Any Music majors around here that can explain this?

UPDATED: Sunday, February 9, 2014 15:21
VIEWED: 1536
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Thursday, January 23, 2014 9:00 PM


I was just recently re-introuduced to a 20 year old Game Boy Game, Metroid 2: Return of Samus.

Overall, the bleeps and blips and even the music of that game was sub-par, even for it's day (Tetris was the first game made for the system and arguably had the best music ever made on the Gameboy).

The main song on this game, which you heard nearly 1/3 of the time, was one of my favorite songs ever made on a video game.

Honestly, I just loved hearing it while I was playing the game. It's really only about 40 seconds repeated over and over for infinity. 20 years later I was humming along with the entire song the very first time it played. How is it possible for me to remember every single beat to this song this many years later without having thought about it in 18 years or so?

Kool to see kids today still appreciate the old video game classics :)

Hat tipped to this guy. Awesome!

Wow... I might like this one even better. Would love to hear a professional philharmonic orchestra play this song.

So.... how is it that I can forget the name of somebody I met yesterday, but I knew every single beat of this song I haven't heard for nearly 2 decades?


Friday, January 24, 2014 5:10 AM


Well, when it comes to old school game themes, this never fails to start stroking the kill frenzy oh so hard.



Saturday, January 25, 2014 9:51 AM


America loves a winner!

6IX - Nice find there. I can't say I've ever even heard of this game, so I never had heard its music either, but you do bring up a fine point... for such 'old school' games, they really still do have damn impressive tunes. I know the intent was to keep the experience of playing interesting, and there are other games ( Zelda, Mario Bros, etc... ) which have their own addictive quality , but this piece is really well done too!

I guess most folks never give much thought into how much work went into these early games. Something like Halo, sure, that's a full blown movie operation. But 30+ years ago, they weren't messin' around either.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, January 25, 2014 12:04 PM


Hey Rappy,

I know, right!

It's not so much a find as a re-awakening. Growing up with Nintendo and Gameboy and the SNES and Genesis and the hand-helds my brothers and I had a ton of access to some non mainstream music over the years.

Since the Playstation 1, the cability for a console game to "ape" off of pre-recorded music was there.

Before those days though, there were a few rare geniuses who knew enough about music and programming languages that tunes like this were created.

Now that tech has caught up, Video takes MUCH more processing power to get across. That's not how it was back in the day. When you were running Windows 3.1 on your computer, games spent 10 times the amount of processing power on sound than they did on the graphics.

To FREM: Awesome man. Somehow I missed most of the Wing Commander genre, but I know that both Tracy Scoggins and Gemma Atkinson played a role over the years.


Saturday, January 25, 2014 1:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Some people are just attuned to music. I can hum the theme of every TV show I watched as a kid (My Favorite Martian? Fireball XL5, anyone?) but can't remember visuals very well.

According to modern educational theory, there are visual learners and kinesthetic learners and audio learners... seven different modes of learning IIRC. I used to think it was hogwash, but as I've supervised many people over the years I've come to appreciate how different we are in nearly-invisible but very fundamental ways.

Do you dance?

BTW- when I have a lot of paperwork to do, I put up a playlist of compiled game OSTs. Never played the games, but really like Halo


Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:05 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
To FREM: Awesome man. Somehow I missed most of the Wing Commander genre, but I know that both Tracy Scoggins and Gemma Atkinson played a role over the years.

You really missed out, not only on the general awesomeness of the game, but the well told story as well.

One recurring character is Admiral Tolwyn, held up by some as heroic - but you learn his true nature early on as he accuses the main character of treason and incompetence while having him posted to the back end of nowhere for nearly a decade, a decision he's forced to rescind when the evidence (which Tolwyn knew all along) that the traitor was one of his own cronies and that the Kilrathi really did have stealth tech.

He's basically your typical rightwing fascist wannabe with good PR, and the creepy part is how in the novelization author William Forstchen tries to idealize those very nightmare traits - culminating in the plot of the fourth game centering around those Randian "ethics" of his as he attempts to deliberately provoke a war with the Border Worlds, who are a little too independant for his liking, and as a side order get in some good old fashioned darwinistic ethnic cleansing via bioweapons and a personal army of brownshirt wannabes (The Black Lance), nice guy, some "hero", right ?

