
UPDATED: Friday, March 14, 2025 07:10
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Friday, October 18, 2019 6:03 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Prior to humans, how many species do you think were sentient beings?
Regardless of how long ago marine animals were around, if they lived in the oceans, would their ghosts be likely to hang out on land? They knew very little of land, unless they beached themselves to die.

First, does 'sentience' need to be a factor in the ghost making process ? Exactly how does that work ? And as I stated , what of horses ? Are animals only able to become ghosts if they're in close proximity to humans at the exact time of death ? Does there need to be some sort of bond between a animal and a specific human? Exactly what ARE the rules for all that ?

Also, missing from that video clip, it's mentioned earlier that the entire desert region used to BE an ocean floor. Hell, marine fossils are found on the top of the Himalayas, as that entire mountain range used to be ocean floor, millions of years ago. As the Earth changed, we can't assume that it would affect the ghosts, can we ? They'd carry on as if they were still in the ocean, even though the seas have long since dried up or drained away. What would ghosts care , either way ?


Saturday, October 19, 2019 1:20 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

I'm absolutely 100% certain there's stuff 'out there' we don't understand. We can't even unscramble the physics of photosynthesis or the entropy of life! I'd say on a fundamental level, we understand close to zero about our universe.

But in a macro, sensory-limited, brain-heuristics way, I personally haven't had any unexplainable events, nor, as far as I can tell, have the people I personally know irl.

I'm OK with people telling me online they've had them, like you. I just have no way of verifying it. So I'm not saying you're lying. I'm just saying I'm not putting it into my 'fact' bin, fwiw.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
So, do you believe that some people experience Deva Ju?
Seeing or hearing ghosts?
Seeing or hearing spirits?
Being aware of when their loved ones die?
Twin telepathy?
Out of Body Experience?
Able to see the 4th human color (a frequency of yellow similar to what bees see)?
Able to draw or describe what they intuit or hunch but cannot see?

But you have not experienced any of these?
Do you believe that those who do are merely hallucinating?


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
I think people can have the mental impression of those things, but they haven't been tested out irl to figure if they're verifiable fact or just a brain fart.

Did you ever have the dream that you're falling, and you reach out to try and catch yourself, and you jerk and it wakes you up? It turns out the brain simply misremembers the sequence of events. What happens is you jerk in your sleep as you transition back to a deeper sleep state, and your brain confabulates a 'reason' in a dream, which it then stores in memory as before-the-fact. So brains is tricky things.

Anyway - deja vu (before seen) is a very common experience, and it consists of a FEELING that you've experienced something earlier; I've never seen someone use information from that felt experience to know something not in current experience.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

While I was a minor I often had Deja Vu. Some repeated enough times that I would try to count the repeated episodes. Several got to 5, so I figured the last time was real life, although all of the prior times had the same exact sensation, not like a dream. I have never heard any skeptic rationalization that fit my experiences.
One sequence that repeated the most (that I recall) occurred 14 times, or the real one was after 13 prior. When it occurred, it was a once in a lifetime event. Only one specific year could it have occurred, only one specific day of that one year could it have occurred. As I recall, the prior 13 times I was not aware of the time exclusivity of the sequence - I only experienced it and recall prior Deja Vus of it, but did not really understand what it was. Everybody was wearing the same clothes - and part of the clues required that I was concentrating on their clothes, the speaking was the same - these people spoke the same words in the same exchange of conversation each time - and sound effects were the same, rattling of china and silver in the exact same sequence each time.

Well ... you've lost me there. Deja vu is the feeling that something has happened before. "déjà vu: a feeling of having already experienced the present situation."

Are you saying that things actually repeated?

Originally posted by 1KIKI:
There's a similar but opposite experience called jamais vu (never seen) where something familiar looks completely strange. I've felt both of them at one time or another, but they were just feelings, unrelated to anything irl.

When it comes to hearing things that aren't there (especially voices or conversations, I'm presuming), some people have a lot more connections between their auditory processing centers and various parts of their brain. These non-schizophrenic people hear voices. I personally don't hear voices, but I do confabulate music in pink noise (I also dream original music at times); and experience some synesthesia between sounds and sights.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I meant things not visible, things the subject (or you) cannot know are there. I saw this on some TV show. A trainer had a class full of Law Enforcement Detectives, and they were all non-believers. You may prefer the term skeptics, but they were well beyond skeptic - they did not believe. About 20 of them, none sitting next to the other. The trainer passed around a manila envelope, opaque, with a photo inside. Nobody was allowed to open the envelope, but merely hold it in their hands and concentrate on what was inside the envelope. They they were to draw what came to mind. About 1/4 of them drew and oval, like an egg on it's side - these all looked remarkably similar. how would you explain that?

