The Washington Times: Bill Maher says the silent part out loud: Abortion is murder

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 05:37
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Saturday, April 20, 2024 10:52 PM



Sometimes you hear something so shocking that it stops you in your tracks. Without a doubt, that was me this week.

I just so happened to click on a video clip of comedian and TV personality Bill Maher’s HBO talk show. On the latest episode, he discussed abortion in America, alongside his celebrity panel. Mr. Maher started fair by sharing that he always admonishes his pro-abortion friends from calling pro-lifers “women-haters” because — in his words — it’s simply not true. He states that pro-lifers don’t hate women, so much as they believe abortion to be murder. I was surprised to hear that astute comment from him.

But I should’ve braced myself, because then his comments took a nosedive straight off a cliff into a pit of eugenics abortion reasoning that even the late Margaret Sanger would’ve given a standing ovation. Mr. Maher said, “They [pro-lifers] think it’s murder and it kind of is. I’m just OK with that. I am. I mean there’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry. We won’t miss you. That’s my position on that.”

Cue the pin dropping.

The show’s audience went uncomfortably silent and even his two abortion-supporting guests were stunned. I have to say, it was really something to see that Mr. Maher was even able to put his guest Piers Morgan at a loss for words.

After the fact, the backlash to Mr. Maher’s comments was predictable along ideological lines. Pro-lifers shared his abhorrent comments on X, pointing out how he really “said the quiet part out loud.” Those in the abortion-favoring camp either decided to encourage Mr. Maher to shut up, or they just ignored his comments completely — the old “maybe if we don’t share it on social media, it never really happened” tactic.

But Mr. Maher’s comments really had me do a double take. I really had to ask myself, what was the most shocking part of them? Was it his rationale? No. I know the origins of abortion reasoning in America, and this is it. Was it that he called abortion murder? No. I know that abortion ends human life either through drugs or surgery. That is literally its definition: “the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy.”

I realized that the most shocking part of Mr. Maher’s comments on abortion is that we almost never hear anyone else put it so candidly.

NOTE: That's roughly the first half of the article. It's all a good read.

I agree. Both with Bill Maher and with Emily Erin Davis who wrote this article.

Personally, I view abortion as murder. And I've never hidden that fact.

But I'm also so against government control, and the nature of the topic is EXTREMELY nuanced and making sure it was ever handled right in every situation would require reams of pages in whatever bill finally got passed.

In other words, I'm not a pro-Lifer, but I do personally believe that abortion is murder. And no... these two positions are not mutually exclusive.

I'm also one in an extremely small camp that apparently includes Bill Maher who will come right out and talk about the world's overpopulation problem. Nobody else will do it. The government won't touch that with a 10 foot poll, because these people need to win elections. Nothing would ever lose an election race faster for someone than being the first candidate on TV talking about this very real and deeply serious situation, and what is going to need to be done in the future about it if we don't start talking real about it today.

And what we really need is to start talking REAL about things, instead of talking from one of two different false-because-only-partially-true versions of reality that the media fills all of our heads with everyday.

So when we bring up abortion, on any level, I think a not-hidden yet very not well known fact should be at the forefront of everyone's mind. How many abortions have occurred in the United States since 1973?

1973: 616,000
1975: 855,000
1980: 1,298,000
1981: 1,301,000
1982: 1,304,000
1983: 1,269,000
1984: 1,334,000
1985: 1,329,000
1986: 1,328,000
1987: 1,354,000
1988: 1,371,000
1989: 1,397,000
1990: 1,429,000
1991: 1,389,000
1992: 1,359,000
1993: 1,330,000
1994: 1,267,000
1995: 1,211,000
1996: 1,226,000
1997: 1,186,000
1998: 884,000
1999: 862,000
2000: 857,000
2001: 853,000
2002: 854,000
2003: 848,000
2004: 839,000
2005: 820,000
2006: 852,000
2007: 828,000
2008: 826,000
2009: 789,000
2010: 766,000
2011: 730,000
2012: 699,000
2013: 664,000
2014: 653,000
2015: 638,000
2016: 623,000
2017: 613,000
2018: 620,000
2019: 630,000
2020: 620,000
2021: 626,000


And this is just the years we have records for. We didn't have numbers every year until 1980, with only the years 1975 and 1973 before that.

