More 'fun' in Detroit.

UPDATED: Thursday, September 23, 2010 11:45
PAGE 1 of 1

Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:50 AM


I know I mentioned in some other threads (which I cannot seem to remember or find) that one of the myriad problems with our Police living high on the hog is how that strips the "Public Safety" budget and puts the community at risk by underfunding Fire and EMT services, badly so - as expressed by the recent Detroit Firestorm, right ?

Well, apparently I ain't the only one who noticed this is a real and growing problem.

Detroit paramedics fear they're losing the battle to save lives


Over the past month, the troubled Detroit Fire Department has found itself trying to convince an angry public that it has not abandoned them. The latest debacle was a windblown inferno that torched at least 70 homes across the city. It was so bad that an 11-year-old dressed in a T-shirt and sneakers was pulling hose for the overwhelmed Fire Department. Firefighters from Warren, Dearborn and Grosse Pointe were called in. Mayor Bing passed it off as a natural disaster.

Yah, within all the carnage you get that, a lotta folks threw in trying to help the overwhelmed firefighters, thanks be the damn cops stayed out of it, else some of em woulda gotten tasered "for their own safety"...

But still, someone needs to step in and call into question how the cops can afford a posh casino as their new HQ, while we suffer a disatrous shortage of funding and resources for Fire and EMT services - Oh, and mind you, Detroit Police officers will *NOT* render firefighting aid or medical assistance, oh no, beneath the dignity of our mighty lords in blue to actually help the peons, grrr.

Mind you, pulling that bullshit elsewhere can get even a cop fired.

But not here, where the blue suit mafia does what they please, dealing drugs, planting them as an excuse for forfeitures, giving the finger to federal law (as in Bouchard and his pre-emptive round-up of medical marijuana people) and of course, living it up in fine style among the battered, starving, people of Detroit - who are so well aware they will NOT be protected by the DPD that they've begun to do it themselves, like Jackrabbit and the Detroit 300.

So, ummm, WHY exactly, are we paying these badge bearing goons at all ?
They do not, will not, do their job, serve only themselves, and their presence serves only to siphon resources from stuff we *DO* need, people TRYING to do their jobs, and unable, lacking the personnel and equipment to do it, a slide that'll only get worse as more and more of em bail out on what seems to be a hopeless lost cause.

Worse is the community looking at those so-called protectors in their fancy new hotrod police cars, and their pretty, stylish, upscale HQ, looking all well fed and arrogant... with this look in their eyes that's decidedly unpleasant, cause they're sick of being fleeced by these useless, predatory fucks, and I have concerns that some of em might take "community protection" in a NEW direction, and wind up in a hot engagement with those shitheads, which is a losing fight to begin with and would give them an excuse to use all those war toys them and their SWAT buddies been sockin away for a rainy day, hoping against hope that civil disorder will give them an excuse to use those things to REALLY put them damn peons in their place...

And at this point I wonder what the fuck to do, I mean, you try diplomacy, reason and logic, you try trickery, but always it seems to come down to this - and for a fact, when those other obscure religious groups in Texas started buying small arms and other stuff in job lots, that provocation shit STOPPED COLD, so I really gotta wonder, if maybe putting some resources in the citizens hands to make that NOT a losing fight, should they engage the boys in blue - might not be the right thing to do even when I *know* the result of such would be a bloodbath.

Thinkin this shit through in advance is in fact one of the best ways to prevent it, and if things do go rodeo, at least there's a plan instead of a panic... but which plan, then ?

Appeal to reason and logic, humanity, diplomacy - ain't worked so far, and when shots get fired, ain't likely to, and yet, if we do involve ourselves, even the odds, how does that improve matters, when the obvious endpoint is gonna happen in a certain way no matter what, even if they have to call in the Air National Guard and fucking bomb Detroit ?

I could sit it out, sure - hell, my own beliefs are kinda ambivalent on it since I don't know any of em which might be involved all that well, could go either way...

So, we try like hell to make it not come to that.

