The Virtual Series Project (2)

UPDATED: Thursday, January 30, 2003 05:49
VIEWED: 17165
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Monday, January 27, 2003 4:51 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Again, if you guys let me know when an episode is done, I'll post the completed script as a feature on this site and add the episode to the episode guide and list it as a virtual episode, which means that people can review it, etc..


Monday, January 27, 2003 4:53 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Oh, and btw, do you all want a separate forum area? Something like "Virtual Firefly"? Let me know and I'll add it.


Monday, January 27, 2003 6:59 PM


I think we plan on moving all of this to a site, we just don't have a site yet. Haken, thank you for your kindness of not only giving us the opportunity of having a forum of our own but actually adding our episodes to the episode guide. It is very much appreciated and these scripts will not let you guys done. Firefly shall live on.


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 4:04 AM


I don't know whose intentions you've visited.

I think we should keep the virtual eps here--planning threads and all. Haken has been a kind and generous site admin thus far. It's a great board, we'll all very creative here and things are working out.

So, maybe things would be a mite easier if Haken created a separate "room" for this, akin to the Blue Sun.

Not trying to be bitchy, just making sure gift horses don't get looked in the mouth.



Tuesday, January 28, 2003 4:20 AM


Yes, please !

A forum all of our very own. That way we can keep all the stuff together and have a thread per eppy and not bog this forum down !

Will get back to y'all on the kaylee-ep, kay ?


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 4:22 AM


Yeah, having a board devoted to us would only be very kind but convenient. We could hae a sectionfor the actual episodes, another for planning them, one for deadlines, and whatever else needs to be taken care of.


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 6:13 AM



I would love for you to add the eps for review. And to have a board or something butt i think we are going to create a site so that people can download the episodes.


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 3:25 PM



Question 1. Do we have a volunteer to helm the first two eps. & Question 2. Can someone post a brief outline of these episodes in scrip format

Lost Angel and I are working off line on this. Here's what were thinking in response to your points:


The crew talk about the need for a job. Wash mentions that a friend on Isis may need their help. Inara has a client planet side that she wants to see.

Act One
Inara leaves. Some members of the crew meet Hui.

Act Two
Simon meets Hui and learns the plan while Book and Jayne entratain River.

Much of this will be entered mid stream and we won't see Inara leave at the top of the episode. It will mostly be Wash, Mal and Simon going into town for the deal with Hui and Book, River, Kaylee and Zoe on Serenity while Jayne and Inara will pick up in part two, "Objects At Rest".


Act Three
what ever

Act Four
The crew return to the landing site to find the ship gone.

Not happening. I'll leave this to someone else to do a whole episode on or to do in another story, but it is too much for this one. This episode will run through the deal with Hui and the sabotage by Jubal Early as I outlined previously (at least that's what I intend - gotta cover this with my partner in crime). The shuttle blows and crashes. The End.


Teaser Ep Two
Recounts the high points from the first ep. Shuttle one crashes.

Act One
We learn that Badger or some one else a minon of Niskas perhaps has hijacked the ship for reason X.

Act Two
find the shuttle and repair it while talking to Hui.

Act Three
The crew decide to use one of Huis ships to get Serenity back.

Act Four
Serenity now under controll of the ship they deliver Huis goods.

Never saw this anywhere, but what episode two of this will be about is, starting where Simon, Wash and Mal go off to meet up with Hui to secure the deal, the leave Zoe in charge. Zoe lays down the law with Jayne because he's being an ass about River's condition and he and Book nearly come to blows, so she kicks him off ship and tells him to be back in Mal's time table.

Inara, explains that she can see an old client, pleasure not business, while they are here and goes off to do so. He is very old and she will visit him for what is probably the last time. He's an old general from the Alliance side during the war, so she tells no one the truth and gets mixed up in some manuverings by his family to do away with him. She take smatters into her own hands and there are questions as to her criminal nature by the end. Sometimes Companions must do things that normally they'd regret, but at the right time are appropriate.

