it (we meaning all the newspapers, TV news, Congress, and EVERYONE just believed the lies we were told) Interestingly Barack Obama did see beyond those lies and said we shouldn't go into Iraq.

The housing crisis came from the Republicans saying that deregulating banking was a good thing... and it lead directly to predatory loans which speculators thought would make them rich even if the buyers end up losing their homes.... They couldn't foresee that the bottom would drop out of the housing market and the bad mortgages would damage our economy... BECAUSE PEOPLE IN THE US WERE JUST WILLING TO TRUST THAT THE ADMINISTRATION KNEW WHAT IT WAS DOING!

We cannot trust politicians, we seriously need to try to find out the truth, by ourselves if we cannot trust the corporate owned newspapers and cable TV news.

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 9:17 AM


Yeah, this defeatist "all politicians lie" thing serves only to confuse the really big lies (WMD's) with the really lame lies (I did not have sex with that woman). "All politician's lie" is about as useful as "all parents lie" or simply "everybody lies." Sorry, but not everybody lies and even of those that do, some lie about silly or personal things and others lie people to their deaths.

The Dem's at their convention took a lot of pains to be more or less factual in their speeches, and the press complained "Where's the red meat?" and "workman-like, but not inspiring." Then the speechifiers at the RNC just went completely off the rails, stringing together one simplistic lie upon another, like "Obama wants to raise your taxes! I want to lower them!" or "I said, thanks, but no thanks!" (and kept the money). And the press crows "There's the red meat we wanted!" Forget that fact checking the RNC speeches is like spell checking an 8th grade dyslexic's term paper. Everybody lies--liars rejoice!


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 9:35 AM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
I've been saying it now for 11 days.....every time some Liberal or Democrat foams at the mouth and besmirches Sarah, she and McCain go up in popularity. From 7 points down to USA/Gallop's 10 points up. That's a lot more than a convention bump...that's the start of an avalanche. Obama has gone from just one Reverand Wright to now hundreds, and although his campaign desperately wants the Palin bashing stopped for obvious reasons (well, obvious at least to anyone with a brain or some political saavy), they can't stop it. And the liars and character assassins cannot control themselves either. It's just a perfect scenario for McCain & Palin to waltz into the White House.


McCain and Obama were in a statistical dead-heat before Denver, then Obmana got a bump that put him some 10 points ahead. Now, McCain's got the bump and they're in a statistical dead-heat again. People talk about momentum after a week. That's not momentum. That's still just the bump.

I understand that before the RNC McCain looked dead in the water. I understand that no one expected him to regain what he'd lost. But just because he's exceeded expectations (or rather his party machine dropping the Palin bomb has), doesn't mean he's got momentum in anyone's mind but the the people who were rooting for him in the first place.

We'll all see if Palin has what it takes to carry the ticket (when was the last time that a VP carried the ticket--or had to? Good luck with that!). Just as instantaneously as her star has risen, it can fall. That the press is acting like monkeys at a poo party, is nothing new and, like monkeys, they'll get tired of it pretty quick. You're crowing about "11 days" like it's an eternity, but it's not. It's a week and a half.

And again, calling a Governor "the most beloved" while she's in the first year and a half of her first term in office, after defeating a corrupt incumbent in a state with the populations of a large city is pretty pathetic and of course aggressively misleading. But "aggressively misleading" is the name of the GOP game, isn't it? Enjoy the confusion Palin's thrown into the race while it lasts.

HKCavalier make some valid points, and I like your style and sense of fairness. I do have major dis-agreements with most of your post however. I just don't think that RWED is the place to try to win a debate. It's totally pointless. My facts are your lies, and your facts are my lies. I don't engage directly with the other side usually because no one is going to change anyone's views at all. I just want to post a few times a day my feelings on the races or other posts. People can read them and respond or not. Thanks, Jong


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 10:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


My facts are your lies, and your facts are my lies
Jongsstraw, there is only one reality. Facts don't turn into lies depending on how you look at them, only opinion does.

Just as an aside, I don't think "truth" and "lie" are exact opposities. "Truth" - IMHO- is what happens when you try to reach a better understanding of the real world. "Lie" is what happens when you deliberately mistate the truth. But in-between there is misunderstanding. I don't call that a "lie", I call that a "mistake".

Any idea, no matter how much you may agree with it, can be radicalized and employed as an excuse for violence. There is no such thing as a righteous or untouchable philosophy, and when you start thinking that there is, you have become an extremist.- Finn Mac Cumhal


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 10:36 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

My facts are your lies, and your facts are my lies
Jongsstraw, there is only one reality. Facts don't turn into lies depending on how you look at them, only opinion does.