Cause I don't even wanna think of what'd happen if they did get into it violently with the citizenry, and we let em get stuck in it up to their bloody necks, then disabled their APC, half their war toys and jammed their radios... but yanno, the back of my mind keeps serving that up in horrific full color detail.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, September 16, 2010 6:01 AM


A good friend of mine is a firefighter and I've heard him complain many a time about the police department hogin' all the fundage. The police say things like 'we arrested this many drug dealers and these violent criminals blah blah blah blah' and the fire department's like, we don't have fires everyday but we really really need some new equipment. Anyway, the cops get the money cause they've 'done more' and then take the money and buy MORE dodge chargers. Meanwhile the local fire department's tanker truck (I dunno if that's the right name, truck that takes water with it when there ain't a hydrant) is like 40 years old and the only way it will make it to one side of town is if it can reach 50 mph before attempting to climb the bridge.

I know there are many good honorable and hard working cops, but there's also a fair amount of uniformed thugs. I wouldn't blindly trust a police officer anymore and I would wait until I've found a well lit (and preferably somewhat public) area before pulling over.


Thursday, September 16, 2010 4:35 PM


Yeah, no one likes to think about a fire till there's smoke rollin out their windows, do they ?

Same thing, no one ever realizes the value of a fast response till they've had to lay there, wrecked and bleeding, waiting for an ambulance...
Of course, my "issue" with that one is that I was reported in as a DOA by someone credible, and so, thinking they were just collecting a stiff, took their own sweet time about it - shoulda SEEN the look on the one EMTs face when I tugged his pants leg and tried to bum a smoke off him, bloody hilarious.

Anyhow, it's not all bad, as I mentioned, the folks who got burned out, the city and the "authorities" are gonna leave em swing, that much we already knew - but you recall me saying what'd happen AFTER that is what gives me hope ?

Detroit couple getting new home, unlikely chance after fire

I did check up on this, and know WHY the boy has a felony firearm conviction ?
Cause he needed one to defend himself and wasn't old enough to get a permit - and then got shaken down by the DPD and hit with the FOREVER MARK OF ENDLESS DOOM (aka Felony Conviction), which our society has made things so you just might as well slit your own throat... it'd be quicker, I mean god DAMN, at what point should ya STOP punishing someone, you know ?

Fuck, man, half of them people in the big D have a Felony beef, just for doing necessary-for-survival shit and getting caught on it, and that mark NEVER GOES AWAY - I mean, once you have done your time, made reparations, paid your debt to the community, you're supposed to be a fucking pariah FOREVER ?

Not to mention you can't even legally defend your own damn home with a firearm, can't vote, etc etc etc... it'd be more merciful to shoot em, at least it's quicker, but no, we cut off all means of ever gettin past it, roadblock any opportunity BUT crime, and then wonder why as they spiral into the abyss - that's just fuckin stupid!

Anyhow, guy gets a second chance, courtesy of the COMMUNITY, when the "authorities" woulda left him swing, and that's worth somethin to me, worth a lot - cause when the "authorities" fail, in the end all you got left is each other.

And it's damn nice to know, that we *DO* have each other, socially, Detroit is coming together, but those much vaunted "authorities" ain't part of the game no more, unless they step the hell up in a hurry, and that ain't likely to happen till someone can punt Kym Worthy out of Wayne County.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010 5:06 PM


More followup on this... with editorial commentary.

It does kinda suck that I had to go to WSWS for a source, but since our local "news" is a bunch of hard right jackboot lickers, and on top of that has been "instructed" to shut their mouth about the DPD and it's abuses...

East side Detroit residents say fire not a “natural disaster”

After the September 7 windstorm brought down 750 power lines, fires engulfed 85 structures in the city of Detroit, including 29 occupied homes. In the days leading up to the fires, energy company DTE ignored repeated warnings from residents about dangerously malfunctioning electrical equipment.

This has brought up much discussion about who exactly "owns" the power grid, being that it is the distribution network of a "public" utility that is in fact a for-profit corporation with an exclusive monopoly, and yet those lines, many of em, are paid for by taxpayer dollars, often in the form of grants.

