End to the War on Drugs

UPDATED: Sunday, May 19, 2013 06:14
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Saturday, May 18, 2013 4:17 PM


from the Guardian


You wouldn't know it from listening to UK officials but a game-changing debate is taking place in the Americas about the war on drugs. There is a growing belief that the current punitive-based approach has failed. It has visited a savage level of violence on Latin America as narco cartels, moving cocaine and cannabis into the US, have butchered and bribed their way through the continent. The killing and corrupting of public officials – judges, police, politicians – threatened, and still threatens, to demolish the institutions of those states.

Those countries are now asking uncomfortable questions of the US and Europe, such as, why do we suffer so much in trying to prevent cocaine and cannabis leaving our countries in order to reach those markets where they are mostly consumed? There is near-unanimous agreement in Latin America that the war on drugs has failed.

A year ago, at the Summit of the Americas in Colombia, regional leaders, including Barack Obama, agreed to commission a study on drug policies and to recommend options. The report was delivered last week by the Organisation of American States (OAS), which includes all 35 North and South American countries. As we report on other pages, the report provides an evidence-based approach to rethinking the drugs war. It sets out different scenarios, including legalised, regulated markets, and provides a stimulus to debate new approaches. It also challenges America and Europe to engage with the new mood in Latin America.

Those countries are increasingly vocal in their determination to reset the war on drugs.

There are clear signals that one or more may unilaterally opt out and stop prosecuting those who pass drugs through their country. It is time for Europe and the US to join a conversation that has gained real momentum. If they leave it much longer, there is a danger no one in Latin America will be listening.


Saturday, May 18, 2013 4:51 PM


We've tried out here in California. Partial legalization, diversion to medical treatment or rehab rather than jail, legalized medical marijuana.

The Feds have clamped down, busting state-legal operations under federal laws, playing " mine's bigger than yours." Local jurisdictions have clamped down on the city/county level, claiming that pot shops attract other crimes. I haven't seen any ACTUAL numbers on that, so I can't say for sure.

I'm sure there has been abuse at the local pot shops-- They require a Doctor's prescription, but most of them have an " independent' doctor on the premises or next door. He'll see you cheap and write you one. Pot's good for stress, it's a natural tranquilizer, so he'll ask you to tell him about your stress, make a diagnosis, then get out his pen. And ya go right back next door.

And they continue to have big troubles with violence in Mexico, and in some American border towns/cities as Mexican drug gangs operate across the border.

MY homies up in Mendocino county seem to have the problem under control. The DA and Sheriff agreed publicly years ago not to enforce the laws against use and possession/cultivation.(Their position is a little more complex than that, but I don't know or need the details.) They had some trouble with growers in the National Forest jacking each others' stuff, noisily, with guns. But I haven't heard about any of that for a couple of years.

The other issue here in the US is political and partisan. Anybody advocates legalization, the Opposition party will be all over him with "He's soft on drugs!" "Obama snorts coke in the Oval Office." Obama OKs drugs for YOUR kids!" "Barrack Hussein lets Willie toke on the White House roof!" Might not have been Willie Nelson, but I seriously remember charges that somebody who performed at a W H function did, and it was "How much did Obama know and When?"

But then of course, EVERYTHING here is political and partisan. "Obama says Sun rises in East. How can we be sure? We'd better investigate to make sure he's not lying."


Sunday, May 19, 2013 6:14 AM


The laws against marijuana create the same problems as those created by prohibition, and are about as inspired.