I suspect vaccinations because...

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Thursday, December 15, 2011 4:46 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Folks, that ain't SCIENCE, that's Religion.
And it ain't mine.

I don't know how you do that. You hit the nail on the head, and no one crucifies you for it.

I stand in awe of The Frem.

"Christmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell the government what they want - and their kids pay for it." - Richard Lamm


Thursday, December 15, 2011 5:52 PM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
Sometimes kids with autism start out ordinary, meet their milestones and start talking etc. but then they stop doing those things on time. Maybe that is a subtype of autism, since we chunk a lot of different things and symptoms into the label of "autism". But yeah often it is visably present from the start and something is clearly different from the beginning.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya

I believe that is generally because of when austism becomes apparant, when early developmental milestones are not being met and the child does not catch up. That also coincides with with certain vaccinations, hence why some parents create the link between autism and vaccination. Depends also on the severity of the autism, for some it is apparant in very early infancy, but for most it is when the walking, talking, socialising stuff kicks in with developmentally normal children.


Thursday, December 15, 2011 6:11 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Since this seems to be more of a personal burn-the-heretic bent goin on here than actual reasonable discussion - might I remind people that the notions of Gardasil being dangerous, and Vaccine-caused outbreaks were shouted down in much the same fashion long past the point where the evidence was undeniable.

A *LOT* of modern "medicine" is as much faith, confirmation bias and plain old snakeoil, as is much else - the problem rises when that faith gets in the WAY of science.

Fact: WE DO NOT KNOW, exactly what makes people susceptible to bad vaccine reactions, there's evidence and suspicions, but not a whole bloody lot to go on, yet Thimerosal and Adjuvants are obvious toxins - BUT, no research gets done because of peoples FAITH standing in the way, telling us it's "safe" - well "they" told us Thaliomide(sp?) and Vioxx were safe, that transfats were healthier than butter, that aspartame was healthier than sugar.... on and on and on and on, the lies, which often as not the folks profiting KNEW were lies, and foisted down to people stupid enough to gobble it right the hell up and not only regurgitate it every time it was challenged, but verbally and otherwise attack those who do challenge it, over, and over, and over, and it comes back around and around.

WHY so much FAITH in known liars, who have fed you lie after lie, bogus studies and snakeoil, time and time again - what CREDIBILITY does the medical establishment really have at this point ?

Beyond that, faith IS NOT SCIENCE, you QUESTION, you STUDY - you don't claim this or that and then blockade any further attempts to study something, acting as if all was known, cause the truth is that we really KNOW very little, a lot of medical science is just fucking guesswork based on average results - case in point treating whatever the hell it is (acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis) with steroids, which is done not because of any science, but that they randomly tried shit they THOUGHT might work, till something did - but they don't KNOW a goddamn thing, do they ?
Not what causes it, not how to get rid of it, not a bloody freakin thing.

So pardon me if your FAITH in the petty tin liar-gods of the medical establishment which has done little but fuck me over all my life kind of annoys the piss outta me.

That said, yes, single-dose, non-preservative vaccines are much, MUCH safer, but almost never used because of the true god of the modern medical establishment - PROFIT.

My issue with is, is what it always has been, rather than debate effectiveness, simply the notion that "acceptable losses" AREN'T - that isn't good enough, to simply write off human beings because to do otherwise would possibly challenge ones faith in an establishment which does not deserve it, to reject the notion of scientific investigation based on, what ?

Folks, that ain't SCIENCE, that's Religion.
And it ain't mine.


I do not serve the Blind God.

Well it depends on which side of the fence you fall on. I could also argue that the anti vaccination argument, by and large, is made by people who dismiss scientific thinking all together and prefer myth and voodoo explainations regarding medical matters.

I understand that science does not provide answers to everything right now, and that there are issues with drugs approved for use. I have no love for the big pharmaceutical companies and the whole 'for profit' nature of some of the medical industry and I have to say that includes a lot of unqualified quacks making money out of distributing water with a speck of orange blossom in it as a cure, but I cannot just dismiss modern medical advances simply because they don't always get it right.

