The Tree-Clubhouse Gang are (almost) grounded

UPDATED: Monday, June 6, 2005 06:30
VIEWED: 24569
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Saturday, June 4, 2005 2:36 PM



I'm the 200th post! I'm the 200th post!

grr. my brother beat me to it, silly brother.



I am the 201st post!! I am the 201st post!

just doesn't have the same ring.
"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Saturday, June 4, 2005 2:43 PM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

I'm the 200th post! I'm the 200th post!

grr. my brother beat me to it, silly brother.



I am the 201st post!! I am the 201st post!

just doesn't have the same ring.
"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Serenity-0 (the bird poo doesn't count. I thought of it in the chat.)

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Saturday, June 4, 2005 3:05 PM


Oh, so that's how it's going to be, Ath?

Go back to your cuddling before the mechanical mop wacks you in the head.

"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Saturday, June 4, 2005 4:18 PM


hehe ok ath, so how about that kilt we spoke of?

*grins devilishly*

~lissa, spwhore


Saturday, June 4, 2005 4:18 PM



a bird swoops down over him and leaves a special present behind. On his HEAD!!!!*

Squaaarrry 'bout that. I had a squack!!!..avacado binge a bit earlier in the theard. Them things just don't Squeek! agree with my little birdie stomach.

*Flys around looking for another target, err um friendly person and or other creature to visit *


Saturday, June 4, 2005 4:48 PM



Originally posted by Rat:

Originally posted by Jazaf:
*rummages around looking for some RootBeer.* Darn. there isn't any here. Oh well, Pepsi's just as good.

Say that to my face.

Jazaf quickly rises to his own defense. 'Whoa, hold on there! Root Beer is my drink o' choice but I didn't see any so I went with what was there. Course if you happen to know where some Root Beer is I would rather chug that.'

having said that Jazaf relaxes and sits back down next to Montanagirl.

Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with till you
understand who's in rutting command here.


Saturday, June 4, 2005 6:56 PM



*Stretching is somewhat hindered by the twisting folds of the fallen hammock, and by occasional nips from sweet lips.*

Gonna have to excuse me a bit, Mai sweety, but a minion’s work is never done, and I got some chores to attend to. Be right back.

*cozen hoofs it to the Sereni-Treeship. En route, a lingering Evil Creature pounces upon him. Facing certain death, cozen is rescued in gentlemanly fashion by ChrisTheCynic, who bludgeons the EI with a rock.*

Thanks, Chris. I, for one, at least respect the fact that you stay in character as well as you do.

*Continuing on, cozen pauses to pay a half hour’s obeisance to Mal-licious. Then adds on another fifteen minutes, just to stay on the safe side. Given kind permission to leave (or haughtily waved away: you decide), cozen calls up the Russian pilot of his Sikorsky and arranges to sign the ‘copter over to Static.*

Thanks, man, for your stable presence and presence of mind. Ain’t no Apache, but it’s the best I can do. In your hands, that bird’s gotta be less likely to threaten innocent folks’ (okay, MG’s) well being. ‘Sides which, the maintenance, insurance and fuel costs were bustin’ me bad.

*While tuning Ebo’s guitars, cozen checks out TWG’s pix. Predictably goes gaga over OiS2. Downloads and plunks it on as a screensaver on the plasma tv, where, during rare breaks between Princess Bride, Holy Grail and the Serenity trailer, it shares screenspace with Ebonezer-in-her-prom-dress. Considers it’s a good thing TRM ain’t too much a fan of television.*

*Nips over to the F*x wardrobe dept. Steals Kaylee's coveralls. Nips back to Sereni-Tree and presents Jet with said apparel.*

*Somehow convinces Needleseye to endure history’s most careful manicure. (Ya gotta admit, this boy’s got courage). Leaves her with Edvard Munch’s quote: "Nature is not only all that is visible to the eye… it also includes the inner pictures of the soul"*

*A little more posyed than usual, he drops by the infirmary and leaves SimonWho Jewel Staites home phone number and email address. Figures this might not actually help or mean much, but he was panicking.*

*Bumps into Kayleeclone, and asks her to yet again over-ride the security codes to the superlock keeping CallMeSerenity from her closet supergarden. Kaylee chirps up with a “No prob, coz,” and fulfills the request.*

All, yours, Serenity.

*Offers CallMeAth to Lissa, spwhore. Offers Lissa to CallMe Ath…. Oh, already happened on its own, that. Well, easy-peasy then.*

*Teaches Jazaf the infallible techniques of sixth chakra massage, for… whatever purposes.*

I’m just sayin….

