Time for confession, Browncoats!

UPDATED: Sunday, April 17, 2005 16:44
VIEWED: 7428
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005 7:00 AM


I have something to confess. Way back when I heard about this new show. A sci-fi show. On Fox. Evil Fox who had just cancelled Dark Angel. Evil Fox who in the past had cancelled Brisco County, Jr.
The night I saw "The Train Job", my reception was typically bad (Fox was somehow the ONLY channel to come in that bad), and I was being distracted by my then 3 year old son. Missing key dialogue, and not seeing the pilot first had me thinkin'"I don't really get these characters, and if it's this hard to understand on the first episode, Fox will cancel it before it could ever develope into a good show".
And that was it.

Then last Christmas I got a gift certificate to Wal-mart. I had most dvd's I wanted, so I took a chance on Firefly, havin' some memory of that one episode bein' kinda cool, hatin' commercials as I do and seein' on the internet that a movie was in the works.

Boy did I feel stupid! The show didn't need time to develope, it was perfect from the get-go!

Anyone else late into this adventure as I was? And do you feel stupid for not watchin' on it's first run?

The all 'fessed up Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 7:09 AM


Important people don't do field work.

I confess nothing. I loved the show, and I thought it would probably be cancelled. I do remember thinking "Hey! That's not what I saw on the promos." Then again, I remember taking this as a good sign, as there would be at least another episode I would get to see. I remember seeing Ariel and being very impressed, but also thinking that if fans missed an episode, they were out. There have been several shows that I have loved, and gone was the rug beneath them. Brisco County Jr., Herman's Head, Kindred: The Embraced. So, I never use my own judgement as a guide to how long a show is going to last.

I did miss the boat on "Friends" though. I remember watching an episode and going "What is this SHIT!" only to like it when I saw it again later.

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 7:17 AM


I feel the same way. I was still mad at Fox for cancelling Dark Angel. Thank heavens for DVDs! Of course I feel bad not getting a chance to try and save the show when it was on air. I still had some left over Tabasco bottles(Roswell) I could have sent the evil people at Fox.

Keep shiny!


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 7:22 AM


Always loved it. Have missed it like crazy.

My thought was, "Fox will never keep something this smart, funny and cutting edge. Plus, since there's no brain dead bimbo with gigantic tits ... it's history."

It sucks being right all the time.

"I'm gonna rip you a new puppet hole, bitch!"


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 7:27 AM


Funny, when I saw Train Job after seein' Serenity on the dvd's , the faint memory I had of Train Job from it's first broadcast got washed over with a new understandin' of what was goin' on, I knew why that girl River was carryin' on so, why that guy Jayne seemed so coarse, suddenly all made sense!(hearin' the dialogue clearly helped also, as it does in most of Joss' work).

Not broadcasting Firefly's pilot first was THE stupidist move Fox coulda made in unveiling it's new series!


Nearly Newbie Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 7:50 AM


So, say two "Our Father's," one "Hail Mary" and I think we're good.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 7:51 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Not broadcasting Firefly's pilot first was THE stupidist move Fox coulda made in unveiling it's new series!

Aren't you assuming Fox wanted it to succeed???.... From their braindead perspective, maybe it was a stroke of genius.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 7:52 AM


Important people don't do field work.

I remember watching Serenity after I got the DVDs and saying "Hey! This ain't the pilot! The pilot shows the captain kicking someone into an engine!"

Then I watched The Train Job and said "Oh!"

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 8:34 AM


The suits at Fox are just that, suits, number jockeys. In short, assholes. With all the money each of 'em earns you'd think they could at least hire ONE person with his/her ear to the ground. They make up stuff based upon stuff that has been made up and are outta touch with anything but what bad programs spit out of a computer; they should realize just from their track record that they know almost nothin'.(takes a breath)

Rule 1: Let the artist handle the art; let the accountant handle the money. Executives (since they're stupid little braindead yes men anyway) should be there only to make that connection.