Just as an aside, I don't think "truth" and "lie" are exact opposities. "Truth" - IMHO- is what happens when you try to reach a better understanding of the real world. "Lie" is what happens when you deliberately mistate the truth. But in-between there is misunderstanding. I don't call that a "lie", I call that a "mistake".

Agreed...let's call them mistakes or factual errors, because I don't believe that most here lie. And sometimes there is no one infallable truth to a situation, only individual perceptions of the same situation.

Also, there can be a situation where both sides see the same truth. They can differ however on whether that accpeted truth is a good thing or bad thing. And that's the human part of the equation.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 11:01 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Good thing I was sittin' down 'cause otherwise I would have fallen down! Jongsstraw, you and I AGREE!!!

Any idea, no matter how much you may agree with it, can be radicalized and employed as an excuse for violence. There is no such thing as a righteous or untouchable philosophy, and when you start thinking that there is, you have become an extremist.- Finn Mac Cumhal


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 12:03 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


For my own part, I will try to stick with language like 'skeptical' when discussing someone's claims, rather than calling the claims a lie until proven true.

As was pointed out, people can be wrong for a variety of reasons, and the rightness or wrongness of something can 'change' as more data comes in. Saying something is a lie is akin to calling the speaker a liar, which is something they may not really be. And I prefer to avoid insults in any event.

So I will try to remember this lesson learned and proceed henceforth to greater cooperation and understanding.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 12:10 PM



As Geezer is fond of saying, "Cites, please." It IMPLIES that he doesn't believe you, but it in no way calls you a liar. It asks for evidence, but doesn't insist that you have none.

Exactly, I might passionately disagree with him on some stuff, but at least he's willing to weigh the evidence - that of course means one should offer some.

As for the rest, we might share the same reality, but my way of lookin at it's probably sideways to yours.

That's ok too, the more viewpoints you look at something from, the clearer the picture.

It's when dipwads throw paint on the windows that I get pissed off.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Wednesday, September 10, 2008 1:18 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Good thing I was sittin' down 'cause otherwise I would have fallen down! Jongsstraw, you and I AGREE!!!

Oh lord! What do we do now?


Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:57 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

Alaskans Speak (In A Frightened Whisper): Palin Is “Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean”
September 5, 2008
by Charley James –

“So Sambo beat the bitch!”

This is how Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin described Barack Obama’s win over Hillary Clinton to political colleagues in a restaurant a few days after Obama locked up the Democratic Party presidential nomination.

According to Lucille, the waitress serving her table at the time and who asked that her last name not be used, Gov. Palin was eating lunch with five or six people when the subject of the Democrat’s primary battle came up. The governor, seemingly not caring that people at nearby tables would likely hear her, uttered the slur and then laughed loudly as her meal mates joined in appreciatively.

“It was kind of disgusting,” Lucille, who is part Aboriginal, said in a phone interview after admitting that she is frightened of being discovered telling folks in the “lower 48” about life near the North Pole.

Then, almost with a sigh, she added, “But that’s just Alaska.”

Racial and ethnic slurs may be “just Alaska” and, clearly, they are common, everyday chatter for Palin.

Besides insulting Obama with a Step-N’-Fetch-It, “darkie musical” swipe, people who know her say she refers regularly to Alaska’s Aboriginal people as “Arctic Arabs” – how efficient, lumping two apparently undesirable groups into one ugly description – as well as the more colourful “mukluks” along with the totally unimaginative “f**king Eskimo’s,” according to a number of Alaskans and Wasillians interviewed for this article.

But being openly racist is only the tip of the Palin iceberg. According to Alaskans interviewed for this article, she is also vindictive and mean. We’re talking Rove mean and Nixon vindictive.

No wonder the vast sea of white, cheering faces at the Republican Convention went wild for Sarah: They adore the type, it’s in their genetic code. So much for McCain’s pledge of a “high road” campaign; Palin is incapable of being part of one.

Tough Getting People Who Know Her to Talk
It’s not easy getting people in the 49th state to speak critically about Palin – especially people in Wasilla, where she was mayor. For one thing, with every journalist in the world calling, phone lines into Alaska have been mostly jammed since Friday; as often as not, a recording told me that “all circuits are busy” or numbers just wouldn’t ring. I should think a state that’s been made richer than God by oil could afford telephone lines and cell towers for everyone.

On a more practical level, many people in Alaska, and particularly Wasilla, are reluctant to speak or be quoted by name because they’re afraid of her as well as the state Republican Party machine. Apparently, the power elite are as mean as the winters.