If people here would prefer to go back to the past, and to a high infant mortality rate, a death sentence for most cancers, low survival rate for diseases such as pneumonia and influenza which killed 20 million people in a few short years post ww1, if people would be happy continue to live with a disease such as polio outbreak that killed and paralised millions over a 10 year period, well I think that you are glass half empty people. Because what you have said is that modern medicine sucks and is a sham. Well I say boo.

i'd like to do a little tick box for people who refute vaccination.

Do you use homeopathic remedies?
Do you believe in faith healing?
Do you think that planes did not fly into the Twin towers/ and or explosives were rigged to the building/ and or it was ordered by someone close to the President?
Do you believe that climate change is a sham?

And if you ticked all or most of those boxes, I'd like to ask you whether you have some kind of evangelical anti mainstream religious fervour to your beliefs.


Thursday, December 15, 2011 9:33 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
So parse the data carefully. But ALSO be prepared to get answers you don't expect, or don't like. And be prepared to accept them IF the evidence points in a direction you don't "like". Otherwise you fall into the same behavior as any other hack.

Oh indeed - as I mentioned I'd rather have been completely wrong about Gardasil, and there's times I *have* been wrong, and much gratified about it cause I generally work from a worst-case scenario and go up from there.

Case in point: Thimerosal BY ITSELF seems neither AS dangerous as thought(1) at first glance nor does the data bear out preservatives of that nature as an exclusive source of bad reactions or possibly sparking autism, HOWEVER, additional data gathered during that research seemed to indicate that certain adjuvants(2) are in fact more dangerous in and of themselves alone, and in combination with other ingrediants and preservatives may well be the vector - but again, more information is needed cause we don't actually KNOW.

And I think we oughta know, I think there's no sense in turning our back on a course of investigation that would actually make vaccines safer, whether one disputes their effectiveness or not.

(1) I still don't consider it safe, which is why I reccommend single-dose as the safest option.
(2) Which even single-dose has, thus being a risk factor either way.

Another of my issues with it is that as far as informed choice goes: like you pointed out there, if they've lied to you, you don't really have an informed choice - and sometimes a potential patient has to decide on something, and that decision may well conflict with a doctors opinion.
I am certainly NO stranger to that one, having been told I'd never walk again, and sometimes crossing irons with various doctors after having "done my homework" and come to a different conclusion.
Knowledge of the topic such as is possible is something which I feel is every patients responsibility, cause you can't put it all on the doctors, as I point out, often in unfriendly words true - they're human and fallible as well, so one can no more morally thrust all the responsibility upon them than they can consider them the be-all, end-all of knowledge, they have a larger database of info, but this is no guarantee of a good result or decision, and I've as much ire at patients abdicating THEIR end of responsibility as the rest of it.

That said, when Government gets involved annoys the piss out of me, especially "mandatory" anything is gonna get my hackles up - most especially when there is KNOWN collusion and corruption in the process, as the FDA has been reduced to all but a corporate mouthpiece these days, and I think we should take a hard lesson from the Gardasil fiasco in that patient choice should always supercede the will of the State.
Speakin of which, they AGAIN (this is four times, now) threw out the charges against Maryanne Godboldo, both for standing off the cops, and the seperate case regarding her fitness as a parent based on the medical courses of treatment for her daughter, who has, against all odds started showing improvement.
Judge Gregory Bill offers this.

Bill hinted that Wenk was impatient, filled out a legal order that was woefully inadequate, broke with established policy by calling 911 to have Detroit police enforce it rather than confront the woman herself, and then misrepresented the meaning of the order to police.

Which is what I been saying all along, and were it not for the apalling corruption of Kym Worthy and her cronies (who intend to appeal, again and again in efforts to bankrupt Maryanne with legal fees and declare her an unfit parent by virtue of financial insolvency) we would be pursuing CRIMINAL charges against Mia Wenk for her actions in this, which went far outside established policy and the law, yet she faces no repercussions for this.
Such lessons as this are never lost on me, and a good counterpoint to WHY Government of any kind doesn't belong in medicine - cause when a Government representative, be it a Teacher, Administrator of a public school, Social Services rep or what have you, starts making MEDICAL decisions, sans not only any legal right to do so, but lacking any medical training or knowledge whatsoever, I feel that constitutes effectively mis-practicing medicine, criminal negligence if not downright medical malpractice.
(and yes I am aware they have their "pet" doctors like Bacharach, but most don't even bother with the pretense)

Anyhows, I am not unaware of the benefits of modern medicine, I am just very very much aware of it's flaws as well, and the impulse to ignore them which results in much unnecessary carnage - it's all well and good to have faith in something, but I feel examination of the evidence by the individual is always, ALWAYS warranted, not only can it reveal potential issues your doctor might have missed, often you learn some damned interesting things along the way...
I still wish we'd look harder into focused sonics as potential anti-virus, myself.

