Legitimate gripes about Trump

UPDATED: Monday, January 27, 2025 12:44
PAGE 1 of 2

Friday, December 6, 2024 6:14 PM


I got one for you...

I am not at all comfortable with Trump's relationship with Crypto Currency.

At best, Crypto is a complete scam. At worst, it's the death of the paper dollar and a huge step toward a cashless society where every transaction you ever make leaves a paper trail. No possible good can come from Crypto.

I don't hear anybody complaining about this, which I find odd. Outside of Crypto-Bros and Trustifarians, I don't believe many people who voted for Trump support Crypto in any form.

So why isn't the Media hammering this one every single day 24/7?

It couldn't be because that's what the people who own the News want for the future, could it?


Friday, December 6, 2024 8:10 PM


I might be wrong to call him just Populist some want him called a Demagogue but I think its wrong to call him a full Demagogue. He is anrgy, he does offend and is a populist and knows how to manipulate the mob by way of tv and his new alt social media
a Fanboyism, Fangirl follows him like Trumpists
not a full Demagogue but he knowns who to manipulate a mass of people, whips up the passions of crowds
a star, Elvis, George Washington, the Beatles...a savior
he is not a savior...not yet anyways

Could learn how to cool it once in a while, his diplomacy skills...not sure

we seen this under small Bush and Obama who would 'save' everyone, fix everything but the fandom fever gets worse each time.

People almost pray to him
Trump is a degenerate also and not a perfect man, he is not a Moses or Buddha or Jesus
...he is also less energetic and much older now.

It's possible some form of government will be need when Private sector 'Fails', Roads need to be done, jobs, investment in science, transport, fighting pollution in rivers etc Government needs a story military to defend potential invasion or protect borders, government to set legal policy etc

Trump will save you?
ask will he really take on the 'Deep State' we heard this before, there are some of the usual Freemason Zionist Uniparty Neocons there who might even kiss Saudi butts yet its not the worst, but his picks are somewhat least no John Bolton

Driving the wrong way?? The wrong way culturally with all this Tranny DEI stuff?
culture might need to change I'm not sure how as its a free country but there might be some restriction on the adult, the gambling, the obsecene, the lewd, the USA has addicts, they will still want highs, boozed out, demand drugs, homosexual parades...I'm not for Sharia or Religion but its swung too far, can he really fix all schools?

Relations with Russia are terrible, there is no friendship era happening again like Russia was close to Bush after 911 attacks. All that worldwide goodwill is gone, maybe some of that Middle East stuff can be fixed, maybe it can get better for Ukraine Russia I'm not sure...maybe less dying. With Biden and Kamala Harris in charge it looked like the old Lion or Eagle injured with Hyenas circling

the Ukrainians dead, lots of young Russian men dead
Ukraine is broken, I'm not sure if it ever can pay that money back

Debt is crazy Trillions, it was broke when Bush sent it past 9 to 10 Trillion and broke the debt clock, now its $36 trillion US debt, you cant really pay that off.
Every wonder why Aircraft Carriers pop up outside troublesome nations say take our Dollars or else!
I do like the idea of 'Doge' cutting stuff

Take US Dollars or else!!!
that madness might be ending with Brics,


Stephen Findeisen, better known as Coffeezilla seemed ok if he sees very bad Crypto he will call it out Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX for example.

Why would people invest in a fake digi coin linked by a nasty girl vulgar young woman, street interview, Haliey Welch astreet interview, Haliey Welch making a mimic sound of spitting a man's penis during 'oral sex' and they invest in their scam linked that how bad the US Dollar got?
Viral ‘Hawk Tuah’ girl accused of crypto scam

Crypto exists only because a Super alien foreign AI hasn't cracked its trade yet and figured out all the trades, almost nothing is backed in Gold anymore and the Dollar, Euro, Yen and other currency are so bad....its jumpy, volatile, buy fast sell fast, win some lose a little profit fast, the best of a bad bunch to pick from?


Friday, December 6, 2024 8:31 PM


I'm not asking about broken stuff he promised to fix and hasn't even had an attempt to try fixing since he hasn't even been inaugurated yet.

I'm under no illusion he's going to get everything done that he said he's going to get done. Even if he wanted to do everything he said on the campaign trail, he's going to get a ton of pushback on most of it, sometimes by people supposedly on the same team.

The question there is what does get fixed and what is forgotten about along the way. Time will answer that.

Most of your stuff here is a Black Pill laundry list, and they're things I refuse to dwell on with a super-negative outlook. Things I already spent way too much of my better years worrying about and I refuse to worry about anymore.

Yeah. Trump is not god. Trump is not even Moses. Trump is just a man. He can't fix at least 50 years of people purposefully trying to break America behind the scenes.

But he can at least stop the bleeding, and maybe course correct the whole ship the right way so we can keep fixing things instead of making everything worse every day.

The Crypto thing is bothersome though.

Once everybody is on a purely digital currency that is exclusively made of 1's and 0's, there's really nothing stopping them from putting expiration dates on the currency too. Nobody ever generates any real wealth if they lose what they don't spend on disposable crap that also never generates any wealth and they're all renting their living quarters.

Why not 3 different tiers of currency, like they do in the "Free To Play" mobile game space? You can't really buy the good stuff unless you're making real money transactions. Most people never get more than a few bits of Level 2 currency their entire lifetime, and only when they do something extraordinary. And if ever they luck into it they think long and hard before choosing what they spend that on. They've finally got what they need to get some of that top-shelf merchandise that they've been dreaming about owning since they were a kid at the arcade. Some might even prize their bits of Level 2 currency so much that they never actually spend it and it just goes back into the community pot when they die, since laws were made long ago barring any inheritance from being passed down to kin. No matter what they do they will never hold any Level 1 currency. They've likely never even been in the same room as anybody in their lives that ever held any Level 1 currency. The people who own the arcade building and all of the prizes on every shelf are the only ones who hold any Level 1 Currency and it's what they trade in exclusively.

I mean, if you want to talk Mark of the Beast stuff, it was never about barcodes on your wrist to buy booze. I mean... yeah... why not do that too out of convenience if we're living in a world of pure digital currency.

But it's about the implications of what a digital currency means and how human behavior down to the individual can be controlled completely when you know everything about somebody because they're online all the time and you can literally program the currency in their wallet.

One of those two things we can already do easily if "The People" allow it, and the other one probably won't take too long to figure out how to get the people to willingly go along with as well, with a few more years of hardware and software upgrades on the horizon first.

You think things changed a lot over the last 30 years?

I doubt very much that the world we're living in 30 years from now will even be recognizable to an alien that touched down today and makes a return trip to check in on us in 2054.


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.


Saturday, December 7, 2024 5:38 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Right now it's impossible to have a legitimate gripe about Trump's Presidential policy because he isn't President, yet.

I have a few concerns about his staff picks, two blinding red lights about Iran and Israel, and a serious question about that he'll do when he finds he can't "maximum pressure" a deal with Russia.

But I just have to wait and see, like we all do

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Sunday, December 8, 2024 4:28 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Right now it's impossible to have a legitimate gripe about Trump's Presidential policy because he isn't President, yet.

I didn't qualify it with Presidential Policy. Any legitmate gripe against Trump is acceptable here (NOTE: If it's something MSNBC is complaining about, it is not a legitimate gripe).


I have a few concerns about his staff picks, two blinding red lights about Iran and Israel, and a serious question about that he'll do when he finds he can't "maximum pressure" a deal with Russia.

But I just have to wait and see, like we all do

His picks haven't bothered me like they've bothered you so far, but I share the same concerns about how close he was to "Bitcoin Bros" and how the already ridiculously priced Bitcoin shot up from $64,000 per coin to $100,000 per coin today.


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.


Wednesday, December 11, 2024 6:02 AM


I think we can have legitimate gripes about Trump, the gripes because we have seen exactly what he did during his first Presidency.