So, yes Sickdude, it was stroke of braindead genius. Now Universal gets to make the real money! ha ha ha

Robocop taught me all about corporations Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 9:23 AM



Originally posted by Knibblet:
...since there's no brain dead bimbo with gigantic tits ...

HEY! I resemble that! I'll have you know that...


Ooops. My bad. I thought this was about me.



I think I will add cursing and the hurling about of things to my repertoire.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 9:33 AM


Was a fan of Firefly from the first episode I saw. Watched it till it got cancelled. And was very ticked off. Then a friend showed me a program to download TV episodes. Started watching Firefly like that and became a regular here. The of course I bought the dvd's.

My confession would have to be that I got into LOST later in the game. It was about 4 or 5 episodes in till I started watching. Basically I was so sick of the crap happening on Smallville, I downloaded a LOST episode to see what it was all about. Plus I saw David Fury's name associated with it. Once I saw the Pilot I was hooked. I ain't watched Smallville since, and Wednesdays there is quite a gathering at my house just to watch LOST. I even made a shirt to wear when watching. (SHAMELESS PLUG, SORRY)

And yes, all these folk watchin LOST at my house have also seen Firefly. It's a pre-requisite to being my friend!!!!

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Tuesday, April 12, 2005 12:18 PM


My friend had the DVDs and i thought ill watch Firefly in a month or so after my exams. Of course it will be good because Joss created it but surely it wont be as good as buffy so it can wait.

I have never been so wrong - and i cant believe the boxset was in my grasp for over a month and i didnt apreciate it!

I feel so bad about that! But also thankful to all the devoted fans at Fusion who proved to me that i had to watch it immidiatly!



Tuesday, April 12, 2005 9:51 PM


I have the worst confession of all.

One of my closest friends is married to one of the purchasers at Sky (ya boo sucks) and being a sci-fi fan she got him to preview Firefly. He didn't like it and on his word Sky didn't buy Firefly and helped to kill it off.

I confess I am still friends with this bad person who caused worldwide badness.

I really should get me a signature


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 5:43 AM


Just remember, things sometimes happen for a reason.
If the show hadn't been canceled, Serenity wouldn't be a movie comin' out, if he han't made the Serenity movie, Joss might not be doing Wonder Woman. If he didn't make these two back to back hits, they wouldn't have given Joss like five times the money to make the second Serenity movie! To come: Joss owns Hollywood!!

Okay, so I'm a little too into the future here, but you get my point.

Hug that bad friend of yours. They won't be bad next time.

The forgiving Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:46 AM


I didn't miss Firefly when it was on television. I somehow found out in advance about the show, and waited eagerly for it's arrival. See, I'm an Adam Baldwin fan, so I liked the series before it even aired!

Don't be too hard on yourself, you had no idea about the brilliance of the show. I have little ones too, which makes any television viewing difficult!


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:03 AM


I liked Adam since My Bodyguard. That dates me.
Is it just me, or is there quite a few of us Browncoats that have reached our 40th rung on the ladder of life? I catch these comments, or I look up profiles and we ain't jus' a bunch of little kids here, are we?
We all just think and communicate so young-like is all, huh?

Chrisisall is 45!


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:35 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Stillshiny:
My confession would have to be that I got into LOST later in the game.

For me, Lost is just fictionalized Survivor. Yes, I've watched the episodes and I agree it's well done, but if I don't keep telling myself it's just fictionalized Survivor, I'll get sucked into watching another great show that may not be around for long.

Am I bitter? Well, maybe a little.

My confession is that I didn't watch Firefly so much because I loved the show. I really was not so sure about how far the Western angle was going. I was initially put off by the theme too, but then at first I only listened to the very Country sounding initial bars. Still don't like Country, but have long since gotten into Blue Grass.

What made me keep coming back was the fact that I couldn't figure out who was playing Mal. His face was extremely familiar, but I couldn't figure out why. Now, if I'd been truly curious, I would have looked up Nathan Fillion right off the bat and found out that he used to be Johnny on Two Guys and a Girl. Did I do that? No - I kept watching through Bushwacked. That episode informed me that Whedon wasn't taking any grief from anybody.

