More StarFury Serenity - Con News

UPDATED: Tuesday, May 3, 2005 09:07
VIEWED: 5782
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Sunday, May 1, 2005 8:42 AM


Hi All,

Zol, reporting in from his hotel room (I`m surprised no-one else has or doesn`t appear to have done already).

The Heroes are just that Bid Damn Heroes and worth seeing - and they include Badger(Mark Shepherd), Book(Ron Glass) & Chris Buchanan too!!

No Joss, although speaking to Chris B, I asked when Joss will be over and he replyied that Joss was going to be over a suprise guest but something involving work cropped up (there`s still chance and like the Great Prophet Zarqoun he may turn up at the end but then again he may not) - the good news is that he will most definitely be appearing sometime later in the UK this year (of course!)

Universal were here filming and interviewing people (ask Firefloozy Suzie!) and also filming the fanb reaction to the trailer & some of the guest interviews too (Now there`s a news spot for you all)

I can`t post photos at the moment but wait until tuesday (or monday if I`m not too knackered) and I will have a Fotopic site dedicated to the Starfury Event.

Now the Bad news - Serenity2 wnet on sale this morning and over 1/3 of all ticket sales have been sold (and that includes all the meet`n`eat the stars ) SORRY! (Although I`m not going as yet!)

I hope somebody will add a much fuller review in full time - you can email me your questions (PM me from this site with your email address) and I will respond when I can.

Also please note, people who sent me their locations on the UK Browncoat Map will have to wait (at least until the Serenity Con Stuff is sorted - btw, Nathan wants his tight pants back but I refused (for decency reasons )

Summers legs were .... fantastic, and everyone there has had a great time with all the fun. I didn`t take photos of the costume parade - but you must see the Wash`o`saurus that won (sorry can`t remember the gals name but she put in a `ell of a lot of effort and was really feeling the heat from the costume [it was AWESOME!]

Until later ...

This is Zol Harbatkin reporting live from the scene of sheer hapiness & delight, signing off.

Darin (Zol.)


Sunday, May 1, 2005 12:29 PM


Photo posted to Serenity Movie Board, not particularly high quality due to crapy laptop (can`t process the full size images! )

With anyluck, it will be posted soon - sorry, this was the only way I could get the BD(M)H to appear (if all is as required)

If not, I will be posting a link either tomorrow or Tuesday with lots of lovely full size photos!!!

Darin (Zol.)

Happy to have been with the Galls (& Guys) of Serenity(& Firefly)

p.s. Nathan you can not have my Tightpants, and it`s no good that you were pointing accusing me of stealing yours in the group photo with Zol. Harbatkin


Sunday, May 1, 2005 1:07 PM



Originally posted by Zol:
Summers legs were .... fantastic

Umm, Umm, what? More details please. And photos if possible.

Edited to add:
Actually, speaking of photos, can you post a link to the thread with your con photos? I had a look but couldn't find them.




Sunday, May 1, 2005 1:41 PM



Originally posted by Bleyddyn:

Originally posted by Zol:
Summers legs were .... fantastic

Umm, Umm, what? More details please. And photos if possible.

Edited to add:
Actually, speaking of photos, can you post a link to the thread with your con photos? I had a look but couldn't find them.



Hi, I can`t upload images so have had to use the con challenge thing - so it`s waiting for approval, but the image I sent (well it`s 2 on 1 is of ALL the guest stars together & also Nathan & Morena having a heart to heart when a fan asked "If firefly would have continued in the series who would have made the 1st move?" - I believe it was Morena who after several glances to & from Nathan eventually went and touched one of Nathan`s feet(!))

Sorry, you will have to wait just a little longer

Darin (Zol.)

p.s. Summer was wearing a very short skirt on Saturday & she has these very fine & very well waxed legs (or at least they were shiny!)


