You dont realise how many Firefly/Serenity are out there OR Serenity is so gonna to kick Star Wars' ass!

UPDATED: Friday, May 6, 2005 18:47
VIEWED: 7013
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Friday, April 29, 2005 12:28 AM


You just dont realise in the UK how many fans are out there.... this is the end part of an email that has gone out to everyone in the UK who is registered to - one of our top games stores.

Check out that last line! hahahahahaha I am also a big star wars fan - but thats fantastic!

Other releases of note this week are TT Superbikes and Haunting Ground on PS2, Close Combat: First To Fight and SpikeOut: Battlestreet on Xbox, Close Combat: First To Fight, Guild Wars and Cold Fear on PC and Star Fox Assault on GameCube!
You can see all of this week's releases here.

Have a great week!
Jonny Austin

PS. Serenity is so gonna to kick Star Wars' ass!


Friday, April 29, 2005 12:40 AM


I'm a big Star Wars fan too, but am 99.9% 9and the rest) certain that the Serenity screenplay will knock it for six when it comes to well-drawn characters, wit etc.

Think we can only dream about those box office takings though...

"Why would I want to leave Serenity?"
"Can't think of a reason."


Friday, April 29, 2005 2:43 AM


Regaurdless of whether or not Serenity is better, SW III is the end of an era. It's spanned two/possibly three generations of fans. It's firmly affixed in our pop culture. There is just no possible way Serenity could beat that $_ _ _,000,000 figure number.

Unless we all watched the movie 10 times and got all our friends and family and annoying next door neighbors to see it 10 times.

I can dream though :) Maybe for the second movie we'll beat it.


Friday, April 29, 2005 3:46 AM


We'll win, we'll win. Look at what is happening to Serenity now. Plus, Serenity doesn't seem to fit into a demographic of people. The new Star Wars falls into the young teenage type. Old fans of the series are either alienated so much that they probably won't see it right away.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Friday, April 29, 2005 4:16 AM


Even though lots of folks complain about the new movies, I'm pretty sure the demographic for Star Wars is folks in their 30s/early 40s (who grew up with the original series) rather than young teens (who have only the new ones).

Why is it necessary for it to be a competition? Personally, I like both, and one of the reasons I love "Firefly" is because it reminds me of the Star Wars I grew up with.

Why can't we all just get along?

Realistically, unless Universal pulls off some marketing coup, there's no way "Serenity" is going to match the money that Episode III makes, so it's not a fair competition at this point.

Consider 1999 and 2002: In 1999, Episode I was the top gossing film of the year ($431M), with Sixth Sense ($293M) and Austin Powers II ($205M)at 2nd and 3rd place respectively. The Matrix ($171M) and The Mummy ($155M) came in at 5th and 8th place. I suspect that Serenity will be "a modest hit" like those two movies (which certainly ain't a bad thing), unless it can generate the amout of buzz that Sixth Sense and AP2 had.

In 2002, Episode II came in 3rd for the year, grossing only $310M (which, I think, makes it the lowest to date), losing out to Spider-Man and Two Towers ($403M and $340M, respectively). Harry Potter 2 came in 4th ($261M). With the exception of Spider-Man, all of these are sequels, so I don't think Serenity, unfortunately, would have been able to compete in that year either.

Unless Universal pulls out all the stops, I don't see Serenity having a chance to compete financially... but it doesn't need to. It just needs to do well enough to spawn sequels that will make lots of $$$.


Friday, April 29, 2005 4:18 AM



Originally posted by GwenHarker:
Regaurdless of whether or not Serenity is better, SW III is the end of an era. It's spanned two/possibly three generations of fans. It's firmly affixed in our pop culture. There is just no possible way Serenity could beat that $_ _ _,000,000 figure number.

Unless we all watched the movie 10 times and got all our friends and family and annoying next door neighbors to see it 10 times.

I can dream though :) Maybe for the second movie we'll beat it.

..and what's the problem seeing it 10 times? I'm planning to BUY a ticket to every show the first 2 weekends... and thereafter, who knows.

I aim to misbehave!


Friday, April 29, 2005 4:24 AM


Come on everyone, calm down - there's not a hope in hell that Serenity (or for that matter any other film, well maybe Batman...and War of the Worlds and...?) will match Episode III's takings. That's just common sense.

But that's not to say we can't all be really excited that there seems to be so much enthusiasm on line, particuarly in the post-Trailer frenzy! Hopefully Serenity will be a much greater financial success than was first anticipated and Firefly will get to live on in one format or another.

Besides, as one of those early 30-somethings referred to above, I really need Episode III to be a good film....!

