bush is a racist arsehole!

UPDATED: Thursday, August 10, 2006 18:35
VIEWED: 5236
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006 2:34 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
One word, Hero.


Good...Good. Let the anger consume you. Your hate has made you powerful...(Mine is an evil laugh.)



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 2:41 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
Good...Good. Let the anger consume you. Your hate has made you powerful...(Mine is an evil laugh.)

You're conversion to the right side is almost complete...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:07 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:
On the contrary, I'm saying black people moreso than white people at the moment, are intelligent enough to see through current republican bullshit. They are inundated with the cold hard facts every day, just by looking around them.

I hope you are correct. It would bode well for their future. I expect that such great decision making ability will be readily apparent in all areas of their lifestyles. (Looks at Cleveland) Guess not.

There is a sizable and slowly growing minority of black persons who are making these intellegent decisions and some are voting Republican, some Democrat. But the majority remain mired in their lives of quiet desperation and vote as they are told by the perceived masters of their community, the black Civil Rights leaders and the Democratic Party. These are the people who control social services, protection (by and from the police and criminals), schools, churches, wellfare lines, free clinics, loan sharks (even the legitimate ones like Cash Advance), and so on.

In 2004 Ohio found the NAACP paying voters to vote and in one case that payment was crack cocaine. Democrats have lead the Black political movement for over fifty years and in that time the cities have fallen apart, crime and drugs are worse, traditional families have all but disappeared and blacks have been imprisoned by the hundreds of thousands.

The intellegent choices you see them making have driven away the jobs and now what? What company would open a business that pays good wages in an American city ? They would face crime, labor disruption, high medical costs, a virtually untrained and uneducated workforce, expensive enviromental and safety regulation, and they could go anywhere else and do better cheaper.

Parents? They don't have those. Laws? "They's profilin"... Schools? They "goes when I wants ta goes." (heard that edumaakated young fellow on the radio yesterday after his Mom was fined for his not going to school.) Church? For the old folk, a good meal, or a rally against the Man.

The only intellegent choices they make are the ones to get out and a fair number of those good folk end up Republican where they have advanced farther then they are allowed to in the Democratic Party, I'm sure Senator Byrd (D, KKK, WV) can explain their place too you.

You are the one selling blacks short. YOu're saying they've all been fooled by democrats.

No. Its like the Unions in West Virginia. The Civil Rights Movement and Democratic Party served an absolutely vital purpose to break a cycle of abuse and oppression. But they found their power was tied to that abuse and oppression, so in order to maintain the power they need to maintain the wellspring from which it flows. They enacted programs that deconstructed the social institutions that served best to promote positive growth of the community they served: law and order, schools, families, churches, economic infrastructure. Then they railed against the injustice and feasted on the money wrested from the healthier portion of the greater community and the power generated by the outrage of an underclass they were perpetuating. Worst of all is the education...the dumbing down of those who have not escaped so that in another generation few will remain who remember the better times and the hope that was promised by the great works of long dead leaders.



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:10 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
You're conversion to the right side is almost complete...

Conservatives are always on the right side. And its never too late to come around...even John Kennedy spent his final moments moving "back and to the right". I like Kennedy. He was big on standing up to commies and cutting Reagan, only completely inept.



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:15 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
Conservatives are always on the right side. And its never too late to come around...even John Kennedy spent his final moments moving "back and to the right". I like Kennedy. He was big on standing up to commies and cutting Reagan, only completely inept.

Did you say that with a raspy voice?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 8:33 AM


speaking of Kennedy, it may well be that he was assasinated because he intended on exposing the agenda to destroy America by the central banks and their agent provacateurs. he was exposed to operation Northwoods, a planned attempt by our DoD to attack Americans and blame it on Cubans as a pretext for war, which obviously unsettled him; he wanted to abolish the CIA and other intelligence agencies, of which Bush sr. was a part of at the time, for their un-American schemes; and he was in the process of introducing the Greenback, a US government backed currency of which no debt was owed immediately upon print. just some food for thought...since the Federal Reserve, as many believe, pays for their political shills out of their own pockets..or i should say, out of the pockets of American citizens.

what does this have to do with Bush?..i dont know, i get consumed by tangeant after tangeant anymore


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:39 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Good...Good. Let the anger consume you. Your hate has made you powerful...