The final showdown as both sides race to earth to confront the council assembly is pretty epic all by itself, as shown here, sans the actual flying of the missions which of course you get to do yourself...

But the real chops-buster is that your final victory comes not from a dogfight, but from showing the public WHAT TOLWYN REALLY IS.

And in the end, he gets exactly what he freakin DESERVES.
Of course, small comfort that is to the thousands of casualties his actions caused because no one but Blair was willing to call him out on what a monster he was.

The Spin-off games would likely appeal to you as well, particularly Wing Commander: Privateer, which is prettymuch open sandbox and you can do anything you're big and bad enough to get away with...

Although that errant missle shot reaaaalllly comes back to haunt you, oh yes.



Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:42 PM


It's quite possible that music engages more - or different - parts of your brain than just hearing someone's name does when being introduced to them. Plus, if you heard someone's name over and over for hours on end while playing a video game, you might remember it better. :)


Saturday, January 25, 2014 8:27 PM


BTW, Spotify recently added Led Zeppelin to their lineup. I did a playlist of favorite old Zep tunes that I hadn't heard since my turntable died, and I was amazed that I was able to sing along with songs I haven't heard in 25 years.

Maybe the stuff you learn in your youth just sticks harder because it has a deeper impact.


Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:17 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Well, they have Mandarin. Now if I could find a program for Navajo (Diné Bizaad) I'd be all set ...


Wednesday, January 29, 2014 1:16 PM


I don't have much Signy. Sure, I got some "stuff" and an easy existance, but most of my "stuff" is old-school first-hand purchases, or tech hand-me-downs from my younger bro and awesome sisinlaw.

"Stuff" doesn't seem to do much for me anymore. I spend at goodwill in an entire year on my "wardrobe" what I used to pay for two nice shirts at Carson's for full price back in 2000.

Music is my jam, baby...

Even if you're against 99% of the messages that come across in our weird, centrally controlled music-making-machine we're all subjected to.....

Imagine a world without music....

Aside from some uber-cool, and very less cool "blood" relationships I have, I can't think of anyone I'd rather spend some quality time with than my mp3 player while mowing my lawn. (I ONLY WISH MY SNOWBLOWER WASN'T SO LOUD!!!!!!)

Music is special.

Music is magical.

I remember being in 5th grade and having to perform part of a class-wide performance of "The Punctuation Rap".

I didn't know what the F "Rap" was back then. I went to school with 92% whites, 5% Middle Eastern descent, and the rest spread between majority mexican and a token black.

I remember making people laugh because I took the few gestures some white classmates probably learned off of "Yo, MTV Raps!" and exaggerated them to the extreme.

However that went down, Music was the key.

I don't remember anything else anybody else had to say about Grammar or Punctuation, but I'll never forget my line, and it's actually helped me on more than one occasion in my adulthood.....


The colon likes to show
a list that will come
his brother, the semi
will not be outdone
the semicolon joins
two sentences with no and
if you don't need a comma
he can take a stand!


I Know!

I learned more about the English Language in that single exercise than kids are even taught today all through public school.

Look it up on Wikipedia, if you must. The lyrics are "kosher" ;)

I didn't even know who goddamned Tupac was when I "rapped" that even though he's one of my heroes today.

Can't leave this without more awesome music.

Do I love this song because it was on the Donnie Darko soundtrack, or do I love Donnie Darko because the soundtrack was so epic?

I'm really only asking that not-rhetorically to Byte. :)


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Some people are just attuned to music. I can hum the theme of every TV show I watched as a kid (My Favorite Martian? Fireball XL5, anyone?) but can't remember visuals very well.

According to modern educational theory, there are visual learners and kinesthetic learners and audio learners... seven different modes of learning IIRC. I used to think it was hogwash, but as I've supervised many people over the years I've come to appreciate how different we are in nearly-invisible but very fundamental ways.

Do you dance?

