Je'n suis pas Charlie Hebdo

UPDATED: Thursday, January 29, 2015 14:16
VIEWED: 8141
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Thursday, January 15, 2015 8:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Charlie Hebdo Fired ‘Anti-Semitic’ Cartoonist For Ridiculing Judaism In 2009


Thursday, January 15, 2015 9:06 PM


America loves a winner!

Wow. Fired 5 years ago, and still whining?

Prolly was fired for more than just what he claims.


Thursday, January 15, 2015 11:38 PM


From what I've seen of Charlie Hebdo, they ridicule all religions and politicans. There are no sacred cows, including Judaism.

I have to admit to finding some of their cartoons offensive,and I can see how they offend. It would be a bit like depicting 'gollywogs' in the US now.

However, offended and murderous are very far apart.


Friday, January 16, 2015 7:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I wonder what would happen if Muslims had a humor mag that showed similar depictions of Christ, what Christians might do?
Oh, probably invade their nations and kill a million or so. Xtians. Sheesh, no sense of humor!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, January 16, 2015 8:03 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Apparently I should have put a wink emoji on my post as well. It was offered in the same spirit.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, January 16, 2015 9:25 AM


I keep thinking France has started WWIII, we just don't know it yet...
Another attack today in a post office.


Friday, January 16, 2015 10:22 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Wishimay:
I keep thinking France has started WWIII, we just don't know it yet...
Another attack today in a post office.

Man gave up. No sign that it was related. But how has FRANCE started all this?

Surely, you can't be serious.


Friday, January 16, 2015 6:02 PM


Are you asking because you want to want to know my thought processes or because you're playing devil's advocate?

Fine, I'll play...

If there is a person (and I'll call him Mr. Widget) that I know to have a history of violence and is also known to be mentally ill, and I decide to walk up to him and insult his mama and his guardian angel and Mr. Widget decides he's going to attack me while I sleep(AND I leave my door unlocked)- who is the bigger idiot?
The violent mentally ill man or the person insulting the violent, mentally ill man??
You can stand there and protest " shouldn't attack me because it's not ethical!!" but you are effectively provoking the fight because you REALLY should have known better (because being in the publication business unless they were FREAKING BLIND AND DEAF you know Muslims get violent about insulting their imaginary guardian angel) and then claiming martyrdom when Mr. Widget performs as expected....

The court of history SHOULD put the blame squarely on the French publication.

Is it RIGHT and FAIR? No. Sometimes LIFE ain't fair and sometimes for a society to grow there must be blood shed. And I have a feeling there will be oceans of blood coming soon.

Why? Because you just can't stop some people from poking a bear.

"But I had a stick and I could!"



Friday, January 16, 2015 11:22 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Wishimay:
Are you asking because you want to want to know my thought processes or because you're playing devil's advocate?

2 things w/ this... your thought process on repeating yourself " want to want to ...", and the other thing.

I point this out, because not only have I caught my own self doing the exact same thing, but I notice others do it too, from time to time.


Fine, I'll play...

If there is a person (and I'll call him Mr. Widget) that I know to have a history of violence and is also known to be mentally ill, and I decide to walk up to him and insult his mama and his guardian angel and Mr. Widget decides he's going to attack me while I sleep(AND I leave my door unlocked)- who is the bigger idiot?

Yep. A valid point.
The violent mentally ill man or the person insulting the violent, mentally ill man??

You can stand there and protest " shouldn't attack me because it's not ethical!!" but you are effectively provoking the fight because you REALLY should have known better (because being in the publication business unless they were FREAKING BLIND AND DEAF you know Muslims get violent about insulting their imaginary guardian angel) and then claiming martyrdom when Mr. Widget performs as expected....

All that is true, but you can't tell me that every single individual who saws heads off of innocent people, who murders family members in the name of 'honor ', or blows up 10 yr old little girls, ALL of them are 'kooky' in the head. I mean, really ?


The court of history SHOULD put the blame squarely on the French publication.

