Joss and 5 BDH's at DragonCon!!!

UPDATED: Sunday, August 21, 2005 16:00
VIEWED: 20653
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:48 AM


I looked on the board, and didn't see anyone posting this yet. I just went to the DragonCon site, and they report, in their headline, that Joss will be there, with Nathan, Morena, Adam, Ron and Jewel!
Awesome! Guess I better get those tickets!

Mistress of Useless Knowledge


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:53 AM


I'm there! I'm so there! Last year with Adam and Nathan and Jewel was amazing, but this year...Joss!



Wednesday, April 20, 2005 12:15 PM


Posted it about a week ago :)

Your right! get them tickets and hotel rooms for mad dash to come :) yay!


Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:24 AM


I'm grabbing a seat in the front row of the Centenniel ballroom and I'm not moving for the whole Con. Um, there could be some problems with that but I'll worry about that later

This is shiny beyond belief and I'm betting coin that the rest will show!


Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:42 AM


There are rumors on some of the boards that there will be reserved seating for Serenity events

not sure how it would work but at least they (D*C) is thinking ahead this year-

still not sure if I'll make it or not- hope the rest of you have a blast if I don't!


Thursday, April 21, 2005 7:46 AM


Reserved seating? No clue how they would pull that one off. They are also talking about pulling the walls in centennial 1 and 3 to make one HUGE room for the panels.


Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:18 AM


I have NO doubt they will have to use all 3 Centennial rooms for the Firefly panels. Reserved seating will be interesting!


Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:18 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Flechette:
There are rumors on some of the boards that there will be reserved seating for Serenity events

not sure how it would work but at least they (D*C) is thinking ahead this year-

still not sure if I'll make it or not- hope the rest of you have a blast if I don't!

Me first! Me first!!

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, April 22, 2005 6:27 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by fireflygal:
I'm grabbing a seat in the front row of the Centenniel ballroom and I'm not moving for the whole Con. Um, there could be some problems with that but I'll worry about that later

This is shiny beyond belief and I'm betting coin that the rest will show!

Hold me a set FFG! :biggrin

I agree that they will have to use all three Centennial rooms if they are to have a hope of holding all the browncoats this year. We are too many and too mighty for less!

If they do reserved seating I wonder how they will handle it. I will gladly pay a little extra to get reserved seating.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, April 22, 2005 7:31 AM


You got it BC1, my friend that's coming along is accepting bribes to save seats so I may have help. Can't wait.


Friday, April 22, 2005 9:53 AM


i booked my ticket ages ago i hoped they would be there as its so close to the release of the film its going to be great i have my brown coat ready


Friday, April 22, 2005 10:07 AM


I'm guessing reserved seats means that you get into the room, rather than getting a certain seat

I've sent off an email requesting info on the subject or a comment denying they're considering it. and I promised in the email that I'd share the info w/ my fellow Browncoats

The Pern folk and some of the gaming tables require presold/reserved tickets so there is some precedence (sp?) for this.

Will let you know when/if I get a reply!


Friday, April 22, 2005 11:25 AM


I spoke to a gal at DragonCon wh's been volunteering for several years and is one of the higher-ups at this point. She said that DragonCon has NEVER done reserved seating and they have no plans to do so for this DragonCon. And yes, they have had guests there before that have taken up all 3 Centennial rooms. Reserved seating creates a logistical nightmare. If anyone else gets any updates, let's keep each other posted. It just may be every Browncoat for himself.


Friday, April 22, 2005 3:37 PM


Sounds like you're right Fireflygal =

From the horse mouth as it were.....
(man talk about a fast response!)

all seating to ALL events at Dragon*Con are first come, first serve.

Brenda Tackett
Office Manager

so what was on the boards was just rumor.
Good luck w/ seating all!


Saturday, April 23, 2005 4:49 PM



Originally posted by fireflygal:
You got it BC1, my friend that's coming along is accepting bribes to save seats so I may have help. Can't wait.

Bribes??? What's this I hear about bribes??? Who do I pay...I'm more than willing to stretch myself over a few seats...who's gonna mess with a woman in a browncoat with a cigar and shotgun....?

P.S. FFG...I went ahead and booked a room at the Marriott just in case we need it. Guess DragonVan planning is coming up shortly?

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."
Shiny stuff for Browncoats at:


Sunday, April 24, 2005 10:16 AM



We already have 3 rooms booked but keep yours for now. ANd I see DragonVan meetings probably starting probably late May, early June (pool ain't warm enough yet)

I'm planning on missing a lot of DC due to sitting in my seat in Centennial Room through several panels, just to see the BDH's! I'll let you know about the bribes offline...