*Obtains the Complete Monty Python’s Flying Circus tv series dvd set, with additional commentary by Dale Earnhart and bonus! Brett Favre lewd pictorial. Hand to MontanaGirl, with a leery *

*Whilst Rat sleeps, replaces Minbari drive on Triumph Ratcycle with Lucas electrics powered four-stroke carburetted 650cc twin.*

*Shares a pint of TheRealMe’s favourite beverage (let me know what that might be, eh?), and casually mentions that while playing with the scanners on the bridge, cozen had focussed them underground and spotted hoards of gigantic mutant moles lurking beneath the Tree, but considers that they didn’t seem to be anything to worry about just yet.*

*Via Express-Post from Indonesia, imports a gross tonne of mahogany planks. Whittles and lathes these into arrow shafts for SoulofSerenity. Adds in a few bushels of feathers gathered amongst those found on the beaches of Haida-Gwai (Queen Charlotte Islands), as left behind by very-naturally-expired-of-old-age bald eagles. Adds to this the remnants of platinum left over from his tour of duty in the nth dimension. Useful, no, in the making of arrowheads?*

*Tosses Emma a dollop of lion’s courage.*

*Writes a novel sized “Guide To Idiotic Thinking” for TheDuke, to help him get a feel for this place. (Hungarian? cozen’s RL birth = Szigetmonostor. If I’m confusing you deeply, just write it off to idiocy).*

*Trades PsychicRiver those ankle holder thingies like what Gere used to do upside down sit-ups with in American Gigolo, all the better to ease the stresses of hanging upside down, eh, for a swank knitted blanket-for-two.*

*Arranges a thousand Greyhound buses to transport the yeti to Waterton-Glacier National Park, where the now kazooless critters learn to frighten the occupants of gargantuan mobile-homes by timely roadside leaps on to the Going To The Sun Road.*

*Cooks up several dozen waffles, imports a few gallons of authentic Quebec and Maine maple syrup and heads back to the Clubhouse.*

*Ties up loose ends of sarong.*

*Distributes steaming waffles, tosses Mai the PR’s fine blanket.*

Hey, sweetie, didja miss me?

Considers thread size. Leaves dealing with this to someone else.


Saturday, June 4, 2005 9:44 PM


Wow you've been quite the busy boy (um I mean man, big, strapping macho type man) haven't you?

*Gulps down half a dozen waffles, and a 5 slightly spiked glasses of o.j. all while still tangled up in the hammock*

Napping makes a girl hungry, now please get me out fo this thing!

BTW, have you seen Molly anywhere I'm starting to get a bit concerned that the troll might of mistaken her for a tasty snack.


Sunday, June 5, 2005 12:26 AM


*For some reason Emma is feeling brave and decides to wander around the Sereni-Tree by herself trying to find the bridge so she can discuss the new super-cool warp-drive thingemywotsit with TRM*

*EI jumps in front of her waving his arms around with a big scythe*

Oh no

*Emma loses her new found courage and wibbles, trying to keep her bowels intact*

*The EI speaks with a deep and sexy Irish accent*

Emma, we have been seeking you. You have something that belongs to us...

*Emma faints*

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Sunday, June 5, 2005 3:32 AM



Originally posted by mai:

BTW, have you seen Molly anywhere I'm starting to get a bit concerned that the troll might of mistaken her for a tasty snack.

It's okay, Mai. Molly's in the spgarden with me, helping me pick cherries.

Course, Molly tends to eat more than she picks, but that's okay, there's plenty. I think later I'll make some pies.

"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Sunday, June 5, 2005 4:39 AM



Originally posted by Emma:
*For some reason Emma is feeling brave and decides to wander around the Sereni-Tree by herself trying to find the bridge so she can discuss the new super-cool warp-drive thingemywotsit with TRM*

*EI jumps in front of her waving his arms around with a big scythe*

Oh no

*Emma loses her new found courage and wibbles, trying to keep her bowels intact*

*The EI speaks with a deep and sexy Irish accent*

Emma, we have been seeking you. You have something that belongs to us...

*Emma faints*

extremely dimensionally transcendental

* Emma wakes. She is lying on a couch with a blanket over her. As she opens her eyes and looks around, she realizes that she must be in the Security office reception area. Not far away, she sees a door open and TheRealMe coming out. *

Oh, hi, Emma!

* He gestures back to the door he just came through. *

I have your Enemy Invader locked up in the brig. So, what's this all about? What did it want from you?