But SCIENCE first, faith later, yanno ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, December 15, 2011 10:38 PM


Uhh, Magons ?

Well it depends on which side of the fence you fall on. I could also argue that the anti vaccination argument, by and large, is made by people who dismiss scientific thinking all together and prefer myth and voodoo explainations regarding medical matters.

There's PLENTY of myth and voodoo in modern medicine, for example:

Belive me, I have recent PERSONAL experience with this, via "acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis" in combination with an autoimmune reaction and what they think was a mild stroke - just because they hide "we have no fucking idea" within medical doublespeak and fancy latin doesn't mean that ain't what they're saying.
And again, they have no bloody idea how to even treat it outside of steroids either, and were it not for one of them doctors actually listening to what the hell I was telling them instead of treating me like a piece of furniture I'd probably be dead.

I understand that science does not provide answers to everything right now, and that there are issues with drugs approved for use. I have no love for the big pharmaceutical companies and the whole 'for profit' nature of some of the medical industry and I have to say that includes a lot of unqualified quacks making money out of distributing water with a speck of orange blossom in it as a cure, but I cannot just dismiss modern medical advances simply because they don't always get it right.

I don't dismiss em, and the fact that as soon as I start poking holes in many of the often-false assumptions modern medicine is based on; people jump RIGHT to that conclusion without listening to what the hell I am saying is one reason I am reluctant to discuss this topic.
By NO means am I unaware of the near-miracles that *properly executed* modern medicine can provide, Corvera and Aziz are freakin mad geniuses, and the rest of my collective of mad-science doctors are no slouches either, the mere fact that I am mobile at all is very much one of those miracles - but doctors are not gods, they're bioware mechanics, and just like taking your car to a mechanic, taking your body to their office is no guarantee they actually DO know what the hell they're doing, or that they won't pull a fast one on you - my scratch and dent doc is in cahoots with certain folks who make anti-cholesterol drugs, for example (they pay for his golf junkets) and as a result will "push" his diagnosis and examination to include screening even if unwarranted, which I blow off cause he's a decent sort even so and doesn't ask questions about where the scratches and dents came from.

If people here would prefer to go back to the past, and to a high infant mortality rate, a death sentence for most cancers, low survival rate for diseases such as pneumonia and influenza which killed 20 million people in a few short years post ww1, if people would be happy continue to live with a disease such as polio outbreak that killed and paralised millions over a 10 year period, well I think that you are glass half empty people. Because what you have said is that modern medicine sucks and is a sham. Well I say boo.

Horse manure - what I SAID is that we ought not remain static, that we should not simply accept what we are told by folks without sufficient credibility to justify that believe, at least not without examining the evidence ourselves.
This is NOT a black/white, yes/no kinda thing - but again, every time I dare raise QUESTIONS, there's this burn-the-heretic impulse, which strikes me odd since if your BELIEF cannot withstand scientific examination then it is no more valid than any other religion.
Oh, and did we not go over the FACT that many of the polio outbreaks in Africa right now WERE CAUSED BY THE VACCINE?; frankly, live-virus vaccines are an idiotic idea and out to be replaced with something assured not to cause that problem, of course since that information conflicted with what you want to BELIEVE, you seem to have ignored it, repeatedly, why ?

And since I am askin you a question, I shall then in courtesy answer yours.

