OMG!!! Some people want to see Serenity real bad.

UPDATED: Friday, May 6, 2005 16:00
VIEWED: 17732
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Monday, May 2, 2005 3:48 PM


'Lish wrote:

Originally posted by zoid:
There's no such thing as "I'm just doing a little prostitution."


(Mal-Licious goes off to find a new hobby)


And I never say that! That's why I love you, 'Lishus: You complete me.

You had me at 'prostitution'... You had me at 'prostitution'... (*sniffle*)



"Sure as I know anything, I know this: I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDM'


Monday, May 2, 2005 4:47 PM



Originally posted by Knibblet:
I despise, loath, hate, detest, condemn and spit upon scalpers.

Little late to this post. My bad.

I'm sorta with ya on this one, only my take runs to not liking scalpers very much. Question of degree. If they're scalping milk to needy single mothers, well then, I say jail the mofos. When they're sucking in otherwise intelligent people based on the vanity of seeing an entertainment event sooner rather than later, then I say, profit as thou wilt.

Does it not bother anyone that we (yup, me too) really like a crew of fictional characters who are thieves (Cap'n Reynolds, TTJ)? Who are crooks (Wash, Serenity / pilot ep.)? We might rationalise along the lines of, "yeah, but they're stealing from bad folk". Well, sure, but if the Train Job had gone smoothly, then thanks to the efforts of our BDHs, Serenity's crew, and that nice Niska fellow, would have garnered some cash profit, and them poor folk on (damnit, forgot the name of the moon) would have suffered for the lack of medicine.

Moral compromises have a nasty way of insinuating into nearly everything. I'd just as soon not be giddyyuppin' off on a moral high-horse. You want morally bankrupt? I give you our "BDHs", and I give you me, the fan.

What these scalpers have done, though offensive to the Browncoat community, is weak tea.


Monday, May 2, 2005 5:15 PM


I would have to say that everything is relative. What seems like an absurd amount of money to you may not be to others. What seems crazy to you may not to another. It's just subjective fandom. Why did 5 years ago people spend months of their lives waiting to see a Star Wars movie 3 or 4 hours earlier than anyone else. It's just the nature of being a fan, to want to be in the center of the action occuring with your favorite (whatever). One reason I wouldn't mind spending a larger amount of money for this showing is the possibility of seeing some of my BDH there.

"Now a couple of us might just creep into one of those major metropolitan multiplexes to see if anyone does show up, so remember: swearing in Chinese ONLY." Joss

So I don't mind trying to spend a little extra. That being said everything is still subjective and I won't pay $300 for it either. Maybe as much as $50 a ticket (especialy if others are sharing the cost of multiple tix) but that is pushing it.


Monday, May 2, 2005 6:47 PM



Originally posted by embers:
myself I would be more than a little worried about being ripped off, paying a lot of money and then not ending up getting in after all...

Now wouldn't it be poetic justice if all the winners of the auctions never paid up? The scalpers would be stuck with all those tickets and nothing to show for it....bwahahahahahahaha!

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Monday, May 2, 2005 9:05 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Universal is the biggest pimp of all; they're not being altruistic about this one bit.

there is one difference. universal is investing and creating something to sell it, pimps prey on those who need money and cut into their profits by keeping most of the money their "clients" pay for themselves.

how about the guy in front of you at the booth says "all the tickets you got left, please", then turns around and says "who wants tickets? only $50 a ticket." by extension it's like stealing someones stuff and then selling it back to him.

difference: without universal there wouldnt be a movie. without a scalper there would still be tickets and they would sell for their normal price. they are pretty much those that give capitalism it's bad name by forcefully squeezing themselves into the chain. and even doing though to make profit without paying taxes ,-)

so i agree that they should simply sit on their tickets without selling a single one. if they really wanted to see it and now have spare tickets for whatever reason they could still either be nice and give them to a friend or (careful, novel idea ahead) sell them for the ORIGINAL price.

imagine a world where consumers would simply refuse and say "go f%%k yourself", everytime someone tries to screw them? ms would be staring at a mountain of unsold win xp boxes, valve would still be waiting for anyone to buy half life 2 and the whole software industry would be forced to rethink their methods instead of hiding behind the lame "all software has bugs"-excuse. sure it does, but not THAT FRIGGING MANY obvious and severe ones. in short: there is always enough people who just play along with anything to make dubious practices worthwhile and basically ruin it for all, by allowing these practices to establish themselves and spread out.


