USS SereniTREE: No Longer the Eve of Battle

UPDATED: Sunday, July 3, 2005 10:52
VIEWED: 24270
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:06 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by Static:
**Static is nonplussed as he drags Soul over to the console, shoving his face close to the screens.**

"Explain to me then, buddy, why I see you plain as day wandering the ship making people go bye-bye?" Static asks. As he speaks, his voice remains calm and steady. The others are perhaps very sure of his intent to do serious damage if he doesn't start getting answers he can accept.

*Soul stares at the screen, unsure of what he's going to do. Then he sees something that makes him forget that Static has him by the throat. On the screen is Soul, lying with Serenity, as someone who looks exactly like Soul walks up behind them and puts something on Serenity's neck, making her dissapear. Then, on the screen, is Soul...and Soul.*

What in the hell...?

How are there two of me?


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:06 AM


*Fast asleep in her bed, Mai, awakens suddenly from a nightmare. Rubbing her eyes, she looks around and finds herself in her bed under lots of comfy quilts and stuff.*

Wonder how in the hell I got back here? Maybe I overdosed on pie and chocolate treats and someone had to drag me here unconscious. Last thing I remember is talking to MG in the kitchen and then... Now that's just weird. Oh well.

*Gets up and goes to look for some of the other crew in hopes they can explain whatever happened. Walking out of her room, she notices the freaky silence. Walking down the corridor she runs into Serenity who looks as bewildered as she feels.*

Hey Serenity. Where is everyone? I just had the strangest dream.


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:10 AM


**Static glances down at the screen and notes that there are, in fact, two Souls at one time. With that, he releases his grip on SoulofSerenity and steps back, but maintains a steady aim at Soul's left knee.**

"PR. . .are you sure I'm looking at OUR SoulofSerenity right now?"


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:23 AM



Originally posted by Static:

Originally posted by PsychicRiver:

He won't tell you. Can't. He can't tell you.

...He doesn't know.

**Static looks up, maintaining his hold on Soul.**

"What? What do you mean? He was being controlled or something?"

It wasn't him...he doesn't know...doesn't....understand...

But he's connected. Wires...

*PR blinks and then shakes his head and looks at Static.* That's all I got.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:24 AM



Originally posted by Static:
**Static glances down at the screen and notes that there are, in fact, two Souls at one time. With that, he releases his grip on SoulofSerenity and steps back, but maintains a steady aim at Soul's left knee.**

"PR. . .are you sure I'm looking at OUR SoulofSerenity right now?"

*Nods* It's him...memories. Its definitely him.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:29 AM


Mai-I don't know what's happening. I went to the kitchen to get some leftover pie. But there wasn't any. I figured everyone ate it up so I went to the garden to get some fruit. But my greenhouse was exactly the way I left it yesterday. That NEVER happens. Cozen's always in there, pilfering things and making a mess. Struck me as odd. So then I started looking around the ship. I can't find any of the menfolk. No one's on the bridge, no one's in engineering. I can't find Soul or Ath or Rat. TRM and Simon aren't in the infirmary, no one's where they should be! PR's not in his room, no one's in the clubhouse. I think while we were sleeping, someone came and kidnapped all our men. What do we do?

"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." ~Jerry Garcia


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:40 AM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:

*Nods* It's him...memories. Its definitely him.

"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

**Static eases the hammer down on his revolver and slides it into the holster.**

"Sorry, Soul. I didn't know, and didn't want to risk it." he says, then turns to the rest of the group.

"Now then. Anyone have any suggestions on how we track this sumbitch and get my beloved and the rest of the womenfolk back?"


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:44 AM


Well, possessives aside, the only real link we have is Soul. For whatever reason, it took his form to kidnap the women. Psychic River obviously has seen something but it's a bit vague.

Soul? Anything?


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:51 AM


*twg wakes in her bed*

What the! I’m not supposed to be here. Where’s Simon? Where are Cozen and TRM? Merde!

*twg rushes through the corridors in search of somebody, anybody. She sees Serenity and Mai talking and runs to join them*

*panting* Simon…Cozen..TheRealMe…not in their restraints…what happened?
Res melius evinissent cum pepsimilk!


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:53 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by SimonWho:
Well, possessives aside, the only real link we have is Soul. For whatever reason, it took his form to kidnap the women. Psychic River obviously has seen something but it's a bit vague.

