1 available ticket to Minneapolis Screening!

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 01:54
VIEWED: 2819
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Thursday, May 19, 2005 10:20 AM



All you slackers out there! Here is your opportunity. Impress me with your B***S*** and you may earn you spot in line. But keep it clean. If you go dirty make sure it doesn't post online or you're disqualified.

I know this is mean but dang it --- it's my ticket!

Let the creativity BEGIN!


Let's be bad guy's!


Thursday, May 19, 2005 10:54 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Warmaster:

All you slackers out there! Here is your opportunity. Impress me with your B***S*** and you may earn you spot in line. But keep it clean. If you go dirty make sure it doesn't post online or you're disqualified.

I know this is mean but dang it --- it's my ticket!

Let the creativity BEGIN!


Let's be bad guy's!

Honestly? Too tired to be creative today. The whole thought process just isn't there for me at the moment. All I have to say is that I would risk my straight A's for the quarter to go to this screening by skipping my Thursday Art History class.

Like I said, not so creative, but truthsome, you gotta admit.

HOWEVER I would be more than happy to see someone with better groveling... that is better WRITING skills than I have today get that shiny ticket.

I feel like Charlie in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, pulling the corner back on that bar... just a bit.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:22 AM


I'm dieing to:
I mite get arrested trying to:
I never missed an episode when it aired on fox:
I spent hours trying to get Morena Baccarin (Inara) to marscon only to have the con puss out when it was to to pony up:
I'm to damn pretty for god not to let me go to the screening:
And it's Serenity I have to go:

Thax Trav


Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:50 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Travis:
I spent hours trying to get Morena Baccarin (Inara) to marscon only to have the con puss out when it was to to pony up.


The same MarsCon that held the first Firefly party in Minneapolis the same one that Knibblet co-hosted. The same party that at least got a room on the first floor by the lobby instead of the back end of nowhere at the gorram Marriot or on the smoking floor because it was hand-picked by me after a con comm meeting. The same party that is responsible for my favorite convention moment to date - singing the Firefly theme AND Hero of Canton with Klondike Kate and a room full of browncoats... *sigh*

I could go further, but that would just sound a little too much like whining, and I'm not whining for any ticket to anything.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:50 AM



Originally posted by Warmaster:
All you slackers out there! Here is your opportunity. Impress me with your B***S*** and you may earn you spot in line. But keep it clean. If you go dirty make sure it doesn't post online or you're disqualified.

Could you be a bit more specific before I clutter this thread with (excessive) tripe?

无 党派 人士


Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:39 PM



Basically, Tell me WHY you want to go. Be creative. I just don't want to give this ticket away but I don't want to put it on EBay either. You need to earn it.



Thursday, May 19, 2005 4:54 PM


"Why I Want Warmaster's Ticket to Serenity" by Hell's Kitten

("Be creative," he says. "Impress me," he says. How do you go about making an impression on someone who's little more than a yellow, 12pt font that occassionally scrolls across your screen? F%&* if I know, but let's give it a shot, yeah? I'll just talk to myself here and hope that something coherent manifests itself in such a way that an impression is made.)

(Maybe I should start by introducing myself, for I am so f*$%ing endearing.) Hi! I am Sara (currently using the screen-name "Hell's Kitten"), another yellow, 12pt font that occassionally scrolls across your screen! Pleased t'meetcha!

I've lived in MN since the summer of '97, where I have no family and no friends outside of pleasant enough co-workers. I work for (and, now that I think of it, have worked for previously; apparently this is a pattern) an insane medical device company. Yep, the folks who design and make those nifty little things that arrogant doctors implant into your tender, pink little bodies in order to improve your quality of life or actually keep you alive...? I'm one of 'em. Moo hoo haa haa!

And in this industry, for the past... wow... 4 years now, I have been plagued by idiots, fiends, meth addicts, adulterers, Russian mafiosos, small town whores, meth makers, dimwits, incompetents, lairs, theives, hackers, and - worst of all - lawyers. (I'm told that it's all part of the job. I don't believe that. I believe it's more like me just having done something really awful in a past life - maybe like nailed neighborhood kittens to trees on Labor Day and glued shut the doors of nursing homes, but probably worse - and now I'm doomed to pay for it.) I have been harassed by typical passive-agressive Minnesotan CEOs, lecherus CFOs, brain-blown R&D Managers, waste of space Purchasing Managers (okay, just one, actually), mentally defective Marketing Directors, (and now I'm suddenly really hoping that they don't use this site), and, again, lawyers. Even the ones that are supposed to be working on my side. Day in, day out. For 4 years.

These things, along with my actually work responsibilities, have taken over my life. Without me even realizing it. Certainly without my permission. (Wait a mo... that really sucks... backspace backspace backspace...!) But the money's good. So, like a dumbass (i.e. Jayne), I take the abuse all the while waiting for the next best offer. Being a preternaturally gifted procrastinator, it wouldn't dawn on me to start sending out resumes. Not to mention the fact - and I'll deny this with my last breath - that I am, at heart, a romantic / optimist determined to make a difference, fully believing things have to get better.