So DTE claims they belong to THEM, except when they fail or need repair ?

This is another of those natty issues no one wants to seem to discuss, kinda like who "owns" the sidewalk, when the city orders YOU to shovel it under threat of fines, or forces YOU to make repairs to it, all the while claiming it's not YOUR property and you cannot have it removed.

So they'll probably get a pass on this one, but you just watch - DTE will demand the city replace the lines, and I think that's bunk, not without some serious fuckin concessions from these bitches.

Residents pointed to the failure of the fire department to respond quickly to the fires. “It took one and a half hours for the fire department to come,” said Margaret. “I called at least ten times. I called 911, and they started having an attitude. They were real nasty to me on the phone.”

The Bing administration has expanded cuts to the Fire Department that have been ongoing for about a decade. Between 8 and 12 of the city’s 66 fire companies are now “browned out” each day, temporarily decommissioned and unavailable to fight fires, due to budget cuts.

And yet the cops get a brand new posh casino hotel building for an HQ, and are shopping for shiny, brand new cruisers and having a GRAND OLE TIME, on the public dime...

While the EMT and Firefighters are trying to scrape by on next-to-fuckin-nothing, and every time the budget gets some more bloat by holding up sob stories like this, it's the pigs in blue with both trotters in the trough goin Oink Oink Oink and none left for the people actually doing something useful... cue more sob stories, cue more budget bloat...

This shit MUST STOP, either the money goes directly to the EMT and Fire people, or we gotta cut it off, cause lumping it under "Public Safety" is how the boys in blue keep looting it.

And we gotta start taking them to task for their threats and extortion!

My current township is in the process of consolidating our useless force with the useless force of the next town over, putting all the predatory shitheads as far AWAY from us as possible - they'll be using the OTHER townships station, and since they're too lazy to wander far from the fridge...

Every community on this street, even the really run down poor one with obviously-condemned units has hired contract security, and crime around here has all but freakin evaporated, seriously, I get BORED.

Andrew, another resident, added, “When the fire department first came there was only one truck. They tried to hook up the fire hydrant that was in front of the house, but there was no pressure.”

The residents explained that the fire fighters desperately tried to get water pressure from several hydrants after the first one failed. They also tried, unsuccessfully, to connect to a hydrant on the next block. Finally, the firefighters had to go a block and a half away to make a connection.

“At the most critical moment in the fire they were trying to get the water going,” Andrew said.

Again, a consequence of spending all the damn money financing our imperialism, and our so-called protectors of every kind, or rather their protection racket, while shorting the things we most desperately need to spend money on to keep civilization going!

This is the direct, hit-where-you-LIVE kind of consequence from that shit, as is the current lawsuit by someone who's vehicle was apparently hit by one of them concrete chunks falling outta the bottom of our bridges.

What you gonna do when the street lights don't work, when the power don't work, there's no water, and the sewage lines are overflowin all over the street cause they got left to rot ?

We can no longer AFFORD to pay danegeld to the war machine, federal or local, especially when they wouldn't be any help in a crisis whatever.

The neighbors were particularly incensed by the attitude of the Detroit Police. “When the firefighters came they told us to get buckets and hoses and do whatever we could to spray things down,” Ian said. “Once the police came they told people to get the f___ back or we would be arrested. They didn’t help. This was after an hour of waiting for the fire department to come.”

Margaret, whose garage was severely damaged, wanted to get her dogs out of her house. “Those dogs are like my babies to me. The police said to me, ‘Keep your ass behind the line,’ and threatened to take me to jail.”

“The police just antagonized people,” continued Ian. “The police asserted their dominance. In order for people to go across the street they had to go around the block. Then after one hour the police left, even though the fire was still raging.”

Yeah, real helpful that - and we all saw during Katrina, when it gets ugly, how "helpful" they are, willing to travel from five states away to fuck with and disarm people who are managing to deal, or screw up relief operations, or do a little looting of their own, but protect the community ?