The records stop as of 2021 as well.

If abortions were allowed every year after 1973 and you include the likely number from the last two years as well, a conservative estimate for that number is actually closer to 48 Million abortions. We'll call it just over 48 Million now if we include every abortion that's already happened in 2024.

Did you know that? 48 Million abortions in America alone over the last 50 years? Almost 1 Million per year on average for a half-century. I didn't know any of that until I just added all of that up.

And this type of stuff right here is why we can't ever have an honest conversation about anything anymore in this country. When one party isn't outright just making things up, the other party is constantly lying to everyone by omission. And vice versa. And I think over time this ceaseless onslaught has just turned a lot of us into useful drones squaking our marching orders to anybody in earshot (... at least online).

We just all collectively sat back and let them shut the entire world down and FUBAR the world economy and supply chains to degrees that I'm sure we haven't even begun to comprehend, all over what amounted to 1,123,836 deaths according to Johns Hopkins. 2 weeks to "flatten the curve" became 2 years of lockdowns and mandatory "vaccine" shots.

Yet... when I pull up that graph, I'm seeing 18 consecutive years in America where we collectively, voluntarily terminated more lives before they had a chance, sometimes hundreds of thousands more, than the amount of people who have officially died from Covid in the four years since 2020.

When the fact that over 48 Million abortions have already been performed in America is purposefully semi-obfuscated from the public when anyone tries to "Google it", you're just already not being honest about the conversation you intend to have.

Maybe having that number as part of the collective consciousness would have other unintended benefits as well?

I think it would have been very beneficial to The People to have been familiar with that number when the Covid lockdowns began. Yanno... Maybe everyone could have a little perspective on current events with hard number figures like that in the back of their minds?

So, even though it appears that for the last 10 or 12 years we've only aborted half the babies that we aborted back in the 80's and 90's, maybe when the CDC were trying to tell you that for the last 2 straight years Covid was the number 3 cause of death in America behind Heart Disease and Cancer, you knew it was bullshit. Because you knew that at only 415,000 deaths in 2021 Covid was by far the 4th leading cause of death, with Abortions being the second leading cause of death in America at 626,000. Heart Disease is still the king at 693,000 deaths in 2021, but Abortion puts Cancer with its 604,000 deaths into a solid 3rd place.

Even if you don't share my view that these were deaths, the fact is that there were 626,000 instances in 2021 where an eventual life of individual potential became suddenly, unceremoniously, uneventual.

I dunno... Maybe I'm overestimating the average human brain, but I'd think that if everybody knew in the back of our minds that within the confines of our borders we willingly chose to erase a new chance at life around 33% more times than the amount of people who died of Covid while we sat trapped in our homes, maybe everybody wouldn't have been so terrified and so quick to allow the vast overreach that occurred worldwide.

And I'm still not Pro-Life.

Abortion is the Democrat's greatest weapon, especially when times for them are bad like they are right now. Republicans always find a way to snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory no matter how fortuitous their situation appears to be, and until people start having honest discussions about abortion and don't allow the fuckin' Looney Tunes on either side of the argument have all the dialogue, Republicans will always end up losing because of this issue in the end.

And the double-edged sword is for the people who want abortion rights enshrined and believe that the Democrats are going to do it... Well... That ain't never going to happen either.

Election Cycles like 2024 are exactly the reason why Democrats haven't ever made any legitimate attempt to codify abortion. What a foolish thing that would be for them to ever do. Unarguably even more so in 2024 and beyond than any time in the past. Abortion for Democrats is the Golden Goose that keeps laying all those Golden Eggs. Had they at any point in time codified Roe v Wade prior to this election cycle, that would have been killing the goose. Democrats would be DOOMED come November if the Abortion Issue wasn't their Get Out of Jail Free Card. And at this point, because they fucked up so bad, nobody knows for sure yet if that card will even be enough to carry them over the finish line this time....

But the card still works just fine and it's still priceless. As long as they never do anything to make Abortion a done deal, that Get Out of Jail Free card they've got is infinitely renewable. And while the powers of the Card has may not be infallible, they've won the Democrats plenty of elections in the past and I suspect Democrats will do everything necessary to make sure it will continue right on doing that for them for the rest of the future.


