From the department of pointless pointlessness.

UPDATED: Sunday, May 23, 2010 08:42
PAGE 1 of 1

Friday, May 21, 2010 3:51 PM


And boy howdy, is it ever.

Probe into imam's death goes to Cox's office

That's a lot like asking the Klan to investigate a lynching.

I swear, it's like the authorities are desperately trying to start a riot, given that fracas was one of the main incidents in the run up to what is amounting to a light guerilla war with our own police forces.

And every time I think they just can't possibly find ANYTHING stupider, or more antagonistic to do...
They find something, and then go right on and do it.

I find myself living in dread of their next brilliant idea.



Saturday, May 22, 2010 9:12 AM


Jumpin Jesus on a fekkin Pogo stick with Vishnu in the sidecar, are they TRYING TO START A FUCKIN RIOT ?

Michigan State Police shoot man on Detroit's east side

Community leaders including Malik Shabazz and Horace Sheffield III, who will officiate today at the funeral of 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley Jones, hurried to St. Clair Street when they heard of the incident. Sheffield said he feared unrest in such close proximity to the location of the child's death -- six blocks from the home where Aiyana was killed by a police bullet during a raid.

Bystanders said the police chase lasted a long time up and down residential streets, at high speeds. Some said State Police arrested a neighborhood leader who chastised troopers for laughing and joking while the wounded man still was on the scene receiving first aid. Police did not confirm that arrest.

So once again they decide to pretend they're action movie stars instead of calling in the fucking ghetto bird (that bein the cop chopper) and endanger the citizens they're supposed to be protecting, and spray gunfire all around a residential neighborhood down the street from the last tragedy, and they don't even manage to catch all the perps ?

Also ignoring SOP, which is to have the ghetto bird follow em and wait till they're somewhere a bit less dangerous to the population, mind you, but it seems proper procedure has gone out the window as of late.

Mind you, unspoken by this article is that there's also a recent fatality up in Dearborn Heights caused by police action-movie driving.

They're mad... completely mad, gone off the leash and out of control.



Saturday, May 22, 2010 9:32 AM


Maybe they are. Maybe then people will in desperation throw them the legitimacy that has been called into question of late, and which would retrospectively in their minds and the minds of the public justify what they've been doing.


Sunday, May 23, 2010 8:42 AM


I am startin to wonder, Byte, really I am.

By the way, I am calling bullshit on the police's story here.

First off, their initial statement of the charges was "Reckless Driving", and yanno - that's bullshit, that's like when you ask what someone is being arrested for and they say "Resisting Arrest", it's shorthand for "cause we felt like it!"

Second, you don't SHOOT someone over reckless driving, much less throw a fullisade of bullets around in a residential neighborhood that's already pissed at you, that's seriously insane.

So the story doesn't add up.

I am looking at this chain of events.

Cops decide to do a shakedown, maybe for driving-while-black, or they were lookin for cause to seize the vehicle or maybe they just felt like being dicks.

Remember, it's been SEVEN YEARS we've had a Federale task force here trying to get these assholes to behave like something other than a criminal mafia, without much progress, so this kind of thing is very very common.

So, for whatever reason, maybe they had wants/warrants, guns, drugs, we do not at this time know, but they decided, yanno what, no, fuck you!
And proceeded to hightail it - thus the reckless driving, which they damn well better have on cruiser cam *before* they tried to make a stop, if they wish to use that as justification, something I kind of doubt.

Bear in mind that the US Supreme Court has ruled that there are cases when fleeing or eluding the police is a reasonable thing to do, and I think considering the reputation of the police forces around here and their conduct, especially recently, that should be taken into account.

Now, mind you, the police had a vehicle description and plate number right off, so it's not like they can't look up the address of record unless the vehicle was stolen, which they'd also know when they ran the plates, right ?

And instead of following proper procedure, falling back and calling in the ghetto bird, they commit over a dozen vehicles to a high-risk, high-speed chase through a residential neighborhood... over (according to them) a fucking traffic violation ?

Sorry folks, that isn't passing the sniff test here.

And then, when the driver finally piles it up, and him and his buddies bail out and flee, they go hot and throw a hail of lead at them, again, over a traffic violation ?


And just to make matters worse, when they're having their little touchdown party celebration, some local advocate calls them out on their lack of professionalism and decorum, they arrest him too ?

And then, nothing - the cops clam up, refuse to even identify the suspects, the condition of the one shot, or even that this happened, not one goddamn word.

I dunno what the facts of it are, but I mean to find out - cause I have a slight suspicion which I hope to hell I am wrong about.

You see, this chase was initiated by the STATE police, you know, the folks in charge of investigating (and what a laugh, we know how that'll go!) the shooting of Aiyana Jones, and coincidentally began in that same neighborhood, with the State PD cruiser going so far as to ram the suspect vehicle at least once - complete with flagrant violations of procedure and an excess of violence right out of the freakin Blues Brothers, at least they didn't wreck up a shopping mall...

And now, I wonder if this incident might have anything to do with the additional footage of that incident that Feiger mentioned, and the Michigan State Police's desperation to find and destroy it.

And if *THAT* happens to be the case - mind you, I kinda doubt it, but this is just too coincidental to not consider it as an outside possibility - things are going to get stupid in a real friggin hurry, especially if it comes out publicly, and they're shafted anyway cause more than one copy of that footage exists.

Even if they had some other reason, this lunacy is completely inexcuseable.
So till they come clean, I'm calling bullshit on their entire story here.