Sunday, April 24, 2005 7:00 PM


Hmmm...Civic Center? Now that could work....


Monday, April 25, 2005 9:24 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by fireflygal:
I spoke to a gal at DragonCon wh's been volunteering for several years and is one of the higher-ups at this point. She said that DragonCon has NEVER done reserved seating and they have no plans to do so for this DragonCon. And yes, they have had guests there before that have taken up all 3 Centennial rooms. Reserved seating creates a logistical nightmare. If anyone else gets any updates, let's keep each other posted. It just may be every Browncoat for himself.

No reserved seating does mean every Browncoat for themselves.

FFG, let's put our heads together on Friday morning about getting down to the panels early and saving some seats for those as needs them.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, April 25, 2005 12:12 PM


I'm with you BC1 but I'm having a tough time with the thought of saving more than one seat per person. That just doesn't seem right somehow, am I making sense? I certainly have no issue going down early and sitting through stuff to see the BDH's, so I'll be there. I'll be getting in Thurs evening and getting the tickets then to be ready for Friday.


Monday, April 25, 2005 5:46 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
FFG, let's put our heads together on Friday morning about getting down to the panels early and saving some seats for those as needs them.

I'm new here and to Firefly (recent convert), but I am heading to Dragoncon. How do you know when the panels are going to be? I couldn't find it on their site.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:40 AM


Welcome Renoyes! The DragonCon schedule usually isn't posted till shortly before the con since the schedules change all the time.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:41 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by fireflygal:
I'm with you BC1 but I'm having a tough time with the thought of saving more than one seat per person. That just doesn't seem right somehow, am I making sense? I certainly have no issue going down early and sitting through stuff to see the BDH's, so I'll be there. I'll be getting in Thurs evening and getting the tickets then to be ready for Friday.


We get in Thursday afternoon around 3 or 4 as well and picking up our tix Thursday night.

I do agree w/ you on the saving seats thing. Trying to save more than one or two is not really all that fair to other Browncoats.

I guess we will be sitting through panels we don't care about to insure we get good seats.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 6:49 AM


Hi guys!

Have lurked long and often and I guess it's time to jump in, just too darn much going on!!

As I wait for tonight to view the trailer (ohmygodohmygodohmygodican'twaitican'twaitican'twait....)I thought I'd check out the scoop on Dragon Con. I'm in Maryland and I'm taking my daughter and we are going to hit our first con ever. We are way too excited for words and look forward to meeting a lot of you almost as much as we are looking forward to seeing all our BDH's.

I've checked and the Hyatt and Marriott are sold out. I got a room at the Days Inn which I understand is only a block away. However, if ANYONE is reserving extra rooms "just in case" PLEASE let me know if you end up with extra. I would so much rather stay at the Marriott. If we get stuck at the Days Inn can we still party with you guys?

My days of not takin you seriously are certainly comming to a middle.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 3:01 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

Originally posted by fireflygal:
I'm with you BC1 but I'm having a tough time with the thought of saving more than one seat per person. That just doesn't seem right somehow, am I making sense? I certainly have no issue going down early and sitting through stuff to see the BDH's, so I'll be there. I'll be getting in Thurs evening and getting the tickets then to be ready for Friday.


I do agree w/ you on the saving seats thing. Trying to save more than one or two is not really all that fair to other Browncoats.

I guess we will be sitting through panels we don't care about to insure we get good seats.

I'm prepared to do what it takes!


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 3:06 PM


Welcome Baybreeze1! Get comfy and stay a while. If DragonCon is your first con you are in for a treat and overload!! There should be a Firefly fan table and I have a feeling there may be a little meet up during the con (right BC1) where the fans meet at the table and we find out who we really are... If you keep watching the DragonCon posts, closer to convention time, you may find people looking for roommates or having extra rooms that they don't need. You won't believe how nice our BDH's are in person!


Tuesday, April 26, 2005 6:15 PM


Hey, speaking of meeting up with people and all, was there ever any difinitive word as to whether the Browncoat Ball was going to be at the DragonCon or not? I haven't really been able to keep up on the posts here in a long time, so I don't know if anybody has said anything about this in the last few months.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 1:55 AM


Thanks for the welcome Fireflygal. We are really looking forward to the con, particularly since it is probably their (BDH's) last one before the movie premier (oh my God, was the trailer great or what!?!) Glad to hear there may be a Firefly table. I feel like I know all of you from lurking on the boards for so long. Guess I'll need to get into posting so you can get to know me. I'll be keeping track to see what info comes along closer to the Con.