Are you equating the American Right with The Emperor from Star Wars?

That's a big slip Chrisisall


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 11:04 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Are you equating the American Right with The Emperor from Star Wars?

That's a big slip Chrisisall

I don't know, seems to work for the far christian right don't it?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 11:16 AM


I guess I have a lot to learn...


Young Chrisisall


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 11:43 AM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Not quite in this conversation, but, AFAIK, Bush ain't a racist arsehole. He's just a stupid, crazy, rich white sociopath who can't see humanity in anyone. Who happens to be President.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 2:41 PM


Yes, those who vote in the inner cities tend to vote democratic, but there's a huge percentage that are disafected from the system, and don't participate at all. That's the problem - not the voting record of those who do get out to the polls.

Your claim that blacks being alligned with democratic policy for the last 50 years has kept them down. That seems less likely than that they've been kept down by the great resistance to their efforts. That doesn't represent a mistake on the part of black voters, it represents an ongoing fight against economic repression that has not yet turned in their favor.

- This is becoming a consistent theme. Republicans constantly claiming that democratic policies don't work, even while they undermine them - "see the wheels don't turn" "Yeah, cuz you just threw a wrench in them."

And yes, sometimes thse cities can get the wrong people elected, regardless of party. Just because a town elected a democrat doesn't mean he isn't sleazy - I'm not naive as to think that there are never wolves in sheeps clothing looking to take advantage of a situation - When that happens we need to vote them out. This party is a little less tolerant of corruption than yours - we're apt to do that when all signs point to yes.

Are you really going to point to Ohio as an example of crooked democrats? The most corrupt republican government in the states? Just for the sake of good neighborlyness, I'll take your word for the NAACP trading crack for 1 whole vote.

There is overwhelming evidence of massive disenfranchizement by the Republican Party in that state, under Blackwell. What about all of those nonsense rules about paper regulations that he arbitrarily mandated, and then failed to provide, disenfranchizing far more than a handful. What about the 8 hour lines and the breaking computers in the democratic districts?

What about 4 years before in Florida when over 50,000 names were purged from the ballot because they were names of ex-felons - same name different people? Over half of them were wrongly taken off the voting roles. And you want to claim that the democrats are about voter fraud? I don't condone those rare cases of small-time democrats on the ground doing shady things because they are misguided or dumb or criminal, but that is nothing compared to what the republican party has done. Also, if the democrats did those things, don't look to me to be their knight in shining armor. I"m not going to defend them.

What is wrong with the lack of accountability in yours?


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 2:49 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
She didn't start that thread you it was started for her by folk who give a damn about people other than themselves!

All things, oh priests, are on fire - Gautama Siddharta

Read my post.never said she started a thread...


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 2:57 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

Originally posted by kaneman:
PS. Anysoul who needs A thread of support ...most certainly "Airs her dirty laundry"..stay chipper...*Big huggs from kaneman*

I think you need to learn how to read. You apparently missed who started that thread. They are my friends and they wanted to support me in a time when I needed support. I would do the same thing for them. If that is something you don't understand or value, perhaps you are in the wrong forum.

Frankly, your opinion in reference to anything that has to do with me, doesn't matter.

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM

No you need to learn how to read..."Anysoul who needs a tread of support"...never said you started one .....pointed out the fact you air your dirty laundry..As far as wrong forum?...I AM TO MISBEHAVE, you are the alliance i am the king.......*BIG HUGGS* Feed the trolls

PS. YOUR daily blog is titled "MORE DIRTY LAUNDY" hope your ex kicks your butt in court...


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:17 PM



Originally posted by FMF:
My problem is people who tell other people they are idiots because they have a differing opinion. My problem is people who attempt to ridicule others again, because they dare to have a different opinion.

You didn't like it did you? Perhaps now you with think before you do it. Or perhaps you will continue to use it as a weapon because it is the only one at your disposal.


