S.S. Serenitree: The Eve of Battle

UPDATED: Thursday, June 16, 2005 16:59
VIEWED: 21934
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005 12:18 PM


*Shivering slightly from the effects of the cryochamber, cozen picks up a stray katana. Resting the weapon butt down, he idly cleans his fingernails with the blade’s shiny tip. Just then, don’tcha know, a nasty Evil Creature appears and prepares to leap at our cross-dressing polygamous ex-kidnapper.*

*cozen espies handy Plot Device Activation Switch and quickly sets it to “De-Activate” mode.*

*Mal-icious’s hammock slowly ceases to oscillate. TheRealMe’s dimensional portals revert to fictional constructs of the imagination. PsychicRiver And Static are deprived of their telekinetic prowess, though they can still knit and fly things. CallMeAth is immediately restricted to the realm of body temperature, though he retains the ability to glow when he’s runnin’ a fever. CallMeSerenity’s wings evaporate into feathery oblivion along with Mai’s Molly. TheGreyJedi suddenly realises he needs actual tools to construct actual machinery. Emma’s perceived perils vanish along with her spaceship, even as Jet and Needleseye regress to humanity. Rat loses his job title and his officer’s rank. Jazaf’s and MontanaGirl’s blades are reduced to their component atoms, as are SoulofSerenity’s bow and arrows.*

*Despite all that, all of the above retain their souls.*

*cozen looks about. A computer screen, in a room. He listens to a cat mewling, begging to be let indoors to escape the heat. Thinks about ThatWeirdGirl, now bereft of the Admiral, thus left to plummet relative to the gravity of the situation.*

*Flips PDAS to “ON”.

*The EC, put off by the momentary phase shift, stumbles in its leap, thus missing cozen by mere millimetres and impaling itself upon the katana’s blade. It dies a gruesome, farty death. Elsewhere, birds and folk fly, weapons and portals re-appear, Sereni-Tree-ers continue their heroic battles.*

*cozen finds a mop, finds a bucket, garbage bags, things of that sort. Sets to cleaning up corpses.*

A clean ship is a virtuous ship.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005 12:51 PM


Something's wrong. Computer, "Arch"!

Rat - - - - - Uss SereniTREE.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005 1:33 PM


Confused and feeling a bit like a whale...twg is plummeting to the ground, twg hopes PR is okay without her, the crew is safe, and that they all know she loves them, real or imaginary.

She begins to sing to herself as the ground races towards her…
Up in the air junior birdman.
Up in the air upside down,
Up in the air junior birdman,
Keep your noses off the ground.

Just as she fears this is the end…again…she finds herself neatly strapped into her command chair aboard the Admiral.

Thank You
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Tuesday, June 14, 2005 1:54 PM


*Runs out of the bar*

Oh my god, TWG, you've gotta get down here! I've found SimonWho's old stash of British Chocolate hidden in the bar!

There's LOADS!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Tuesday, June 14, 2005 2:01 PM


*During her brief time on the internet she hears PR yelling at her*

Are there Twirls? And Crunchies? And Flakes? And …*twg wipes the drool from her chin*

I’ll be there as soon as I can land this thing…it’s our lucky day.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Tuesday, June 14, 2005 2:10 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
*During her brief time on the internet she hears PR yelling at her*

Are there Twirls? And Crunchies? And Flakes? And …*twg wipes the drool from her chin*

I’ll be there as soon as I can land this thing…it’s our lucky day.

Squee! It is indeed!

AND, there's Cadbury's Creme Egg's! *Thinks Easter was a while ago, but meh, what harm can it do?*

No sign of my cat though.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Tuesday, June 14, 2005 3:16 PM


Ow! Regrowing wings hurts.

Oooh! OOh, PR, TWG! Bring me back a crunchie!!!

"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Tuesday, June 14, 2005 8:58 PM


*Emma's eyes go back in their sockets and she starts to breathe again.*

Woah, what happened there?

*Emma looks at her sensors and sees the Rahjeen Elite Command force thingies coming - 27 and a half vessels are making their way slowly but surely towards her catching up with the scouts that Emma remembers are somehow already on board and being killed by folks*

There is only one thing to do in such a crisis unless one faints of course ... go to the chocolate jacuzzi.