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 10:15 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
[B "See all the Jedi killed!" or "See the entire known Universe hurled into darkness in the clutches of Evil Incarnate!"... "See Yoda exiled to a swamp! See Obi-Wan marooned in a desert!"... "See Amidala killed and her children separated... Hidden from each other and their monstrous father!"... "Uproarious fun for the whole family!"

Wow. Suddenly I don't really wanna pay to get gut shot. But that's what's gonna happen in the movie. Way you put it, seems like not at all a kindness that the first three chapters were ever made at all. What should be painful backstory has become center stage for these films.


Zoid saved me from a depressing evening Chrisisall


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 12:30 PM


Now, I'm as opposed to professional scalpers as anyone else. Anyone who buys up tickets with the sole intention of selling them at inflated prices is just being unfair.

However, that's not what I'm seeing when I look at these auctions. There aren't large blocks of tickets like you'd see if someone bought a ton just for selling them. There are single tickets or pairs. The way I see it, the scalpers didn't get in on this. A lot of these are fans who reflexively bought tickets for themselves and then realized they couldn't make a 10pm Thursday night showtime for whatever reason - it's not terribly convenient (believe me I know - I'm going!!!).

And then there are the people that, seeing how some tickets were going for absurd amounts, realized that they'd rather have a couple of hundred dollars than go to the show, and that there were people out there that would rather go to the show than have a couple of hundred dollars. Especially the ones that have the absurdly high starting prices - people are saying "If someone out there wants it that bad, this is my price for waiting 'till September. Otherwise, I'm going."

And yes, the people who can't make it themselves COULD just give the tickets to other people for the face value. But I honestly can't say I would, when given the chance to make a few hundred bucks out of the deal. Would you?

So I don't see it as non-fans cruelly trying to exploit fans. That's how I read it, anyway.


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 12:43 PM


I don't get why everyone's so offended/surprised by this kind of stuff. It's capitalism, people! The 'scalpers' are really just performing a service: getting tickets into the hands of those who want them the most. There’s nothing immoral about purchasing a good with the intent of selling it, even a good of which there is a finite supply. That’s why free-market economies are so much more successful; goods are attained through the most economical means possible, and then distributed to where they are needed the most.

Sorry, I’m just a big fan of capitalism.


Friday, May 6, 2005 12:59 AM


I just came back from the Las Vegas screening, Josh and River came!

I agree with TalonPest, so few tickets were available for resale, I also doubt professional scalpers were involved.

It also looks to me like there is a little exageraton here. I only paid 229.50 total for 2 tickets for me and my wife.

One of the unfortunate things that tends too be true in life, is you either have time or money. I have money, but little time. I am lucky to read this site once a week, although I feel I am as passionate as anyone.

I found out at 10:30 the morning after this was announced. Way too late! Some other Firefly fan with more time than money now has a little more money. I thank him/her!

I was actually hoping that the fact so few tickets were scalped leading to quite high prices would look great and send a message to the good folks at Universal. I was sorry to see in this thread that it has been viewed very negatively.

I couldn't wait 5 more months for this one. I spent months counting the days till April 22nd. I hope that the response to this preview get them thinking about starting up number 2 a little on spec. I have trouble with waiting 3 years for it!


Friday, May 6, 2005 4:10 AM



There’s nothing immoral about purchasing a good with the intent of selling it, even a good of which there is a finite supply

Sorry have to disagree with you here, but capatilism is amoral and those who use it have the ability to use for good or evil or something in between. Just because something is leagal to do and fits the priciples of capitalism doesn't mean it can't be exploited or used for evil or ill will.