Hmmmmm. Browncoat Ball. That would be awesome. Gonna need some kind of cool outfit. Hope it happens!


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:10 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by fireflygal:
Welcome Baybreeze1! Get comfy and stay a while. If DragonCon is your first con you are in for a treat and overload!! There should be a Firefly fan table and I have a feeling there may be a little meet up during the con (right BC1) where the fans meet at the table and we find out who we really are... If you keep watching the DragonCon posts, closer to convention time, you may find people looking for roommates or having extra rooms that they don't need. You won't believe how nice our BDH's are in person!

Welcome to the site Baybreeze1! Glad to have you w/ us!

Fireflygal gives some good advise. Dragon Con is HUGE & will be even moreso this year as it looks like we will have nearly the entire cast of Firefly/Serenity & Joss, not to mention all of the browncoats who will be showing up. With the BDM only a few weeks after Dragon Con this year I can only imagine the level of excitement and anticipation will be unlike anything I have every experienced in all the years I have been going.

To my knowledge FFG we will be meeting up at the Browncoat table to say "hey", catch up, meet all our fellow browncoats face to face, and if we're lucky the BDHs will stop by to chat like they did last year.

Keep your eyes peeled for Dragon Con posts as we get closer to September Baybreeze1. There will be all manner of info to assimilate.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 10:15 AM


Thanks BC1! With everything going on right now with Serenity, well, let's just say I haven't been this excited since.............damn, can't think when I've been this excited! I'll be sure to keep track of things and as I said before, really looking forward to meeting you guys. We (daughter and self) are planning on driving down (can't afford air fare) after work/school on that Thursday. Figure I'll drive till I drop, get a motel, then continue on early the next a.m. If we get to Atlanta by noon on Friday, will that give us time to get tickets etc or should I change my plans?


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:31 AM


Hiya BB1,
If you are SURE you're going to the con, I would suggest pre-ordering tickets. I don't know if they have ever cut off ticket selling because of a full house, but I always try to reserve a ticket just in case. You'll still have to wait on line when you arrive but at least you know you'll have the tickets waiting :)

Looking forward to meeting a new Browncoat!

I aim to misbehave


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 1:18 PM


Hey fireflygal. Took your advice and downloaded the forms for tickets to Dragon Con. Turns out, if you buy by May 13 or thereabouts, the tickets are cheaper. Thanks for the info. So, I've got my hotel (unless something at the Marriott comes up!), will have tickets in hand soon....damn, is it September yet?

Hey, 'nother question. Wouldn't mind checking out some of the Buffy and Angel events while there (we're not just Firefly fans, but complete and total Joss fans). Will there be time or should we just focus on Firefly?

Looking forward to meeting you too!


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 1:37 PM


No problem BB1. We Browncoats are a helpful lot Yeah, I forgot about the discounts offered if you buy early. Having the tickets already waiting is just one less headache!

Question about checking out Buffy and Angel stuff. Too tough for me to answer. There is A LOT of stuff going at at one time around the clock. I am concentrating on Firefly myself, though I hope to see Richard Hatch speak along with his cool trailers. I think the biggest issue will be whether you want good seats for when the BDH's speak. I'm pretty certain in order to get some good seats you'll have to probably sit through several other talks in order to keep your seat. That would preclude seeing much more of the con. So it all depends on what's most important to you.

I aim to misbehave.


Thursday, April 28, 2005 4:36 AM


Well, as much as I am also a Buffy/Angel fan, my top priority is without doubt Firefly. I'd rather miss everything else in order to get a front row seat to see Joss and our BDH's (or second row, or third row, hell, whatever I can get!) Thanks for the input!


Thursday, April 28, 2005 5:06 AM


Ill warn everyone, if the crowds are as insane as i think they will be, there might not be a chance to save seats by attending the prior panel.

Since they will more than likely be removing the dividing walls between centenial 3 and one and two for the Joss panels they more than likely will kick everyone out during the process.

I'll see you all in line :)


Thursday, April 28, 2005 5:11 AM



Originally posted by fireflygal:

Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
I guess we will be sitting through panels we don't care about to insure we get good seats.

I'm prepared to do what it takes!

Be very careful what you wish for! At last summer's Comic-Con I sat in the room saving seats for about four hours. Some of the panels I had to sit through were absolutely horrible! I'd almost have preferred reavers! I probably shouldn't mention names (*cough*Bride of Chucky*cough*) but one woman had a voice that could melt lead at four hundred paces.

