One of the reasons I sometimes hate my species

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 15:36
VIEWED: 6770
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Sunday, June 3, 2012 5:02 PM


Don't hate me for being Jar-Jar here.... but....

Meesa sad....

I saw Momma today... no kids in tow....

During a wicked storm we had, my neighbors shit-hole fence I've posted pictures of had a plank broken that was laying on my lawn about 4 days ago, the time of their disapperance. I brought it up to him today and he said he knew about it, and true to his word, he did go to Menards and fix it.

I think it's too little too late though. I never have dog-shit in my yard, and I had to clean up two large droppings from a dog that size in the last two days.....

I sure hope Mama got them out.

If she didn't, I hope she doesn't think I had anything to do with it.

At least there was no sign of struggle. No blood, no parts..... Maybe she was smart enough to re-locate them? I have no idea how a bunnie's mind works.....

It's been about 4 days now... I think I'm just going to fill the hole in and seed it now.

I hope they made it.

Goddamned neighbors and their unleashed evil dogs......!!!!!


Originally posted by Niki2:
Ooo, Onj, I forgot about that, and you're absolutely right. Bunnies ADORE to chew on branches of fruit trees, in fact they sell them in some pet stores just for that--packaged, of course, and thus pretty useless; fresh ones are bunny heaven. Good for their teeth, too.

I hope your little litter is okay and that she just moved them 'cuz of the rain. Keep a lookout for them and let us know, 'kay?


Tuesday, June 5, 2012 7:12 PM


No signs of the babies grown yet.....

Wish I was more hands on.....

No body parts left in the hole.... I wanna think it was good

Damn asshole neighbor's dog....


Wednesday, June 6, 2012 3:33 AM



Well, there are a number of reasons she might have relocated them.


That is, assuming she didn't eat her own young. Which is pretty common.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012 6:47 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

If you saw evidence of a dog, I'm afraid they're probably gone, sadly. At that young age, they're prime targets, and there's nothing a rabbit can do to protect itself but RUN and hide. Hopefully she'll have another litter next year, but I think you'll have to accept this litter is gone. Very sad. But at least you got the joy of having seen them, something few of us will ever get.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012 6:53 AM



there's nothing a rabbit can do to protect itself but RUN and hide.

Well, they do have pretty good claws for digging and teeth, and I've heard of sometimes a rabbit actually will get into a fight with a dog or something and win, at least chase the dog off. But most of the time, yeah, they were built to run.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012 3:36 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

Well, there are a number of reasons she might have relocated them.


That is, assuming she didn't eat her own young. Which is pretty common.

Uggh... REALLY! She's a warm blooded mammal.... I thought that was just cold blooded and insects and Michael Vick's dogs that did that cannibal stuff......

Oh, the horror!!!!


Originally posted by Niki2:
If you saw evidence of a dog, I'm afraid they're probably gone, sadly. At that young age, they're prime targets, and there's nothing a rabbit can do to protect itself but RUN and hide. Hopefully she'll have another litter next year, but I think you'll have to accept this litter is gone. Very sad. But at least you got the joy of having seen them, something few of us will ever get.

I'm staying hopeful still, and keeping a lookout. My bro and sis-in-law had a hole like that in their own back yard that needs a lot of work last year. When an animal got to them, I guess what was left (I won't go into gory detail) was evidence of foul play. There was ZERO evidence that they didn't just outgrow the nest or were relocated. As far as I know there aren't any coyotes or any other feral animals by me... Since it's all pretty much dogs and cats that get dog and cat food, I don't think they'd be eating the babies. They'd just be treating them as prey out of instinct, spit them out and go home and get "good" food.

If something did get them though, I hope it was the dog. I saw a stray cat in my property Monday night for the first time in nearly 10 months of living here. I hear that they can be ESPECIALLY nasty to baby rabbits.

Feral cats will just kill instantly and feed. Housebroken outdoor cats will do the "cat equivalent" of water board torture....

If I see any little ones hopping around I'll be sure to let you guys know.

I hope one of them grows up and takes up residence under my porch. The two that lived under there died from an animal attack and a car attack. I miss going out back and seeing a rabbit hopping around at least once a day.






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