Then I watched Our Mrs. Reynolds (the third episode in the original run on fox) and I was irretrievably hooked.

God bless Nathan and his pretty face. If not for him, I don't think I'd be here.

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.
Minnesota Meetup - join us!


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:20 AM


Did the same thing Chrisisal did. Saw the first episode under lots of distraction and didn't get it. I wanted to see more, but never caught it again.....then it was gone.

Discovered it again on Alan Tudyk's IMDB profile. When I saw I Robot, I couldn't place his voice. It was so familiar but I couldn't place it. When the credits rolled his name didn't help. So I went home and looked up the movie, clicked on his name and knew exactly who he was as soon as I saw his picture. "Watt from a Knight's Tale....Gerhart...I know that guy" I started looking at his profile and realized that I had seen almost every movie he had done and liked them all. I clicked on Firefly and realized it was that show from a long time ago. I found it a few months later and bought it thinking.."most of his stuff is great". That was last November. I fell hard for this show and I am so greatful to all of the diehard fans that have done so much to help get the movie made. I wish I had paid more attention back then....I missed out.

Sorry this is so long.


"There's obeying going on RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE!!!"

"It shall be loquacious to a fault!"


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:26 AM


It ain't long Frogger, i'ts detailed.
I'm always facinated to find out how folks came across this singular piece of beauty and wit.

Alan WAS great in I, Robot, too.

The robotic Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:46 AM



Originally posted by Channain:

Originally posted by Stillshiny:
My confession would have to be that I got into LOST later in the game.

For me, Lost is just fictionalized Survivor. Yes, I've watched the episodes and I agree it's well done, but if I don't keep telling myself it's just fictionalized Survivor, I'll get sucked into watching another great show that may not be around for long.

Am I bitter? Well, maybe a little.

I have many friends who don't want me to like LOST, because every show I start to like gets Ripped Mercilessly from the TV. i.e. Angel, Firefly, almost Tru Calling, and of course Smallville just went downhill.

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:56 AM


Thanks Chris....alway hard to know what length is acceptable when one joins a new website.

Alan was great in I,Robot. He is as good in his serious roles as he is when he is doing comedy. My kids have seen it, though not in my home. (they are 6, 5, and 4 years) They go around the house saying Sonny lines. It is so funny to ask a 4 year old what he is doing and have him look at you completely seriously and say, "I was dreaming", using exactly the same intonation and pronunciation (sp?) that Alan used in the movie. It cracks me up.


"There's obeying going on RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE!!!"

"It shall be loquacious to a fault!"


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:17 PM


I was wondering if I could show I,Robot to my 6 year old...did it have to be 'edited' or anything for your kids?

Oh, and I joined this website over a month ago, and you'll find some of the funniest, brightest people ever here. I don't go to any other now.
We're so lucky Firefly seems to attract the intellegent and such.

And I've seen replies that last pages!

The also(sorta) new Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:32 PM


My only confession is still being a bit pissy with people who snubbed it the first time through. Sorry, Chris, I can't forgive you, but I think we can agree to move on.

Seriously though, I'm guilty of a similar crime. Since the Firefly/Fox fiasco, I can't bring myself to watch any television intentionally. I know I'm missing shows that many of you rave about (Carnivale, Lost, etc...) but I just can't go back.

Now, to be fair, I'd given up on TV long before Firefly, and it was only a fluke that I ever discovered it in the first place. For a while there after Firefly turned out to be so good (and before they canceled it) I'd even decided to give the medium another chance. But it didn't take long to realize what an anomaly Firefly really was.

Anyway.. I don't care how good it gets, I won't be subjecting myself to the mass of drivel and commercials for any show ever again. I'll download the eps if there's something really, really good, but I won't play ball with their little consumerist game ever again.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:57 PM


Wow, we really are of a mind on this.
After Dark Angel I swore never to watch tv again, period. I only watched that first ep of Firefly very casually, out of curiosity and like I said, with distractions. I might have caught it's brilliance if not for the COMMERCIALS and the kid and the questionable reception...