*Emma leaves her ship and attempts to find the jacuzzi*

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 3:53 AM


* As TheRealMe is departing, he pauses at the door of the old clubhouse. *

Well, why not? The new crew can handle things for a while. And when WAS the last time I had a chance to take a break and enjoy myself in the company of my favorite semi-divine Mistress?

* TheRealMe returns to Mal-licious, who is luxuriously reclining in her new vibrating massage chair. *

Mistress? Would you like me to peel some grapes for you, or something? I mean, I’m no Static or anything, but perhaps I could be of some service…

* Suddenly, TheRealMe gets that odd sinking feeling when Real World Physics is enabled, though it doesn't last long. *

Oh, no! Is Rat messing with things, again?

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 4:12 AM


* TheRealMe turns his com-link back on and checks for messages. *

Oooops! I’ve been inattentive! It seems that there are a lot of things going on! Goodness! We have never had so many simultaneous yet divergent plot lines in one thread!

Let’s see, in no particular order…

Arriving by way of a rowboat and the shuttle Admiral Nelson, PsychicRiver and ThatWeirdGirl battle the Enemy Invaders for possession of the Tree and Zoid’s deserted Pub at the Bottom of the Tree. Their goal is to rescue PsychicRiver’s long-lost cat, Belle (and SimonWho’s stash of British candies).

Static, we hope, is still flying the Sereni-Tree. The last we knew, he was heading the ship toward the Lake near the Tree in order to rendezvous with ThatWeirdGirl and PsychicRiver. He is still dodging an EI fleet, but at least the closest ships have been dealt with.

Somewhere deep in the bowels of the Sereni-Tree, Cozen has thawed himself out from the cryogenic freezing machine of the Insidious Doctor Rat (who has apparently been freezing and storing many of our missing companions for SOME diabolical purpose). Cozen inadvisably enables Real World Physics, but has the good sense to quickly disable them, again.

Down in Main Engineering, Needleseye and TheGreyJedi are apparently not having sex in the same way as a certain other couple on board never did. Grey has recently expended his energy (in remaking/repairing the Sereni-Tree in some techno-magic fashion).

In the Old Clubhouse stored in the Main Cargo Bay, TheRealMe is practicing his long-neglected minioning duties on Mal-licious. The two have, until recently, been oblivious to the dangers that threaten the others. Jake7 is also there relaxing, after rigging the sprinkler system to spray Pepsimilk over all the EI who boarded the ship.

On Emma’s ship, which is still mated to the Sereni-Tree’s main airlock, Emma, Jazaf, CallMeSerenity, and MontanaGirl fight against the elite repo men who are attempting to reclaim Emma’s ship. Serenity gets a severe headache because of her brother Ath (and not for the first time, I suspect). Emma decides to head to the chocolate jacuzzi.

Mai, who had previously been giving Jazaf a guided tour of the Sereni-Tree, is either with that group or else still off looking for Molly the Parrot.

On the other side of a mysterious dimensional portal from the Sereni-Tree, SoulofSerenity, CallMeAth, and Lissa have been captured. Ath is being tortured, and the pain he experiences bleeds across the psychic connection he seems to share with his sister Serenity.

I have no clue what the Brides, clones, or anyone else are doing.

And Ebo? Probably still confused. But at least she’s enthusiastic!

(Sorry if I forgot anybody!)

EDITED for Jake7.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 5:29 AM


*As PR and TWG excitedly rush into the bar, they are confronted by yet ANOTHER EI! PR, sick of this, swings his sword at it, but it ducks to the side.*

*The wild and agitated thing ducked too late, and PR just slashes the top of its skull.*

*Its brain is exposed and the thing wobbles about in great pain.*

*Disgusted, PR and TWG take a step back as it staggers about.*

*As the thing moves, PR notices something glistening on its brain*

*PR steps up to the creature, and puts it fingers inside its head and grabs the tiny piece of metal, with a flashing light on it, and pulls it from the EI's head. There is a short zap and sizzle of electricity as it is removed, and then the EI seems to instantly change.*

*It becomes more calm, and peaceful, and less...organised. Still in pain, it slowly wanders off into the bushed, not taking any notice of them.*


*PR and TWG stare after it before coming to their sense and srambling behind the bar to the chocolate pile.*

*For some reason, PR feels he needs to save a few crunchies for Serenity.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 6:59 AM


My chocolate? Gone? Noooooooooooooooooooo! (takes comedy stumbling steps and gestures angrily at the ceiling)

Well, never mind that now, don't we have a rescue mission to mount? Isn't ath (and by sibling extension, Serenity) being tortured at the moment?

