Serenity Convention, Thistle Heathrow

UPDATED: Thursday, March 24, 2005 00:13
VIEWED: 57960
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Friday, December 17, 2004 7:07 AM



Originally posted by slayerfest:
Officially there is one more Firefly actor expected to be in attendance.


One more than pictured??? Tell! Who??


Friday, December 17, 2004 7:27 AM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:
Thanks, Andy.

Again, coming from the States, I don't know this Sean or his philosophy, nor anything about how he does what he does. I appreciate very much that there are people on this board who can vouch for him and the quality of his events. It's quite a leap of faith (not to mention a leap of the Atlantic Ocean!) for me, so thanks for calming my nerves :-)

P.S. Does he *often* add late guests to the roster? How do you see the odds of a full Firefly cast showing up at the Heathrow Thistle? Will there be happy surprises? I LOVE happy surprises...sigh.

When I went to the Fusion convention this year, Sean was adding guests even in the very month of the convention. Every time I got online it was a pleasant surprise to see the site updated.

And yes, do tell who!


Friday, December 17, 2004 7:28 AM


We don't know who yet, Sean likes to keep these things close to his chest but it won't be a Firefly guest who has visited Starfury before as all the previous visitors are already announced! Sorry I can't be more helpful. I am guessing only Sean and the guest know who it is.



Friday, December 17, 2004 11:16 AM


As Andy has said, it is more than likely that the "surprise" guest, if there is one, will be announced on stage at the opening ceremony.

One thing you didn't mention was the photo session. I know you said you don't like the guests having to sign for hours, but all the FF guests we have had so far are still amazed at the fan base in the U.K. and are happy to sign for fans, plus you will still get a chance to have a chat with them, even for only a few minutes. You also have a chance to speak to them in the photo session, so I hope you and your daughter are going to get at least a couple of photos with the guests.

I am sorry you haven't got into the meet and greet, but in fact this is one of the few times that Sean has had a meet and greet, he doesn't normally do these at his conventions.


Friday, December 17, 2004 12:16 PM


It's also worth pointing out that, while they undoubtably do love the event, this is still a job for the actors concerned. They have to put up with much more onerous, difficult and boring things in their profession that have another fan ask for their autograph.

As far as extra guests go, the convention was scheduled to co-incide with the launch of the movie in the UK. I would have thought that if the movie had been released in May, most/all of the cast would have been over here plus have set aside that time specifically for promotional purposes (i.e. no acting jobs around those weeks). However the shift of release date means that they will be released from such restriction and therefore could take jobs plus they'd be coming over purely for this convention. This means that some people might be too busy to do it when they would have liked to if they were in the UK. For example, I think Joss would probably find it way too much of an imposition.

But the stars are only one element of a convention (I'm told, this'll be my first), there's also meeting other fans, dressing up, drinking booze and dancing badly.


Wednesday, December 22, 2004 6:26 AM


K, have to step in here, Creation doesn't punish people for not being able to buy their tickets on the first day but punishes them for not having much money instead, do you really think that's ok??
Just a thought...



Wednesday, December 22, 2004 6:29 AM


OOps! it might help if I read on before answering, sorry i just got p***sed off about the mail. We still ok?



Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:24 AM


Many an event (sporting, theater or music) is set up to reward best seats or favors to those patrons who line up early, or who are otherwise in a position to buy tickets the minute they go on sale. Even Creation Entertainment - with it's Gold Ticket Seating - tends to sell out those Gold Passes well before the event. I don't see how allowing latecomers an opportunity to buy admission to the Meet and Greet, as a separate charge, would necessarily "punish" anyone. (Creation Entertainment often hosts a charitable breakfast or luncheon for a separate fee, so people who want to meet the talent socially can do so while contributing to a cause.)

I don't get why this has become a debate about which is morally superior: First come/best served vs. premium priced tickets. Plenty of promoters use both to maximize sales and profit.

As to your question, Robin. I think we're okay... unless I continue to get the sad impression that I'm being cast as some Greedy Rich Ugly American.

Which I'm not. I'm just a Firefly mom who's going to be travelling a very, very long way and spending a lot to take my teenager to this convention. Naturally I want my kid to have a great time. Nothing more sinister than that.