Will Trump be an improvement on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, well they have done such a bad job it should be easy to improve

However let's look at Donald, I sometimes remarked Zion-Don, maybe the tail waged the dog once independent was he? or people did financially back him, the Murdoch family would briefly back him, backed by Geoffrey Palmer real estate, Sheldon Adelson over seas Jewish guy in Maccau for example, led by British Freemason Royal power? didn't take on the Saudi although he said he would. Everyone expected him to take on the 'Deep State' fight 'Big Tech' he would arrest the corrupt, instead it went the other way and his was on the backfoot for most of his Presidency. McMahon's they backed him 2016 that's why rewards are coming, big names their ownership of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) there was real estate Tom Barrack Colony Capital Nixon's Lebanon Lawyer, Orscheln retail and food stores...backed by Disney which has purcahsed almost every other USA film studio and forced DEI Transexual SJW messages to be blasted at kids like Soviet propaganda.
People expected him to 'pardon' Assange, he didn't not was during Biden that Julian Assange finally got to see freedom after almost 15 years under investigation, arrest or in hiding due to manufactured fake charges with the British, Ecuadorian, Australia and disgusting Swedistanis also involved.

Assange supporters campaigned on his behalf for a pardon from US president Biden because Trump did not pardon him as Trump voters said he would.

Right now a world going more chaotic we see an expansion of Empire, the Greater Israel, the Greater Turkish Ottoman Empire, the Kurds getting screwed over, a rise of al-Qaeda type groups and ISIS linked terrorist in Syria AGAIN!? but to give Trump credit he is not in power yet, we are at the Lameduck Presidency period, the end of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris...the Saudis, Israeli, British, Qatar, UAE and others wanted Assad gone, what is happening now is chaos, mass murder, bloodshed and it spreading into Iraq?
Romania, Georgia
Ukraine is chaos and Russia is slowly winning that meat grinder war.
it seems nobody seen the politics of South Korea coming
Russia fires of a non-Nuclear ICBM or IRBM test with MIRVs
the fall of Afghanistan
...nobody in left or right can see chaos coming?

Benjamin Netanyahu who possibly gave stand down orders allowing Palestinians to attack now got his distraction and appears in a fortified underground courtroom, wars distract from his corruption trails

Erdogan has been a thorn in many people's sides


Thursday, December 19, 2024 7:35 AM


the return of the Swamp Creatures?

Trump appoints gay tech executive who previously supported Pete Buttigieg to State Department role

The president-elect nominated Jacob Helberg


Thursday, December 26, 2024 11:14 PM


Right here is an example.

I don't believe that Trump is the problem here or that he would agree with them, and I do hope he addresses this soon. It is both a shame and probably a good thing that Trump posts on a different platform than Elon and Vivek post on.

I would suggest that Ted and Second both watch this. Particularly Ted.

I assume that they probably know who Carl Benjamin is, and I already know what they think about me. But I think they'd be surprised to see how many things we might actually agree on when it comes to labor.

I'm not saying I endorse every statement made in this 2 hour long video, but I agreed with enough to think it was a good example of a real potential legitimate gripe about the Trump Administration if the conversation between these two and other people engaging with them on Twitter doesn't change. Because even if they're not aware of it the talk they're making right now is just going to lead to more of the same for the American worker, simply with swapped out means coming ultimately to the same end.


"My only fear of death is coming back to this bitch reincarnated." ~Tupac Shakur


Friday, December 27, 2024 7:28 AM


Hegelian dialectic the interaction of opposing forces, Carl Benjamin have people on the 'Left' heard of him?

Does mainstream news the left CNN, MSNBC the BBC talk of Carl Benjamin...maybe not

In parts of the web
there is Leftwing Bias and maybe rational wiki isn't very rational

Lotus Eaters is a far-right podcast and webshite that promotes conspiracy theories, anti-LGBT, anti-veganism, COVID misinformation, global warming denialism, eugenics, and misogyny. Similar to other far-right websites such as Aporia Magazine, it campaigns against multiculturalism and "wokeness". It is not about eating lotuses.

Why surmise, deduce stuff we don't know


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I assume that they probably know who Carl Benjamin is

I think its incorrect to assume or if they have heard they hear he is 'Far Reich' or Alt Far-Rights or something

Anyways you know my opinion on the culture clash inside tech, paid H1B applicants were from Hindu or Sikh India not all but its 75% - 95% ...a huge number, then Canada took so many they started pooping on beaches!! street shitters, riots assassinations, a culture clash that seen global diplomatic issues and almost economic war between two nations because Trudeau couldn't manage his borders with 'Oceans' between them.

and who the fuck is that Waris Ahluwalia guy he's been around Hollywood a lot The Grand Budapest Hotel who would appear in those 'Pizzagate' posts next to Maxwell, DeNiro, Epstein, Victoria Secret Les Wexner fashion party events etc
with so many of them around its like the have their own weird gang in North America and yes before some leftwing comes on to 'correct' me I realize Sikh are not jihadist muslims but they still hijack and blow up Aircraft and do the same thing radical muzzies do, Canadian Sikhs for example were charged with plotting to blow up Air India Flight 112 in New York City.
Commissioned for Clinton Foundation Anniversary
Marina Abramovic
the thing about Carl Benjamin is he won't really go nuts and touch anything too controversial then you have guys like Alex Jones who are wacko Pirate News and push stuff like 'Pizzagate' but not all of Alex Jones infowars pizzagate stuff might be wrong
There seems to be something going obn with all that movement of Art, the island trips, the foundations, the young model actors, the weird occult gore and sadist symbols, Abramovic, Rachel Chandler another name New York, Los Angeles, California, nobody was really sure what she did a photographer, modeling agency face, then you had Balenciaga's grotesque fashion campaign
Chateau Marmont, Andre Balazs, Standard Hotel and Maxwell's name again
Rachel was friendly with Prince Andrew and Maxwell, connected to the Rothschild family through Paris and Nicky Hilton
Her Instagram account went private around the same time the PizzaGate story broke after an anonymous user screenshot images she posted, seeming to be Epstein's secret security lair beneath "The Temple" structure on Little Saint James Island.
Rachel married Tom Guinness, a well-known Stylist linked to a powerful Anglo-rish Guinness family known brewing, banking, print media.
A Myspace photo Rachel posted (but quickly archived) appeared to be Jeffrey Epstein’s Paris apartment.
As one commenter said

How hard is it to come forth and condemn the sexualization of children in fashion? I don't care how many of these stupid leather catsuits and suffocating head masks they’re sending you, how can you not step forward and say this is unacceptable?
Like, how depraved are these people?

like were all over CDAN was this pizzagate stuff was happening, the Entry Blinds

Balenciaga clothes slammed by furious parents over 'disgusting' campaign showing children holding BONDAGE-clad teddy bear handbags

and we have a number of Pizzagate threads here

the conspiracy was she was a 'former victim'

and what was that Waris Ahluwalia guy doing?

Trump says he will De-Classify Everything

Canada going to a New political party and the Sikh became its leader

Singh Jagmeet calls for unity

So new political group in Canada become Kingmakers, the 'New Democratic Party' and Singh wins NDP leadership and makes promises to take down the government if he sees Trudeau being why does he do, he spends the whiole time propping up the Trudeau government and once in a while makes some speech against the whole time he was basically lying as politicians do and pulling tricks to get his way and operating on his own agenda. He supports consumption of psychoactive drugs even writes praise for Communist Dictator Castro. Canada India relations he reportedly appeared "at various events where others promoted Sikh independence" in the form of the Khalistan movement, Canada not just has problems with corrupted Canadian politicians but now has corrupt India street shitters coming in from all other parts of the former British Empire and corrupt people from all over the world.


Friday, December 27, 2024 4:50 PM


Look at those two out of place college "educated" white girls in that crowd.

It's really insidious, once you strip away all the fluff and bullshit they covered it with.


"My only fear of death is coming back to this bitch reincarnated." ~Tupac Shakur


Saturday, December 28, 2024 9:09 AM


Mellon family, old money, even more than Elon Musk donated

Who is Trump's new mega-donor, Timothy Mellon?

They gave Donald Trump millions. Here's what they want


Saturday, December 28, 2024 11:43 AM


Zion Don and the Hindu Sikh invasion?


Saturday, December 28, 2024 1:27 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Zion Don and the Hindu Sikh invasion?

The funniest thing about all of this is Vivek claiming that Screech would have been a genius engineer. He obviously doesn't know his Saved By The Bell canon. When they took their ACT tests, there was a whole episode about Screech needing to come to terms with the fact that not only was he the goofy ugly guy who didn't get the girl, but he only scored 1,200 when Zach scored 1,500.