Come on, I get any volunteers onto the EI's ship, no problem. It's just after that that things will get ... messy.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 7:14 AM


Jazaf and MG turn to Serenity, who has crumpled to the floor in pain. The REs take advantage of the moment to charge at the three SereniTree-ers. One particularly large RE rushes at Serenity, weapon raised, ready to strike. But at the last moment, Serenity rises, swords in hand, and in a flash of metal has both her katanas crossed at the REs neck. He halts, stunned. A thin line of blood trickles down his neck.
She is an angel of fury, wings bristling, hair alive with energy, eyes ablaze.

Where is my brother?

"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 7:36 AM


*Emma sits in the chocolate jacuzzi waiting for the inevitable moment when the 27 and a half RE vessels arrive and take her ship back, not to mention kill all the crew and take her off for execution. She isn't sure the bubbly chocolate works perhaps somebody should add a touch of vodka to give it a kick?*

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 7:49 AM


*Whiilst scoffing chocolate, PR and TWG hear someone talking somewhere in the bar...they pop their heads up above the bar and look around, both with chocolate round their mouths.*

*muffled* Pid you pear that?

TWG: *muffled* What?

*Swallows* That voice...? It sounded like...

TWG: TheRealMe.


*The pair look at each other and then scramble over the bar, and over to a box of crates where they hear the sound coming from. They move a few crates to reveal...*

A radio! Sounds like it's tapped into the ship's comm system.

*PR grabs the little speaker, picks it up, and presses the button in.*

S.S. Serenitree, this is PsychicRiver *TWG chirps in "And ThatWeirdGirl!"* Yeah, and ThatWeirdGirl, talking to you from the tree! Can you hear me?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 7:56 AM


*jake7, after rigging up the pepsimilk sprinkler system, returned back to the treehouse for a long needed and much welcomed break. (it's just too exhausting chasing monsters that never seem to go away). She's been sitting in the beanbag chair, patiently awaiting her turn in the massage chair. Margarita in hand, she continues to lounge, listening to the rest of the crew beat off the EI's which seem to keep attacking, though we've killed off most of their minions.*

sigh of relaxation

*jake7 snuggles deeper into her chair and drifts off for a nap*

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:51 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
Well, never mind that now, don't we have a rescue mission to mount? Isn't ath (and by sibling extension, Serenity) being tortured at the moment?

*After watching Serenity dispatch the EI, mg responds to Simon.*

I'm in! Don't know where we're going or how we're going to get there, but I'll help with a rescue mission.

Where are we congregating? I can hack my way through to you if need be.

"One day, lad, all this will be yours ..."
"What - the curtains?"


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 12:32 PM


Taking a few moments to absorb Serenity's display of concern for her sibling, Jazaf eventually manages to move.
'Someone else is in trouble? then by all means let's help'em out.'
Jazaf reaches out to grab Serenity's arm decides to pull back.
'C'mon Serenity, Let's go save some people. Maybe even commit some acts of Righteous Wrath along the way.'

Newest Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 3:37 PM


*Serenity stands, swords crossed across the neck of an RE. He stares her straight in the eyes, unfazed by her fury, and begins spouting off a bunch of numbers. *


*It hits her: name, rank and serial number. She's getting nothing out of these guys. She is tempted to swear. Instead, she does what she has threatened to do. In one swift motion, the RE's head is detached from it's body. It hangs in midair for a moment, and then both head and body fall to the floor.*

*She turns to Jazaf and MG.*

Let's go.

"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 4:13 PM


I've been told you need guidance. Thus: I am here to guide. Who wants to fill me in on whats going on?


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 4:24 PM


We're battling ferocious aliens (who die easily). I'm choppin' dead aliens up and tossing them in the garbage. Some are fighting heroically, but Emma has accidentaly summoned more evil creatures. Others are smoochin' and relaxing in jacuzzis, with chocolate.

Guess we require, like, captainy commandments. And, the proper chords for "Hero Of Canton" might not be amiss, even though I'm tone deaf.

Tough call, given there ain't much in the way of other threads to attack.

