Thought of you Frem

UPDATED: Friday, December 23, 2011 16:04
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Friday, December 23, 2011 4:25 AM


For some reason, if you were a demonic little girl, I could see you doing this, Frem.


Friday, December 23, 2011 4:31 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I must say that was rather awesome.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Friday, December 23, 2011 12:49 PM


Hahaha, you really should watch Elfen Lied...

But nah, that's not actually a kid, that is a Solara, a creature from my beliefs - guardians of places where the veil between worlds is thin, gatekeepers of the world beyond.
They are *NOT* human, far from it, and although they like to "play" with humans their mindset and morality is fundamentally as alien to ours as that of the ancient fae-folk, whom they're probably at least related to and may well be - not the nice, fluffy kind either.

And when I say "play" I mean that in much the fashion a cat "plays" with a mouse, hard lines for the mouse, often as not - Solara care nothing for the lives of humans and seem to take an appalling amount of delight in human suffering.

Mostly they manifest as children, usually female, but sometimes also as ghostlights or wisps - and lure the unwary to their doom by playing on weaknesses or sympathies, generally communicating in ryhme if at all, and quite, quite dangerous after a fashion.

They cannot actually harm you outside of their domain, but the closer they get to their gate the more power they can wield, which is why in tales and legend they can seemingly distort reality itself or others perception of it - the trick is to not let them draw you close, which ain't exactly easy given their ability to manipulate the perceptions of others.

I know y'all have seen them represented in movies, games and stories before - prolly without being specifically identified - there's one in Nightmare on Elm Street that Freddy seems to have some kind of deal with, probably cause he's using her gate to pass between the worlds, dunno how much screen time she gets but you certainly hear her voice offering that creepyass little ryhme, yes ?

Of course, capricious and dangerous that they are, they CAN be helpful on the rare occasion, such as assisting someone against what they feel is a threat to their gate, or to them, and provided one is willing to take the risks they have enormous power and abilities - but you'd damn well be entertaining, and without an understanding of their bizarre mindset and morality those who attempt this are more often doomed than not, cause they're as like to chuck you through that gate or even let something on the other side take you over than actually help you, giggling all the way.

There's also tales of those who've used those gates for other reasons, or passed through at an angle to enter alternate timelines/dimensions, but that so risky as to be considered impossible given one that tries this is all but tresspassing on the turf of a creature who can effectively bend reality itself and will be quite put out with you for doing so.

Best bet for most folk is to either play along or be entertaining to them, while moving at every chance AWAY from them without being really obvious about it - said gates are usually represented by a circle of some kind so if you move away from that, you're going in the right direction.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, December 23, 2011 1:49 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I've never heard of such things.

How does one entertain a creature with an alien mindset?

Do they like poetry?



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Friday, December 23, 2011 4:04 PM


Yes, poetry might work, as well as flattery, or even juggling - skill not really a factor since it's more to them on the level of amusing stupid pet tricks, particularly singing if one is any good at it, would entertain them, if not outright mesmerize them.
However, so too would your painful, screaming death - as they are individuals it's kind of guesswork.

Also, that old saw about "Cold Iron", not as easy as it sounds.

Firstoff, it has to be wrought-iron, and not just any wrought-iron but bloomery process cold short iron, worked by human hand rather than machine worked - supposedly the higher phosphor content would cause it to glow with an inner light in the presence of such creatures and that light was in some manner painful and repellent to them, but good luck finding any since there hasn't been any made in that fashion since since around 1850 AD or so, and most of that in Spain.

Don't expect refined or iodized salt to work neither, has to be naturally occuring pure-form salt, like sea salt by evaporative process or hand collected rock salt, and ground fine enough to pass through a sieve and even then you have to put it BETWEEN you and them, in a confined area where they cannot easily go around it or you'll just piss them off.

Bells on the other hand are known to work, especially if discordant or annoying - this probably would carry over to electronic devices such as cellphones, if such would function reliably in their presence, which is unlikely because according to the legends the principles which allow electricity to work get progressively distorted the closer you come to them and their source of power - which you wouldn't want to do anyway, but there you have it.

You could try bribery, if you have beer, catmint, chocolate or candy to offer, gingerbread is also known to be appealing, but often trinkets will do - just think what might catch the eye of a curious cat or raven for possibilities there, and get AWAY while they're still admiring it cause you might not survive any expression of "gratitude" they may offer in return.

General rule of thumb though, if you can SEE them, you're too damn close, normally the thing that baits the foolish to them is their music, laughter or ryhmes - and especially fell ones will use cries of distress, which may have certain ethrallment effects on those susceptible to such, at which point they manifest visually and start exploiting sympathy or weakness to draw them the rest of the way in.
And they're particularly fond of exploiting protective instincts so the damsel in distress or distressed child game is very amusing to them and usually a sign you're dealing with one of the less kind examples of this critter.

At all costs though, avoid the circle, that for a fact.


I do not serve the Blind God.






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