On the other hand, there were some good panels, including Shaun of the Dead, which I probably would never have watched if I hadn't sat through their panel.



Thursday, April 28, 2005 5:14 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by BayBreeze1:
Thanks BC1! With everything going on right now with Serenity, well, let's just say I haven't been this excited since.............damn, can't think when I've been this excited! I'll be sure to keep track of things and as I said before, really looking forward to meeting you guys. We (daughter and self) are planning on driving down (can't afford air fare) after work/school on that Thursday. Figure I'll drive till I drop, get a motel, then continue on early the next a.m. If we get to Atlanta by noon on Friday, will that give us time to get tickets etc or should I change my plans?

I know what you mean BB1. I have never been so excited about a movie in my life. My level of enthusiasm is so high I don't know if I will ever come down.

Friday at noon might be a bit late. The Con starts up around 10 am, and lots of people come in on Friday morning for the weekend or one day passes. This tends to really bog down the ticket lines in the Hyatt, which could mean a wait of a couple of hours. This is one of the main reasons my wife & I come down on Thursdays. Little to no crowd, in & out of the ticket line in less than 15 minutes, and we can enjoy the Thursday night bands that Dragon Con lines up now.

If possible, I would try to make it Thursday evening. If you can't I would be there as early Friday as you can manage.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:48 AM


Thanks BC1. It is so great to have experienced people to help us newbies. I guess the only question for me then is whether I can, in all good conscience, take my 16 year old out of school for 2 days in the first week of school. And also whether my boss will let me take off. Guess I'll play it by ear as it all gets closer. Thanks again!


Thursday, April 28, 2005 9:16 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Hope you get to go BB1. We're looking forward to meeting you. One of the best parts of Dragon Con is hanging out with fellow browncoats. Between that and getting to see, get photos with, and speak to the BDHs, Dragon Con is the best experience all year.

Makes me wish I lived on the west coast just so I could go to more Cons.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, April 28, 2005 9:23 AM


BayBreeze1 wrote:

Thanks BC1. It is so great to have experienced people to help us newbies. I guess the only question for me then is whether I can, in all good conscience, take my 16 year old out of school for 2 days in the first week of school. And also whether my boss will let me take off. Guess I'll play it by ear as it all gets closer. Thanks again!

Okay, 'Breeze... Please take this the right way: First, it's the first week of school. Even in high school, nothing irreplaceable happens in the first week. It's lockers and seating arrangements and finding/figuring out how to get to classrooms in 5 minutes while making a stop by the bathroom and your locker along the way. In class itself, it's getting assigned books and then maybe doing some review of stuff learned at the last of the previous year.

As to your boss: You could always sneak a lockpick in to work in your hair, then unshackle yourself when the guards aren't looking and just leave. Failing that, couldn't you just have sex with your boss to get the time off? I'm sure everyone would understand.

If I had the opportunity to attend a Con right before the movie event of my (47 years) life, I'd gladly take a day of unpaid leave to go. The opportunity to experience something so special -- and share it with my children -- would be worth the sacrifice of school and pay. Some opportunities are so rare and unique, you really must go out of your way to add them to your memories...



Drove all the way to Dallas with my son to watch the Dallas Cowboys play the Seattle Seahawks, because I felt there was a reasonable expectation Emmitt Smith would break the all-time NFL rushing record that day. He did, and my son and I have that memory together for as long as we live.

"Sure as I know anything, I know this: I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDM'


Thursday, April 28, 2005 10:26 AM


Hey everyone! Im BayBreeze1's daughter. Decided to get back on the forums cuz of all the excitment goin' on.

Just wanted to thank everyone for all the info you have given me and my mom. Its been so helpful! With this being my mom's first con and only my second, we will be very lost. So thanks for all the guidance.

Cant wait to see you all there! This will be so much fun! Hope we get there on time *wink wink nudge nudge to BayBreeze*

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW! I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." ~Joss


Thursday, April 28, 2005 10:52 AM


Zoid and BC1

Oh you guys! Actually, I do agree that the first week of school is generally a loss, and last year she only had half days anyway, so as far as school goes, I'd probably be willing to bag the two days (hear that litwolf!! am I the best mom or what?)

Work is more the issue, not cause my boss won't let me (SHE is great and generally lets me do what I want, and as far as the sex goes, I don't think I'm her type!) It's more the nature of my job, and when the convention falls. I'm the only one that does what I do here, so if stuff comes in it could be a problem.

