I'm so impressed by the Stoneman Douglas High School students

UPDATED: Thursday, October 13, 2022 12:12
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Friday, February 16, 2018 4:01 PM


... stay crunchy...

They have been so impressive - amazing candor and intelligent reactions from these young people. Yes, of course, there will some immaturity, but overall, just amazing.


Monday, February 19, 2018 7:08 AM


... stay crunchy...


Monday, February 19, 2018 7:13 AM


... stay crunchy...

Again - embarrassing the "adults":

Trump tweet angers survivors of Parkland shooting

Washington (CNN)Students who survived the Parkland, Florida, shooting laid into President Donald Trump after he linked the FBI's failure to follow up on a report about the school shooter and the resources expended on the Russia investigation.

On Saturday, Trump tweeted, "Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - there is no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud!"

The President's tweet caused considerable outrage online, including among apparent survivors of the shooting:
"17 of my classmates are gone. That's 17 futures, 17 children, and 17 friends stolen. But you're right, it always has to be about you. How silly of me to forget. #neveragain"

"17 innocent people were brutally murdered at my school, a place where they should have felt safe. Their lives were gone in an instant. You are the President of the United States and you have the audacity to put this on Russia as an excuse. I guess I should expect that from you."

" friends were brutally murdered and you have the nerve to make this about Russia. I can not believe this"

"Oh my god. 17 OF MY CLASSMATES AND FRIENDS ARE GONE AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO MAKE THIS ABOUT RUSSIA???!! HAVE A DAMN HEART. You can keep all of your fake and meaningless 'thoughts and prayers'."

Several of the student's responses went viral, getting thousands of retweets. As of this writing, one of them had been retweeted more times than the President's original message.

Many students who survived the Parkland shooting have been vocal about what they experienced, and about the action they want to see from those in power.

Parkland students say, 'We are going to be the last mass shooting'
Alex Wind, a survivor, told CNN's Fredricka Whitfield that he did not plan to attend a listening session Trump has scheduled on Wednesday with high school students and teachers, and that the President needed to reach out to the students.
"If Donald Trump wants to listen to us, he should have taken the first invitation," Wind said. "We are not going to come to him. He is going to need to come to us."

Emma Gonzalez, speaking in the same interview, said she suspected his scheduled listening session could be a sign Trump does not want to face outraged victims of the shooting.
"The fact that he has organized this just proves that he's scared of us and that he doesn't want to have to face us," Gonzalez said.

Trump on Friday visited a Florida hospital where many of the victims were treated, as well as the sheriff's office.
David Hogg, one of the students, spoke on NBC's "Meet the Press" and issued an angry and passionate call for Trump to take action on the issue.
"You're the President," Hogg said. "You're supposed to bring this nation together, not divide us. How dare you? Children are dying, and their blood is on your hands because of that. Please take action. Stop going on vacation in Mar-a-Lago. Take action. Work with Congress. Your party controls both the House and Senate. Take action, get some bills passed, and for God's sake, let's save some lives."


Monday, February 19, 2018 8:38 AM


I was more impressed with my generation, yanno... before Columbine. Before metal detectors at schools. Back in the days when my parents never had to have that nagging feeling in the back of their minds that every time they sent me and my brothers to school that it might be the last time they saw us.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, February 19, 2018 12:01 PM


Me too, I'm impressed. It looked a lot like I ain't gonna take it any more. I want to see what the marches look like in March. I hope they are massive and nation wide.



Monday, February 19, 2018 1:30 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Again - embarrassing the "adults":

Trump tweet angers survivors of Parkland shooting

Washington (CNN)Students who survived the Parkland, Florida, shooting laid into President Donald Trump after he linked the FBI's failure to follow up on a report about the school shooter and the resources expended on the Russia investigation.

On Saturday, Trump tweeted, "Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - there is no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud!"

The President's tweet caused considerable outrage online, including among apparent survivors of the shooting:
"17 of my classmates are gone. That's 17 futures, 17 children, and 17 friends stolen. But you're right, it always has to be about you. How silly of me to forget. #neveragain"

"17 innocent people were brutally murdered at my school, a place where they should have felt safe. Their lives were gone in an instant. You are the President of the United States and you have the audacity to put this on Russia as an excuse. I guess I should expect that from you."

" friends were brutally murdered and you have the nerve to make this about Russia. I can not believe this"

"Oh my god. 17 OF MY CLASSMATES AND FRIENDS ARE GONE AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO MAKE THIS ABOUT RUSSIA???!! HAVE A DAMN HEART. You can keep all of your fake and meaningless 'thoughts and prayers'."

Several of the student's responses went viral, getting thousands of retweets. As of this writing, one of them had been retweeted more times than the President's original message.

Many students who survived the Parkland shooting have been vocal about what they experienced, and about the action they want to see from those in power.

Parkland students say, 'We are going to be the last mass shooting'
Alex Wind, a survivor, told CNN's Fredricka Whitfield that he did not plan to attend a listening session Trump has scheduled on Wednesday with high school students and teachers, and that the President needed to reach out to the students.
"If Donald Trump wants to listen to us, he should have taken the first invitation," Wind said. "We are not going to come to him. He is going to need to come to us."

Emma Gonzalez, speaking in the same interview, said she suspected his scheduled listening session could be a sign Trump does not want to face outraged victims of the shooting.
"The fact that he has organized this just proves that he's scared of us and that he doesn't want to have to face us," Gonzalez said.