Monday, May 2, 2005 3:39 AM


Ok guys, looks like Wren has posted some photos in the bluesun room, mine are going to be a little while and they will most likely be on a fotopic website (there`s over 100 and only a few failed [blame that on Summer! ]

I will post some of the best ones later - but my brain has just started to seize up.

See you soon with more stuff.

Darin (Zol.)

p.s. someone post the Wash-o-saurus pic - that`s a must!!


Monday, May 2, 2005 4:44 AM


I have stuck a few of my pictures in the Bluesun Room. For the lazy or technically challanged:

Unfortunately, my camera had a gremlin so they aren't to a high standard. Only about 9 of the 250 pictures that I took have come out, and one of those is a picture of the back of Zol's head.

We had an excellent time. We went to the meet and greet where we spoke to Nathan, Morena, Ron and Summer. My children adore Summer, she made a real fuss of them.

I managed to attend all but one of the talks. They are a bit of a blur though, so I will let someone else provide that information.

The quality of the fancy dress was very good. However, two costumes stood out above the rest - the 'Jayne statue', which took second place, and
the 'Wash O' Saurus', which has to be seen to be believed. The look on Alans face when he saw it was priceless. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a picture because my camera had completely stopped working!

The guests were all totally awesome. Nathan drew my daughters a picture each and asked if he could take our photo!

Jewel's husband (Matt?) sat next to us at the opening ceremony (I had front row seats directly infront of the stage and no working camera ). He shouted so loudly he scared my youngest daughter, who hid from him. He took a few moments to talk to her and reassure her.

I was a bit disappointed that the fan art competition was cancelled, especially as my eldest daughter had worked so hard on her picture. However, my husband was told that Universal had filmed the entries, so maybe they will make it onto the dvd.

I would like to say a big thank you to all the stewards. Everyone I met went beyond the call of duty.

I would also like to say a very big thank you to all the Browncoats who attended. They are a nice bunch of people. One very shiny fella gave his raffle prize to my daughters.

Now I just have to find the money for Serenity Squared.


Monday, May 2, 2005 5:21 AM


Sorry If I got my head in the way, I try my best not to - I have about 140+ photos done, a couple will appear in the BlueSun room whilst others will appear in my Galleries (probably linked from - Summer - The Guests


Darin (Zol.)

p.s. Anybody with photos of me, can they be sent to my email address (preferably the original sizes - thanks!)


Monday, May 2, 2005 10:38 AM


Just another note, if you haven`t checked out the Bluesun room - you`ve just got to check out the photo of Summer cuddling Nathans leg, she`s just so adorable.
& then there`s this one too -

Darin (Zol.)


Monday, May 2, 2005 11:55 AM


Did anybody happen to film any pannels? This sounds like everybody just had too much fun! Over on the other side of the pond, it'd be great to be able to see the BDHs ask eachother questions.


Monday, May 2, 2005 12:05 PM



Originally posted by ellydragon:
Did anybody happen to film any pannels? This sounds like everybody just had too much fun! Over on the other side of the pond, it'd be great to be able to see the BDHs ask eachother questions.

Filming isn't allowed at Starfury events. However, they usually release a video of the event which anyone can buy.


Monday, May 2, 2005 12:14 PM



Originally posted by Zol:
Sorry If I got my head in the way, I try my best not to...
Anybody with photos of me, can they be sent to my email address (preferably the original sizes - thanks!)

No need to apologise, these things happen.

I tried to get a picture of you in the fancy dress comp, but none of them came out. The only decent shot I have is the one of the back of your head. If you want it let me know, I guess it's not a place you see very often .


Monday, May 2, 2005 12:17 PM


Gosh darn it you beat me to it.