Nah. These visas are bringing over cheap labor for tech and for the medical care industry. I knew a guy from India who was working at my last good tech job. We already had 2 data centers stationed in India, but he was sent to us to learn our jobs. I assume he was making roughly around $50k per year with benefits as I was at the time, but he said he sent half of his money home after expenses and his family was living like royalty off of that. At this time (around 2008), he said that it cost around $6,000 for a brand new car and only 25 cents for a pack of Marlboros (around the time they were pushing it up past $5.00 a pack in the states).

He went back to India and taught a bunch of Indian people to do our jobs for 1/10th of the salary while people outside the building were shitting in the street.

In the end, all of those jobs would have been taken over by computer programs and eventually A.I., but in the meantime they were able to save a billion or two over 15 years by increasing their cheap Indian workforce and forcing all the Americans there out of good jobs.

The overall intelligence of Indians working in America is vastly overstated.


"My only fear of death is coming back to this bitch reincarnated." ~Tupac Shakur


Saturday, December 28, 2024 2:45 PM



Ramaswamy insisted on X that native-born families need "more math tutoring, fewer sleepovers. More weekend science competitions, fewer Saturday morning cartoons. More books, less TV. More creating, less ‘chillin.’ More extracurriculars, less ‘hanging out at the mall.’"

Ask a 10 year old kid today what a mall is, and if their cool parents already watched some cool movies with them they might tell you it was that place that everybody met up at on the movie Mallrats.

Gotta be fair here though... even though the execution and timing of these statements was probably a mistake and obviously a PR disaster that the media is loving, it is really, really hard to argue with most of Vivek's comments on the issue.

I was a genius kid. I had a shattered home and two parents that viewed the kids more as pawns in a war than actual people, so after 5 years old neither of them attempted to talk to any of us as much more than objects, always afraid of what might get back to the other parent when we talked. Despite scoring in the 99th percentile across the board on the IOWA tests every year and being put in a "Gifted" class in grade school, and winning the prize for the most books read during the Accellerated Reading program several years in a row, also being in the NJHS as well as an upgraded version of the Gifted program, by High School I didn't give one single shit about any of that. I refused the offer to join the NHS. I refused the advice to take honors classes. My overall grades for the dummy classes slid to around a solid B average. I never did any homework and everything I needed to do outside of a class was finished in Study Hall if I hadn't already finished it in class while the teachers were yammering on. Outside of wrestling, I did no extra curricular activities.

Why should I have? Nobody gave a shit at home. The only prize to be had by getting straight A's was not being pulled over my mom's knee and having my ass smacked to oblivion like my brother did 4 times a year when he brought home another report card by a frustrated teacher who couldn't figure out why a guy that smart can't get anything better than a C or D in all of his subjects. The freakin' mini-golf and arcade cared more about my report card grades than my parents did. They just expected that shit out of me. If I got a couple of Bs or god forbid a C, it would have been my ass getting slapped.

Then you figure out one day that you like girls, and girls are not at all impressed by your intelligence in American Midwest Public Schools, circa 1992. They like the big dumb guys. The bigger and dumber the better.

Well.... I wasn't big or tall. Nothing I can do about my height, I'm afraid. But I can start working out. And I can be really dumb.


"My only fear of death is coming back to this bitch reincarnated." ~Tupac Shakur


Tuesday, December 31, 2024 5:53 PM


So they want to die on that H1B Sikh Hindu Visa position, Vivek says the USA is ok if you have the certificate a qualified education from some place and Elon Musk censors shadow bans so now lost all their main support just BEFORE inauguration
this kind of political collapse ever happened in US history?


Tuesday, December 31, 2024 6:04 PM


Yup, tick tock...



Tuesday, December 31, 2024 6:07 PM


Meh... Relax. It'll be fine.


"My only fear of death is coming back to this bitch reincarnated." ~Tupac Shakur


Tuesday, December 31, 2024 7:18 PM


cryptocurrency is being wiped out...


Financial Markets BRACE For TRUMP…Major SELL OFF?!?


Tuesday, December 31, 2024 8:23 PM



Originally posted by THG:
cryptocurrency is being wiped out...


I'll consider that my belated Christmas present.


"My only fear of death is coming back to this bitch reincarnated." ~Tupac Shakur


Tuesday, January 7, 2025 8:40 PM


Trump's trolling and tariffs sped up Trudeau's demise. How will Canada handle him now?


usual diplomacy...annex North America map?


Wednesday, January 8, 2025 9:09 PM


Where is Trump when Working Americans Need Him?


Where is Trump when Working Americans Need Him?

Paul Craig Roberts

Divisions are already appearing in MAGA ranks. President-elect Trump and Elon Musk have aligned with the H-1B work visas that allow foreigners to be brought in to fill American jobs. This disappoints the Trump working class that believed making America great again meant they were going to get their jobs back.

American corporations, universities, and non-profit organizations like H-1B work visas for a variety of reasons. A H-1B visa recipient is an indentured servant. He or she is paid substantially less but cannot leave the employer for higher pay as the visa is tied to the specific employer. This also has the result of denying the indentured servant employment or protest rights as the indentured servant’s presence in the US is tied to the visa that is tied to the employer. For example, a H-1B visa holder cannot file a discrimination complaint.

As Senator Bernie Sanders puts it:

“The main function of the H-1B visa program is not to hire ‘the best and the brightest,’ but rather to replace good-paying American jobs with low-wage indentured servants from abroad. The cheaper the labor they hire, the more money the billionaires make.”

The case for H-1B visas is fraudulent. The claim is that America’s huge numbers of universities are incapable of producing enough American graduates to meet America’s need for “highly educated individuals with skills critical to our country’s economic future,” to use the words of Todd Schulte, president of an immigrant advocacy organization with ties to big tech. Or as Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas disguised the scam, “American businesses rely on the H-1B visa program for the recruitment of highly-skilled talent, benefitting communities across the country.”

Imagine, the United States relies on the Third World, not on its many world prestigious universities, to supply its need for “highly-skilled talent.” The communities are not benefitting. The American residents are losing the jobs. Wages and salaries are being paid to foreigners who have displaced Americans. The difference between the US wage and the H-1B wage goes to corporate profits and executive “performance bonuses.”

I pointed all of this out years ago and summarized it 12 years ago in my book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Disintegration of the West,(Clarity Press,
/ ).

It is a fairy tale told by shills to enhance corporate profits and executive bonuses that Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Cornell, Columbia, University of Pennsylvania, MIT, Cal Tech, Georgia Tech, University of California, University of Chicago, and the large numbers of private and state universities cannot turn out enough educated people to fill the economy’s needs.

If Americans are not studying for careers in high tech it is because they know the jobs will be given to foreigners on visas. Moreover, Americans who prepare for these careers are hit again by the offshoring of many of the jobs.

During the early years of the 21st century when the “skills shortage” was being concocted to serve corporate profits, Business Week reported a 12.7% decline in computer science pay, a 12%decline in computer engineering pay, a 10.2% decline in electrical engineering pay. Professor Norm Matloff at the University of California, Davis, found that between 2001 and 2005 starting pay for master degrees in computer science, computer engineering and electrical engineering fell 6.6%, 13.7%, and 9.4% respectively.


Wednesday, January 8, 2025 10:36 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Joe Biden's Statement on California Wildfires Compared to Donald Trump's

Jan 08, 2025 at 1:56 PM EST

Trump went a different route with his statement, blaming the catastrophic fires on California Governor Gavin Newsom, who is one of Trump's sharpest critics.

"Governor Gavin Newscum refused to sign the water restoration declaration put before him that would have allowed millions of gallons of water, from excess rain and snow melt from the North, to flow daily into many parts of California, including the areas that are currently burning in a virtually apocalyptic way," Trump wrote on Truth Social.

He went on to claim Newsom prioritized protecting the Delta smelt, a small fish species, over the needs of Californians.

"Now the ultimate price is being paid," Trump wrote, adding, "He is the blame for this. On top of it all, no water for fire hydrants, not firefighting planes. A true disaster!"


Los Angeles usually gets several inches of rain by now, halfway into the rainy season, but it’s only recorded a fifth of an inch downtown since July, its second driest period in almost 150 years of record-keeping. The rest of Southern California is just as bone-dry. Strong winds are driving the fire.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 8, 2025 11:21 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The cosmetics billionaire behind Trump’s obsession with buying Greenland

Trump’s interest in acquiring Greenland has a long and storied history

By Gustaf Kilander | Wednesday 08 January 2025 21:53 GMT

“People don’t even know if Denmark has any legal right to it,” Trump claimed. “But if they do, they should give it up because we need it for national security.” Video of Trump saying this at

“I said, ‘Why don’t we have that?’” he told the authors. “You take a look at a map. I’m a real estate developer. I look at a corner, I say, ‘I’ve got to get that store for the building that I’m building,’ etc. It’s not that different.”