Do you use homeopathic remedies?
Depends on one's definition - if you really wanted to categorise, most of what I know and use would be classed as Pharmacognosy and Holstic Medicine, basically the bedrock that modern medicine is in fact based on, although contrary to what one might believe, I got no problems with using modern medicine if it offers a better solution, but when the price break comes at a couple hundred, or even a couple THOUSAND dollars for 10%-40% more effectiveness...
Of course, of the latter the wiki definition doesn't include taking into account the financial ability of a patient either - if a conventional treatment is available and they can't afford it, then it's not really "available" to THEM, plus in the case of certain drug allergies or reactions, often an alternative can be found by consulting the old ways - I don't see this as a REPLACEMENT for modern medicine however, so much as a backstop and supporting practice; case in point - and one most folk understand, using herbal teas as a calmative in mild cases rather than resorting straight to psychoactive drugs and simply ramping the doseage, as you know a pet peeve of mine.
And sometimes, especially someone with precarious health conditions, you really WANT to use something gentler in order to potential shock effects which can cause bad complications.

In regards to Homeopathy itself, specifically, I dunno enough about it to comment other than to point out that low-dilution homeopathy/isopathy is what vaccines are based on! - how they were created in the first place, so I find tremendous amusement in this; cause it's as if someone taking aspirin was howling that extract of willow bark was snake-oil bunk

Do you believe in faith healing?
Generally no - one has to have faith in order to do so, and what I call my "beliefs" doesn't really have faith as a component so much as philosophy, mostly of a jungian stripe - I DO believe in the indomitable power of the human will, although that's not the same thing, mind you.
Or maybe it is.
In my case that's the only non-OTC pain relief available to me thanks to the rabidity of the fucking DEA, and I'll tell you it does a piss-poor job, that for a fact.

Do you think that planes did not fly into the Twin towers/ and or explosives were rigged to the building/ and or it was ordered by someone close to the President?
I don't BELIEVE anything - other than the official story is flat out bullshit, there's what people suspect, some of it lunacy, some of it debateable, some of it bearing some evidence - and there's a history of our so-called protectors *giving* people bombs (The FBI provided Ramzi Youssef with the bomb used in 1993) to use on that specific target, as well as a known history of internal devices in combination with external explosives (Oklahoma City), so there's CAUSE for suspicion, especially in that those "in charge" felt the pressing need to lie about it for whatever reason...
But there isn't sufficient evidence to coherently prove or disprove any one theory, and the inevitable ass covering and fingerpointing blew to hell most chances to obtain it, although there is indeed sufficient evidence to wholly debunk the official story, there's no enough to prove any damn thing else, alas.
Which is, IMHO even *worse*, cause it leads to the lingering mess as it current stands.

I don't give any "side" of it any more credence than another, considering the official bullshit story as laughably uncredible as PN's bizarre ass conspiracy theories, and none of em at all worth listening to until they put some proveable FACTS on my table - such as the fact that most of those originally accused of being the hijackers were later found to be alive and uninvolved.

Do you believe that climate change is a sham?
Hell no, I dunno how exactly much of it humans are responsible for, but goddamn 50F in Michigan in NOVEMBER is certainly out of whack, and I've had a mild interest ever since a meteorologist back in 1997 told me to get the hell out of the Gulf zone before the chickens came to roost...
But I skip the whole petty argument cause with me it boils down to not wrecking and polluting your living space, which is a good, solid, mutual concept that doesn't entail the stupidity, nitpicking, hostility and partisanship of debating what I feel is the fucking bloody obvious.


And if you ticked all or most of those boxes, I'd like to ask you whether you have some kind of evangelical anti mainstream religious fervour to your beliefs.

I am an ANARCHIST, of COURSE I have an evangelical anti-mainstream bent, philosophical rather than religious, but generally not accepting of things told to me by folks with a vested interest in me believing those things - which is why I have never accepted that old line of bogus about how vile human nature is only kept in check by brutal and repressive governments, something I thought was bunk long and long before being able to effectively confirm it - cause I didn't trust the bastards telling me that faery story, yanno ?

Anyways, thing is - don't never get the idea that I dismiss modern medicine simply because it's tremendous, gaping flaws offend me, and the impulse to excoriate anyone who points them out REALLY offends me - as I am wont to say about many things, we CAN do better, we SHOULD do better, but instead we seem to be resting on our laurels and accepting the unacceptable because it's become more religion and faith than science, and I really can't abide that....

I don't wanna suspect, I don't wanna guess, I WANT TO *KNOW* - THAT, is what science is about, finding the hell out, and I'd really like to find out WHY some folk have a bad reaction to vaccines, WHAT causes it, HOW that comes to be, and very most importantly, eliminate that half-assed guesswork and KNOW, so that we can do something about it, instead of just writing off human beings as acceptable losses cause to do otherwise would challenge peoples faith.