I've just got back today from the Serenity Convention. How apt that title seems, I've been smiling all day long. Got To meet The guys and they are all so darn nice. It's so rare. Alan rocks! Poor guy was exhusted as I am sure they all were, yet he and the rest all found the energy to keep laughing and partying. Wish I could have spoken to em longer but there were so many people there that yeah. Movie trailer looks awesome, looking forward to being on the DVD special features-heh-

Going to serenity squared with luck too. Wish I had identified myself to others on this board before I went, but I totally lost the original thread-l-

Here's an idea thats prolly been mentioned already. If not then woah lucky me...


When serenity is released at the cinemas in the US on the 30th of september.. EVERYONE hit the cineama on open day.. This ensures it gets a big opening week and heavy coverage as a "surprise" smash, then ideally more people go to see it, then we get the sequels-s-

Ditto when it comes over here... I'm sure there are enough people to make this happen.

"Lets Be Bad Guys"


Monday, May 2, 2005 12:22 PM


They don't allow attendees to film at the convention but they did film it themselves and given how professionally they put everything else together, I'm sure that the finished product will look good. They were selling videos of previous conventions at the Serenity one, so probably at Serenity 2 (see what I did there?) we'll be able to buy copies of this weeekend's panels (which were very good).

But sample highlights for you (I'm having to paraphrase a bit here):

Audience Question: "Would you like to do the stage adaptation of Dirty Dancing?"

Summer Glau: *eyes light up* There was a stage adaptation? (Yes, in Australia) Really? Wow. I'd love to do that. I loved Dirty Dancing and even the new one that they did. I started off as a ballet dancer and that meant I could perform in front of people without really having to talk to them or engage with them. So yeah, I love those sort of stories where a girl has to come out of her shell and grows.

Audience Question: "What is Book's past?"

Ron Glass: *long pause* Something that you people *pause* haven't learned yet *pause* is that Book was a ballet dancer *Ron laughs deeply*

Somebody pushes in the queue for questions...

Rude Pusherinerer: "I have a question for Ron Glass. Ron Glass, you're very talented, generous, warm spirited, incredibly gifted at acting, you have a wonderful voice, you're a friend of everybody on the set. How much would you attribute this to the actor Nathan Fillion?"

Ron: *laughs deeply* "Who are you?"

Nathan (for it is he): "I'm just a fan."

Ron: *pause* I would say *pause* 99% of that I can attribute to Nathan Fillion.

Applause and they hug it out.

They actually all handled the panels so well, not one dud among them and for quite a few they sparked off each other beautifully.


Monday, May 2, 2005 12:27 PM



Originally posted by Wren:

I tried to get a picture of you in the fancy dress comp, but none of them came out. The only decent shot I have is the one of the back of your head. If you want it let me know, I guess it's not a place you see very often .

Ah, that will be the camera Radar working, it detects cameras and ensures I`m facing in the wrong direction

If people are going to the Srenity2 con and want ID - I can do a new design based on the new serenity logo - well it`s actually easier as the Logo has no writting onit in the 1st place - then everybody can wear the same type of badge, which worked well at the Serenity Con this weekend!

Darin (Zol.)


Monday, May 2, 2005 12:40 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
Somebody pushes in the queue for questions...

Rude Pusherinerer: "I have a question for Ron Glass. Ron Glass, you're very talented, generous, warm spirited, incredibly gifted at acting, you have a wonderful voice, you're a friend of everybody on the set. How much would you attribute this to the actor Nathan Fillion?"

Ron: *laughs deeply* "Who are you?"

Nathan (for it is he): "I'm just a fan."

Ron: *pause* I would say *pause* 99% of that I can attribute to Nathan Fillion.

Applause and they hug it out.

That was just so damn funny. And the number of people he has influenced just kept rising and rising from that point on ;)

Now I'm trying to remember... how did it get turned on it's head in the end? Someone asked the question but turned it around somehow... who and how? Can anyone remember?

"My God - you're like a trained ape. Without the training."


Monday, May 2, 2005 1:25 PM


That was Nathan's and Morena's panel the following day and it worked so well because he just didn't see it coming...

