Can we be honest? Yes, really ... Can we be honest?

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 05:37
VIEWED: 1224
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Thursday, August 1, 2024 2:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

(Looking at YOU. You know who you are!)

I'm gonna start.

Maybe you will follow.


The Republican Party isn't the answer. Establishment Republicans are awful. Many populist Republicans, like many populist Democrats (e.g. AOC) are low- information idealogues. They put on a good show addressing trivial differences with Dems. Most, like most Dems, have a loose grasp of reality.

The problem isn't "Trump", or "Biden", or even "Putin". Personalizing a problem does nothing to solve it. And since these people aren't the problem, they aren't the answer.

Trump plays to the crowd, and says silly things that will be quickly dropped if he assumes power. Dems, and their media hatchet men (and women) PLAY the crowd with torrents of adverts and lies. Dems, too, promise things they have no intention of fulfilling.

The only way to assess them is on their record. And since no party or individual will ever fully meet your ideal, you have to weigh the importance of each difference from what you think is preferred or necessary.

So, instead of reams about how "awful" Trump is, and counteragruments about Dems, can we just have a sensible, honest, and fact- based discussion without the froth and propaganda?


Thursday, August 1, 2024 2:30 PM



I'll be the 2nd to admit that Republicans suck. It's not like I haven't been saying that for 18 years on this site now.

I don't view any of this as an Us vs. Them problem when it comes to political parties.

I view this very much as an Us vs. Them problem when it comes to intelligent people who ask questions vs. easily manipulated people who spend all day every day parroting whatever the Legacy Media tells them is true. Entirely emotionally driven people who have no critical thinking skills and lack any agency and free will of their own.

Ted-Bot just thinks in pictures and posts political cartoons whenever he's not posting NeoCon propaganda from the likes of Liz Cheney and her boys at The Lincoln Project.

Wetware, when he isn't outright plagiarizing other people's work, does nothing but repeat all the buzzwords the media is currently looping through his empty brain cavity ad nauseam. In the case of Wetware, it's like he's strapped up to a kidney dialysis machine 24/7, but instead of filtering out his bad blood and putting the clean blood back in his body, they're filtering out any independent thought and any previous programming that would conflict with his new programming and replacing it with The Current Narrative.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Thursday, August 1, 2024 4:17 PM


a terrible moral issue

they zombie and robo control life?

Are birds or insects FAKE?

Nixon and Kennedy were probably a lot closer with their values than people admit, I really don't know what happened the two parties in modern times

previous debate 1960s


Thursday, August 1, 2024 4:43 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
(Looking at YOU. You know who you are!)

I'm gonna start.

Maybe you will follow.

Remember this signature of yours? You used it today

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.

The Kissinger quote is taken out of context so that it says the complete opposite of what K meant. Signym, you have been told NOT to repeat the mistake, but you never correct yourself.

Signym, even your signature, which you didn't use for once, shows you are manipulative and dishonest. Plus your numerous "Fuck Ukraines" reveals who you are. To answer Signym's own question: "Can we be honest? Yes, really ... Can we be honest?" Your answer is NO, Signym cannot be honest.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, August 1, 2024 4:48 PM


Apparently Wetware didn't read the thread title again before posting.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Thursday, August 1, 2024 5:20 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
(Looking at YOU. You know who you are!)

I'm gonna start.

Maybe you will follow.

Remember this signature of yours? You used it today

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.

The Kissinger quote is taken out of context so that it says the complete opposite of what K meant.

I disagree.
The CONTEXT of this statement is that Diem had been previously assassinated in a military coup, the widespread perception was that the CIA, if not directly responsible, gave tacit approval.
It would therefore not be advisable for a second assassination to occur.

Signym, you have been told NOT to repeat the mistake, but you never correct yourself
It's not a mistake. It's my understanding. Yours is different. Instead of you "telling me" what is right, how about we agree to disagree?

SECOND: Your signature which you didn't use for once, shows you are manipulative and dishonest.
Huh? Is my signature missing?

SECOND: Plus your numerous "Fuck Ukraines" reveals who you are.
I think you have me confused with SIX. Since I don't recall ever posting that, I would say that I rarely do. But feel free to link “numerous“ times that I did.

SECOND: To answer Signym's own question: "Can we be honest? Yes, really ... Can we be honest?" Your answer is NO, Signym cannot be honest.

Come back when you're feeling less vituperative.

EDITED TO ADD: Well, son of a gun. My signature really WAS missing!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Thursday, August 1, 2024 5:26 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Apparently Wetware didn't read the thread title again before posting.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

6ixStringJack, I am honestly telling the truth based on your entire history: You are a crazy asshole who has hundreds of quotes about how fucked up in the head you are. Here is one.
"Telling you that I don't believe a single person died of Covid wasn't honest enough for you?" -- 6ixStringJack

Then 6ix went over the top about his mother. It is no surprise that he called himself, once upon a time, 6ixStringJoker, loved the movie Joker where Joker murders his mother by smothering her with a pillow.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, August 1, 2024 5:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I propose we just freeze SECOND out, bc he'll just do what he always does- drag a potentially interesting discussion off track with ad hominems

I, for one, have no interest in going down that path.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Thursday, August 1, 2024 5:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, the records of the two current candidates.

Trump's record as President was spotty, at least as far as fulfilling his promises. Even tho he didn't build a wall, he DID stabilize the southern border. IDK how. I think he did a deal with Obrador: keep non- Mexicans on your side of the border and we'll cut you a check. But honestly, I'm not sure what happened. I would call it a success.

He bailed out of TTIP. That, too, was a success, IMHO.

He was looking for an economic "divorce" from China. I think the plan was to lower capital gains tax here, repatriate capital, tariff Chinese goods and make the economic environment favorable for industrial development. He didn't portray China as a military crisis.

I read a report that even tho the tax rate was lower, overall total taxes collected increased.

Unfortunately he withdrew from both the JCPOA with Iran and the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia. I think he thought he could negotiate a better deal and saw himself jetting around the world striking deals here there and elsewhere.

He tried to get our troops out of Syria, but somebody shelved those orders. And altho the neocons (Bolton, Pompeo et al) torpedoed various negotiations, he did manage to avoid embroiling the USA in any new proxy wars.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Thursday, August 1, 2024 6:05 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I propose we just freeze SECOND out, bc he'll just do what he always does- drag a potentially interesting discussion off track with ad hominems

I, for one, have no interest in going down that path.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.

Nobody here takes him seriously anyhow. Except for maybe Ted-Bot on occasion. Even though I've only ever seen Wetware acknowledge Ted-Bot's existence once in the last 8 years.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Thursday, August 1, 2024 6:14 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This is the USA GINI Index from 1960 to 2019, when the research was completed. The higher the number, the more unequal the income. The GINI Index stays between 30.5 and 31.5 from 1969 to 1980. In 1980 it starts jumping up, eventually to
34 by 1985 (Reagan 81-89), levels off a bit before jumping up a full 2 points, to about 36.7 in 1992 (Clinton) and then continuing upward at a more modest rate to a peak of about 38.5 in 2006 (Clinton, Bush).
It dropped to about 37.5 in 2010 (Obama) but rose sharply in 2010, regaining almost all that it has lost (Obama). It has risen steadily since then (Obama, Trump)

Presidents of both parties contributed to its increase but Reagan and Clinton were responsible for the largest increases

If income equality was a goal, both parties failed. AFA Trump v Obama, according to some, they both increased the GINI by the same amount. But according to this chart, Obama was responsible for more inequality.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are b I'mrainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Thursday, August 1, 2024 6:55 PM


The economics of the Western world are a disaster now, but let's stay on the USA for now

Biden has been a disaster for US debt

but Trump has also added to the 'Debt' some of the Wars were not his they started under Bush or Obama but Trump was losing money on War he trying to finish wars, end stuff but he was paying, Iraq, Afghanistan War, Syria ...he didnt finish Afghanistan that was Biden etc but Trump 'Tax Cuts' also added to the debt then Covid came, Social Security, Military, Interest on the Debt, Medicare Medicade and it sky rockets can truly say the end of Afghanistan looked bad lots of people died and it damaged the US image but someone needed to end that war, they could not be there forever paying for that war forver.
Commodities don't really tell you a true picture as people can manipulate prices of stuff like 'Gold' the Purchasing Power of the US Dollar vs Gold, but that is also bad. The Debt is the real killer a potential to damage the currency, then people talk Bonds or Default or hyper inflation etc.