“I love maps. And I always said: ‘Look at the size of this. It’s massive. That should be part of the United States,’” he added at the time.

“I am hearing that the people of Greenland are ‘MAGA’,” Trump wrote on Truth Social on Monday night. “My son, Don Jr, and various representatives, will be traveling there to visit some of the most magnificent areas and sights. Greenland is an incredible place, and the people will benefit tremendously if, and when, it becomes part of our Nation. We will protect it, and cherish it, from a very vicious outside World. MAKE GREENLAND GREAT AGAIN!”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, January 9, 2025 4:13 AM


You've got enough TDS threads.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Thursday, January 9, 2025 4:15 AM



Originally posted by second:
Joe Biden's Statement on California Wildfires Compared to Donald Trump's

Jan 08, 2025 at 1:56 PM EST

Trump went a different route with his statement, blaming the catastrophic fires on California Governor Gavin Newsom, who is one of Trump's sharpest critics.

It is Newsom's fault. Along with all the Democrats who control the state and the locality.

Your party has an inability to plan 2 days in the future.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Monday, January 13, 2025 6:25 PM


putting team 'BRICS' together is a bad idea


Tuesday, January 14, 2025 9:37 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

And I can be really dumb.

Trump creates federal department that already exists

Donald Trump is blabbering about tariffs again:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
For far too long, we have relied on taxing our Great People using the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Through soft and pathetically weak Trade agreements, the American Economy has delivered growth and prosperity to the World, while taxing ourselves. It is time for that to change. I am today announcing that I will create the EXTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE to collect our Tariffs, Duties, and all Revenue that come from Foreign sources. We will begin charging those that make money off of us with Trade, and they will start paying, FINALLY, their fair share. January 20, 2025, will be the birth date of the External Revenue Service. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Jan 14, 2025, 10:28 AM

Fine. Call it anything you want. But I wonder if Trump really believes he's creating something new. Does he know that we already have an agency that collects tariffs? It's the C in CBP, Customs and Border Protection. Speaking of which, here's what they have to say about who pays customs duties:

Liability For Duties
There is no provision under which U.S. duties or taxes may be prepaid in a foreign country before exportation to the United States. This is true even for gifts sent by mail. Paying a customs broker will not relieve the importer of his or her liability for customs charges (duties, taxes, and other debts owed CBP) should those charges not be paid by the broker. Therefore, if the importer pays the broker by check, he or she should give the broker a separate check, made payable to “U.S. Customs and Border Protection” for those customs charges, which the broker will then deliver to CBP.

A foreigner can't pay tariffs even for a birthday gift. You, the recipient, have to pay it. How? By writing a check payable to "U.S. Customs and Border Protection."

It hardly seems possible that even the MAGA sycophants surrounding Trump haven't told him this, but he keeps claiming that other countries pay US tariffs anyway. And, sure, it's Trump. But it's still weird as hell.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 14, 2025 9:44 PM



Originally posted by second:
I love cock.

P.S. Your "Customs and Border Protection" department is an abject failure and needs to be dissolved immediately. They'll be replaced with a new bureau that actually does the job it is charged with doing.

At this juncture, only the stupidest of stupid cultists would believe that any US Department with either "Border" or "Protection" in the name is capable of doing anything more than sucking up US Dollars while making everything they touch worse than it was.

And being a big powerful successful business man, I shouldn't have to tell you that this is a little trick that companies in the private sector use all the time to clean house.

If Trump and Elon went into that department and hand picked who they were getting rid of, all they're doing is opening themselves and the government up to multiple lawsuits from all the DEI hires they have running everything now.

Dissolve the Alphabet Agency completely. Remove all of the personnel at once without affording them any legal recourse. Meanwhile, they keep the building(s), the phone numbers, the office furniture and the coffee maker. Then they create an entirely new Alphabet Agency where they can handpick all the staff from scratch.

Put up a new sign.

Easy Peasy, no lawsuits from Sleazy.

Have you got anything else stupid to say to me tonight, Big Brain?


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 12:18 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

And being a big powerful successful business man, I shouldn't have to tell you that this is a little trick that companies in the private sector use all the time to clean house.

If Trump and Elon went into that department and hand picked who they were getting rid of, all they're doing is opening themselves and the government up to multiple lawsuits from all the DEI hires they have running everything now.

Dissolve the Alphabet Agency completely. Remove all of the personnel at once without affording them any legal recourse. Meanwhile, they keep the building(s), the phone numbers, the office furniture and the coffee maker. Then they create an entirely new Alphabet Agency where they can handpick all the staff from scratch.

Put up a new sign.

Easy Peasy, no lawsuits from Sleazy.

Have you got anything else stupid to say to me tonight, Big Brain?

CBP is Customs and Border Control. If Trump fired everybody at CBP because of customs and tariffs, he would also be firing Border Control.

If every employee at CBP is fired, the illegal aliens will know that the Mexican border is open and unguarded until Trump hires 100,000 unemployed Trumptards to control the border. Since normal people are worth 10 Trumptards, Trump would have to hire 1,000,000 Trumptards to replace 100,000 normal people.

Your "easy peasy" plan is stupider than Trump's plan which assumes that Americans do NOT pay the tariffs on imports, but that is brain-dead stupid of Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 5:50 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

And being a big powerful successful business man, I shouldn't have to tell you that this is a little trick that companies in the private sector use all the time to clean house.

If Trump and Elon went into that department and hand picked who they were getting rid of, all they're doing is opening themselves and the government up to multiple lawsuits from all the DEI hires they have running everything now.

Dissolve the Alphabet Agency completely. Remove all of the personnel at once without affording them any legal recourse. Meanwhile, they keep the building(s), the phone numbers, the office furniture and the coffee maker. Then they create an entirely new Alphabet Agency where they can handpick all the staff from scratch.

Put up a new sign.

Easy Peasy, no lawsuits from Sleazy.

Have you got anything else stupid to say to me tonight, Big Brain?

CBP is Customs and Border Control. If Trump fired everybody at CBP because of customs and tariffs, he would also be firing Border Control.

If every employee at CBP is fired, the illegal aliens will know that the Mexican border is open and unguarded until Trump hires 100,000 unemployed Trumptards to control the border. Since normal people are worth 10 Trumptards, Trump would have to hire 1,000,000 Trumptards to replace 100,000 normal people.

Your "easy peasy" plan is stupider than Trump's plan which assumes that Americans do NOT pay the tariffs on imports, but that is brain-dead stupid of Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

We've already established he can create another bureau even though one already exists. It was such a big deal, Kevin felt the need to make you some fake graphs about it.

So we'll just start the new one first, then dissolve the old and useless one.

Guess we have to buy a new coffee maker.

Shame. It's worth more than most of the employees that are about to be unemployed.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 6:46 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump's Cabinet is Rich as Hell

Many Americans turned to Trump because they believed he would unrig the system. But he’s filling his White House with the billionaires who benefit most by keeping it rigged.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 10:12 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump advisers concede Ukraine peace deal is months away

By Gram Slattery | January 15, 2025 5:54 AM CST


• Trump advisers are quietly backing away from the campaign promise to end the war on Day One

• New extended timeline - months, not days or weeks - recognizes the intractability of the conflict

• Putin sending mixed messages about readiness to resolve the conflict

In the run-up to his Nov. 5 election victory, Trump declared dozens of times that he would have a deal in place between Ukraine and Russia on his first day in office, if not before.

In late October, however, he made a subtle shift in his rhetoric, and began saying he could solve the war "very quickly."

Since the election, Trump has walked back his rhetoric further, often simply saying that he would "solve" the conflict, without offering a timeline. And the president-elect has said ending the war in Ukraine will be harder than reaching a ceasefire in Gaza.

"I think, actually, more difficult is going to be the Russia-Ukraine situation," Trump said when asked about Gaza during a press conference in December. "I see that as more difficult."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 11:26 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The incoming administration doesn’t seem to have any economic plan. But the ultimate reason for that absence is fear: everyone is afraid to say anything that might be taken as an implicit contradiction or criticism of Trump

The details are in “Trump's Team of Economic Yes-Men. Or, why he still has no plan”

By Paul Krugman | Jan 15, 2025

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 11:39 AM


No reply to that one, huh?