Jayne goes carousing and ends up getting tagged by a prostitute who is reporting to Allience Operatives when he starts muttering drunkenly/bragartly about Serenity and what Mal did (putting him in the airlock and all). This thread could lead to Serenity getting nabbed in the other story.

However, the primary plot will be entirely character driven and be Zoe, Kaylee and Book trying to get at what is wrong with River only to discover she's in a recharge mode of sorts. Her programming may be nutralized for a while but there's no way to know for how long. There will be much more about Zoe's strength as a motherly leader, but also a great deal of Book being "normal" rather than being Preacherly. Kaylee will take care of River while Simon is gone and they will begin to develop a sisterly bond, and while River is semi-catatonic, Kaylee will talk about her feelings for Simon. Since "OAR" will end with Simon and Kaylee kissing scene after the shuttle crash, they "get together" and can have a romance in further stories - take that where you will.

End with the last scenes from episode one (shuttle crash and all) only this time from the POV of those left back on Serenity. Simon and Kaylee kiss - "chosing paths" lines from Simon.

The end

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 4:23 PM


Sorry, didn't mean to confuse--I was just wondering, as I'd seen it mentioned by those organizing. I agree that this is a great site and I'd love to keep it here (I really like the idea of a separate section on this board, actually, but it's up to those organizing)--I was only suggesting that once an ep starts getting actually written, a new thread might be useful--we could see the script taking shape--and if not, no problem--just a thought. :-)



Wednesday, January 29, 2003 4:41 AM


I want to thank you LB, for taking this free-for-all and shaping it into something organized, yet fun. (I never did see the two of them work together) This is really shiny and I can't wait until we have our own play room.

I've been getting email at home from lurkers begging for more stuff! I can't believe it! I directed them all to this thread, and hopefully this will call out to Joss and other biggies in ME.

OK, that's my little pep talk for now. Gotta write!

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 5:06 AM


You are so popular, LA. I'm jealous.



Wednesday, January 29, 2003 5:11 AM


Uh ?

I was under the prior impression that OIM would end with the crash of the shuttle with OAR then picking up with the crew rushing to recover it ?

No ?

Do we just want to make these Three Act / Teaser episodes ? Or did I just interpret the outlines wrong ?

JAYNE: Anybody remember her comin' at me with a butcher's knife?

WASH: Wacky fun.

JAYNE: (annoyed) You wanna go, little man?

WASH: (flippantly) Only if it's someplace with candlelight.

One of my favourite Wash/Jayne segments.


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 5:22 AM


But you're so talented, I'm such a fan of yours, I wish I could write as well as you do.

Here's a kiss for you too:

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 5:26 AM


The episodes are supposed to be 4 acts and a Teasaer and as for the iniatial episode there is some debate on what is going to be done and a couple of diffrent people working on diffrent things I plan to open correspondance with all of them today so that we can have every thing straitend out and no one is stepping on anyone elses toes.

If you would like to write episodes of the Virtual series add your name to the FFVS writers thread.


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 5:28 AM


No, you arent' confused, I'm just taking a hard stance on the few bits I came up with because the (A) the rest of it diverges too much and (B) the other things are other people's ideas that I don't want to tread on either.

Basically, I want to do the two episode concept such that the events in ep 1 and 2 are running paralelle but the reader is indroduced to the out of normal order. OIM ends with a shuttle crash but it's treated as a cliffhanger. OAR builds up to that same crash, but the results and ramifications are dealt with, as well as all the other plot bits still left from part one.

I would say that the notion of having a thread for each story idea is the best I've heard yet. Basically, in that instance, stories can be brough to fruition and ideas can be tossed out into new threads that don't work there but that might work elsewhere.

Don't get me wrong, and please don't be offended by my being a little territorial here, but LostAngel and I are sort of gelling in our approach and I think our styles match up more than others. It's not meant as a snub.