If they are guilty , then fine. But 12 shot dead, execution style, is NOT the proper sentence. No more than a man being tossed off the top of a building for the crime of being ' gay '. Are you going to blame HIM too ?


Is it RIGHT and FAIR? No. Sometimes LIFE ain't fair and sometimes for a society to grow there must be blood shed. And I have a feeling there will be oceans of blood coming soon.

Why? Because you just can't stop some people from poking a bear.

"But I had a stick and I could!"


Bears who threaten the village must be shot. Doesn't mean bears must be exterminated. Just the ones who are a threat.


Saturday, January 17, 2015 12:22 AM


I hate it when people break down every sentence...

Can you all not type in paragraph form or do you REALLY REALLY think it is muy importante to break down every last thought, even if 3/4 of them are relatively unimportant? I mean ....IZ A TYPO!!!

Yes, people who saw heads off other people ( who are relatively harmless) are generally lacking in sane thought processes.

Insane people generally don't sentence others to death in a sane manner, I thought we covered the insane part already....

Sooner or later ALL bears will threaten human populations if given the chance, we should shoot them all now before they get poked or trespass on our breathing room??? When there are no bears left, will man be happy then? Somehow, I doubt it...

Personally, I like bears better than people. I say we arm the bears


Saturday, January 17, 2015 12:42 AM


America loves a winner!

Technically, I don't think it's a typo, as it's not a mistake via transposing one letter for another, or some such.

I break down things sometimes to address specific points. Least I skip something important I want to say.

Armed bears would make for a safer world than armed Muslim terrorists. I think salmon and caribou might disagree though.


Saturday, January 17, 2015 9:57 AM


The truth is Charlie Weekly is an unfunny commie rag, they don't write jokes, they mock and insult. Before the massacre only the hip lefties in France bought this dreck. Now people are buying it because they think it's their duty to do so, like people here in the U.S. saw "The Interview", not because it was funny, (it isn't) but because they thought they were suppose to. I bet when most people actually read the crap in that rag, the sales of this so called "humor magazine" will plummet. I think most people bought it this week to sell it on e-bay, they'll learn very quickly it isn't worth more then it's face value. (if that) A few suckers will pay more then that...cause they're suckers.


Saturday, January 17, 2015 11:07 AM


America loves a winner!

" I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it "

It's not about liking or approving of the cartoons in Charlie Hebdo. We allow Huslter to stay in business, even though most ( all ? ) here would find its content despicable.


Saturday, January 17, 2015 11:31 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
" I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it "

It's not about liking or approving of the cartoons in Charlie Hebdo. We allow Huslter to stay in business, even though most ( all ? ) here would find its content despicable.

I wouldn't defend to my death anyone's right to free speech, and I would consider anyone who risked death to defend my free speech to be a fool. Free speech is a myth anyhow.


Saturday, January 17, 2015 11:51 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
" I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it "

It's not about liking or approving of the cartoons in Charlie Hebdo. We allow Huslter to stay in business, even though most ( all ? ) here would find its content despicable.

THIS isn't about free speech, it's about a bunch of assholes teasing an angry bear. They knew they were mocking the God of a bunch of loonatics, I bet they're going to tone it down now. And FYI, two police officers died trying to defend their right to be assholes.


Saturday, January 17, 2015 5:08 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Claims to know how these places are organized and even who pays for them. Gosh, it would have been nice if they'd included that information. Which makes me wonder why not print it.

It could have been SO much more informative than the innuendo they printed instead as if it was 'news'.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Saturday, January 17, 2015 6:10 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

information claimed but not printed:
... how these factories organize their work, the names of their directors, the instructions they give their employees, how they pay them and even the street addresses of some of these "factories of falsehood"

information without evidence (gossip - pssst, did you hear ...?):
the chief editor of the newspaper was one of President Vladimir Putin's trusted confidants during the last presidential election and, in general, has entrée into the highest Kremlin offices

innuendo printed as information:
it makes you wonder if Putin was sincere when he addressed words of sympathy to the French people

I personally would have been very interested to find out how this is bankrolled - wouldn't you? Or who gives the editorial direction. How many there are. And so on. Instead we're left in the dark about informative details and treated to pointless speculation.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Saturday, January 17, 2015 6:47 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
" I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it "

It's not about liking or approving of the cartoons in Charlie Hebdo. We allow Huslter to stay in business, even though most ( all ? ) here would find its content despicable.

