The dregs of 2004

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 4, 2005 07:52
VIEWED: 2351
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Monday, January 3, 2005 9:04 AM


Okay folks, here's the rules:

List 3 theatrical movies that, in your opinion, shouldn't have gotten beyond the screenplay writing phase.

List 3 DVDs that, in your opinion, would serve better as drink coasters.

List 3 CDs that, in your opinion, made excellent mini-Frisbees.

List 3 books that, in your opinion, justify Hitler's literary bonfires.

List 3 TV shows that, in your opinion, weren't worth the powder it would require to blow them to hell.

And finally, list three news events, celebrities, etc that, in your opinion, prove Darwin wrong.

You can leave out any of the above categories if you want, or add a new category. But please limit yourself to 3 entries to each category.

I'm going to wait on creating my own list, because it'll take me some time to sort through the incredible amount of crap and compile a list.

--Jefé The Hat

--Don't bother trying to predict, figure out, second guess, criticize, or suggest anything that comes from the mind of Joss Whedon, for you shall usually be wrong, and shall find out the Truth and Purpose in due time.
(This is the Truth of Whedoning)

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Monday, January 3, 2005 9:14 AM


tv shows are easy:
1a. the swan
1b. the simple life
1c. the newly announced show with the woman trying to identify her adoptive father.

quite frankly, there are more that are all tied for first place. notice a trend here? luckily the local fox affiliate is refusing to show the last one.

as for people:
1a. britney spears
1b. ashlee simpson
1c. paris hilton

it is not a sexist thing, it just works out that way this year. a few years ago ricky martin was on my list. again, a three+ way tie for first.

my apologies to anyone who listed any of these shows/people on their "best of 2004" list, you are certainly free to have your opinion and this is mine.

cannot comment on theatrical releases. i only saw 3 this past year and i enjoyed them all (return of the king, bourne supremacy and the incredibles). cannot comment on CDs either. the ones i got this year were all worth it. no books either since most of the books i read this year were pretty good and none of them were released in 2004. finally, no DVDs either since i have not rented a movie in a while and the few that i have rented ranged from good to okay (none were terrible).


Monday, January 3, 2005 9:34 AM


Alien Vs. Predator
Resident Evil: Apocalypse

Not bought any poor DVDs this year

Reality TV Show ideas 2-200

Paris Hilton.
Paul W.S. Anderson

check out my WIP firefly roleplay system at


Monday, January 3, 2005 10:28 AM



Originally posted by chronicthehedgehog:
Alien Vs. Predator
Resident Evil: Apocalypse

man. those three were movies that i was kind of excited about when i heard about them. i only saw hellboy (on dvd). i did not think it was that bad. it could have been much better, but the attempt to appeal to a mass audience kind of sunk it. what about that movie landed it on this list for you?


Monday, January 3, 2005 10:30 AM


TV Shows - Big Brother, Jungle thingy, and that bingo thingy that Paul OGrady was in - Im not sure sure what is was called but I watched 5 minutes of it then turned it off!! Comedy - oh it was funny for all the wrong reasons.

Films - not necessarily in this order:
Alien V Predator
Van Helsing
Dawn of the Dead

Cd's - Keane are just Travis wannabes.
Scissor Sisters and that travesty of a cover of the Pink Floyd song.
And there was a noise coming from my daughters room earlier this year. It was called Busted. Will be if I hear it again.

"This movie may be a beautiful butterfly, but I loved that damn caterpillar." Joss Whedon.


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 5:37 AM


My biggest complaint about Hellboy was the music, it was as if they just put any old music over the top, especially during the big action sequences.
I didn't think the supporting characters were particularily interesting, though they were well acted. There never seemed any reason for Abe Sapiens, to the point of him dissapearing halfway through the movie.
I never felt any threat from the bad guys, all the stuff with them ressurecting him just didn't interest me.
With all the hype I'd been hearing about it I was expecting something amazing, and it really didn't live up to my expectations, except for Ron Perlman as Hellboy, who did a damn fine job of bringing the character over from the books.

check out my WIP firefly roleplay system at


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 6:36 AM



List 3 theatrical movies that, in your opinion, shouldn't have gotten beyond the screenplay writing phase.

Van Helsing
Alien vs Predator
Lord of the Rings *waits for flaming*


List 3 DVDs that, in your opinion, would serve better as drink coasters.

As above.... However the first three Harry Potter films


List 3 CDs that, in your opinion, made excellent mini-Frisbees.

Film soundtracks! (Not Film SCORES) but Soundtracks. I hate 'em. Tenious pop tunes attributed to action and events in films, rarey works.


List 3 books that, in your opinion, justify Hitler's literary bonfires.

Any thing to do with:

Be a better 'something':
Carbon based lifeform etc....