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 6:03 AM


Hmmm, I seem to be a bit confused, because I got an outlnie of the first episode mailed to me and I was told I was writing it and that it would be a 90 minute episode of 6 acts. I have started writing it and I am into it right now. Apparently someone else is also writing it color me confused. Act 4 ends with Serenity being missing, and the episode is 90 minutes so it cuts into episode 2. There is also a lot of stuff that Gaulio has mentioned that LegalBeagle did not put in my draft such as having Jayne run into a prostitute and such and mentioing Jubal Early again.I am just doing what I was told to do and I would just like some clarification.


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 6:42 AM


Well, I tell you what. You just keep writing. Me and LostAngel will keep writing. When we all get done, we can call these things whatever we like.

As I said before, I want to handle Hui's introduction so I can set the tone of the character. Too many people were making him out to be a complete burnout, and I would rather him be a little more congnisant. We can do all of the elements of the story I've outlined above without interfering too greatly witheveryone else.

Problem was, we had too many cooks and then we were all partitioned out stuff to work on that had no bearing on the direction or ideas we started with. The crash, Jubal Early, all the nits in the outline I did above were in the original thread, by me. I don't mind collaboration at all, but I also don't want stuff going all crazy with the plot. Too many ships going missing and Kaylee's a Companion and...well, it was just too much in one thing. So, when Legal started taking charge, I asked to have first dibs on the stuff I'd come up with, mainly Hui and Jubal, and then the rest of you can do whatever.

It's not that big a deal, is it?

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 6:45 AM


No it isn't, I was just curious as to what I should be doing. Should I incorporate the extra events that you listed in my episode as well. I am almost positive I will have taken a different direction with Hui than you did.


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 6:55 AM


My approach would probably be drastically different to yours, so I can't say if you should include parts of my outlined intentions above. If you want to, that's cool. I think even using Jubal is cool because all I intend to do is show that his motivations for hunting River are not driven by money, but more by something personal.

Hui is going to be a good go-to guy and someone they can get the crew good, solid jobs so that they don't have to contend with Niska-types and so that it is established that they have a reletively steady source of income. He won't be too much of a burn out and he won't be too much of a hard case, appart from the obvious desire to stay well clear of the Alliance where all the crime is concerned.

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 6:59 AM


I have Hui as some what of an old rival with Wash, I can still have it so that he is a reliable source and they shouldn't have to worry about him.


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 9:54 AM


I have him sort of loosely developed as Wash, but with an aptitude towards electronics rather than piloting. He'll be no more doopey than Wash is, and may even have his own collection of plastic Dinos on his workbench (I see a conversation like " have a Diplodicus?! I have a T-Rex and a Triceratops...", "Really? Well check this out..."...etc.

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 2:32 PM


To All please for give me for my part in lending to the conflict and confusion here.

LA I was not aware that you and Phil where working on the first two episode of the FireFly Virtual series. Because I did not have this first hand Knowledge when I was approached by someone else who was interested in writing the first episode I said that he could have at it. Through correspondence with Daniel the last two or three days I decided to shorten the episode to 90 minutes and to get rid of early all together. After reading your post and seeing what you have in store I was wondering if you would be interested in doing this as a second episode.

Daniel I would also ask you to take Hui out of the story if you make this an episode.

LA and G this does not have to happen but would be beneficial. In doing this episode I would focus on the Inara story and highlight it with a Jubal sub plot. This seems like it would be a great episode.

It seems that while you to where working off line on the episode I had given permission to Daniel to do it.

Again I am so sorry. Here is what Daniel is working with to do the 90 minute premier he has tentatively titled Panic he has given me some other titles to think about but I think we are going to go with something more along the lines of A Chaotic Storm or something because I really don’t like one word titles but we will make that decisions when the entire episode is written at the rate he is going that will be tonight.