Soul? Anything?

*Soul shrugs.*

Whoever that is, I have no idea. As far as I know, I have no twin. Of course, I still have no memory of any time earlier than when I woke up in the cave during the fight with the FemaleReaver, so maybe I do have a twin. All I know is I saw his eyes. He's my twin, or something very close to that. Except I really don't have a dying need to kidnap all of the women.

*Soul walks over to the console and stares at a freeze-frame of...well, him, or at least, the man who looks like him.*

I really wish I knew.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:55 AM


*PR goes a bit Scary-Mary (UK bb fans will catch the reference)*

TWG...she's awake.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:56 AM


(fixing double post)

This is one increasingly eerie-ass day.

(sidenote: Ath-I cursed!!)


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 11:04 AM


TWG-We have no idea. We both woke up in our beds and have no idea how we got there. There don't seem to be any menfolk onboard-none that we can find. We think maybe they got kidnapped! Wonder if we should check engineering or the bridge, see if everything's working or if we can find out any info.
Got any idea how to fly this thing?

*Serenity runs over to the nearest comm*

All personnel, please report to the commonroom. Repeat. All personnel, please report to the commonroom.

Then we'll definitely know who's here.

Something VERY weird is going on.

"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." ~Jerry Garcia


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 11:04 AM


*Static sits in his control chair and begins tapping keys.*

"Computer, are you there?"

The Eddie Izzard/James Mason flight control computer comes to life.

I'm here, but I'm afraid I won't be much good to you. I've been disconnected from all spatial navsats, and my charts have been erased. Also, I've lost lidar, radar and sonar capability.

"That's fine, Computer," Static says reassuringly, "How about atmospheric sensors. Are those working?"

Checking, yes. They are. The atmosphere is just fine. Breathable without any assistance. Pressure is one atmosphere. It's bloody Earth, innit?

Static suppresses a smile at the Computer's frustrated and sarcastic tone, "Yes, Computer. What I need you to do is scan our area for any sort of vapor trails as might be left by a departing spacecraft. Then tell me if you can follow it."

The Computer works for a few seconds and then pipes up.

I've located something that may very well be what you're looking for. I'm unable to plot a course, however.

"That's fine, computer. Are you still able to display a 'safe corridor' on my HUD for manual flight?"

Checking. Yes.

"Good." Static says confidently, "Begin engine start sequence, if they've not been locked out, and release manual control to me." He looks over his shoulder at the remaining menfolk.

"Let's go get our women."

Closing his eyes for a moment, he thinks, "Hang on, my beloved. I'm comin' for you, and this time I won't leave you."


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 11:31 AM


the women settle into the common room…all of them visibly upset. Serenity, Mai, Jake7, Lissa, Ebo, MG, Emma, and twg…

Where are Needle and Jet? And Mal?

*taking a sip of her hot chocolate, suddenly twg drops her mug

Hang on, my beloved. I'm comin' for you, and this time I won't leave you.

Um, I don’t think they are missing…I think we are.

*twg absentmindedly begins to wander around the commons*

Okay, the last thing I remember is pouring a glass of wine for Simon. He took, he didn’t. Soul took the glass from me and then, but Soul wouldn’t, he attached something to my neck. The I woke up here. Anyone else?
Res melius evinissent cum pepsimilk!


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 11:42 AM


Wiping the sleep from his eyes, Jazaf limps out of his chamber in time to see Simonwho rushing by.'Where's the gorram fire?' Jazaf asks, still a bit sleepy. Simon, without turning, shouts back 'I dunno, but whatever it is caused quite a ruckus. They want everyone on the bridge!'

Jazaf limps as quickly to the bridge as he can, yet when he gets there the meeting is over. Static is at the ships controls, Soul is watching, with eyes as big as saucers, at something on his security cam footage and everyone else is busy finding something to do on the bridge. Jazaf manages to snag PR and asks for details.
'Soul, or, atleast someone who looks like Soul, has kidnapped all the women right from under our nose. The computer managed to find a vapor trail from a nearby ship, hopefully the one with our ladies onboard, and we are currently in pursuit.'

Jazaf heads back to his chamber. Knowing full well that he hasn't the electronic capabilites to assist in this part of the action.'Might as well prepare for whatever is ahead. Seems as good a time as any to try and so that stuff my Sensei taught me.' He closes his eyes, and begins his meditation.