I wanted to watch Battlestar Galactica, but I won't see it's first season 'till I can Buy it!


Anticorporate Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 1:17 PM


I know what did this...

I was hooked on the previews, short and sparse as they were. Each episode just drew me in. When the dreaded day came that it was actually cancelled, i got online, i bought the 'Firefly: Requesting Immediate Assistance' T-shirt, i bought the Blue Sun mug, I sent many an angry, but not insulting, e-mails to Fox-the gorram mother-humpers...But we, the fearless Browncoats, have kept it alive and soon we'll have our lovely BDM...Life is good

"Haven't you killed me enough for one day ?"
- Mal, War Stories


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 2:25 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Hey MalsDoxy - long time!

Oh, it's been a long, hard, lumpity-bumpity road, hasn't it? Right now it feels like we're in the shallows, trees overhead with sunlight peeking through, promising warmth and light.

Remember the fires? First betrayal, then resurgence, and finally victory?

*huddling back under the trees, awaiting the movie premiere*

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.
Minnesota Meetup - join us!


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 6:18 PM



Originally posted by Channain:
....I was initially put off by the theme too, but then at first I only listened to the very Country sounding initial bars. Still don't like Country, but have long since gotten into Blue Grass.


Hearing people say things like this, especially people of such obvious taste and refinement as yourself, truly breaks my heart. I'd like to propose the notion that you have been poisoned - poisoned by something called country music. I'm talking about the crap that passes for country on the radio. Please, please ignore it and realize it is NOT country music. It's nothing more the commercial pap designed to appeal to the feeble minded.

For the love of Firefly, get yourself a copy of Blacklisted* by Neko Case, anything by Jeff Black, Jim White, the Flatlanders, the Handsome Family, Julie Miller, Townes van Zandt.... the list is long. Then sit down and try to forget about the droning garbage on the radio and really listen to good country music. You might be surprised.

*especially "Deep Red Bells" or "I Wish I Was the Moon"


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:02 PM



you'll find some of the funniest, brightest people ever here. I don't go to any other now.

Ditto, to be honest I never survived more than a week anywhere else. The variety of people and posts here is incredible!

I really should get me a signature


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:42 PM


Wow, Emma. I wonder what the fall-out from his decision was in the household?

My confession is that I had no clue about the whole Firefly:Immediate Assistance campaign. We looked forward to the show, watched every episode, and were very sad when it was cancelled but I had pretty much suppressed the memory over the course of the next year. My girlfriend handles the Netflix queue so it was a surprise to me when the first two discs showed up in our mailbox back in December '03. We pretty much gobbled those discs up and I spent the next day driving around the South Bay until I found a boxed set. It was only from watching the extras that I learned about the grassroots movement that had been trying to save the show. Got online, found this place, and the rest is history.

Next up: Early "Nutcrusher" Jubal and the Firebuggers


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 10:18 PM


So totally with you!!

Have so much to atone for!

Refused to watch it for the brief period it was on UK TV because "I hate Sci-Fi" (I know, please stab me now!)...

Then a good friend, "Evil Tom" as he is known, gave me the box set for my birthday with the words – “watch it, for me, if you do, I know you’ll like it.”

I remember being upset as I’d specifically ordered the third series of Angel. I left it on my “to watch” DVD pile for about 3 weeks and then decided I’d just have a wee look …

Boy! did I feel stupid! Luckily, it was a weekend so I didn’t sleep, eat or leave my room and watched the entire thing… I loved it so much I even forgave Evil Tom for screwing up my relationship with the "Love of My Life" 3 years ago – for which I didn’t speak to him for 6 months!!

Which just goes to show – everything can be made better by the Whedon Verse….


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:53 PM


Despite being shown on Scify I did watch from the first showing, and yes, I am mighty glad I did. And since finding this site a while back, I don't tend to go very far from here. Bought the DVD's, actually about to buy a second set, cos these ones have been trashed after much useage. Don't think I've ever managed to do that before. Does that mean I'm obsessed? Probably.

