Deep state. MSM. Trump ...

UPDATED: Friday, March 14, 2025 07:04
VIEWED: 24255
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Monday, March 20, 2017 9:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Whaaaaaa.... Baby troll needs a nappy!
I can't help but notice that you didn't challenge one single fact.

Not one.

That pretty much puts you in the realm of "brain-dead", a real internet zombie.




"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Monday, March 20, 2017 9:33 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SignyM:
I DID discuss the FBI potentially versus the CIA. The "grunts" versus the politicos. YOU may have plugged your ears and chanted Nyah nyah nyah I can't hear you but it WAS discussed.
There is no doubt that WE have been talking about the deep state- by whatever name you care to call it- for years.
The petrodollar reason to invade Iraq and Libya. The pipelinestan reason to destroy Syria.


Originally posted by GSTRING:
Whaaaaaa.... Baby troll needs a nappy!

Trolling is poor moronic G-STRING's response to anything factual. God forbid he attempt to address a topic. Trolling is all he's got, intelligence-wise.

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Monday, March 20, 2017 9:41 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, if I could find a way of collecting, I'd bet you dollars to donuts that when the economy tanks, GSTRING will claim that "nobody" talked about it ahead of time, therefore it must be all Trump's fault.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Tuesday, March 21, 2017 1:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I can't help but notice that you didn't challenge one single fact.
Not one.- SIGNY

Wrong of course. I challenged your deep state BS. You were pro deep state when it was used against Hillary

Which is why, of course, I've been posting against it for years. Total reading/ comprehension fail.

Your IQ is regressing dramatically. Are you sure you're not a zombie?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Tuesday, March 21, 2017 7:29 PM


I guess this theory turned out to be true. Kudos, Sig. This, and the dollar control to the world oil market as a means of boosting the US dollar value, and printing scads of the stuff. That was also true.


Thursday, April 6, 2017 8:38 PM


Reviewing the OPs, I still don't see a decent explanation of Deep State, as applies to Obama's Soft-Coup.

Recently I finally heard of what it is, so I'll try to find time to look through this thread with my newfound info.


Thursday, April 6, 2017 11:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Wrong of course. I challenged your deep state BS. You were pro deep state when it was used against Hillary
Cites please?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017 8:21 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Reviewing the OPs, I still don't see a decent explanation of Deep State, as applies to Obama's Soft-Coup.

Recently I finally heard of what it is, so I'll try to find time to look through this thread with my newfound info.


Wednesday, May 24, 2017 12:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


FISA Court Finds "Serious Fourth Amendment Issue" In Obama's "Widespread" Illegal Searches Of American Citizens

A newly released court order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) found that the National Security Agency, under former President Obama, routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall. In describing the violations, the FISA court said the illegal searches conducted by the NSA under Obama were "widespread" and created a "very serious Fourth Amendment issue."

These new discoveries come from a recently unsealed FISA court document dated April 26, 2017 and center around a hearing dated October 26, 2017, just days before the 2016 election, in which the FISA court apparently learned for the first time of "widespread" and illegal spying on American citizens by the NSA under the Obama administration.

"The October 26, 2016 Notice disclosed that an NSA Inspector General (IG) review...indicated that, with greater frequency than previously disclosed to the Court, NSA analysts had used U.S.-person identifiers to query the result of Internet "upstream" collection, even though NSA's section 702 minimization procedures prohibited such queries...this disclosure gave the Court substantial concern."


The court order goes on to reveal that NSA analysts had been conducting illegal queries targeting American citizens "with much greater frequency than had previously been disclosed to the Court" issue which the court described as a "very serious Fourth Amendment issue."

"Since 2011, NSA's minimization procedures have prohibited use of U.S.-person identifiers to query the results of upstream Internet collection under Section 702. The October 26, 2016 Notice informed the Court that NSA analysts had been conducting such queries in violation of that prohibition, with much greater frequency than had previously been disclosed to the Court."

"At the October 26, 2016 hearing, the Court ascribed the government's failure to disclose those IG and OCO reviews at the October 4, 2016 hearing to an institutional 'lack of candor' on NSA's part and emphasized that 'this is a very serious Fourth Amendment issue.'"


Of course, these discoveries and their timing, coming just before the 2016 election, are even more suspicious in light of the Obama administration's efforts to 'unmask' intelligence on various Trump campaign officials shortly after the election.

As Circa noted, the American Civil Liberties Union said the newly disclosed violations are some of the most serious to ever be documented and strongly call into question the U.S. intelligence community’s ability to police itself and safeguard American’s privacy as guaranteed by the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment protections against unlawful search and seizure.

“I think what this emphasizes is the shocking lack of oversight of these programs,” said Neema Singh Guliani, the ACLU’s legislative counsel in Washington.

“You have these problems going on for years that only come to the attention of the court late in the game and then it takes additional years to change its practices.

“I think it does call into question all those defenses that we kept hearing, that we always have a robust oversight structure and we have culture of adherence to privacy standards,” she added. “And the headline now is they actually haven’t been in compliance for years and the FISA court itself says in its opinion is that the NSA suffers from a culture of a lack of candor.”

Of course, we suspect that none of this will be reported by any of the mainstream media outlets who will undoubtedly overlook these very distburbing facts in their ongoing efforts to track down the latest anonymously-sourced 'bombshell' report about how Trump once sat across from a Russian boy at lunch in the 2nd grade.

The full FISA Court opinion can be read here:


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.
I'll accept your apology any time, THUGR. But I know you're not man enough to give me one


Wednesday, May 24, 2017 12:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Maybe it would make more sense to refer to the "deep state" as the "security state".


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.
I'll accept your apology any time, THUGR. But I know you're not man enough to give me one


Sunday, May 28, 2017 2:31 AM


Meh to Trump!? Oh boy! are "we" in for a rude awakening.