Trump on Friday visited a Florida hospital where many of the victims were treated, as well as the sheriff's office.
David Hogg, one of the students, spoke on NBC's "Meet the Press" and issued an angry and passionate call for Trump to take action on the issue.
"You're the President," Hogg said. "You're supposed to bring this nation together, not divide us. How dare you? Children are dying, and their blood is on your hands because of that. Please take action. Stop going on vacation in Mar-a-Lago. Take action. Work with Congress. Your party controls both the House and Senate. Take action, get some bills passed, and for God's sake, let's save some lives."

Are you saying that these 17-year-olds have successfully regurgitated verbatim the pablum their Libtard Public School Union teachers/indoctrinators have shovelled into their holes, and that this narrative conforms to your worldview?

Or are you saying that your level of critical thinking capability is so stunted that it matches those who have not graduated High School?

Either way, I am shocked by such revelation. Just shocked, I say.

Perhaps you feel these globetrotting teens have such great experience in global affairs that their worldview far outdistances yours. Again, no surprise that teens are more mature than you.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 2:30 PM



Are you saying that these 17-year-olds have successfully regurgitated verbatim the pablum their Libtard Public School Union teachers/indoctrinators have shovelled into their holes, and that this narrative conforms to your worldview?

Or are you saying that your level of critical thinking capability is so stunted that it matches those who have not graduated High School?

Either way, I am shocked by such revelation. Just shocked, I say.

Perhaps you feel these globetrotting teens have such great experience in global affairs that their worldview far outdistances yours. Again, no surprise that teens are more mature than you.

This is low even for you Jewels. Yes, we can all learn something from these young adults.



Wednesday, February 21, 2018 3:09 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Are you saying that these 17-year-olds have successfully regurgitated verbatim the pablum their Libtard Public School Union teachers/indoctrinators have shovelled into their holes, and that this narrative conforms to your worldview?

Or are you saying that your level of critical thinking capability is so stunted that it matches those who have not graduated High School?

Either way, I am shocked by such revelation. Just shocked, I say.

Perhaps you feel these globetrotting teens have such great experience in global affairs that their worldview far outdistances yours. Again, no surprise that teens are more mature than you.

This is low even for you Jewels. Yes, we can all learn something from these young adults.


I consider truth and fact to be a High Standard to shoot for, not a low.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 3:58 PM


America loves a winner!

Yes, the canned, rehearsed and scripted talking points have been all over social media.


What ever.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 4:13 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Yes, the canned, rehearsed and scripted talking points have been all over social media.


What ever.

Yep it is. Only problem is it's more fake news. You rappy, you are spreading. Just as the Yale and Oxford studies said guys like you did during the election. This shits too funny.

Wait for it rappy, I or some else will post the video proving this.

Dummy, Troll...



Wednesday, February 21, 2018 4:23 PM


Found it rappy. As soon as it's ready it will post here. I'm telling ya, this is why you stopped posting in real world. You made yourself look stupid because you're so biased. Facts and you just don't go good together.

Oil and water rappy. Facts and common sense with you are like oil and water. I saw this video this morning. I new this would happen with you. I was waiting. Thanks for not disappointing. Dummy....

Their trolling these children online. Oh wait, rappy, you're trolling these children online. I warned you about trusting guys who make videos in their basements. Will you ever learn? I think not.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:05 PM


America loves a winner!

Useful idiots like you are why I don't bother w/ this site, for a dead t.v. series that has no hope of ever being revived.

msnbc ? Yeah the same guys who SERIOUSLY mapped out a pre-election forecast that had Hillary winning - 100 %

Columbine was committed , like this last shooting, in a " gun free " zone, during the middle of the " assault gun " ban, while a Democrat was in office. No one blamed Clinton for that one.

Obama which allowed for the * legalization of ' bump stock ' devices, which to date have been used in exactly ONE mass shooting. Obama doesn't get any blame for that , does he ? Meanwhile, Trump is promoting banning bump stock ( probably won't pass legal standing ) and wow !! He's still to blame for this psycho who everyone KNEW was violent and had been expelled for fear of everyone's life, but no one did a damn thing about.

Not even the FBI , who couldn't figure out the user's ID on YouTube, even though his account name WAS HIS ACTUAL NAME !

You, as are these kids " movement " are 100% fake.


Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:10 PM


What the fuck does that have to do with you posting fake news and trolling children. Nothing...

Here are some facts for you dummy. The NRA brought 10 million dollars in TV adds supporting Trump.

They spent 20 million dollars on adds against Hillary.

Wait for it dummy. The NRA is being investigated for wittingly or unwittingly funneling money from Russia into the election.



Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:13 PM


America loves a winner!

NRA spent good money in defeating Hillary.

Every American should be glad for it too !


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:15 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Useful idiots like you are why I don't bother w/ this site, for a dead t.v. series that has no hope of ever being revived.

msnbc ? Yeah the same guys who SERIOUSLY mapped out a pre-election forecast that had Hillary winning - 100 %

Columbine was committed , like this last shooting, in a " gun free " zone, during the middle of the " assault gun " ban, while a Democrat was in office. No one blamed Clinton for that one.

Obama which allowed for the * legalization of ' bump stock ' devices, which to date have been used in exactly ONE mass shooting. Obama doesn't get any blame for that , does he ? Meanwhile, Trump is promoting banning bump stock ( probably won't pass legal standing ) and wow !! He's still to blame for this psycho who everyone KNEW was violent and had been expelled for fear of everyone's life, but no one did a damn thing about.

Not even the FBI , who couldn't figure out the user's ID on YouTube, even though his account name WAS HIS ACTUAL NAME !

You, as are these kids " movement " are 100% fake.