Wednesday, December 22, 2004 11:05 PM


I've already apologised for sending the post in the first place, I think maybe your wording in your initial post confused me. The way you put things in your post now gives me a much better understanding of how things work at that seems ok.

I also have a sneaky suspicion that I may have simply been jealous of people who can afford all this stuff and, of course, you can go to American events and most of us can't afford that so, again the jealousy bit on my part.



Thursday, December 23, 2004 2:56 AM


I understand! I'm jealous of all of you who live in the UK, and got your tickets early, and can go to these Starfury events without spending a thousand dollars just to get there!! :-)

Also, I apologise for spelling your name wrong.
Robyn, is it? Are you in college or what?

General notice to FFFnet: There is so little Profile information about folks on this board vs. the OB. Maybe we should introduce ourselves before we meet in April?

I'll start! I'm Susan (obviously), in my forties, have a daughter, Samantha, who will be seventeen by the time we go to the Convention. I'm married and live in a largish town in New Jersey, U.S.A. Currently I work part-time as a teacher while I finish getting a Master's degree in education. My original degree was in human information processing. I used to write computer manuals. I'm a Trekker from way back, a lifelong sci-fi nerd, and still play Magic:The Gathering by 1990s rules. We got a whole box of Unhinged Booster Paks for "Chrisnukah" and haven't opened them all yet. When we get to the UK, Sami and I will be going up to Edinburgh to visit Jodie, who is studying at Napier University. When Jodie was Samantha's age, she lived in our house one summer while participating in a friendship program for N. Irish kids.

Can't wait to see Jodie again, see our BDH at the Convention, and meet all of you! It'll be great.

OK...who's next? Robyn?

Hamsters is nice...on toast points..with a little parmesan and lots of rosemary...


Thursday, December 23, 2004 4:09 AM


Susan, that's an impressive resume. I can only hope that one day I'll have achieved a level of qualification in my life equal to yours.

Ahh, still costly for people like me.... even though I like in England. I'll go ahead and introduce myself now.

My name's Phoebe (also quite obviously LOL!), and I'm currently 17 years old. I get £90 a month and I've had to save up almost all of that to be able to go - BUT its SO gonna be worth it! I get the feeling I'm gonna be one of the younger ones there, and since I aren't going to be there with a parent, or with anyone older than me... play nice with me please Most likely you're gonna think I'm about 14 years old LOL... I'm precisely 5'0" with long brown hair and blue eyes... and I get asked my age for a 15 rated movie, how sad, huh? Try not to knock me over, everyone at school does

I'm a college student studying Computing, Maths and Geography, hopefully gonna be studying at Nottingham University next year or the year after. I met Nate, Summer and Jewel at Starfury Fusion last year and fell in love with Firefly then.

Can't wait to meet all of you guys! I don't know anybody in real life who's a Firefly fan.


Thursday, December 23, 2004 6:41 AM


LOL! I'm an inch taller than you are, Phoebe

And DO NOT worry about not looking your age: I never looked my age either, and now I LOVE being mistaken for younger. They were still checking my ID at liquor stores until I was 40. I'm actually disappointed that they've stopped.

I'll look forward to introducing my daughter to you! It's nice to know there'll be others her age at this thing, esp. since I've been worried about the Evening Disco at this event, and whether Samantha would be admitted. I saw that PsychicRiver is only sixteen. Do either of you know what the policy will be at those late parties? Or whether there will be separate occasions for teenagers? (Or whether the Disco will be a non-alcoholic affair after all?)

Maybe experienced Starfury folk will help us with that as they introduce themselves, eh?

Bye for now!


Thursday, December 23, 2004 6:49 AM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:
LOL! I'm an inch taller than you are, Phoebe

And DO NOT worry about not looking your age: I never looked my age either, and now I LOVE being mistaken for younger. They were still checking my ID at liquor stores until I was 40. I'm actually disappointed that they've stopped.