Having said all that, I can say with certainty that I will be doing EVERYTHING in my power to get people here to get me stuff early so I can get out and go play with y'all. I've got a real good group here, so I know they'll support me any way they can. They also know what a huge fan I am and how important it is to me. They laugh at me all the time regarding my fanatical love of all things Firefly and Joss (I of course just regard them with pity!)

In fact, the heck with with it all. I think I'll take my chances and call the Days Inn right now and book an extra night.

OK, gotta go now and drink with my boss (told ya she was great!)

Luv ya all!

P.S. Litwolf - get off the computer and get your homework done!!! love, mom


Thursday, April 28, 2005 11:10 AM


Ok so, someway, somehow, I am gonna find a way to get to this event. I ain't never gone to anything like this. I'm gonna convince my wife it will be a great thing for my Birthday & Our Anniversery. I am freaking nuts, but I can't miss this. So any advice on getting good seats, lodging? Anything. Any advice is appreciated. I wanna have fun, but I can't sell limbs. So I'm loking for some advice & wisdom from some of you con-veterans.

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Thursday, April 28, 2005 11:51 AM


BayBreeze1,Ya scared the @%&?!$ out of me!!!
Sold Out hotels!!!AAAUUUGGGHHH!!!
Say it isnt true!!

Just kidding. Try calling the Hyatt directly
Make sure you mention the secret word "dragoncon"
I just booked a room at 5:30 EDT on thur.
See everybody there!!!


Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:03 PM


Wow Wahooo, you hit something we all forgot, we didn't ask BB1 how she tried to book tickets, definitely a call direct to both hotels is in order. Hear that StillShiny, you too, there may be hope.

Just alittle tidbit, the Hyatt is more the all night hang out hotel and it's where the panels mostly are. The Marriott is more quiet and it's where the dealers room and autograph room is. It's also where Jewel and Nathan stayed last year. I know this because Nathan walked into the restaurant, alone, to have breakfast and all I could do was stare. Luckily I didn't drool and he didn't see me staring.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!


Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:19 PM


So let me ask, do tickets sell out? I assume no. I hope no. But I am to also assume hotels & the like sell out???? Dang, too bad I don't work for Embassy Suites anymore. Hmmmmmmmm. This will require some careful consideration. So just how much money does one end up putting down at one of these things? I'm really asking for help, cuz I ain't sure what I'm gettin into. Please give me some numbers. I'm looking at a trip for 2 possibly 3 from Tulsa Oklahoma. I don't need all the "GOLD" package type stuff, but I do want it to be worth the trip & time off work. I mainly wanna see the BDH's & Joss. As for merch? I'm interested in some. So there, my pitiful plea & please. Tell me what ya can. Heck message me if ya want. I would take it as a kindness.

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:35 PM


Man, and I thought DragonCon had a solid Firefly lineup last year - this year will feature rioting in the aisles. I was already planning on going back but that lineup confirms it. Count me in for meeting up with other Browncoats at panels, shindigs, or whathaveyou!


"I do have a cause, though. It's obscenity. I'm for it." - Tom Lehrer


Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:48 PM


StillShiny, you can spend A LOT of coin at DragonCon! The rates in the Marriott and Hyatt, I believe are $149/night, which is the con rate. Which is why my friends and I stuff 4 people in a room. There are cheaper hotels close by but there's NOTHING better than staying in the con hotel! And yes, they have sold out before and will do so again, no doubt.

Tickets are different rates depending on when you buy it's $60 for the 4 days till May 13, then increases thereafter and $85 at the door. As for DragonCon selling out, I don't know but as I told BB1, why risk it, have the tickets waiting, especially since it's cheaper to buy in advance. Then you have to figure transportation. For food there's a food court and mall right across from the hotels, so you can get away with NOT having to eat expensive hotel food. Those are your basic costs. The souvenirs you'd have to figure out yourself.


Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:58 PM


I appreciate the response thanks. I'm mulling.

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Friday, April 29, 2005 3:10 AM


I searched on-line for hotel tickets. Thought that might be cheaper than going direct. I'm gonna take the adivce given and call direct today to the Hyatt and/or Marriott since I can always cancel my other reservation.

Now, here's the question - if both hotels have rooms available, which one do you guys recommend? Is it worth sacrificing quiet (Marriott) for being in the midst of it all (Hyatt)?

Oh, and over drinks last night boss told me to go ahead and take Thursday, she'd help cover for me!!!! I love my boss!!


Friday, April 29, 2005 3:14 AM


Mulling, what's to mull? You know you want to go, find a couple more friends to share cost with and meet the BDH's!

By the way. Cool shirts! But I can't order any because the design is always placed too low for small gals like me.

I aim to misbehave.






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