Wait a sec....Bump Stocks.
I wonder how many Black Lives in Chicago have been ended by Bump Stocks? None?
This must mean it's RACIST!! Banning bump stocks means you don't care about Black Lives.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:18 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Yes, the canned, rehearsed and scripted talking points have been all over social media.


What ever.

The brainwashing is strong with these kids.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:34 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
Yes, the canned, rehearsed and scripted talking points have been all over social media.


What ever.

The brainwashing is strong with these kids.

Look, I know you and rappy don't get it because you're sick. Still, I'll say it again. These children are afraid to go to school, upset about their friends being killed, and you guys are trolling them.

It doesn't take rocket science to figure out you're sick



Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:37 PM


America loves a winner!

Because not every life in Chicago is a school age child, #NotOneMore doesn't really fit the anti-gun narrative. Oh, and the fact that Obama is from Chicago, and his former chief of staff as been a multi term mayor, all while this genocide is going on, some how escapes the social media warriors.

Wonder why.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:44 PM


America loves a winner!

No one is trolling the survivors of a school shooting. We just honestly find it disgusting that you and others are praising the manipulation and exploitation going on , simply to promote a political agenda. NOTHING MORE.

And you know it.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:47 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
No one is trolling the survivors of a school shooting. We just honestly find it disgusting that you and others are praising the manipulation and exploitation going on , simply to promote a political agenda. NOTHING MORE.

And you know it.

You've posted lies about them. That's trolling and that's sick.



Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:48 PM


Found it rappy. As soon as it's ready it will post here. I'm telling ya, this is why you stopped posting in real world. You made yourself look stupid because you're so biased. Facts and you just don't go good together.

Oil and water rappy. Facts and common sense with you are like oil and water. I saw this video this morning. I new this would happen with you. I was waiting. Thanks for not disappointing. Dummy....

Their trolling these children online. Oh wait, rappy, you're trolling these children online. I warned you about trusting guys who make videos in their basements. Will you ever learn? I think not.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:52 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by THGRRI:

You've posted lies about them. That's trolling and that's sick.

You're lying, you fucking troll. I've posted no lies about ANY of them.

Logical conclusion of all this protesting - confiscation and outlawing of all guns, leaving guns in the hands of only ... 1. criminals and 2. the police. And how many Leftists are going to HONESTLY sit there and tell us , with a straight face, they totally trust the police ??


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 8:45 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
And how many Leftists are going to HONESTLY sit there and tell us , with a straight face, they totally trust the police ??

That, my friends, is what we call SJW checkmate.

Any Black Lives Matter or antifa activists still here?

What say you, reaverfan?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 11:50 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
No one is trolling the survivors of a school shooting. We just honestly find it disgusting that you and others are praising the manipulation and exploitation going on , simply to promote a political agenda. NOTHING MORE.

And you know it.

I am not certain that they actually do know. So so much goes way over their heads.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 11:58 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
You've posted lies about them. That's trolling and that's sick.

You're lying, you fucking troll. I've posted no lies about ANY of them.

Logical conclusion of all this protesting - confiscation and outlawing of all guns, leaving guns in the hands of only ... 1. criminals and 2. the police. And how many Leftists are going to HONESTLY sit there and tell us , with a straight face, they totally trust the police ??

What they are trying to say, with full logic, is that they want more Criminals and outlaws to have guns, and no Good Guys to interfere. Plus schools where nobody will be allowed to have defensive weapons to interfere with psychotropic drugged Spree Killers.


Thursday, February 22, 2018 9:29 AM


Truth and hear this...........these young people have shown that they are not just going to lay down and take the bullshit that is the NRA, the Republican Congress, the president and any and all "negative Nellies."

They have shown that truth and fact are alive and well and living in Parkland Florida, by speaking their minds and making an impact. And yes, they are better than me when I was their age. I was busy playing sports, going out with my friends, talking back to my teachers, driving my mom crazy, etc. Typical teenage stuff.

I didn't have a brain until I got to college. Then I began to protest and speak my mind. Now, for all you geniuses....I don't speak for you, I speak for myself and for those that have the capacity to understand how truth works. You can wish it, but it doesn't make it so. These kids have substance, brains and, above all, courage.

Nothing you say can make that go away. Those and others who have experienced what they've experienced will soon be of voting age. So, we shall see....won't we. 2020 is not far off. And that's the reality and truth of the situation.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Are you saying that these 17-year-olds have successfully regurgitated verbatim the pablum their Libtard Public School Union teachers/indoctrinators have shovelled into their holes, and that this narrative conforms to your worldview?

Or are you saying that your level of critical thinking capability is so stunted that it matches those who have not graduated High School?

Either way, I am shocked by such revelation. Just shocked, I say.

Perhaps you feel these globetrotting teens have such great experience in global affairs that their worldview far outdistances yours. Again, no surprise that teens are more mature than you.

This is low even for you Jewels. Yes, we can all learn something from these young adults.


I consider truth and fact to be a High Standard to shoot for, not a low.


Thursday, February 22, 2018 10:17 AM


They aren't making any impact. Nobody will even remember this happened by the end of March.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 22, 2018 10:26 AM


Trump Jr. ripped for 'liking' conspiracy theories on Parkland survivors

Comedians on the late-night TV circuit got serious on Wednesday as they slammed Donald Trump Jr. for reportedly boosting conspiracy theories about last week's school shooting in Florida, including one that called a survivor an agent of “the deep state media.”



