How many more US citizens will Israel kill and ...How many Anti-American terrorists has Netanyahu helped create

UPDATED: Saturday, September 7, 2024 06:44
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Saturday, July 27, 2024 4:52 AM


Some terrorist bunch attacks Israel, the islamist jihadi Hamas idiots murder innocents and the Israelis defend themselves and I guess that's fine...but then the Jewish Zionist Warmongers and Military go so super mega 'self righteous' they go bloodthirsty and bomb a people into rubble, blood and dust.
Could this have been stopped, maybe not? If two idiot groups want to fight it out, you can try stop it but if they really really want to kill each other maybe there isn't so much that can be done to stop them.
However not only this but Netanyahu of course gets the USA involved, Turkey a NATO country is going more islamist jihadi and Erdogan later refused to use the word "terrorist" to describe Hamas and instead called them a "liberation group".
Ordinary people in Palestine the old the kids are suffer Physical Health and Disease.

An end of sorts nears "writing on the wall" a prediction of a negative event at some point in the future...these religions are after all based on a self fulfilling Apocalypse cycle.

His father was from Poland and his mother from the Turk Ottoman Empire. Dictators have had shorter lived influence than this Netanyahu guy, he has put his major influence in Israel politics since 1996 and with 'Likud' he has influenced Us politics since the 1960s and 70s and then with the Boston Consulting Group in Boston, Massachusetts, he hung out with the idiotic Mormon Republican Mitt Romney, he is a military Patriot and may be carrying mentally ill trauma as Netanyahu's older brother Yonatan Netanyahu was killed

Netanyahu and allies, more and more countries have pulled back from unequivocally and total support of Israel, a lot of Europeans were full allies but over the decades more and more are pulling back. We can also look at demographics and population changes across the world the Arab immigrants in Europe and the USA are also outbreeding Jews while Jewish immigrant groups are helping more muzzies invade, the Latin American and newly arrived African immigrant population in the USA can also be anti-Jewish...maybe has some of the Israeli Netanyahu leadership have a somewhat ok but confused schizo friendship with India?
he has few friends so flies over to meet Biden, meets with Donald Trump, meets with Kamala Harris, jeers and laughs and mocks at the Freedoms in the United States calling people of the USA 'Irans Useful Idiots'
over the years guys you can seen the influence from within, Hollyweird and Epstein islandpedophiles, like Kissinger or Secretary of State Antony Blinken have told the world how much they are Israeli-Jewish or Globalist Judea rather than US America...are they truly Jewish, the Jews have many sects or maybe they are half Commie or part of weird Bohemia Grove group of transnational Godless?
Benjamin Netanyahu is the 9th Prime Minister of Israel, they also have the President position Succeeded by Ehud Barak who was photographed constantly going in and out of the Epstein Prince Andrew blackmail pedophile house in NYC.
"Bibi" was about to enter political irrelevance at home, investigations for corruption, Benjamin Netanyahu uses the war as 'a gift' and uses the USA as pawns for his political poistion.

So how does he behave?
and Netanyahu tells the USA it is stupid, both the Left and Right lined up to kiss his ass and he takes bags of cash and missiles back home to Israel. Arab states have said they are re-evaluating their mediator role in the conflict as Israel is juts too blood thirsty now. While the UN Human Rights Council has identified "clear evidence" of war crimes by both Hamas and the Israel Defense Forces. South Africa has tried to charge Israel with genocide and warcrimes and the Government of Jamaica officially recognized the State of Palestine while Israel has lost what limited support it had in many EU, Asia and Latin American countries, Cuba President Miguel Díaz-Canel stated, "We will not remain indifferent. We strongly condemn Israel's genocide." Nigeria canceled the planned visit of Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala, because there might be some Jews in Czech? India hasn't changed much, there is an ongoing border conflict with Pakistan and Modi's pro-Israel position was viewed as motivated by a desire to shore up political support from Hindu voters. While Russia's Putin has limited remarks he has used the political crisis to his benefit. Brazil reiterated its support of a two-state solution based on mutually agreed upon borders.President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva criticized Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip calling it "the insanity" of Prime Minister Benhamin Netanyahu.
Whatever sympathy Jews have for stories of Moses fleeing Egypt or surviving WW2 that sympathy is starting to run out FAST as they bomb Palestine to ash and blood in their 'Death from Above' waves of attacks. Trudeau urged Israel to stop "this killing of women, of children, of babies" in the Gaza Strip. His statements were subsequently criticized by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who was expecting some ass kissing as the USA Leftwing and USA Rightwing was recently doing, kissing the ass of Netanyahu like a bunch of Doomsday Cultists.

not much changed with Iran
the Iranian leadership has been islamo retarded for some time and has hated the USA for a long while so not much has changed here
the Saudi will put on a stupid smile and knife the USA in the back...again little change perhaps, although the Saudis are getting closer to Putin. The Israelis have gone more Orwellian censoring the net of critics, I am no fan of islamics but the question of Freedom of the press must be asked Israel's ban of Al Jazeera, its bombing of schools, bombs on hospitals, attacks from Tanks and the Sky with killings inside refugee camps
Not much has changed with Iran other than an advance of Iranian militray tech.