THIS isn't about free speech, it's about a bunch of assholes teasing an angry bear. They knew they were mocking the God of a bunch of loonatics, I bet they're going to tone it down now. And FYI, two police officers died trying to defend their right to be assholes.

So why don't TEA party members try to firebomb MSNBC ?

It's entirely about free speech. don't be fooled.


Saturday, January 17, 2015 8:00 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So why don't TEA party members (...) to firebomb MSNBC ?

A verb in here would be helpful.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 9:23 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by 1kiki:

So why don't TEA party members (...) to firebomb MSNBC ?

A verb in here would be helpful.

Awww. You quoted me. It shows you care.

There may be tears.

* corrected above post, btw *


Sunday, January 18, 2015 9:41 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by AURaptor:
" I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it "

It's not about liking or approving of the cartoons in Charlie Hebdo. We allow Hustler to stay in business, even though most ( all ? ) here would find its content despicable.

Hustler magazine wrote a parody about religious leader Jerry Falwell. Falwell is not in the same stratus as the Prophet Mohammed, but Hustler's publisher, Larry Flynt, was shot because his magazine was offensive to Christians. Should we buy a copy of Hustler on every anniversary of the shooting to keep the memory alive of Larry's brave sacrifice for freedom? Maybe not. Remember Charlie Hebdo! Remember Hustler!

The parody that got Hustler's Larry Flynt shot,_Inc._v._Falwell :

Larry Flynt's Official Response to Jerry Falwell's Death:
“My mother always told me that no matter how much you dislike a person, when you meet them face to face you will find characteristics about them that you like. Jerry Falwell was a perfect example of that. I hated everything he stood for, but after meeting him in person, years after the trial, Jerry Falwell and I became good friends. He would visit me in California and we would debate together on college campuses. I always appreciated his sincerity even though I knew what he was selling and he knew what I was selling.

The most important result of our relationship was the landmark decision from the Supreme Court that made parody protected speech, and the fact that much of what we see on television and hear on the radio today is a direct result of my having won that now famous case which Falwell played such an important role in.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, January 18, 2015 10:29 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
" I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it "

It's not about liking or approving of the cartoons in Charlie Hebdo. We allow Hustler to stay in business, even though most ( all ? ) here would find its content despicable.

Hustler magazine wrote a parody about religious leader Jerry Falwell. Falwell is not in the same stratus as the Prophet Mohammed, but Hustler's publisher, Larry Flynt, was shot because his magazine was offensive to Christians. Should we buy a copy of Hustler on every anniversary of the shooting to keep the memory alive of Larry's brave sacrifice for freedom? Maybe not. Remember Charlie Hebdo! Remember Hustler!

Larry's still alive, so his sacrifice is still on display. If you want to buy a copy of Hustler, then I'm sure Larry and his fine organization would appreciate it. All the way ot the bank.

I'll not buy Hustler or Charlie Hebdo, but feel free to do so yourself.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 11:05 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
" I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it "

It's not about liking or approving of the cartoons in Charlie Hebdo. We allow Huslter to stay in business, even though most ( all ? ) here would find its content despicable.

THIS isn't about free speech, it's about a bunch of assholes teasing an angry bear. They knew they were mocking the God of a bunch of loonatics, I bet they're going to tone it down now. And FYI, two police officers died trying to defend their right to be assholes.

So why don't TEA party members try to firebomb MSNBC ?

It's entirely about free speech. don't be fooled.