"Why would I want to leave Serenity?"
"Can't think of a reason."


Friday, April 29, 2005 5:36 AM


It'll certainly be HUGE in the UK. We love movies with a good plot.


Friday, April 29, 2005 5:58 AM


People said that no studio would put a failed TV show that didn't even have a season onto DVD when the rumor of the DVDs being released found their way onto the internet. When those rumors were confirmed people said that no one would buy it but we did and continue (currently 26th top selling DVD on When rumors of the movie hit the internet, people said that no one would be crazy enough to pick it up but Universal did. When the movie was confirmed, people said that it would be dropped before filming but that never happened. When the movie was filmed, people said it would end up being a direct to DVD release but all signs are that it will be a theatrical release. So I don't see why Serenity can't beat Star Wars III in the box office. Serenity getting huge buzz online and this is going to lead to huge buzz in the media eventually. People who have never even heard of Firefly or Serenity until the trailer are flocking to fansites to see what the fuss is about.

You see Firefly/Serenity is about doing the impossible. We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Friday, April 29, 2005 6:04 AM


Your enthusiasm is infectious

Maybe I should ask for a refund on my Ep III ticket....

"Why would I want to leave Serenity?"
"Can't think of a reason."


Friday, April 29, 2005 6:08 AM



Originally posted by rklenseth:
People said that no studio would put a failed TV show that didn't even have a season onto DVD when the rumor of the DVDs being released found their way onto the internet. When those rumors were confirmed people said that no one would buy it but we did and continue (currently 26th top selling DVD on When rumors of the movie hit the internet, people said that no one would be crazy enough to pick it up but Universal did. When the movie was confirmed, people said that it would be dropped before filming but that never happened. When the movie was filmed, people said it would end up being a direct to DVD release but all signs are that it will be a theatrical release. So I don't see why Serenity can't beat Star Wars III in the box office. Serenity getting huge buzz online and this is going to lead to huge buzz in the media eventually. People who have never even heard of Firefly or Serenity until the trailer are flocking to fansites to see what the fuss is about.

You see Firefly/Serenity is about doing the impossible. We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty.

Oh, and play Cantr II at

We will do the impossible!!! We're big damn heros.


Friday, April 29, 2005 6:24 AM


No, no it won't. It'd be like Anakin charging in at Count Dooku only to get blown away by lightning. Or Luke versus Vader in cloud city, where Vader was toying with him the whole time until Luke loses a hand. Serenity will be amazing. But if you put a gun to my hand and said "choose" my choice would be Star Wars. I will see both. I will love both. But Episode III...Serenity just can't beat it. No matter how hard some of you might want it to, it just doesn't have the power to.

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE. Gamer Rigs, Budget Prices
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05


Friday, April 29, 2005 6:26 AM


Well I am glad I started something hahahaha

I want to see both movies.

As a 30 something, I am also HOPING Episode 3 is as dark as I expect it to be :-) And I need that link to episode 4 (so I can watch 4/5/6 again in a row!)

But equaly - I am hoping Serenity is as easy on the eyes and humours as Firefly was. This one I dont doubt

When The BDM comes out, the fans will be happy, new fans will be found (and DVD sales will go on the up again!), Joss will make his money and Universal will see it well was worth it............ and FOX will weep! hahahahaha


Friday, April 29, 2005 6:27 AM


Well I am glad I started something hahahaha

I want to see both movies.

As a 30 something, I am also HOPING Episode 3 is as dark as I expect it to be :-) And I need that link to episode 4 (so I can watch 4/5/6 again in a row!)

But equaly - I am hoping Serenity is as easy on the eyes and as humourous as Firefly was. This one I dont doubt

When The BDM comes out, the fans will be happy, new fans will be found (and DVD sales will go on the up again!), Joss will make his money and Universal will see it was well worth it............ and FOX will weep! hahahahaha


Friday, April 29, 2005 6:39 AM


I don't believe Serenity will even come close to Ep3's monetary take. Star Wars just has all the cultural inertia of thirty years behind it. Serenity's got momentum, but it's not enough yet.