Trump practically falls all over himself to bend down and kiss Putin's ass; then comes Turkey "president" Boris Badenov killing folk and the press; sure enough Trump kisses his ass. Then there's the "philopene" scumbag Douchebag or Dickhead, I can't remember all these fucking names; fuck even that nutjob in North Korea he admires (I'm surprised because he doesn't have a hotel/tower there, all the others he does have business interests).

Russia just wants world domination, that's all. So do we, folks, so do we.




Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Meh. Obama had a lot stronger foreign ties than Kenya. As did Hillary. Meh to Trump too, but he has the lowest number of favors owed by anyone elected in my lifetime. Russia? Not that worried.


So some people in Ukraine, a nation that has a 40% ethnic Russian minority, has some people who are pro-Russia. Color me surprised. Also, is it a reason to panic that a neighboring country has supporters? Would we panic if Canada was pro-American, or even pro-Mexican?

Also, speaking of, we live in a country with a 20% ethnic Latino minority, which has basically always been there ever since we conquered northern Mexico. That population is probably pro-Mexican. Is that a threat to national security? In order for there to be a parallel, the US latino populations slant toward pro-Mexico would have to be a threat to the national security of Russia.

I just don't see it.


Sunday, February 18, 2018 12:35 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

When impeachment is discussed it is with the understanding something egregious has or will occur.
THUGR you're just a fucking fascist. Most people wait until a crime has been committed BEFORE the trial. Good lord, you even post about "the rule of law" and then dismiss it completely!

I think we should arrest YOU, because I'm sure you'll do something treasonous. You're already posting about it.

13 Russians indicted.



Sunday, February 18, 2018 12:38 PM


Apparently, T has never been this excited about something in his life.

Don't get your hopes up, kiddo.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 22, 2018 12:56 PM



It has been clear to me for a while that there IS something called the "deep state". I sometimes imagine that part of the secret lore that Presidents pass on to each other is a warning about this deep state, and the oligarchs who direct it.

From the above statement, it is your contention that the "Deep State" is controlled by a secret society of oligarchs (a very rich business leader, or leaders, with a great deal of political influence). I assume that these oligarchs run things to benefit them individually, as well as collectively regardless, and in spite of, origin of country. A sort of Illuminati.

Holla, if I'm off point.

So basically, it doesn't matter what country one is from, "they" have it down on "lock." Am I still warm so far?

Again, it doesn't matter what any country does because the "deep state" will use their "influence" to advance their agenda. This is what I understand that you're saying. So that also means that Trump is at the mercy of the Deep State and that they are manipulating him as president; and that this has been in place pretty much since Clinton has been in office.

Please let me know if I am getting this right up to this point.

Also that Obama's children was threatened by the Deep State so as to keep him in line. Even though you feel he (Obama) exaggerated that threat. So he, and other presidents, have no real power. Only the Deep State matters. So that would mean that none of the US presidents have any control over the Deep State. Is that the gist of it?

Which brings me to your questions, that I do not understand. I'm going to attempt to unpack your claims, if that's what they are.

What I understand that you are claiming is that the Deep State has it in for Trump, and that the Russia Probe by Mueller and company has been set up by the Deep State? But, to what end?

Further, I'm guessing that you feel that Trump has been targeted by the intelligence community (CIA/NSA), at the behest of the Deep State, because Trump is a strong leader?

I have another question. Isn't Russia, or actually the oligarchs, running things as part of the Deep State? I would think that the Deep State would want chaos and confusion to reign supreme so that their agenda would be advanced to their benefit.
Hence the continued unrest throughout the planet, that would keep the world in their greedy little hands. You know, control of the world's markets and thereby allowing for the manipulation of the people of the world. Money, the control of it, being at the core of their agenda.



Thursday, February 22, 2018 1:20 PM


Hi, I just finished watching the video interview you posted of Glen Greenwald. That gave me a bit more to chew on, but I would still like to get your take on it and the questions that I raised.



Thursday, February 22, 2018 1:27 PM



I think you did a fairly good job summarizing what the deep-state is. Sure... it might sound kind of crazy, but when you really think about it I think it would be crazy if somehow over the last several hundred years the ultra-mega-powerful people didn't do something like this.

I'd say the power was there all along and that Clinton wasn't the first though. The power over the presidency has probably grown a little bit more over every presidency and possibly exponentially so since the 80's with the huge advances in technology.

At the end of the day, I try not to think about it anymore. It's not as if there is a damn thing in the world I could ever do about it. I'm pretty much free to come and go as I please, with the only limiting factor I really have is my income at the moment. There's plenty of things that interest me and take up all of my free time and now that I'm sober my life is pretty copacetic. I don't really care if it actually is happening anymore. Let the kids make it their fight if they care enough to do anything about it. I'm too old and tired.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 22, 2018 1:35 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


It has been clear to me for a while that there IS something called the "deep state". I sometimes imagine that part of the secret lore that Presidents pass on to each other is a warning about this deep state, and the oligarchs who direct it. - SIGNY

From the above statement, it is your contention that the "Deep State" is controlled by a secret society of oligarchs (a very rich business leader, or leaders, with a great deal of political influence). I assume that these oligarchs run things to benefit them individually, as well as collectively regardless, and in spite of, origin of country. A sort of Illuminati.

Holla, if I'm off point.

A bit.


So basically, it doesn't matter what country one is from, "they" have it down on "lock." Am I still warm so far?


Again, it doesn't matter what any country does because the "deep state" will use their "influence" to advance their agenda. This is what I understand that you're saying. So that also means that Trump is at the mercy of the Deep State and that they are manipulating him as president; and that this has been in place pretty much since Clinton has been in office.
Since at least the assassination of JFK.


Please let me know if I am getting this right up to this point.
Keep going.


Also that Obama's children was threatened by the Deep State so as to keep him in line. Even though you feel he (Obama) exaggerated that threat. So he, and other presidents, have no real power. Only the Deep State matters. So that would mean that none of the US presidents have any control over the Deep State. Is that the gist of it?
Pretty much, but ...