The best way to damage MSNBC is to ignore it, and by the looks of their ratings it's working.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 11:17 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Right on time... even your responses to a post about Russian Trolls is in keeping with how the trolls operate - only 8 minutes ago even:
I'm sure you already know this, but just to make sure: congrats! You are part of the Russian Troll army.


To tell you the truth, I haven't been following this thread lately, but son, you just posted sheer flamebait. After a day of reflection and cooling off can't you see your post went to the whacko-darkside? If not, I think you need to go into isolation or something, because your brain is fevered and your judgment is lacking.

BTW, I don't see anything trollish in demanding evidence. Only liars, propagandists, dupes, and trolls would have a problem being asked for it.

And YOU'RE not any of that.
Are you?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 11:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The real reason why I came back into this thread was because I saw this yesterday, and found it too funny to pass up.

Remember the picture of our western leadership walking arm-in-arm, unified in outrage, leading a demonstration of millions of people in solidarity with freedom of the press?

Well, even if you were in Paris and somewhere near the start of the parade, you would be forgiven if you never caught sight of that vignette because ....

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 11:58 AM


America loves a winner!

Sig - you honestly believe this is some sort of secret, or conspiracy ?

That the leaders of the free world, and some parts not so free, would wander about the open streets a week after over a dozen citizens were shot and killed ?


...the front line of leaders was followed by just over a dozen rows other dignitaries and officials – after which there was a large security presence maintaining a significant gap with the throngs of other marchers

There's no THERE there with this photo, in the least. So what if they were in a secure, cordoned off section of the streets of Paris ?

Point is , they were there.

It's not much different than the top runners in the world being placed in their own group, in front of the 1000's of other runners.

It would be dirt stupid to have done it any other way.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 12:02 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Instead of photo opportunities on the streets of Paris for their reelection campaigns, these politicians should be in their home countries doing some work. But that's not their style of "governing".

Originally posted by AURaptor:
Larry's still alive, so his sacrifice is still on display. If you want to buy a copy of Hustler, then I'm sure Larry and his fine organization would appreciate it. All the way ot the bank.

I'll not buy Hustler or Charlie Hebdo, but feel free to do so yourself.

The White Supremacist murderer who shot Larry Flynt was executed in Nov 2013. The Charlie Hebdo murderers were executed in Jan 2015. And that is the Circle of Life. So why does the media and politicians want to kill even more Muslims? It is as if some people, once frightened by the news shows, lost all sense of proportion and justice. Nothing will make them feel safe again until everyone they hate is dead. Take a hint: that's a serious character flaw to want to murder people because you're frightened of them.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 12:03 PM


America loves a winner!

second - killing those who murder innocents isn't " the circle of life " . I think you need to go watch The Lion King again.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 12:12 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by AURaptor:
second - killing those who murder innocents isn't " the circle of life " . I think you need to go watch The Lion King again.

The murderers lived like beasts and they died like beasts.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 12:14 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Sig - you honestly believe this is some sort of secret, or conspiracy ?
That the leaders of the free world, and some parts not so free, would wander about the open streets a week after over a dozen citizens were shot and killed ?

...the front line of leaders was followed by just over a dozen rows other dignitaries and officials – after which there was a large security presence maintaining a significant gap with the throngs of other marchers

There's no THERE there with this photo, in the least. So what if they were in a secure, cordoned off section of the streets of Paris ?
Point is , they were there.
It's not much different than the top runners in the world being placed in their own group, in front of the 1000's of other runners.
It would be dirt stupid to have done it any other way.

Well, there is some disagreement as to whether the world leaders were even on the same route as the marchers, or in a cordoned-off side-street.

But, yes, I definitely agree it would be dirt stupid to do it any other way, but then why publish a clearly misleading photo in every outlet of western press, unless you're intending to mislead? This isn't an example of bad intent on the part of the western leaders as much as an example of the western press' commitment to whip up feeling. 'Cause publishing the reality would be such a buzzkill. (It usually is.)
Plus, it was funny.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 12:34 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
Sig - you honestly believe this is some sort of secret, or conspiracy ?
That the leaders of the free world, and some parts not so free, would wander about the open streets a week after over a dozen citizens were shot and killed ?