But all the same, if I was in the 'gun to the head, you can only see ONE of the movies, and you will never, ever, ever see the other one.' then there's absolutely no thought required to make my choice. I can quite happily live without seeing SWIII... I probably will wind up seeing it, but if I didn't, I wouldn't care overly much. Missing out on Serenity would gnaw at me.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: (real) (fictional, travelling through another world)
Unreachable Star: - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions


Friday, April 29, 2005 7:14 AM



Friday, April 29, 2005 7:22 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by rklenseth:
People said that no studio would put a failed TV show that didn't even have a season onto DVD when the rumor of the DVDs being released found their way onto the internet. When those rumors were confirmed people said that no one would buy it but we did and continue (currently 26th top selling DVD on When rumors of the movie hit the internet, people said that no one would be crazy enough to pick it up but Universal did. When the movie was confirmed, people said that it would be dropped before filming but that never happened. When the movie was filmed, people said it would end up being a direct to DVD release but all signs are that it will be a theatrical release. So I don't see why Serenity can't beat Star Wars III in the box office. Serenity getting huge buzz online and this is going to lead to huge buzz in the media eventually. People who have never even heard of Firefly or Serenity until the trailer are flocking to fansites to see what the fuss is about.

You see Firefly/Serenity is about doing the impossible. We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty.

I'll second that Rklenseth!

I have steered clear of the Serenity vs Star Wars threads because I don't want to see or be part of any sort of rift in the Browncoat ranks. Still don't. This is not a competition, at least not since 'Versal moved the BDM back to September. I can only imagine how bloody it would have been on message boards had the two movies had to slug it out within weeks of each other.

Star Wars is iconic in sci fi. There is no way around that. Some of us may not like what Lucas did with the new movies, but the fact of the matter is that Star Wars helped to revitalize sci fi when it hit. It is because of movies like Star Wars that other sci fi series have been able to make it. For that I thank Lucas. I loved the original trilogy and the new trilogy has been fairly good so far.

Make no mistake, I love Firefly and I know I will feel the same way about the BDM. If it came down to it, I would take Firefly and the BDM over Star Wars every time. Star Wars did not pull me in emotionally the way Firefly did. I just didn't feel the connection to the characters or the universe the way I do w/ this wonderful creation Joss has given us.

Rklenseth makes very good and valid points in his statements above. We, the browncoats, have a lot more personally invested in Serenity & Firefly than do Star Wars fans. A lot of us have been here since the show aired, some longer. We stuck it out through "hiatus" and the campaigns to shop the show to other networks. We fought in the effort to save the show and mourned when it was cancelled. We never quit. We never lost faith. We were rewarded w/ the DVD set, and through that set we expanded the fan base. We got more people watching, and those DVD sales figures helped Joss convince Universal to greenlight Serenity.

We have done the impossible. We did it when every detractor and troll said it would never happen. We got our DVD set, and now we have the BDM. We're STILL FLYIN'!

With all of the buzz going on in the last three days I just know that Serenity is going to be bigger than anyone has dared hope. Will it match SW EpIII? Who knows? Who cares?!? It is not a fair comparison as the Star Wars franchise has been around for nearly 30 years, has 5 movies, cartoons, toy lines, video games, books, etc all under its belt to back it up.

Let's all just sit back, go enjoy the BDM (& Star Wars if that is your bag) and smile at the fact that it is through our efforts and loyalty that we have the opportunity to see Serenity flying on the silver screen.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, April 29, 2005 7:40 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
I have steered clear of the Serenity vs Star Wars threads because I don't want to see or be part of any sort of rift in the Browncoat ranks. Still don't. This is not a competition, at least not since 'Versal moved the BDM back to September. I can only imagine how bloody it would have been on message boards had the two movies had to slug it out within weeks of each other.

Star Wars is iconic in sci fi. There is no way around that. Some of us may not like what Lucas did with the new movies, but the fact of the matter is that Star Wars helped to revitalize sci fi when it hit. It is because of movies like Star Wars that other sci fi series have been able to make it. For that I thank Lucas. I loved the original trilogy and the new trilogy has been fairly good so far.

Excellent summation, BrownCoat1. Some battles don't need to be fought and we owe a lot to George Lucas. Just ask yourself: How would the Captain handle the situation?

On a side note, it's time to re-energize our guerilla marketing efforts. The one big unknown in the equation is how non-fans of Firefly will react to the movie. We're lived with these characters for quite a while so there's no way for us to put ourselves in the frame of mind of someone who has never heard of them.

What we can do is continue to spread awareness. Keep putting up 11thHour's great artwork ( ). Keep re-arranging those DVDs at the store so they are in prime viewing locations. Keep doing all the things Jeremy talks about over on his site: . Pretend we're back before the movie was greenlit.

We all know what happens when people watch Firefly with an open mind. The buzz is out there. Let's strike while the iron is hot.


Friday, April 29, 2005 7:51 AM



Originally posted by GwenHarker:
Regaurdless of whether or not Serenity is better, SW III is the end of an era.

Years from now people will look back and see the beginning of another era started a few months after the end of the old. I think at that point we'll all say, "I told you so!"

