How could the world benefit from making "scrapping" illegal.....?

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 1, 2015 23:50
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Wednesday, July 1, 2015 11:50 PM


So I came home from running errands tonight and as I was pulling up in my driveway I hear a cop siren. "Am I being pulled over in my own driveway?", I think to myself. As rediculous as that notion was, it wasn't me being pulled over. My neighbor was being pulled over in his old pickup truck and there was a cop sitting in his driveway right behind him with his lights on. I was just about to pull out my trash and some scrap from my own garage I'm clearing out. I didn't want to pry, and I'm allergic to cops, so I closed up shop and waited it out.

Before I went inside I heard the cop yell "Get back in your truck or I'm hauling your ass in jail!"


I admit I'm not besties with this guy even though we've been next door neighbors for going on 4 years, but I think I'm a pretty good judge of character and unless times got really bad for a single dad with a daughter to protect, this guy doesn't deserve to be treated this way by police.

A half hour later I went back out and the coast was clear. I was wheeling my trash to the curb and I hear "so... have you ever been pulled over in your own driveway before?".

We talked for about 20 minutes after that. I guess it's illegal to pick up scrap metal on the curbs here. If the recycler trucks picked up the scrap, maybe that would be one thing, but I know for a fact that unless it's in the recycle bin the recycle trucks skip it and the trash men pick it up.....

Why the Fuck would you outlaw people from doing their part to save the environment, even if they're making a quick buck on the side? Turns out, my neighbor makes about 100 bucks a week scrapping. This is copper and steel and iron and everything in between that would otherwise be buried in a landfill with chicken bones, used condoms and diapers and other heinous shit that is now being recycled as it should be.

He has a couple of friends on the force and was able to call them on his cell phone after being yelled at and it turned out to be a "happy ending".

Color me a little disturbed that my neighbor who is just scraping by and doesn't hurt anyone while looking out for his daughter would be screamed at by some crazy cop like that for a victimless crime such as scrapping.

Well.... As I told him. At least it's nice to know we still live in a community where the cops have nothing better to do than harass upstanding, working men, right?