That's what I thought.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 12:49 PM


the Ego therefore he loves to talk

always shooting his mouth off?

Trump’s claim Canada’s water would stop L.A. fires ‘preposterous’: experts


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 2:38 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Does This Trump Crypto Appointee Even Have Crypto Experience? Yes, With a Trump-Themed Meme Coin.

By Matt Sledge | January 15, 2024

When Donald Trump announced days before Christmas that he was tapping a former college football player and failed congressional candidate to lead a White House “crypto council,” even crypto bros were confused.

“Who the heck is Bo Hines?” one Bitcoin booster posted on X.

As it turns out, the trust fund kid from North Carolina had connections in the crypto world.

Hines, 29, received support in one of his election campaigns from FTX campaign finance fraudster Ryan Salame.

More recently, a group overseen by his company teamed up with the makers of a Trump-themed meme coin called Restore the Republic that launched with a storm of scam accusations.

Hines will serve as executive director of the newly created Presidential Council of Advisers for Digital Assets, which is chaired by the far more prominent venture capitalist David Sacks.

Hines’s experience with the Trump-themed crypto venture raises questions about whether his appointment could signal looser restrictions on the fringe “meme coins” as the council sets out to deregulate more mainstream crypto projects backed by the likes of Sacks.

Until now, Hines’s ties to the crypto industry escaped scrutiny, in part because Trump announced his appointment in the days before Christmas. His relationship with Restore the Republic has not been previously reported.

Crypto Connections

Trump announced Hines’s selection on Truth Social on December 22 by lauding Hines’s educational background — Yale University, Wake Forest University law school — instead of his crypto chops.

In his home state of North Carolina, Hines may be best known for 2022 and 2024 runs for Congress, in two different districts, as well as a stint as a wide receiver at North Carolina State University before he transferred to Yale.

Despite Trump’s failure to tout them, however, Hines’s links to the crypto world were out in the open for anyone to notice.

As the CEO of the right-wing news organization Today Is America, which he ran since March 2023, provided a quote for an October 23 announcement about a partnership with a Trump-themed meme token called Restore the Republic.

Those were frantic, final days of a campaign that still seemed like it might come down to the wire. According to the press release, an organization called Students for Trump would partner with the meme coin organization to hold events, community forums, and voter outreach programs in swing states.

Students for Trump and Today Is America are deeply intertwined. The student group is overseen by Today In America, according to a LinkedIn posting by a former top official at the company and a separate post on a crypto news clearinghouse about the Restore the Republic coin. And the student group’s homepage is a vertical of the Today Is America website. According to its Instagram bio, Students for Trump is “powered” by Today Is America.

In the announcement of the Restore the Republic meme coin, Hines referred to the Students for Trump partnership in the first person.

“We are excited to join forces with Restore the Republic to amplify our outreach and ensure voters across the country are equipped with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions,” Hines said in a press release.

The press release made it sound as if a trio of civic-minded organizations were coming together around a love of Trump. But in a conversation on X Spaces around the same time, an adviser for the Restore the Republic “team” acknowledged a more contentious recent history involving Trump.

In early August, Restore the Republic launched as a token at the same time that Trump’s sons were teasing the imminent creation of an official Trump crypto project.

Meme coins operate on the edges of a wider, infamously freewheeling cryptocurrency world. The most famous is Dogecoin, a dog-themed token with a shiba inu as its logo that seems to rise and fall on the whims of Elon Musk.

The new Restore the Republic token leaned heavily into Trump iconography on its website, featuring the famous photo of Trump raising his arm after a July assassination attempt and promising rewards for collectors in the form of custom Trump handguns and a dinner with Donald Trump Jr.

Speculators began snapping up the token, which had the same name as a phrase that Trump uttered on the campaign trail, on the hopes that it had the ex-president’s official blessing.

An X post from Ryan Fournier, the founder of Students for Trump, helped fan the flames. “Rumor has it that the official trump coin is out…called Restore the Republic,” Fournier posted, months before the partnership between the coin and the student group was announced.

The market capitalization of the token soared to $155 million within hours of its launch. Later that day, however, it fell just as fast when Trump’s son Eric said the idea that the token was affiliated with his family “absolutely false.”

In the meantime, however, someone snapped up and sold enough of the Trump-themed token to net a cool $4 million.

It was just another dramatic rise and fall in the wild west world of meme coins, which are notorious for hype-driven boom and bust cycles.

As social media users tossed accusations that someone had used the token for a classic “pump and dump” scheme, Fournier defended himself by claiming that “sources” told him the Trumps would link up with the project.

“That is why I said rumor,” Fournier said on X. “I’m not a big crypto guy and I was not in any way involved in this project.”

Making It Official

Restore the Republic tokens never went completely out of circulation, however, and by the end of October their price was on the upswing.

A social media appearance from Donald Trump Jr. may have helped. The morning after the October 2 vice presidential debate, Trump Jr. taped a recording that was posted to the Restore the Republic X account.

Trump Jr. bantered with Hines and Florida entrepreneur Josh McLean about cryptocurrency, complaining that aggressive regulators risked killing a growth sector in the U.S. economy.

After Trump exited the call, McLean addressed the calamitous launch of the Restore the Republic token in August, calling himself both an adviser and “part of the team.”

“It was a crazy launch, some shit happened,” McLean said. “Things didn’t go well. I hate that it didn’t. But at the same time when they didn’t go well, the team went back to work. They came up with a great plan.”

McLean’s other business ventures include a boxing league and company trading in non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, a type of digital asset that works on the same blockchain system as cryptocurrencies.

It is unclear whether Today Is America or Hines and Fournier, who did not return requests for comment, have a financial relationship with the makers of Restore the Republic.

After denying any relationship with the project just two months before, however, Fournier said in the October 23 press release that he was “excited” to partner with Restore the Republic.

“This team is a group of patriots that are dedicated to seeing President Donald J. Trump elected,” he said, “and pushing the America First agenda.”

Salame Support

In the same conversation where he bantered with the Restore the Republic token boosters, Trump Jr. sounded off on the infamous cryptocurrency exchange FTX.

The former president’s son told his interlocutors that FTX had operated as a “100 percent Democrat slush fund” under CEO Sam Bankman-Fried. Hines did not respond — but he might have been in a position to fact-check.

While Bankman-Fried is often associated with millions of dollars spent on Democratic candidates, prosecutors said he used $100 million in stolen money on a bipartisan influence campaign.

The money for Republicans was often routed through a super PAC founded and funded by fellow FTX executive Ryan Salame, which showered millions on GOP candidates, as The Intercept reported at the time.

One of those candidates was Hines, on whose behalf Salame’s super PAC spent more than $500,000 on independent TV and digital ads, according to Federal Election Commission records.
Mixing Business and Politics

During that 2022 campaign, Hines tempered his image as he moved from the primary to general election in a nearly 50-50 purple district. After calling abortion “absolutely murder” and dubbing himself a “MAGA warrior” for Trump, he dropped references to abortion and Trump from his website.

It didn’t work. Hines still came up a few thousand votes short against Democrat Wiley Nickel. In 2024, he ran again in a different congressional district but placed fourth in the Republican primary, after Trump went from teasing support for Hines to endorsing an opponent.

Hines was dogged in his 2022 race by accusations from Democrats that he had never held a real job in his life. He listed a family trust as his only source of income at one point. By the time of his 2024 race, however, Hines said he was the “owner and operator of several successful businesses.”

One role was at Today Is America, the right-wing media company with hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram, which announced Hines as its CEO in March 2023.

Today Is America does not feature any advertisements on its homepage, and Hines did not respond to questions about its business model. Its scattershot mix of content includes college football picks, odes to Trump, and a lead-footed, homophobic attempt at humor called the “Straight Man’s Guide for Pride Month.”

“Wear two pairs of underwear- with creeps lurking behind every corner, it is better to have an extra layer of protection,” the article reads. “Statistics show that unsolicited rectum intrusions increase 300% in the month of June (This is a joke but you definitely believed it).”

Along with Hines, Today Is America listed former George Santos campaign treasurer Jason Boles as chief financial officer and conservative influencer maven Camron Rafizadeh as secretary in corporate records.