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Sunday, June 5, 2005 5:21 AM



*Emma thinks (very quickly) about what to do. There is no obvious means of escape. Lie or tell the truth? She decides to...*

You saved me, thank-you. I was worried when I saw the scythe. I mean it doesn't look very friendly does it?

*Emma tries smiling but TRM just stands there with his arms folded tapping his foot*

Oh, yeah right. Er.. well it is like this you see. I was wandering through the SeEnoum system and I came across this scientist. At the time he seemed like a very nice chap and we drank and ate - a lot. I like food you see, I have a very nice stash in my ship, would you like to see?

*TRM scowls*

Ah...well, whilst he was drunk, you see he was one of those EIs and they can't take their drink, he told me about a very exciting new spherical spaceship that defies the laws of astrophysics - even more exciting than your space-folding skills.

Anyway, my ship was a bit of a rust-bucket and so I stole the ship. I haven't even worked out how to use it properly yet. The problem is it was a proto-type and the EIs have been chasing me around the galaxy trying to get it back.

Thats how they ended up on Earth. I was there selling some stuff and they found me. They decided they liked the planet and could chase me anytime and started a war. They really are very bad, you see my 'liberation' of their ship was really a very brave and heroic gesture to save the universe.

*Emma looks hopefully at TRM who looks none too convinced*

I found your ship - very nice it is too - which seemed the obvious way to escape the EIs because of your interstellar reputation for dealing with badness. I never thought they would find it so easy to get on board though. Sorry about that...

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Sunday, June 5, 2005 6:15 AM



Originally posted by Emma:

*Emma looks hopefully at TRM who looks none too convinced*

extremely dimensionally transcendental

*While searching for Molly, cozen engages in a bit of eavesdropping. Walks up to Emma and TRM.*

Hmmm. Seems like things might soon turn a bit to the scaryish and warlike. Well, lacking any transdimensional superpowers, looks as if I gotta contribute best I can with what I have, what I can acquire, and what I can make. So, I'll nip out for a bit. Ain't running away, understand? Just prepping.

*Exchanges sarong for leather riding gear and a battered Shoei helmet. "Borrows" Ratboy's rather detuned Triumph. Putts off to Pittsburgh with Kayleeclone riding pillion, there to fire up a recently abandoned steel mill for the purpose of fashioning katana blades.*

*Gets stalled in Steelworker union negotiations.*

Work, work.


Sunday, June 5, 2005 6:16 AM


* TheRealMe considers Emma's words. *

Ah, I see.


Well, we will have to figure out the best way to handle this. But to keep Earth-that-still-is safe, I should think that we need to depart, soon.

* TheRealMe ponders this for a moment. *

Say, you're not related to Rat, by any chance, are you?

Oh, thanks Cozen. Say, did you send off ALL the yeti? I just got an image in my head of 64000 katana-armed yeti samuari.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Sunday, June 5, 2005 6:43 AM


Oh, and what about the meteor troll, Emma? Is it really a member of some advanced race that will bring us enlightenment, or is it just a meteor troll?

* TheRealMe looks up and carefully studies "Nugget's" face, half expecting, and dreading, that it will start speaking in a cultured British accent and start lecturing him on philosophy. *

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Sunday, June 5, 2005 7:10 AM


* Before he departs the security office, TheRealMe leaves SoulOfSerenity a post-it note explaining what the EI is doing in the brig. *

Well, it looks like some excitement is coming soon. I'll have stay up all night to finish that project I've been working on and give it to Mal-licious.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Sunday, June 5, 2005 7:47 AM


TRM, how do I know what kind of troll Nugget is? I bought it/him/her/thing from a Tyroshi trader who assured me 'it' would make an excellent guard. For all I know the troll could be a mutant vegetable changed by a massive blast of radiation.

I am afraid Nugget is all yours now.

*Nugget picks TRM up and gives his face a big lick before searching TRM's hair for lice*

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Sunday, June 5, 2005 7:51 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

Well, it looks like some excitement is coming soon. I'll have stay up all night to finish that project I've been working on and give it to Mal-licious.

**Static stirs into semi-wakefulness, noting that there is some pending excitement. Without disturbing his beloved TWG, he leans out of the hammock and places his hands on his twin pistols, checking that they are loaded, chambered and within easy reach. He then re-settles himself against TWG, kisses her neck softly and dozes once more, but with a bit more 'tightly coiled spring' to his overall demeanor.**

If there's some misbehavin' to be done, TRM, I'd hate to miss it. Perhaps an e-mail consultation would be helpful if you think I could have some appropriate input to the upcoming situation?