Sunday, April 21, 2024 4:50 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well ...

Covid accounted for (Johns Hopkins says) over a million deaths over 2(?) years.

That's about the same as the current abortion rate.

Actual people, dying, that you were ready to dismiss as being fictional deaths, or fictional people, to a fictional disease?
Or they were fat, or sick, or old, and gonna die soon anyway?

Or shrugging when 30,000+ Palestinians are killed becuzse they're all "Muslim dogs" who will turn into terrorists anyway?

Or the notion that there are a few billion "superfluous" people in the world?

Do we only care about the unborn, but only if we imagine they'll look and think like us?

Once you start thinking about sacrificing people for a cause, is that any different than abortion?

People see what they want to see.


More theoretically ...

Do I believe abortion is murder?

Well, I dunno.

If you step on a jellyfish, is that murder? Because very early soon after fertilization, what develops FIRST is the blastocyst.
This is a blastocyst.

It's literally a ball of cells.

If you step on a slug, is that murder?
The next stage of development is very slug-like, at week 3.

ALL BEING WELL... and in about 30% of times, all is NOT well and pregnancy terminates spontaneously ... over time the embryo becomes a baby that we recognize as human

So, what makes a human? Is it our chromosomes?

No, because ALL our cells have all of our chromosomes. But we don't mourn the loss every time we accidentally scrape some cells off our hand, do we?

I don't know where to dividing line is. "Back in the day" ... like, Biblical times ... an unborn baby wasn't even real until mom felt it move, about 4 months. ("quickening") So when people talk about what the Bible says, I don't think they know much.

But I'm not sure that's important anyway, because it's an emotional reaction not an intellectual one.


I think what we mourn is the death, not of a human, but of HOPE. Potential.

It says something about our culture that we make hope so hard to hang onto, or worth so little compared to gratification, or sacrifice it in the struggle to survive a callous society.

There are real reasons to have an abortion. Health, for example.


Emotional, psychological fitnesss for motherhood.

Suppprt systems if things go wrong. Baby's father. Family. Government.

A female (I won't use the word "woman " bc that implies maturity) who doesn't think of yhesethings ahead of time is an irresponsible parent. And is having a child by biological accident.

As is the dad.

I wouldn't want to get in the way of that because of a hidebound and essentially callous view of women,

But maybe we need to fix our society before we can address this issue. Be more caring, of mom, of dad, of families, of grandma and grandpa ... hope for new beginnings, compassion at the end ... caring of people because only they can make society worth living in.

I think unless we do that, we're just sacrificing victims all the way around.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Sunday, April 21, 2024 1:51 PM


The spread of Corona virus or Covid was bad and its a pity it got so political, there a lot of Deaths and were job loss during Covid and mental health issues and domestic abuse and d rug and alcohol related Death with Lockdowns

As for Abortion maybe there is a situation a woman takes something 'incest' rape for example however I think there is an unhealthy obsession with killing the unborn American child while importing thousands upon thousands of people who are of a different culture and different values, almost like a population conspiracy

Some of these vaccines were experiments and the human the Lab Rat, we may yet to see the effects on the children and unborn child


Sunday, April 21, 2024 5:15 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I think what we mourn is the death, not of a human, but of HOPE. Potential.


Even if you don't share my view that these were deaths, the fact is that there were 626,000 instances in 2021 where an eventual life of individual potential became suddenly, unceremoniously, uneventual.

48 Million and counting.

And the sad thing is that the real number is probably lost to time. How callous is it that we've done this more than 48 Million times so far, yet the only data I can find rounds that number to the nearest thousand every year.

Way to say that you don't give a shit at all without saying anything.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, April 21, 2024 6:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I find your concern for "human life" to be selective, at best.

But I agree. Having a child should be a joyful event, not causing so much anxiety and stress.

So we have to look at why that is.

A pregnant woman or new mother is VULNERABLE. Pregnancy, birth, and taking care of a baby are physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding. Human babies are born before they're even mature. Think about it:

They can't even hold their heads up. They dont sleep thru the night. They can't tell you what's wrong. They get colic and cry for hours ... months ... at a time.

They get ear infections. They need to be carried everywhere for a year. They need constant minding to stay out of trouble: Don't run into the street. Don't eat dog shit. Don't stick something in an outlet, or go munching something from under the kitchen sink. Don't tease the big nasty dog.