Which brings me to your questions, that I do not understand. I'm going to attempt to unpack your claims, if that's what they are.

What I understand that you are claiming is that the Deep State has it in for Trump, and that the Russia Probe by Mueller and company has been set up by the Deep State? But, to what end?

Further, I'm guessing that you feel that Trump has been targeted by the intelligence community (CIA/NSA), at the behest of the Deep State, because Trump is a strong leader?

I have another question. Isn't Russia, or actually the oligarchs, running things as part of the Deep State? I would think that the Deep State would want chaos and confusion to reign supreme so that their agenda would be advanced to their benefit.
Hence the continued unrest throughout the planet, that would keep the world in their greedy little hands. You know, control of the world's markets and thereby allowing for the manipulation of the people of the world. Money, the control of it, being at the core of their agenda.

Okay, to explain my views on deep-state.

Although there are oligarchs, they're not one big happy uniform family, with consistent goals. After all, they're competing too. Think of a bunch of Mafia dons, and I think you'll get the idea.

Russian oligarchs, who make their money in Russia, don't have the same interests as tech giants, who are heavily invested in "intellectual property". And tech giants have great trouble with Chinese manufacturing SOEs, who disdain copyrights and patents. So expect national/ business model rivalries.

If there are truly international oligarchies, a kind of capo dei capi they would be centered on truly international businesses:

1) International banking. Nearly all nations have Central Banks are tied into the SWIFT, 60 of which (representing 95% of world GDP) belong to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel. They participate in the IMF and the World Bank, and all of the G-20 meetings, since instability on some important banks can potentially bring down the entire system. These financial institutions are deeply dependent on the USD as the petrodollar and world reserve currency, and on complex financial transactions and debt creation in fiat currencies.

2) Transnational corporations which depend on international trade for survival. All of these have an interest in "Free trade" agreements, and of course they depend on international banking and the free flow of money.

3) Big tech companies, which depend on international enforcement of intellectual property rights.

4) International (western) security functions. Most western security agencies are tied together, as well as weapons systems production and (international) contractors.

Of those, probably the banking system is the real driver, since that's where the money is!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Friday, February 23, 2018 3:52 AM


The analogy of the competing "mafia families" shed some light on the subject. So, each major player (country, i.e. Russia, Turkey, USA, etc.) has their own "Deep State" - entrenched systems that compete to gain an advantage
regardless of who is the figurehead.

Although in the case of Turkey and Russia, the Deep State answers to those figureheads (clandestinely, of course, so as to keep up appearences). But here's the part where I'm having trouble grasping the heirarchy of the American Deep State. You say that its the CIA/NSA and that they spy on Americans to exact control, but they don't answer to the president, right?

I'm assuming that they are controlled by the 1% and that power moves are being made to benefit them (again, I assume that the Koch brothers being chief among them). I remember seeing something online regarding the depression and how it was used to control the masses, as well as world markets).

That would explain, to some degree, the manipulation of the economy and how the multinationals are raking it in, but salaries for the working masses have remained stagnant. We are being played, in more ways than one. We are being pitted against each other to keep our focus elsewhere and not on them.
This is what I'm talking about, the oligarchs, the Deep State have upped the ante and have change the name of the game. If all of this is true, then we need to band together, not fight and fuss over a few scraps. If all this is true, we need to stop bickering and help one anoother....don't you think?

You understand where I'm coming from, otherwise its the survival of the fittest.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

It has been clear to me for a while that there IS something called the "deep state". I sometimes imagine that part of the secret lore that Presidents pass on to each other is a warning about this deep state, and the oligarchs who direct it. - SIGNY

From the above statement, it is your contention that the "Deep State" is controlled by a secret society of oligarchs (a very rich business leader, or leaders, with a great deal of political influence). I assume that these oligarchs run things to benefit them individually, as well as collectively regardless, and in spite of, origin of country. A sort of Illuminati.

Holla, if I'm off point.

A bit.


So basically, it doesn't matter what country one is from, "they" have it down on "lock." Am I still warm so far?


Again, it doesn't matter what any country does because the "deep state" will use their "influence" to advance their agenda. This is what I understand that you're saying. So that also means that Trump is at the mercy of the Deep State and that they are manipulating him as president; and that this has been in place pretty much since Clinton has been in office.
Since at least the assassination of JFK.


Please let me know if I am getting this right up to this point.
Keep going.


Also that Obama's children was threatened by the Deep State so as to keep him in line. Even though you feel he (Obama) exaggerated that threat. So he, and other presidents, have no real power. Only the Deep State matters. So that would mean that none of the US presidents have any control over the Deep State. Is that the gist of it?
Pretty much, but ...


Which brings me to your questions, that I do not understand. I'm going to attempt to unpack your claims, if that's what they are.

What I understand that you are claiming is that the Deep State has it in for Trump, and that the Russia Probe by Mueller and company has been set up by the Deep State? But, to what end?

Further, I'm guessing that you feel that Trump has been targeted by the intelligence community (CIA/NSA), at the behest of the Deep State, because Trump is a strong leader?

I have another question. Isn't Russia, or actually the oligarchs, running things as part of the Deep State? I would think that the Deep State would want chaos and confusion to reign supreme so that their agenda would be advanced to their benefit.
Hence the continued unrest throughout the planet, that would keep the world in their greedy little hands. You know, control of the world's markets and thereby allowing for the manipulation of the people of the world. Money, the control of it, being at the core of their agenda.

Okay, to explain my views on deep-state.

Although there are oligarchs, they're not one big happy uniform family, with consistent goals. After all, they're competing too. Think of a bunch of Mafia dons, and I think you'll get the idea.