Newest Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 12:09 PM


(onboard the pseudoTree)
Wait, TWG. You're saying Soul did something to you? But Soul was with me..but I woke up in my bed alone...But Soul wouldn't...I mean...he couldn't ...
*She suddenly remembers the pain in her neck this morning. She reaches behind her and feels the back of her neck. She can feel little marks, like sores. She goes over to TWG, looks at the back of her neck-three little marks, in a circle. She goes from person to person, checking the back of their necks. Everyone has these faint little marks.*

So, somebody... maybe Soul...did something to our necks and we all woke up in our beds and all the menfolk are gone.
This makes NO sense. I mean, we obviously haven't been kidnapped, we're still here on the Tree.

Mai: Maybe they did something to us to put us asleep while they took everyone else.

*Lissa starts crying because she's worried about Ath.*

Emma: I think I remember something-I saw Soul, too, right before I fell asleep...But would he take Needleseye and Jet and leave us? Or take us and leave them? *she starts to look woozie, but MG and Mai grab her and hold her up.

Serenity: Well, I think the best thing we can do is NOT PANIC and try to figure out what happened. Emma, since you're pretty familiar with ships in general, will you go to the bridge and take a look around, check out the vids and whatnot, see if they tell us anything?

*Emma nods weakly. Mai and MG help her walk towards the bridge*

TWG, what do you think we should do?

(I hope I'm not being too bold with everyone, I'm just trying to move our plot along to catch up with the menfolk.)


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 12:47 PM


*As they aide Emma to the bridge, Mai looks out the windows as they approach the cockpit.*

MG, can you stay here with Emma for a minute? I'm going to outside and look around a bit for some clues. *Thinks* Hmm... maybe it'd be best if someone comes with me. I mean if someone kidnapped the others who knows what's lurking out there.

*Quickly picks up the com and says "Hey girls, I'm headed outside to look around. I think it might be best someone comes with me, any volunteers?*

*Runs down the stairs to the cargo bay and walks over to the door release button. Maybe some fresh air will help me think. Mai pushes the button and nothing happens. Huh? That's strange. Maybe I didn't do it hard enough. Pushes down on the large red button with all her strength... the gorram thing still won't budge!*




Wednesday, June 29, 2005 2:37 PM


*Rat emerges from Emmas ship having just installed the "Amazing Shrinking Tech©". He pushes a button on a remote, Emmas ship shrinks to the size of a small marble! Rat picks up the tiny ball and puts it in his shirt pocket.*

This might come in handy!

Rat, Acquisitions Officer - Uss SereniTREE.


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 2:39 PM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Emma, since you're pretty familiar with ships in general, will you go to the bridge and take a look around, check out the vids and whatnot, see if they tell us anything?

*Emma nods weakly. Mai and MG help her walk towards the bridge*

*Keeps an arm around Emma while they look about the cockpit. Emma keeps having woozy spells, and mg would rather not have to try and patch her up if she should fall and hit something important.*

So Emma, what do you think?

*mg looks blankly around the cockpit. There are screens and blinking lights. Is that good or bad?*

Um, have I mentioned that I'm mechanically and technologically illiterate? I don't have a frelling clue up here.

"Man has an evil side, Pinky." -Brain
"Front or back?" -Pinky


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 3:27 PM


*TWG and Serenity look at each other in disbelief-sealed in?!?*

*They both start heading towards the main cargo bay to check it out for themselves when Emma speaks over the comm*

Um, Everything looks completely fine here. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong. Everything seems to be working...

Serenity: But...

Emma: Well, that's just it. Everything seems fine, but nothing is telling me anything. There's no record of anything strange happening, everything seems normal...too normal.

Serenity: What about the security videos?

Emma: Let me check *there's the noise of a few buttons being pushed and then static*
Well, this is very odd. The security video feed isn't working. It's blank. Just snow and static.

Serenity: So everything's working except the vids. We're all on the Tree, but we can't find anyone else. We can't seem to get OUT of the ship, yet everything seems fine. There's no sign of stuggle or attack. Everything's just...fine.

Did anyone else see the episode of Buffy where everyone was in the same time, but in different dimensions (or something) and only Spike could see them all at once? Just wondering.

Emma: This is very bad. Very very bad. *she faints.*

Serenity: Yes it is.

"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." ~Jerry Garcia


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 3:42 PM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
*Rushes to the bridge and salutes Static.* Aye-aye, captain!