Both parties are owned, is there much of a difference maybe a small one Democrats are typically more Pharma stocks Republicans typically more Wall St Oil strocks, Kamala is she good for anything...maybe for for cannabis stocks.

neither Biden nor Trump have been good on 'Debt' but Biden maybe is somewhat worse, if any Candidate says they are just fixing that economic mess and growing their way out of 35 Trillion they are lying

the clock


Thursday, August 1, 2024 7:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Thursday, August 1, 2024 7:47 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

(Looking at YOU. You know who you are!)

I'm gonna start.

Maybe you will follow.

Remember this signature of yours? You used it today

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.

The Kissinger quote is taken out of context so that it says the complete opposite of what K meant. Signym, you have been told NOT to repeat the mistake, but you never correct yourself.

Signym, even your signature, which you didn't use for once, shows you are manipulative and dishonest. Plus your numerous "Fuck Ukraines" reveals who you are. To answer Signym's own question: "Can we be honest? Yes, really ... Can we be honest?" Your answer is NO, Signym cannot be honest.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Signym is a lying sack of shit. She always has been.



Thursday, August 1, 2024 8:23 PM


I have no idea where you are going with this.


Thursday, August 1, 2024 8:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have no idea where you are going with this.

I'm not going anywhere with this.
That's the point. I don't have an agenda.

I was trying to collect info on Presidents' performance, but 2018 data forward is mostly missing.

So how about this?

You tell me, without demonizing, where you think Republicans have succeeded, and where they failed, and why. And same for Democrats.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Thursday, August 1, 2024 9:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I started down that line before ...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, the records of the two current candidates.

Trump's record as President was spotty, at least as far as fulfilling his promises. Even tho he didn't build a wall, he DID stabilize the southern border. IDK how. I think he did a deal with Obrador: keep non- Mexicans on your side of the border and we'll cut you a check. But honestly, I'm not sure what happened. I would call it a success.

He bailed out of TTIP. That, too, was a success, IMHO.

He was looking for an economic "divorce" from China. I think the plan was to lower capital gains tax here, repatriate capital, tariff Chinese goods and make the economic environment favorable for industrial development.

*EDITED TO ADD: I know he's a great believer in capitalism, but if your nation really needs redevelopment in certain areas, I think the government needs to do more than fertilize the soil and hope. I think it needs to take a more active approach.*

He didn't portray China as a military crisis.

I read a report that even tho the tax rate was lower, overall total taxes collected increased.

Unfortunately he withdrew from both the JCPOA with Iran and the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia. I think he thought he could negotiate better deals and saw himself jetting around the world striking deals here there and elsewhere.

He tried to get our troops out of Syria, but somebody shelved those orders. And altho the neocons (Bolton, Pompeo et al) torpedoed various negotiations, he did manage to avoid embroiling the USA in any new proxy wars.

So I blame Trump for thinking he could negotiate with neocons.

Also, he needed a good chief of staff to follow up on the details he was too scatterbrained to follow up on.

And then Covid came along. It would be a challenge to ANYBODY, with so many unknowns about the virus. I think people were assuming it was like SARS and spread by foamites (little droplets of spittle from coughing, sneezing, talking, and singing) and that most of the droplets would fall to the ground, and that the remainder would dry out and inactivate the virus. But it turned out that Covid remains viable even in very small particles that can stay afloat for a long time, and is more airborne than anticipated.

If we (i.e. the USA) had a stockpile of useable N95s, at least our medical and emergency personnel would be protected. And they would be available for people who wanted to protect THEMSELVES. And knowing that the elderly were the most susceptible, special precautions should have been taken in nursing care and assisted living facilities.

Developing a vaccine was beneficial (I know I'm going to get pushback on that) but making it mandatory was ridiculous.

As a first step, shutting down made sense. But not for years, or even months! Once more eas known about transmission, the especially vulnerable should have gone into voluntary isolation.

Can't blame Trump for that, he was getting bad advice.


Aside from Kamala's tenure as "border czar", she doesn't have much of a record. I assume that her policies are going to be similar to Biden's, just with Obama-style gloss.

And Biden's* tenure so far has been IMHO an unmitigated disaster. His biggest failures are the southern border and our deep, expen$ive involvement in various proxy wars.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Thursday, August 1, 2024 11:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

If anyone has anything POSITIVE to say about Biden's term of office, please speak up.

Usually every President has done at least one good thing.

Reagan, for all his faults, was responsible for SALT.
Clinton, for all his transnationalist ... er ... leanings, reduceded the deficit.
Obama, for all HIS faults, got healthcare for pre-existing conditions.
Even GWB got Part D done.

But Biden? Can someone fill in that blank? WITHOUT reference to Trump or Putin?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Thursday, August 1, 2024 11:50 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
If anyone has anything POSITIVE to say about Biden's term of office, please speak up.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, August 2, 2024 1:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Surely somebody has something positive say?

I'm not being facetious. I really don't pay THAT much attention to everything that goes on in DC.

Maybe beneficial laws were signed or something.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Friday, August 2, 2024 1:47 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Surely somebody has something positive say?

I'm not being facetious. I really don't pay THAT much attention to everything that goes on in DC.

Maybe beneficial laws were signed or something.

I'm sure somebody can chime in and remind us of the $35/mo. insulin price, which as a freshly minted LADA Diabetic I can state from personal experience is unequivocally false.

Add to that if you want to enjoy the trappings of disposable CGMs and Insulin Pumps that are marked up 2,000% from the cost of making them in China, which nobody ever lied about reducing the price of, you're going to more than quadruple the already insanely high monthly cost of living another day with Type I/LADA Diabetes in America. And despite the billions they make every year in profit, they can't even bother hiring Americans for their help lines when you run into problems... They outsource all of that to the same Indian Call Center buildings that also house the people scamming senior citizens in the US and UK out of their nest eggs on another floor of the building.

Even if you don't splurge for 1st class treatment, the $35/mo. lie doesn't even include other things that you will need to buy regularly just to live, like the needles/pen needle tips, the copious amounts of alcohol swabs you'll go through and insanely high priced disposable lancets and testing strips you're going to be burning through every day if you're sitting in coach.

NOTE: I don't live under any illusion that any of these prices will be reduced a single penny under a 2nd Trump Presidency. I'm just letting everyone know that this is just one more in a painfully protracted list of lies that came out of the current administration over the last 4 years.

Claims like these make for millions of collective likes on Twitter by the ignorant, especially when the Lying Legacy Media constantly boosts their signal. But in real life they're nothing short of vaporware and in a generation or two Big Pharma will be the reason that 99% of Americans have absolutely nothing to give to their children when they leave this life.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, August 2, 2024 2:24 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Ok, here's a Biden positive: we got out of Afghanistan. (Thanks JAYNZE) It was ugly but IMHO ultimately necessary.

Now, I know that some of you think that some failures are in my list of successes, and some of my failures you might consider successes.

For example- bailing from Afghanistan. Some of you think that was wrong, that we should still be there, swinging for democracy and human rights.

And that's where the discussion gets interesting bc I asked you what you thought were successes and failures, and WHY.

So. Party and/or Presidential successes and failures? And, why?

I don't want to monopolize the thread.

Take your time, tell me what you think.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Friday, August 2, 2024 2:31 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Ok, here's a Biden positive: we got out of Afghanistan. (Thanks JAYNZE) It was ugly but IMHO ultimately necessary.

Now, I know that some of you think that some failures are in my list of successes, and some of my failures you might consider successes.

For example- bailing from Afghanistan. Some of you think that was wrong, that we should still be there, swinging for democracy and human rights.

And that's where the discussion gets interesting bc I asked you what you thought were successes and failures, and WHY.

So. Party and/or Presidential successes and failures? And, why?

I don't want to monopolize the thread.

Take your time, tell me what you think.

That wasn't even a Biden* accomplishment. Trump got that ball rolling and would have done an excellent job completing it. Joe Biden* pulled out early and fucked everything up so bad that even polling by Lefty news outlets couldn't lie hard enough to pretend that Joe* ever recovered from that.

Don't even humor these goons and pretend that Afghanistan was a win for Biden*. All of those deaths and bloodshed and the instability of the region ever since are on the hands of every American who voted for Joe Biden* in 2020.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, August 2, 2024 6:06 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Ok, here's a Biden positive: we got out of Afghanistan. (Thanks JAYNZE) It was ugly but IMHO ultimately necessary.

Now, I know that some of you think that some failures are in my list of successes, and some of my failures you might consider successes.

For example- bailing from Afghanistan. Some of you think that was wrong, that we should still be there, swinging for democracy and human rights.

And that's where the discussion gets interesting bc I asked you what you thought were successes and failures, and WHY.

So. Party and/or Presidential successes and failures? And, why?

I don't want to monopolize the thread.

Take your time, tell me what you think.