"This movie may be a beautiful butterfly, but I loved that damn caterpillar." Joss Whedon.


Thursday, April 14, 2005 2:53 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by KissTheStrawberryLoverMrTam:
i cant believe the boxset was in my grasp for over a month and i didnt apreciate it!

Had mine for four months before I opened it. Reckon I've made up for lost time, since -- it's wearing out.

ps: You win the longest ID challenge

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . . (wutzon) Marshall Tucker Band, "Can't You See", from "Blow" (soundtrack)


Thursday, April 14, 2005 3:10 PM


You and YT are wearing out your dvd's???
And I thought I was obsessed only watchin' 2 or 3 eps a day!!! Mine'll last another year, at least.

Don't watch 'em enough Chrisisall


Thursday, April 14, 2005 3:11 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I liked Adam since My Bodyguard. That dates me.
Is it just me, or is there quite a few of us Browncoats that have reached our 40th rung on the ladder of life? I catch these comments, or I look up profiles and we ain't jus' a bunch of little kids here, are we?
We all just think and communicate so young-like is all, huh?

Chrisisall is 45!

Yer right on that! I reached the 40th rung myself, but mentally...*taps finger to forehead*...I'm still 21! I refuse to grow up, anyways! Your not dated, kiddo. I too started being an Adam fan when I saw My Bodyguard. Safe to say, everyone can relate to that movie!


Thursday, April 14, 2005 4:40 PM



Mentally, I'm 19, so I am younger than you even though I will be 41 and a half on May 19th!!


I think I will add cursing and the hurling about of things to my repertoire.


Thursday, April 14, 2005 4:52 PM



Originally posted by Malicious:

Mentally, I'm 19, so I am younger than you even though I will be 41 and a half on May 19th!!


I think I will add cursing and the hurling about of things to my repertoire.

I already mentioned your half-birthday in another thread, did you know that?

I may not be good at math, but...21 take away 19, divided by a half-birthday at 40...I'm confused! Actually I turned 41 last February, so that makes you 3 months older than me, literally. Mentally, though, you ARE younger than me! At least I can get into bars!


Thursday, April 14, 2005 4:57 PM


I have a mental fake id! Does that mean I have a fake fake id?

Yes, I did see the half birthday notification in the other thread.....the grammar one. But, hey, the more exposure, the more gifts I get, right? Right!


I think I will add cursing and the hurling about of things to my repertoire.


Thursday, April 14, 2005 5:10 PM


Well, I guess you do have a fake fake ID...Don't get caught, I don't have any bail money!

What kind of gifts would you like? *off to google Nathan Fillion blow-up dolls* I'd ship you the real thing, but with the restraining order he took out against you and all...


Thursday, April 14, 2005 7:42 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I was wondering if I could show I,Robot to my 6 year old...did it have to be 'edited' or anything for your kids?

My kids are pretty hardy. They spend time with older friends who tend to put on movies that I wouldn't normally let them see. After they saw it at my friends house, I sat down with them and talked about what they were watching. My kids are very intuitive, like most kids, and ask alot of questions. Things like "why are the robots mean?" and "Is Sonny nice or mean?" After we watched it together and talked about it, they have had no problem with it. It is not overly violent and Sonny has become a hero to them (as he should). The thing that they cannot understand and get hung up on is why the Dr. had to die.....just too deep of a concept for them to grasp.


"There's obeying going on RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE!!!"

"It shall be loquacious to a fault!"


Thursday, April 14, 2005 7:46 PM


I bought my disks and I have bought disks for two other friends (gifts) due to over useage. They keep borrowing mine!!!

"There's obeying going on RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE!!!"

"It shall be loquacious to a fault!"


Friday, April 15, 2005 11:23 AM


Thanks, Frogger.
Maybe I'll try showing it to him and distract him for a moment during the shot of the Doctor's blood 'round his head. That was a little unsettlin'.

The bloodsoaked Chrisisall


Saturday, April 16, 2005 7:25 AM


"Hi, I'm SHK, and I flat out ignored Firefly when it was broadcast..."