List 3 TV shows that, in your opinion, weren't worth the powder it would require to blow them to hell.

Oh man, there's this new thing that Channel 4 started showing over Christmas called:

*Tree Hill - what a load of garbage!!!!!
*Any reality TV show
*...especially that stoopid dressing up show with two munters yelling at middle class women what they should and shouldn't wear!


And finally, list three news events, celebrities, etc that, in your opinion, prove Darwin wrong.

Most news readers who thank there fellow reporters!!!

Piers Morgan... Twat!

Weather men and women: - Useless.
For Pictures:


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 6:48 AM


Well, I did say YOUR opinion, so you're entitled to not like LOTR... even if it does prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're a -faced poopeyhead with no taste in fine cinema...

--Jefé The Hat

--Don't bother trying to predict, figure out, second guess, criticize, or suggest anything that comes from the mind of Joss Whedon, for you shall usually be wrong, and shall find out the Truth and Purpose in due time.
(This is the Truth of Whedoning)

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 7:09 AM


... Thought that may bother some. But I'm only being honest.

Those films did nothing for me. If I liked them I'd say so.

I don't think I should agree with everyone else just to appear like some refined cinematic enthusiast.

As for my taste in fine cinema I'm sure I could list several films that we'd agree on as Classics.

Lord of the Rings just isn't one of them.

....And why if you like it so, reduce it to an acronym?

Talk about unrefined....

For Pictures:


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 7:19 AM


I never claimed to be refined, I claimed to be brilliant, charming, tasteful, handsome, and very tall. But refined? Not so much.

LOTR is easier to type than is Lord of the Rings, and we Americans have a tendency to make acronyms out of pretty much anything containing more than two words.

The three Lord of the Rings movies (happy?) were brilliantly done, even if they did take liberty with the books (what adaptation doesn't?). If you didn't like them, well, that's your opinion, and honestly puts you in the lower percentile of the general population of those who saw it (they made what we call "kajillions" of dollars at the box office, and even more on video and DVD, so I daresay the majority of the people out there disagree with you. Not that you aren't entitled to your own personal opinion, even if you are a cinematic heathen... but i digress)

--Jefé The Hat

--Don't bother trying to predict, figure out, second guess, criticize, or suggest anything that comes from the mind of Joss Whedon, for you shall usually be wrong, and shall find out the Truth and Purpose in due time.
(This is the Truth of Whedoning)

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 7:33 AM



Originally posted by BadgersHat:
I never claimed to be refined, I claimed to be brilliant, charming, tasteful, handsome, and very tall. But refined? Not so much.

Well you may wanna work on refined. You'd almost be perfect.


LOTR is easier to type than is Lord of the Rings, and we Americans have a tendency to make acronyms out of pretty much anything containing more than two words.

Yeah I know I'm just being difficult :)


The three Lord of the Rings movies (happy?)

Yes thanks :)


were brilliantly done, even if they did take liberty with the books (what adaptation doesn't?)

I'd never dispute that. They are beyond brilliantly done. They are a cinematic marvel. I like Peter Jackson and I cannot but admire what he's done with those films. He is an exceptional individual to be able to co-ordinate such a huge cinematic task is breathtaking.

Sadly for me I just didn't engage with them. That may be me, that may be a question of where my head was at at the time of viewing. I just don't know.

I just know I cannot make myself like them. Simple as that.


If you didn't like them, well, that's your opinion, and honestly puts you in the lower percentile of the general population of those who saw it (they made what we call "kajillions" of dollars at the box office, and even more on video and DVD, so I daresay the majority of the people out there disagree with you. Not that you aren't entitled to your own personal opinion, even if you are a cinematic heathen... but i digress)

Well that's nothing but fair mate. I do realise I'm in a minority. Been here before and I dare say I'll be there again. I'm still trying to convince people of the genius that is:
"Buckaroo Bonzai across the 8th Dimension"
But again here I'm in a minority....

The cinematic heathen -

For Pictures:


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 7:52 AM


3 Movies: Catwoman, Shrek 2, and Van Helsing

3 DVDs: I would say the three above, but I wouldn't even bother with them so, The 2nd Disc of Harry Potter and the third and fourth disc of the extended Return of the King (sometimes it just seems like too much).

3 CDs: Not limiting it to three here; almost any album that was made by a teenage "actress."

3 Books: I have no clue, I only get what I want to read and I'm not going to pass judgement on what I haven't read (unlike the above music).

3 TV Shows: The Swan (I blame it on killing Wonderfalls), Survivor 43: The Kansas Cornfield, and whatever show it was that the WB chose to make instead of Angel (I know it never made it, which hurts even more).

3 Celebrities: I'm with EST120, if your last name is Simpson, Spears or Hilton, just go away.

"Well, other than being shot at by the Electric Mayhem, I'm fantastic."






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