Happy Father's Day, Guys...

UPDATED: Monday, June 20, 2005 12:10
VIEWED: 2098
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Sunday, June 19, 2005 12:43 PM



It may be a thankless job in a sh!t storm of ever-increasing magnitude, but somebody's gotta do it. Please note that mine is the first post on the subject and the day's nearly over, and take that as evidence that my first sentence is at least arguably true.

For all you do, fathers of the world, this post is for you. Have a cold one on me , and enjoy a sporting event on TV this evening (Detroit v. San Antonio, 7:30 PM CDT, for instance). Hopefully, no one will give you too much flack about it...



I'm going to my daughter's house for a cookout, then to the drive-in to see "Batman Begins" with my 16- and 11-year olds; a perfect Father's Day gift for me. I am both loved and remembered. I hope y'all are too.

"I'll tell you what I am - I'm the damn pater familias!" -Ulysses Everett McGill, O Brother, Where Art Thou?"


Sunday, June 19, 2005 12:50 PM


Thanks for the thread Zoid, we dad's need a day off.


Go sign my Guest Book,
Then download Serenity,
And remember, Roni's watching you.

And So Are They.


Sunday, June 19, 2005 1:37 PM


It's not completely thankless, I remembered. I guess I just didn't say it loud enough.


I spent the afternoon with my dad. He got to fire up his new grill. Mmmmm, ribs. I gave him an appropriately tacky red with pink polka dotted tie. I also added a few Fuller’s pint glasses to his bar. We talked about ST OS, bad zombie movies, and online gaming. What could be better?

I hope all the fathers had a lovely day. Happy father’s day Zoid and Early.
Res melius evinissent cum pepsimilk!


Sunday, June 19, 2005 2:55 PM


I add my paternal well-wishings to the list!

I called my father. We talked for a record 5 minutes. And I donated money to a charity in his name which made him happy because at Christmas he told me he didn't want gifts anymore. Quote him: "If I need it, I'll buy it. If I want it, I'll buy it." He and my mom are coming down next week to stay with me for a few days before heading down to visit my sister and I've got some "dadweiser" in the fridge waiting for him (rootbeer with a fun label). And I'm going to make spaghetti sauce from scratch for him, which should really make him happy.

"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Sunday, June 19, 2005 3:07 PM


Happy Father's Day to you also, Zoid.
I'll be havin' that cold one with an ep or two of Lois and Clark on dvd, my Father's Day present.
I'm with Supes, and you're with the Bat, how perfect is that?
What did Rick say in Mummy 2? "It's not easy...being the Dad", but it sure is worth it.
Yep, we're lucky, us Dads.

DadDadDadieo Chrisisall


Sunday, June 19, 2005 3:28 PM



Nice to see y'all thinking of your fathers. Mine passed away in '01, but I thought of him twice this week: today and his birthday on the 16th.

The cookout was great (I like talking with my son-in-law, he's a blessing on our family). Now I've got about 20 minutes to kill before the movie and I just gotta say, chrisisall, that the main reason I'm going is because of reports of the Serenity trailer being attached to this particular property. I expect to enjoy the flick too; but I plan on screaming like a banshee if our trailer comes on.

The second feature is "The Longest Yard"; but I'm a little concerned about crude-for-the-sake-of-crude humor. If the movie's good, I can put up with some. But I'd just as soon not subject the kids to it without some redeeming value in the storytelling. Anybody seen it yet? Remember, you've got upwards of 15 minutes to let me know (so, snap to it!).

The other alternative is to switch to the other screen (perfectly permissable at this drive-in) and catch Star Wars Episode III again. I'd just as soon not, but the 11-year old is pretty keen (even though he thinks Anakin is "crazy" and that he wants to "hit Anakin"). I tried to tell him that the character isn't really bad, just badly drawn...

So, help a brother, father and 'bad mutha' out, and help me make this decision.



Okay, 13 minutes to go. What's taking y'all so long? Oh, right. I haven't posted this yet.

"Sure as I know anything, I know this: I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDM'


Sunday, June 19, 2005 3:48 PM


My daughter bought me a Werner paddle for my kayak. Must have cost $350 Cdn if a penny. Spent a good portion of the day hassling her for spending the remnants of her gross personal income on this gift (though I suspect her boyfriend funded the bulk of the cost).

I love her more than I can possibly describe.