And twg's gone part-time, to maintain her sanity. Who can blame her?


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 4:34 PM


Captainy commandments, you say? Yeah, I think I can handle that.


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 4:43 PM


OH! And Ath is not only being held prisoner, he's being tortured in gruesome ways.

Although I can't tell if the torturing is being administered by nasty alien creatures, or by lissa spwhore.



Wednesday, June 15, 2005 4:45 PM


Well, that was lame. It posted before I could commandtmenterize.

Firstly, the garbage is a silly place for alien body parts. Sell them to the tabloids and use the profits to pay the repo men trying to get emma's ship.

Secondly, fighting heroicaly is good, unless it gets you killed. So those of you that are fighting, do my a favor and try not to die or anything.

Thridly, antidisestablishmentarionism is a great word, as is rigatoni.

Fourthly, someone needs to put the real world physics button somewhere where nobody can get at it. I would suggest wherever Grey and Needleseye arn't having sex, but under some sort of cover, so that it wouldn't be inadvertantly pushed whist they were in the throws of non-passion.

Fifthy, is anyone trying to rescue Ath and the others? That would be good.

Sixthly (sixly?), there is no lifeguard on duty at the chocolate jacuzzi. So if you drown, your sort of screwed. So try not to do that. Also, wait two hours after eating to go swimming and remember to wash behind your ears.


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 5:12 PM


*Acting on Cap'n Ebonezer's orders, cozen sells gruesome alien body parts to the National Enquirer. Uses funds to purchase a Jayne orange toque for Mai and to re-stock SimonWho's depleted chocolate stores.*

*Meanwhile, the Rahjeen Command Force sends a binary message to Emma's ship. After decription and rough translation from alienese to sortaAnglic, it reads as: "Your exploding penguin farts trump our superior weapons technology"... or somesuch. Embarrassedby the negative tabloid publicity, a large percentage of the alien invader fleet is monitored leaving the solar system, presumably en route to galaxies offering easier raiding and more enticingly profitable ventures.*

*Some stragglers remain. A space-hardened, particularly vicious sort. They set course for Earth. Specifically, the Sereni-Tree and Clubhouse.*

*Ath, however, continues his woeful tortuous wailing.*

*cozen tentatively considers powering up the EvilAutoMop.*


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 5:32 PM


*Having finally found Molly, trying to drink all teh chocolate out of the jacuzzi, Mai heads back to find Jazaf and Serenity.*

Hope there done killin' stuff cause we still got lots of tour to go.

*Thinks for a minute. Huh. The fighting and killing fun is never really done around here so i't unlikely that the tour will resume, plus that whole sub-plot is kinda boring. Quickly takes out tiny pc looking thing and starts sending a memo to Jazaf.*

ATTN: Jazaf
Re: ship tour

Hey I know you busy so I thought I'd make your tour a bit easier. I've attached a highly detailed map of every room, corridor, and hidey place on the ship so you can find your way around.
If you have any questions or would prefer to continue guided tour at a later date let me know. Have fun killin'


*Continutes walking through the ship, with Molly perched on her head, following the trail of EI, EC, RE, things corpses thinking they'll probably lead to someone eventually*

"MOLLLLLLY is a SQUAWWWKKKKKK hungry birdie!"

Yes all right lets head to the common area and see if we can't scrounge something up.

*As they approach the far hallway Mai and Molly come upon someone hunched over a large pile of creaturey body parts scoopin' em into trash bags*

Cozen! I wondered where you had wandered off to. Awfully nice of you to help clean up all the ick. Molly and I were just headed to find something to eat care to join us?

*Watches as Cozen ties up the bags and begins placing labels on them... with prices...*

Ohh a money making scheme! Need any help?


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 5:54 PM


* Standing in some twisty winding passage down on the cargo level of the Sereni-Tree, TheRealMe is upset as he gazes at the strange green glowing dimensional portal of the Evil Enemy Invaders (the EEI?). Chin in hand, he walks around it in order to examine it from all sides. *

Huh! To think that someone besides me put a dimensional portal on this ship! Well, there’s nothing else to be done about it.