I wonder what people would draw if you passed a blank piece of paper around in a sealed manila envelope?
Also, I suspect people tend to draw simple shapes.

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
About 1/4 of them drew what seemed like trees, fir/evergreen/pine tyre trees.


of these had a gap in the middle, between stands of trees.
equating shapes that 'seemed' like trees with definitive pictures of trees.

About 1/4 of them drew a house type structure, with windows and doors and steps. These were fairly similar - how would you explain that?
Your similarity could be my dissimilarity. It's an interpretation I have no way of verifying.

Some of them incorporated more than one of these 3 features in their drawings. How would you explain that, not even knowing what the actual photo was?
By the time you get to some of some of some .. it could be a very small fraction with things that looked similar (or not) to ... trees, some with gaps, and houses.

The photo was removed and revealed. It had a Pagoda style house in the center, with the multi-layered roof eves looking like tree limbs, and had trees on both sides of it, and had a pond in front of it, looking like an oval in perspective.
All of the drawings looked like at least pert of the photo, with spacing equal to that in the photo.
How would you explain that?

I would really need to see what happens when one passes around a blank piece of pa4aper instead of a photo.

It was not secret TV, so it may be available for viewing somewhere, maybe it was PBS.
A title or SOMEthing! (program - NOVA? Nature?) would be really helpful!

Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Out of body experiences can be recreated by activating part of the brain - I forget which part, I'd have to look it up. So can the feeling that someone is standing behind or beside you, watching you. I've never had that though I know someone who did. But It was in the context of deep, relaxed concentration before going to sleep, so it may have been a dream.

The 4th human color is caused by women having an extra DNA code for a color receptor most people don't have (on the X chromosome). As far as I know, except for looking at genetics, there's no visual test for it since the rgb codes used don't carry enough signal to create those differences, to be able to test who might or might not see them.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
The first person to be confirmed with this trait was found via colored billboard. For all of us, it was a solid red billboard. The specific color frequency was painted on as a message to call an 800 number to collect something like $100,000. The lady drove by it regularly and thought it was a scam - her always passenger son was blind. After years, the experiment was considered a failure, and the billboard charge was discontinued. Just before the billboard message was to be replaced, the lady had another lady as passenger, and this lady commented what was the purpose of that solid red billboard.

But that's a completely verified physical phenomenon.
RGB codes may not carry enough information, but pigments can, since they're varied physical molecules that have absorbances most people can't see, and since they come in analogue mixtures of infinite proportions. Assuming the story happened, OBVIOUSLY the people who had the billboard printed up could see those differences, or they couldn't have had the sign made up with the proper pigments.

Anyway, a lot of weird experiences have physical explanations.

Did I address what you're interested in?


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
You have confirmed what I suspected. But this leaves me disappointed in you on this topic.


Sunday, October 27, 2019 3:54 PM


Dreamt of my mom this morning. Very strange dream. Only thing I can think of that caused it was my going through a box of negatives to make sure that I could take them somewhere to get destroyed.


Thursday, October 31, 2019 8:21 PM


Reminder for tonight regarding the Original Topic.


Thursday, October 31, 2019 8:30 PM


Haven't seen anything so far.


Saturday, November 9, 2019 3:23 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Haven't seen anything so far.

Did you listen to the show?


Friday, October 2, 2020 1:59 PM


Just a reminder for the end of the month, the radio program Ghost-to-Ghost.


Monday, October 26, 2020 4:04 PM


bump for reminder.


Thursday, October 29, 2020 5:57 PM


Plan now if you are going to partake.


Thursday, October 21, 2021 6:11 PM


Bump for those who want a week to plan and prepare.


Saturday, October 23, 2021 12:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thanks for the reminder,

We're usually busy before and during Halloween, decorating (nothing fancy, just lights) and handing out candy. But not this year, so maybe I'll find it and get a chance to listen.

AFA the off-topic stuff: I had a dream once, when I was a kid, that I was stuck on a half-sunken raft with another person in the middle of a fetid stream, but somehow we couldn't reach shore. When we were rescued I had these black mussel-like things growing in the back of my knees.