*Ebo awakens with a start.*

Something is not right. I'm just not sure what.

*Ebo decides that the best plan of action would be to go back to sleep untill the trouble calls for some serious leadership or untill it goes away. This is why she is such a good captain. She doesn't try to micro-manage.*


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 3:53 PM


*Ebo sits bolt upright in bed.*

WOAH! This is a problem. I didn't even know I HAD a bed. What the hell is going on here!?


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 5:37 PM


*monitors everything around him from his meditations. Dark and grim, he reaches out with his mind. Watching. Waiting.*

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 5:47 PM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

*Lissa starts crying because she's worried about Ath.*

*stops crying as soon as she discovers that she is crying...*

ok, now where are our boys?

~lissa, spwhore


Thursday, June 30, 2005 1:54 AM


Of course, Static, I'm only saluting you in the absence of our great Capt. Ebo, Mal-licious, and the slumering Me.

Anyway...what do we do now?

*Turns to Soul* Come on, you must be able to do something! Your connected to it...uh, him.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Thursday, June 30, 2005 3:37 AM


I don't know about the rest of you, but I am officially freaked out.
So, I'm going to go back to my room and grab my katanas so I'll be prepared for...whatever.
I'd advise the rest of you to do likewise.
In the meantime..Captain, got any orders?

"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." ~Jerry Garcia


Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:31 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
*Turns to Soul* Come on, you must be able to do something! Your connected to it...uh, him.

*Soul closes his eyes. He tries to fall inside himself, to search his mind, to try to find the connection that PR swears is there. At first, there's nothing. Well, nothing besides the critical part of his mind that's telling him that what he's doing is moronic. But then--*

Weak. Pathetic. I am your better half. Trust me, I'll show you.

*Soul's eyes snapped open, and he stumbled backwards, slamming into the far wall.*

He's in my head! The son of a bitch is in my head!


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, June 30, 2005 6:01 AM


Well, if we need to get him out, I have a surgical drill in my medical kit.

Actually, that's not a bad idea...

*goes off to fetch medical kit*

*pops back in*

I'm not getting the drill, I just had another idea after that. No need to worry.


Thursday, June 30, 2005 6:46 AM


**jake7 awakens in her "room" somehow fully cognizant of what has happened. She runs to her door to find it unlocked. She makes her way to the common room to find the rest of the women of the SereniTREE congregated in the common room discussing what happened. They eventually go to view the security tapes and find only white noise. She knows she must fill them in if they are to escape unharmed**

Um. Perhaps now is the time for me to fill all of you in on what I remember...

**jake7 turns to her shipmates and beings to explain**

Late last night, I woke with a start -- something was horribly wrong. I just knew there was an intruder. Nothing like that has ever happened before, but I knew something was wrong so I went to my security feed in my room. I observed someone who looks like Soul inserting something in our necks. One by one we would just dissapear from the ship. I couldn't make it out as it was small enough to be covered by his hand. He could move quickly, almost like a shape-shifter. Somehow he ended up in my room and I tried to avoid capture, but he managed to nab me as well. We're not on SereniTREE, but a clever fascimile of her. For some reason, he's only taken us. The men are still back on the real 'TREE. We have to be careful what we do, he can monitor us...

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.


Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:37 AM


So why would someone just take all the women and leave the men..oh...wait....EWW!!

Okay, that is NOT right!

And, if they're going to kidnap us for whatever reason, why put us on a facsimile of the ship? Did they think we wouldn't eventually figure it out? It doesn't make sense...

And if we're being monitored, what should we do? We can't just pretend like nothing's happened since we KNOW something's happened and they must know what we know...

Oh, my head hurts. I need a drink.

*Serenity heads to the bar, gets herself a shot of something strong and nasty tasting.*

"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." ~Jerry Garcia


Thursday, June 30, 2005 8:01 AM


*wishes the women folk had chosen more supernatural powers...I hate using my brain.*

I think it’s obvious…we have to find out who has us and where we are. I don’t care why he has us, not yet anyway. So he can monitor us, oh well. We’ll just have to work around that. Give him too many things to monitor or something. I don’t know.

What do we know? We know Needleseye, Jet, and Mal are not with us…and I haven’t seen the brides. Why? Presumably because he was not able to get to them or he doesn't need them---though I think it's the former. We know we are on a ship of some kind that is designed to look like our ship. We know this mysterious person looks like Soul…but isn’t. *rolls eyes and sighs* That’s not much. Is it enough?