Thursday, February 22, 2018 10:33 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm impressed too. Students nowadays are very media-savvy and articulate; much more so than when I was young. But what I find depressing is that we NEED media-savvy, assertive, near-adults to make their case. What about the little kids at Sandy Hook? All THEY could do was suffer in silence. Is that all who we pay attention to? The loudest voices? Are the smallest, quietest victims always doomed to suffer in silence in our noisy-media-focused society?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, February 22, 2018 10:41 AM


From U.S. News & World Report - Sept. 29, 2016

Race and Homicide in America, by the Numbers
New federal statistics have some interesting things to say about interracial killings and ‘black-on-black’ homicides.

White and Black Victims


Black people have consistently accounted for close to half the country's homicide victims, making up more than 50 percent of the broader pool of those killed overall every year since 2010. The number of black victims increased 15 percent in 2015 over 2014.
Of the 13,455 cases from last year in which the FBI listed a victim's racial information, 7,039 victims – or 52.3 percent – were black. That compares with 5,854 cases – or 43.5 percent – in which the victim was white, an increase of about 8 percent from last year.
It's a disparity that becomes more pronounced in the context of population, as 2015 Census estimates suggest that whites account for 77.1 percent of the overall U.S. population of roughly 321 million, while blacks comprise 13.3 percent.

Why don't we just start the Civil War and be done with it? It's quite obvious what Trump is looking to do, so why don't we have one last epic battle. It will not be a long fight, but it could settle things once and for all. It all started the day the first European settlers landed on these shores, as they slowly claimed the land as their own.

Well, according to Kenneth C. Davis, a historian with the Smithsonian, the first settlers were French...

the French settlement of Fort Caroline, France’s first foothold in the Americas, located near present-day Jacksonville, on what the French called the River of May...They were France’s first colonists in the New World—and the true first “Pilgrims” in America.(in 1565)

Well, that doesn't mean shit today, especially when you have Trump claiming the USA for all the white folk from Europe as the "rightful" owners. MAGA


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Originally posted by AURaptor:
Because not every life in Chicago is a school age child, #NotOneMore doesn't really fit the anti-gun narrative. Oh, and the fact that Obama is from Chicago, and his former chief of staff as been a multi term mayor, all while this genocide is going on, some how escapes the social media warriors.

Wonder why.


Thursday, February 22, 2018 10:57 AM


It's funny, but these are educated white kids who are leading the way and soon will have the nation's high schoolers walking about. Good for them, I hope they embarrass the fuck out of these sleazy-ass politicians like Rubio, and Rick Scott.

Funny #2: They got Trump a little nervous as they were invited to the White House for a "listening" sessions (ha, I misspelled session like Drump). Of course, we all know the truth, he's just trying to do the old bait and switch. He doesn't give a fuck about these kids. He just wants to buy some time to keep them at bay while he thinks of something to fuck them over. That's the reality of it all.

Fucking scumbag, he will go to LaPeePee and suck his dick until he tells him to stop. But 2020 is soon coming and these kids will be of voting age. Trump and LaPeePee will overplay their hand, and then they will get fucked in the ass real good. Out they go....bye, bye. I know, no one votes for the NRA. Maybe someone will shoot LaPeePee with an AR-15, God willing, and be rid of his tired old wrinkled ass. That would be poetic justice.

Some kid, an 18-year-old, will buy an AR-15, with an expired license, buy ammo, load up and go to an NRA rally where he goes wild and shoots up the place hitting LaPeePee right between the eyes. I will do a dance on the rooftop and bust off a few rounds in his honor, a whooping and a yelling.....YEEEEEEHAAAAAAA!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
They aren't making any impact. Nobody will even remember this happened by the end of March.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 22, 2018 11:49 AM


The parents of the kids from Sandy Hook spoke for their children, as it should be. The impressive kids from Parkland are speaking for them now. Yes, they are media savvy, and well-spoken and they shouldn't have to travel hundreds of miles to Tallahassee and D.C. to be heard. I'm impressed that they have taken action, when they should be grieving. That takes intestinal fortitude, courage and a whole lot of chutzpah. Bravo young people of Parkland. Go get 'em!

It impresses me because, they were subjected to a horrific and despicable act of violence by someone who never should have been allowed to purchase a killing machine, the AR-15. It is a weapon of war.....NOT A GUN! That's like saying that everyone has the right to own a 50-caliber machine gun, because well, the 2d Amendment. But, who's to say that this is a sign of the media-savvy times. It's all a part of instant gratification with social media and television at every turn. But that's like saying that the woman got pregnant because she had sex. There is a little thing called a condom. And there's the breakdown of the family. so many things, so little time. There is a solution, but the people who's job it is to serve the public, the elected officials, are afraid to lose their places of privilege.

Why are we the only advanced civilized culture in the world with this problem?


Are the smallest, quietest victims always doomed to suffer in silence in our noisy-media-focused society?

The answer is Yes. We now have Dodge City-itis!

With the adults in charge, that will continue to happen. The Florida state legislature refused to meet with these brilliant young people. Cowards.
By the way, great idea by Trump and the NRA. Arm the teachers! Sure, that will solve the problem. "Trained armed guards," says LaPiere. Wait, didn't we have that already?


In 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 15 people and wounded 23 more at Columbine High School. The destruction occurred despite the fact that there was an armed security officer at the school and another one nearby - exactly what LaPeePee argued (sic) as the answer to stopping a bad guy with a gun.
By Amanda Terkel, HuffPost, updated: 12/23/2012

They may be young, but they are nobody's fool. They may be a bit naïve, but FUCK they have cojones. I like that they are taking it to the cowardly politicos and putting their feet to the fire. The youth of the country, there's hope yet. Give them HELL Parkland Eagles!



