Tea Party

UPDATED: Monday, November 1, 2010 07:19
VIEWED: 1838
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Monday, November 1, 2010 12:47 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
What I'm hearing is "No, don't support the revolution because it might lead to something awful."

Well, that sounds an awful lot like "No, don't disturb the status quo because we have it so good right now."

I can't do anything about the bizarre filter that's going on between your ears. The fact that what you hear is so entirely different what was said to you is all on you. The fact that you admit it openly without seeing the irony explains why it's been so darned tough to communicate with you.


I can add Paterson and Greene to the list, though I think Greene is still in, but there are several others.
Wow - and again, you can't imagine that a fellow Dem would have any problem with Greene other than his race?

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Monday, November 1, 2010 1:53 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

DT, I don't think anyone's saying "don't try"; we're trying to point out that these things can go off the rails quite suddenly and take unexpected new directions. You may have noticed that this has already happened to the tea parties to a large degree. What Ron Paul started has become something quite different, and even he is being gnashed to bits in the ensuing feeding frenzy.

More power to you in trying to steer the movement back towards sanity.

As an aside, some call it a movement, some a party. Maybe it's time to form a "Movement Party". Or a "Party Movement", which sounds like more fun. :)

The modern definition of "socialist" is anyone who's winning an argument against a tea-bagger.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, September 24, 2010
I hate Obama's America. You're damn right about that.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Monday, November 1, 2010 7:19 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Mike, I DO think DT is wrong in

Well, that sounds an awful lot like "No, don't disturb the status quo because we have it so good right now."
I don’t think that’s what we’re saying at all, I think it’s what you said. It has nothing to do with things being ”so good right now”, it has to do with believing that rebellion can easily—and usually does—lead to something worse when the alternative is something intolerant, rigid and aggressive, which is how I view the Tea Party, FROM WHAT THEIR LEADERS AND CANDIDATES HAVE SAID. Maybe more than “leaders” I should say “those who purport to speak for them”, as DT claims there are no leaders, with which I disagree. I think every movement has leaders; I think movements with a lot of RWAs within it (which to me the Tea Party embodies) especially have those to whom they look to follow.

I happen to feel that DT is seeing things through the veil of his own beliefs (or hopes?), and that those beliefs are pretty rigid insofar as he's not seeing the Tea Party objectively. Certainly they're not all made up of what we hear from the media (and I might add, from those who claim to b their "leaders" and the candidates they back, frrom those people's own mouths), maybe they're not even "mostly", but I don't think he sees some aspects as clearly as others do.

I also agree with your explanation of “don’t try”. What I’ve been trying to impart is that I have nothing against the idea of trying, it is merely this form of “third party” if you will that I don’t see as a viable effort to back which would bring better, not worse, to the picture.

What Ron Paul started has become something quite different, and even he is being gnashed to bits in the ensuing feeding frenzy
is to me a very valid point; as I said before, I don’t think the current Tea Party is in line with what Ron Paul envisioned or tried to put forth; I think it’s taken some of his ideas, perverted some, minimized others, used some as “talking points” behind which to hide what their real feelings are, and kept others. It’s been said that some of the candidates are emphasizing their stand on smaller government while not talking as much, or backtracking, on their more extreme social positions, now that it’s a general election rather than a primary, and I see that quite clearly. Ergo, I don’t trust hem, and I definitely don’t want their social stances to have any power in our government. In my opinion, we already saw that in Bush, in his interfering in the right-to-life issue, accepting SOME increased power in the religious right, and other examples.

I also think that, to an extent, calling it a “movement” is a cop-out, and saying it’s only a few nutcases expressing the more extreme views. The fact that those candidates WON the nomination, if it’s not because people wanted the “alternative” badly enough to vote for them “despite” instead of “because” of their stances, says to me that their followers agree with their stands. Certainly not all Tea Partiers embody those, or those who have expressed more extreme rhetoric about “second amendment solutions”, but I think there are enough of them to speak for IN GENERAL for the Tea Party followers. There’s also the fact that they have talked about their OWN caucus, which to me makes them more of a party than individuals.

I think it’s great that ANYONE wants to moderate their more extreme positions; I doubt it can be done, but I’d certainly welcome the hell out of it if it can!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off