Potty training.

Teaching words. Playing peekaboo (babies' favorite game!! Keeps them amused for a long time!) Right from wrong.

They are usually very active and need a LOT of attention, and if you're going to be a good mom, or dad, you will give it to them.

No way to fit a demanding job, or much fun, or independence, in there. Mom (or dad, if Dad is doing this) needs a source of support. Needs to be able to depend on someone or several someones for money, for help in times of trouble, for advice, for a brief vacation to ... take a shower. (Neighbor and I would trade baby- minding. I would take my kid and hers for a walk to give her a chance to shower, clean up, start dinner...)

Our society is cruel to vulnerable people. Having children is punished financially. The advertised lifestyle is out of reach. It's a risk and sacrifice.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Sunday, April 21, 2024 7:25 PM


Well... We've got 48 Million people who never got a chance to do any of that themselves just in America over the last 50 years.

Not only that, but their potential babies and their potential babies babies.

There is probably now around 160 Million potential people who just don't exist in this timeline because of Abortions.

But we'll just keep murdering them off and rounding that number to the nearest thousand every year and then tell the people that we need to allow 12 million illegal aliens into the country every presidential term to keep propping up Social Security and the trillions of dollars of government waste every year.

And like I said before, I agree with Bill Maher. But the only problem is that it's just people in America and Europe who are getting abortions. Nobody else is. The world population continues to boom out of control, yet all you ever hear about is how Americans and Europeans aren't having enough kids to keep feeding the capitalist machines we have in place. So my thought is if we actually need to keep bringing in Illegals by the millions to feed that machine, why not just have the fucking kids ourselves?

I don't know if I necessarily believe in the Replacement Theory conspiracy, but regardless of whether or not somebody has intentionally moved society in that direction, it is happening.

And it's because White Women are the worst. Seriously. They are the worst genetic demographic on the planet. There's always exceptions to the rule, but generally speaking there has not ever been a demographic in the history of the world that is more selfish, self-centered and entitled than the modern White Woman.

And when I say "modern woman", I'm talking women under 40 years old today. So try not to take too much offense.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, April 21, 2024 8:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

We don't have the fucking kids ourselves bc TPTB don't want them. They want impoverished ignorant serfs who don't think they should have anything than yhe opportunity to work like dogs for a meager existance.

So they make having kids as unnecessary and unrewarding (financially, emotionally etc) as possible.

Get real, willya?

And that whole exponential of "possibilities "?

Easy to see you're real concerned about hypotheticals but willing to dispose of actual people. They must not be real people to you. Certainly less real than your imaginings.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Sunday, April 21, 2024 10:24 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
We don't have the fucking kids ourselves bc TPTB don't want them. They want impoverished ignorant serfs who don't think they should have anything than yhe opportunity to work like dogs for a meager existance.

So they make having kids as unnecessary and unrewarding (financially, emotionally etc) as possible.

Get real, willya?

Meanwhile, a starving African kid with flies swarming around his distended belly has 12 brothers and sisters without a pot to piss in and any of the ones that live long enough are all going to have another 12 kids each.


And that whole exponential of "possibilities "?

Easy to see you're real concerned about hypotheticals but willing to dispose of actual people. They must not be real people to you. Certainly less real than your imaginings.

Yes. I'm talking about people, not sub-human Muslims. If you want to talk about the animal kingdom we can talk about Muslims.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, April 21, 2024 10:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
We don't have the fucking kids ourselves bc TPTB don't want them. They want impoverished ignorant serfs who don't think they should have anything than yhe opportunity to work like dogs for a meager existance.

So they make having kids as unnecessary and unrewarding (financially, emotionally etc) as possible.

Get real, willya?

SIX: Meanwhile, a starving African kid with flies swarming around his distended belly has 12 brothers and sisters without a pot to piss in and any of the ones that live long enough are all going to have another 12 kids each.

So your response to poor people is to kill them as punishment for being poor?


SIX: Yes. I'm talking about people, not sub-human Muslims. If you want to talk about the animal kingdom we can talk about Muslims.

Instead of killing the unborn you aim at another set of victims? Bc they're "inconvenient" and don't fit into (your) elitist mindset, where you and "yours" deserve to live, and they don't?

