Occupy May Day begins

UPDATED: Friday, May 4, 2012 16:08
VIEWED: 2940
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Friday, May 4, 2012 6:47 AM



Originally posted by Geezer:
But in general, I'm wondering how many of the "anarchists" that show up for the larger marches and rallies are just the ordinary run of vandal who'd otherwise be out taking baseball bats to folks mailboxes or tipping over headstones in the cemetery, and who decide that it's probably fun and reasonably safe to tear up some downtown instead.

I'd say that depends on the location and the effectiveness of your protest marshalls aka cat herders.
Some places, Detroit included, you DO get a turnout of general ruffian types, and the media is always happy to affilate them with whatever cause they're flaming that week, sure.

My job in marches is essentially to keep them and the police provocateurs AWAY from Gus and his people, and some of those tactics have been carried over to Maleks people as well - hint: if you're not sure someone really is part of the Detroit 300, ask for ID - they've got it, and it's *NOT* something one can easily replicate since there's various tells which'll give a forgery away damn quick.

On the other side, there's actually some more law n order folks around the region who go all caped-crusader as well, BeeSting is currently in legal hot water over an incident which got some very VERY slanted reporting, since the story locally is far, far different than MLive presented, I wonder how many folks they interviewed to cherry pick commentary for that bias - not that BeeSting isn't a bit of a dunce, but there's a lot more to THAT story than what's been told.

Arsenul is gonna boot his ass anyway, cause legalities aside packing iron makes the whole deal look bad, not to mention actively confronting someone while packing is verboten unless they're actively firing on people, which is as it should be.

There's a couple of these guys but they're more helper/support type folk than anything else, West Willow has Shade, and I am not concerned about his/her (nobody knows) being a problem cause Shade does the Ninja gig pretty well, their gig is that no one ever sees them - and they'll call it in rather than stick their nose into a situation, and on the other side of the street ya got me, but I don't qualify since I am goon for hire, and my uniform doesn't quite meet super specs I guess.

I find the donut thing even more hilarious than most cause stereotype or not, I *DO* like donuts, and when one resident was asking how to contact me if need be since they didn't have a phone, in frustration the property manager snarked "Go out there with a donut on a string, then!"
That's one of the things that mysteriously show up on my doorstep around here - boxes of donuts, bags of candy, tobacco... which kind of weirds me but the folks here really do appreciate what I do, some time after I bagged up those three goons red-handed, I caught whatever flu was goin round and was too sick to drive, and the guy whos place they were trying to raid brought me medicine.

People tend to do okay, it's when things get all official that you wind up with that damn us-n-them mentality, so I tend to be as informal as possible.

Of course, I still assert that those asshats in detroit were cops or cop-goons, cause ruffians of the opportunistic type don't generally carry motorola radios - that's a dead giveaway, it is.



Friday, May 4, 2012 10:17 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


just the ordinary run of vandal
Yup, unquestionably there are those, too.


Friday, May 4, 2012 1:13 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Fishing for pigs with donuts....

Never even knew that was a concept until that pic spoke a million words for me.

Wonder how many took the bait.

I'd love it if there were a few officers eyeballing the donuts, but those cops don't look too happy with their storm trooper death stares.

Gotta give the ones who did that credit for the act. I think we're about a hair away from Kent State II, and I sure wouldn't want to be the first gunned down, unarmed, just for laughs.


Friday, May 4, 2012 1:28 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:
...which means each and every supposed "black bloc" person there was either a general ruffian (unlikely, in that being the guy who runs em off we don't get so many any more)...

But in general, I'm wondering how many of the "anarchists" that show up for the larger marches and rallies are just the ordinary run of vandal who'd otherwise be out taking baseball bats to folks mailboxes or tipping over headstones in the cemetery, and who decide that it's probably fun and reasonably safe to tear up some downtown instead.

Yup. Any time you have a protest or any kind of "event", you're likely to have a few idiots who are just out to "fuck shit up."

It falls to the rest to keep them in line or put them back in line. It would be a good thing for the Occupy folks to learn some of the kettling/isolation tactics of the police, and use them in such cases to stop this kind of behavior early on.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Friday, May 4, 2012 4:08 PM


Well, funny thing about Kent State - while not especially covered in the mainstream press, it *DID* eventually come out that FBI plant and provocateur Terry Norman did in fact fire multiple shots from a revolver during a confrontation in which the students more or less caught him out, and those shots led the Nasty Guard to believe they were being fired upon, not to mention a fire order WAS given, which changes the dynamic of the whole event, does it not ?

Hell, there's even VIDEO of Terry Norman dumping the gun to his handler, and audio of the fire order.

Which is one reason why I don't buy the official story in regards to a lot of recent events, seems that as time goes on, it always, ALWAYS comes out that the real perp of these events is our very own so-called protectors, from remember-the-maine to the gulf of tonkin, to Operation Northwoods and E Howard Hunts outright confession to his son Ian St John, to Kuwaiti incubator babies...
Lies - all of it, every single fucking time.

And yet when they shovel yet another obvious bullshit story, Oklahoma City, WTC1993, WTC2001, Bin Laden...
People who SHOULD FRIGGIN KNOW BETTER, gobble it right down and beg for more, despite taking as given the word of known liars with serious credibility issues.

But the issue for me is behind it, every single time without fail, each and every, the primary perp is our own so-called protectors, which are in fact the greatest, gravest enemy this nation and the principles it was founded on has ever faced.

And no one ELSE seems willing to call them on it.

The FBI's own files indicate Terry Norman had a revolver, given to him by his handler Tom Kelley (who is also suspected of hiring an arsonist since he displayed obvious foreknowledge of the fire in a press interview published August 8, 1973), and forensics revealed that it was fired that day, that Terry Norman did in fact fire it, and some of the bullets were dug from a tree - cleaned up audio of the events at Kent State makes the sequence of events pretty goddamn clear that those four shots provoked the Guard to open fire, and a fire order WAS given, contrary to the bullshit official story.

As to whether Tom Kelleys actions were part of COINTELPRO, nobody really knows, but what is known is already completely damning of the administration and those working for it at the time.

The greatest threat to our national security... is our National Security.







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