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I'm impressed too. Students nowadays are very media-savvy and articulate; much more so than when I was young. But what I find depressing is that we NEED media-savvy, assertive, near-adults to make their case. What about the little kids at Sandy Hook? All THEY could do was suffer in silence. Is that all who we pay attention to? The loudest voices? Are the smallest, quietest victims always doomed to suffer in silence in our noisy-media-focused society?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, February 22, 2018 11:59 AM


What about those 4 soldiers that were killed in Niger?



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Because not every life in Chicago is a school age child, #NotOneMore doesn't really fit the anti-gun narrative. Oh, and the fact that Obama is from Chicago, and his former chief of staff as been a multi term mayor, all while this genocide is going on, some how escapes the social media warriors.

Wonder why.


Thursday, February 22, 2018 12:49 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by THGRRI:
Trump Jr. ripped for 'liking' conspiracy theories on Parkland survivors

Comedians on the late-night TV circuit got serious on Wednesday as they slammed Donald Trump Jr. for reportedly boosting conspiracy theories about last week's school shooting in Florida, including one that called a survivor an agent of “the deep state media.”

This video says it so well.


Thursday, February 22, 2018 1:08 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Some kid, an 18-year-old, will buy an AR-15, with an expired license, buy ammo, load up and go to an NRA rally where he goes wild and shoots up the place hitting LaPeePee right between the eyes. I will do a dance on the rooftop and bust off a few rounds in his honor, a whooping and a yelling.....YEEEEEEHAAAAAAA!

Dude. I relize you're frustrated and these times are really damn tense for a lot of us. But I like you, man. I know that this is a pretty obscure fansite of a long dead TV show and probably nobody is paying any attention here, but I hope you're not posting stuff like this on other forms of social media that are a lot more high profile and aren't as "anonymous" as is.

People are getting into trouble for saying a lot less than that these days, and the wrong person could see that and take blow it up on you to the point that it becomes a story over what you just thought was innocently blowing off a little steam. (I for one would not want something like this that I typed being re-tweeted by Tomi Lahren or Mark Dice, for instance).

All I'm suggesting is that there's other ways to say what you need to say without possibly getting yourself into trouble.

And about the kids... It's a shitty thing that happened to them. Something like that makes one grow up a lot quicker than they should ever have to. I know I was never the same after I was brutally beat down and stabbed by 4 guys several years out of high school.

All I'm saying is that nothing has changed with guns from the mid-90's when this never happened and now when it happens what seems like at least once a year. What has changed, and how do we fix it?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 22, 2018 1:37 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
No one is trolling the survivors of a school shooting. We just honestly find it disgusting that you and others are praising the manipulation and exploitation going on , simply to promote a political agenda. NOTHING MORE.

And you know it.



Thursday, February 22, 2018 1:57 PM


Just another uncaring corrupt FBI agent sig. You'll enjoy this.



Thursday, February 22, 2018 6:22 PM


America loves a winner!

This kid seems sound , stable and completely unradicalized ( from nearly 1 year ago , btw )

I bet he wore a pink pussy hat and marched w/ all his sisters.


Thursday, February 22, 2018 6:25 PM


America loves a winner!

From " the system worked ! " files...

Surveillance footage from the Florida high school where 17 people were fatally shot and more than a dozen others wounded was not shown live, as responding officers initially thought.

According to Coral Springs Police Chief Tony Pustizzi, the footage had been rewound, and police were watching it on a 20-minute delay, leading them to believe the gunman, Nikolas Cruz, was still in the building when he was long gone.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 5:09 AM


Yes, break out the old script and deflect away. Wait.....did you guys blame Obama yet? You guys must be slipping, that's on page one, or is it two? You go to the back of the class there Rappy.

Come on now....Hilary, Obama, Chicago. Write that 100 times on the blackboard until you have it committed to memory. It's in the NRA Right Wing Manifesto. You know, they have a pocket-sized version. You can get it on Uber



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Because not every life in Chicago is a school age child, #NotOneMore doesn't really fit the anti-gun narrative. Oh, and the fact that Obama is from Chicago, and his former chief of staff as been a multi term mayor, all while this genocide is going on, some how escapes the social media warriors.

Wonder why.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 6:09 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yes, break out the old script and deflect away. Wait.....did you guys blame Obama yet? You guys must be slipping, that's on page one, or is it two? You go to the back of the class there Rappy.

Come on now....Hilary, Obama, Chicago. Write that 100 times on the blackboard until you have it committed to memory. It's in the NRA Right Wing Manifesto. You know, they have a pocket-sized version. You can get it on Uber


It's not deflection. It's the truth you hate to discuss because it undercuts the agenda you're attempting to push. Those dead in Chicago and everywhere else that handguns are used are every bit as dead as those in Parkland and Sandy Hook. Your goal isn't just to disarm law abiding citizens of the AR 15, but EVERY gun.

Just admit it.

For some reason, you ignore Chicago's far worse gun problem - yet another gun free zone where laws are strict against gun ownership - and instead focus on " the children ".

Mostly white children, I may add. Think none of those in Chicago aren't children ?


Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 7:12 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yes, break out the old script and deflect away. Wait.....did you guys blame Obama yet? You guys must be slipping, that's on page one, or is it two? You go to the back of the class there Rappy.

Come on now....Hilary, Obama, Chicago. Write that 100 times on the blackboard until you have it committed to memory. It's in the NRA Right Wing Manifesto. You know, they have a pocket-sized version. You can get it on Uber


It's not deflection. It's the truth you hate to discuss because it undercuts the agenda you're attempting to push. Those dead in Chicago and everywhere else that handguns are used are every bit as dead as those in Parkland and Sandy Hook. Your goal isn't just to disarm law abiding citizens of the AR 15, but EVERY gun.