*follows Serenity over to the bar and grabs a random bottle and a glass*

Who needs a little something to relax and clear their heads before this gets even more crazy? I know I do.
Res melius evinissent cum pepsimilk!


Thursday, June 30, 2005 9:15 AM


*EvilSoul stands at the top of the stairs, shrouded in darkness. He watches, silently, as the women of the SereniTREE come to realize the oddness of their predicament. His arms are crossed, and he leans against the wall, his obsidian eyes surveying the crowd below. His gaze lingers over each one, analyzing their strengths, their weaknesses, and their mannerisms. If anything, he is a master at judging character, and that judgement will be crutial to his plans.*

*His plans. A smile crosses his lips as he thinks about his plans. His devious mind had crafted them long ago. He had come aboard the SereniTREE once long ago, finally freed from that horrible dimension that Mai had wandered into, thanks to TheRealMe's portal. Finally free after being sentenced there by none other than his own brother. Finally able to exact his revenge.*

*But the rebirth of TheGreyJedi is a problem. That alone can cause all of EvilSoul's plans to topple. TGJ is stronger now, and has powers that EvilSoul has only seen harnessed once before, by the only other man that can control them: His brother, Soul.*

*That's why EvilSoul had dumped his brother in that cave on Rukus and wiped his memory. If Soul regains his memory of who he has been before, then EvilSoul will not be strong enough to defeat him again.*

Not this time, brother. Not this time.

*He waves his hand in front of him, and several figures appear on the stairs in front of him. TheRealMe, Ath, Simon, PR, Rat, Static, and several others. They are exactly identical to their counterparts, except for their eyes, all of which shine with an obsidian glow.*

Go play!

*The figures turn, and as they do, their eyes change, and calm smiles appear on their faces. Now they look exactly like their counterparts, right down to their eyes.*

I took the women because they are too strongly willed. I can't turn them on my own, but I believe their men can...

*The plan was simple: make the women happy, make them want to stay. At the same time, lure the men into his trap: as soon as they try to rescue their women, as soon as they abandon the real SereniTREE...*

At last, the SereniTREE will be mine!!


You world is now my playground...


Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:54 AM


So...what's up, doc?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Thursday, June 30, 2005 11:51 AM


A shudder works it's way down Jazaf's spine that takes him out of a meditative state.
'What in the nine spheres of hell is going on?'
While he was meditating, Jazaf felt a piece of himself tear away. It wasn't a large piece but it was significant enough for him to take notice. Not too soon after he felt the separation a cruel face flashed before him, but it wasn't the evil in the eyes, nor the the cruelty in the smile that startled Jazaf. Rather, it was the owner of the Face that shook Jazaf to his core. It was his own......

Newest Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, June 30, 2005 12:03 PM


*flows along the astral plane, seeing, listening. Feels himself suddenly tugged violently into another plane. Just before flying back into his body, he senses the girls. And something...familiar, but copied. Someone tried to make a shadow of him. Tried. His eyes jerk open. He looks at Needleseye and Jet and sighs.*

So much for neutrality.

*he tries to get out from his chair, but finds himself light-headed. He falls back into his seat. The women look concerned, but he waves their concern off.*

Someone tried to make a shadow of me. Left me a little light-headed. Their mistake. Now, about this computer...SereniTREE?

*a low tone, much like a whale's song comes through the hull.*

I know, I know. I'm working on it. I've got to reload the software. You might feel a little weak, but it'll be better after. Let Static do the flying, your engines will hold.

*another tone, somewhat unsure.*

You'll be fine.

*TGJ brings up a few menus from his command chair and begins the OS restore.*

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05


Thursday, June 30, 2005 1:17 PM


Right, Soul, a word in your ear. Or rather, one of these in your ear...

*produces horrible metallic device with a long cylinderical poker sticking out of it*

This will allow me to monitor all the neurological activity in your head, including any psychic connections. I don't know exactly what it will tell me but I'm sure it'll be useful.

Now, I'm not going to lie to you, this is probably going to hurt a bit.

All right, that was a lie, it's going to hurt a lot. But chin up, eh? No, really, chin up, I have to strap this on underneath. Any joy with the vapour trail Static?