EV Nova Firefly mod Message Board:
My Other Site:


Friday, April 29, 2005 8:10 AM


Bravo BC1 and I hope you're right GunRunner.

I love Star Wars too and have been in from the original versions. I will see Star Wars and I will see Serenity numerous times. I know Serenity will make enough to insure the trilogy but I keep hoping beyond hope that the trilogy will do so well, it may actually get back to TV or have more movies!

I aim to misbehave.


Friday, April 29, 2005 8:13 AM


I'm amazed.
The trailer has been out, online only(this believe it or not limits the number of people who have had a chance to see it.), for less than 72 hrs.,three days. Count 'em 3. Not even showing in theaters until today. The Serenity site has had thousands of new members, yes thousands, and hundreds of guests almosts around the clock. Today people will start seeing it on the big screen. I expect another burst of new people soon(Welcome!). The jump in sales of the DVD based on a 2 minute trailer, Wow!
We ain't seen nothing yet.
Keep Flyin'
are you laughing yet FOX?

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live


Friday, April 29, 2005 9:01 AM


Just found this link:


15 Things we learnt this week
Posted on Fri, 29-Apr-2005

with Clint Morris

It's been such an exhausting week - work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep, hand over wage to wife to buy kitchen appliances - that I think we'll skip the smart-arse opening and get straight into this week's run-down...latte, would be good...

1 : That "Serenity" might just make mashed spuds out of "Star Wars". OK, so it's not likely to make as much money (it'd be nice, but the Empire has more money for marketing) but it's shaping up to be the better film, and seemingly, the one that people are more interested in seeing. George might wanna have a chat to Joss about getting involved in this "Star Wars" TV series.

"Why would I want to leave Serenity?"
"Can't think of a reason."


Friday, April 29, 2005 11:04 AM


I saw Phantom of the Opera, and all three Lord of the Rings movies 6-8 times, i don't see why it wouldn't be the same or more for Serenity.

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Friday, April 29, 2005 12:28 PM



Originally posted by rklenseth:

You see Firefly/Serenity is about doing the impossible. We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty.

I love that kinda stuff!

I'll tell y'all right now, moneywise, ST3:ROTS will beat Serenity's opening, first month, even the year, but when Serenity's still pullin' in people in the theatrical re-release after the dvd of it comes out, the money take will outdo Vader's.
Jus' a possible outcome.

Fortune teller Chrisisall


Friday, April 29, 2005 12:47 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

rklenseth and Browncoat1 made me change my tag line.

Originally posted by rklenseth:
You see Firefly/Serenity is about doing the impossible. We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty.


Originally posted by Browncoat1
I'll second that Rklenseth!

I have steered clear of the Serenity vs Star Wars threads because I don't want to see or be part of any sort of rift in the Browncoat ranks. Still don't. This is not a competition, at least not since 'Versal moved the BDM back to September. I can only imagine how bloody it would have been on message boards had the two movies had to slug it out within weeks of each other.

Amen brother.
[quopte]Browncoat1 went on to say
Make no mistake, I love Firefly and I know I will feel the same way about the BDM. If it came down to it, I would take Firefly and the BDM over Star Wars every time. Star Wars did not pull me in emotionally the way Firefly did. I just didn't feel the connection to the characters or the universe the way I do w/ this wonderful creation Joss has given us.
Same here. I'd have to say Star Wars definitely set the pace, then Firefly accellerated it. If Star Wars had been written as a character-driven epic rather than event driven, nay-sayers would have been all over Firefly, saying it was copying Star Wars. There was some talk to that effect and the simularities to Cowboy Bebop, but Firefly went on to stand on its own, and it will continue to do so.

Someday they'll say this is where it all began.

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.
Minnesota Meetup - join us!


Friday, April 29, 2005 1:06 PM


Having seen "Return Of The Sith", I reluctantly concede that it is a cut above the previous hokey SW crap. Rather "darker", as it were. As in, slightly less geared to the marketing of SW dolls. Speaking as an original fan who died an emotional death with the onset of the Ewoks, Ep 3 has in my opinion sufficient redeeming virtues to qualify as worthy film fare. Can't say much more without offering up spoilers, which, for varied reasons, I adamantly refuse to do.

Having seen "Serenity", well, let me just opine that this is by far the superior entertainment. In terms of writing, characterisation and plain ol' interesting story (see: any opinion ventured by Mr. zoid), "Serenity" is leagues beyond anything SW has to offer. Again, no spoilers coming, please don't waste bandwidth asking.