...the front line of leaders was followed by just over a dozen rows other dignitaries and officials – after which there was a large security presence maintaining a significant gap with the throngs of other marchers

There's no THERE there with this photo, in the least. So what if they were in a secure, cordoned off section of the streets of Paris ?
Point is , they were there.
It's not much different than the top runners in the world being placed in their own group, in front of the 1000's of other runners.
It would be dirt stupid to have done it any other way.

Well, there is some disagreement as to whether the world leaders were even on the same route as the marchers, or in a cordoned-off side-street.

But, yes, I definitely agree it would be dirt stupid to do it any other way, but then why publish a clearly misleading photo in every outlet of western press, unless you're intending to mislead? This isn't an example of bad intent on the part of the western leaders as much as an example of the western press' commitment to whip up feeling. 'Cause publishing the reality would be such a buzzkill. (It usually is.)
Plus, it was funny.

Per the link YOU gave, it clearly implied the leaders were at the forefront of " throngs of other marchers ".

How as it misleading ? I clearly saw the group of world leaders, marching not amongst the 1.5 million , but as a separate group, unto themselves.FOX showed this, as did CNN. There was no intent or chicanery going on here. To get a look at who is there, you have to zoom in on the actual faces.

I think this is a case of over analyzing and trying to pick some nits. Nothing more.

If the world leaders had met in say... Disney World, or some such, and claimed they were in Paris, then yeah, THAT would be a story. This ? Not so much.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 12:38 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
second - killing those who murder innocents isn't " the circle of life " . I think you need to go watch The Lion King again.

The murderers lived like beasts and they died like beasts.

I'd say you're doing a grave injustice in comparing beasts to those Necro Muslim sub humans.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 12:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

No, per the link I gave, there were several interpretations of where the western leaders actually were:

French TV has exposed the reality of the 'photo-op' seen-around-the-world: the 'dignitaries' were not in fact "at" the Paris rallies but had the photo taken on an empty guarded side street...


[The Independent ...] shows that the front line of leaders was followed by just over a dozen rows other dignitaries and officials – after which there was a large security presence maintaining a significant gap with the throngs of other marchers.


FT’s Middle East correspondent Borzou Daragahi commented: “Seems world leaders didn’t “lead” Charlie Hebdo marchers in Paris but conducted photo op on empty, guarded street.”
And there are more, so read more carefully.

I'm sure it could be cleared up exactly where the leaders were for that photo, but that's not the point. The point is, they weren't "leading the parade", as the universally-released version implies.

Plus, it was funny.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 12:45 PM


America loves a winner!

They were there.

And to quote your gal Hillary... " What difference, at this point, does it make ? "


Sunday, January 18, 2015 12:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by AURaptor:

They were there.

And to quote your gal Hillary... " What difference, at this point, does it make ? "

First of all, Hillary... Brzezinski-style neocon and Republican in drag, is SO not "my" gal. I thought she was more your style.

Second, if you can't figure out what the point of my post was, despite the fact that I repeated it two or three times, there's just no help for you.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 1:45 PM


America loves a winner!

So, he point is... You're paranoid ?

Knew that already.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 1:50 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Right on time... even your responses to a post about Russian Trolls is in keeping with how the trolls operate - only 8 minutes ago even:

So, just like you don't need any, yanno, real evidence for any of your claims, you don't actually care about the content of your own post. How ... typical. You might need to see a psychologist about that. Your need for confabulation is excessive.

Meanwhile, vital information goes unsaid, while empty claims are broadcast.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 2:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by AURaptor:
So, he [sic] point is... You're paranoid ?

No, the point is, it's FUNNY. Seeing all those leaders huddled together all by themselves. The comparison to the official version is priceless.

Official version

Real version

Man, if you can't see the humor in that ...