And it does - why else would the flamethrowers come out the moment people QUESTION it ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, December 16, 2011 2:26 AM




Originally posted by canttakesky:
Now I could list every single paper I read, and detail why they prove nothing conclusive. I could look through the meta-analyses and list all the papers included, and why each one was flawed. I could. But it would take a lot of time.

If she really wanted to know the answer, she would read those same papers herself. And if she knew how to critique scientific papers, she would see the obvious. If she didn't, then none of the criticisms I detail would mean anything, because like M5Nickerson, she would just reiterate the original paper's positions rather than come up with counterpoints. And tell me how stupid and white trashy I and my criticisms are.

If you could really go through every single one of those stuides, which are peer reviewed by other scientist that are a lot smarter then you, you would have done it and written about it. Please don't hold back and keep the world from seeing the truth...get to writing.

Now, the thing it you can't find flaws in each of those studies. What you think are flaws or errors are not. Its BS of the highers degree. Then you bitch about counterpoints, but as said you need a valid point before one can counter. See everything you brought up was already answered in the study, that make your points invalid.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, December 16, 2011 3:31 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
I don't wanna suspect, I don't wanna guess, I WANT TO *KNOW* - THAT, is what science is about, finding the hell out, and I'd really like to find out WHY some folk have a bad reaction to vaccines, WHAT causes it, HOW that comes to be, and very most importantly, eliminate that half-assed guesswork and KNOW, so that we can do something about it, instead of just writing off human beings as acceptable losses cause to do otherwise would challenge peoples faith.

And it does - why else would the flamethrowers come out the moment people QUESTION it ?

YEP. That is what most people in the "anti-vaccinationist" movement want. They aren't anti-vaccines. They just think we need to be honest about them and make them BETTER. "Green our Vaccines" is their motto. You can think of them as Occupy Vaccines before there was Occupy.

Incidentally, homeopathy is a secular healing modality. Most people in the homeopathic community are liberal, hippie types (think Niki) who are just as hard on Big Pharma as they are other corporations. They are usually not theist, rarely Christian, and almost never evangelical.

Sure there are a couple of evangelical Christians who might try homeopathy here or there, but they are not the "regulars." Most homeopaths would take great offense at being lumped together with evangelicals.

"Christmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell the government what they want - and their kids pay for it." - Richard Lamm


Friday, December 16, 2011 3:35 AM



Originally posted by m52nickerson:
...get to writing.

I have often thought about writing a book summarizing vaccine literature. After being very tempted and considering it carefully, I decided against it for personal reasons.

But yes, sometimes I think I should get to writing. It is not a bad suggestion.

"Christmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell the government what they want - and their kids pay for it." - Richard Lamm


Friday, December 16, 2011 6:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


hence why some parents create the link between autism and vaccination
Some parents make the link. Most do not; they know something is wrong from the very beginning. The timing comes about from the fact that while the PARENTS know that something is wrong from the very beginning, it is unquantifiable... doesn't match up with milestones. And until the milestones are missed by a remarkable time-span, the standard advice is the tincture of time. So MOST kids with autism don't get OFFICIALLY diagnosed until well after they're expected to talk. More sensitive tests... the kind that are videotaped and parsed in detail, looking for eye contact etc... reveal the presence of autism very early... within a week or two of birth. And that doesn't include the biomarkers that are present AT birth.

In other words, autism = vaccination is mostly a phony association, crated by the lag in official diagnosis.

Now, I happen to know two parents whose children had a bad reaction to the pertussis vaccine, which left them with autistic-like behaviors. But in those cases, the damage was unmistakable... fever and seizures within a day of vaccination.

And there IS a subtype of autism which does appear later... I expect it is more like a seizure disorder or a straight autoimmune disorder than anything, for reasons that are too complicated to get into now.

IF one narrows the field of inquiry ONLY to an autism/ vaccination link, much valuable information is lost.


Friday, December 16, 2011 6:44 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


This thread is becoming unmanageably long. Perhaps we could start an, "I suspect vaccinations, Part II, the revenge," thread? It would be easier to follow new posts.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Friday, December 16, 2011 6:50 AM


I've had a seizure, but it was because I swallowed some soda wrong and passed out.