“The GOP is kind of like organized crime up here,” an insurance agent in Anchorage who knows the Palin family, explained. “It’s corrupt and arrogant. They’re all rich because they do private sweetheart deals with the oil companies, and they can destroy anyone. And they will, if they have to.”

“Once Palin became mayor,” he continued, “She became part of that inner circle.”

Like most other people interviewed, he didn’t want his name used out of fear of retribution. Maybe it’s the long winter nights where you don’t see the sun for months that makes people feel as if they’re under constant danger from “the authorities.” As I interviewed residents it began sounding as if living in Alaska controlled by the state Republican Party is like living in the old Soviet Union: See nothing that’s happening, say nothing offensive, and the political commissars leave you alone. But speak out and you get disappeared into a gulag north of the Arctic Circle for who-knows-how-long.

Alright, that’s an exaggeration brought on by my getting too little sleep and building too much anger as I worked this article. But there’s ample evidence of Palin’s vindictive willingness to destroy people she sees as opponents. Just ask the Wasilla town administrator she hired before firing him because he rebelled against the way Palin demanded he do his job, or the town librarian who refused to hold the book burning Walpurgisnach Mayor Palin demanded.

Ironically, Palin was pushed into hiring the administrator by the party poobahs who helped get her elected after she got herself into trouble over a number of precipitous firings which gave rise to a recall campaign.

“People who fought her attempt to oust the librarian are on her enemies list to this day,” states Anne Kilkenny, a Wasilla resident and one of the few Alaskans willing to speak on-the-record, for attribution, about Palin. In fact, Kilkenny actually circulated an e-mail letter about Palin that was verified and printed by The Nation.

For good measure, Palin booted the Wasilla police chief from office because, she told a local newspaper, he “intimidated” her.

Running on Extreme Fringe Evangelical Views
Sarah Palin drew early attention from state GOP apparatchiks when, during her first mayoral campaign, she ran on an anti-abortion platform. Normally, political parties do not get involved in Alaskan municipal elections because they are nonpartisan. But once word of her extreme fringe evangelical views made its way to Juneau, the state capitol, state Republicans tossed some money behind her campaign.

Once in office, Palin set out to build a machine that chewed up anyone who got in her way. The good, Godly Christian turns out to be anything but.

“She’s doesn’t like different opinions and she refuses to compromise,” Kilkenny notes. “When she was mayor, she fought ideas that weren’t hers. Worse, ideas weren’t evaluated on their merits but on the basis of who proposed them.”

Sound familiar? Palin may well be Dick Cheney’s reincarnate.

Something else has a familiar Republican ring to it: Her tax policies, and a “refund surpluses but borrow for the future” attitude.

According to Kilkenny and others in Wasilla as well as Juneau, Palin reduced progressive property taxes for businesses while mayor and increased a regressive sales tax which even hits necessities such as food. The tax cuts she promoted in her St. Paul speech actually benefited large corporate property owners far more than they benefited residents. Indeed, Kilkenny insists that many Wasilla home owners actually saw their tax bill skyrocket to make up for the shortfall. Two other Wasillian’s with whom I spoke said property taxes on their modest, three bedroom homes rose during the Palin regime.

To an outsider, it would seem hard to do, but an oil-rich town with zero debt on the day she was inaugurated mayor was left saddled with $22 million of debt by the time she moved away to become governor – especially since nothing was spent on things such as improving the city’s infrastructure or building a much-needed sewage treatment plant. So what did Mayor Palin spend the taxpayer’s money on, if not fixing streets and scrubbing sewage?

For starters, she remodelled her office. Several times over, as a matter of fact.

Then Palin spent $1 million on an unnecessary, new park that no one other than the contractors and Palin seemed to want. Next, Sarah doled out more than $15 million of taxpayer money for a sports complex that she shoved through even though the city did not own clear title to the land; now, seven years later, the matter is still in litigation and lawyer fees are said to be close to at least half of the original estimated price of the facility.

She also worked hard to get voters approval of a $5.5 million bond proposal for roads that could have been built without borrowing. Anchorage may not be the center of the financial universe but, like good Republicans everywhere, Sarah Palin knows how to please Alaskan bankers and bond dealers.

For good measure, she turned Wasilla into a wasteland of big box stores and disconnected parking lots.

Sarah Barracuda
En route to the governor’s igloo, Palin managed to land what Anne Kilkenny says is the plumb political appointment in the state: Chair of Alaska’s Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (OGCC), a $122,400 per year patronage slot with no real authority to do anything other than hold meetings. She took the job despite having no background in energy issues and, as it turned out, not liking the work.