* TheRealMe straps on bandoliers of fully loaded Pepsimilk squirt guns. He jams his newly designed high-tech can-opener in one pocket. He ties a black band around his head. The ends of this headband seem to float and wave in the air, sort of like antennae. *

SimonWho is right! We need to take a raiding party to the other side in order to rescue our missing friends. After they’re recovered, we need to destroy this portal to keep Sereni-Tree safe. I can shoot the EIs with my squirt guns, but I need some help in keeping them off of me while I do. Any volunteers?

* TheRealMe glances about and wonders, with all that’s going on (especially the battle on Emma’s ship), if there is anyone left to accompany him into unknown danger at the EI’s own base. Then again, MontanaGirl and Jazaf sounded eager.*

Oh, Ebo Golem, you stay here waiting on this side of the portal. If any EIs come through… tear their arms off. Zoe-clones, keep this portal covered with your guns. If anyone comes through who’s not on our crew, then shoot them… politely.

* The Ebo Golem stands impassively. As one, the pair of Zoe-clones pump their shotguns and chorus, “Yes, sir!” then glance with mild irritation at each other. *

* TheRealMe’s com-link beeps. He activates it. *

Hello? This is Me. Hmmmm? PsychicRiver? ThatWeirdGirl? How are things at the Tree?

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 5:59 PM


Oh, Captain, hello.

You will find a good summary of our situation by me several posts ago.

As far as our missing crew, and Ath's torture, I intend to handle that problem directly.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 7:48 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:

*Before Ath can even say goodbye, he's dragged out of the room and shoved down the corridor. He's led down one dank hallway after another, until they finally stop before a tall black door. As the EI opens it, Ath sees a room full of every torture devise imaginable. The EI shove Ath into the room and shut the door.*

*Within a minute, the corridors are ringing with Ath's screams.*

*as soon as lissa can revive soul, they begin to formulate an escape plan. lissa and soul predict that the guard will soon return to take another of them for torture. the cell is quite small, and lissa uses her flexible (ha) dancer's body to wedge herself onto the ceiling at the sound of approaching footsteps. the guard enters, and lissa drops onto him, knocking him to the floor. soul dons the guard's uniform.*

ok, you go find a way out of here. i'm going to rescue ath! we'll meet back up in the broom closet down the hall there...because broom closets are cool.

*lissa follows the sound of ath's screams to the black door. there are two guards outside. using the bazooka she stole from the previous guard (yep, he was packin a bazooka), she takes out the two guards and blows a hole in the door. before the dust clears, she jumps through the hole and knocks out ath's torturer with a bazooka blow to the head. lissa gives ath a kiss and he leans on her shoulder as they sneak back to the broom closet to await soul. lissa uses part of her shirt to bandage ath's wounds. in the tradition of raiders of the lost ark, she kisses him where it doesn't hurt.*

~lissa, spwhore


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 8:18 PM


*Emma realises she didn't wash behind her ears before entering the chocloate jacuzzi and thinking Ebonezer might be a bit grumpy with that she gets out to test the status of the Rahjeen Elite Command Force (whom, one might add were not accidently summoned merely trying to get the ship back - as if Emma would do such a thing [cough cough])*

*On her way to the ship she hears screams, fighting and the RE secret language. Being the brave soul she is she runs. Luckily, however, she notices that all of the remaining EIs are running too - apparently the RE are just a bit too scary and normal EI's get out of their way when the REs come to take over. Hoorah! Er...maybe not they leaving space for the impending doom...Emma looks out of the Sereni-Tree and sees 3 RE vessels all releasing dozens of pods all of which are heading towards her ship...*

Oh, shit

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:20 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Any volunteers?

Yeah! Yeah! I hear ya, I'm a comin'!

Rat - Acquisitions Officer - Uss SereniTREE.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 11:27 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
* TheRealMe’s com-link beeps. He activates it. *

Hello? This is Me. Hmmmm? PsychicRiver? ThatWeirdGirl? How are things at the Tree?

Things are good, chocolately good. We hope things at the tree are well. And hopefully we will be seeing you soon.

Over and out.


*Later on, PR and TWG have climbed to the top of the tree, and sit there eating more chocolate. They are staring out across the land, and rather close to the tree, they see the big black block-looking building mith the "Microsith" logo on the side that PR had spotted whilst flying to the tree.*

That must be some sort of base. There armies seem to be endless.

*PR thinks about the EI he ecountered earlier.* Of course...the EI, its not their fault, they're really peaceful creatures...they have chips in their brain! *PR stands up absorbing this and turns to TWG.* They've been programmed by Microsith all along! To do their evil bidding.