Again I am sorry and want you to see what he is working with for the episode so you know where to begin and or what to do. In this form there are seven acts but when the final is done it will only be six. We have already taken a bit of this out but this is what I started with thus what he started with. Daniel made some changes and now has the plans for the episode that he is writing. I read the teaser last night and it is excellent. Wash has some great lines and I think every one will be pleased with the episode.

I think that will fix every thing. Dan just make up a different character and LA and guys don’t use Badger and lose the bit at the end about the ship disappearing if possible that way will have this for the premire yours for two and three and mine for four.

Wash and Zoe are in bed together conversating. After a minute something starts to beep and Wash gets up and flips up a computer screen. We then see the image of Hui on the monitor who ask Wash to take a job.

Act One
Mal, Zoe, Wash, Jayne, Inara, and Simon are in the kitchen area discussing the invitation to take the Job from Hui. Inara mentions that she has a client in the area that she would like to see. Simon ask for a cut so that he is able to get a special medication for his sister that he believes will work better than anything they have.

Act Two
Inara's shuttle leaves and Serenity lands at the docks in a major city on Isis. (Isis is a world just outside of alliance control but with technology equivalent to what we saw on Ariel)

Mal, Wash, Zoe, and Simon meet with Hui and discuss the job. They are to get supplies from the Alliance as a currier but they are to deliver it to an off world contact of Hui's instead of the Alliance.

While working out Book and Jayne notice River who is examining the door. When River leaves the ship sprouting off Riverisims, Book and Jayne decide to follow her.

As the tree leave the ship we see Badger and his gang.

Act Three
Mal, Wash, Zoe, and Simon accept the terms of Hui's deal after Simon haggles a little bit and is able to get some surveillance equipment.

Book, Jayne and River continue to walk through the crowded streets until River starts to realize something is wrong. When she falls flat on her face Jayne believes that it is the alliances and takes off back toward the ship. Book picks River up and heads off after Jayne.

Act Four
Book, Jayne and River meet up with Mal, Wash, Zoe, and Simon at the ships landing site. As they realize the ship is gone Mal begins plotting to retake the ship.

Jayne believes that it is the alliance while Mal and Zoe seem to be leaning toward Niska while Simon who didn't seem to like Hui believes that he is to blame for the ships disappearance.

Badger has Kaylee tied up in the engine room and tells her that the captain will come for her and that is just what he wants.

Act Five
Mal, Wash, Zoe, Jayne, Simon, River, and Book continue to debate what to do as Inaras shuttle crashes in the background.

Badger contacts Mal.

The crew split up as half go to talk to Hui and half go to investigate Inaras crash.

Act Six
The crew get a ship from Hui. (Wash and Zoe should go to see Hui)

The rest of the crew make it to the crash site and are able to repair Inara's Shuttle. (Mal, Simon, River should go to rescue Inara. Mal not saying that he cares for her and Simon and River because she might need a doctor)

You get to pick where the other character Book and Jayne get to go.

Act Seven
With two ships and a plan Hui and the crew of Serenity retakes the ship.

You get to decide what happens to Badger


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 2:55 PM


So whose story is this one? (lol) It ain't mine!!!


Wash and Zoe are in bed together conversating. After a minute something starts to beep and Wash gets up and flips up a computer screen. We then see the image of Hui on the monitor who ask Wash to take a job.

Act One
Mal, Zoe, Wash, Jayne, Inara, and Simon are in the kitchen area discussing the invitation to take the Job from Hui. Inara mentions that she has a client in the area that she would like to see. Simon ask for a cut so that he is able to get a special medication for his sister that he believes will work better than anything they have.

Essentially...yes. No on the medication, as they have that in spades, but Wash figues Simon could get more of a cut if he were more involved so suggests Hui who deals in less risky crime. Of course, nothing turns out so easy.