Just admit it.

For some reason, you ignore Chicago's far worse gun problem - yet another gun free zone where laws are strict against gun ownership - and instead focus on " the children ".

Mostly white children, I may add. Think none of those in Chicago aren't children ?


Well, now you're just exposing SGG's hatred of black children. Black kids just don't matter as much as white kids to SGG.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 9:13 AM


Here's one that's not so impressive...Colton Habb

His father put in his two cents worth and tried to change the narrative. He altered an email and then went running to Fox to try and discredit CNN. Funny thing how emails work, both sides have a copy.


Boy is the NRA desperate!



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Yes, the canned, rehearsed and scripted talking points have been all over social media.


What ever.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 9:30 AM


Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Boy, you guys really make me laugh. What you want is another fucking puppet to just nod yes to all your conspiracy theories and nutty


Well, now you're just exposing SGG's hatred of black children. Black kids just don't matter as much as white kids to SGG.

I know what you're trying to make me say. By the way, I'm for responsible gun ownership. The AR-15 is NOT a gun. It is a war machine with bullets designed to do the most damage to a human being.

Nice try though.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yes, break out the old script and deflect away. Wait.....did you guys blame Obama yet? You guys must be slipping, that's on page one, or is it two? You go to the back of the class there Rappy.

Come on now....Hilary, Obama, Chicago. Write that 100 times on the blackboard until you have it committed to memory. It's in the NRA Right Wing Manifesto. You know, they have a pocket-sized version. You can get it on Uber


It's not deflection. It's the truth you hate to discuss because it undercuts the agenda you're attempting to push. Those dead in Chicago and everywhere else that handguns are used are every bit as dead as those in Parkland and Sandy Hook. Your goal isn't just to disarm law abiding citizens of the AR 15, but EVERY gun.

Just admit it.

For some reason, you ignore Chicago's far worse gun problem - yet another gun free zone where laws are strict against gun ownership - and instead focus on " the children ".

Mostly white children, I may add. Think none of those in Chicago aren't children ?


Well, now you're just exposing SGG's hatred of black children. Black kids just don't matter as much as white kids to SGG.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 10:25 AM


Hey Rappy, you want to sensibly discuss the truth? Okay, I'll bite.

First, whenever you, or any of your group bring up a subject of discussion, especially regarding sensible gun laws, and the topic gets around to these shooting sprees, you always bring up Chicago. I'm curious as to why. Never Columbine, or Paducah or any other of the High School shootings. Always Chicago.

You are comparing apples to oranges. Yes, there are people being shot in Chicago. No doubt. But we are talking about shootings in high schools, like in Parkland.

Stats - According to Gun Violence Archive - from 2014-2018

Total # of Incidents -- 5,439

# of deaths -- 1,827

# of injuries -- 2,917

# of children (0-11) 95
killed or injured

# of Teens (12-17) 241
killed or injured

Mass shooting 32

Officer Involved 29
Officer shot/killed

Officer involved 116
suspect - shot/killed

Homer Invasion 215

Defensive Use 221

Unintentional shooting 183

The above is a breakdown of shootings over a 4 year period across the country. The above does not include the 22,000 annual suicides. GVA compiles data from over 2,500 sources daily. The website breaks it down even further.

Now I don't expect that you will follow up, because you are not interested in the truth. But I thought I would attempt an honest discussion. By the way, I'm for sensible gun laws that will keep everyone armed to the teeth and the rest of the law abiding crowd safe. There is such a thing as safe.

The AR-15 is NOT a gun, but a war machine that is built to kill many people and rip their innards to death. Built to stop an army and kill as many as possible. There is NO need for such a gun in the general public.



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yes, break out the old script and deflect away. Wait.....did you guys blame Obama yet? You guys must be slipping, that's on page one, or is it two? You go to the back of the class there Rappy.

Come on now....Hilary, Obama, Chicago. Write that 100 times on the blackboard until you have it committed to memory. It's in the NRA Right Wing Manifesto. You know, they have a pocket-sized version. You can get it on Uber


It's not deflection. It's the truth you hate to discuss because it undercuts the agenda you're attempting to push. Those dead in Chicago and everywhere else that handguns are used are every bit as dead as those in Parkland and Sandy Hook. Your goal isn't just to disarm law abiding citizens of the AR 15, but EVERY gun.

Just admit it.

For some reason, you ignore Chicago's far worse gun problem - yet another gun free zone where laws are strict against gun ownership - and instead focus on " the children ".

Mostly white children, I may add. Think none of those in Chicago aren't children ?


Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 10:39 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
The AR-15 is NOT a gun, but a war machine that is built to kill many people and rip their innards to death. Built to stop an army and kill as many as possible. There is NO need for such a gun in the general public.

Amen. I almost wish... that images of these kids shot to hell would be shown. It's almost too clean and hidden and easy to not think about what these guns actually do to people. This is third world murder style sh*t happening in their America First bs world. Unfortunately, such images would probably make some of these sick f*cks happy.

BTW - yes, kids who survived being targeted from online sources:

Forty-seven minutes after news broke of a high school shooting in Parkland, Fla., the posters on the anonymous chat board 8chan had devised a plan to bend the public narrative to their own designs: “Start looking for [Jewish] numerology and crisis actors.”

The voices from this dark corner of the Internet quickly coalesced around a plan of attack: Use details gleaned from news reports and other sources to push false information about one of America’s deadliest school shootings.