Boy, do I feel stupid now! Friends told us about it, kept asking if we had seen it, but everytime they told us the premise, I just went "okaaaaay....right...." and smiled and nodded, and didn't try at all to watch it. Also, for some reason, I just never watch anything on FOX (I even have trouble remembering what the channel number is for it).

Said friends bought us the DVDs as an anniversary present...("dang, I guess I HAVE to watch this goofy show now...")...10 minutes into the pilot, I'm saying "and FOX cancelled this why???"

I've done my gorram mea culpas, downed a ration of Mudder's Milk for good measure, and opened my own Browncoat store...I find ways now of spreading Firefly goodness to the masses, including one of my grad school projects, believe it or not!

Yep, I'm obsessed....and sorry it didn't happen sooner.

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."
Shiny stuff for Browncoats at:


Saturday, April 16, 2005 12:34 PM



Originally posted by SergeantX:

Originally posted by Channain:
....I was initially put off by the theme too, but then at first I only listened to the very Country sounding initial bars. Still don't like Country, but have long since gotten into Blue Grass.


Hearing people say things like this, especially people of such obvious taste and refinement as yourself, truly breaks my heart. I'd like to propose the notion that you have been poisoned - poisoned by something called country music. I'm talking about the crap that passes for country on the radio. Please, please ignore it and realize it is NOT country music. It's nothing more the commercial pap designed to appeal to the feeble minded.

For the love of Firefly, get yourself a copy of Blacklisted* by Neko Case, anything by Jeff Black, Jim White, the Flatlanders, the Handsome Family, Julie Miller, Townes van Zandt.... the list is long. Then sit down and try to forget about the droning garbage on the radio and really listen to good country music. You might be surprised.

*especially "Deep Red Bells" or "I Wish I Was the Moon"


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock

People interested in hearing what real country music sounds like should also check out the fantastic radio show "Swingin' Doors" every Thursday 6-9pm pacific time (streamable at or listenable in the Seattle area on 90.3 fm and 91.7 fm)

Here's the description from KEXP's website:

"Swingin' Doors
Thurs 6-9pm
While Seattle might not be known as a country music mecca, the city has one of the best country radio shows to be found anywhere thanks to Swingin' Doors, which airs every Thursday night on KEXP from 6 to 9. Hosted by Don Slack, Swingin' Doors is one of KEXP's most popular shows, and new converts are always welcome. Don explains, "I love it when I hear from listeners who tell me they didn't think they liked country music until they heard Swingin' Doors."

Swingin' Doors offers a different perspective on country music than can normally be found on the airwaves, which might be one reason the show's been successful at attracting alternative music listeners. Unlike the tightly controlled play lists and narrow range of music heard on commercial country radio, you'll hear a wide variety of country sounds from the past and present on Swingin' Doors, from honky tonk and western swing to alternative country and bluegrass. "I try to keep listeners up-to-date with the best stuff that's happening in the wide world of country and related styles today, while still providing plenty of opportunities on the show to explore the music's roots," Don explains. "I also want to make sure that I'm constantly mixing it up on the show by playing a variety of country styles and bands. Many listeners have commented through the years that they really enjoy the diversity of the show."

You'll also hear plenty of local artists on Swingin' Doors. "I think the Northwest twang scene has never been better," says Don, "and I'm very happy to give it the support that it deserves. I can think of at least two dozen great country and alt-country bands playing around town on a regular basis, with another couple dozen promising up-and-comers on the way. And with twang-friendly venues like the Tractor, the Little Red Hen, Jules Maes and the Sunset, there are plenty of great places for country-minded musicians to play nowadays. It all adds up to one special music scene.""

KEXP has a two week streaming archive for all their shows, so you can listen anytime. :)



Saturday, April 16, 2005 12:42 PM


I apologize for my spam-like post above.
I just get so excited when I get to tell more people about our little KEXP!