I never got Measles, Mumps, or Rubella from the vaccine, but every time I've ever gotten an influenza vaccine, which is twice now, I've come down with nasty flu-like symptoms, 104 degree temperature and so on. After the second time, I decided not to get flu vaccines anymore, since my reaction to the vaccine appears to be worse than if I actually GOT the flu. Which I normally don't.

I did get whooping cough once, but my parents kept me and my brother quarantined. They got it too though.

I don't really know one way or another about autism and vaccines, so that's my contribution. I might be autistic? But I might be a bunch of other things too, so I don't really worry about it.


Friday, December 16, 2011 8:00 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
This thread is becoming unmanageably long. Perhaps we could start an, "I suspect vaccinations, Part II, the revenge," thread? It would be easier to follow new posts.

I concur, cause now that we've broken the black/white, yes/no deadlock, I'd certainly like to continue the discussion, cause I'd really like Siggy there to expound on that cause it comes close to certain of my own suspicions about things.



Friday, December 16, 2011 8:51 AM


Here you go, Anthony:

Vaccination Pt 2

"Christmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell the government what they want - and their kids pay for it." - Richard Lamm


Saturday, January 13, 2024 8:15 AM



Saturday, January 13, 2024 8:35 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
So my Son 'developed' Type 1 diabetes.
No genetic predisposition in the family.
What was he exposed to the Wife & I weren't?
Two things: Milk (he drinks hormone-free) & vaccinations.
Diabetes is on the rise in more well-to-do areas (where it's more likely everyone 'has their shots').
It's on the rise in cold areas (where peeps are more likely vaccinated for 'cold season').
And after he was diagnosed it was advised he get a flu shot to avoid getting it, which he PROMPTLY did a few weeks later.

My conclusion? Vaccinations are a scam. A dangerous one. Some peeps die, others get autism, etc.

Also, diabetes began its sharp incline in the early eighties, like, you know, AIDS.
We make our own plagues now, no need for fleas & ticks.

Where are you Signy, I need your comments...

The laughing Chrisisall

I know you haven't posted here in a long time Chris, and you probably don't bother coming around to even lurk, but on the off chance that you ever do and see this, you, your son and your family have my sympathy.

I just got diagnosed with Type 1 in my mid 40's last year (technically LADA, but the end result is the same). I probably drank about 3 cans of soda a year and didn't eat any sweets except for even more rare occasions in probably 2 years. I hadn't been overweight since a few months after I quit drinking either, so that was about 7 years earlier too.

I don't know how many vaccines I'd had in my life up to that point, but it wasn't many. They didn't make us get all that many vaccines after being born back then. I'm sure I had a booster or two along the way while I was still going to school, but it had to have been at least 25 years since my last vaccination of any kind. I've never gotten a flu vaccination and I didn't get a covid shot. I DID however, get Covid around a year before my Diabetes diagnosis.

Nobody knows how I got it and it's pretty apparent that nobody cares either. Even if it were possible to figure out how, it would probably be prohibitively expensive for everyone involved to find out why my white blood cells got bored enough to start attacking my pancreas.

I don't know what it was like for you and your son back in 2011, but I'd imagine that with the current tech it's gotten a lot easier for you all to manage it in the 2020s. I'd also imagine that he's probably in really good shape compared to his peers because he's grown up learning good eating habits to manage the disease.

I'm sorry that your son had to deal with this. And I'm sorry for what you and your family probably went through between 2020 and 2022, assuming that your stance on vaccines hadn't changed during that time frame. I know people who got divorced over that issue, and I still know people who aren't talking to each other because of their disagreements over it.

I'm sure you never found out how or why he got it. I just hope that you or your wife never thought of it as a failure in any way on your part. Sometime things just happen.

Focus on the positives. In order to live a long and healthy life, which is completely possible with Type 1 Diabetes, your son is going to be managing his eating in a way that most people could never do on their own unless they were forced into it like we are. And your son grew up learning these behaviors at an early age when things are much more likely to stick instead of getting it late in life when he was an old dog who wasn't likely to change his ways.

I hope you're all doing alright these days.

Take it easy, brother.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.






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