Thursday, June 30, 2005 3:32 PM


But what confounds me is: why take us off SereniTREE and put us on what we're supposed to think is SereniTREE? If we were just supposed to be kidnapped, they could have taken us anywhere. But why do they want us to think we're on our ship? Are we supposed to feel safe? Are we supposed to be somewhere we feel comfortable? Why go to all this trouble? It must mean something.

*Pours herself another shot. Then pours TWG one, too.*

"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." ~Jerry Garcia


Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:25 PM


Wonders in drinking a rum and coke with lime.


It is at that point I realize that this is not the Zocalo.


"I guess I will go back to where ever I was before in search of the ever elusive perfect rum and coke with lime."



Thursday, June 30, 2005 6:29 PM



Originally posted by EvilSoul:

*He waves his hand in front of him, and several figures appear on the stairs in front of him. TheRealMe, Ath, Simon, PR, Rat, Static, and several others. They are exactly identical to their counterparts, except for their eyes, all of which shine with an obsidian glow.*

Go play!

*EvilAth walks into the fake Sereni-Tree common room. He spies TWG and Serenity drinking at the bar, but they are not his concern. The other men break off to their respective women, but that is not his concern.*


*Ath spies Lissa amongst the other women. He waits for her to see him. When she does so, her face lights up and she runs over to him.*

Ath! You're okay! The others said we were kidnapped and that this is some fake Tree! Were they wrong? How'd you guys get here? What's going on?

*EvilAth smiles reassuringly and kisses Lissa on the cheek.*

Don't worry. Everything's okay. We're all here, see?

Look, it's getting crowded in here. Why don't we go someplace a little quieter?

*Lissa starts to protest, but Ath smiles and gives her another kiss on the cheek.*

I'll explain everything there. Everything's fine.

*Lissa still looks a little doubtful, but lets Ath lead her to his room.*

The Darkness Comes...


Thursday, June 30, 2005 6:53 PM


Wanders in lost and confused...



Havoc and chaos?

Where am I?


Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:34 PM



I will be away for the next two weeks and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get online or not while I'm gone. I hereby authorize the denizens of the TREE to 'write for me'.



Thursday, June 30, 2005 11:18 PM


*Watches in uncomfortableness as Simon prepares to do the whole, ear-probe thing.*

I think I'll wait outside.

*PR steps outside and leans against the wall.*

*There is peace for a moment, the only sounds coming from inside the bridge. Then, out of the corner of his eye, PR sees something black dart across the corridor.*

*He quickyly turns to look, but see's noting. He hears something, laughter, somewhere, deep...inside the ship. He feels something, a energy.*

*He follows his whim, and his instinct guides him through the ship.*

*After making his way through the ship, PR finds the source of this Buzz.*

Jazaf, are you...okay?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"

Summer Glau to me - "You are so photogenic."

Me -


Friday, July 1, 2005 12:00 PM


Visibly shaken, Jazaf turns to PR.
'Eh? I will be......' He stands up 'Uh. PR have you sensed anything odd in the past few moments? Cause while I was meditating......something.....tore away from me....It was a side I try to keep under wraps. But I felt it leave.'

PR looks at Jazaf with slight concern,'Actually that's why I came down here. Something went past me on the bridge and I followed the source, which ended up being you.'

Jazaf was puzzled, 'What's going on PR?'

Meanwhile on the Fake Sereni-TREE
EvilJazaf approached the bar.'Evenin' ladies. Don't mind me, I'm just gonna fix myself a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.' EJ fixes his drink and observes the confusion.

'Where were you guys...'
'We thought You were kidnapped...'
'We were so worried....'

'So, Jaz,' Serenity looks up from her glass,'where's Soul?'
EJ pauses for a minute, pours himself a glass and says 'Oh, he'll be here soon.'
Not completely satisfied but alright with the answer, Serenity nods and leaves the bar.
Raising his glass in a Toast gesture, EJ whispers quiet enough for no one to hear, 'Here's to you and may you die as horribly and miserably as I plan.'
EJ downs his drink and musters the strength to take the fierce bite that comes with it.

'[/q]Time to start the show.[/q]' EJ thinks to himself.
'Allright, I got me a Bartending book and a whole mess of Liquour and various drinks. Let's clear up this confusion and see if I can get some use from the book at the same time.'

Newest Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree


Friday, July 1, 2005 1:55 PM


*Serenity leaves the bar and walks over to where MG is standing, surveying the scene around her.*

MG *she says quietly* something isn't quite right here. Do you feel it?

