Newsweek: Americans Aren't Getting Enough Booster Shots, and It's Causing a Serious Problem

UPDATED: Thursday, January 6, 2022 21:17
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Thursday, January 6, 2022 7:01 PM


Yeah. It's causing a serious problem for Pfizer's bottom line.

While I appreciate that a good majority of Americans are finally saying enough is enough and refusing the booster shot, it's too late for them. They've already poisoned themselves.

Imagine how we got to a point where a tyrannical government needs to threaten the lives of people to take a shot they don't need for a virus that you have to go and get tested to find out if you even have.

Fucking clown world.

Maybe you idiots who survive this will stop believing everything that they tell you and stop doing everything they tell you to do.


Thursday, January 6, 2022 9:17 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The Newsweek article is an interesting one in the appearance of respectability and impartiality. For one thing, it actually quotes full sentences - sometimes even two! and names the names associated with the quotes.

But as always, I try to look for complete information.

None of the quotes came up on a search except for Newsweek as a source. So if they were full statements, or carefully selected snippets, it's hard to say.

2 of the three doctors quoted didn't have an internet presence to speak of. I only found Jake Scott. Here's a tweet from him:

none of my current hospitalized covid patients are fully vaccinated

64% are hospitalized for covid
36% with incidental covid

57% of those here for covid are unvaccinated (sickest by far, & youngest)

43% partially vaccinated (all >70 & have concurrent respiratory conditions)

I find these specifics convincing. Roughly 2/3 of his patients are hospitalized specifically for COVID-19. Of those COVID-19 patients, he has no fully vaccinated hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Lack of vaccination is associated with more illness in younger people in roughly 3 in 5 of his COVID-19 patients; and partial vaccination is associated with more illness in older people with concurrent breathing problems roughly 2 in 5 of his COVID-19 patients.

Given those numbers, it looks like no/ incomplete vaccination is associated with hospitalization in both young and old.

But to be complete, he'd have to provide figures on his 'incidental' COVID-19 positive patients. If they were mostly unvaccinated, I'd think that maybe the vaccine was less important against Omicron, because 1/3 of his COVID-19 positive patients are in the hospital for something else entirely. If they were mostly vaccinated, it bolsters the idea that vaccinations are protective against severe illness.

OTOH his experience, as compelling as it he thinks it is, might be an anomaly. That's why it's important to look at ALL the data.

And here, Newsweek, as a 'news' source, fails completely. So, shame on Newsweek. I shouldn't have to dig for complete data to make sense out of their article. Going to 91-DIVOC, it's still true that despite soaring cases, deaths are steady.

However, I do take the point that skyrocketing 'cases' do lead to increased hospitalizations, which then put a strain on medical resources.






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