If Hines holds Restore the Republic or any other crypto tokens, he could be forced to sell them before reporting to work at the White House. In 2022, the Office of Government Ethics issued an advisory warning that federal employees could not work on cryptocurrency regulation if they owned crypto assets themselves.

That makes the executive branch distinct from Congress, where members are free to trade and own digital assets, though few do. Lobbyists for the crypto industry have asked the ethics office to loosen its rules on crypto regulators as well.

The crypto council, which Hines is set to lead, is chaired by Sacks, the venture capitalist and member of the conservative “PayPal mafia” in Silicon Valley. Sacks has his own presence in the right-wing media landscape, delighting in tweaking liberals on his podcast. That profile helped bring far more attention to Trump’s elevation of Sacks than Hines has received.

In his announcement last month, Trump touted the forthcoming partnership between the men as a boon for the crypto world.

“Bo will work with David to foster innovation and growth in the digital assets space,” Trump said, “while ensuring industry leaders have the resources they need to succeed.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 5:59 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Jan 15, 2025 5:26 PM

At his Senate confirmation hearing yesterday, Secretary of Defense nominee Pete Hegseth refused to state whether he would follow an unlawful order given by President-elect Donald Trump. During the nationwide protests after George Floyd’s murder in 2020, Trump asked the then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “Can’t you just shoot them, just shoot them in the legs or something?” It is entirely conceivable that during his second term, what was previously a question becomes an order.

Everyone in the military chain of command swears an oath to the Constitution that requires them to disobey unlawful orders—and to be very clear, a mass shooting conducted by the government against its own citizens is definitely that. If the secretary of defense is unwilling to fulfill that oath in contradiction of a commander-in-chief who demands absolute fealty from his subordinates, it will fall on the uniformed career service members to uphold the Constitution and ensure that the military is not unleashed on American civilians. Although individual service members are legally authorized to use force in acts of self-defense against an imminent threat, an order to fire on civilians would be not just unlawful—a violation of the rules for the use of force—but a war crime under the laws of armed conflict.

An order by Trump to deploy the military and have it open fire on protesters would be catastrophic in a way few Americans who haven’t served in uniform realize. Unlike the National Guard at Kent State, today’s military is significantly more lethal. In 1970 the Ohio National Guard killed four protesters and wounded nine at Kent State University, firing bolt-action M1 Garand rifles, which held an eight-round magazine and could fire 40 to 50 rounds a minute. As one National Guard member there that day recalled: “I distinctly heard one shot fired; then all hell broke loose when 28 men fired a total of 67 shots over a period of 13 seconds.”

A modern military squad operates with roughly nine M16s loaded with 30-round magazines and three squad automatic weapons that each contain 200-round belts of ammunition. If today the same number of soldiers were firing for 13 seconds, as they did at Kent State, they could easily unleash several hundred rounds. Additionally, contemporary crowd-control tactics often result in “kettling,” in which protesters are pushed into densely confined areas, where individual bullets are likely to penetrate multiple people before stopping.

This has nearly happened before. When the Insurrection Act was most recently invoked, it was by President George H.W. Bush, who deployed elements from the 1st Marine Division to Los Angeles in 1992, after the Rodney King verdict. After taking fire while responding to a domestic disturbance with the city’s police department, Marines fired more than 200 rounds into a house with children inside after an officer yelled, “Cover me!” Thankfully, nobody was harmed, but as Major General James Delk, who commanded the joint task force at the time, would write: “The marines responded instantly in the precise way they had been trained, where ‘cover me’ means provide me with cover using firepower.”

Much more at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 6:46 PM



"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 7:13 PM


With those fires still burning towns and cities is the USA setting an example of freedom and leadership?

In polls
the US public does not want to annex Greenland

USA does not want Canada

the public also does not want Mexico

support for the Panama Canal was more mixed

Trump's suggestion that the United States annex Greenland has met with a lukewarm reception among American voters, who overwhelmingly oppose a military operation with that aim. Seventy-six percent of registered voters in a recent Napolitan News Service survey either "somewhat" or "strongly" opposed sending troops to take the island by force.

Whatever about Canada and Mexico or Latin American having trouble standing up to a bigger 'bully' guy, Greenland has even less of a chance. If the USA wanted to politically take over Greenland would they really be able to hold off Americanization and cultural imperialism that wipes out Ancient Culture? Technically if you go outside Iceland then you are outside Europe, Silfra Icelandic a rift formed in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge – the divergent tectonic boundary between the North American and Eurasian plates, it goes under the Ocean as Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a mid-ocean ridge a divergent or constructive plate boundary located along the floor of the Atlantic Ocean when America split from Africa and Europe 150 million years ago in what used to be a giant super continent but Greenland is culturally linked to the Scandinavian and Danish and the Native, The Thule are thought to be proto-Inuit were the ancestors of all modern Inuit.
Culturally I feel we entered an era of understanding and revisionism, the days of Ronald Reagan types, Harry Truman and Joseph McCarthy cheering on movies of John Wayne shooting the Indians are over.

While sometimes I find Trump amusing I don't think this whole annex Panama, Canada, Mexico, Greenland thing is going to fly well and people might look back on it as a bad dark period. Yes there are military reasons to be there in Greenland, it is strategy, there are investments, under the ice from news reports we see credible stories of secret United States program of the Cold War cities under the ice, however the USA has bases all over the world...would it need to politically 'annex' anyone? It is generally agreed that this place is ancient and has a lot of Native American heritage, yes it is classed as European but in Greenland a Native First people existed there a long long time ago, even before the Vikings. Inuit religion is the shared spiritual beliefs and practices of the Inuit, an indigenous people from Alaska, northern Canada, parts of Siberia, and Greenland. Their religion shares many similarities with some Alaska Native religions. It is generally accepted that the Eskimos, or Inuit, migrated east from northeast Siberia thousands of years before Christ, before India, before Rome, before China before Jewish religion or Egypt religion and people, for some reason these people lived in the snows for many years part of the continent of North America, but it might have been colonized as recently as only 1 thousand years ago before Vikings arrived. Greenland has been politically and culturally associated with Europe specifically Norway and Denmark, the colonial Scandanavia powers and in Europe there are old Native people who were surviving, in Japan the Ainu, the Sámi Ancient DNA shows the Sámi the Siberian the Native American Alaskan and Finns, they share some symbolism and share similar words in their language. Somehow a lot of their rituals and religions survived despite a push by Christian Lutheranism to wipe out their 'Paganism' there was also an influece and fusion of Choir and Dance with Native Folk music and tradition, even its Christian traditions became a unique fusion of Native and old Church music.

Greenland is one of the places on Earth with most Native peoples, it also has a few hundred and dozens of people from other place the Danish represented demographically as it is a Denmark colony but also Philippines, Thailand, Sweden, Iceland, China, Norway, Germany and the USA. Runors out there say some of these bases as leaking in news articles, rusting and waste decaying and spilling into the land and sea and soil the biological, chemical and radioactive waste, hundreds of thousands of liters of 'stuff' there will be PCBs and radioactive waste.

they own that base the USA says and Donald Trump won't pay to clean it up.

Musical Culture of Greenland

Different Dialects of Greenlandic

Inuit language

There might be more than one base, it was an expensive site and constructed project

The Secret Base Greenland

Greenland is important for the U.S. military and its ballistic missile early warning system, as it balances a Russian and Chinese commercial and military buildup in the Arctic.


Trump Administration to open first US Consulate in Greenland in nearly 70 years

new Trade Routes as the Poles Melt and other Conspiracy?

The Critical Reasons Why Trump Wants to Buy Greenland

Should Greenlanders want to join the U.S., however, a slight majority of 51% expressed at least some support for permitting them to join the country.
Support for taking the Panama Canal was more mixed, with 40% supporting it to 41% opposing such a move and 19% unsure.
Americans decidedly opposed the acquisition of Mexico, with 69% disapproving of such a move. Support for acquiring Canada should the country oppose integration was also low, with 61% opposing its acquisition.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 7:48 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Donald Trump’s desire to acquire Greenland – and his implication that he could use the military to get it – may be just a negotiation ploy. But for Denmark and Europe, it would be irresponsible to ignore the possibility that he’s serious.