Russian oligarchs, who make their money in Russia, don't have the same interests as tech giants, who are heavily invested in "intellectual property". And tech giants have great trouble with Chinese manufacturing SOEs, who disdain copyrights and patents. So expect national/ business model rivalries.

If there are truly international oligarchies, a kind of capo dei capi they would be centered on truly international businesses:

1) International banking. Nearly all nations have Central Banks are tied into the SWIFT, 60 of which (representing 95% of world GDP) belong to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel. They participate in the IMF and the World Bank, and all of the G-20 meetings, since instability on some important banks can potentially bring down the entire system. These financial institutions are deeply dependent on the USD as the petrodollar and world reserve currency, and on complex financial transactions and debt creation in fiat currencies.

2) Transnational corporations which depend on international trade for survival. All of these have an interest in "Free trade" agreements, and of course they depend on international banking and the free flow of money.

3) Big tech companies, which depend on international enforcement of intellectual property rights.

4) International (western) security functions. Most western security agencies are tied together, as well as weapons systems production and (international) contractors.

Of those, probably the banking system is the real driver, since that's where the money is!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Friday, February 23, 2018 6:50 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
The analogy of the competing "mafia families" shed some light on the subject. So, each major player (country, i.e. Russia, Turkey, USA, etc.) has their own "Deep State" - entrenched systems that compete to gain an advantage
regardless of who is the figurehead.

Although in the case of Turkey and Russia, the Deep State answers to those figureheads (clandestinely, of course, so as to keep up appearences). But here's the part where I'm having trouble grasping the heirarchy of the American Deep State. You say that its the CIA/NSA and that they spy on Americans to exact control, but they don't answer to the president, right?

I'm assuming that they are controlled by the 1% and that power moves are being made to benefit them (again, I assume that the Koch brothers being chief among them). I remember seeing something online regarding the depression and how it was used to control the masses, as well as world markets).

I'd say it's more like the 1% of the 1%.


That would explain, to some degree, the manipulation of the economy and how the multinationals are raking it in, but salaries for the working masses have remained stagnant. We are being played, in more ways than one. We are being pitted against each other to keep our focus elsewhere and not on them.

And I think the 24 hour news networks are perfect tools for dividing us.


This is what I'm talking about, the oligarchs, the Deep State have upped the ante and have change the name of the game. If all of this is true, then we need to band together, not fight and fuss over a few scraps. If all this is true, we need to stop bickering and help one anoother....don't you think?

Well... kind of. I don't know if it's possible for everyone to even band together. They've become very adept at making us divided to the point that some of us have become violent. Even if we were to somehow all "band together", what would we do? Where would we even begin?


You understand where I'm coming from, otherwise its the survival of the fittest.

It kind of is. I don't know if you want to go too far down this rabbit hole, my friend. I think it's important that more people are "woke" to the idea that this type of stuff is happening and look at everything happening around us with those glasses on instead of being mindless puppets for either side of the spectrum. I think that you're not as quick to just label somebody who doesn't agree with you as whatever insult first comes to your head if you are open to the possibility that we're all being played.

But I don't have any ideas what to do about any of it. At this point in my life, I'm not sure if I have the energy to even do anything about it. My power and influence in this world is just one notch above nil.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 23, 2018 12:46 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

just to add one more wrinkle ... as it wasn't wrinkled enough ...I also detect a division between what I think of as the "national" oligarchs ... that would be like the Koch Bros, or anyone concerned with production here in the USA ... and the "international" oligarchs ... that would be like international finance and anyone making money off the petrodollar. I've placed Trump in the "national" category and Hillary in the "international" category; so it's not like Trump is a true populist - he just represents a more local category of oligarchs.

Now, between "national" oligarchs and "international" ones, I prefer the "national" ones because they're at least subject to American laws and policies. International banks, international finance, and transnational corporations .... there is no "global" democratic entity to reign them in. They're only beholden to secret trade tribunals, which have been set up for their benefit. A whole world, under transnational corporate rule, beholden to no one, one people played off against another and only the top 500 benefiting ... what a depressing thought!!!

It's enough to make one weep.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Friday, February 23, 2018 1:01 PM


SGG, I posted this for you. I have followed your conversation about deep state a bit. Watch this, it explains what's going on right now in this country in a way that makes sense. I'm sure you'll agree when you watch it. If not, that's ok.

It starts off about guns and goes into the politics of today. No deep state in the direction your debaters are pointing. It's a bit long but worth the view. Check it out buddy.


Friday, February 23, 2018 1:03 PM


Again SGG, deep state bullshit. Bill Crystal very conservative, very republican speaking out about the trend of teaching young republicans to fear law enforcement, to fear our government our media.



Friday, February 23, 2018 3:51 PM


Remember, the IRA is being investigated for funneling money for the Russians.



Friday, February 23, 2018 10:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Remember, the IRA is being investigated for funneling money for the Russians.

The Irish Republican Army is funneling money for Putin?
Whatever for???

Yanno, I really think we should, at some point, get back to basics. What are our interests? Which ones are important? Where are they being violated? How best to defend them?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Friday, February 23, 2018 10:34 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Remember, the IRA is being investigated for funneling money for the Russians.

Yanno, I really think we should, at some point, get back to basics. What are our interests? Which ones are important? Where are they being violated? How best to defend them?

I think I'll set my own agenda here. What are our interests. Mueller is addressing that now. Breaking the back of Russia's American influences. Dismantling them so to speak. Putting them in jail and sending a message to all who would tread on America in the future, don't.

Then pinning anyone involved from Russia in Russia. If they leave we will have them picked up, extradited and brought here for trial. Sanctions that breaks Russia financially. That's a start.



Friday, February 23, 2018 11:04 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, what is it about the "IRA", THUGR?


Breaking the back of Russia's American influences. Dismantling them so to speak. Putting them in jail and sending a message to all who would tread on America in the future, don't.
Ok. All 13 of them. How?