Silly twit!

Perfect gift, though. She knows me so well, it scares me.

This life has been good, and I am grateful.

May all you other dads out there have a terrific day.

Jennifer: I love you. Thanks for being you.


Sunday, June 19, 2005 4:29 PM


I played in a softball tournament this weekend. We made it to Sunday so 8:00am this morning, I was up and out of the house. I called my wife and 2 little girls after the 9:00am game (which we won, thank-you) and,bless her soul, my wife's first words to me were "was it a good start to father's day?" Yes it was. We went on to win a qualification to play in the Provincials in Niagara Falls.
Then off to my dad's for his infamous BBQ.

Quite a day! My girls even got to watch the last game. Y''s great to be a dad!
It also doesn't hurt that I married the perfect woman.


Sunday, June 19, 2005 4:37 PM


Haven't gotten to speak with my dad since he passed in '93. All I can do now is ask God to pass messages to him for me. But I thought of him today...

My wife hugged me this morning. Then she said she thought it over and she decided to spend the rest of her life with me.

My 22 year old son hugged me, kissed me on the cheek and wished me a happy father's day. My 19 year old son called me from work to say he was thinking of me.

I call the day a huge win... knocked clean out of the park.


Sunday, June 19, 2005 6:17 PM


My 12-year-old son was up last week from South Carolina (I'm in Indiana) so he gave me his present on Wednesday - a cool 3-D General Grievous picture, framed and everything. And we talked on the phone this evening.
I stopped by my parents' this afternoon, and talked with my dad (and mother) about their plans for the coming year. Come October, they are moving to Lithuania for a year so he can teach at a new Christian university there (being retired has some benifits!)
And finally, I stopped at Wal-Mart and picked up the new Eric Johnson CD, "Bloom". Not his best album, but he's always a pleasure to listen to.

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Monday, June 20, 2005 4:30 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Hope all you Browncoat dads had a great Father's Day.

Mine was great. Got treated to breakfast in bed by my kids then spent the day just sharing a beautiful day w/ my family.

It may seem thankless at times, but I would take the job of father over any other job you could name. Children make every minute of it worth it and then some.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, June 20, 2005 4:51 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
the main reason I'm going is because of reports of the Serenity trailer being attached to this particular property. I expect to enjoy the flick too; but I plan on screaming like a banshee if our trailer comes on.

Okay, now did ya see it (and did ya scream)?
And what 2nd movie did you finally decide on?

Curious Dad Chrisisall


Monday, June 20, 2005 6:40 AM



No Serenity trailer (drat). But the movies were well worth it and I had good company (the kids) to boot. "Batman Begins" totally rocked. The only thing that seemed overly forced and weak (plot-wise) was Ms. Moore's final scene: it was totally unnecessary and felt tacked-on. Other than that, thumbs up (and fingers and toes)! The Tumbler (Batmobile) is the most awesome vehicle ever filmed; words cannot begin to describe it, and I'm not even particularly a car geek.

All the big names brought on to play supporting charaters gave credible performances. But, I have to give Liam Neeson the lion's share of praise for his performance as the film's major baddie. While he doesn't get a lot of screen time, he does get more than enough to eclipse his performance in Star Wars Episode I. It was nice to see him properly utilized in a film, and he showed great skill in the performance. I couldn't help but consciously think that he in some way redeemed himself for Qi-Gon. Even though I know it was none of the actors' fault, those wooden performances have got to haunt an actor. In BB, he shows the emotional range as well as the physical chops to play this key role in an action-adventure. This was what Qi-Gon should have been.

Hayden Christensen, whom I have derided for his whiny and illogical performances as Anakin, has recently said he is getting out of acting to concentrate on a career in engineering. To him, I would say, "Stick it out a little longer, son." Maybe one day he'd get the chance to redeem himself as Neeson has done in "Batman Begins".

All it takes is a good storyteller and a director with a healthy respect for his actors. Christopher Nolan, the director of BB, seems to have a way of getting good performances from his actors, even in smaller roles; maybe he'd consider giving Hayden a shot of some kind in one of his next movies. The young man shouldn't be forced out of movies by the ridicule over his performances in the prequel trilogy; they weren't his fault. If he then still wants to become an engineer, at least he didn't quit acting from shame of failure.