*MG nods*

I say we play along until we can figure something out. You got your Legolas knives on you?

*MG nods again, smiling as if Serenity said something amusing.*

IRL, Serenity's going to be on vacation until Tuesday. May not have computer access. Feel free to give her voice and actions while she's away.


Friday, July 1, 2005 3:59 PM


**Static sits alone in the cockpit, focusing on following the faint trail that had been left behind by his quarry. As he steered, he felt an odd sensation. . .and his eyes grew heavy. An odd buzzing filled his ears, lulling him further into relaxation.

Had our pilot not been alone in the cockpit, someone might have seen him become very relaxed. . .almost entranced. And then they would have watched as a spectral form rose from Static's chest. The shade bore the appearance of Static as reflected in black glass. The shade shimmered into solidity, looked at Static with contempt and began to walk out of the cockpit when he was stopped by the sound of a loud 'click'. The shade slowly turned, hands raised and smiled.

"Where the hell do you think YOU'RE going?" Static asked. EvilStatic smirked and leaned against the bulkhead.

"I've got stuff to do, pal. Besides. You wouldn't shoot me. I'm you."

The cockpit rang with a loud bang and EvilStatic's hand flew to his ear, where a tiny bit of blood came away on his fingertips. Static smiled.

"You know, you might not want to underestimate the lengths I'll go to where she is concerned."

EvilStatic laughed, "Easy, sparky. You know that I need her as much as you do, and you also know that you and I are a 'matched set'. The others on this bird may try to deny their shades. . .but you and I became dependent on one another a looooooooooong time ago. And that which matters to you, matters to me. Because I know something the other shades don't."

"Which is?"

"Darkness cannot exist without light anymore than light can exist without darkness. The others will never understand that. . .nor will they ever make the compromises you and I have made."

'Good'Static holstered his pistol and folded his hands.

"So what's the plan, then?"

EvilStatic shrugged, "I'm just gonna go get the lay of the land first. If I can get info back to you, I will. If I can't contact you, I'll contact PsychicRiver. He seems to be able to communicate with my type."

Static raised an eyebrow, "How do I know you can be trusted?"

EvilStatic winked, "Because it's her."


Saturday, July 2, 2005 8:42 PM


Thankful for the sanctuary Grey provides, but feeling disconcerted that she may have actually needed protection from something, Needleseye can't help but worry about her crewmates.
She knows too, that there is something ominous at work, not only dark as she once was, but evil too. Her old ways flood her mind, followed by a shudder at the memories accompanying.
She begins to wonder if she was, once, actually evil....

No, no.
just hungry.

"Evil spelled backward is "Live," and we all want to live, don't we?"


Sunday, July 3, 2005 3:35 AM


*Ebo sits on her pool table, no not 'hers' really. Nothing on this ship really belongs to anybody. Ebo doubts if its a real ship at all. Then a thought strikes her, what if this IS a real ship?*

Who's flying this thing?

*She glances up at the bridge. She needs to get up there. Maybe, just maybe, this was a real ship and maybe, just maybe, she could fly it.*

*A plan begins to formulate in Ebo's mind. She stands up on the pool table and makes an announcement.*

Guys! Guys hey! Its been a strange day, but everything seems to be back to normal, so I say we should celebrate with a party! Lissa, will you tend bar for me? Somebody turn on the plasma screen, we'll watch some firefly, we'll listen to some music, we haven't had a good party in a long, long while.

*She jumps down from the table and grabs Rat by the arm, steering him towards the bar.*

Come 'on, have a drink. Lissa, pour Rat a drink.

*Rat takes his drink and wanders away. Ebo pulls Lissa aside.*

I need a distraction, and a party was the best thing I could think of. Will you inform the ladies as they come to the bar? Try not to let any of them get too plastered. We might need to spring into action later, I'm not sure. Try to get the men drunk though. It might be best if they were a little incapacitated for a while.

TWG, I need to you come with me.


