UPDATED: Thursday, February 3, 2005 08:26
VIEWED: 2185
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Thursday, February 3, 2005 2:10 AM


AICN lost all of its credibility after I read how great the 2nd Star Wars movie was supposed to be. This guy was creaming his pants about getting a sneak preview of the second movie in a hotel room. From his glowing review you thought he might of just seen Lawrence of Arabia. The movie turned out to be another S fest vomited out by Lucas. I will judge for myself how good Serenity will be. AICN can go pound sand.



Thursday, February 3, 2005 2:28 AM


The 'sneak preview' says it all.

I can't trust any but the most cynical and professional film critics when it comes to sneak preview. I'm thinking 'Dorothy Parker' and Tom Paulin level here. It's shocking the way Aint It Cool News flaunts the fact that they got a sneak AND lots of free merchandise, a signiture from the director etc in their review lead ups. It just screams of fanboy corruption and essentially means that we cannot trust them in their reviews, because they're biased before they've already seen the film.

And if they start giving bad reviews, then maybe the sneak previews will start drying up, eh? And where will a site be that's prided by geeks for their spoilers and sneak info?

Also, the information provided on their site is frequently inaccurate and poorly researched.

Worst of all are the talk backers. I only posted there about four times, in a gentlemanly fashion praising 'Master & Commander', 'Battlestar Galactica 2004', Firefly (natch) and my anticipation for Spielberg's clever adaptation of War of the Worlds. I was astonished by the ammount of hateful whining, rants, childish insults, homophobia, cynicism and bad spelling on the board. The latest thread about Ray Park's charity efforts for the Tsunami disaster met with bad jokes and political rants from some quarters. Not all of the posters are arses, some of them quite intelligent and nice, but the majority are wretched geeks who give people like us who have a healthy love for good storytelling a bad name.

And they seem to hate Joss because of Alien Ressurection. They've never forgiven him, or the fact that Firefly isn't Enterprise. It's a sustained barrage against him in all the talkbacks, with only a few hardy browncoats defending him. And this despite the fact that they all admit to not having watched the show, because it is Joss, and therefore must be crap.

If it reassures you, Aint It Cool News is seen as a sick joke of a site amongst largely all other film websites. There's a good and gentlemanly alternative that tries to stay independant, but dang if I can't remember it's name.

I wash my hands of Harry and his maladjusted cohorts.


P.S: Sorry for the astonishing rant there, but I was so annoyed after ages of reading TalkBacks there as if slowing down to gawp at traffic accidents. I just had to purge myself.

"If you can keep your head whilst others... eurgh! Ack! I've spilt my ink! Ugh! Ink on my trousers! Agh! Ink on my shirt! My only hope! The window! Aieeeeee!" (Falls to death)
- Jonathan Nash


Thursday, February 3, 2005 5:07 AM


AICN has NEVER had any credibility with me. For such a long running site it is still incredibly amateurish and I'm sure they only get the perks they do because, for some unknown reason, they are popular.

Part of it is a cycle. They have a unique way of reporting information they get, which means fans get news they wouldn't otherwise get. THAT is the only reason most people go there [and I prefer to get second-hand reports].

The site is poorly designed by modern standards and they need some form of moderation on the talkbacks [admittedly, difficult to do with the way things are set up].

Um... rant over. Prematurely, I assure you, but I have more important things to do =P.

"FOX! Where the shit hits the fans." - Tim Minear


Thursday, February 3, 2005 7:01 AM


I read AICN for years, because you can get some good info there, find out what's going on with your favorite tv show. When Buffy was running, I always visited becuse Buffy got some slammin' reviews on that site. fateful day, I scrolled down and read the talkback. Imagine my shock, when I found, not a discussion of the movie being reviewed, but a hideous stream of insults and vitriol. How on earth any movie, ever, could inspire such idiotic, angry ramblings, I'll never understand. The site is fanboy-ish, and definately biased, but for talkbackers to accuse Harry of 'sucking Joss Whedon's @*#*' because he gave a good review of a Whedon project shows the worst kind of immaturity. It doesn't matter the topic, AICN talkbackers are going to act in the same rude manner. And I'll tell you, since I've read the Talkback, that site is no longer one I care to be informed by. I know, I sound like the biggest prude ever, but I'll stick to these parts, where people have something to say that's worth hearing.
Good thread! I needed to say that!

"I'll be in my bunk."


Thursday, February 3, 2005 7:14 AM


Hey, I'm just glad to see people ripping each other to shreds over something other than religion and politics.

To be honest, I enjoy reaading the talkbacks. Of course they're overwhelmingly negative, rude, bigoted, and mostly consists of warring fanboy camps. But the world is full of people like that, and at least the talkbacks contain the occasional punchline.

Herc may possibly be a bigger Whedon fan than I (a feat not easily accomplished), and I can't remember him ever giving an episode of Buffy or Angel less than 3.5 stars. This has probably stirred up resentment among those who feel their shows don't get the attention and/or respect they deserve. Of course, their shows suck and Whedon's are awesome. So there's that.

"Be ashamed to die before you have scored some victory for humanity." -- Horace Mann


Thursday, February 3, 2005 7:31 AM


I love AICN!

I could care less about the opinions of the writers or talkbackers (especially the Talkbackers). AICN is a great site for getting advanced information on films. Very often I will read something first on AICN and a couple days later Sci Fi Wire, TV Guide, or USA Today will finally mention the same item in a blurb. Just as often AICN is where I will learn where to find stills, clips or previews from a film/TV show I am looking forward to.

AICN has some decent industry connections and this alone is why it is valuable. It is a website by and for movie geeks (particularly genre movie geeks). It is was it is... and it's free! So what are you all complaining about?



Thursday, February 3, 2005 8:26 AM


Has anyone read Harry Knowles' book Ain't It Cool?
It's pretty entertaining.






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