You're just as ready to victimize as any woman getting an abortion bc she had drunk unprotected sex. As ready to victimize as SECOND/ REAVERFAN. You just draw the line in a different place.

With that kind of attitude why do you even care about abortion?

You, my friend, are as ideologically possessed as REAVERFAN.

Why not just murder everyone?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, April 22, 2024 12:10 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
We don't have the fucking kids ourselves bc TPTB don't want them. They want impoverished ignorant serfs who don't think they should have anything than yhe opportunity to work like dogs for a meager existance.

So they make having kids as unnecessary and unrewarding (financially, emotionally etc) as possible.

Get real, willya?

SIX: Meanwhile, a starving African kid with flies swarming around his distended belly has 12 brothers and sisters without a pot to piss in and any of the ones that live long enough are all going to have another 12 kids each.

So your response to poor people is to kill them as punishment for being poor?


My whole point is that those in the world with the greatest living conditions and the best ability to give their children a decent shot aren't having kids and or they're aborting them. But everyone else in the world is still multiplying at a frightening, untenable rate because they don't give a single fuck about Karen and her 1st World Problems.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, April 22, 2024 1:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, you bust Africans' chops for having kids when they can't give them a good life and a decent upbringing, and bust Anericans' chops for NOT having kids when they can't give them a good life and a decent upbringing.

You confused.

Oh, BTW...African women don't CHOOSE to crank out child after child. If they had birth control, a modicum of education, and access to medical care including abortion, they'd limit their family size too.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Monday, April 22, 2024 3:34 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, you bust Africans' chops for having kids when they can't give them a good life and a decent upbringing, and bust Anericans' chops for NOT having kids when they can't give them a good life and a decent upbringing.

You confused.

Maybe you are. I'm not.


Oh, BTW...African women don't CHOOSE to crank out child after child. If they had birth control, a modicum of education, and access to medical care including abortion, they'd limit their family size too.

So you do get it...

My whole point is that those in the world with the greatest living conditions and the best ability to give their children a decent shot aren't having kids and or they're aborting them. But everyone else in the world is still multiplying at a frightening, untenable rate because they don't give a single fuck about Karen and her 1st World Problems.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, April 22, 2024 3:57 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Dood, you're confused.

One of the reasons WHY African women are so poor is BECAUSE they can't limit family size.

But if they did, especially thru abortion, you'd be mad at them too.

Or are you saying that you apply different rules to "them"?

That's its morally wrong for WHITE WOMEN to have abortions, but it's OK for impoverished women elsewhere to have abortions because "they" need to limit their population growth more than pay attention to your moralizing?


That's why it's Ok in your mind to kill women and children en masse (which BTW includes not a small number of the unborn ... yanno, that lovely "potential" that you agonized about) bc you see "them" as nothing more than vermin.

Stop your pearl clutching and virtue signaling and phony moralizing. Nobody should believe your handwringing about the unborn, which you just discredited. Bigly.

Normally, you're a logical guy, but obviously not where it touches your deep prejudices.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Tuesday, July 30, 2024 5:37 AM


61 million Catholics in America, how many are true Catholics, very strong with the faith? the Joe Biden saying he's religious and other political stuff and acts where he pretends he has religion might have fooled them in an election, an election which may not have been the subject of 'missing votes'.

Was Abortionist the senile Joe Biden a Catholic, he seems a bit strange for one. The USA has a crazy number of Abortions but across the world the world is more conservative, many religious priests, religion traditions have taken a stance against abortion the Buddhists and Jewish less defined on their definition not unified on the Abortion issue but much of the world is against it, as immigrants arrive in America they will also be coming from Anti-Abortion conservative Cultures.

They say vote for Kamala Harris because she's Black and Woman...and did such a good job on the border...she likes Hindu Rituals, a Baptist with a Jewish husband and she she's into Jamaioa politics, pledges with Masonic sisterhoods in Canada and California, affairs with Willie Brown and she likes Sanskrit India Hindu stuff again, and a faith that nobody defines does she have a moral center?

Catholics warn of Kamala Harris’ record of ‘anti-Catholic bigotry’
“She has specifically targeted people of faith and pro-life citizens for their beliefs and defense of the most defenseless in our society.”






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