“She hated the job,” an OGCC staff member who is not authorized to speak with the news media told me. “She hated the hours and she hated what little work there was to do. But she couldn’t figure out a way to get out of the thing without offending Gov. Murkowski” and the state Republican Party regulars, some of whom were pissed off they didn’t get appointed.

But ever the opportunist, Palin quickly concocted a way. First, she waged a campaign with the local news media claiming that the position was overpaid and should be abolished – despite the fact that she lobbied Murkowski hard to get it. Then, mounting what she saw as a white horse, Palin raised a cloud of dust by resigning from the OGCC and riding away with an undeserved reputation as a “reformer.”

But when a local reporter dared to suggest that the reformer Empress has no clothes, Palin tried to get her fired.

“She came at me like I was trying to steal her kids,” said the targeted reporter, who now works for an oil company in Anchorage. “I heard she had a wild temper and vicious mean streak but it’s nothing like you can imagine until she turns it on you.”

Not surprising since some of her high school classmates still openly call her “Sarah Barracuda,” Kilkenny insists.

Still, as a Republican Party hack Palin managed to get herself elected running under the false flag of a “reformer.”

And what did she bring to the job? No legislative experience other than a city council of a village of 5,000 people, which is smaller than some high schools in Chicago. Little hands-on supervisory or managerial experience; after all, she needed to hire a city administrator to run Wasilla. No executive experience, except for almost being recalled as mayor. A philosophy of setting public policy based on one word: No.

And what has she done since winning the job?

According to Kilkenny, nothing. Well, nothing other than suggesting the state’s multi-multi-million dollar, oil-generated surplus be distributed to residents and finance future state needs by borrowing money. Gee, doesn’t that sound precisely what George Bush did with the surplus he inherited from Bill Clinton in 2001 and we all know in what great shape Bush’s economic policies left the nation.

It may explain why, when asked by reporters, including me, what she thought about Palin being picked to be McCain’s running mate, her mother-in-law replied with a sardonic, “What has Sarah done to qualify her to be vice president?” Of course, when the woman – said by many I spoke with to be well-respected in Wasilla – was running to succeed Palin as mayor, Sarah refused to endorse her, so that may explain the family tension.

As Governor, Palin gave the legislature no direction and budget guidelines, according to the chair of a legislative committee. But then she staged a huge grandstand play of line-item vetoing countless projects, calling them pork. “They were restored because of public outcry and legislative action,” the aide said. “She vetoed them mostly because she had no idea what they were or why they were important.”

But it was enough to get the McCain, who is mostly unobservant of the world around him anyway, to think Palin has a reputation as being “anti-pork”.

In fact, Juneau observers note that Palin kept her hand stuck out as far as anyone for pork ladled out by indicted Sen. Ted Stevens. She only opposed the “bridge to nowhere” after it became clear that it would be politically unwise to keep supporting it, these same insiders assert. Then, Palin fell back on her old habits and publicly humiliated him for pork-barrel politics.

As for being “ready on day one” to be commander in chief, despite the repeated public claims she’s made, the Alaska National Guard commander said that, “she has made no command decisions, other than sending some troops to help fight a few brush fires and march in parades at county fairs.”

“Sambo Beat the Bitch”
“Palin is a conniving, manipulative, a**hole,” someone who thinks these are positive traits in a governor told me, summing up Palin’s tenure in Alaska state and local politics.

“She’s a bigot, a racist, and a liar,” is the more blunt assessment of Arnold Gerstheimer who lived in Alaska until two years ago and is now a businessman in Idaho.

“Juneau is a small town; everybody knows everyone else,” he adds. “These stories about what she calls blacks and Eskimos, well, anyone not white and good looking actually, were around long before she became a glint in John McCain’s rheumy eyes. Why do I know they’re true? Because everyone who isn’t aboriginal or Indian in Alaska talks that way.”

“Sambo beat the bitch” may be everyday language up in the bush. Whether it – and the outlook, politics and worldview Palin reflects when she says such things in public – should be part of a presidential campaign is another thing altogether. The comment says as much about McCain as it does about Palin, and it says a lot of things about Americans who overlook such statements (as well as her record) and vote anyway for McCain.

by Charley James

Friends: This article has been inundated with comments. We are no longer accepting comments. Please see the followup article by reporter Charley James, “Me and Sarah Palin.” –Eds.

Charley James is an American journalist, author and essayist who lives in Toronto.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi

Holy Shit that's a long post.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."






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