Audience Question: Nathan, you're the captain of the ship and you're the leader of the crew. You're brave, tough, resourceful and very good looking. *Nathan does a pleased looking face and the girl asking pauses for a sec* How much of this do you attribute to the actor Alan Tudyk?

Everyone claps and cheers wildly.

Nathan, with mock serious face: Lady? You leave the funnies to me.

It was particularly gratifying as Nathan had managed to fool Morena again with fake flattery. Of course, she promptly fell for it again just five minutes later.


Monday, May 2, 2005 4:18 PM


Hey, FFF browncoats. Sleepy suze here.

Did Zol or Simonwho mention that Universal had a documentary crew covering Starfury Serenity con?

That certainly was exciting :-) !!

Who else got interviewed?

Anybody hear anything a about what's going to be done with the footage of our Serenity Trailer crowd scene? Watch for us on future advertising...


Monday, May 2, 2005 11:15 PM


You will find some shiny portraits of the BDH in the Blue Sun Room.



Tuesday, May 3, 2005 1:51 AM


Hey Andy!

Thanks for the badge! I havent taken it off since getting home! I like to have a little bit of Summer with me everywhere I go. And I've been working on a mission-impossible style plan to get one of those posters!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 5:36 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
That was Nathan's and Morena's panel the following day and it worked so well because he just didn't see it coming...

Audience Question: Nathan, you're the captain of the ship and you're the leader of the crew. You're brave, tough, resourceful and very good looking. *Nathan does a pleased looking face and the girl asking pauses for a sec* How much of this do you attribute to the actor Alan Tudyk?

Everyone claps and cheers wildly.

Nathan, with mock serious face: Lady? You leave the funnies to me.

Ah yes now I remember Fantastic!


Originally posted by SimonWho:
It was particularly gratifying as Nathan had managed to fool Morena again with fake flattery. Of course, she promptly fell for it again just five minutes later.

I'm surprised she fell for it twice, she's so quick and clever and hard to trick...

"....if you like eating horsesh*t!"

"My God - you're like a trained ape. Without the training."


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 5:39 AM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:
Hey, FFF browncoats. Sleepy suze here.

Did Zol or Simonwho mention that Universal had a documentary crew covering Starfury Serenity con?

That certainly was exciting :-) !!

Who else got interviewed?

Anybody hear anything a about what's going to be done with the footage of our Serenity Trailer crowd scene? Watch for us on future advertising...

That'd be cool. Far as I know, it was all for the movie DVD, but it could well appear in other programmes about the series and movie before then.

Hmm... what's the word I'm looking for? Oh yes... SHINY!

"My God - you're like a trained ape. Without the training."


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 7:02 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
That was Nathan's and Morena's panel the following day and it worked so well because he just didn't see it coming...

Audience Question: Nathan, you're the captain of the ship and you're the leader of the crew. You're brave, tough, resourceful and very good looking. *Nathan does a pleased looking face and the girl asking pauses for a sec* How much of this do you attribute to the actor Alan Tudyk?

Everyone claps and cheers wildly.

Nathan, with mock serious face: Lady? You leave the funnies to me.

It was particularly gratifying as Nathan had managed to fool Morena again with fake flattery. Of course, she promptly fell for it again just five minutes later.

Fake flatery? Do tell the story!


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 7:07 AM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:
Hey, FFF browncoats. Sleepy suze here.

Did Zol or Simonwho mention that Universal had a documentary crew covering Starfury Serenity con?

That certainly was exciting :-) !!

Who else got interviewed?

Anybody hear anything a about what's going to be done with the footage of our Serenity Trailer crowd scene? Watch for us on future advertising...

HI Suzie! Can't wait to hear your story! Do tell.


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 7:28 AM



Originally posted by dietcoke:

Fake flatery? Do tell the story!