In your dreams, and so, WHY PAY THEM ?

Avg cost per officer/year - $150,000.00+
Avg cost per security/year - $32,000.00+

Chance of cop stickin around and helping - 0%
Chance of guard stickin around and helping - 50%

Simple math, isn't it ?

A Detroit firefighter with 15 years of service told the WSWS that many firemen were unable to respond to the neighborhood fires because they were preoccupied with securing downed power lines. His commanding officer estimated that 15 of the 58 fire companies activated to deal with Tuesday’s fires were “sitting on DTE’s lines.” Among these were Initial Response units, which could have put out the fires before they spread.

According to this veteran firefighter, the first 15 minutes of a fire is the most crucial time. Typically a fire can double in size every two to three minutes. With winds reaching 50 miles per hour, the fires spread unabated, placing Detroit families in extreme peril.

Again, the dilemma of who's lines they are - shoulda been DTE out there, and if they refused, fine them for criminal negligence, it's just that simple.

The Bing administration moved to destroy the fire-damaged homes within days. Bing has expressed no outrage that the fires have taken place; instead the administration has pushed ahead with meetings to shut down parts of the city.

Of course not, he's kinda busy trying to get his sycophantic little pet Goodbee and his girlfriend installed as the new bosses of the DPD.

You know, the chick who made all those accusations against Warren Evans, she's Ralphies fuckin girlfriend, since no one ELSE in this pissant towns so-called "news" felt the need to MENTION that...

Maybe cause it might run up questions about her REASONS, and how it cleared the deck for her boyfriend to get the big chair, hmmm ?

In case ya hadn't been keepin score, Kym Worthy is the puppetmaster here, and Bing dances to her tune so that he don't end up like Kwame Kilpatrick, who apparently pissed her off so bad by refusing to play ball that she's goin after the lawyer who dared defend Kwame out of pure petulant spite.

And she's the bitch who prosecuted Monica Conyers in retaliation for doing what her husband didn't have the balls to and standing against the Bush cabal - as exchange for the GOP buying out her foreclosed properties, something which they didn't even try to fuckin hide.

Oh, and Ferguson apparently didn't pay his cut.

Bitch has the perfect scam runnin, they're all crooks, and she has the means to crush em for it via having the court in her pocket, and the DPD, especially now with her little puppet Goodbee installed, she makes em and breaks em, but she's no more a hero than Jonathan Wild was, cause it's the same damn game.

Break Worthy, and the whole thing comes crashing down, and the only way to *DO* that, short of a bullet, is to start starving her pet dragon, the Detroit Police Dept.

FOLLOW THE MONEY, and inflict a million little cuts to where they don't even know they're bleeding till they drop.

Just like we did Pathway.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010 5:45 PM


Wanna call for back-up?

Sorry, couldn't resist...

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, September 21, 2010 7:00 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Wanna call for back-up?


Couldn't resist either.


PS. 1984 is a warning, Judge Dredd is a parody - they are *not* instruction manuals.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010 4:53 AM


Annnd, I just wanna hurl, yanno ?

Even with all this, they're up there drooling over their new pimpmobiles, which of course, are gonna get bought at premium kickback prices, while the EMT and Fire personnel get fucked some more to pay for it.

Caprice ranks fastest in 2011 police car tests

Seriously, who gives a fuck how fast it goes - where the hell in Detroit are you gonna find enough goddamn road to wind it out, and shouldn't there be more important considerations than how fast and pretty their new publicly funded pimp mobile is, like cost-effectiveness and reliability ?

Shit, my former township bought one of the damn things to patrol a town one square mile in size, that you can quite LITERALLY spit clean across if you go up on the bridge and catch the wind right, which could be patrolled on a bicycle cause the highest speed limit IN the town is 30mph.

Just more proof these goons are off the leash...



Wednesday, September 22, 2010 4:59 AM


On a more hopeful note...

Dickies donates to unemployed Detroit workers

Dickies clothing brand launched today a limited-edition "Detroit 874" work pant to benefit unemployed workers in Detroit.