I'll look forward to introducing my daughter to you! It's nice to know there'll be others her age at this thing, esp. since I've been worried about the Evening Disco at this event, and whether Samantha would be admitted. I saw that PsychicRiver is only sixteen. Do either of you know what the policy will be at those late parties? Or whether there will be separate occasions for teenagers? (Or whether the Disco will be a non-alcoholic affair after all?)

Maybe experienced Starfury folk will help us with that as they introduce themselves, eh?

Bye for now!

LOL! Lucky you. Hopefully I'll still be getting mistaken for younger when I've got a little older, huh?

Look forward to meeting Samantha then And not to worry, I think that the discos are intended to be available for people of all ages, so there's no worries about entering. At Fusion, the parties/discos were in a big hall, and there was a bar at the back, which sold, well... everything that a bar normally sells. Coca Cola, orange juice, smirnoff vodka... the works. The only place age will matter, hopefully, is when she/I go up to the bar. I don't know about Samantha but considering I don't drink anyway, that's not a problem for me *nods* I just found myself a table with a glass of orange juice and found myself someone to chat to.

Though, I've only been to the one event, but I'd imagine they'd all be the same... they won't throw their teenage guests out onto the street to waste while their parents go boozin'... no matter how much some parents might actually want that


Thursday, December 23, 2004 11:32 AM


Ooh, introductions, okay.

I'm Stuart, I'm 27 and I'm an IT consultant in Essex. I've been a long time fan of the Buffyverse and other assorted sci-fi but have never been to a convention before. I got into Firefly a few months ago and was about to introduce someone else to it when she started bugging me about watching this great series she'd seen. She also told me about this convention and we decided to go. Yeah, great story, I know.

Looking forward to meeting other fans in real life, but I probably ought to watch the series a few more times so I don't look hopelessly stupid compared to everyone else.


Thursday, December 23, 2004 11:51 AM


Gwynethh here

I am a 52 yr old engineer at the submarine shipyard in Portsmouth, New Hampshire USA. I got into Firefly just as it was finishing up on USA TV. After the DVDs came out I became a rabid fan. I will also be attending the Serenity con and thankfully sharing a room to save some wimpy dollars (unless we have a total currency collapse). I have not done any media cons but have been doing SF ones since 1977. After I retire I hope to be able to give more back to those conventions by volunteering.

Are You Asking me to Dance?


Thursday, December 23, 2004 2:30 PM


I'm Matt, I'm 16 years old. I'm an AS Level Student. I have been a buffy fan since I was 10. And Angel since it came out really. A Firefly fan for about a month...I think? I've never been to a convention either. Going with a friend from work, shes a long-time Buffy/Angel fan, who I introduced to Firefly at the weekend, she's taking a lot on faith by coming with me. We're gonna share a room to, soo expensive!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Thursday, December 23, 2004 11:12 PM


Right, here we go...
First off, my real name is not Robyn it's Emmy but I prefer to be Robyn on here and other boards, just to make life nice and confusing. I'm not English and don't live in the UK, I'm Dutch and, oddly enough, live in The Netherlands, Amsterdam, to be precise. :)

I am not in college anymore, I graduated at age 35, I'm 43 now and have no partner or kids. I am a translator by profession as well as by nature (Dutch- English) for those of you who are a bit slow on the uptake. :)

I am unfortunately also on disability and have been since the age of sixteen. I got sick when I was five and never fully recovered. It's not a sobstory though, apart from being a bl**y nuisance it also enables me to do things I could otherwise not do because I'd be too busy working. If anyone wants I'll explain.
By the way Susan the word Chrisnukah is wonderful, may I use it?

Ok, that's me in a nutshell, next!



Friday, December 24, 2004 1:58 AM


Err, why do you have to retire in order to volunteer at conventions?! I have volunteered ever since I started going to cons, can't do a convention without being a volunteer (they're called stewards over here in the U.K.


Friday, December 24, 2004 4:24 AM


Dear Emmy aka Robyn,

Use Chrisnukah all you like! It's gaining wider usage here in the U.S., along with variants such as Chrismakwanzakah (which happens to be the version on my phone machine right now).