The posters on anonymous forums, a cauldron of far-right extremist politics, over the next few hours speculated about the shooter’s ethnicity (“Hope the kid isn’t white”) and cracked off-color jokes. They began crafting false explanations about the massacre, including that actors were posing as students, in hopes of blunting what they correctly guessed would be a revived interest in gun control.

The success of this effort would soon illustrate how lies that thrive on raucous online platforms increasingly shape public understanding of major events. As much of the nation mourned, the story concocted on anonymous chat rooms soon burst onto YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, where the theories surged in popularity.

Amid corporate efforts to beat back the falsehoods, the episode became the latest cautionary tale about how the Internet itself had become a potent tool of deception wielded by political extremists, disinformation warriors and conspiracy theorists.

[Crisis actor’ videos lead users to a ‘conspiracy ecosystem’ on YouTube, new research shows]

“There’s a war going on outside, no man is safe from,” said a frequent conspiracy theory poster on the website Reddit, the day after the shooting. “And it is only partially being fought with guns. The real weapon is information and the attack is on the mind.”

A Washington Post review of thousands of posts on sites such as 8chan, 4chan and Reddit showed how people on online forums worked aggressively to undermine news reports about a troubled teen accused of killing 17 people, most of them students.

Former YouTube engineer Guillaume Chaslot referred to coordinated campaigns across online platforms to spread a video as “4chan attacks” because such anonymous forums often served as staging grounds for these efforts. YouTube and Facebook have policies against harassment that served as the basis for removing some of the conspiracy theories. But Chaslot said the companies have not done enough to weed out deceptive content.

The Parkland story line took advantage of emerging details about the surviving students — and even how they looked or talked during interviews with television reporters — to portray them as “crisis actors” playing the roles of victims in a “false flag” attack, a hoax designed to mislead the public and build support for gun control.

The campaign threatens to leave long-lasting scars on students and their families, who find themselves linked online to damaging and unsubstantiated theories in havens of misinformation across the Web. Survivors of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012 and victims’ families still are haunted by these online echoes of their trauma, experts say.

“The parents and the families of these murdered children are still being harassed by people online,” said Joan Donovan, a researcher at the think tank Data & Society who studies media ma­nipu­la­tion. “That is the legacy of this kind of harassment. For years to come, these students in Parkland are going to have to suffer this same fate.”

Parkland student David Hogg, 17, emerged as the centerpiece of the “crisis actor” myth, in part because his father is a retired FBI agent, allowing the “false flag” idea to merge with ongoing conservative attacks on the bureau related to its investigation of President Trump’s campaign.

There was little sign on the chat boards of any unease about singling out Parkland survivors and their families for personal attacks. Instead the mood seemed jubilant, with posters celebrating that the campaign had reached a broader audience of “normies,” meaning people who typically keep their distance from racist, anti-Semitic and far-right extremist conversation.

“Just wanted to say thanks for all your digging and research,” one poster wrote on 8chan. “Extra thanks if you’re spreading info or memes about this kid. It’s already breaking through the normie-sphere. KEEP PUSHING!”

Anonymous online forums have long incubated politically extreme, racially charged conversation with few rules or concessions to good taste. On 4chan, founded in 2003 and now owned by a Japanese businessman, such chats typically happen on the /pol/ — for “politically incorrect” — message board. 8chan, founded in 2013 by those who considered 4chan too restrictive, also has its own /pol/ board, where the exchanges play out under the heading, “On the jews and Their Lies.”

A person who responded to 8chan’s administrative email said the board is totally anonymous and allows anyone to “read what users are saying, unfiltered. .?.?. The 8chan administration is irrelevant and unrelated in this matter.” 4chan didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Reddit is typically regarded as more mainstream, but the individual message boards, including “r/The_Donald” and “r/conspiracy,” hosted harsh attacks on the Parkland students. The site in 2016 closed its thriving “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory message board, a leading source of allegations that a child molestation ring run by Democratic Party luminaries operated out of a Washington pizza shop that led to a real shooting in which no one was hurt. Reddit declined to comment.

Researchers say it’s difficult to know whether any single message board was decisive in pushing conspiracy theories about the Parkland shooting to prominence on YouTube and other mainstream sites. But Donovan, the Data & Society researcher, said far-right sites are increasingly capi­tal­izing on current story lines to promote hyperpartisan claims, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories and media attacks in order to boost their audiences and advertising revenue.

“You don’t have to know the truth,” she said. “It’s just as effective to hint that a conspiracy is afoot.”

The effort begins
As coverage of the Feb. 14 shooting spread rapidly on TV news and across the Web, the posters of 8chan’s /pol/ board were among the first to begin assembling scraps of what they claimed was proof of a hoax. They criticized how the students acted, mocked how they looked and shared crude memes and photos taken from the students’ social-media accounts.

By the end of that first day, the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones raised the possibility on his Infowars show that the shooting was a “false flag” attack. In a later interview, Jones said he soon became convinced that the attack was real, even though he continued to raise questions about other aspects of its portrayal on mainstream news reports.

But the “false flag” idea rapidly was gaining popularity online. Within hours, “crisis actor” theories could be found in a surging network of YouTube videos, tweets and forum threads picking apart public information about the students and urging more intense scrutiny.

[YouTube promoted a video that falsely attacked a Parkland student. How did it happen?]

The political stakes were explicit. One poster on 4chan said in all-caps fury, “HILLARY IS TRYING TO TAKE OUR GUNS AWAY XD!!!!!!!!!!!” (“XD” is commonly used on message boards to suggest laughter.)