Then pinning anyone involved from Russia in Russia. If they leave we will have them picked up, extradited and brought here for trial. Sanctions that breaks Russia financially. That's a start.
Russia doesn't have an extradition treaty with us, so there goes your fantasy of extradition.

As far as "pinning" them in Russia ... that's where they live. They can troll from there!

Re sanctions: Russia has been preparing for financial Armageddon since roughly 2013; they have a SWIFT-equivalent, have paid off most of their USD-denominated debt, and have forged many bilateral and multi-lateral trade agreements as replacements for anything they might have sourced from the west. Plus, they've stockpiled gold in preparation for the day when the USD is no longer automatically accepted. In financial terms, I think they're in better shape than we are, since we're very heavily indebted to ... well, just about everybody. That needs some thought, because if we insist on our allies following suit, we may be asking them for too large a sacrifice, and drive a wedge between us and the EU.


I have some other ideas:

1) Improve our cybersecurity and our voting procedures. Everybody knows HOW, they just don't want to spend the money to do it.

2) Teach people to be better media-watchers. That doesn't mean "tell people to believe everything the government tells them via the MSM" but apply skepticism and logic, and understand that EVERYBODY has a POV, NOBODY is going to report "just the facts".

3) Make sure that our offensive cyberwarfare capabilities are up to snuff. The reason why the Russians didn't "do" anything to whatever databases they might have accessed ... like manipulate voter rolls, for example ... is because they know we could do the same to them. We need to be able to continue to do that; it's how the balance of power is maintained.

4) Ok, sure ... issue arrest warrants or whatever it is that is done internationally to target the individuals involved. Altho personally, I think the indicted individuals and organizations would be well-advised to send their lawyers to the USA and have them demand to see the evidence.

5) We could try some sort of detente: We don't mess with your elections and you don't mess with ours. But then, our deep state wouldn't want to make that deal because they like to mess with everybody's elections .... even ours!

Financial sanctions? That would require a lot of thought; there might be a lot of unintended consequences that would boomerang back on us; not sure that it's worth it. It's a little like shooting a mosquito with an elephant gun.


Some people have compared this "meddling" (social media trolling) to the worst attack on the USA since Pearl Harbor.

REALLY??? Hyperbole much???

One event destroyed our navy and killed around 2400 servicemen, and the other placed 0.0005% ads on social media???

And what about 9-11? What was THAT? Chopped liver?

This is what I mean by being better consumers of the media: People need to be RATIONAL. And by "rational" I mean .... apply the original meaning of the word: to ratio, to be able to judge relative sizes. This event is NOT like Pearl Harbor. We need a "metric" ... a consistent yardstick by which we judge the importance of events, not our fervid paranoid imagination in which we conjure up all kinds of "possible" effects. Maybe something simple like "total energy expended" in BTUs, or something.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, February 24, 2018 8:26 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Yanno, I really think we should, at some point, get back to basics. What are our interests? Which ones are important? Where are they being violated? How best to defend them?

Signym, your thinking forever is on too high a level of abstraction. Postulate something simple: that America’s purpose was to raise everyone out of poverty. That can’t be its true purpose when 43 million live in poverty. Americans who aren’t impoverished are opposed to using their money on those good-for-nothings.

Postulate that America’s purpose is to not be gunned down. That can’t be true from the way Americans talk about guns. And own them. And will defend their guns with their lives.

Postulate that America’s purpose is healthcare for everyone. That can’t be true, looking at how healthcare is actually run.

Postulate that America’s purpose is getting rich. I think we have a winner! And there is no Signym-level abstraction in this purpose! That is what Americans want for themselves. They don’t all get rich, but that failure is what must happen since it is every American for themselves (which might be a significant problem for less competitive, less ruthless, less energetic Americans).

Does anyone think America gives a damn about Signym's list, below, when Americans' simple-minded purpose for themselves and America is to get rich?

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I have some other ideas:

1) Improve our cybersecurity and our voting procedures. Everybody knows HOW, they just don't want to spend the money to do it.

2) Teach people to be better media-watchers. That doesn't mean "tell people to believe everything the government tells them via the MSM" but apply skepticism and logic, and understand that EVERYBODY has a POV, NOBODY is going to report "just the facts".

3) Make sure that our offensive cyberwarfare capabilities are up to snuff. The reason why the Russians didn't "do" anything to whatever databases they might have accessed ... like manipulate voter rolls, for example ... is because they know we could do the same to them. We need to be able to continue to do that; it's how the balance of power is maintained.

4) Ok, sure ... issue arrest warrants or whatever it is that is done internationally to target the individuals involved. Altho personally, I think the indicted individuals and organizations would be well-advised to send their lawyers to the USA and have them demand to see the evidence.

5) We could try some sort of detente: We don't mess with your elections and you don't mess with ours. But then, our deep state wouldn't want to make that deal because they like to mess with everybody's elections .... even ours!


Saturday, February 24, 2018 8:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Postulate that America’s purpose is getting rich.
Postulate that Americans are swamped with ads. day after day, whose sole purpose is to convince them that individual consumerism and personal happiness are the greatest goals in life. Family, country, responsibility, hard work ... even uncertainty and worry ... are nowhere to be found, and are foreign to real life!

Postulate that Americans are sold stories of individual success, which happens only if you "want it hard enough"; that "hypomania" is the preferred psychological state which keeps Americans trying and trying .... and trying and trying ... even in the face of overwhelming odds and unrealistic expectations.

Postulate that Hollywood, the news media, and television entertainment are all about wealthy powerful people.


Postulate that Americans are stuck in a permanent "brainwash" cycle that keeps them spinning endlessly so that they NEVER contemplate what their real interests are, and we have a winner!!!

Thank you, SECOND, for pushing propaganda.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, February 24, 2018 8:42 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Postulate that America’s purpose is getting rich.
Postulate that Americans are swamped with ads. day after day, whose sole purpose is to convince them that individual consumerism and personal happiness are the greatest goals in life. Family, country, responsibility, hard work ... even uncertainty and worry ... are nowhere to be found, and are foreign to real life!