Originally posted by Auraptor:

No FMF, I don't tell others they're idiots for having a different opinion. I say they're idiots because they make claims for which there's no evidence. Saying Bush is a racist, for example, when there is ample evidence to the contrary is a silly, absurd position. If, on the ohter hand, you like mushrooms and I don't, I can't call your OPINION of mushrooms silly, because it's a matter of preference. Some like mushrooms, others's don't. Not so in the matter of callling the President a racist.

And to clarify, I'm not responding to you calling me an 'idiot' on any substantive issue. You ridiculed my use of the word 'Duh'. From my point of view, it was a light hearted, sarcastic response to a question , which was followed by a further explanation. You seemed bent out of shape over what I perceive as a trivial matter. As I said, I can't see what the fuss is all about.

No duh, Auraptor.

Morbid and creepifying I got no problem with, so long as you do it quiet like.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:21 PM



Originally posted by misbehaven:

Originally posted by FMF:
My problem is people who tell other people they are idiots because they have a differing opinion. My problem is people who attempt to ridicule others again, because they dare to have a different opinion.

You didn't like it did you? Perhaps now you with think before you do it. Or perhaps you will continue to use it as a weapon because it is the only one at your disposal.


Originally posted by Auraptor:

No FMF, I don't tell others they're idiots for having a different opinion. I say they're idiots because they make claims for which there's no evidence. Saying Bush is a racist, for example, when there is ample evidence to the contrary is a silly, absurd position. If, on the ohter hand, you like mushrooms and I don't, I can't call your OPINION of mushrooms silly, because it's a matter of preference. Some like mushrooms, others's don't. Not so in the matter of callling the President a racist.

And to clarify, I'm not responding to you calling me an 'idiot' on any substantive issue. You ridiculed my use of the word 'Duh'. From my point of view, it was a light hearted, sarcastic response to a question , which was followed by a further explanation. You seemed bent out of shape over what I perceive as a trivial matter. As I said, I can't see what the fuss is all about.

No duh, Auraptor.

Fuc* you *smiles*

Morbid and creepifying I got no problem with, so long as you do it quiet like.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:32 PM



Originally posted by MISBEHAVEn

No duh, Auraptor.


Originally posted by kaneman

Fuc* you *smiles*

WTF? There's a serious lack of a sense of humor on this thread.

Morbid and creepifying I got no problem with, so long as you do it quiet like.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:39 PM



Kaneman needs a nap I think

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:42 PM


Well this proves you don't read since ALL THE WORLD already knows I GOT IT ALL. MORE DIRTY LAUNDRY was after.

Go take a nap. Your momma is callin

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:47 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

WTF ?????

Why in hell does anyone care about who posts what part of their life wherever they want?

Why in hell does anyone care about anyone else's little comments about DUH ???

I'm not going to make some lame-assed comments like we're all browncoats, can't we all get along ... but SERIOUSLY - these personal slanders have become completely untethered from any pretense of an rwe topic, discussion, response.

Jeeeezzz ...


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:49 PM



Originally posted by rue:
WTF ?????

Why in hell does anyone care about who posts what part of their life wherever they want?

Why in hell does anyone care about anyone else's little comments about DUH ???

I'm not going to make some lame-assed comments like we're all browncoats, can't we all get along ... but SERIOUSLY - these personal slanders have become completely untethered from any pretense of an rwe topic, discussion, response.

Jeeeezzz ...

Did not start...Why do you post if you don't care? Fu*k off


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:54 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Arsehole - here's your quote: "Duh! I'm sure Auraptor meant that to be sarcastic. Taken seriously? This from a women who airs her dirty laundry for all to see! And comment on...That's rational.....Please."

YOU didn't start???? What was this? A rational discussion about Bush?


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 4:03 PM



Originally posted by plottwist2:
the title says it all, president bush, cheatd in the presidental election, so that he can kill hundreds of innocent middle-eastern in the pursuit of money, all this talk of the War On Terror, is just scare mongering, GEORGE BUSH IS THE WORLDS BIGGEST TERRORIST!

And you are the most ignorant piece of gos se in here. Instead of listening to the extreme leftist media (and don't get me wrong, the extreme right media is no better) talk to a soldier or someone else that has their head far enough out of their butt to actually know what's going on.


