Fetterman: The Democrats' Primary Currency Was Shaming And Calling People Fascists, "How Can You Vote For That?"

UPDATED: Friday, February 7, 2025 21:00
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Friday, February 7, 2025 8:53 PM


The simple answer, which John Fetterman knows very well, is that you can't. And you don't.

And now the Democratic Party is dead, and the world you thought you were living in 6 months ago doesn't exist.

You were warned. You chose death.

Congratulations to all of you.


Friday, February 7, 2025 9:00 PM


Here's the text...


Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) called out Democrats for "shaming and scolding and talking down" to Americans in the 2024 election in an interview on the 'Somebody's Gotta Win' podcast with Tara Palmeri.

"They just think they want to identify with people seem to be looking out for me or for me," Fetterman said of the electorate. "I described the '24 election was not about obscure kinds of policies. It's a gut-check kind of vote. And they are going to ask themselves who is going to protect my personal view of the American way of life and who's the better match for what I believe is the American way of life. And I'm going to vote for that person. And and that's why I think Trump won."

"And then, like, for example, you know, the new leadership of the DNC, the vice chair, you know, abolish ICE. And now the other thing saying, you know, defund the police and those things. You know, I'm concerned that we really haven't paid attention on what happened," Fetterman added.

TARA PALMERI, HOST, SOMEBODY'S GOTTA WIN: Why is the Democratic Party viewed as toxic by so many, even people inside the party acknowledge that?

SEN. JOHN FETTERMAN (D-PA): I think their their primary currency was shaming and scolding and talking down to people and telling them, hey, I know better than you or you're dopes or you're a bro or you're ignorant or, you know, don't you? You know, how can you be this dumb? I can't imagine it like and then, by the way, they're they're fascists.

How can you vote for that? And, you know, when you're in a state like Pennsylvania, like I know and I love people that voted for Trump and they're not fascists. You know, they they don't support insurrection and those things.

And and if you go to an extreme and you become a boutique kind of of a proposition, then you're going to lose the you're going to lose the argument. And then we have done that when I show up at like a like a working site. I can all but guarantee you, you know, if they're politically engaged, you know, who they vote for, why they would vote there.

And and they just think they want to identify with people seem to be looking out for me or for me. I described the 24 election was not about obscure kinds of policies. It's a gut check kind of vote.

And they are going to ask themselves who is going to protect or project my personal view of the American way of life and who's the better match for what I believe is the American way of life. And I'm going to vote for that person. And and that's why I think Trump won.

And then, like, for example, you know, the new leadership of the DNC, the vice chair, you know, abolish ICE. And now the other thing saying, you know, defund the police and those things. You know, I'm concerned that we really haven't paid attention on what happened.

And have we have we looked up at the scoreboard and been like, oh, by the way, we've lost.

PALMERI: What do you think of the new chair, by the way?

FETTERMAN: Honestly, I've never heard that name until that was part of this conversation. And I mean, I'm a practitioner and I really wasn't aware of it.

PALMERI: How do Democrats win back white men like yourself?

FETTERMAN: I don't know. And truthfully, I'm not sure. I'm not sure if that's possible, to be honest.

I think that's been seriously eroding for for a while. And in some cases in the conversations I've had, a lot of people, they don't even want to say it publicly, but they just feel like, you know, the other side seems like it's it's like men or that men's the problem and are to blame or their their masculinity is toxic. Or if unless you're able to conform to our very strict kinds of definition of what we think's appropriate, well, then, hey, I'm just I'm going to find an alternative.

And they've done that. That's that's that's absolutely true. And once we've kind of turned their back on that demographic, it's going to be difficult to to rebuild and replace that with with with those voters, because I think that migration has been ongoing phenomenon for several years.

And that was been in front and center, you know, in part of the election in twenty four.

You've lost white men for the next 50 years at least. The only ones voting for you are all college educated, and they're either cucks or homosexuals after 2 decades of the public school bullshit you've been pumping into their brains.

And you lost men of every demographic this time around. Women in quite a few as well.

Fuck the Democratic Party. And double-fuck the Democratic Party for leaving it where the only one of them talking any sense is the asshole who shows up to his office job in a hoodie and sweatpants, and is still struggling to put sentences together because of a stroke he had leading up to the election where the only reason he got elected was because he was a stroke victim.


I can't wait to piss on the ashes.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon