Brilliant Serenity Interview

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Sunday, February 20, 2005 4:50 AM


SFX magazine in the UK ran a great interview in the March addition. It runs over four pages with pictures.

Article in SFX magazine. March issue 128

The crew of the Serenity are back together again. Nathan Fillion, Morena Baccarin and Summer Glau speak to Ian Berriman.

Summer Glau is holding a gun to Nathan Fillion's face.
Don't worry, our interview hasn't descended into a life-threatening argument about who gets the most close-ups. I'm at a convention with three stars of the TV series Firefly. Joss Whedon's ill-fated western-in-space was cancelled in its first season, but has been given a second bite at the cherry, with Serenity (a feature film version) now in the can. As well as Nathan (aka Mal Reynolds, captain of the ship Serenity), and Summer (River, kooky victim of experimental mind-messing) there's Morena Baccarin (Inara, classy space hooker).
The gun is one of the cheap plastic water pistols which all three gamely pose with. And, to be honest, it's not so much that Summer is holding a gun to Nathan's face as that he's trying to insert the end of the barrel up his left nostril. He can't resist goofing around. Later, when he should be striking his best heroic pose, he holds his gun upside down and gawps at it like a drooling dimwit instead.
These three have been through a lot together, and you can tell. Seated on a sofa after the photo shoot, they naturally point towards each other. Morena's curled up on one side, Summer's perched in the middle, Nathan's turned towards both of them. Nathan is dryly funny. Morena is radiant, with a huge, open-mouthed laugh. Summer's spooky looks are unnerving (until you realise how cute she is!), and the quietest of the three. They all finish each other's sentences, like some three-sided married couple. There's a powerful sense that they're good friends, and overjoyed to be together again.

SFX: You three have been through some big ups and downs.
Morena: I got thrown into it so quickly that for me it was just up, up, up all the way…
SFX: Oh, that's right, you were a replacement for the person originally cast as Inara….
Morena (faking annoyance) I was not a replacement. I was the better choice.
Nathan: She was a late original!
Morena: I never even had a second to think 'Oh god, am I gonna get this job or not?' It happened so quick. And then it crashed and burned…..
SFX: How did you feel when you heard Firefly was no more?
Morena: It was a sad day.
Nathan: As a rule, I try not to fall in love with a project. I learned when I first came up to Los Angeles, the moment someone says, 'It's guaranteed!', it's gone. Having had the rug pulled out from under me early in the game I thought, 'Okay, lesson learned, I'm gonna try and stay reality-based about things.' With Firefly it was a fight, because I was in love. I was in love and then…I got dumped!
Morena: I didn't mean to hurt you!
Nathan: No, I was talking about Summer! Yeah, that was a heartbreaking day. They called off work early, and I went home thinking, 'What are we gonna do?' We had another four or five days left of filming and I thought, 'These are gonna be the saddest days'….
Morena: ….but there was actually quite a bit of freedom after that. We had a really good time. The running joke was, 'What are they gonna do? They can't fire us!'
Nathan: People came back to work with the idea of having as much fun as they possibly could while we were still there.
Summer: We loved each other so much. But then we stayed in touch. We didn't know if it was gonna work out for us to stay friends, and then it did. And Joss promised us, 'This is not the end. I don't know what I'm gonna do but I'm gonna do something!' And here we are.
SFX: It's amazing. How many TV series get a second chance?
Morena: Have there been any that have been turned into movies after being cancelled? I can't think of any!
SFX: Not until 20 years later, You could have all come back to do Firefly: The Next Generation as pensioners.
Morena: Oh God!
Nathan: But Firefly's not something that I would define as a franchise. 11 episodes aired, three that never saw the light of day. And now here we are….Universal has been so supportive. They really believe in Joss.
SFX: What did it feel like when you were back together, doing a script read-through?
Nathan: Like sweet victory!
Morena: Like we'd just gone away on a hiatus and then come back – it didn't feel like a year and a half.
SFX: So when you got back on set, did it feel the same?
Morena: It was seamless. The crew was different, so there was a different dynamic.
Summer:…..but we fell in love again. When we first started the series, we thought, 'We'll never get a crew this good, we'll never be this happy again.' Then we came back on the Universal lot and it was better than ever. After three days I was as in love as ever!
Morena: I know!
Summer: Joss is really good at choosing people who work as a team, and it just makes for a special experience.
SFX: Come on, there must have been something bad about it?
Nathan: There's Summer – sour grapes Summer Glau! (Summer giggles.) One of the many jokes is that whenever something goes wrong, it's Summer's fault. It's especially funny when she's not there!
Summer: I was the new kid during the series. I barely knew how to stand on a mark. At my first read through, when we got extra pages of script, I didn't know how to put those in, so I got lost, and had to read off Morena's script. So I was the natural one to blame if things went wrong!
Morena: I think we have a shot of everyone in the cast going, (wearily, shaking her head), 'Summer!'
SFX: So did you look for things to blame her for?
Morena: Yes….Anything!… 'It's hot in here….Summer!
Nathan: 'Who ate the chocolate doughnuts? Summer!

SFX: OK, so how is this film different from the TV series?
Nathan: I'll say money makes it better. We had a lot more money and a lot of faith - people just trusted Joss and let him do whatever the hell he wanted to do.
Morena: He's very hands on. There were several occasions that we'd show him to set right before we started shooting and he wouldn't like something and we'd go back and change it. Everything was a labour of love, very deliberate and very thought out.
Summer: Sometimes Joss would place my hair.
SFX: You sure that's not a fetish thing?
Nathan: He didn't do that with me!
SFX: Was he rearranging your trousers?
Nathan: That he did.
SFX: We need tighter trousers on Mal!
Nathan: Yeah, he be there, stitching them up the back!
SFX: How are your relationships with Joss?
Morena: He has a different dynamic with everyone.
SFX: Well obviously he's sexually harassing Nathan....
Nathan: I insist on it!
Morena: He tends to be very paternal with Summer. Nathan and him are always battling it out with the humour....but we all really love him.
Nathan: Joss is one of those guys who is extremely intelligent but doesn't make you feel stupid to be around. I admire him very much. I want to be more like him.
SFX: Maybe you should dye your hair red?
Nathan: There's that. I also need a purple sweater with a big hole in it.
Summer: (laughing) ...and that jacket he wears, that has the hole in the back.
SFX: He's a great writer, a great director….is the guy actually bad at anything?
Summer: He's not good at self-esteem. He doesn't have an ego.
Nathan: He's constantly beating himself up.
Summer: He second guesses himself a lot. I told him, 'You second guess yourself because you're the only person smart enough to criticise your work!' He's hard on himself.
SFX: You mean, in terms of questioning if the script is right?
Summer: Everything. He's a perfectionist. But it does make things special.

SFX: So what's gonna impress us about this film when we see it?
Morena: We have a lot more freedom. Also, the relationships get deeper and get more fleshed out because it's a shorter amount of time to tell a story.
Nathan: The stakes are higher.
Summer: After I finished watching the movie, I just got up and said, 'I don't want to say anything right now, I just need to be by myself,' because it was really intense! It just pounds at you for two hours, there's so much happening, there's never a break. Joss just packed it with exciting things. It's funny and it's scary and it's really sad: everything!
Nathan: And, the UK: prepare to fall in love with Summer Glau!
Morena: Yeah, you're gonna fall bad.
Summer: (giggles) That's really nice!
SFX: If you've never seen Firefly, can you understand the film?
Morena: I think if you watch the DVDs, it's a plus, you'll know the characters more.
Summer: The more you care about the characters, the more the movie is gonna touch you, but it's definitely not gonna be hard for people to dive right into it.
SFX: With a TV series every character can have a meaty story line. Is it possible to do that in a two hour movie, with such a big ensemble cast?
Nathan: Joss promised me a big storyline in the second movie, should we do one…. But this one's all about Summer!
Morena: With all of his characters you can make a 12-hour movie about any of them and still want more. So it's just a matter of what story is gonna be told and when.
SFX: Nathan, in the TV series we saw your naked butt, and we saw you in drag…
Morena: Who's the whore?
SFX: …so how is Joss gonna beat that for the film? Are we gonna see you in ladies underwear? I presume you have something in your contract that says…
Nathan: That I must be naked….
SFX: …or maybe in some kind of disgraceful situation,
Nathan: I get dressed up a little in the movie, not terribly…
Morena: Yeah, if you want to call it that!
Nathan: But no, no naked ass. I did shirtless, which I just LOVE doing, especially when fricking Sean Maher takes off his shirt. He didn't want me to tell you this - we call him The Bod. Sean The Bod Maher. The guy has 0% body fat. I don't mind saying it: he is an Adonis.

SFX: Final question. What was the strangest thing that happened during the making of this movie?
Nathan: The strange thing for me was the fact that it actually came true.
Morena: It felt like we were dreaming the whole time, not like reality…
Nathan: Once in a while we'd just be looking around at each other, and just go (grins madly). Just be giddy, at 5.00 in the morning in some desert spot, just thinking, 'I can't believe we're here. I can't believe it's actually happening!

What are they like?

SFX: ...who is the worst fluffer of lines?
All: Alan Tudyk
Nathan: Especially if he has to speak Chinese. But he has problems enough with English. There's so much acting going on in his mind, there's so much process.
Morena: (giggling uncontrollably) What about that day, when we were talking about the Reavers (the cannibalistic bad guys) and he was meant to say 'the raiding party', but then it was 'the rating party', and then it was.......
Nathan: They keep sending out raver parties.' Sounds like fun!
SFX: That wouldn't be quite as scary would it? Just a hundred guys with glow sticks.
Morena: Then it was like, 'reading parties'! It's such an intense moment: the camera's on all of us, it was just him off camera, going 'they're sending out raving parties', and we're like trying to keep it together.

SFX:....who tells the worst jokes?
Nathan: Summer.
Summer: Because I'm not funny. I can't tell any jokes! I don't even attempt it with him (nods at Nathan.) He just says "Summer, leave the funny to me."
SFX: The theme seems to be they laugh AT you, not with you.
Summer: Yes, and I really LOVE that. It never gets old......
Nathan: We just say 'Summer, when you want to be funny, just stamp your foot, then we'll know when to laugh!

SFX: How has the most annoying habits?
Morena: Well, Adam and Alan love to talk politics on set, and they just go at each other all day long.
Nathan: Adam's right wing, and he'll say something inflammatory to get Alan started.
Morena...and Alan falls for it. It's unbelievable!
Nathan: It's brilliant to watch.
Morena: We just all walk away. By the end it was like, 'Okay, here they go again.'

SFX: Who can't handle their drink?
Nathan: I'll say Sean. One day he's at my house - it was after we'd been cancelled. Sean was perfectly fine, he's clear and coherent, and he went to sit on this little wall and nearly fell over backwards! And all of a sudden he's slurring his speech and can't stand on his feet!
Morena: 'Oh my God, Sean is drunk!'
Nathan: It was as if he had been shot in the neck with a dart!
Morena: I ended up driving him home that night, because we lived right across the street from each other.
Nathan: Drunken Sean, going, 'I don't. I don't understand what's going on!'
Morena: He's so in control!
Nathan: He's always very calm, very together, and all of a sudden.....
Morena: hits him like a ton of bricks!
Nathan: He's going, "Maybe I should shiddown." "You are sitting down!"


Sunday, February 20, 2005 10:22 AM


Oh go it all...please?


Sunday, February 20, 2005 10:30 AM


Cool interview. I'll have to take a look at that when I go into a bookstore next.


Sunday, February 20, 2005 10:40 AM


Real life has just got in the way again. I promise I'll send you the rest as soon as I can. I think some people have scanned the article so you may be able to find it. Great pictures too.


Sunday, February 20, 2005 10:48 AM


It's worth buying SFX for just the pics. The interview itself is hilarious.


Sunday, February 20, 2005 11:33 AM


That interview made me smile so hard.

The pictures depict Nathan, Morena and Summer horsing around with toy guns and I just grinned from ear to ear as soon as i saw em.


A Pox for Fox


Sunday, February 20, 2005 2:27 PM


Thank-you kindly

I can't find any scans, but perhaps it's early days. Tah neway


Sunday, February 20, 2005 3:56 PM


Ive got the magazine and was hoping to put the pictures on my site but my scanners not working so it would be much appreciated if anyone could scan the pics or point me in the direction of the pics if they've already been posted.

I'll also put the interview up on the site sometime next week.


Monday, February 21, 2005 8:33 AM


Go to the OB. There's a thread called Interview in General Firefly Discussion. The people there seem to have a complete copy and are scanning, emailing etc.


Monday, February 21, 2005 9:56 AM


So sorry to disturb you again! (The last time I really hope)
But can I ask what the O.B is? The other board..what other board

*blushes again*
*hits self in head*


Monday, February 21, 2005 10:20 AM


Please post all of the article for those of us who don't get the magazine!


Monday, February 21, 2005 10:59 AM



Originally posted by p1nkispunk:
So sorry to disturb you again! (The last time I really hope)
But can I ask what the O.B is? The other board..what other board

*blushes again*
*hits self in head*

"OB" refers to the "Official Board" - the board set up and financed by Fox to support the Firefly series and later the DVDs.

Not to be confused with the 'Versal Board, (or Serenity board, or whatever) that has been set up by Universal to promote the movie:

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, February 21, 2005 11:06 AM


The interview sounds awesome. Are there any spoilers in it?

If not then where can I pick me up a copy? Is there an online site where I can get just one issue? If so what issue is this interview in? If you answer all these questions does that mean you love me?


Monday, February 21, 2005 11:15 AM


Thanks Hasufel for providing the links.


Originally posted by p1nkispunk:
So sorry to disturb you again! (

You're not disturbing me at all! If you don't have any joy on the OB, do come back and I'll type a transcript for you and dietcoke. Might take a little while. I do have some copies of the article if there is any way I could just post it to you.


Monday, February 21, 2005 11:24 AM


No spoilers in the article.

The magazine is a UK publication SFX. The issue number is 128 (March) and for overseas enquires phone +44(0)1858 438795.

Publishers are The Future Network. I'm trying to find the SFX website address. I'll get back to you with it in a moment. Found it.

Hope that helps.


Monday, February 21, 2005 12:02 PM



Originally posted by Maladjusted:
No spoilers in the article.

The magazine is a UK publication SFX. The issue number is 128 (March) and for overseas enquires phone +44(0)1858 438795.

Publishers are The Future Network. I'm trying to find the SFX website address. I'll get back to you with it in a moment. Found it.

Hope that helps.

Just sent them an email. Thanks for your help.


Monday, February 21, 2005 12:47 PM


The photos and transcript of the "Who is the worst fluffer.." "Who can't handle their drink" page is up in the Blue Sun Room..dunno about the rest though


Monday, February 21, 2005 9:33 PM


No problem. I'll type the rest and post it tonight when I get back from work.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 7:39 AM


For Pinkispunk and Dietcoke. I've just edited my original post. The full interview is now at the beginning of this thread. Enjoy!


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 9:26 AM


I love you with a firey passion


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 9:34 AM



Originally posted by p1nkispunk:
I love you with a firey passion :biggrin

You're very welcome. Great isn't it!


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 9:35 AM


Thank you!!

Packer fans welcome.
All others tolerated.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 9:52 AM


Okay - this is just what I've found out, because I wanted to pick up the magazine. Checked out two bookstores, both of which carry SFX, but also both of which are just carrying January's issue at the moment.

So it's either a matter of waiting till either Barnes and Noble or Borders actually have the March issue, or getting it online.

Personally, I think I probably need to subscribe, because browsing through January was interesting enough, without the Serenity reference.

I just thought that folks here in the US should know that SFX is available in bookstores. Just, well, a coupla months out-of-date, because of it being foreign and all....(and expensive at $8.99).

"He has a gorm horizon. All gorm that falls past it is lost forever." UserFriendly


Saturday, March 5, 2005 3:19 AM


Hi folks.

This is the guy who wrote said interview.

Normally, when I come across the full text of a new feature online, I'd politely request that it's taken down - we do have a magazine to sell, after all, and my job relies on us selling lots. BUT, everyone on this thread has done such a good job of saying "hey, go buy the magazine!" that it'd be a bit churlish - really grateful for that. Thank you. Not so keen on complete scans though...

To answer one question someone had: in the near future it will be possibly to buy single issues of the magazine online, but the systems not up and running yet.

Our customer services contacts are as follows:
You can email us at
Or if you prefer you can phone during UK office hours:
Tel: 0870 8374 773   International: +44 (0) 1858 438 795.
Hopefully they should be able to help you buy a single issue. Its SFX issue 128, by the way.

We have lots more of those cute photos we weren't able to use. My plan is to put lots of them on our website ( next week, as desktop wallpapers you can download.

Ian Berriman


Saturday, March 5, 2005 8:33 AM


Thanks, Ian, for being so understanding. Some of us on the wrong side of the pond are big Firefly fans ('Flans' as Nathan malapropped it). We can't get timely access to your fine publication, as your British readers can, and we are simply rabid for any news on the movie, Joss, or these actors. (NB: Think you can find Ron Glass? He's a wonderful person, if somewhat eremitic.)

Since we gave the world Firefly, with a personnel assist from our loyal brethren of the Great White North -- and soon, Serenity (did anyone truly doubt the USofA would do that?) -- is it really too much to ask that we pillage your copyrights? I mean, it's not like we're asking for your women or anything. ...Well, okay, we are asking for your women, but that's a separate issue.
(NB: And y'all've got Hugh Grant, Colin Farrell and the Fiennes brothers evening the score on that count, anyway: The Four-Headed Vector of British Genes. Almost said '-Pronged', instead of '-Headed'; what's the professional editorial take?)

Seriously, though, thanks for being so understanding. I, for one, promise to purchase the March issue from B&N, as soon as it becomes available. I've also bookmarked your website, and will be looking forward to the pics/wallpapers of our BDH's, as well as eagerly anticipating the advent of online sales of your magazine. Might I suggest ebooks of some sort as well? We should all do our part to advance a paperless world.



Wanna boost your sales? Include a mention of Serenity in every issue. Some things are a slam dunk...

"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Saturday, March 5, 2005 9:39 AM




Wanna boost your sales? Include a mention of Serenity in every issue. Some things are a slam dunk..."

He's not wrong!

And Ian, you're not wrong about the copyright issue. On the plus side, I've just taken out a subscription and I think there will be a good few others resulting from your article.


Saturday, March 5, 2005 9:46 AM


I find SFX better for Buffy/Angel/Firefly content than the actual Buffy/Angel magazines. I get it every month despite not being into much sci-fi apart from the Whedonverse (It's so well-written that I find even the non-whedonverse articles interesting). It's also great for all the big films like LOTR etc..

As people have said, it's worth a read by all Browncoats especially since they've changed the cover design. Now it looks like you're reading a magazine called SFX, whereas previously they obscured the bottom of the F making it possible that you're reading SEX (which combined with the fact that you have to buy it from the men's section in Smiths....).

So go buy SFX (without embarrassment) today.


ps. I'm pretty sure they do have a Serenity mention almost every issue. SFX does such a good job promoting our BDM that we should probably be spreading the SFX message some more.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Sunday, March 6, 2005 6:19 PM


Okay, I was in Barnes and Noble today looking for SFX and I couldn't find it. When I had checked the SFX website about subscribing everything was in pounds (obviously). Anybody on this side of the pond know how to go about getting ahold of this magazine, subscription or otherwise?

Packer fans welcome.
All others tolerated.


Sunday, March 6, 2005 6:44 PM


Went looking for the wrong mag, Sci Fi March 2005, and found April, so I'm pleased that SFX March 2005 will be a little late, and I'll go look for it tomorrow, now that I'm looking for the correct magazine 8-)



Monday, March 7, 2005 8:26 AM



Originally posted by montanagirl:
Okay, I was in Barnes and Noble today looking for SFX and I couldn't find it. When I had checked the SFX website about subscribing everything was in pounds (obviously). Anybody on this side of the pond know how to go about getting ahold of this magazine, subscription or otherwise?

Packer fans welcome.
All others tolerated.

The email I recieved said it costs 6 pounds for the magazine and international shipping. Which is about $11.50. Well worth it to show our support for anything and everything Serenity IMO.

Anyway you can purchase one by sending a fax to 0044 1858 468969 with your full delivery address, card number, expiration date and magazine name and issues details. Accepted credit cards - Visa, Mastercard or American Express. Granted that might not be the most secure method of sending credit card info, but some things are worth the risk.


Monday, March 7, 2005 8:39 AM


Thank you so much!

Packer fans welcome.
All others tolerated.


Monday, March 7, 2005 10:01 AM


Thanks Ian. I can't find SFX anywhere near me, so I shot an e-mail off to the addy you gave to see if I can order the single issue.

Any 'coats on this side of the pond able to find SFX in any local US outlets?

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Sunday, March 13, 2005 11:02 AM



Originally posted by IanBerriman:
To answer one question someone had: in the near future it will be possibly to buy single issues of the magazine online, but the systems not up and running yet.

Our customer services contacts are as follows:
You can email us at
Or if you prefer you can phone during UK office hours:
Tel: 0870 8374 773 International: +44 (0) 1858 438 795.
Hopefully they should be able to help you buy a single issue. Its SFX issue 128, by the way.

Here's the response to my e-mail:


Thank you for your recent email.

I unfortunately have to advise the requested issue is now out of stock.

For and on behalf of Future Publishing.

Janet Martin
Email Customer Services

Guess too many browncoats already bought them out...

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012 4:59 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Maybe you never got a chance in 2005 to hold the original SFX magazine in your hands, but now you can look at a high quality scan of the magazine put online in January 14, 2012 at

The picture gallery starts at

If you simply want to read the words, other examples of the nicely formatted interview are at and

From the interview with Morena, Nathan, and Summer in 2005:
Morena: 'Oh my God, Sean is drunk!'
Nathan: It was as if he had been shot in the neck with a dart!
Morena: I ended up driving him home that night, because we lived right across the street from each other.
Nathan: Drunken Sean, going, 'I don't. I don't understand what's going on!'
Morena: He's so in control!
Nathan: He's always very calm, very together, and all of a sudden.....
Morena: hits him like a ton of bricks!
Nathan: He's going, 'Maybe I should shiddown.' 'You are sitting down!'

The Joss Whedon script for "Serenity", where Wash lives, is
Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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