*PR begins to climb down.*

TWG: Where are you going?

Come on, we're going to invade that base...I have a plan.

*TWG thinks for a moment, then shrugs.* TWG: Okay, there's nothing better to do I guess.

*She gets up to climb down, but just as she does, a cat jumps into her lap.*

*PR turns to look at TWG, and does a double-take.* Belle! TWG, you found her!

*Belle walks over to PR and affectionatel rubs her head against his hand.*

Oh my god, she's alive! This is great.

*PR, TWG, and Belle climb down the tree. Once at the the bottom, PR picks up his cat and stroked her and laughs.* Thanks TWG, for everything.


*PR and TWG finish booting up with whatever weaponry they can find and then go once more into the bar. PR finds the radio. He hits the button.*

Me? TWG and I have a plan. We're going to go behind enemy lines, and try to shut down the EI's. We'll contact you when we have news.

Over and out.

*Turns to TWG.* We should take the radio with us.

*They switch the Admiral to ground-mule mode and set off, through the trees, trying hard to control the Admirals speed. Belle sits cowering in a corner, to afraid to look.*

You see...*PR continues* if Microsith have chips in those things brain...they must be transmitting a signal. We just need ot find this signal, and shut it down. Then the EI will stop attacking us, and go back to being peaceful, creatures. Then I don't see how the Microsith could possibly ountnumber us.

And I'm betting we can find how to shut down the signal in there.

*They reach the base, and hide the Admiral in the bushes.*

*Two guards stand by the door. TWG distracts them, while PR gets behind them, and manges to knock them out, with some help from TWG.* Great work.

*PR and TWG, followed by Belle, enter the building, looking for a control room, trying to avoid anyone and everyone.*

*They go through some doors, and turn a corridor, and as they're halfway round, PR hears footsteps. Just as he tells himself to stop, he crashes into someone, and they both fall back to the floor.*

*PR sits up, ready to attack.*

*PR frowns.*



"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Thursday, June 16, 2005 1:53 AM


Right, I'm taking all the volunteers to the other end of the portal, wherever that may be. It seems to only open at their command so we'll try to reactivate it so people this end can disable it too.

Ok, everybody who's ready for "Operation Certain Death", please step into this blue box and we'll get there in no time.



Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:00 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by lissa:

the cell is quite small, and lissa uses her flexible (ha) dancer's body to wedge herself onto the ceiling at the sound of approaching footsteps. the guard enters, and lissa drops onto him, knocking him to the floor. soul dons the guard's uniform.*

ok, you go find a way out of here. i'm going to rescue ath! we'll meet back up in the broom closet down the hall there...because broom closets are cool.

*Soul sneaks down the coridor, staying in the shadows whenever possible. When Lissa woke him in the cell, he found that he had been disarmed of his bow and his quiver. He knows he has to find a way back to the SereniTree, but he refuses to go without his bow. He turns a corner and nearly steps into the broad back of an EI. Growling, the EI turns, and upon seeing Soul, it raises it's weapon. Soul turns to run.*

Hey, I was just looking for a restroom!!

*Realising that the guards uniform isn't working as disguise, Soul instead takes another course of action. Just before the EI fires it's gun, Soul leaps at the wall to his left and phases through it. He hears the EI yelling in frustration, and Soul chuckles. He looks around the room and smiles as he sees his bow and quiver sitting on a table in the corner.*

Don't I just seem to have uncanny luck. He walks over to the table and rearms himself. Feeling normal again with the weight of the bow and the quiver, Soul turns and surveys the rest of the room, and realises with a grin that he's found his way into the security office. There is a bank of monitors on the far wall, so he walks over to them and flips through the images until he finds what he's looking for. In a room not too far from the broom closet where Ath and Lissa are hiding, TheRealMe steps out of a glowing green portal, armed with squirt guns. Soul smiles and phases through a different wall than the one. He runs down the hall until he reaches the broom closet. He pulls open the door.*

Lissa, Ath, I found a way out!! Let's go!!


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:25 AM



Originally posted by Elwoodmom:
*bounces up and down*

Ooooh, oooooh, can I take part of this battle, too??

Mom! You are always welcome. Especially when we are forming a posse!