Act Two
Inara's shuttle leaves and Serenity lands at the docks in a major city on Isis. (Isis is a world just outside of alliance control but with technology equivalent to what we saw on Ariel)

Mal, Wash, Zoe, and Simon meet with Hui and discuss the job. They are to get supplies from the Alliance as a currier but they are to deliver it to an off world contact of Hui's instead of the Alliance.

Except, as I said, Zoe will stay on Serenity. Also, all this takes place in act one and Jubal is revealed lurking during this.


While working out Book and Jayne notice River who is examining the door. When River leaves the ship sprouting off Riverisims, Book and Jayne decide to follow her.

River is catatonic and completely placid, so she says nothing really and so this stuff won't be in there. I already mentioned that I have Jayne going off to get duped by a prostitute as a sub plot of part two of this, so this storyline isn't even in part one.


As the tree leave the ship we see Badger and his gang.

Did you mention above for me to leave Badger alone for Daniel? Now I'm mixed up...


Act Three
Mal, Wash, Zoe, and Simon accept the terms of Hui's deal after Simon haggles a little bit and is able to get some surveillance equipment.

Book, Jayne and River continue to walk through the crowded streets until River starts to realize something is wrong. When she falls flat on her face Jayne believes that it is the alliances and takes off back toward the ship. Book picks River up and heads off after Jayne.

Act Four
Book, Jayne and River meet up with Mal, Wash, Zoe, and Simon at the ships landing site. As they realize the ship is gone Mal begins plotting to retake the ship.

Jayne believes that it is the alliance while Mal and Zoe seem to be leaning toward Niska while Simon who didn't seem to like Hui believes that he is to blame for the ships disappearance.

Badger has Kaylee tied up in the engine room and tells her that the captain will come for her and that is just what he wants.

Act Five
Mal, Wash, Zoe, Jayne, Simon, River, and Book continue to debate what to do as Inaras shuttle crashes in the background.

Badger contacts Mal.

The crew split up as half go to talk to Hui and half go to investigate Inaras crash.

Act Six
The crew get a ship from Hui. (Wash and Zoe should go to see Hui)

The rest of the crew make it to the crash site and are able to repair Inara's Shuttle. (Mal, Simon, River should go to rescue Inara. Mal not saying that he cares for her and Simon and River because she might need a doctor)

You get to pick where the other character Book and Jayne get to go.

Act Seven
With two ships and a plan Hui and the crew of Serenity retakes the ship.

You get to decide what happens to Badger

Tell you what, since none of that jives with what I'm writing, I'm considering bowing out. Seems like I;ve offered up what me and LostAngel have discussed, but there's also been a lot of other off-list conversations as well and I've missed some things that sneaked into the process. Inara's shuttle doesn't crash in mine, I don't write her story in until part two, and then it's a sub plot dealing with her morality and willingness to commit a criminal act - I mentioned that before.

So am I completely confused and lost here???

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 3:31 PM


That seems to be fine what i was thinking is that either you could take the crash out and Daniel could change the name of the contact. we spread the two eps out a bit so that we dont have to wash's contect gets the crew a job stories back to back and we use both of them. I think this will work. We might have to make some slight changes to one script or the other heer or theer but I don't think it will be that big of a deal just as long as the plots are not so similar that it seems like we've done the same thing twice and reading this it does not seem to be a problem you are using Jubal and Dan is using Badger. And as you pointed out there are a number of other diffrences.

Going to go and create a new thread now. VR 3 bye


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 4:33 PM


Cool. I wouldn't thing back to back Hui stories would be so bad anyway, particularly in lligh of the fact that he's going to use Badger.

I'll shoot you the script for Part One: Objects in Motion tomorrow.

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”


Thursday, January 30, 2003 3:13 AM


That sounds good. what email addy are you going to send it to.


Thursday, January 30, 2003 5:49 AM


I have no idea. lol

I looked on your profile, but you don't have an e-mail listed. You tell me... :p

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”






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