However Yemen has gone nuts and is attacking world shipping, African islamics are trying to drive out the USA / French influence and import Russians and other jihads.
Iran has been getting new tech and toys from Russians these Iranian and Ukraine battlefield weapons find their way to Yemen, the Iranians are also building and selling drones to kill people in Ukraine, in 2024 Iranians proved they can get past the 'Iron Dome' in strikes against Israel


Saturday, July 27, 2024 9:49 AM


the other NeoCon Bolton

John Bolton warns Benjamin Netanyahu to be concerned about Kamala Harris’s pro-Palestinian remarks


Monday, July 29, 2024 6:44 AM


Israel is an early, volatile test for Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign

and the pro-ShariaLaw homosexual Lindsey Graham says Palestine should be 'NUKED'

he is confused by the childless cat lady comments and now warns "you should never say anything to hurt anybody's feelings"


Tuesday, July 30, 2024 12:38 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It seems like you can't decide which is worse, Israel or jihadi terrorists, but you feel you must decide between them?

I think you can safely choose "neither".

Israel has been the greatest recipient of American foreign aid foreign

For all that aid, it's not like Israel has done us a whole lot of good. What do we get from it? Oil? Shipping lanes? Protection from terrorists?

Or just a whole lot of grief in the Mideast that we don't need?

OTOH Israel isn't the only cause of jihadi terrorism. They're responsible for the clusterfuck that is Palestine but that's it.

But they aren't responsible for the Taliban, who we supported when we thought they would make good proxies against the Soviets.

They weren't responsible for all Qaeda, which was funded by Saudi Arabia, or ISIS, which grew in the ruins that we made of Iraq.

As far as Iran is concerned, they aren't terrorists. They're a legitimate nation with a legitimate army fighting in Syria at Syria's request.

Syrians aren't terrorists either. They don't go into foreign countries attacking civilians.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Tuesday, July 30, 2024 11:08 AM


How many Anti-Jews did those degenerate Fat Gay Jewish dual citizen Israeli-French Lesbians at the Paris Olympic 2024 help create...

as for Iran

I have absolutely no respect for the Iranian government, maybe they can be respected for their pre-islamic history and their potential to murder as an enemy and a foe but they are horrible people. Possibly worse than Saudi not sure, both of them might have people who want to be 'free' but for now they are radical, its a contest between both who has the worse version of islam but the fact Iran is willing to killing comedians, animators, poets, cartoonists, chase Rushdie into Britain and all the way across an Ocean to the USA and get some local terrorist to try murder him in NewYork, their jihad violence and islamism is almost endless.

I am against War...but politically I say FuckIran. The threads here on them are almost endless and huamn rights abuses, whipping old men and women for walking their dog near a Mosque, brainwashed Iranian women bashing their daughters head in with a rock because they offended some al-Lah Moongod, the "supreme leader" Khameni funding terror in Iraq.

and yes I realize it is not all Iran, the British and CIA have been messing around there for years, there is Cold War politics and Conservative candidates back stabbed Jimmy and Reagan betrayed the USA to make drug running and gun smuggling deals with the Iranians, even rewarding them after Marine Barracks bombings.


Saturday, September 7, 2024 6:44 AM


it is a stupid place to protest but she did

Israel once again kills an American citizen holding American nationality,

and strange as it sounds some American people 'move there' some are rights activists and some pack their bags and move including muslim Americans or US Citziens who feel a connection to Arabia or Palestine or something, Aysenur Ezgi Eygi a Turkish-American human rights activist

Rachel Corrie wasd another famous case, killed in 2003 by a bulldozer, British protestors or aid supporters have also died

US woman allegedly shot dead by Israeli soldiers at West Bank protest
Witnesses say Aysenur Ezgi Eygi was killed on Friday after the IDF opened fire during demonstrations

American woman killed at West Bank protest was shot by Israeli soldiers, witnesses say

An anti-settlement protester in the West Bank said he saw Israeli soldiers fatally shoot an American woman

American-Turkish activist killed in West Bank as Israeli forces opened fire




JAYNEZTOWN 09.07 06:44


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