That wasn't even a Biden* accomplishment. Trump got that ball rolling and would have done an excellent job completing it. Joe Biden* pulled out early and fucked everything up so bad that even polling by Lefty news outlets couldn't lie hard enough to pretend that Joe* ever recovered from that.

Don't even humor these goons and pretend that Afghanistan was a win for Biden*. All of those deaths and bloodshed and the instability of the region ever since are on the hands of every American who voted for Joe Biden* in 2020.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

It wasn't a win for Biden, it was a win for the USA, IMHO.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Friday, August 2, 2024 6:48 AM


Bush junior said 'Mission Accomplished' but that was incorrect, next under Obama t he war on terror was also officially declared over in May 2010 and oops starts again and then again in May 2013 its over new guys 'ISIS' its over its starting again or is it not? people have now marked down a date August 2021 as the end of the 'War On Terror' but with some small operations ongoing in small sites around the world, for the money making profits of the Military Industrial Complex maybe it seemed to replace the old 'Cold War' the War on Terror over now?? maybe its over, would seem its over now maybe until the truck bomb or next mass shooting in the USA were someone makes an islamist selfie video or terror attack in Europe? anyways there is Putin now and Russians are back

The trouble with Afghanistan is the political leadership was terrible, what was the ultimate goal? battles were won while costs seemed to go up over the years not down, there were a bunch of them who were basically been 'Bribed' to wear a pro-America Uniform but you could not control 100% of Afghanistan maybe 80%-90% and the Taliban was never too far away hiding inside a cave or within a town the Wars and Operations In Afghanistan Cost were rising, Costing America $250-400 Million Per Day I think it was 2 Trillion or more Trillions and going up and up added to the Debt. Jihadis of Afghanistan are stuck in a time warp these islamists they seem like in the Stone Age but seen it all creep by and fade away, the British Empire the Soviet–Afghan War. There was never even a formal 'Declaration of war by the United States' it was another of these endless operations or Undeclared wars
Maybe Trump would have done it better who knows but it was Biden and as terrible as it was with all those deaths and chaos it still just needed to end, what was the goal of Afghanistan other than some vague declared war on terror, when bin Laden was found in Pakistan that might have been an opportunity to quit?

As bad as everything was, as terrible as it looked that war could not go on forever.

Of course there were comparisons to the embarrassment of Vietnam

Saigon then, Kabul now: Afghanistan airport evacuation compared with fall of Saigon in Vietnam War

Vietnam made the Ford administration look stupid, but it would have been the same for any other President Democrat or Republican

I think it was a case of nobody could figure out what to do with Afghanistan, someone was going to get caught like ...Hot Potato Song that plays as children ruin around doing the 'musical chairs' party game...someone was going to be left exposed
The Iraq War WMD lies?
Iraq might not be the same as they admit it almost functioned somewhat under Saddam so after the US invasion it was a case of 'You Broke It You Bought It' if they had done a better job of rebuilding Iraq there might not have been a rise of ISIS or Islamic State of Iraq but Afghans are different
I think Afghanistan is different nobody, no country, no Empire has figured out what to do with it, maybe there is a leader but there are all different tribes and factions that kill each other within.

However the NYTimes

The Empire Stopper
Foreign powers have tried to control Afghanistan for three centuries.

Rod Nordland has stated that "in truth, no great empires perished solely because of Afghanistan."


Friday, August 2, 2024 12:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I seem to recall that we funded the "mujahideen" (Osama bin Laden, altho not part of the Afghan mujahideen, was also there) to bring down the Soviet backed socialist government.

And that during our invasion we funded a diverse group of warlords (Hekmatyr comes to mind) and destabilized Aghanistan so thoroughly that many mountain communities were willing to back the Taliban, if only to stop the fighting.

The other thing I suspect is that the CIA was using Afghanistan to grow poppies and sell opium to fund their black ops, bc it seems wherever the CIA goes, drug running follows (SE Asia "Golden Triangle" opium, Contras and cocaine, Afghanistan and opium)

Also a tremendous amount of grift. I knew someone who knew someone who had been to Afghanistan during our war there. They said that all of the NGOs had big buildings on "Embassy Row" but that very little of the $$ made it out into the hinterlands for development.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Friday, August 2, 2024 12:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

No Dems can think of any Repub achievements?
No Repubs can think of any Dem achievements?

OK, maybe it's too hard to give the opposing team any credit, and god forbid the opposition should actually CRITICIZE your team!


So, if that's too painful, what about a little SELF criticism?

SIX, since you waded in... you said some Repubs sucked.
On what issues?
And why do you think what they did was wrong?

SECOND, do "your guys" always walk on water?
THUGR, I know you stepped away from something social. Was it BLM, or something else?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Friday, August 2, 2024 2:28 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Ok, here's a Biden positive: we got out of Afghanistan. (Thanks JAYNZE) It was ugly but IMHO ultimately necessary.

Now, I know that some of you think that some failures are in my list of successes, and some of my failures you might consider successes.

For example- bailing from Afghanistan. Some of you think that was wrong, that we should still be there, swinging for democracy and human rights.

And that's where the discussion gets interesting bc I asked you what you thought were successes and failures, and WHY.

So. Party and/or Presidential successes and failures? And, why?

I don't want to monopolize the thread.

Take your time, tell me what you think.

That wasn't even a Biden* accomplishment. Trump got that ball rolling and would have done an excellent job completing it. Joe Biden* pulled out early and fucked everything up so bad that even polling by Lefty news outlets couldn't lie hard enough to pretend that Joe* ever recovered from that.

Don't even humor these goons and pretend that Afghanistan was a win for Biden*. All of those deaths and bloodshed and the instability of the region ever since are on the hands of every American who voted for Joe Biden* in 2020.

It wasn't a win for Biden, it was a win for the USA, IMHO.

You know I'm just as against American Imperialism and the war machine as you are, Sigs, but that was an absolute disaster with ripple effects we can't possibly imagine. We certainly aren't going to be told the truth about any of them as they're happening.

We never should have been there in the first place. But the fact is that we were... for decades. Extracting ourselves from that was a delicate situation, and there was a plan in place. But then "the most popular US President of all time" gets voted in and destroys everything like a bull in a china shop, including this.

It's quite possible that in the long run this was not a win for the USA, just because of how poorly it was handled.

And any possible good that would have come out of it was immediately destroyed when the administration and the war machine moved right on to Russia and continues to bankrupt America and it citizens. Then not too long afterward we get another preventable Middle East explosion.

It doesn't really matter. We're meddling harder than we've ever meddled before, and this time on 2 separate fronts. And the war machine just keeps getting bigger and growing stronger.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, August 2, 2024 2:39 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SIX, since you waded in... you said some Repubs sucked.
On what issues?
And why do you think what they did was wrong?

Oh geez... You got 18 years of free time to listen?

"Some" Republicans? Try 95% of Republicans.

I used to call them Rethuglicans and the other side was the Demoncrats.

Both parties are absolute shit shows. I remember back way before my drinking got out of control regularly getting into arguments with Rappy and others like him all the time. How many times have you heard JSF call me a libtard in the last decade... I'm sure a lot of that is bleedover from how much I hated the Republican party when GWB was running the show.

I've probably made 25,000 posts on these boards since 2006, and at least 1/4 of them were critical of the Republicans and the Republican party.

For simplicity's sake, let's just say, that if it wasn't Trump or somebody Trump adjacent in the Republican party that made a decision, I probably was against said decision. And unlike the Ted-Bots and Wetwares and Nilbogs we've had here, I wasn't afraid to call out people I back when they made poor decisions too. I have had several threads on this board arguing Trump over things like his ignorant stance on Section 230.

Right now, for instance, I am no fan of any rhetoric coming out of Trump's mouth in support of digital currency. Digital currency needs to be destroyed, not embraced. We are not some 3rd world country run by TechBro dildos on YouTube. Get that shit the fuck away from me.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, August 2, 2024 5:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, what was it about GWB that you hated so much?

The fact that he lied us into two expen$ive, prolonged, and ultimately counterproductive wars?

That he began the process of widespread warrantless surveillance by installing splitters into San Fran's AT&T comms servers?

That his admin and party had the so-called Patriot Act suspiciously written before 911?

That he was a meat puppet of Zionist neocons like Bolton, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Feith, and Perle?

That he "renditioned" and tortured "enemy combatants", breaking the normal laws of war?

That he failed New Orleans after Katrina?

Or something else?

Take your time! I know you got stuff to do.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Friday, August 2, 2024 5:16 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, what was it about GWB that you hated so much?

The fact that he lied us into two expen$ive, prolonged, and ultimately counterproductive wars?

That he began the process of widespread warrantless surveillance by installing splitters into San Fran's AT&T comms servers?

That his admin and party had the so-called Patriot Act suspiciously written before 911?

That he was a meat puppet of Zionist neocons like Bolton, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Feith, and Perle?

That he "renditioned" and tortured "enemy combatants", breaking the normal laws of war?

That he failed New Orleans after Katrina?

Or something else?

All of the above. For sure. That and the fact that Obama's administration did nothing to reign in any of those new government powers; doing the exact opposite and expanding every one of them, actually. Exactly like I told everybody was going to happen when Obama was voted in. (And ever since I've watched all the people I used to agree with in the Democrat party slowly morph into the pro-war NeoCons they claimed to hate 20 years ago).

While we're at it, let's add GWB's two bullshit campaign promises he made before reelection. (Thank god they were just lies to get reelected and nobody followed through with either of them).

1. Banning gay marriage.

You can find quotes all over these boards at the time regarding my feelings on that one. I believe at least a dozen times I used words similar to "all that would do is end up being repealed by the next Democrat administration, requiring yet another amendment to remove just like when they ended the prohibition on alcohol, leaving another scar on our Constitution and further de-legitimatizing the most important document ever written in human history". Yanno... the Document that GWB infamously referred to as "That Goddamned Piece of Paper".

2. Giving individuals complete control over how they handle their Social Security money.

Yeah... Great fucking idea, George. Give every dumb low-info asshole in the country the ability to gamble their safety net away in the highly manipulated US stock market who's sole purpose is to ultimately make everybody outside of the 1% broke. Now we're going to need a 2nd taxpayer funded safety net system to catch all the dumb assholes who played roulette with the safety net they paid into all their lives.

Why don't we just allow every know-nothing 16 year old who's never paid a bill a one-time option without the need for parental consent to make the decision to opt out of Social Security for the rest of their lives while we're at it? We can sit back and watch 90% of them grow old and have nothing saved up in retirement. Then we'll just force the responsible taxpayers and their children and grandchildren to pay for their mistakes, just like we already do with literally everything else.

Everything about that man was either pure incompetence or pure evil. And don't even get me started on the demon that he made his VP and anyone in politics sharing that surname.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, August 2, 2024 6:22 PM


What did he accomplish

Joe Biden got out of Afghanistan, yes it was terrible but its an accomplishment, it looked very very bad, it was a mess and chaos and death but he got out and that area of endless war, a spending on a war that seemed without end is over ... I think it was SixString who recommended 'The Forever War' it is a book by American author Joe Haldeman, it might be one of the more important scifi books I have not read...I hear there is possibly a lesson in this book, at the time it was a Vietnam analogy but later men going to War in Afghanistan going home having a family and their children fighting the same terrible as what Joe Biden seen when he pulled out at least the War has Ended.

Joe Biden shows us how important Walls are and he has not kissed the ass of Israeli Jew warmongering Zionists as much as previous Evangelical Republicans have done and that is maybe a good thing...he has however given some vague support to those other religion nuts, the islamo crap headed jihadi political groups, why must the USA either kiss the ass of Saudi-Palestine-Islamo-Iran bloc or kiss the ass of Saudi-EU-Israel? is there no Party who will speak for the USA instead?
I wrote in another thread Netanyahu helps create Anti-American terrorists...the thread is buried somewhere, THGRRI or is it Thg was accused of bumping over 100 of his / her own threads...but its there that chat, the discussion of how Israel stupidity indirectly helps recruit Anti-American islamics is around somewhere.
Joe Biden did not give Zionist neocons like Bolton positions of power.
Hidden Truths? Joe Biden also began to Declassifying more of the 9/11 or UFO material now called 'UAP'? and that is a positive.
America First? Joe exposed how it is needed to support the USA first. Is there nobody who will actually go 'America First' also invest in transport infrastructure and Thorium powered Train grids?...maybe in Asia??
Joe he went crazy reversing Trump's border policy and stopped the Wall and open the Mexican traffickers and drug runners and opened borders to doing so he exposed how stupidly Partisan the USA is, it needs a Third choice and a Third Party more than ever.
Don't be manipulated by foreign elite groups.
Control your border!
invest at home!
If anything Joe has show everyone in the world how important in can be to control your borders, not to be controlled by foreign religion powers and Joe through his stupidity has show maybe how important a Third Choice could be.

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden through their idiocy and stumbling and bumbling exposed the Hive Mind, the Marxist Mob and 'BigTech' censoring people who question the Booster Shots, banning people who question the election results, banning anyone and censoring the net of people who speak good about Trump, through their words and mad talking heads in media almost sending out Mobs to attack people in cities...they have show us the USA can loose its freedom just like any other nation to a group of Brown Shirts or Blue Shirts or Red Shirts, Democrats can be no different to Neocons and 1984 and Marxism is very close.

Joe Biden has made friends in Canada and Europe, ok they are kind crap friends at times but there's a War in Eastern Europe and that 'Trade War' stuff is over and Trump had limited success with his decouple from the world and his Trade War ideas, even though Joe has been poor at leadership at times and confused with economics he also had success and strengthened the NATO alliance, Japan will defend itself against Russia etc. Joe Biden also has good relations with Japan, Greece, South Korea...but I think Trump also got along well with these countries, Joe didn't make things any worse when it came to trade wars and maybe that is successful?

Joe Biden messing up the teleprompter lines has exposed something behind the curtain, we are not sure who or what group is the puppet master 'The Deep State' maybe...its possible Joe Biden had senile dementia and somebody else or some group has been leading the United States of America

Joe Biden pissed off Elon Musk so much that Elon bought twitter, attempted to reform it, called it 'X' and opened it up to discussion and memes that fire between left and right or righwing meme vs leftwing memes...Joe Biden has helped Elon Musk see how important free speech is

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have got some prisoners or hostages released and no matter what President is in power that is a positive


Friday, August 2, 2024 7:39 PM


Oh right... What did Joe Biden* INDIRECTLY do for our country.

He fucked up the economy so bad that all the Venture Capital dried up completely. This lead to all the DEI departments and major corporations being disbanded with all the employees being laid off. Many movie/tv and video game critics lost their jobs. Movies, TV shows and video games have increased substantially in quality over the last year. Pride Month is essentially dead. The list goes on and on...

None of that would have been possible had Trump won a 2nd term and the economy wasn't a dumpster fire.

Thanks Joe*!


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, August 3, 2024 5:56 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Oh right... What did Joe Biden* INDIRECTLY do for our country.

He fucked up the economy so bad that all the Venture Capital dried up completely. This lead to all the DEI departments and major corporations being disbanded with all the employees being laid off. Many movie/tv and video game critics lost their jobs. Movies, TV shows and video games have increased substantially in quality over the last year. Pride Month is essentially dead. The list goes on and on...

None of that would have been possible had Trump won a 2nd term and the economy wasn't a dumpster fire.

Thanks Joe*!


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Hey... Speak of the Devil.

I wasn't aware that this was happening in real time while I was writing about it.

FORBES (Aug 2, 2024,12:30pm EDT): GameStop Shuts Down Game Informer, All Staff Laid Off As An Era Ends


Game Informer has just published a message revealing that it has been shut down by its parent company GameStop, the video game store turned meme stock.

In the message, Game Informer thanks its readers over its 33 years of existence, and I count myself among them. The message reads as follows:

“After 33 thrilling years of bringing you the latest news, reviews, and insights from the ever-evolving world of gaming, it is with a heavy heart that we announce the closure of Game Informer.

From the early days of pixelated adventures to today’s immersive virtual realms, we’ve been honored to share this incredible journey with you, our loyal readers. While our presses may stop, the passion for gaming that we’ve cultivated together will continue to live on.

The announcement was followed by the confirmation that yes, everyone at Game Informer has been laid off as of about noon today, with some staff not even aware of the news yet if they haven’t checked social media. Content Director Kyle Hilliard says they were 70% done with the next issue. As of now, GameStop itself has not publicly commented on the shutdown.

The writing may have been on the wall for quite some time as Game Informer kept cutting staff down to the bone, forcing perilously few people to produce a magazine and online content to compete with larger outlets. Currently, games media is some rough combination of:

Giant conglomerates like Ziff Davis/Gamurs scooping up loads of major and minor sites to try and better eat internet traffic.
Sites shutting down altogether.
A lucky few doing paid newsletters or sites independently.
Large mainstream outlets (like me) with a gaming section.

In short, it’s tough out there.

Game Informer was unique as a physical magazine, one sold through GameStop itself. GameStop has gone through bizarre transformations in the last years as it tries to survive as a physical game store in the digital world, which involves fewer games on the shelves and a lot more hardware and toys. Now, famously, GME has been the subject of meme stock legend, swinging wildly around since 2021 as amateur investors tried to get rich from it (and some did). I doubt today’s closure of Game Informer even registers there.

