Detroit Wheeling and Dealing

UPDATED: Thursday, July 22, 2010 15:39
PAGE 1 of 1

Thursday, July 22, 2010 11:07 AM


Seems like Worthy and her pet puppet Bing are on a counter attack around here.

Firstoff they kicked me and Ron out of a meeting that was SUPPOSED to be open to the public this morning...
Judge closes meeting on monitoring Detroit police

That's bullshit folks, and it's not like I ain't gonna know what went on by the end of the day, but secret backroom deals ( mostly with Synagro, a subsidary of Carlyle/TPG Capital) are what got us into this fucking mess in the first damned place.

Worse, they fired Evans today.

No matter the "official" story, the greater part of that was his efforts to clean up the department becoming a serious problem for Worthy's little private empire, so he gets replaced by another puppet yes-man, that buttkissing sycophant Ralphie - which in combination with the above event doesn't exactly bode well for Detroit in the near future.

Conversely, more and more folks are turning to contract security as a replacement for ever more abusive and ineffective police, the Art Fair has dispensed with them entirely.

Prudential is pretty cool, Humphreys crew is mostly older guys and their uniform being almost identical to ours we get mistaken for each other a lot, so we tend to cooperate so as not to demean each others reputation, and now having seen one of em pull his tie and go collar-open (and it's freakin HOT out here at night, I don't blame him!) he's never gonna get to bitch about me and mine doin it again.
Hell, it gets hot enough I swap in a pair of Dickies work shorts - although I drew the line at Wendy's request for a shortened uniform shirt, meh.

RSIG, out of Southfield, is a little more upscale (better equipment, but they cost more) but they're lazy bastards, and no one else will work for Comcast cause all the locals hate em and they pay for shit - good for gaurding static positions, but don't be expecting them to actually DO any patrols you schedule.

Securitas is just the new name for Wackenhut, who I wouldn't trust to lean on a locked door and for a fact if there IS an after-hours pilfering problem, they'd be the first ones I would pat down on the way out - in fact I am pretty sure they *are* the ones responsible, good scam, you think about it.

Three-Star isn't all that bad, they're low-rent goons like us, minimal equipment - but they're a bit less morally picky about what the job is or who they're working for, which wouldn't be an issue if they were a little more discreet, which they're not - get what ya pay for there.

Guess he didn't spot our guys (two of em) or if he did, took em for Prudential, since our uniforms are identical (bought from the same supplier, in fact) except for the company name on the shoulder patches, so it's easy to make that mistake.

Anyhows, if you can't trust your police, and have to hire someone else to do their job...

Then why the hell should you pay them ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, July 22, 2010 11:32 AM


EDIT: Oops, darn, never mind. Thought I read something in the art fair article...

So Evans took the fall, eh? Figures. Well, at least he and you won't be eroding that whole mutual respect thing you had going anymore.


Thursday, July 22, 2010 3:39 PM


Yah, he didn't fall on his sword though, this was more a Brutus backstab on behalf of Ralphie, who is your typical incompetent sycophantic ladder climbin buttkisser playing Smithers to Worthy's take on Burns.

The fact that he's incompetent is gonna be a serious problem since he cannot effectively run a police dept, much less one operating as a front for a corrupt cabal, and all he has to do is fuck it up in a major way just ONCE...

I only wish Detroit didn't have to take the fallout and collateral damage, but allowing the corruption to continue isn't an option either, so what can one do but stand to and weather the storm ?

I do know I need to have a nice long talk with Evans now that he is, umm... unemployed (Worthy blackballed him too, mind) - but that'll have to wait a bit since I doubt he's in a talkin mood right now, especially to me.

I just hope he doesn't have another breakdown when the whole picture is made clear to him, cause he reacted pretty badly to finding out just how badly off the DPD is.

Let his fate be a lesson in what happens when you try to fight TPTB on their terms, by their own rules.


I do not serve the Blind God.