For each pair of Detroit 874 pants sold on its website, the company will donate a pair of new work pants to the Salvation Army of Metro Detroit, which helps workers in need.

Representatives of the Texas company commemorated the event by donating $25,000 and 5,000 work pants to the nonprofit. Actor, director and Detroit native Vondie Curtis Hall was at the press announcement, held at the Salvation Army's Harbor Light Center on Lawton Street.

The Detroit 874 is made in the United States and is an adaptation of Dickies' classic 874 work pant. It is dark navy twill with red stitching, red pocketing and a "Detroit 874" logo. Each pair is priced at $50 at

In 2009, the Salvation Army of Metro Detroit helped provided more than 3 million meals and at least 700,000 nights of shelter to the homeless.

We already use the 874 series as our uniform work pants, cause the cheap polyester shit most companies use looks like crap even if you iron it daily, causes skin irritation, isn't any kind of weather compatible or cost effective given how quickly that garbage wears - while the 874 is tough, holds it shape well and thus looks more professional, and is solidly durable as well as comfy in any weather conditions, including soaking wet, as I can attest to from last night.
(damn mother natures evil sense of humor and her instant downpour trick!)

So I've already posted a memo that "Detroit 874" are completely acceptable as uniform replacements, and I'll kick in 10% of the price myself if presented with proof of purchase.

I'm rather fond of their products, and in fact my work boots are also made by them.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010 6:35 AM


America loves a winner!

Detroit needs more gov't employees. Clearly.

"The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."


Wednesday, September 22, 2010 6:50 AM



Detroit needs more gov't employees. Clearly.

They can be paid in seashells and shiny glass beads!

Actually, no. Those will be paid to me, as a sanity tax. City employees for Detroit will have to find their OWN seashells, 'cause I'm not sharing.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010 11:47 PM


Well, Worthy is pre-emptively ass-covering, in an attempt to keep the epic corruption of her court system from being exposed...

Time limit on evidence would deny justice for innocents

The Innocence Project really doesn't have a lot to do with exposing the corruption, it's just a by-product of the process, but when you out a corrupt cop, every case they worked on then becomes suspect, see ?

So, yeah, she's annoyed - they tossed some lawyer in the clink for a while today for being daring enough to call her a bitch to her face, and the officer testifying a lyin sack of shit, corrupt, and a scumbag...

But of course, truth is no defense against a Contempt citation.

Anyhow, the real iron fist of the day comes from the most unlikely source, a reporter who up till now was quite the bootlicker - I guess recent events have caused him to just blow a fucking gasket, and imma save the story for posterity cause I suspect the Detnews editorial board is gonna pull it to save face, I don't know WHAT got into LeDuff (I have a few suspicions), but this is epic smackdown, and too fuckin long in the coming.

Residents deserve better services, and Bing must start delivering


I couldn't believe what I saw. Firefighters with holes in their boots. Ambulances without blankets, police cars with flat tires and computers that did not work. The Fire Department brass did not compile statistics (500 arsons a month). The Police Department brass lied about the number of murders. (It was 375 in 2008, not 306.)

I wrote these stories and people in power started complaining. "Where's the good news. Where's the fair and balanced?"

Good news was hard to come by on the night of Sept. 7, when a firestorm swept across the city that engulfed at least 70 homes and overwhelmed the undermanned Detroit Fire Department. Warren, Grosse Pointe and Dearborn all came in to help. That's the first time that has happened since the '67 riots.

Earlier that evening, Mayor Dave Bing was stopped on the red carpet of the MGM Grand Casino before the premiere of a TV serial that features Detroit murder as its central theme.

"I'm hoping and believe that the filmmakers will present our city in a fair and balanced way," Bing said.

I do, too. But the image that sears from that night is of an 11-year-old dressed in a T-shirt and sneakers who helped firefighters pull hose while Bing and the city's other leaders were at the MGM.

No one expects the mayor to have been out pulling hose. But nobody expected an 11-year-old to do so, either.