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 2:40 PM


ElvisChrist, are you taking notes. Here is some more of what you asked for.

Guns and bombs keep Russia out, do you have enough???


Sunday, January 18, 2015 3:15 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ... you're such a tool.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 3:27 PM



Sunday, January 18, 2015 3:58 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

GOOD JOB THUGR! Don't forget to tell your bosses what a smooth move you made.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, January 18, 2015 3:58 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.



Sunday, January 18, 2015 4:05 PM


America loves a winner!

Sig - I guess where I don't see the " humor " is that the " real version " is one which I also saw, live, or as reported, that very day. Like I can't see the faces of the individuals so clearly when you pull back to take a crowd shot.

What you're showing me isn't anything I didn't see the day of the march.

I liken it to covering a football game,or some similar event, that's not been sold out, where the fans sit down close to the field, to view the game. Most folks end up in the lower level , close to the field, or court. However, if the cameras pan out, you can see a lot of empty seats, up high.

Only here, the streets of Paris were flooded with over a million and a half people, so... as I said, there's not much THERE there w/ your fuss over all this.

Maybe you're a bit bent at the idea that they didn't march " with the people" , where as I think the key point here was they all came and marched TOGETHER, as representatives of their home countries, as a show of solidarity.


Monday, January 19, 2015 12:38 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Are you describing the Russian News Media? Russian Government?

Or you?

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, January 19, 2015 1:00 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Btw - I did look up some of the salient facts I was interested in.

Says twice it's undisclosed private financing, then says it's the government. Evidence for either statement? None.
This says there's a $10M budget. Evidence? None. Who supplies the cash? Not addressed.
This claims a 'million dollar army' (as opposed to the link above that claims $10M) ... run, supposedly by the 'Internet Research Agency' and financed by the Kremlin, or a caterer named Prigozhin. Evidence? "not easy"

So - a claim to have solid information - sure would have been nice if they had specifically addressed that. But, like everything else you post and fervently believe - it was just another whiff of smelly hot air.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, January 19, 2015 3:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Right on time... even your responses to a post about Russian Trolls is in keeping with how the trolls operate - only 8 minutes ago even:
I'm sure you already know this, but just to make sure: congrats! You are part of the Russian Troll army.- GSTRING


To tell you the truth, I haven't been following this thread lately, but son, you just posted sheer flamebait. After a day of reflection and cooling off can't you see your post went to the whacko-darkside? If not, I think you need to go into isolation or something, because your brain is fevered and your judgment is lacking.
BTW, I don't see anything trollish in demanding evidence. Only liars, propagandists, dupes, and trolls would have a problem being asked for it.
And YOU'RE not any of that.
Are you?

Fake astonishment aside, you and Kiki obviously don't care about facts

HAHAHAHA! I've spent much of my adult life caring about facts. More than that, I care about the truth.

Now, you may think I mean "truth" as in "sincerity, honest belief, non-deception" but what I mean by "truth" is the other definition: Correspondence to reality. As a scientist, I know that "truth" is more than the sum of separate observations and disparate facts. There are underlying processes and categories which tie observations together, such as the truth that "fire" isn't a magic process, it's the rapid combination of an oxidant (usually oxygen) with some other material, releasing energy. So while it's necessary to observe events keenly, so have the requisite facts, by themselves they don't form a hypothesis.


If she really did she could easily find them, there are loads of articles with more detail about the Russian Social Media Troll Armies. But neither of you care, so you will do what I said Trolls will do, and what is pretty obvious troll behavior: deny, deflect, ask for cites. Hey, we all want stuff! Kiki says she wants more info ("it would be nice if...").
You're the one making the claim, doesn't it behoove you bring evidence to the table?


Me, I want a free western press so the western people aren't continually being lied to.
Hey, I want that too!