I'll be in my bunk.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 4:03 PM



Originally posted by rue:
Arsehole - here's your quote: "Duh! I'm sure Auraptor meant that to be sarcastic. Taken seriously? This from a women who airs her dirty laundry for all to see! And comment on...That's rational.....Please."

YOU didn't start???? What was this? A rational discussion about Bush?

Dildo, why are you getting in between my bitch smack'in of FMF? look at the comment that my comment was about... dick! We are all shiny browncoats.....and I aim to misbehave...Fu*k off time I won't be so nice.....


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 4:08 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Everyone here is wondering why I'm laughing so hard. Your command of English, your wit, your sheer coherency - priceless !!!


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:50 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

And this is why I heart Stephen Colbert:

"If you don't recharge his batteries, he can't suck." - Stephen Colbert, comparing George W. Bush to a cordless vacuum.


Go to and vote Firefly!


Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:38 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:

Are you really going to point to Ohio as an example of crooked democrats? The most corrupt republican government in the states?

Please. Both parties get the occaisonal pension and gift scandal. I'm no Taft fan, but thats cause he raised taxes which no self respecting Republican should do. Sure we had a deficit. But the DAY after the election the revealed we in fact had a surplus, but they didn't repeal the taxes until two years later.


There is overwhelming evidence of massive disenfranchizement by the Republican Party in that state, under Blackwell. What about all of those nonsense rules about paper regulations that he arbitrarily mandated, and then failed to provide, disenfranchizing far more than a handful. What about the 8 hour lines and the breaking computers in the democratic districts?

There was some confusion about Blackwell's registration reform. That always happens when there is a reform. I mean somebody has to tell people that they print their name and address on the lines that say name and address and so on. Its confusin.

As for the lines and faulty voting procedures (some areas had computer issues, some had paper issues), it seems that with a few limited exceptions all of those problems happened in minority districts. Those Counties have their Board of Elections controlled by Democrats, not Republicans. Local Election officials are responsible for properly manning and supporting local polling places. That they failed to properly do so is a Democratic issue. Blackwell, as Secretary of State, tried to assist as best he could, but he was limited by local Democratic party bosses and election officials. So if somebody had to stand in line, they should have taken the time to educate themselves on how elections really work.

Now I can say that I was personally involved in a nationwide effort to elect George Bush in 2004. My methods included actively trying to prevent people from voting (for John Kerry). I was successful and they instead voted for George Bush. Our methods included phone calls, mail and door drops, handing out literature at polling places, registering a crapload of suburban voters, and TV commercials.

In 2004, in Cleveland, a nice black woman who was not registered attempted to vote in the first minutes of voting and was turned away. She bypassed the nice elderly woman trying to hand her a provisional ballot and the bake sale and headed out. Outside the local Democratic Party and NAACP were waiting with lawyers and TV cameras to report this injustice and sue the State. First lawsuit filed before 9am.



Thursday, August 10, 2006 9:24 AM


Are you forgetting about Bob Ney, who amidst likely indictment, just announced he would not be running for congres again?
You wouldn't be referring to the letters sent out known as "caging" would you?

If everything was on the up and up, why did Blackwell try so damned hard to keep reporters and video cameras away from the polls. Why did he keep foreign voting monitors from the elections, why did he restrict media access to the...ahem, "recount," that was not even selected randomly, which was Ohio state law.


And you're wrong of course. Franklin County was a Republican Dominated board of elections. That's where a whole shit load of this nonsense went down.


And what the hell is the point of your last line? Staged legal actions aren't meant not to be staged. That they are staged is not the point. They don't pretend that they aren't. They are well documented cases meant to be taken to trial. It isn't about the woman who was denied the right to vote. It's about all the others she is essentially representing. If the provisional ballot wasn't the point, then why would she accept it? I would have stopped at the bakesale though.


Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:35 PM


I see that the Christian Military Industrial Complex has shown its true face, and not changed its spots.

Little Steven Cambones running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Don't worry guys, when the Nuclear Rapture comes, I'm sure you'll be safe back in your undergound bunkers so you don't have to see if you really get to paradise, and then you can clean up and have lots of cash and oil on the barren smoldering rock you rapidly wither and die on.

Just so we're clear, you guys know you're nuts, right?