Some of my earliest gaming memories are of reading Game Informer alongside whatever I was playing at the time, and over time, the editors began to feel like friends I knew. It was bizarre twenty years later when I was able to start chatting with a few of them online, now in the industry myself. It remains my fondest memory of any form of gaming journalism, and those who were left deserved better than what GameStop had given them these last years. It will be missed, deeply.

Yeah... Whatever, fruit.

I was buying Game Informer at WalMart when you were still shitting your diapers.

Back then it was a great magazine. It started falling to shit with all you woketards and DEI hires ruining it around the time Obama got reelected.

Maybe if your idiot friends actually loved games, played games and talked about games instead of spending every issue talking about your political agenda, you wouldn't be crying about them all lining up for unemployment and not having any skills that will land them any job making over minimum wage in the future while trying to pay off a mountain of college debt that they'll be enslaved to for the rest of their lives.

SPOILER ALERT: Forbes doesn't need a "gaming section". You're going to be out of a job soon too.

That goes double if you were one of the game reviewers that gave The Last of Us 2 a 10 out of 10.

Don't bother polishing up your resume. There are no equivalent jobs out there for you, and you don't need a resume when you're next job is going to be asking people "do you want fries with that."

Thanks Joe Biden*!


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, August 3, 2024 8:36 AM


How terrible is Biden? is the the worst...could it be worse....or just be happy you don't have Bush junior at 81 years of age??

George W. Bush uttered 'the 10 most important words in the history of economics' in 2008, Warren Buffett says

yes Biden has been terrible but maybe there are worse Presidents


Saturday, August 3, 2024 4:24 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have no idea where you are going with this.

I'm not going anywhere with this.
That's the point. I don't have an agenda.

I was trying to collect info on Presidents' performance, but 2018 data forward is mostly missing.

So how about this?

You tell me, without demonizing, where you think Republicans have succeeded, and where they failed, and why. And same for Democrats.

Your post is confusing. You use dishonestly vague terms like Dem and Rep, but then say President, and then after 2018.
So you are really asking about Trump and Biden, it seems.

The casual observer would point out that, due to Bidenflation, 2024 showed the record high prices for Gold in May or April. (I have not confirmed this). Same for Stock Market - even though the Dow is only worth about 35K in Trump-era dollars, in Biden Bucks it counts up over 40K. This sorta ignores the negative effects of Bidenflation.

Otherwise, every achievement that Biden has accrued has been a monumental success, depending upon your viewpoint.
The primary goals of President "My Boss" Obama, the other Democraps, Libtards, as well as Lord Darth Obiden, have been to destroy America, shred the Constitution - so everything Biden has done has been a rousing success. Including all of the wars that Obama has worked so hard on. Gifting $Billion of high-tech military hardware and weapons to Afghanistan, ISIL, Syria, Iran. Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthies, Lebanon, is merely one good example. Exiting Afghanistan without planning was horrible for America and the world, but great for Team My Boss.

I will start with the largest failure in American history, the Ending of Constitutional America.
Abdicator-in-Chief Mike Pence refuse to perform his Constitutional Duties and Responsibilities on January 6th. 240 years of following The Constitution even in the same circumstances many times before, went up in smoke when he was too confused to read The Constitution and perform his duties. Perhaps worse, he still has not a clue that what he did was Unconstitutional, or that he was outright wrong.

Failures. Reduce the Debt. Balance the Federal Budget, make a Surplus Federal Budget. Sure, he gave these topics lip service when campaigning, but I never voted for him because these were my key issues, and having seen him on TV shows, I conjured he was not serious, and would only use these as bargaining chips to be traded for the subjects he cared about more. I am so smart.

Drain The Swamp. This does include ordering the withdrawal of troops, which caused Obamabot ISIL/Afghan Envoy McGurk to resign in protest - then his replacement Jim Jeffrey just ignored the orders to withdraw troops from Syria and Afghanistan, just lying to anybody who asked. Reducing troops from about 45,000 to 3,000 was not enough.

Keystone Pipeline. Didn't push it hard enough to get it done.

Border Wall. Wasn't completed.

Ejecting Deep State.

Fauci. And his Lockdowns.

Success. Exposing the obviousness of Fake News. Fake Politicians.
Energy Prices
Stock market
Warp Speed provided CHOICES for those who wanted to be Vaxxed - Trump have nothing to do with FORCED JABS, that was the next clown.
Less Wars, ending of many, Peace breaking out all over.
Tax Cuts producing record-breaking Revenue
Appointing Constitutional Justices to SCOTUS
Lowest Illegal Aliens
Worldwide belligerant behaving


Saturday, August 3, 2024 5:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Great, thanks!

Do you mind me asking a few ... well, quite a lot, actually... questions?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Saturday, August 3, 2024 6:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have no idea where you are going with this.

SIGNY: I'm not going anywhere with this.
That's the point. I don't have an agenda.
I was trying to collect info on Presidents' performance, but 2018 data forward is mostly missing.

So how about this?
You tell me, without demonizing, where you think Republicans have succeeded, and where they failed, and why. And same for Democrats.

JSF: Your post is confusing.

Yes it is. Sorry.


JSF: You use dishonestly vague terms like Dem and Rep, but then say President, and then after 2018.
So you are really asking about Trump and Biden, it seems.

The casual observer would point out that, due to Bidenflation, 2024 showed the record high prices for Gold in May or April. (I have not confirmed this). Same for Stock Market - even though the Dow is only worth about 35K in Trump-era dollars, in Biden Bucks it counts up over 40K. This sorta ignores the negative effects of Bidenflation.

So, inflation is bad. Do you feel the same about more modest inflation rates, say 1%? Or is it just when it goes out if control? And I understand that inflation means that your currency is being devalued... it definitely discourages savings and promotes consumption... is there anything wrong with that? If so, why?
Not a "gotcha" question, just wanting to understand.


Otherwise, every achievement that Biden has accrued has been a monumental success, depending upon your viewpoint.
The primary goals of President "My Boss" Obama, the other Democraps, Libtards, as well as Lord Darth Obiden, have been to destroy America,

Which means... what? Open the borders? De-industrialize? Destroy the family?

shred the Constitution -
Aside from our Bill of Rights, the Constitution devolves many powers to the states. Is it these parts of the Constitution you're concerned about? Or something else? And what should be done to correct the situation?


JSF: so everything Biden has done has been a rousing success. Including all of the wars that Obama has worked so hard on. Gifting $Billion of high-tech military hardware and weapons to Afghanistan, ISIL, Syria, Iran. Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthies, Lebanon, is merely one good example. Exiting Afghanistan without planning was horrible for America and the world, but great for Team My Boss.
Are you mainly concerned with the arming of enemies and terror groups? With wars in general?
Inquiring minds want to know!


I will start with the largest failure in American history, the Ending of Constitutional America.
Abdicator-in-Chief Mike Pence refuse to perform his Constitutional Duties and Responsibilities on January 6th. 240 years of following The Constitution even in the same circumstances many times before, went up in smoke when he was too confused to read The Constitution and perform his duties. Perhaps worse, he still has not a clue that what he did was Unconstitutional, or that he was outright wrong.

Not aware of the part of the Constitution that he violated. Can you tell me which part?


JSF: Trump
Failures. Reduce the Debt. Balance the Federal Budget, make a Surplus Federal Budget. Sure, he gave these topics lip service when campaigning, but I never voted for him because these were my key issues, and having seen him on TV shows, I conjured he was not serious, and would only use these as bargaining chips to be traded for the subjects he cared about more. I am so smart.

Understood. But IMHO balancing the budget so quickly would do more harm than good!


Drain The Swamp. This does include ordering the withdrawal of troops, which caused Obamabot ISIL/Afghan Envoy McGurk to resing in protest - then his replacement Jim Jeffrey just ignored the orders to withdraw troops from Syria and Afghanistan, just lying to anybody who asked. Reducing troops from about 45,000 to 3,000 was not enough.
The Swamp is so big!!! State Dept? DHS?


Keystone Pipeline. Didn't push it hard enough to get it done.
And this was to ... make America energy independent?


JSF: Border Wall. Wasn't completed.
And yet, Trump throttled illegal immigration back quite a bit. More than one way to skin a cat?


JSF: Ejecting Deep State.
I guess not the same as The Swamp. Where do you draw the line between?


Fauci. And his Lockdowns.
My memory is hazy. I know Trump tried to restrict international travel. But weren't lockdowns state by state? You probably know better than me.