When I woke up (we used to listen to the news and farm report in the early AM when we were being gotten ready for school) that a couple had been rescued from someplace near Australia (it might have been on the Great Barrier Reef). Their boat sank and they made a raft of the debris, where they spent an ungodly number of days, and the lady had some mollusks or something growing in the backs of her knees that needed to be removed.

Why can't I dream something useful, like lottery tickets?

Anyway, I suspect what REALLY happened was I heard the radio in my sleep and dreamt what I heard, then heard it again when I woke up.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Sunday, October 24, 2021 10:48 AM


Might check this out, not that I really believe any of this paranormal stuff but I sometimes tuned into ArtBell for the conspiracy spooky entertainment value


Sunday, October 24, 2021 10:54 AM


I remember my Dad taping the infamous War of the Worlds broadcast one Halloween while we all listened to it and told us all about how a lot of people tuned in late and really thought we were being invaded by aliens.

I still have that tape all these decades later.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Sunday, October 24, 2021 3:50 PM


As I stated numerous times before, you can set up your recorder for the time slot, then listen later. Record with cassette tape, or VCR, or any other recording device.

Also, looks like I missed out on some conversation back in October 2019.
In the 2nd week of that month, I became very busy. I stayed busy until the end of November, when I got Covid. That lasted thru the 1st week of December, then I was back to being very busy until about Feb of 2020.

I was still able to view this site, but not post replies much. So by Feb this thread had dropped off a bit.


Sunday, October 24, 2021 4:53 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
It was not secret TV, so it may be available for viewing somewhere, maybe it was PBS.

A title or SOMEthing! (program - NOVA? Nature?) would be really helpful!

Most of the possible hits, I di not recognize the thumbnails. They are mostly on yourboob so I cannot watch them.

You are welcome to do a search, using the terms Phychic Detective, Intuitive Detective, Psychic criminology.


Monday, October 31, 2022 7:19 PM


Ghost To Ghost is scheduled for tonight.


Wednesday, October 23, 2024 12:03 AM


Tis the season.


Wednesday, October 23, 2024 9:54 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
Remote viewing is bunk. So is bending spoons via one's mind. Or telekinesis. Makes for great sci-fi, but as a skeptic, I take the ' show me ' view first, before believing anything.

Have you seen the demonstration video on the DVD for Suspect Zero, as I suggested? Rent or borrow the DVD and check it.
Please explain what is shown, if you choose.

Is anybody going to reply to this?
Or is everybody just going the keep their heads in the sand?


Sunday, October 27, 2024 2:51 AM


Currently Coast2coast is discussing hauntings such as the Lemp Mansion, but they are accepting calls from people with ghost stories.


Monday, October 28, 2024 6:48 PM


Not Ghosts not C2C-AM not Art Bell but Aliens, Orson Welles' 1938 Vintage Radio Drama


Monday, October 28, 2024 6:56 PM


I still haven't been able to find it, and I hope to hell that I didn't throw it away with one of my house purges, but at least until I made it to my house I had the cassette tape that me and my old man used to tape the War of the Worlds radio broadcast when they put it on the radio Halloween night when I was maybe 8 years old.

If I find that, I'm also very likely to find the McDonald's "record" that they put in the newspapers too. My old man got that in the morning with the paper and me and my brothers listened to it before school for a week or two every morning and imagining what we were going to do with all that money when we won.

Yes. I still know every single word to this song.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Thursday, October 31, 2024 8:30 PM




Saturday, November 2, 2024 9:03 AM


if removed will they be backed up on minds, bitchute, rumble, medium, odysee?

Japan also has a lot of 'Saddest Theme Park Ever'

Wanky Banksy is a pseudonymous England-based street artist, some say Robert Del Naja is is Wankski, the heights don't match from leaked street photos so he seems to be a brand, a QAnon mystery or at least two different people. He says he was inspired by 3D, a graffiti artist and founding member of the musical group Massive Attack.

How Haunted Houses Make Millions

Romanian Hungary Dracula name Hoia-Baciu Forest


Friday, November 15, 2024 8:00 AM


Terrifying moment 'ghost' opens creaky door in Britain's most haunted house


Wednesday, February 26, 2025 11:41 AM


Japanese Ghost stories

Shimane and Tottori to bewitch tourists with supernatural charms


Friday, March 14, 2025 7:10 AM


maybe SIGNYM can explain this one

but if I remember correct that Green Yellow Flames... sodium chloride or a sing of chemical salts






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