So it appears that we are of an age, much as Samantha is about the same age as Phoebe! Good to know that the Serenity Con will reflect the whole spectrum of Browncoats, all ages, sizes, nationality and walk of life. I envy you your gift with languages; it's always been something I admire in others, including one of my brothers who is quite adept, and Sami, who seems to be picking up French with surprising ease. I have another friend - one I've converted to Firefly - who can swap between English, Mandarin, Japanese and a bit of Spanish. Great fun at Firefly parties!

I look forward to meeting you, Emmy!
If you travel frequently to the UK, perhaps you can share helpful hints


Friday, December 24, 2004 4:32 AM


Hey to Simon, Psych, Gwyn et all:

As I said to Robyn: So cool to see that Firefly humanity cross-section will be represented.

And Gwyn! Another Yank flying over despite the ever-more-depressing exchange rate! Maybe we can swap our twins/doubles for a quad room (do they have those at the Heathrow Thistle?) I wonder, do quad rooms have two bathrooms? Because four people sharing facilities would be inconvenient enough without one of the four being a teenager. EEk. Never mind.


Friday, December 24, 2004 4:59 AM


Hi! I like most linguistic play, which is, of course, one of the reasons why I like Joss Whedon stuff so much, like you I suspect. I speak other klanguages as well but am not as adept at them as these two. I'm one of at least five Dutch browncoats attending this shindig and some of them are my age and others are younger. I like the variety too.

What type of helpfull hint about England, or to be more specific, London would you like? I have been in London quite a few times in my life and love it very much. It helps, for instance to have punds sterling to exchnage for goods as dollars may not be accepted. :) Just kidding, I think that bit of info may be superfluous.
By the way I envy you your energy level that enables you to raise children. Well... not envy, as that implies I don't want you to have any, but just a tinge of green is definitely there. :)



Friday, December 24, 2004 7:04 AM


Funny to return home and read your message about energy and having children. I just came home from the gym, where I ran into a neighbor of mine and found that she's expecting a baby. Both of her other children are teenagers! I'm so jealous I could spit. If things were different, I would like to have had a whole household full of kids. Samantha used to have a younger brother, whom she misses very much (as do I).

Oh well. Life goes on. Enjoying other people's children has it's charms, too. That's why I like teaching, and being the rogue Auntie that I am.

I hope you have opportunities to be a Fascinating Influence on Other People's Kids


Friday, December 24, 2004 11:37 AM


Hi Fireflysuzie
My family will be at Serenity, Fred and I are in our late 40s, and the children are 10,12 and 16. Cat my daughter is 12 but looks older. We've been to a couple of Sean's conventions before, both in Blackpool, but the children came along to all the evening stuff with us, no problem. No blatant drunkeness or bad behaviour at least in the earlier part of the evenings so you've nothing to worry about there :=) Some of the jokes at the talks could maybe be regarded as off-colour by good parents, but that's what makes them funny, and in my experience, either the children don't understand it at all or sadly they find it hilarious too. Glad to hear of people travelling all that way to the UK, increasingly I'm thinking of getting to the US for the end September for the premiere (not the real thing, but just to be with other browncoats - I really don't think I could wait the extra two weeks or whatever). Need to try and persuade my company it's time they sent me to the Reston office!


Friday, December 24, 2004 11:54 AM



Another Yank flying over despite the ever-more-depressing exchange rate! Maybe we can swap our twins/doubles for a quad room (do they have those at the Heathrow Thistle?) I wonder, do quad rooms have two bathrooms? Because four people sharing facilities would be inconvenient enough without one of the four being a teenager. EEk. Never mind.

They do have quads in the Thistle, but not many, so I'd suggest you contact the hotel now. And no, they don't have two bathrooms - sorry.


Friday, December 24, 2004 1:01 PM


Hey - when did they confirm Adam for this event (just looked on the site and there's his name)? Have I been asleep or something, maybe I'm dreaming now?



Friday, December 24, 2004 1:10 PM


Which site are you looking at? I don't see Adam... I see Morena, Alan, Jewel, Summer and Nathan.


Friday, December 24, 2004 1:25 PM


(Checks quickly to see she's not being a prawn) yep still there:



Friday, December 24, 2004 1:28 PM


Also sort of replying to my own post which is bad, a note about the price rising to 75 GBP from 1st Feb which I didn't see before. Perhaps they are just testing?


