Superstar Muslim televangelist preaches tolerance (and more about Yemen)

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 8, 2010 09:18
PAGE 1 of 1

Wednesday, December 8, 2010 7:40 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Interesting article, hadn't heard about this guy.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010 9:18 AM


Pffth, given our "policy" these days, if Yemen really wants to keep the US from "helping" them like they did Afghanistan or Iraq, they should follow North Koreas example.

We only like beating up countries that can't fight back, and start playing nice only when there's a mushroom cloud potential in the offering if we don't.

Nor should they be fool enough to let our "inspectors" (read: Infiltrators) into their damn country, given how we used the UN inspectors to make SURE Iraq was virtually defenseless before choosing to beat them up and take their lunch money, cause that's what it amounts to on a global scale, what we're doing.

The smart thing to do is NOT cooperate and give us a place to put the knife in, but rather arm oneself with something fissionable and prove it - THEN negotiate, it's the differnce between getting TO negotiate and being our bitch.

Just sayin....

That said, Tolerance is pretty cool, if we weren't such dicks and weren't winking and nudging at a fucking religious crusade with our actions (or in the case of Iraq, sucking Sunni dick while oppressing the Shiites) we'd have a hell of a lot more support from the Muslim community, most of whom hate these dickheads even worse than we do - problem is, those very dickheads are often the ONLY effective check against OUR aggression, which puts the Muslim community in a damned bad position when we are so untrustworthy... we not only need to reach out to them, we need to start keeping our fucking word instead of slamming knives in their back the instant it's turned (like, yanno, Afghanistan, after the Soviets left ?) and behaving in a manner worthy of the world, and most especially ourselves - instead of acting like a jumped up version of third-world tyranny, cause from an external viewpoint, the only real difference to the people under the boot is that we have more resources to put it on their neck.

You remove OUR threat from the arena, eventually many of the predominantly Muslim countries will quickly tire of the antics of these fanatics and crush them utterly, and all *WE* need to do to make it happen is keep it in our fucking pants for once.

I know, that was all especially harsh, but seriously, someone needed to say it.


I do not serve the Blind God.






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