JSF: Success. Exposing the obviousness of Fake News. Fake Politicians.
Energy Prices
Stock market
Warp Speed provided CHOICES for those who wanted to be Vaxxed - Trump have nothing to do with FORCED JABS, that was the next clown.
Less Wars, ending of many, Peace breaking out all over.
Tax Cuts producing record-breaking Revenue
Appointing Constitutional Justices to SCOTUS
Lowest Illegal Aliens
Worldwide belligerant behaving

I think I got most of these.

You have a vision of America. From your statements I will try to synthesize what this ll means, and you can tellme where I'm wrong. Gotta do dishes. Later.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Sunday, August 4, 2024 9:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Not forgotten, still busy.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Tuesday, August 6, 2024 12:24 AM


When I made my post, in a hurry, I failed to explain that I might assume the points would be obvious enough, and the items which were not could be pointed out for expansion.
Sigs was able to accurately understand and accept my meaning, implied by it's absence.

Must be lots of dishes.
I will also not have time to complete this post, at this time.

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have no idea where you are going with this.

SIGNY: I'm not going anywhere with this.
That's the point. I don't have an agenda.
I was trying to collect info on Presidents' performance, but 2018 data forward is mostly missing.

So how about this?
You tell me, without demonizing, where you think Republicans have succeeded, and where they failed, and why. And same for Democrats.

JSF: Your post is confusing.

Yes it is. Sorry.

JSF: You use dishonestly vague terms like Dem and Rep, but then say President, and then after 2018.
So you are really asking about Trump and Biden, it seems.

The casual observer would point out that, due to Bidenflation, 2024 showed the record high prices for Gold in May or April. (I have not confirmed this). Same for Stock Market - even though the Dow is only worth about 35K in Trump-era dollars, in Biden Bucks it counts up over 40K. This sorta ignores the negative effects of Bidenflation.

So, inflation is bad. Do you feel the same about more modest inflation rates, say 1%? Or is it just when it goes out if control? And I understand that inflation means that your currency is being devalued... it definitely discourages savings and promotes consumption... is there anything wrong with that? If so, why?
Not a "gotcha" question, just wanting to understand.

I hope to add to this later.
Short answer: Libtards and Democraps yearn for inflation of 20%, 50%, as high as they can go. I would prefer -0-, or deflation even. A common compromise is 1-2% goal. Because of the math regarding averaging sky-high and negative figures, I can accept 1-2% as a compromise goal.


Otherwise, every achievement that Biden has accrued has been a monumental success, depending upon your viewpoint.
The primary goals of President "My Boss" Obama, the other Democraps, Libtards, as well as Lord Darth Obiden, have been to destroy America,

Which means... what? Open the borders? De-industrialize? Destroy the family?

Yes x 3. Impoverish the hard-working, the entrepreneur, the upper-class, the striving. Wreck the economy, the sustainable supply chain, the social fabric of Americans.


shred the Constitution -
Aside from our Bill of Rights, the Constitution devolves many powers to the states. Is it these parts of the Constitution you're concerned about? Or something else? And what should be done to correct the situation?


JSF: so everything Biden has done has been a rousing success. Including all of the wars that Obama has worked so hard on. Gifting $Billion of high-tech military hardware and weapons to Afghanistan, ISIL, Syria, Iran. Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthies, Lebanon, is merely one good example. Exiting Afghanistan without planning was horrible for America and the world, but great for Team My Boss.
Are you mainly concerned with the arming of enemies and terror groups? With wars in general?
Inquiring minds want to know!

This needs more time.


I will start with the largest failure in American history, the Ending of Constitutional America.
Abdicator-in-Chief Mike Pence refuse to perform his Constitutional Duties and Responsibilities on January 6th. 240 years of following The Constitution even in the same circumstances many times before, went up in smoke when he was too confused to read The Constitution and perform his duties. Perhaps worse, he still has not a clue that what he did was Unconstitutional, or that he was outright wrong.

Not aware of the part of the Constitution that he violated. Can you tell me which part?

I did not realize you were not paying attention. I'll work up a response, when time.


JSF: Trump
Failures. Reduce the Debt. Balance the Federal Budget, make a Surplus Federal Budget. Sure, he gave these topics lip service when campaigning, but I never voted for him because these were my key issues, and having seen him on TV shows, I conjured he was not serious, and would only use these as bargaining chips to be traded for the subjects he cared about more. I am so smart.

Understood. But IMHO balancing the budget so quickly would do more harm than good!

Wow. That makes no sense. I need more time for this.


Drain The Swamp. This does include ordering the withdrawal of troops, which caused Obamabot ISIL/Afghan Envoy McGurk to resing in protest - then his replacement Jim Jeffrey just ignored the orders to withdraw troops from Syria and Afghanistan, just lying to anybody who asked. Reducing troops from about 45,000 to 3,000 was not enough.
The Swamp is so big!!! State Dept? DHS?

State, DoJ, CIA, FBI, Dept Education/Union, Dept Energy, EPA, FDA, IRS, to start.


Keystone Pipeline. Didn't push it hard enough to get it done.
And this was to ... make America energy independent?


JSF: Border Wall. Wasn't completed.
And yet, Trump throttled illegal immigration back quite a bit. More than one way to skin a cat?

All ways are needed. But, I need more time to point out why this and Keystone were so important, regarding durability.


JSF: Ejecting Deep State.
I guess not the same as The Swamp. Where do you draw the line between?


Fauci. And his Lockdowns.
My memory is hazy. I know Trump tried to restrict international travel. But weren't lockdowns state by state? You probably know better than me.


JSF: Success. Exposing the obviousness of Fake News. Fake Politicians.
Energy Prices
Stock market
Warp Speed provided CHOICES for those who wanted to be Vaxxed - Trump have nothing to do with FORCED JABS, that was the next clown.
Less Wars, ending of many, Peace breaking out all over.
Tax Cuts producing record-breaking Revenue
Appointing Constitutional Justices to SCOTUS
Lowest Illegal Aliens
Worldwide belligerant behaving

I think I got most of these.

You have a vision of America. From your statements I will try to synthesize what this ll means, and you can tellme where I'm wrong. Gotta do dishes. Later.

Regarding the exposing of Fake News. Fake News has not taken kindly to this exposure, so have been promoting the concept of DEVISIVENESS!! Lies from Fake News are just as valid as Truth and Facts, and must have equal time. Anybody who disagrees is DEVISIVE! America has never, ever been more Devisive! Polarized! plus some other similar words. The gaslighting will continue until morale improves, or the Devisiveness ends, or the Pax-23 formula is perfected.
Of course, Fake News is saying that only the opposing side is being devisive.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024 2:00 PM


RFK and Tulsi think Kamala Harris is the worst of bad choices

Trump adds RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard to his transition team


Thursday, September 5, 2024 7:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, any honesty from SECOND?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Friday, September 13, 2024 11:02 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have no idea where you are going with this.

SIGNY: I'm not going anywhere with this.
That's the point. I don't have an agenda.
I was trying to collect info on Presidents' performance, but 2018 data forward is mostly missing.

So how about this?
You tell me, without demonizing, where you think Republicans have succeeded, and where they failed, and why. And same for Democrats.

JSF: Your post is confusing.

Yes it is. Sorry.


JSF: You use dishonestly vague terms like Dem and Rep, but then say President, and then after 2018.
So you are really asking about Trump and Biden, it seems.

The casual observer would point out that, due to Bidenflation, 2024 showed the record high prices for Gold in May or April. (I have not confirmed this). Same for Stock Market - even though the Dow is only worth about 35K in Trump-era dollars, in Biden Bucks it counts up over 40K. This sorta ignores the negative effects of Bidenflation.

So, inflation is bad. Do you feel the same about more modest inflation rates, say 1%? Or is it just when it goes out if control? And I understand that inflation means that your currency is being devalued... it definitely discourages savings and promotes consumption... is there anything wrong with that? If so, why?
Not a "gotcha" question, just wanting to understand.


Otherwise, every achievement that Biden has accrued has been a monumental success, depending upon your viewpoint.
The primary goals of President "My Boss" Obama, the other Democraps, Libtards, as well as Lord Darth Obiden, have been to destroy America,

Which means... what? Open the borders? De-industrialize? Destroy the family?

shred the Constitution -
Aside from our Bill of Rights, the Constitution devolves many powers to the states. Is it these parts of the Constitution you're concerned about? Or something else? And what should be done to correct the situation?