BTW- when I have a lot of paperwork to do, I put up a playlist of compiled game OSTs. Never played the games, but really like Halo



Wednesday, January 29, 2014 1:23 PM


Is this a joke or an ad?

Or even worse, a highly intelligent AI that wrote that post (ad) for us based off of previous conversations we've had?

No offence, dude or dude-ette....

Do your thing.

If your AI was smart enough with the digging, they'd probably know that you'd be better off trying to sell sand to an Egyptian.


Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
So.... how is it that I can forget the name of somebody I met yesterday, but I knew every single beat of this song I haven't heard for nearly 2 decades?

Reminds me of:

earworms MBT takes the hard work out of learning a language!
Have you ever listened to a tune that you couldn't get out of your head? Now, earworms has adopted this approach to language learning, introducing a new range of revolutionary Apps. Introducing the first effective language course to get your toe tapping, just sit back, relax and with minimum concentration, you will find that picking up new vocabulary and phrases is easier than ever before.

Why is it so effective?
Developed by language teaching experts, the Earworms method is based on the science behind catchy songs that stick in your head. The music acts as a catalyst for the memorisation of words and anchors the new vocabulary deep in the long term memory. Listening to melodious music puts you into a relaxed state of alertness, the 'Alpha state' the ideal condition for learning. The sound patterns of melodies, with rhythmic repetitions from a mesmeric male voice who speaks the English and a native speaker for the target language, 'worm' their way deep into the memory, permanently burning into the aural cortex - an area of the brain from which words can instantly be recalled.

In this way, essential words and phrases will literally be ringing in your ears, making the learning of a new language effortless and enjoyable.

Sit back, relax and groove along to the melodies without trying to listen too hard. Treat them as songs you hear on the radio. Our recommendation is that you do familiarise yourself with the written words in the booklet - at least the first time you listen. After listening several times, playfully test yourself - cover up the English side of the phrase book and see how many words and phrases you remember!


A little over sold by the description, but it does work. Downside: you may find yourself answering someone in an odd sing-songy way, but it will at least be in their language.


Monday, February 3, 2014 2:16 PM



Monday, February 3, 2014 2:53 PM


Haha! They had a whole lot of Autotune and Dubstep back in the day too!

CC looks like my HS Quarteback on a steady diet of White Castle for 3 months straight here...

Here's the "studio" version for the yunngins.....

Oh, shit... not that one.....

Here it is....



Monday, February 3, 2014 3:18 PM


While we're at "debaucherous Male driven tunes of the 80's"...

Who could forget Huey Lewis's "New Drug".

Funny how the actual meaning in no way resembled what my parents told me it meaned at the time I first heard it :)


Monday, February 3, 2014 3:23 PM


I can play various instruments, although music was always my brother's thing. He's an overachiever, and I learned young that if I didn't want to be in his shadow it had to be in entirely different directions than whatever he was interested in.

Both of us played video games, though I was and am still the more serious gamer. To his credit though, he's beaten Halo on Legendary, whereas I have no ability whatsoever with first person shooters and stopped playing them sometime after Dark Forces 2.

Anyway, rambling aside, I can't name more than a few songs or bands if I wanted to because of this. But I do know a lot of video game songs. And as those songs grew more complex, they taught me to think in orchestra.

But some of the sounds they managed to coax out of those old game systems, even though they seem simple now, are kind of astonishing.


Monday, February 3, 2014 5:01 PM


I didn't even assume you for a Gamer Girl ;)

Does that mean you approve, Byte?

I'm willing to put my top 10 old-school NES/Gameboy tunes up against anything from XBox1 to XBox One. That even includes the original Playstation, even though it included a song by Pop Will Eat Itself as the theme song for "Loaded" which was basically the Perfect reworking of the early 90's Arcade game "Smash TV", sans the "Running Man" commentary. :)


Monday, February 3, 2014 6:17 PM



I didn't even assume you for a Gamer Girl ;)


I will go ultima on your ass if you call me that again.


Sunday, February 9, 2014 3:21 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

I didn't even assume you for a Gamer Girl ;)


I will go ultima on your ass if you call me that again.

Shiva, Please!






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