Postulate that Americans are sold stories of individual success, which happens only if you "want it hard enough"; that "hypomania" is the preferred psychological state which keeps Americans trying and trying .... and trying and trying ... even in the face of overwhelming odds and unrealistic expectations.

Postulate that Hollywood, the news media, and television entertainment are all about wealthy powerful people.


Postulate that Americans are stuck in a permanent "brainwash" cycle that keeps them spinning endlessly so that they NEVER contemplate what their real interests are, and we have a winner!!!

Now you are talking mental health issues and lack of self-control. I'd say that the average American is too stupid to shut-off their smart phone and TV. They are too stupid to stop eating, too. Check the stats on over-weight.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 24, 2018 9:01 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Now you are talking mental health issues and lack of self-control. I'd say that the average American is too stupid to shut-off their smart phone and TV. They are too stupid to stop eating, too. Check the stats on over-weight.
What you're talking about is that the average American only dimly senses that they are being preyed on by every corporation in every aspect of their lives, from dopamine-squirting eyeball-grabbing FB algorithms to the payday lender on the street corner.

I'll bet it's easy for you, in your life of luxury, to disdain people who are being pulled apart by stress and trauma. I'll bet it makes you feel superior to peel off a check once in a while to the poor stupid people who can't manage their lives quite like YOU (with your "natural advantages") can.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, February 24, 2018 9:14 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Now you are talking mental health issues and lack of self-control. I'd say that the average American is too stupid to shut-off their smart phone and TV. They are too stupid to stop eating, too. Check the stats on over-weight.
What you're talking about is that the average American only dimly senses that they are being preyed on by every corporation in every aspect of their lives, from dopamine-squirting eyeball-grabbing FB algorithms to the payday lender on the street corner.

I'll bet it's easy for you, in your life of luxury, to disdain people who are being pulled apart by stress and trauma. I'll bet it makes you feel superior to peel off a check once in a while to the poor stupid people who can't manage their lives like YOU can.

I'm describing the Americans in Texas. But if you are not in Texas, Trump is an exemplary American for everyone in the world to study what makes America as it is. Trump eats as much as he pleases, lies about his weight, setting the standard for his voters. He breaks his marriage vow with adultery with whoever he pleases. He says whatever pops into his head. He watches as much TV as he wants during his work day. He opens twitter on his smart phone and writes whatever pleases him at the moment. He gives only part of his attention to the daily job, a rather important one, setting the example for American workers. He greedily goes after as much money as he can.

All the people in the world who will never visit the USA can learn a great deal about Americans and their purpose in life from Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 24, 2018 9:17 AM


Hello, does everyone out there realize they spend their time posting opinions on the internet; here, and with some elsewhere as well. At times I've realized I'd been spending a ton of time responding to others posts and have backed off a bit. Some here, have posted none stop year after year for a decade. Not really a glowing endorsement that you, or I, function any better than anyone else.

As the Mueller investigation goes dark again, I will back off. I've been pretty active as of late due to all the revelations uncovered by his investigation, and enjoyed watching what I have been posting being validated.

But I have to say. It's getting old watching some here judge the rest of society as failures. Good people are constantly being reduced to a generalization. Usually not a very flattering one. And two often based solely on a job description. It's shameful, and shows a lack of self-discipline and introspection.



Saturday, February 24, 2018 9:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Trump is an exemplary American for everyone in the world to study what makes America as it is.
"Trump" is hardly average, and certainly not exemplary.

You really hate Americans, don't you, SECOND? That must be why your heart just bleeds for the poor illegal immigrant: Because they're not Americans.


I hope you realize that you just wiped your feet on nearly every poster here. People who work harder than you, people who take their responsibilities more seriously, people who are worth more than you, in personal terms.



Hello, does everyone out there realize they spend their time posting opinions on the internet; here, and with some elsewhere as well. At times I've realized I'd been spending a ton of time responding to others posts and have backed off a bit.
Heading that way too.


But I have to say. It's getting old watching some here judge the rest of society as failures. Good people are constantly being reduced to a generalization. Usually not a very flattering one. And two often based solely on a job description. It's shameful, and shows a lack of self-discipline and introspection.
For once, we agree.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, February 24, 2018 9:40 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Trump is an exemplary American for everyone in the world to study what makes America as it is.
YOU really hate Americans, don't you, SECOND?

"Trump" is hardly average, and certainly not exemplary.

I hope you realize that you just wiped your feet on nearly every poster here. People who work harder than you, people who take their responsibilities more seriously, people who are worth more than you, in personal terms.

There are more Americans that are as fat as Trump as voted for Trump. That one thing, out of many, makes him exemplary of what a true American is. What country are you living in, Signym? If it is America, you know Americans love Trump enough to vote for him and his vision of what makes America great. Yes, Trump is exemplary, possibly in meaning of google definition #2. (of a punishment) serving as a warning or deterrent. synonyms: deterrent, cautionary, warning, admonitory; "exemplary jail sentences"

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 24, 2018 9:59 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Hello, does everyone out there realize they spend their time posting opinions on the internet; here, and with some elsewhere as well. At times I've realized I'd been spending a ton of time responding to others posts and have backed off a bit. Some here, have posted none stop year after year for a decade. Not really a glowing endorsement that you, or I, function any better than anyone else.

As the Mueller investigation goes dark again, I will back off. I've been pretty active as of late due to all the revelations uncovered by his investigation, and enjoyed watching what I have been posting being validated.

But I have to say. It's getting old watching some here judge the rest of society as failures. Good people are constantly being reduced to a generalization. Usually not a very flattering one. And two often based solely on a job description. It's shameful, and shows a lack of self-discipline and introspection.


Don't let a slow news day get you down.