JSF: so everything Biden has done has been a rousing success. Including all of the wars that Obama has worked so hard on. Gifting $Billion of high-tech military hardware and weapons to Afghanistan, ISIL, Syria, Iran. Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthies, Lebanon, is merely one good example. Exiting Afghanistan without planning was horrible for America and the world, but great for Team My Boss.
Are you mainly concerned with the arming of enemies and terror groups? With wars in general?
Inquiring minds want to know!


I will start with the largest failure in American history, the Ending of Constitutional America.
Abdicator-in-Chief Mike Pence refuse to perform his Constitutional Duties and Responsibilities on January 6th. 240 years of following The Constitution even in the same circumstances many times before, went up in smoke when he was too confused to read The Constitution and perform his duties. Perhaps worse, he still has not a clue that what he did was Unconstitutional, or that he was outright wrong.

Not aware of the part of the Constitution that he violated. Can you tell me which part?


JSF: Trump
Failures. Reduce the Debt. Balance the Federal Budget, make a Surplus Federal Budget. Sure, he gave these topics lip service when campaigning, but I never voted for him because these were my key issues, and having seen him on TV shows, I conjured he was not serious, and would only use these as bargaining chips to be traded for the subjects he cared about more. I am so smart.

Understood. But IMHO balancing the budget so quickly would do more harm than good!

I was sidelined for weeks due to illness.
So let's try this one, to start.
I think we all understand by now that you believe in the parasitic government needing to confiscate every penny from hard working American Citizens, to suck the lifeblood from the economy. And then to wastefully spend every single penny, and even more.
If there were roving bands of Libertarians in your region, they would hunt you down and lynch you for trying to spend us into oblivion - and everybody would know why they did so.

But let us pretend for a minute that you can conceive of the concept of a balanced budget. This means spending less dollars than were collected, planning to spend less than realistically expected to collect. Most years like this would result in Surplus Budget - thus reducing the Federal Debt - and perhaps occasionally spending slightly more due to unforseen circumstances - not as a matter of practice.

In this version of yourself, how do you see the Surplus Budget happening?
When? What plan? What circumstances?
Such a reasoned, sensible version of yourself cannot see the the EASIEST time for a Surplus Budget is when we have the record high revenues collected, as when Trump had them resulting from his tax cuts? If not during record high revenue collections, then when better to have a Surplus Budget?
During years of austerity? Are you insane?
Explain to us When a Surplus Budget should be occurring if not during years of greater revenue collections than any other time in our history.


Drain The Swamp. This does include ordering the withdrawal of troops, which caused Obamabot ISIL/Afghan Envoy McGurk to resing in protest - then his replacement Jim Jeffrey just ignored the orders to withdraw troops from Syria and Afghanistan, just lying to anybody who asked. Reducing troops from about 45,000 to 3,000 was not enough.
The Swamp is so big!!! State Dept? DHS?


Keystone Pipeline. Didn't push it hard enough to get it done.
And this was to ... make America energy independent?


JSF: Border Wall. Wasn't completed.
And yet, Trump throttled illegal immigration back quite a bit. More than one way to skin a cat?


JSF: Ejecting Deep State.
I guess not the same as The Swamp. Where do you draw the line between?


Fauci. And his Lockdowns.
My memory is hazy. I know Trump tried to restrict international travel. But weren't lockdowns state by state? You probably know better than me.


JSF: Success. Exposing the obviousness of Fake News. Fake Politicians.
Energy Prices
Stock market
Warp Speed provided CHOICES for those who wanted to be Vaxxed - Trump have nothing to do with FORCED JABS, that was the next clown.
Less Wars, ending of many, Peace breaking out all over.
Tax Cuts producing record-breaking Revenue
Appointing Constitutional Justices to SCOTUS
Lowest Illegal Aliens
Worldwide belligerant behaving

I think I got most of these.

You have a vision of America. From your statements I will try to synthesize what this ll means, and you can tellme where I'm wrong. Gotta do dishes. Later.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Saturday, September 14, 2024 12:16 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have no idea where you are going with this.

SIGNY: I'm not going anywhere with this.
That's the point. I don't have an agenda.
I was trying to collect info on Presidents' performance, but 2018 data forward is mostly missing.

So how about this?
You tell me, without demonizing, where you think Republicans have succeeded, and where they failed, and why. And same for Democrats.

JSF: Your post is confusing.

SIGNY: Yes it is. Sorry.

JSF: You use dishonestly vague terms like Dem and Rep, but then say President, and then after 2018.
So you are really asking about Trump and Biden, it seems.

The casual observer would point out that, due to Bidenflation, 2024 showed the record high prices for Gold in May or April. (I have not confirmed this). Same for Stock Market - even though the Dow is only worth about 35K in Trump-era dollars, in Biden Bucks it counts up over 40K. This sorta ignores the negative effects of Bidenflation.

SIGNY: So, inflation is bad. Do you feel the same about more modest inflation rates, say 1%? Or is it just when it goes out if control? And I understand that inflation means that your currency is being devalued... it definitely discourages savings and promotes consumption... is there anything wrong with that? If so, why?
Not a "gotcha" question, just wanting to understand.

JSF: Otherwise, every achievement that Biden has accrued has been a monumental success, depending upon your viewpoint.
The primary goals of President "My Boss" Obama, the other Democraps, Libtards, as well as Lord Darth Obiden, have been to destroy America

SIGNY: Which means... what? Open the borders? De-industrialize? Destroy the family?

JSF: shred the Constitution -

SIGNY: Aside from our Bill of Rights, the Constitution devolves many powers to the states. Is it these parts of the Constitution you're concerned about? Or something else? And what should be done to correct the situation?

JSF: so everything Biden has done has been a rousing success. Including all of the wars that Obama has worked so hard on. Gifting $Billion of high-tech military hardware and weapons to Afghanistan, ISIL, Syria, Iran. Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthies, Lebanon, is merely one good example. Exiting Afghanistan without planning was horrible for America and the world, but great for Team My Boss.

SIGNY: Are you mainly concerned with the arming of enemies and terror groups? With wars in general?
Inquiring minds want to know!

JSF: Republicans:
I will start with the largest failure in American history, the Ending of Constitutional America.
Abdicator-in-Chief Mike Pence refuse to perform his Constitutional Duties and Responsibilities on January 6th. 240 years of following The Constitution even in the same circumstances many times before, went up in smoke when he was too confused to read The Constitution and perform his duties. Perhaps worse, he still has not a clue that what he did was Unconstitutional, or that he was outright wrong.

SIGNY: Not aware of the part of the Constitution that he violated. Can you tell me which part?

JSF: Trump
Failures. Reduce the Debt. Balance the Federal Budget, make a Surplus Federal Budget. Sure, he gave these topics lip service when campaigning, but I never voted for him because these were my key issues, and having seen him on TV shows, I conjured he was not serious, and would only use these as bargaining chips to be traded for the subjects he cared about more. I am so smart.

JSF: Understood. But IMHO balancing the budget so quickly would do more harm than good!

. . .

JSF: I was sidelined for weeks due to illness.
So let's try this one, to start.
I think we all understand by now that you believe in the parasitic government needing to confiscate every penny from hard working American Citizens, to suck the lifeblood from the economy.




JSF: But let us pretend for a minute that you can conceive of the concept of a balanced budget. This means spending less dollars than were collected, planning to spend less than realistically expected to collect. Most years like this would result in Surplus Budget - thus reducing the Federal Debt - and perhaps occasionally spending slightly more due to unforseen circumstances - not as a matter of practice.

In this version of yourself, how do you see the Surplus Budget happening?
When? What plan? What circumstances?
Such a reasoned, sensible version of yourself cannot see the the EASIEST time for a Surplus Budget is when we have the record high revenues collected, as when Trump had them resulting from his tax cuts? If not during record high revenue collections, then when better to have a Surplus Budget?
During years of austerity? Are you insane?
Explain to us When a Surplus Budget should be occurring if not during years of greater revenue collections than any other time in our history.

I think we should first cut blatant waste, and I classify at least half of military and most of spook spending as money destined to go into somebody's pocket. Along with our bloated State Dept.

And there is a tremendous bureaucracy encrusted around DC. One that comes to mind is the HUD. I'm surd there are more.


Drain The Swamp. This does include ordering the withdrawal of troops, which caused Obamabot ISIL/Afghan Envoy McGurk to resing in protest - then his replacement Jim Jeffrey just ignored the orders to withdraw troops from Syria and Afghanistan, just lying to anybody who asked. Reducing troops from about 45,000 to 3,000 was not enough.

SIGNY: The Swamp is so big!!! State Dept? DHS?

JSF: Keystone Pipeline. Didn't push it hard enough to get it done.

SIGNY: And this was to ... make America energy independent?

JSF: Border Wall. Wasn't completed.

SIGNY: And yet, Trump throttled illegal immigration back quite a bit. More than one way to skin a cat?