On 8chan, posters fretted over the potential political consequences of images the suspect, Nikolas Cruz, posted to his Instagram page including guns, a box of ammunition and a picture of himself wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat. One poster said, “another ‘gun nut’ narrative incoming.” Another said, “that maga hat is going to get trump lynched in the media if it turns out to be this kid.”

A day after the shooting, though, the anonymous posters were back on the offensive.

In interviews, Hogg mentioned that his father had worked for the FBI, a revelation treated by the far-right online ecosystem as a smoking gun worthy of widespread sharing in tweets and memes. A woman that same day posted a video analyzing the students’ body language and fiercely criticized Hogg’s comments in one interview as those of a “psychopath.”

Different posters also began clashing with each other about how to promote their preferred spin on the story. When users succeeded in falsely convincing some researchers and journalists that the shooter was an active member of a white-supremacist group, using a tactic Donovan calls “source hacking,” one 8chan user posted a “Damage Control Thread.”

“We will double down on this being another attack against white interests,” the anonymous person wrote, urging that images of Cruz be altered before posting.

“Make them darker in photoshop, and make his lips and nose thicker and wider a small bit,” the poster wrote. “Enough to where he looks even more non-white, but not enough that it’s too noticeable.”

A backlash grows
By Feb. 16, two days after the shooting, the hunt for information was intensifying. “This Dave Hoggs keeps showing up on TV,” said one poster on Reddit that day. “There’s something wrong with this guy. He needs to be investigated. WE NEED TO DIG!”

Memes with Hogg’s face tagged as “Son of FBI agent” were spreading widely on Twitter by the next day. And on Feb. 18, users were cheering the surprising speed with which they were able to shape the story line.

“Man, I just gotta say, on our progress around these events is quite remarkable,” one 8chan poster wrote that day. It’s “marvelous to see non centralized actors .?.?. produce so many counter points, so fast, with zero centrally planned coordination.”

The poster added, “At this point I think we managed to get into a 1.5 .?.?. to 2 :1 ratio of information warfare for OUR advantage, compared to the jews.”

The claims about Hogg also spread to conservative websites such as Gateway Pundit (headlined “EXPOSED”), the social network (“spread it everywhere, this is the proof”) and Reddit forums like “r/The_Donald.” One post there, a photo of Hogg, carried a caption suggesting he was smiling because he saw his “fellow students get murdered but [he] got famous from it.” Users of the site registered their approval more than 3,800 times.

By Feb. 20, less than a week after the shooting, some online posters said they’d clinched a win when Benjamin Kelly, an aide to a Florida state representative, touted conspiracy theories about the shooting to a Tampa Bay Times reporter, leading to the aide’s firing. But the biggest surge of popularity came a day later, when YouTube’s no. 1 “Trending” video labeled Hogg an “actor.”

Hogg soon disputed the allegation that he was a “crisis actor” on CNN. Posters on anonymous forums saw the development as evidence they were on the right track.

There also was a backlash brewing. YouTube blocked videos pushing allegations about the Parkland students being “crisis actors” as violating its harassment policy. Jones said several of his Infowars videos were among those blocked, a move he called an unwarranted attack on his right to free speech.

Jones was unrepentant, however, in alleging that the students — even if they were authentic survivors of a mass shooting — were being coached as part of a politically motivated gun-control campaign. “These are young adults who are putting themselves out there into the public realm,” Jones said. “Parents who put their kids out on TV knew what that comes with. .?.?. Free speech is a rough thing.”

He was not alone in that view.

A poster on 8chan soon advanced a battle plan. “We Go to War. Gather any dirt we can find on the leaders and their parents ... Disprove, Disrupt, Discredit, Disinfo, Discourage, Demotivate, Deny. Sabotage the movement,” the poster wrote.

The poster also was preparing for a change in tactics if the politics began to shift.

“If the movement falls out of focus, let [it] burn out. That is; don’t keep attacking once everyone is forgetting about them, let them fade away into obscurity.”

But the conspiracy theory about Hogg and other Parkland students was not fading away, others noticed. It had broken into the mainstream and seemed destined to continue drawing attention.

A poster on one conspiracy-themed Reddit forum wrote on Feb. 22 — eights days after the shooting — “Comment section on David Hogg’s latest Instagram post is INCREDIBLE. Close to 90% of the comments calling him out for what he is! THE GREAT AWAKENING. This just gave my so much hope to see patriots from all walks of life coming together and standing for truth.”


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 12:28 PM



Wednesday, February 28, 2018 2:08 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by THGRRI:
Police on scene of shots fired call at Dalton High School

Time to start arming students I guess.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 4:51 PM


America loves a winner!

Qualifiers like ' responsible ' and ' common sense ' gun ownership are empty and deceptive caveats by the Left. The NRA promotes true gun safety, yet it's being painted as the real villain here, not Nikolas Cruz.

More likely, the real blame can be laid at the feet of ... Broward County itself :

Broward County Likely ‘Inspiration’ for Obama School Discipline Policy to Report Fewer Arrests, Suspensions

“Broward County was the first to have the goal of lowering suspensions, lowering expulsions, lowering arrests,” explains Eden. “And, so, they decided to reduce police involvement by not bringing in cops to arrest kids for a whole range of serious offenses, and then, as you would expect, the arrests go down when you stop arresting. That was taken to be a sign of success, based on that metric alone.”


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 5:01 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Time to start arming students I guess.

Neal Boortz

Verified account

Israel armed teachers in schools in 1974. Since then only two school shooters. Both were promptly killed by teachers. Clearly arming teachers doesn't work.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall






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