Sunday, June 5, 2005 7:59 AM


I don't believe I am related to Rat but to be honest around here anything is possible.

So, what do I do now? Sit here and wait? I am a bit scared to wander around by myself in case the crew lynch me. Oh dear, maybe Rat can look after me... he seems to understand

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Sunday, June 5, 2005 8:27 AM


*Emma looks around the room and notices a particularly interesting picture on the wall and suspects it is hiding some valuables, she gets up to have a look*


*Old habits dies hard, she sits back down and has a snooze hoping that when she wakes up it will all be resolved and the EI has not escaped from the brig*

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Sunday, June 5, 2005 8:47 AM



Molly tends to eat more than she picks

Are you callin' me a fat bird? 'cause that ain't very nice.


Sunday, June 5, 2005 8:52 AM



Originally posted by mai:
*Jerks awake from the growing ticklishness, sending the hammock on a precarious swing, flinging Cozen and herself to the floor in a tangled heap of hammock and pillows*

This could be comfy.

Hey PR, if you're not too busy you think you could quick-knit us a blanket? This floor is kinda cold.

Sure! *PR lets go of the knitting needles, and telekinetically goes to work...thus knitting a blanket faster...*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Sunday, June 5, 2005 9:15 AM


So...does this make me a jiggolo?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Sunday, June 5, 2005 10:06 AM



Originally posted by MollytheParrot:

Molly tends to eat more than she picks

Are you callin' me a fat bird? 'cause that ain't very nice.

Of course not Molly!! Just a cherry-enthusiast is all. You are ADORABLE! The absolute epitome of parroty perfection.

"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Sunday, June 5, 2005 10:09 AM


Cozen-I forgot to say thank you for getting my greenhouse unlocked.


I was about to resort to pick-pocketing Rat.

"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Sunday, June 5, 2005 10:18 AM


The Duke wanders over to some DVD's and finds himself watching the last episode of buffy.

"Gorramit, i'm sure i recongise that there preacher, it's as if i've seen him scumming about some backhole pit of the verse, but i jsut can't place my digits on it"

Jacob, chewing on bits of DVD cases, finds that the plastic does bad thigns to his inside and he begins laying on the floor going blue.

"Stop eating stuff that makes you blue then"


We achieved the impossible, and that makes us mighty
The Duke


Sunday, June 5, 2005 10:26 AM



Originally posted by Jazaf:
Course if you happen to know where some RootBeer is I would rather chug that.

There's some up in my room , but you can't drink that, it's part of a collection! I should also have some under the bar, feel free, but you know...leeve me a few!

Ratboy - Acquisitions Officer - Uss SereniTREE.


Sunday, June 5, 2005 10:33 AM


*Spamgun drawn, Rat stands between Emma and the approaching lynchmob.*

Ratboy - Acquisitions Officer - Uss SereniTREE.


Sunday, June 5, 2005 12:39 PM



Originally posted by Jazaf:
'It so happens my bean bag is a bit too large for just me.' Jazaf says, 'but before I sit down I need a drink too.'

*rummages around looking for some Root Beer.* 'Darn. there isn't any here. Oh well, Pepsi's just as good.'

slumps into the bean bag with MG.

Hi, I'm montanagirl. Pleased to meetcha!

Here, have a Root Beer. I pilfered some from the bar earlier. Pepsi's my drink of choice, but I like root beer too.

*Starts to get comfy in chair with Jazaf, but then...

Originally posted by cozen:
*Obtains the Complete Monty Python’s Flying Circus tv series dvd set, with additional commentary by Dale Earnhart and bonus! Brett Favre lewd pictorial. Hand to MontanaGirl, with a leery *

Cozen!!! You know me too well. Danke schoen!!!

*Through an almost superhuman effort, she resists the urge to jump up and watch her new present RIGHT NOW!*

No, no, it can wait til later. 'Sides, I got me a fine lookin' man here.

*Settles back into beanbag chair with Jazaf.*

Oh, note to TheDuke: Make Jacob drink some hydrogen peroxide. It'll make him throw up the plastic. Hopefully that'll stop him from turning blue. (I recommend doing it outside though, so he doesn't make a mess in the common room.) Call me if that doesn't fix it.

"One day, lad, all this will be yours ..."
"What - the curtains?"


Sunday, June 5, 2005 1:24 PM


Complete? I wish. Wretched thing got censored in America. That's bad enough but it's not even been properly released over here at all, just a few highlights discs. And you're getting Spamalot first.