Friday, December 24, 2004 10:54 PM


Hi Suzie,
I'm so sorry about the loss of your child, One of my best friends lost her son and she, her husband and their daughter miss him very much still, which is natural of course. They talk about him and he is still very much part of their lives.
I enjoy other people's kids too, and am a rogue auntie as well as a real auntie, my brothers live on opposite sides of the globe though, one in Singapore and one in Seattle. I don't know about fascinating but i definitely have influence of some sort. :)



Saturday, December 25, 2004 2:08 AM



Adam comming to Serenity has just been announced by Sean, the convention's organizer. It's his christmas present for us :-)

Now, who am I... Delphine, 25, living in Strasbourg, France. Studied biology, sociology & history of science, got no job but two cats and "nearly" a horse. I've discovered Firefly in March 2004, have bought two DVD sets and have recently been called The Converter
I've been to two other Starfury conventions (Senior Partners and The White Room) which I enjoyed a lot. Very much looking forward to Serenity!


Saturday, December 25, 2004 3:15 AM


Merry Christmas Grimma et al., nice to meet you!!! How do you "almost" own a horse? :)
I'm looking forward to meeting you and all the other people who are participating in this thread at Starfury.



Saturday, December 25, 2004 10:44 AM


Nice to meet you too!

("almost" as in I take care of her as if she were mine but I don't own her and I only pay the "running costs" like hoof grease)


Saturday, December 25, 2004 10:26 PM


Aha! Thanks for the explanation. :)

Isn't it great that Adam Baldwin is coming as well?



Sunday, December 26, 2004 12:13 AM


Oh yeah, that is pretty damn shiny if I do say so myself... this is gonna rock Lets hope Tim Minear and crew let him attend the con.


Sunday, December 26, 2004 12:16 AM


Yeah, here's hoping!


Sunday, December 26, 2004 1:42 AM


It`s gonna be soo expensive, I`m gonna have to rob a bank. still, got to be there, haven`t been to a con since ... well before some of you were born :) (just kidding, it has been a while).
Is there anybody else in the same situation? finding the price of hotel expensive for a single person and would like to share the cost of the hotel room? email me for conatact details (TheOne`AT` I really want to stay the 3 days (Friday, Saturday & Sunday).

p.s. Does anybody know if replica weapons are allowed in the hotel

Zol. (Darin)


Sunday, December 26, 2004 4:02 AM


Zol, why don't you post some information about yourself and perhaps we'll find someone who is looking for a compatible Serenity Con roomie?

Just a suggestion


Sunday, December 26, 2004 4:45 AM


Zol, why not post on the Serenity thread in the Starfury message board for a roomie?

As for replica weapons, not exactly frowned upon but might be difficult if you're flying into Heathrow from another part of the U.K. Mind you, having heard recently about the wonderful "security" at Heathrow, you probably could fly in carrying a replica - frightening thought! Having said that, we don't get as many replica weapons as we used to, so you may be a bit out of place.


Sunday, December 26, 2004 4:56 AM



Originally posted by Zol:
It`s gonna be soo expensive, I`m gonna have to rob a bank. still, got to be there, haven`t been to a con since ... well before some of you were born :) (just kidding, it has been a while).
Is there anybody else in the same situation? finding the price of hotel expensive for a single person and would like to share the cost of the hotel room? email me for conatact details (TheOne`AT` I really want to stay the 3 days (Friday, Saturday & Sunday).

p.s. Does anybody know if replica weapons are allowed in the hotel

Zol. (Darin)

If you're flying in at all, I don't think you'd be able to get it through to Heathrow, lol.... having tried the same thing.

That said, if not, call the Thistle, explain the circumstances, and ask?


Sunday, December 26, 2004 7:01 AM


Thanks Guys,

I live in the UK so flying is not a problem - I just don`t want to commute 100+ miles each day (although it would be the cheapest option - but the holstered weapon might be a bit of a problem

Here`s some personal details - I`m a 36 year old male and live in Gloucestershire. I have a fast car (or is that just a fast driver?