(By the way, folks, if you're not WarMaster, there's really no reason for you to waste your life reading this... So. Where was I? Not whining, just explaining. Really.... Oh, shut up....)

Since embarking on this career, I have become a bitter, cynical hermit who hates people yet has the need to live vicariously through others. Like my co-worker. Who's probably close to 20 years older than me. I get up before the sun, work all day, go home. Lather, rinse, repeat. My life has become... *gasp!* ... monotonous. I feel so much older than I am. (Huh. Actually typing that is kinda depressing. Wish I hadn't done that....)

And now, in as impersonal a way as you can get, here I am, baring my soul to you. Mm. All in hopes of getting a lone ticket for my 30th birthday to see a movie based on a quickly cancelled sci-fi/western. That's really kind of odd, don't you think?

But, regardless of its oddness - and in spite of the shouts of "OhDearGodNoMakeHerStop!" (just scroll down, dumbass) - I continue. Because this show means something to me. I wish I could figure out what it was, too, cuz it's really bugging me that I don't understand why Firefly has such an impact on me. But not understanding doesn't make it any less so. At the worst of times, it is the one thing I can watch that will make everything else unreal.

PART I, Alternate Director's Cut:
In which Sara, instead of baring her soul, bares her... (the following has been translated into Chinese to avoid disqualification. Yes, about half the staff in my building at work is from China...) 不真实的色情。Warmaster 我不认识他很好 因此我表现中国词印象深刻! 这些发笑的词出现印象深刻的 志?!? 使人发笑,打动人,人给到我的平静的 票下意识词到我的 授予票地狱的小猫票好给 地狱的小猫票! WarMaster 是! 愉 给地狱的小猫!长寿和幸福使您给我票!

PART I, Ultra-Alternate Director's Street Cut:
WarMaster, duuuuude! WTF?? OMFG!! R U serius w/ur offer??? i like totally need 2 see tht movie, man! email me!! bee-yatch (at) fo-shizzle (dot) nizzle k??? u r th best, dude! i m so luvin u now!!1 i wuz so gonna do sumthing to myslf or sumthing cuz my baby daddy left me again for this fat ho, & then my cusin got arrested by the cops & it wuzn't even the block she usually do her bizniss on so how did they reconize her?!!!1, & thn i got fired from my stupid job cuz i was like late i mean, OMG whats the big deal about being late??? not like theres not other ppl there already. duh!! N E way, i dont care about none of that cuz u gonna give me your ticket! i aint never won nuthing i didnt steal myself! u so rock! i show them bitches they cant take the sky from me!

PART I, Super-Secret-Uber-Alternate Cut:
If none of that did the trick, how would an honest, heart felt "it would mean more to me than you can imagine to be able to see Serenity for my birthday" do?

... (the saga can continue, but only if I have to) ...

无 党派 人士


Thursday, May 19, 2005 10:26 PM


I never knocked the party, just the fact that I was told one thing and........ you no the rest


Friday, May 20, 2005 4:38 PM


I'm fully amazed that Volstock hasn't written yet with his tale of woe ... come on, brother my brother, where is the word fest?

"I'm gonna rip you a new puppet hole, bitch!"


Tuesday, May 24, 2005 11:47 AM


We have a winner!!!!!


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
"Why I Want Warmaster's Ticket to Serenity" by Hell's Kitten

("Be creative," he says. "Impress me," he says...)

... (the saga can continue, but only if I have to) ... Have to!

无 党派 人士

Party on! Thursday Night!

I aim to misbehave!


Tuesday, May 24, 2005 2:50 PM


Congrats, 'Kitten. WarMaster told me his decision tonight when he handed over the tickets to my care.

I'm going to plant MoonMagick in a theatre seat (whilst she reserves 6) and then stand outside and wait for you to arrive.

If I remember correctly, you're a semi-goth, dark haired, very pretty, science weasle. :)

I'll be in Browncoat attire ... that oughta narrow it down to 500 or so folk.

drop me a line either through or our yahoo group.

"I'm gonna rip you a new puppet hole, bitch!"


Wednesday, May 25, 2005 1:54 AM



Originally posted by Knibblet:
If I remember correctly, you're a semi-goth, dark haired, very pretty, science weasle. :)

Hee... "science weasle"...! (Take me to the weeeeeeasle! -Invader Zim)

I'm not goth, or even semi-goth, I'm just lazy. But yep, I guess that describes me (see? too lazy to fight you on the "very pretty" part as I normally would, so thanks for that). I'll email and call and send a courier pigeon and anything else I need to do to get in contact with ya, Knibbs.

无 党派 人士






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