Ahem. Anyway who was I trying to prevent from dying again? It gets hard to keep track.


Sunday, June 5, 2005 1:54 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
Ahem. Anyway who was I trying to prevent from dying again? It gets hard to keep track.

Fear not, soon enough you'll have a bevy of patients.

Emma could use some, ah, y'know, um, "counselling" for her psychological trauma. I'm sure of it.

*Sends a postcard to Mai, full o' variations of "I miss you lots".

TRM: Oops. Just my style to have blown it with the yetis. Just goes to show that you have to move quickly to trump my impulsive nature.

*Grants steelworkers and millwrights unlimited free beer in lieu of medical benefits. Blade forging commences, only slightly behind schedule.*

Evil Interlopers: so they have souls?


Sunday, June 5, 2005 2:39 PM



Originally posted by lissa:
hehe ok ath, so how about that kilt we spoke of?

*grins devilishly*

~lissa, spwhore

Okay, lissa, I'll be right back.

*Heads to the ship, stopping at MG and Jazaf's bean bag chair.*

Hi, Jazaf. Nice to meet you.

*Thinks about stopping to chat with Montana Girl, but she seems a little preoccupied.*

*As he makes his way to his room, Ath spies TheDuke, trying to feed peroxide to a blue koala.*

Errr, hi. I'm Ath.

*Still traveling to his room, he sees Rat standing before Emma, waving a weapon and trying to look menacing. Goes to introduce himself to Emma, but Rat shakes the gun at him, making him think better of it.

Finally makes it to his room and quickly changes into his kilt. (Didn't someone do the kilt thing already? I'm such a hack.) What with the coming invasion and all, Ath grabs a claymore, a small shield and a brace of dirks. (Hey, I got the outfit, might as well go all out)

As he heads back to the clubhouse, he stops in Serenity's spgreenhouse and grabs some strawberries, grapes and cherries.

Makes his way back to the eagerly awaiting Lissa. Puts his weapons where he can easily reach them, then stands back to give Lissa a good look.*

Well? What do you think?

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Sunday, June 5, 2005 2:46 PM



Originally posted by cozen:

TRM: Oops. Just my style to have blown it with the yetis. Just goes to show that you have to move quickly to trump my impulsive nature.

I may be mistaken, but do we not also have several shrunken windmill giants? Would they not be pretty nasty if un-shrunk'd and given large weapons?
Just a thought.

Though, I'm not too fond of them myself, what with that traumatic experience with one I've been trying to forget about....*shudder*

"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Sunday, June 5, 2005 3:13 PM



Originally posted by Emma:
Oh dear, maybe Rat can look after me... he seems to understand

Rat'll be worth something if you run into trouble. But, don't trust him, and don't let him take over.

Hadda search OoG for the exact quote. How geekish is that?


Sunday, June 5, 2005 4:29 PM


'Why, thank you for the drink Montanagirl.' Jazaf takes a swig and takes a moment to enjoy the flavor.'Ahhh! Good stuff.' He smiles at his beanbag-mate.
Looking around he notices Ath walking around in a kilt. Jazaf chuckles for a bit but admires the guy's courage for wearin' it. Soul's musical talent became very apparent when he got hold of the guitar, he eagerly played any request he could.

Jazaf turned to Montanagirl and asks 'Well, is there anything I could do for you?'

Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with till you
understand who's in rutting command here.


Sunday, June 5, 2005 4:47 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:

As he heads back to the clubhouse, he stops in Serenity's spgreenhouse and grabs some strawberries, grapes and cherries.

Makes his way back to the eagerly awaiting Lissa. Puts his weapons where he can easily reach them, then stands back to give Lissa a good look.*

Well? What do you think?

very nice! you sure know how to wear a kilt. now, let's have some of those strawberries:) got any whipped cream?

~lissa, spwhore


Sunday, June 5, 2005 6:58 PM


*Needleseye looks at fingertips, admiring the fabulous manicure provided by Cozen.* hmmm.... pretty pink irridescent color, where did he get that? *Thinks~ should employ him regularly. Looks at Jet's new Kaylee coveralls* Hey nice teddy bear!

Jet~ Sweet isn't it? Just love that Cozen.*Nearly blushes*

The two lean in next to the FTL drive, lowering their voices, a serious conversation ensues.