They both came in, sat down and Nathan started complimenting her, how talented she was, how beautiful and how great she was to work with. Morena just took it very gracefully and then Nathan paused, looked at her and added "if you like eating horsesh**." Cue riotous laughter and Morena flapping with fury that she'd fallen for Nathan's wind-up abilities again. Although she did get to return the compliment to him later, being incredibly sweet about him and the way he welcomed her on the set and ... "if you like eating horsesh**."

Needless to say, that was one of the phrase that made it into the highlights of the week. That reminds me, must do blog before all those really cool small bits fall out of my head.


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 7:37 AM


Slightly off topic but I'm desperate...

Anyone have any luck getting there hands on the WonderCon 2005 Serenity Panel Video promoted so prominently on the front page of this very site?

Would love to see it but everytime I try I get 'Service Unavaliable"


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 8:18 AM


Ooh, baby, so much crammed into an eight-day trip and especially 3-day convention that my mind can't quite grasp all that has happened to me.

Fortunately (for me AND for everyone curious about the Strange Adventures of Suze & Sami) I have a daughter who has excellent recall and who also has excellent blogging skills.

Today, while she's been at school, I'm been uploading and editing photos. The hope is that Sami will find some time between excessive school assignments to blog her experiences whilst I find time to create annotated photo album.

But for you and my PA Shindig folk, here's the short, preview, "trailer" version of Serenity Con:

It was Firefly lovefest by day, wild disco party by night. The cast guests plus Chris Buchanan (sp?) were endlessly gracious and eager to encourage all manner of Browncoat devotion/ publicizing of Serenity. They were mercifully patient with us, with our questions and fawning all over them...and with the sweltering conditions in the Main Hall at Thistle Heathrow. God, everyone was melting. (Just be prepared to see sweat sheening off of every subject in my photos).

The established Starfury conventioneers -- delightful bunch -- were generally very welcoming and helpful to newbies of every nationality. And boy, were we a diverse bunch, from all over the UK and from several continents as well (everything you've ever heard about how Scots can party? Absolutely true. The Germans, the Dutch, the French? Yep, they know how to party, too.)

On Sunday there was a production crew from Universal, roaming around capturing the flavor of the event and the reactions of Starfury attendees. Sean Harry had mentioned to me on Saturday that Universal especially wanted to feature Americans who'd come all the way over for the 'Con, so I identified myself to the production persons and they interviewed Sami and me together. However, I'd no sooner finished an interview in which I claimed some responsibility for representing my PA Shindig and NYC buddies then I ran into another couple from New Jersey - that'd be Blackberry and her husband. So I dragged them over to the film crew, explaining that, well, I was wrong: Other NE USA folk were in attendance and here they are.

Eventually the other NJ people were interviewed also; I think they got the Texans and Utah peeps, too. But Americans weren't the only Firefly Fans of Interest to the Universal people; plenty of other Browncoats were filmed, too, so who knows what bits may eventually become part of a publicity piece or DVD extra (a "Trekkies"-type featurette??)

Let's see...what else to tell? I have photos of the winning Wash-a-Saurus costume entry, so I'll get that up eventually. Sami was Padme in the contest, but parading in front of the BDH's made her so nervous, she skipped in and out of the hall without letting them get a good look at her. Which is kind of a shame: She looked great. Not as good a costume as Jayne Statue, Wash-a-Saurus and spooky little River girl, but Sami looked good. Everyone loved the fake braids and long hair on her. People liked my Wild West Victorian lady the night before, too. Except, let me tell you, I absolutely did NOT look as Wild West as the Europeans did. Lots of CONVINCING cowpokes -- and here's something I didn't expect: They do country line dancing very convincingly, too.

I tell ya, DietCoke.
Those Starfury folk really know how to throw a convention.

(Tell MOH: I met some ex-pat Yanks and invited them to her house in October. Hope they make it!)


Tuesday, May 3, 2005 9:07 AM


Thanks for the report. Look forward to hearing more stories. Would love to see you in a DVD...would that be just great or what?






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