Still, in my vaguely undefined opinion,both are worthy films. Based on sheer marketing momentum, SW will blow away Serenity in terms of box office bucks. And that's just the obvious prediction. The point is that Serenity is a helluva quality movie, and oughta sell enough to warrant serious consideration for sequels.

My own tiny contribution will be manifest by my buying tickets to see several showings at theatres, bringing along as many friends as I can wheedle, con or drag, even though I don't have to go to a commercial establishment and pay to view the movie.

Continue keepin' the faith, Browncoats. Serenity's a great flick.


Friday, April 29, 2005 1:58 PM


I plan to see Star Wars once, when I get around to it. I plan to see Serenity twice in a row and then at least once a week for a month or so. Serenity has my support. Star I'll see it when I see it.


Friday, April 29, 2005 2:09 PM


I'm seeing both Serenity and Revenge of the Sith within 36 hours of each other. I don't care which is better, as long as both are good films.


Friday, April 29, 2005 2:58 PM


I choose...I choose (dramatic music. tension.)

...Which is pretty much just Serenity... except River has a lightsaber.


Friday, April 29, 2005 9:19 PM


"I've been waiting for you, Simon. We meet again at last..."


Saturday, April 30, 2005 3:50 AM


As a fan of SW 4,5&6, I will, of course, see ROTS, and from what I hear, will enjoy it. Serenity is another story. I plan to see it as many times as opportunity and finance will allow. If enough others share that sentiment (after a taste of Serenity's character-driven style), I feel it could be BIG. It happened before not so long ago, in a galaxy right here in 1977!
Thanks for your enlightened opinion. Good to know I have two films to look foward to.

Hopeful Chrisisall


Saturday, April 30, 2005 5:38 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
... I will, of course, see ROTS... Serenity is another story. I plan to see it as many times as opportunity and finance will allow.

That's my feeling exactly: I know how episode three has to end.

Select to view spoiler:

Anakin has to get maimed and adopt the Vader identity, Padme has to have twins and be killed, the baby girl with her attendant droids has to be adopted by Senator Organa of Alderaan, and the baby boy has to be whisked away to Tatooine where Obi-Wan will set himself up as 'Old Ben', the wise man of the desert.

I can't miss seeing it on the big screen, but I don't foresee doing it more than once. I'll probably be upset for a week. Serenity, on the other hand, "I will see as many times as opportunity and finance will allow".

"Is there any way I'm gonna get out of this with honor and dignity?"


Saturday, April 30, 2005 10:40 AM


Count me in as one of those who doesn't see it as a competition. I've been a Star Wars fan my entire life, and I'm counting down the days until Episode III. I saw the first two prequels in the theater over 15 times each and will probably do the same for this last one. (Yes, you read right, I enjoyed the prequels!)

However, I am also a loyal Browncoat. Having seen Serenity, I really hope the film will do well and be a success. I adore the cast and a Firefly film trilogy would make me happy beyond compare. I'm doing everything in my power to spread the word of all things Serenity.

I don't see how making it a competition will help our cause. I wore some of my Serenity shirts to the Star Wars Celebration last week. Advertised the film to 50,000+ Star Wars fans. (Even got interviewed on camera about being a Star Wars/Firefly fan.) If someone asked me about Serenity, the last thing I would want to say is that it was an amazing film that was so going to kick Episode III's behind. How is that going to encourage people to see the film? If Star Wars fans are brought to this site because of interest in the trailer, I think competition talk wouldn't put them on the defensive. Heck, I adore Firefly, and still don't like all the "versus" talk.

Episode III is an end of an era. Millions and millions of people will see it. Star Wars fans are counting down the days. A lot of people who hated the prequels have said they're going to see it just to see how it all ends. Students at my school are sporting Star Wars shirts and hoping their parents will let them see the film. It's going to make a lot of money.

Serenity is the beginning of new era. This is something Star Wars fans can look to after the final film. We want them to join us, not fight us. Serenity is going to do great at the box office, I can feel it. As someone posted above, can't we all get along?

I am just so excited about both these films. When I'm sitting there at the midnight showing for Episode III, if they show the Serenity trailer, I cannot be held responsible for my actions. This is going to be a great five six months!

And they called her...the Jedi Browncoat.


Sunday, May 1, 2005 12:59 PM


Jedi Browncoat, gnaw on the innerds of an Independant and your journey toward the Reaver side will be complete!

I agree, ass-kicking is no way to think. Let the greatest summer for movies since the early eighties begin!



Friday, May 6, 2005 6:47 PM


Too ... much ... anger tonight ... bumping happy thread ...

"It's getting very crowded in here!"

"Is there any way I'm gonna get out of this with honor and dignity?"






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