I'm sure you can come up with some original opinions if Maddow has nothing new to tell you to think today.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 24, 2018 10:06 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, February 24, 2018 11:36 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. During Armageddon, the wicked will be destroyed.

A paragraph from
What Is the Battle of Armageddon? The battle of Armageddon refers to the final war between human governments and God. These governments and their supporters oppose God even now by refusing to submit to his rulership. (Psalm 2:2) The battle of Armageddon will bring human rulership to an end.—Daniel 2:44.

Signym, you and Trump are wicked. I'm sure about Trump. He provides more proof daily. Your vote for him and your continuing defense of him is proof enough for me, but maybe not enough for God.

Jehovah's Witnesses don't vote. But I do.
Jehovah's Witnesses don't pass judgment on people. But I do.


Saturday, February 24, 2018 12:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And having been raised a Jehovah's Witness makes you identify as non-American, having nothing in common with other Americans? Or is is that you're just a rich asshole who disdains anyone who doesn't have your wealth?


I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. During Armageddon, the wicked will be destroyed.- SECOND
I guess that means you'll be the first to go?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, February 24, 2018 12:11 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. During Armageddon, the wicked will be destroyed.

A paragraph from
What Is the Battle of Armageddon? The battle of Armageddon refers to the final war between human governments and God. These governments and their supporters oppose God even now by refusing to submit to his rulership. (Psalm 2:2) The battle of Armageddon will bring human rulership to an end.—Daniel 2:44.

Signym, you and Trump are wicked. I'm sure about Trump. He provides more proof daily. Your vote for him and your continuing defense of him is proof enough for me, but maybe not enough for God.

Jehovah's Witnesses don't vote. But I do.
Jehovah's Witnesses don't pass judgment on people. But I do.

This post is so silly I don't even know where to begin...

So I won't.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 24, 2018 12:21 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. During Armageddon, the wicked will be destroyed.

A paragraph from
What Is the Battle of Armageddon? The battle of Armageddon refers to the final war between human governments and God. These governments and their supporters oppose God even now by refusing to submit to his rulership. (Psalm 2:2) The battle of Armageddon will bring human rulership to an end.—Daniel 2:44.

Signym, you and Trump are wicked. I'm sure about Trump. He provides more proof daily. Your vote for him and your continuing defense of him is proof enough for me, but maybe not enough for God.

Jehovah's Witnesses don't vote. But I do.
Jehovah's Witnesses don't pass judgment on people. But I do.

This post is so silly I don't even know where to begin...

So I won't.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, 6ix." I got that quote from Stephen Furst, 'Animal House' Actor, Dead at 63 following complications from diabetes and obesity. He learned nothing from his most famous movie role.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 24, 2018 12:41 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It must be nice, having so much money that you can afford to pay attention only to yourself.

I don't know if you're fat, I don't know if you're drunk, but you sure are stupid, SECOND. AND an asshole. That much is evident!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, February 24, 2018 12:48 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
It must be nice, having so much money that you can afford to pay attention only to yourself.

I don't know if you're fat, I don't know if you're drunk, but you sure are stupid, SECOND. AND an asshole. That much is evident!

Furst was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at the age of 17. He reached a weight of 320 pounds and had uncontrolled type 2 diabetes by the age of 40. After almost needing to have his left foot amputated due to diabetes complications in 1996, Furst reduced his weight. Furst said, "I thought I was more powerful than the disease of diabetes, but in reality, I was letting it take control of me. Now, I've decided to take control of my life." And then he lost control of his weight, again. He blamed Obama and voted for Trump in 2016.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 24, 2018 1:15 PM


What's your point about Furst?

I haven't had a drink for 15 months next week and I'm regularly weighing under 160 lbs right now and I haven't worked out at all. That was just from not drinking and getting a job where I'm active.

I've fixed a lot of relationships and have a good support group. I hardly have any real stress in my life. I've taken up projects that are very fulfilling to me and so I hardly even play any games or watch any TV or movies in my free time.

None of that was due to any president or any politician.

You seem pretty miserable everyday man. Maybe you should start taking care of your own home before worrying about all the shit in the world you are powerless to do anything about. You'd probably be happier.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 24, 2018 2:05 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
What's your point about Furst?

I haven't had a drink for 15 months next week and I'm regularly weighing under 160 lbs right now and I haven't worked out at all. That was just from not drinking and getting a job where I'm active.

I've fixed a lot of relationships and have a good support group. I hardly have any real stress in my life. I've taken up projects that are very fulfilling to me and so I hardly even play any games or watch any TV or movies in my free time.

None of that was due to any president or any politician.

You seem pretty miserable everyday man. Maybe you should start taking care of your own home before worrying about all the shit in the world you are powerless to do anything about. You'd probably be happier.

So, 6ixStringJack, is giving out advice because he has got his shit together. I do not believe you do.

Do you remember that this is about the Deep State and the Main Stream Media bringing down Trump? Except people believing that are Trump Supporters and Defenders, while actual facts don't back that delusion in the minds of fat, drunk, and/or stupid Republicans.

Republicans have got a real mental weakness toward shifting blame for their personal failures and lousy judgment of people. Remember, 6ixStringJack, you are the genius that voted for Trump. All those stories about him that were true before election? They are still true. And if you can't figure out Mister Obviously Crooked Trump and make accurate predictions about him, how the hell can you understand and make useful predictions about ordinary, decent people who can either help or hurt you in Indiana? You've got more information about Trump then anybody but your own family, and you still are not condemning him to Hell. You are not paying attention.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 24, 2018 2:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Do you remember that this is about the Deep State and the Main Stream Media bringing down Trump? Except people believing that are Trump Supporters and Defenders, while actual facts don't back that delusion in the minds of fat, drunk, and/or stupid Republicans.