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:34 AM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:

He runs down the hall until he reaches the broom closet. He pulls open the door.*

Lissa, Ath, I found a way out!! Let's go!!

*lissa looks up from comforting ath.*

seriously? already? ...fine, let's go.

*lissa attempts to support ath as they follow soul, although this is difficult as he is a full 11 inches taller than her.*

~lissa, spwhore


Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:35 AM


*At this point Emma is slightly worried as it looks like hardly anyone will be left on the ship when the dozens of REs come to take her away. She decides the best thing to do is give up the ship and hope Sereni-Tree doesn't fall out of the sky but first they have to get through the hull*

*Emma waits...and waits...and waits...whilst eating a raspberry pavlova*

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:41 AM


"Operation Certain Death", huh?

I like it.

But I am sorry, SimonWho. I cannot join you in your blue box. You see, SoulOfSerenity has already seen me walk out of the other end of this glowing green portal. I'm afraid I'm timelocked to do just that.

Someone here needs to handle the Rahjeen Elite who have boarded. I'm confident that Static can fly circles around their ships, though.

* TheRealMe brandishes his squirt guns in just the way that Soul described earlier, and walks through the green glowing portal. *

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:51 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by TheRealMe:

You see, SoulOfSerenity has already seen me walk out of the other end of this glowing green portal. I'm afraid I'm timelocked to do just that.

Hmm...jumping ahead a bit, I guess...


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, June 16, 2005 4:02 AM


* As TheRealMe steps out of the portal into what looks to be a security office, he hears that unmistakable sound of a click-whine that signifies a gun about to be shot. TheRealMe spins around to face this threat, while the squad of EIs chuckle and grin evilly. They let loose with their guns, sending a hail of projectiles toward TheRealMe. *

* The loose ends of TheRealMe's headband blur into motion, swatting aside each bullet as it comes near. The EIs are dumbfounded. *

My turn!

* TheRealMe sprays Pepsimilk on his foes, burning them severely. They retreat out the main door of the security office. TheRealMe runs up to lock it. *

Now that I've captured their security office, let's see what these camera feeds can tell us!

Ooooh! They have HBO!

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Thursday, June 16, 2005 4:15 AM


Hey, everybody, check this out:

It looks like ManicNumberOne is selling Book clones. Cozen, did he steal your patented cloning process?

Hmmmm... We don't have a Book clone. Might want to put in an order for one. Then we'd only need an Inara and a Wash to complete our set aboard Sereni-Tree.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Thursday, June 16, 2005 5:07 AM


*Serenity, Jazaf, MG, and possibly Mai, Molly and Elwoodmom all come running to meet up with SimonWho and his big blue box.*

We're ready! Let's put Operation Certain Death into action.

*They all step into big blue box.*

"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Thursday, June 16, 2005 6:13 AM


Just to repost this...cos I'm not sure if anyone noticed, and I changed it to make sense with whats happened.


Originally posted PsychicRiver:
*PR and TWG, followed by Belle, enter the building, looking for a control room, trying to avoid anyone and everyone.*

*They go through some doors, and turn a corridor, and as they're halfway round, PR hears footsteps. Just as he tells himself to stop, he crashes into someone, and they both fall back to the floor.*

*PR sits up, ready to attack.*

*PR frowns.*


*Looks to the others.* Ath,and....have we met?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Thursday, June 16, 2005 6:37 AM


PR-It's hard keeping up with all these different plot threads, isn't it?

"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Thursday, June 16, 2005 7:10 AM



Originally posted by lissa:
*lissa attempts to support ath as they follow soul, although this is difficult as he is a full 11 inches taller than her.*

~lissa, spwhore

*Ath tries his best to take some of the weight off of lissa, but fails miserably.*

They didn't even ask me any questions.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Thursday, June 16, 2005 7:18 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
*Serenity, Jazaf, MG, and possibly Mai, Molly and Elwoodmom all come running to meet up with SimonWho and his big blue box.*

We're ready! Let's put Operation Certain Death into action.

*They all step into big blue box.*

Geez, does everyone have to come and save me? I feel so special.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Thursday, June 16, 2005 7:19 AM


*twg carefully considers their options*

Man am I glad I’ve been getting the SYSTM feed. I know just how stop the EI signal. Luckily I built this handy direction finding device with the help of the broken’s dark tipper. We should be able to locate the source of the broadcast easily…this is microsith, so the security will be easy to get around...if they even thought about electronic security. There is some bad news though. When we locate the signal and try to knock it out, we will reveal our location in a BIG way. We’ll need a way out in case this doesn’t work.