Needleseye~ *points at a shiny new section of large titaninum cylinders and a network of cables and clear casing containing cooled nitrogen gas, linked to some portion of the drive* So, this is what you've been up to?...for a while I'd say! thinks~ guess I could have asked about the 20 foot sections of tubular metal she was casting weeks ago

Jet~ It's like a solar flare.... but we can't be in atmo. We engage the FTL and redirect power to the flare, instead of a jump, we blast. We need a chase. And probably everyone on the ground needs sunscreen and eye protection. It will flame out anything on our tail and in the vicinity without sheilds, those with, blinded, and their wireless will be wiped for a while. We could have an advantage against these El or whatever long enough to do serious damage.

Needleseye~ Jet, I'd say you've been reading the sidenotes in Grey's manual. Dabbling are you? I don't see any tech priest accoutrements here. *pointing to empty junction panel*

Jet~ Uh, thats the thing, it won't work without them. I'm really not qualified to complete the installation.

They lean back looking up over a console towards the passed out Chief Engineer.


Sunday, June 5, 2005 7:40 PM



Originally posted by Emma:
I don't believe I am related to Rat but to be honest around here anything is possible.

So, what do I do now? Sit here and wait? I am a bit scared to wander around by myself in case the crew lynch me. Oh dear, maybe Rat can look after me... he seems to understand

extremely dimensionally transcendental

Emma, not to worry. Nobody will lynch you. Rat and I will see to that.

Rat and I make an excellent team. Why, we broke up Cozen's first kidnappng plot (sorry, MontanaGirl) AND chased down the escaped FemaleReaver.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Sunday, June 5, 2005 9:10 PM


*Rat is busy looking threatening when Ath pops in to say hello but thinks better of it.*

What was that noise?

*A scraping, bashing sounds is heard followed by a big crash as the EI escapes and enters*

Oh dear...

*Rat fires spam at the EI but he just eats it. Emma tries to run for it but faints after 4 paces*

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Monday, June 6, 2005 1:22 AM


*PR decides he misses the ship, and so lets his legs go over the bar and he falls to the floor, face-first. Fortunastely, as he had hoped, he insticintively stopped himself before reaching the floor, and hovered for a second, before slowly rotating until his feet touched the ground*

*Wanders out of treehouse and over to Serenitree.*

*See's the River clone, in the common room* River!

*Gets a deck of cards*

Wanna play bullshit?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Monday, June 6, 2005 3:34 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

*After several choruses of "The Hero of Canton", Soul decides to take a break from the guitar. He holds the guitar up in the air.*

Hey PR, do you mind taking over for a while?

*Soul watches as the guitar floats out of his grasp. He stands to his feet and brushes himself off. He looks over to where Jazaf is snuggling with MontanaGirl. Soul smirks.*

Lucky bastard.

*Soul looks around, but notices that Serenity is not in the clubhouse. Maybe she went back to the ship? He makes his way across the scorched grass and back into the SereniTREE. As he's passing the bar, he notices a crudely wrapped package sitting there with his name on it.*


*He walks over and unwraps the package and sees a pile of freshly made arrows, with Cozen's signature scrawled across each shaft. (Heh heh, he said shaft)*

Wow, thanks Cozen!

*Soul places the arrows in his quiver, and turns in the direction of the greenhouse and-*

*-A horrendous screech of metal accompanied by a scream errupts from his Security office. Without a second thought, Soul bolts for the stairs, and is nearly run over by Rat as he backpedals out of the room.*

What in the world is-



Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Monday, June 6, 2005 5:49 AM


*Emma is on the floor in a strange position.

Blood and what looks mysteriously like tiny pieces of spam is everywhere. The walls, floor and Emma are covered in it.

Slowly Emma stirs...lifting her finger all she can manage to say before fainting is...*


*SoulofSerenity looks aghast as the dodgy melodramatic music pipes in and cameras come in for a close-up*

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Monday, June 6, 2005 6:13 AM

THATWEIRDGIRL's time to go.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Monday, June 6, 2005 6:30 AM


*jake7 sits up from her place on a beanbag chair*

Did I just hear someone talking in an Irish accent??

*she wanders off in the direction where she heard the voice come from and sees someone being dragged to the brig. She sees TRM in the hallway, monitoring the imprisonment.*

Hey, TRM. I've been learning Irish, if you need it. I don't know much (can't spell or read it as it's only conversational and very rudimentary) but I can say "Hello" and ask questions like "Would you like something to eat (or drink)" and "Where is main street?" and "How are you?"

Let me know if you think this limited skill will be of any use, should the prisoner start talking in Irish Gaelic.

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.






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