By Dominique Soguel Special correspondent, Anna Mulrine Grobe Staff writer

Jan. 15, 2025, 5:13 p.m. ET | Basel, Switzerland; and Brussels

When President-elect Donald Trump said last week that the United States needs Greenland “for national security” and refused to rule out military measures to get it, it raised eyebrows all over the world.

Mr. Trump’s fellow Republicans quickly defended his comments. “The United States is not going to invade another country,” said Sen. James Lankford on “Meet the Press” Sunday. “The president speaks very boldly on a lot of things. We’ve seen this [is] how he’s done negotiations.”

But officials in Denmark – and Europe more broadly – don’t have the luxury of thinking that way.

For while the idea of the U.S. forcibly seizing control of Greenland may appear capricious, the possibility – however remote – raises challenges to international law, security alliances, and U.S.-European relations. France and Germany have responded with a seriousness typically reserved for Russia and China, emphasizing the importance of maintaining Europe’s borders as inviolable.

And even if Mr. Trump intends his Greenland gambit as a ploy to negotiate greater defense contributions from NATO allies, to Europeans his aggressive approach is not how allies should engage.

“The Europeans are taking it seriously,” says Célia Belin, head of the European Council on Foreign Relations’ office in Paris. “It is not just about Greenland. It is about the type of relationship that this president is trying to establish with Europe, which is not just transactional, but extortionist.”

Mr. Trump’s expansionist rhetoric is forcing Europeans to have conversations that were not even on the agenda. If backed with action, it potentially puts the U.S. on par with revanchist powers China and Russia.

Much more at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 11:23 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Should Greenlanders want to join the U.S., however, a slight majority of 51% expressed at least some support for permitting them to join the country.
Support for taking the Panama Canal was more mixed, with 40% supporting it to 41% opposing such a move and 19% unsure.
Americans decidedly opposed the acquisition of Mexico, with 69% disapproving of such a move. Support for acquiring Canada should the country oppose integration was also low, with 61% opposing its acquisition.

10000% behind taking back the Panama Canal. Fuck them, that's ours.

My advice to Greenland is the same advice I gave to Puerto Rico. Stay the fuck out if they put it to a vote. You'll end up with half those trees cut down in 10 years and they'll rename the place Disneyland. Stick around long enough and we'll burn the other half of the trees down on you.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Thursday, January 16, 2025 4:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

My biggest gripe about Trump is that he's a blowhard salesman. Now, I happen to like what he's selling (MAGA) but he promises shit he can't possibly deliver.

Also, he's getting bad advice and while the people he's nominating may be loyal, some of them don't know what they're doing. Kellogg in particular seems to be living in 1920.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Thursday, January 16, 2025 9:59 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
My biggest gripe about Trump is that he's a blowhard salesman. Now, I happen to like what he's selling (MAGA) but he promises shit he can't possibly deliver.

Also, he's getting bad advice and while the people he's nominating may be loyal, some of them don't know what they're doing. Kellogg in particular seems to be living in 1920.

Trump doesn’t understand economics, but that’s no problem for him because the advisors he selected to work in the White House repeat back to him his same old misunderstandings, and that ain’t gonna change no matter what misfortunes happen caused by Trump's failure to understand.

By Paul Krugman | Jan 16, 2025

Krugman gives the following warning: “Not about Trump, and fairly wonky.” I disagree with that assessment. It is about Trump’s misunderstanding of how an economy works.

Giant Chinese trade surpluses create problems in other countries too — although not the problems crude mercantilists like Donald Trump imagine. And China’s attempt to export its problems (for that’s what this amounts to) will meet a protectionist backlash; in fact, this would have happened even if Trump weren’t about to take office.

First things first: When a nation runs a trade surplus, what it that telling us? Many people, Trump obviously among them, think such a surplus is a sign of national strength — if you’re selling more to other countries than you’re buying, that must be because you’re outcompeting them. But that isn’t at all how it works.

For a nation’s balance of payments always balances. That is (with some slight technical adjustments),

Trade balance + Net inflows of capital = 0

I often run into people who believe that a successful economy, one achieving rapid productivity growth and leading in cutting-edge technology, will both run big trade surpluses because it’s so competitive and attract lots of foreign capital because it’s such a good investment. But that’s arithmetically impossible.

In fact, when an economy surges past its rivals in productivity and technology, it usually does attract a lot of foreign investment — but that means that it runs a trade deficit, not a surplus. A case in point: U.S. productivity surged past productivity in Europe after around 1995, because we were quicker to take advantage of information technology. As a result, foreign money began flooding in — and that led to a much bigger U.S. trade deficit:

Conversely, when nations experience big declines in trade deficits or increases in trade surpluses, it’s usually because something bad has happened. Look at what happened to current accounts (a broad definition of the trade balance) in southern Europe during the euro crisis 15 years ago:

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 17, 2025 8:25 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Right-wing politicians justify massive tax cuts for the rich with the claim that all will be well because these policies will unleash rapid economic growth.

Donald Trump has brought his own brand of nonsense, with claims that tariffs can make foreigners pay for everything.

Which brings us to Scott Bessent, Trump’s pick for Treasury secretary. Bessent’s “3-3-3” economic plan is full-on magical thinking. He will increase oil production by 3 million barrels a day, reduce the budget deficit to 3 percent of G.D.P. and raise economic growth to 3 percent.

The Congressional Budget Office expects potential G.D.P. to rise about 1.9 percent a year over the next decade; Bessent is claiming that he can raise that to 3 percent. The problem is, nobody knows how to do that. The question is whether there are plausible policies that could raise productivity enough to get growth up to 3 percent.

Well, Republicans believe, or claim to believe, that they can sharply raise productivity growth by cutting taxes on the rich. You could say that claim is unsupported by evidence. But that’s too weak; in fact, it’s powerfully rejected by the evidence.

The markets were reassured by Bessent’s selection because he comes across as a normal, sensible Wall Street type. But personal affect is a very bad guide to how policymakers will act. Trump’s future Treasury secretary — I assume he will easily be confirmed — has policy ideas that are, in their own way, as disconnected from reality as Trump’s belief that he can fund the U.S. government entirely with tariffs, at no cost to consumers, or Elon Musk’s belief that there’s $2 trillion a year in wasteful spending hidden under the sofa cushions or something.

More evidence at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 17, 2025 10:45 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

January 17, 2025

I watched all three hours of Scott Bessent’s confirmation hearings. My major takeaways:

1. He’s highly competent, thoughtful, and decent. In many respects, he’s likely to be a fine Treasury Secretary.

2. Whether out of conviction or greed, he and his team are blind when it comes to taxing the wealthy. To them, the top tax brackets are either perfect just as they are . . . or else too high. At no income level — be it above $1 million a year or $10 million or $1 billion — would they consider even a small rate hike. This is terrible for our economy, our National Debt, and our social fabric.

Yesterday, Scott called billionaires “the job creators.” His fellow billionaire, Nick Hanauer, debunked that notion in a 6-minute clip I’ve been linking to for 12 years:

Banned TED Talk: Nick Hanauer "Rich people don't create jobs"

Via Business Insider: "As the war over income inequality wages on, super-rich Seattle entrepreneur Nick Hanauer has been raising the hackles of his fellow 1-percenters, espousing the contrarian argument that rich people don't actually create jobs. The position is controversial — so much so that TED is refusing to post a talk that Hanauer gave on the subject. National Journal reports today that TED officials decided not to put Hanauer's March 1 speech up online after deeming his remarks "too politically controversial" for the site...".

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 17, 2025 1:16 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

How bond market vigilantes could check Trump's power

By Lawrence Delevingne, Yoruk Bahceli, Davide Barbuscia and Dhara Ranasinghe | January 16, 2025, 2:51 PM CST

NEW YORK/LONDON, Jan 16 (Reuters) - When Bill Clinton began his first term as president in 1993, he faced a challenge to his authority from an unexpected adversary: bond traders. Low taxes and high defense spending over the prior decade had contributed to U.S. debt doubling as a share of economic output.

Clinton and his advisers worried that 'bond vigilantes' – so called because they punish governments' profligacy – would target the new Democratic administration. A run on U.S. Treasury bonds, they feared, could sharply raise borrowing costs, hurting growth and jeopardizing financial stability. A frustrated Clinton made the unpopular decision to raise taxes and cut spending to balance the budget.