Republicans have got a real mental weakness toward shifting blame for their personal failures and lousy judgment of people. Remember, 6ixStringJack, you are the genius that voted for Trump. All those stories about him that were true before election? They are still true. And if you can't figure out Mister Obviously Crooked Trump and make accurate predictions about him, how the hell can you understand and make useful predictions about ordinary, decent people who can either help or hurt you in Indiana? You've got more information about Trump then anybody but your own family, and you still are not condemning him to Hell. You are not paying attention.

Wow, and even MORE off-target, mean-spirited, and projecting generalizations about people in general and Republicans in particular!

Yanno, it would be sad if you weren't so wildly ... and I mean wildly ... off-target!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, February 24, 2018 3:03 PM


lol... Second has gone off the deep end and isn't even worth replying to anymore.

I actually feel sorry for him.

I said that this was happening to him and T especially. They've made this their life, and now that things aren't going the way they'd hoped it's driving them insane because they're so invested in it.

Good for T for taking a step back from it all. I hope T actually takes some time to improve his own life and minimizes his exposure to the news for a while.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 24, 2018 8:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, the reason why I find SECOND so funny is because of the people that I personally know who voted for Trump:

My hubby, a multi-talented researcher working at a major university
and his co-worker ...

An American-born son of Mexican immigrants; a colleague of my husband's who is a multi-talented technical support guy, professional musician and occasional triathlete

His coworker's brother, a hardworking HVAC guy, his coworker's older sister (teacher) and younger sister (housewife)

His Taiwanese-born aerospace engineer-wife, who is also a triathlete

Another colleague, a naturalized Armenian-born research technician

My dog-walking buddies-

A Japananese-born agnostic naturalized citizen who is a professional translator, and who has traveled all around the USA and to Japan, performing medical and legal translations.

Her husband, who is an American-born white-guy from OK, who worked for the gas company as a supervisor/troubleshooter for decades before he retired

A VERY culturally-Taiwanese-born small business-owner. I was honored to have been invited by her to a Buddhist New Year Blessing ceremony, which dd and I attended.

My ex-coworkers (at a government regulatory agency)...

A devout Christian Burmese woman, a technician. In the winter, her church feeds the homeless once a month; I've seen her drag her ass in after a weekend of cooking industrial-sized pot roasts, chopping up mounds of vegetables, and cleaning up for hours afterwards.

A white guy secretary from Idaho, and his mainland-Chinese-born wife who is a regional sale manager for a department-store product line

A white professional female chemist

Another Taiwanese-born female chemist

People who voted for Hillary tend to be white liberals. And the thing driving the Trump vote (here, at least) seemed to be ... wait for it ... illegal immigration.

Now, very few of these people match SECOND's view of the "typical" Trump voter ... many of them aren't white, more than half are women, ALL of them are well-educated, many of them aren't even American-born, none of them could be called "lazy" or uninformed ...

I think SECOND is just whack-a-doodle.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, February 24, 2018 11:38 PM


My stepdad is 2nd generation Mexican immigrant and he voted for Trump.

Illegal immigration infuriates him. He grew up in a train boxcar for a home and picked cotton before he went on to be the first person in his family to graduate college and become a project manager for Ma Bell and not only marry 1, but 2 white women.

It doesn't surprise me at all when I hear immigrants who did it legitimately get angry when the subject of illegal immigration comes up. Especially from countries where it's a lot harder to get here legally than it is from Mexico.

Most of the people I know who voted for Hillary were white lefties. I make a distinction between Leftists and Liberals these days since there is a huge difference.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, February 26, 2018 7:12 AM


I'll check it out.



Originally posted by THGRRI:
SGG, I posted this for you. I have followed your conversation about deep state a bit. Watch this, it explains what's going on right now in this country in a way that makes sense. I'm sure you'll agree when you watch it. If not, that's ok.

It starts off about guns and goes into the politics of today. No deep state in the direction your debaters are pointing. It's a bit long but worth the view. Check it out buddy.


Monday, February 26, 2018 7:48 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Let's cut through your bullshit, Signym. Would these people vote for Trump now? Did they vote for Trump in the primary? And be sure to ask them what actions in Trump's first year have kept them as defenders of Trump's vision for America. #MAGA

Do these Trump voters think Mueller is on a witch-hunt? Ask about the FBI. Ask them to explain exactly why they think that. Don't give your reasons placed in their mouths, Signym.

And for the record, I got what I expected from Trump, without voting for the GOP. It is a multi-million dollar tax cut for me. Remember how excited Paul Ryan was about that public school employee getting an extra $1.50 per week?

Famous Democrat Warren Buffett’s multinational conglomerate, Berkshire Hathaway, made an extra $29 billion in 2017 thanks to the Republican tax bill, the billionaire investor said in his annual letter to shareholders released on Saturday.

“A large portion of our gain did not come from anything we accomplished at Berkshire,” Buffett, 87, wrote. Of the $65 billion the company made last year, $36 billion was from its operations. The rest was thanks to the GOP tax cut, passed in December, which dropped the corporate income tax rate to 21 percent from 35 percent.

That the tax bill would make such an enormous difference for Berkshire Hathaway, which as of 2017 has $702 billion in total assets, is not a surprise: That is largely how it was designed. The bill is most beneficial to corporations, including Berkshire, and the wealthy, particularly the ultra-wealthy, such as Buffett.

Buffett was critical of the Republican tax plan before it was passed, even though he acknowledged it would be good for him and for his company. “We have a lot of businesses... I don’t think any of them are non-competitive in the world because of the corporate tax rate,” Buffett told CNBC in October.

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well, the reason why I find SECOND so funny is because of the people that I personally know who voted for Trump:

My hubby, a multi-talented researcher working at a major university
and his co-worker ...

An American-born son of Mexican immigrants; a colleague of my husband's who is a multi-talented technical support guy, professional musician and occasional triathlete

His coworker's brother, a hardworking HVAC guy, his coworker's older sister (teacher) and younger sister (housewife)






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