I`m hoping that I`ll have a suitable costume done in the 4 months before the con, I`ve already made a good start with some great buys.

Anyway, must book the con, and figure out the accomodation (I`m thinking maybe if there is a Premier Lodge nearby that might also be an option - time to do some googleing)


Zol. (Darin)


Sunday, December 26, 2004 9:33 AM


Adams coming! So what are the odds that we'll get Gina, Ron, and *sigh*, Sean to attend!??

I can't wait for this!! I just hope my friend buys her ticket soon, cos I don't wanna go alone!!! I'm really looking forwarfd to not just the convention itself...but meeting a lot of you. you al sound very interesting, and, some-what...well- traveled.

So exactly, how much *is* the hotel?

Oh, I'm gonna get a t-shirt printed that says "FireflyFans.Net" on the front and "PsychicRiver" on the back, and maybe "No power in the 'verse can stp me." under that.


Btw, any advice on how we can pay to meet, greet and have pictures taken with the stars? Or do we book that there?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Sunday, December 26, 2004 2:25 PM



There isn't another hotel near to the Thistle apart from the Sheraton. Still think your best bet is to put a message on the Starfury message board in the thread for Serenity, I'm sure there must be someone who is looking for a roomie. It's certainly better than having to commute from another hotel, especially after a night partying.


Sunday, December 26, 2004 2:29 PM


The prices for the hotel should be on the Serenity thread in the Starfury website message board.

As far as the "meet and greet", that takes place on the Friday evening for the first 170 attendees. If you're in the first 170, just follow other people up to the bar for the meet and greet!

As far as photo sessions, you can buy tix for these on the Friday, hopefully should be ready shortly after registration on Friday afternoon. At that time they will be selling tix for the Saturday photo session, and on the Saturday tix for the Sunday photo session will be on sale. That's the general rule, obviously there may be changes to this, but that is what normally happens at Sean's events.


Wednesday, December 29, 2004 4:18 AM


Hi Again,

Thanks to All,

I`m going to go the whole hog & have reserved a room in the hotel - that`s what credit cards are for

That will mean later nights & easier mornings

Anyway, still got to get through and book the con - just got to be a bit patient with the xmas holidays an`all.

Cheers & Good will to All!

Darin (Zol.)


Wednesday, December 29, 2004 11:28 AM


You will be able to book a ticket for the con from 10.00 am on Tuesday 4th January. Sean isn't taking any bookings until the New Year. Sorry, Zol - you'll have to be patient a little while longer before you can book for the con!


Saturday, January 1, 2005 2:15 PM


Howdy, y'all, don't think I've posted in this thread before.

40 year old Yank living near Cambridge, IT sysadmin geek. My wife told me to get a hobby besides computers, she didn't know I'd find an obsession!

Starfury will be my first con, wacky fun for all!

See you there!


Sunday, January 2, 2005 6:38 AM


It`ll be fun! You`ll really enjoy yourself!

Looking froward to seeing how many people turn up in costume - I`ve got some work to do but, I`m going to get a proffesional in to do some of the leather/seude work if I can :)

Shouldn`t be ablt to miss a 6 foot tall Browncoat with the neccessary equipment.



Sunday, January 2, 2005 11:53 AM


Really glad to hear about Adam, just hope he can definately come, all depends on his work commitments and his new show and all. Fingers crossed.

Looking forward to this con very much as it will all just be about Firefly. Won't be too hard to miss me either, six foot five and probably grinning a lot at being at a Firefly convention. Musing some costumes but nothing too wild. See you all there!


Monday, January 3, 2005 5:32 PM


Does any know which City code the ticket place is? I've got the country code, but I'm not sure if its Upper or lower london?

Plane tickets & hotel booked, just the con tickets to go.

Dogbert: Try not to think of yourself as an organic pain collector hurtling towards oblivion

Dilbert: Too late...


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 1:57 AM


To get tickets you call a person, not a place, I think it's a mobile phone?

all the info you need should be available at the con site,

Hey, tech, where are you coming from? The US?

See you there,

Cap'n Eric

aka Yank in Cambridge






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