Slavery anyone?


Friday, May 6, 2005 6:12 AM



Sorry have to disagree with you here, but capatilism is amoral and those who use it have the ability to use for good or evil or something in between. Just because something is leagal to do and fits the priciples of capitalism doesn't mean it can't be exploited or used for evil or ill will.

Slavery anyone?

Easy there. I know you're pissed you didn't get to go see the movie, but come on. It's not like people who were scalping tickets were charging huge amounts for food or medicine, stuff that people really need. These tickets were a luxury, not a necessity. It is a privilege to see the movie ahead of release, not a right. And frankly, I don’t see anything the slightest bit “evil” about selling a luxury item to the highest bidder. And comparing it to slavery is just damn silly.


Friday, May 6, 2005 9:52 AM


I was implying that there's nothing inherently immoral about profiting from the sale of a rare good.

I don't really think selling movie tickets is in league with selling human beings; but hey, that's just me.


Friday, May 6, 2005 10:19 AM


Whoa there partners. I didn't mean to sound like I was passing judgement on anyone. You guys are cool and I wouldn't mean to suggest otherwise.

First of all Im not pissed about anything. I was just arguing a point. I didn't mean to imply that selling tickets was evil or that it was like slavery.

I was discussing capitalism in general NOT selling tickets specifically. What I ment is that not all capitalism is necessaraly good. Capitalism can be used for good or bad. And I suggested Slavery as an example. So sorry if I misunderstood Steve580 point.

If you read my other posts I don't think there is anything evil about scalping tickets. I just don't think its the best moral choice to make and I would probably think about a persons judgement if he did such a thing.

If I were in the same situation as these people that had extra tickets that I could not use. I would try and find a fan of the show to give them away to rather then sell them. But what makes me cringe is when I read one ebay listing where the seller said he knew what a big deal this was going to be so he bought extra tickets just to sell on ebay. That just makes my blood boil. He is purposfully sabotaging other fans ability to get tickets at retail prices just so he can make a profit off of other peoples addictions. You could argue that this is no different then price gouging.

Just for emphasis, Im not really truely mad about anything or at anyone. Im just trying to argue a point here.

PS sorry for typos and spelling errors im at work trying to write this as quickly as possible.


Friday, May 6, 2005 10:33 AM


I also went to the Las Vegas screening. It was very SHINY to see Joss and Summer. I think I almost PMP when they walked in.

The day the tix went on sale, I tried very hard to get them. Not fast enough I guess. I think they sold out in less than an hour.

That being said, I LITERALLY live across the street from the Palms, so I walked up there, intending to document the line culture, as some do for LOTR and SW. Not too many dressed up; I think I saw only 1 Jayne knit hat. There were a BUNCH of people with homemade t-shirts (very professional looking as well). I took pictures of some of them (My video camera has a snapshot function).

While talking to one guy with some chinese symbols on the back of his head (forgot to ask what they stood for), he urged me to ask in the line...just to see if there was anyone with an extra ticket. I balked at the idea (soooo shy in RL). But then I thought, "What the H3ll"?

I marched up to the line and screamed at the top of my lungs: "Anyone got an extra ticket they wanna sell!?!?!" Much to my astonishment, there was a lady not 10 feet away with one. I asked how much it was, she asked what I was willing to pay for it...I got it for 20 bucks. I think she would have sold it to me for face value if I had said it (9 bucks).

And if this is the UNFINISHED version...can't wait to see what they do for the September release. I have already begun telling every scifi fan I know. And Joss made a point to say that. Evidently, the advertising budget is not all that big and he said it was up to the fans to get the word out.

Doing my part.

"Can't stop the signal"

Michaelle (bugchicklv)


Friday, May 6, 2005 4:00 PM


Well, I agree with you on that; I mean, if I'd gotten some extra tickets, I wouldn't have tried to screw people by charging too high a price. Not that I acutally *got* tickets...'cause I didn't.






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