Boy... Democrat voters sure do hate Jews

UPDATED: Thursday, June 13, 2024 15:52
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Thursday, June 13, 2024 2:06 PM



Thursday, June 13, 2024 2:54 PM


I don't think this is accurate, the old Traditional Democrats cared about poverty, they cared for Law and Order but were Anti-Communist, they did not support open border, Kennedy for example FDR, JFK part of the Democratic Party, even Carter might be considered a Traditional Democrat but as Liberal as he was he still banned radical immigration from Iran. Kennedy was concerned about escalation with Russians, he wanted to be ahead on space, he did not support the Bay of Pigs foreign intervention, he had to be fooled and dragged into Name by the Deep State or French, he called on cities to prepare fallout shelters for nuclear war, he wanted to talk to Russians while remaining strong, he did not allow Cuba to get missiles.

Walter Mondale is when the Traditional Democrat dies, in the Orwellian 1984 year he lost to a senile old shit a B-movie actor Ronald Reagan the senile traitor who helped Iranian terrorists.

Mondale was officially over in 2015, Mondale Concedes to Coleman
his last support was to 'Amy Klobuchar' but a member of the Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party

'Chicago' where 'Amy Klobuchar' used to be has been over run by drug dealer gangsters, illegal immigrants and it has mass shootings every weekend.

The Neo-Democrats of today are a new cult and have almost nothing common with Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson.

Democrats joining with the islamic is strange
that religion side of it makes no snese
I have spoken against Religion Radicals, the threats against Rushdie, islamist hijacker exposed on 911, ISIS genocides.

over time jihads were seen as something America would use, Afghanistan and Soviets, jihadis killing Serbs

When the Reagan Admin joined the Iranian terrorists and the Iran-Contra drug runners and jihadist islamics to remove Carter the Democrats were wounded
they did not seem to recover
Carter was probably known for political naivety and some type of weakness on foreign policy,
however he did not open borders and shut them to immigrants from Iran.

The islamist culture shares nothing with old Democrat values, it is a cancer, their jihad suicide attacks exposed Beirut barracks bombings, 1993 World Trade Center bombing but for some strange reason they were considered 'useful' part of the Neo Democratic Party Platform, the NeoCon Uniparty Republicans like Lindsey Graham even calling for a Sharia Law ruling against offenses to islamics.

He was not for Pakistan, Kennedy sought closer relations with Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, he wanted good relations with President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt who was soemwhat secular and wanted to pull him away from Soviet influences. Kennedy hated secret society, he said of the CIA it should be “shattered into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds” he rejected Operation Northwoods, proposals for false flag attacks against American military and civilian targets,When Russians the USSR invaded Europe he flew to Berlin to deliver his "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech.
JFK would probably roll in his grave to know what modern Democrats have become.
Kennedy pursued legislation to lower taxes, penergize the business sector, he would probably have been close to Elon Musk to make sure the USA stays ahead on technology while the Joe Biden Admin wants to sanction Musk over some slightest perceived offense of words.
current Democrat mobs are so unhinged with their Pro-Palestine, BLM, Antifa chaos, riots and Marxism
the party is no longer recognizable

Democrats might have died in the 80s as they became a Uni-Party and a Party that supported islamics and Rodney King rioters
Mondale was the official end in 2015, the godless globalist Jew Hungarian Soros, Clinton and Obama faction taking over.

Walter Mondale: The Last Old-School Democrat

His 1984 campaign was a political obituary for a party.


Thursday, June 13, 2024 3:52 PM


I will not argue with any of that. I'm in complete agreement with you.

I once leaned pretty Leftward myself, but not anymore.

Today's Democrat Party isn't even recognizable to what it was even just 20 years ago.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.






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