JSF: Ejecting Deep State.

SIGNY: I guess not the same as The Swamp. Where do you draw the line between?

JSF: Fauci. And his Lockdowns.

SIGNY: My memory is hazy. I know Trump tried to restrict international travel. But weren't lockdowns state by state? You probably know better than me.

JSF: Success. Exposing the obviousness of Fake News. Fake Politicians.
Energy Prices
Stock market
Warp Speed provided CHOICES for those who wanted to be Vaxxed - Trump have nothing to do with FORCED JABS, that was the next clown.
Less Wars, ending of many, Peace breaking out all over.
Tax Cuts producing record-breaking Revenue
Appointing Constitutional Justices to SCOTUS
Lowest Illegal Aliens
Worldwide belligerant behaving

SIGNY: I think I got most of these.

You have a vision of America. From your statements I will try to synthesize what this ll means, and you can tellme where I'm wrong. Gotta do dishes. Later.

How about you not being so angry all the time and not attacking people who aren't attacking you? I was just asking questions.

One thing I wanted to address was our long term energy security. I wonder what our proven oil and gas reserves are, versus our consumption rates, and how long they can be expected to last, and what we might do after that.

But you just got so pissed off and insulting off the bat there's no point continuing.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Saturday, September 14, 2024 12:38 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have no idea where you are going with this.

SIGNY: I'm not going anywhere with this.
That's the point. I don't have an agenda.
I was trying to collect info on Presidents' performance, but 2018 data forward is mostly missing.

So how about this?
You tell me, without demonizing, where you think Republicans have succeeded, and where they failed, and why. And same for Democrats.

JSF: Trump
Failures. Reduce the Debt. Balance the Federal Budget, make a Surplus Federal Budget. Sure, he gave these topics lip service when campaigning, but I never voted for him because these were my key issues, and having seen him on TV shows, I conjured he was not serious, and would only use these as bargaining chips to be traded for the subjects he cared about more. I am so smart.

JSF: Understood. But IMHO balancing the budget so quickly would do more harm than good!

. . .

JSF: I was sidelined for weeks due to illness.
So let's try this one, to start.
I think we all understand by now that you believe in the parasitic government needing to confiscate every penny from hard working American Citizens, to suck the lifeblood from the economy.




JSF: But let us pretend for a minute that you can conceive of the concept of a balanced budget. This means spending less dollars than were collected, planning to spend less than realistically expected to collect. Most years like this would result in Surplus Budget - thus reducing the Federal Debt - and perhaps occasionally spending slightly more due to unforseen circumstances - not as a matter of practice.

In this version of yourself, how do you see the Surplus Budget happening?
When? What plan? What circumstances?
Such a reasoned, sensible version of yourself cannot see the the EASIEST time for a Surplus Budget is when we have the record high revenues collected, as when Trump had them resulting from his tax cuts? If not during record high revenue collections, then when better to have a Surplus Budget?
During years of austerity? Are you insane?
Explain to us When a Surplus Budget should be occurring if not during years of greater revenue collections than any other time in our history.

I think we should first cut blatant waste, and I classify at least half of military and most of spook spending as money destined to go into somebody's pocket. Along with our bloated State Dept.

And there is a tremendous bureaucracy encrusted around DC. One that comes to mind is the HUD. I'm surd there are more.


Saturday, September 14, 2024 12:38 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have no idea where you are going with this.

SIGNY: I'm not going anywhere with this.
That's the point. I don't have an agenda.
I was trying to collect info on Presidents' performance, but 2018 data forward is mostly missing.

So how about this?
You tell me, without demonizing, where you think Republicans have succeeded, and where they failed, and why. And same for Democrats.

JSF: Trump
Failures. Reduce the Debt. Balance the Federal Budget, make a Surplus Federal Budget. Sure, he gave these topics lip service when campaigning, but I never voted for him because these were my key issues, and having seen him on TV shows, I conjured he was not serious, and would only use these as bargaining chips to be traded for the subjects he cared about more. I am so smart.

SIGNY: Understood. But IMHO balancing the budget so quickly would do more harm than good!

. . .

JSF: I was sidelined for weeks due to illness.
So let's try this one, to start.
I think we all understand by now that you believe in the parasitic government needing to confiscate every penny from hard working American Citizens, to suck the lifeblood from the economy.



JSF: But let us pretend for a minute that you can conceive of the concept of a balanced budget. This means spending less dollars than were collected, planning to spend less than realistically expected to collect. Most years like this would result in Surplus Budget - thus reducing the Federal Debt - and perhaps occasionally spending slightly more due to unforseen circumstances - not as a matter of practice.

In this version of yourself, how do you see the Surplus Budget happening?
When? What plan? What circumstances?
Such a reasoned, sensible version of yourself cannot see the the EASIEST time for a Surplus Budget is when we have the record high revenues collected, as when Trump had them resulting from his tax cuts? If not during record high revenue collections, then when better to have a Surplus Budget?
During years of austerity? Are you insane?
Explain to us When a Surplus Budget should be occurring if not during years of greater revenue collections than any other time in our history.

I think we should first cut blatant waste,

Full Stop.
I stipulated that we would pretend for a minute that you were actually interested in a Balanced Budget.
So, what year should we ever have a Balanced or Surplus Budget, if not the year(s) when we have record high revenues?

You can't answer?


Saturday, September 14, 2024 1:04 AM


You will never again in your life witness anything even close to a balanced budget in the United States by either party. We will never add less than 1 Trillion to the deficit per year going forward.

Live long enough and you'll be watching them add the current year's national debt every year. Or World War III before that happens.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, September 14, 2024 2:26 AM


Oh... and if anybody wants to know why I don't bother working beyond what I need, that's probably the biggest reason right there.

Even in a state making $7.25 minimum wage, I couldn't find a job making less per hour than I was making in 2019. My old job pays $3.50 more per hour than it did in 2019 right off the street, which is $4.50 more than what the starting pay was in late 2017.

By the time I go back to work, starting pay for a shit job in Indiana is going to be $20-25 per hour. Why work for half that now when I don't need it and I'm just losing money every year to Bidenflation?

Don't answer "The Stock Market", because that's all rigged and you're all going to be fucked.

I'll work when I need to.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, September 14, 2024 3:23 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


In FY 2023, the federal government spent $6.13 trillion and collected $4.44 trillion in revenue, resulting in a deficit.

$4.4 trillion revenue
$6.13 trillion spent
$0.87 trillion interest payment
$0.82 trillion "defense" (Well, more actually, since Congress allocates more $$$ for "defense" than has been budgeted. Probably closer to $1 trillion.)
$1.3 trillion Social Security
$0.84 trillion Medicare
$0.92 trillion non-defense

These may not add up because the numbers were from different sources.

If we look at so-called defense and non-defense spending, we could probably beneficially come close to balancing the budget. I excluded Social Security because it us the one item where taxes come from people and go back to people. Medicare OTOH... a lot of that $ gets stuck in corporate profits.

FWIW ... no, I'm not a libertarian. Having looked at many economic and political systemz, I've come to realize that ANY system can be, and has been, corrupted. Libertatianism, IMHO, corrupts faster than most because there are no moral, legal, or practical limits to it. In order for libertarianism to function as I think it's supposed to, there must be healthy competition among relatively small economic units.

But POWER AND WEALTH CONCENTRATE. They don't disperse, they behave gravitationally... the more you have, the more you get. Power and wealth concentrate into fewer and fewer hands until you have the USA today... an oligarchy.

If a government has any function under libertarianism, aside from defending the borders and setting the general laws of society ... I imagine it would be to enforce competition. Unfortunately, since the one thing most businesses hate is competition, big businesses have the money and influence to continue monopolizing more and more.

It's a conundrum.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Saturday, September 14, 2024 4:42 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
FWIW ... no, I'm not a libertarian. Having looked at many economic and political systemz, I've come to realize that ANY system can be, and has been, corrupted. Libertatianism, IMHO, corrupts faster than most because there are no moral, legal, or practical limits to it. In order for libertarianism to function as I think it's supposed to, there must be healthy competition among relatively small economic units.

But POWER AND WEALTH CONCENTRATE. They don't disperse, they behave gravitationally... the more you have, the more you get. Power and wealth concentrate into fewer and fewer hands until you have the USA today... an oligarchy.

If a government has any function under libertarianism, aside from defending the borders and setting the general laws of society ... I imagine it would be to enforce competition. Unfortunately, since the one thing most businesses hate is competition, big businesses have the money and influence to continue monopolizing more and more.

It's a conundrum.

Our government has 2 jobs, and it's failed miserably at both of them.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.






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