Saturday, April 16, 2005 1:38 PM


Watched Firefly from the start. I'd heard Nathan Fillion from Buffy (yup, we got Buffy in the UK before Firefly was available on tv) was in it and I tuned in - a little unenthusiastically as it wasn't Buffy related, despite it being Joss Whedon, but by the end of it I was hooked. I only saw it from where they came out of the ship and then they were checking out the meeting place between them and Patience, and Jayne was saying "You're coming through loud and clear", and Mal responds "That's cos I'm standin' right here". Hilarious, and from that point I didn't take my eyes off the screen til the end of the ep (we got to watch it in the correct order with the pilot first) and I was hooked, looking forward to each new ep every week with more and more exitement every time. It just got better and better.

Now my breath is baited for the movie.

Don't give me songs.
Give me something to sing about.


Saturday, April 16, 2005 2:41 PM


Well, I have a question for all my fellow Browncoats. Did anyone else watch Nathan on Three Guys and a Girl? Granted I never saw it until it was in reruns, but I really enjoyed the show and loved Nathan's take on his character. Anyone else watch the show? If not, get thee to a TV Guide.


Saturday, April 16, 2005 3:14 PM



Originally posted by dietcoke:
Well, I have a question for all my fellow Browncoats. Did anyone else watch Nathan on Three Guys and a Girl? Granted I never saw it until it was in reruns, but I really enjoyed the show and loved Nathan's take on his character. Anyone else watch the show? If not, get thee to a TV Guide.

I loved Two Guys and a Girl. Of course, I didn't start watching til after the first season, which seems to be a good thing from the episodes I've seen in repeats. Until I saw Firefly, Nathan was Johnny to me.

If you can be an idiot, I can be an idiot. - D'Argo


Saturday, April 16, 2005 6:42 PM


I had no knowledge of Firefly when it first aired on Fox, but I happened on it when Space (in Canada) aired the show's extremely short run.
I still had no clue about the show when, while flipping the channels, I stumbled onto the 2-hour premier. As I am usually up for watching new sci-fi shows when I get the chance, I stopped and watched it. Needless to say, I fell in love with the show from the start. After watching the pilot, I made sure that everything else was put on hold every following week when Firefly aired and did not miss a single episode for the entire run on Space. WHen the DVDs came out, I bought them and watched the whole series again.


Saturday, April 16, 2005 7:01 PM


America loves a winner!

As much as I enjoyed watching Jessica Alba and her mesmerizing pout, I really lost interest as the 2nd season came to a close. The story had lost me.

I do have one confession. I didn't start watching Firefly so much for its own merrit, but because it came on before John Doe. I liked that show right from the start. The more time passes and I DON'T hear folks talk about that show, the more I miss it. For the few of us who got hooked on John Doe, what a way to end a season! ( And what a criminal way to end a SHOW! )

As I watched Firefly each week, I came to see the brilliance in the story, the characters... it all took some time. Had ( THEY ) not been so quick to pull the trigger -

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, April 16, 2005 7:21 PM


Nope. I moved effortlessly from Dark Angel to Firefly. I was certain Firefly would be cool before it ever aired; based on three things:

(1) I was a Buffy fan and impressed with the strength of the stories and development of the character's and genre plots. So knowing that Joss Whedon was also behind Firefly, I expected that there could be similar depth of story.

(2) I was impressed with some of the cg cinematography that I saw in the pre-release trailers.

(3) I really like the whole atmosphere. The dirty, worn-out, desperate appearance.

I was also a very small minority.

Most of the people I spoke with were either angrily insisting that I boycott Firefly in protest to the cancellation of Dark Angel, or they were complaining about the purely aesthetic similarity to the American West. The problem with both groups was that neither was actually seeing Firefly for what it could be or evaluating the evidence without bias. Instead they were viewing it as what they assumed it was. For one group, it was a supposed obstacle or even cause of the cancellation of another show, for the other group it was the shallow aversion to superficial perception of stereotypicality.

The truth is that if either of these groups had actually considered the evidence fairly and openly then they would have seen what I saw: a potentially exciting and original sci-fi show. But most people rarely view the world without bias.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.






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