"He went away pretty disgusted with the idea that here he had just won an election by a pretty nice margin in a difficult three-way race, and now he was subservient to a bunch of bond traders," said Alan Blinder, one of Clinton's closest economic counselors who later served as the vice chair of the Federal Reserve. "A lot of us are wondering if the bond market vigilantes are going to come back for a second chapter."

As Donald Trump takes office on January 20, concerns over bond vigilantes in the United States, have resurfaced, according to several market experts. And this time, the economic indicators are even more alarming, they said.

The U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio is pushing 100%, double the level in Clinton's time. Left unchecked, by 2027 it's projected to exceed the records set after World War II, when the government borrowed heavily to fund the war effort.

Bond yields, which move inversely to prices, have been climbing. The yield on 10-year U.S. Treasury bonds has risen more than a percentage point from a September low, a whopping increase for a measure where even hundredths of a percent matter.

Like Clinton before him, Trump now faces the prospect of bond vigilantes becoming a potent check on his policy agenda, according to several former U.S. and foreign policymakers who faced market turmoil while in office.

Reuters interviewed nearly two dozen policymakers, economists and investors – including Trump advisers, a former Italian prime minister and former Greek and British finance ministers – and examined bouts of bond market routs around the world since the 1980s to assess the risk of turbulence after Trump takes office.

The review found several indicators watched by bond traders are flashing red. U.S. federal debt has increased to more than $28 trillion, from less than $20 trillion when Trump took office in 2017. Debt is also piling up in other countries, with the world’s total public debt expected to cross $100 trillion for the first time in 2024, leaving investors nervous.

"There's a risk of the bond vigilantes stepping up," said Matt Eagan, portfolio manager at Loomis Sayles, a fund manager with $389 billion under management. "The unanswerable question is when that would occur."

The experts believe Trump has some cover, thanks to the dollar's status as the global reserve currency and the Fed's now well-established ability to intervene in markets in moments of crises, which means there are always buyers of U.S. debt.

Other nations may be at more imminent risk, partly because of worries that Trump's trade policies would dampen their growth, the experts said. Some of Europe's biggest economies, including Britain and France, have come under pressure in bond markets recently.

The Reuters analysis of past crises showed it's hard to predict what will spark a bond market selloff. Part of the problem is market signals are open to interpretation. But once panic sets in, conditions can quickly spiral out of control, often requiring sizable intervention to re-establish stability.

Robert Rubin, Clinton's Treasury Secretary and a former co-chairman of Goldman Sachs, said the bond market "could very quickly make it very difficult" for Trump to do what he wants if a steep rise in interest rates triggered a recession or financial crisis. "Unsound conditions can continue for a long time until they correct, rapidly and savagely. When the tipping point might come, I have no idea," he said.

Trump has said he wants to lower taxes and stimulate economic growth, but many of the policymakers, economists and investors who spoke to Reuters viewed with skepticism his promises for draconian cuts to government spending and pay for his plan with trade tariffs.

Combined with worries that Trump might weaken U.S. institutions like the Fed, these people said, the Republican's policies could provoke a violent market reaction that would force him to reverse course. Stephen Moore, a longtime Trump economic adviser, singled out the risk of "massive tariffs" that could harm global growth as one possible trigger.

Much more at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 17, 2025 7:10 PM


Another potentially decent thread ruined by unchecked TDS.

You had 2 dozen threads to put this crap in, idiot.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Friday, January 17, 2025 7:12 PM



Originally posted by second:
January 17, 2025

I watched all three hours of Scott Bessent’s confirmation hearings. My major takeaways:

1. He’s highly competent, thoughtful, and decent. In many respects, he’s likely to be a fine Treasury Secretary.

2. Whether out of conviction or greed, he and his team are blind when it comes to taxing the wealthy. To them, the top tax brackets are either perfect just as they are . . . or else too high. At no income level — be it above $1 million a year or $10 million or $1 billion — would they consider even a small rate hike. This is terrible for our economy, our National Debt, and our social fabric.

Yesterday, Scott called billionaires “the job creators.” His fellow billionaire, Nick Hanauer, debunked that notion in a 6-minute clip I’ve been linking to for 12 years:

Banned TED Talk: Nick Hanauer "Rich people don't create jobs"

Via Business Insider: "As the war over income inequality wages on, super-rich Seattle entrepreneur Nick Hanauer has been raising the hackles of his fellow 1-percenters, espousing the contrarian argument that rich people don't actually create jobs. The position is controversial — so much so that TED is refusing to post a talk that Hanauer gave on the subject. National Journal reports today that TED officials decided not to put Hanauer's March 1 speech up online after deeming his remarks "too politically controversial" for the site...".

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

They'll post clowns in full makeup pretending to be women and how they should be able
to reach your kids, but THIS is too politically controversial for the site?

TED is a WEF-led Liberal Dystopia.

What's the real reason they wouldn't show you that clip?

That's the question you ought to be asking yourself.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Saturday, January 18, 2025 6:54 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) laid bare the plans of how House Republicans will finance their tax cuts for the rich by gutting support for everyone else, in a thread posted to Bluesky on Friday afternoon.
The document outlining Trump's budget options:

To start things off, corporations got a huge tax break from Trump and Republicans in 2017. Now Republicans want to give them another handout at a cost of $522 billion

Here’s another $222 billion handout to huge, profitable corporations. Odds are, the corporations will turn a lot of these handouts into stock buybacks for the benefit of wealthy shareholders and executives:

Somebody’s gotta pay for all those corporate tax breaks. Republicans want to begin with a $192 billion tax increase on single parents

They want to repeal the IRA’s energy tax credits, which are what lowers carbon emissions and invests in clean energy. At a time when energy production in America is booming and clean energy is taking off, Republicans want to surrender the clean energy industry to China and raise your energy bills.

Trump lies all the time about who will pay his tariffs. It’s a $2 trillion tax hike on consumer goods, and Americans will be the ones who pay for it. A devastating increase in the cost of living for working families and a huge hike in operating costs for small businesses.

Republicans plan to sell out the American people

By Matthew Chapman | January 17, 2025 4:20PM ET

"My staff just got ahold of this memo from House Budget Committee Republicans," wrote Wyden. "It's lengthy and hard to digest but it tells us exactly how Republicans plan to sell out the American people for another round of tax cuts to the rich."

House and Senate Republicans are planning a broad package of tax changes to support President-elect Donald Trump's agenda, with one of their biggest priorities being extending the 2017 tax cut bill — although there is disagreement between the chambers on whether to pass those tax items on their own or bundle them with legislation on energy and border security.

"To start things off, corporations got a huge tax break from Trump and Republicans in 2017. Now Republicans want to give them another handout at a cost of $522 billion," wrote Wyden. "Here’s another $222 billion handout to huge, profitable corporations. Odds are, the corporations will turn a lot of these handouts into stock buybacks for the benefit of wealthy shareholders and executives."

As far as how to pay for them, Wyden noted, it's a laundry list of cuts to vital services.

"Republicans want to begin with a $192 billion tax increase on single parents," said Wyden. Additionally, "They want to repeal the IRA’s energy tax credits, which are what lowers carbon emissions and invests in clean energy. At a time when energy production in America is booming and clean energy is taking off, Republicans want to surrender the clean energy industry to China and raise your energy bills."

Other things on the chopping block, Wyden noted, include repealing green energy subsidies, the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit, a $4 million program to reduce air pollution in schools, and the remainder of the Biden-era IRS funding increases to modernize tax collection and audit high-income tax evaders.

They are also exploring repealing the home mortgage interest deduction, which would be a $1 trillion cut over 10 years, although this is one of the few proposed GOP cuts that would make the wealthy pay more.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, January 18, 2025 8:06 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

CBO projects US debt to grow $23.9 trillion in 10 years, not including costs of extending Trump's tax cuts

By Josh Boak | January 17, 2025

The national debt is slated to rise by $23.9 trillion over the next decade, a sum that does not include trillions of dollars in additional tax cuts being championed by President-elect Donald Trump. The national debt is now $36.20 trillion

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released its 10-year budget outlook on Friday. Annual budget deficits are expected to equal 6.1% of U.S. gross domestic product in 2035, which the CBO noted is “significantly more than the 3.8 percent that deficits have averaged over the past 50 years.” The federal government is poised to spend $7 trillion this fiscal year, a sum that would equal about 23.3% of GDP.

The CBO numbers suggest a persistent and possibly worsening gap between the taxes Americans are willing to pay and the services they expect the government to provide.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at