Speaking of facts: It is a FACT that you and Kiki use some of the same phrases and make many of the same deflections at the same time as they have been introduced by SMTA
I have no idea what you're talking about. What is this?

on Twitter/
I don't have a Twitter account

Nor do I have a FB page

and in MSM/News comment sections
And I rarely read the MSM, and never read the comments, which are for the most part puerile.

Sorry child, but it's very obvious.
Yes, it's very obvious that rather than engage IN THE TOPIC you prefer to cast aspersions, seek to destroy by innuendo, and engage in character assassination by the liberal use of completely made-up allegations.

Those are classic disinformation tools, guaranteed to take the discussion off the topic and direct people's thoughts AWAY FROM evidence and logic. So what does that say about you and your "little army" of whatever-the-heck-you-and-your-ilk-are-doing-here? Can we be sure YOU'RE not NSA-paid bots? Because it is a FACT that you use the same phrases, repeat the same allegations and character assassinations and propaganda at about the same time as they have been introduced by the Kiev Post, the VOA, and in other western security-friendly publications.


As far as: "Only liars, propagandists, dupes, and trolls would have a problem being asked for it." -SIGNY
Are you describing the Russian News Media? Russian Government?

No, I'm describing you. You're the one posting here, correct?

Now, personally, I don't care much about this thread and whether it get crapped up with your innuendo, aspersions, and castigations. But you and your ilk crap up EVERY discussion with the same shit, over and over. So either you're complete dupes who truly believe the crap you spew, or you're intentional disinformationalists, or you're trolls.

FWIW, I vote for "dupes". You're too stupid to be anything else.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, January 19, 2015 4:20 PM


Kiki the Old Sow: "You know Je'n suis pas Charlie Hebdo is not proper French."

Sniggy the Piggy: "You know your droppings are landing on my feet."


Monday, January 19, 2015 7:37 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So OF COURSE anything we post you pre-dismiss.

Let's take a look at one comment, one you seem to think is both truthful and logical:
"... and harsh epithets (neo-Nazis) hurled at the demonstrators in Kiev — who President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia belatedly acknowledged had legitimate gripes against a corrupt and failed government."

Is it a logical argument? What does the presence or non-presence of Nazis/ neo-Nazis in the current government and in the coup have to do with whether or not the 'gripes' were legitimate? Nothing at all. Both could be true, or false, or one true and the other false - they are logically disconnected. Having legitimate gripes doesn't negate the role of the Nazis. So much for the supposed logic of the argument, and BTW the integrity of the person who would make it. (And the person who would believe it.)

Now on to the substantive facts. There are Nazis in the current government, who participated in the coup.

Yes, There Are Bad Guys in the Ukrainian Government

Svoboda began life in the mid-90s as the Social-National Party (a name deliberately redolent of the National Socialist Party, better known as Nazis), with its logo the fascist Wolfsangel.

image added for illustration

In 2004, the party gave itself an unobjectionable new name (Svoboda means "Freedom") and canned the Nazi imagery, and in the subsequent decade has seen its star swiftly rise.

Today, Svoboda holds a larger chunk of its nation’s ministries (nearly a quarter, including the prized defense portfolio) than any other far-right party on the continent. Ukraine’s deputy prime minister represents Svoboda (the smaller, even more extreme "Right Sector" coalition fills the deputy National Security Council chair), as does the prosecutor general and the deputy chair of parliament — where the party is the fourth-largest. And Svoboda’s fresh faces are scarcely different from the old: one of its freshmen members of parliament is the founder of the "Joseph Goebbels Political Research Centre" and has hailed the Holocaust as a "bright period" in human history.

(If you go to the website you'll see that these claims are helpfully linked to evidence.)

And what is this publication Foreign Policy? A highly respected and often awarded one.

So this comment that is supposedly both truthful and logical turns out it's neither. And you have a problem with it getting negative comments? You think everyone who bases their response in facts is somehow a paid Russian troll?


SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015 12:20 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Whatever indeed.

Pictures from JSS and THUGR .... how appropriate. Once again, words failed them!

Anyway, this is just too stupid for response.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.






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