We then watched "The Longest Yard" -- much to my son's disappointment -- rather than rewatching SWIII. I know there are die-hard SW fans out there, so I should be careful what I say (too late, hmmm?); but, I just couldn't sit through it again. My daughter felt the same way (even more demonstrably so). So, my son was outvoted and he pouted some, saying he was just going to go to sleep in the back seat. Well, "The Longest Yard" started and within five minutes, he had forgotten about being upset.

It was a decent little comedy. There were a lot of good laughs in it. One I remember in particular in the opening moments: Courtney Cox has had a boob job. I mean, no, there wasn't specifically a joke associated with the boob job, but it's so apparent that I laughed out loud for the better part of a minute. The joke writer in my head said: "Looks like she's replaced the fake boob who dumped her for Jolie with two new ones." And she makes sure they're prominently displayed for the 3 minutes she's on camera. I think she had a face, but I only glanced at it...

Sandler does an excellent job in this fluffy movie. He handles the comedic bits in his signature off-the-cuff form, and has grown as a dramatic actor, which differentiates this movie from "Happy Gilmore" or "The Waterboy".

Chris Rock, well, rocks. I'd heard his role in this movie was an attempt to get more parts, that he wants to get onscreen and away from stand-up a little bit. His role as "Caretaker" might very well do the trick. Sandler and Rock have good chemistry, though it's hard to imagine it being vestigial from SNL, since they haven't otherwise worked together in the intervening decade.

The rest of the acting and storytelling are basically a cookiecutter of every sports comedy ever filmed; but, the movie is probably near the top of its questionable genre. The prison guard I and the kids refer to as "The Estrogen Guy" gets some guilty laughs. Cloris Leachman has two or three scenes and will have you squirming in licentious glee, as will the transvestite 'cheerleaders'. It's a pretty good flick, especially considering the presence of so many jock 'actors', Nellie and Burt Reynolds (i.e., they don't get in the way so much as to toally ruin the film).

In conclusion, "Batman Begins" may well be the true blockbuster of the Summer (unless the rumored move of Serenity proves true), especially if Spielberg/Cruise can't improve on past form. (NB: Spielberg must be drinking from Lucas' water supply.) "The Longest Yard" is a better-than-average sports comedy, although that's not saying much; it is an enjoyable movie (superior to "Dodge Ball", sad to say), and not too rough for younger kids with proper parental supervision. If you shelter your children from the world's realities, though, you'll want to skip this one.



Ah! The drive-in! No 'special hell' for talking, speculating, cheering and ridiculing during the movie. And I smoked a fine cigar during the first half of BB. Support your local drive-in. You might have more fun than you'd expect. Bring the kids, bring some lawn chairs, bring some friends: Lots of folks were coming in parties of 3 or more cars (with coolers in the trunk). But you'd better act fast; drive-ins are disappearing fast, and the digital projection conversion is going to kill off a lot more in the next couple of years.

Ben Stiller, 'star' of "Dodge Ball" should do everyone a favor and pursue a career in engineering...

"Sure as I know anything, I know this: I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDM'


Monday, June 20, 2005 7:51 AM


Thanks for gettin' back to me, I was really curious.
Drive ins, I remember them. Fondly. Non 'round here.
BB is now on my list.
And thanks for the reviews.
ImEarly stretched this thread out, he has a wide picture in his post, see you on another thread.

Chrisisall Wayne


Monday, June 20, 2005 11:37 AM



Originally posted by zoid:
It may be a thankless job in a sh!t storm of ever-increasing magnitude, but somebody's gotta do it. Please note that mine is the first post on the subject and the day's nearly over, and take that as evidence that my first sentence is at least arguably true.

Did we finally merge up - hands across the water? I always had it in my head that the dates were different on each side of the Atlantic. Guess not.

Gives me the chance to post a link to something that got me thinking about my dad just last week. Kevin Smith is doing a blog at the moment, and to call it open and honest is something of an understatement (warning - strong language and fairly graphic info on his sex life in other posts), but this post on the anniversary of his dad's death says it all:

Because there shouldn't have to be just one day a year.


Monday, June 20, 2005 12:10 PM


Ah happy me, my beautiful wife and daughter not only delivered unto me the Firefly DVD set (which we had Netflixed, and were both dying to watch again), but the Finding Serenity book as well.

Add that to a nice day of hanging out with the family, lunch with friends and a quiet day of doing laundry, well, life is good.






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