Citizens want to know what gives. Why was the Detroit response to its own calamity an hour or more late? Where was the emergency response plan? Where was the mayor?

Btw - if anyone finds out who that kid is, imma buy him a cruiser bicycle, out of pocket, straight up, cause that kind of off the cuff heroism deserves recognition by the community.

Unfortunately, instead of offering the beleaguered citizens some sort of explanation of what went wrong with the Fire Department's response and reassurances that it will not happen again, the mayor and Fire Commissioner James Mack Jr. offered nothing but obfuscation.

Less than 24 hours after the fires began, Bing scolded reporters at a press conference, blaming the devastation on a natural disaster instead of the real culprit: a failure in leadership.

"It seems to me what you are asking us to do is to be able to give you ... some kind of plan less than 24 hours after this happened," Bing said.

Mack did little better. Though he has been a ranking official in the Fire Department for the better part of a decade, he said you can't expect a fire department to plan for such things as big fires, and offered this pearl: "There was a plan: for us to respond. And that's what we did."

I didn't get the quotes directly. I was locked out of the press conference after giving my name.

So I went upstairs in City Hall. Councilman Gary Brown agreed to see me.

"What's wrong with the city?" he said. "A vacuum in leadership. It's not a matter of funding. I suspect it's mismanagement."

You can't blame Bing and his administration for the woeful state of the city -- a cesspool of corruption and cronyism; a pile of dry tinder that has been piling up for more than a half-century. But you can't excuse them for a lack of a preparation, either.

I suspect THAT had a lot to do with his ire, it was a yes-man-only event, and apparently nobody got word that LeDuff was one of the usual buttkissers...

In my short time here, I have uncovered payments for renovations on firehouses that do not exist. I went to ask Mack about those irregularities late last year. His name appears on some of the paperwork. He referred me to Bing. Bing's office referred me to the Building Authority. I still haven't been able to get an answer about those contracts.

Maybe he should ask Kym Worthy... just sayin.

Warren Evans, the former police chief, was fired because -- among other things -- he was seduced by the lights of Hollywood, making his own pilot for a reality TV show.

But in Evans' defense, he was competent and got results. Murder dropped more than 20 percent during his tenure -- a national record. And, believe me, those numbers are real. I checked. Who else in city government can claim success like that?

Nobody, and oddly enough it was Evans success in cleaning house that GOT him fired, cause he started tripping to Worthy's scheme, and so he had to be fired, discredited, AND blackballed - with the help of Bing's girlfriend, a fact no paper has yet seen fit to mention.

In all honesty, I don't think LeDuff is gonna keep goin with this, there'll be a nice expensive brunch and some favors and apologies traded and it'll be back to business as usual, but he dropped the ball here on the details of where some of that money is goin, and that's enough for others to follow up even when this story disappears or gets buried - cause this is a tit-for-tat slap, they locked him out, he spills some dirt, that kinda thing....

Makes me wonder what ELSE the Detnews people know, and haven't been reporting cause it'd upset their political backers - and tomorrow, I'll be down there finding out.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, September 23, 2010 4:27 AM


I saw the premiere of that Detroit PD show, BTW; normally I don't take notice of what's on tv, but it continually bothers me how placating these mainstream crime dramas are how the public. I'm fine with portraying cops and lawyers as just trying to do the best they can in a world where awful things happen, but there's never any "What the hell, Hero?" moments, never any mistakes like there is in reality, never someone who cracks under the stress of it all and lashes out at the public they're supposed to serve, never any rogue cops or double dealing drug dealer cops. Part of that is how nicely tied up loose ends have to be by the end of the episode, but part of it is fear and propaganda.

Maybe if you can get to LeDuff while he's still good and mad, you can drop the Kym Worthy connection... If he doesn't already know.


Thursday, September 23, 2010 11:45 AM


Oh he knows, believe me he does.

Apparently someone let him on to my voice of saruman trick too, cause he wouldn't let me close enough to speak to him, bah.







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