Let’s see if I have my head count right: Lissa, Ath, Soul, PR, and twg are looking for the source. TheRealMe may possibly be here watching and helping…I hope he or perhaps Simon, with his trusty blue box, can get out us when the time comes.

*twg fumbles in her pockets* Here, eat this, it’ll help. *she hands everyone a crunchie, saving a flake for herself. She greedily licks the chocolaty crumbs from the palm of her hand and sighs*

Right. Lets go.

*she holds up her former soup can, now antenna, the small lcd screen shows a slight spike and finds a weak signal coming from the hallway to their right*

This way.
Can we not revel in our cyber-love?


Thursday, June 16, 2005 12:00 PM


The group travels down the seemingly abandoned corridor. Ath, clinging a bit too tightly to Lissa, and Soul keeping a careful watch for the badguys.

A faint echo of footsteps reaches PR and he motions for everyone to stop. We reluctantly shove Ath and Lissa into a nearby broom closet (for their safety of course. We can’t have a bloody and fawning crew member meeting up with the EIs).

Soul tries to look menacing while PR and twg pretend to be prisoners.

EI: Greetings friend.
Soul: *nod*
Twg: *to Soul* that was weird.
Soul: Shhh.

The EI turns and looks at Soul.
EI:You speak in strange whispers. Are you not of the Body?

****dum, dum, dummmm
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.


Thursday, June 16, 2005 12:40 PM


*PR watched wide-eyed, a lump caught in his throat.*

*He had to think on his feet. On a shelf behind the EI, further down the corridor, PR saw some files.*

*He stared hard at them, and they fluttered, finally, they blew off the shelf. He was finding it difficult because he was nervous.*

*The EI, turned to look at them, and went off to investigate.*

*Whispers* Lets go...

*They get away down the corridor.*

Okay...maybe, we should split up? Someone needs to get Ath out of here. What if we agree to meet somewhere? The roof? *PR's mind was racing, there was so much going on here, in this place. He couldn't absorb it, not freely. It all rushed at him, wanting in.* TWG, what should we do?

I have the radio...should I contact Serenitree? See if they can get hear quickly... to pick us up? Even if we do shut down the signal...they could just reactivate it after a while? I don't know what do. What do you think?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Thursday, June 16, 2005 2:36 PM


*** Perhaps backing up a bit ***

* Having locked himself in the EI main security office, TheRealMe gets to work. From various monitors, he gets a quick grasp of the situation. First, he locates his friends. PsychicRiver and ThatWeirdGirl for starters. And there was Soul. TheRealMe flips a couple of switches and bulkheads fall into place to block squads of EI that were moving to apprehend them. Almost as an afterthought, he gasses them. TheRealMe concentrates, but does not speak: *

PsychicRiver! It’s Me. Can you hear my thoughts? If you take the door to your left… no, your other left… then head down the passageway to the end of the hall, you’ll be nearing what is labeled as the “Interrogation / Funtime” chamber. Ath is probably there. I’ll guide you with my thoughts, and open doors as you go.

* TheRealMe is surprised by some of the other monitors. *

Say, that’s a feed from the Sereni-Tree, and it looks like Emma is in trouble! These Rahjeen Elite look tough! Ah, good! It looks like Nugget the meteor troll is coming to her aid.

* TheRealMe watches the monitor as Nugget twirls around and smacks one of the Rahjeen in the face with his tail. *

Hmmmm… hope he can hold out.

* As he looks back to other monitors, TheRealMe sees that the group of his friends is following ThatWeirdGirl, who keeps checking their progress on some kind of cobbled-together sensor device instead of following his direction. TheRealMe shrugs, and flips switches to open the doors she wants to go through. As they pass, TheRealMe closes the doors behind them. Then he notices something else. *

Oh, it looks like Ath is with Lissa and already free. My friends don’t need to get to the interrogation chamber after all. But then… what are they DOING?

* TheRealMe grins. *

Well, no matter where they are going, I’ll get them there!

* TheRealMe hears heavy blows being struck from the other side of the locked door. *

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at






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