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Sunday, July 3, 2005 8:54 AM


*twg eyes the men suspiciously…she notices Static is not among them. She feels uneasy, out of sorts. Conflicted about her safety and her need to see if he is here, she decides he will be in one of two locations: the bridge or the bunk. Having just come from the bridge, she heads towards the dorms. She opens the door and spies Static.*

I’ve been so worried. Something strange is going on here. Where have you…*She stops mid question. He looks hard. Not quite right. Like he’s wound and about to strike…*

EvilStatic: Well. . .I sure as hell haven't been getting bodyrubs and other affection from my beloved. That seems to have fallen to someone else

*TWG blinks as if slapped and opens her mouth to reply angrily, then bites back her words and stares at her feet red-faced. . .* Maybe if you’d been here, it would have been you.

EvilStatic scoffs, “Well…good to know that memories of men aren’t enough to sustain you for a moment or two when I can’t be by your side. Good to know that you honestly think I’d be away from you WILLINGLY. Good to finally know that you really don’t know me at all, huh?” *The anger in his voice, the edge of laughter behind his words are unfamiliar to her. She raises her eyes to his and what she sees is like a punch in the gut. Pain. Anger. The darkness that used to swim behind the blue eyes is now all she can see.*

Who are you?

Your beloved. Your sweetest. *sarcasm dripping off each word* Or rather…I was, apparently now I’m just the guy whose’ feelings have not changed one bit…come to get you out of a mess. I’m still useful for some things. *twg casts her eyes around the rooms for a second, hoping to find a means to protect herself, when he chuckles..* Nothing here, beloved…and you don’t need it anyhow. I am who I appear to be…or at least…a good portion of who I appear to be.

A good portion? I don’t understand. You’re my Static…a doppelganger?

*EvilStatic closes the distance between his beloved and himself. The scent of him causing a thousand memories to resurface. His voice drops to a whisper…*Close, beloved. Think of what you’ve seen and tell me what it means.

You are the dark side? *internally rolling her eyes at Star Wars* The side he tries to temper…hide from me. Why aren’t’ you whole? My Static? *ES touches twg on the tip of her nose* Bingo. All the ‘men’ you see are the dark natures of the men you knew. I don’t know what the plan I is yet, and I don’t know what may happen if what we know is discovered. So, you need to keep your mouth closed and your eyes open. Can you be a good girl and do that for me?

I’m no good girl, but I will certainly keep quiet. *A look of hurt and frustration flashes across ES’s face once more and his voice gets a bit tense…* No…you’re a good girl…you just made a bad decision or two. But now you need to understand a couple of things, okay?

*Doubt and trust war in her eyes.* Okay.

ES looks her in the eye, You know the horrible place that the man you know as Static had been before you first met him? *twg nods, she knows* I was born in that place. The difference between me and the other shades you’ve seen is that the other men try to suppress and deny the darkness within.

And he acknowledges it.

Your beloved NEEDED me to survive the place he was in…and needs me still to keep from going mad with despair from the memories of that place. That is our advantage. I’m going to try to find out what the plan is. No matter how good EvilSoul’s intentions might be, no good can come of this. Divided souls cannot survive for very long. Are you going to help me?

I want my man whole….what do I need to do?

Make certain that none of the other women off alone with any of the men. Find a way to keep everyone together. Do you understand? Oh and beloved…We both forgive you.

I…I need to find Lissa…make sure she didn’t wander off with Ath. And Ebo wanted to do something…Will you be here when I get back?

I don’t know. I have to pass back and forth between here and there so I can stay stronger than the others, and to pass information. Is there anything you need me to tell him?

Be careful…I’m sorry. *she tentatively reaches up to his face, but he pulls away. ES’s jaw tightens a bit and he nods.*

Take care of yourself. Go get Lissa. *with those words, ES becomes as black smoke and then disappears

This is more than weird…*twg leaves, still trying to wrap her mind around the information the Static-dark-double told her. She stumbles upon Ebo rallying a party in the commons.*


TWG, I need you to come with me.
I’m there. What’s the plan Cap’n?
Res melius evinissent cum pepsimilk!


Sunday, July 3, 2005 10:52 AM


*continues to feel a tug in the back of his mind while working in the real world. The pull gets stronger and stronger. His lightsaber wiggles against his leg, pulling against it's clip on his belt. TGJ frowns. He turns to Needleseye and Jet.*

SereniTREE should have self-control of most of her systems. If there should arise an emergency, I have complete confidence in your ability to handle things. I am being...pulled...and I cannot resist the pull for much longer...

*fades out of one reality and appears in another. Looks around at the shades and the ladies. Squints.*

Curiouser and curiouser.

New Thread:

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05






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