Complete Firefly noob - sell it to me! :)

UPDATED: Monday, August 22, 2005 05:36
VIEWED: 8079
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Friday, August 19, 2005 7:14 AM


Hi all,
First time poster, complete Firefly noob. Big sci-fi fan though - Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica etc.

I've read bits and pieces about the series, A LOT of it good, and am thinking of getting the DVD set but the fact that it was cancelled is making me wonder if it's worth investing in.

I know this is probably a stupid question on a Firefly fan website, but is it really as good as it sounds? If so why was it taken off the air halfway through season one?

What really peaked my interest in Firefly was the Serenity trailer. The story, setting and characters looked interesting, but what really grabbed my attention was the humour in the trailer. Some of the one liners had me genuinely laughing out loud - which is pretty good for a trailer:

"I don't wanna explode!"
"You wanna run this ship?" "Yeah!" " can't!"
"We won't suvive this!" "I might!"

Does this kind of well delivered humour feature in the series as well?




Friday, August 19, 2005 7:21 AM


Oh yes, the series has some of the funniest lines I've ever heard.

Don't judge the series because it was cancelled. Cancelling quality shows seems to be a favourite hobby of F*X. It was never given a fair chance. I'll let others expand on that.

So, that being said: Run out, buy the DVDs right now. You'll thank me. Go! Now!!

What are you waiting for? GO!

And welcome aboard.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Friday, August 19, 2005 7:26 AM


I wasn't sure what to think about the pilot; I had heard so much hype and all my friends liked it and I wasn't going to go for that sort of thing no sireee.However, a sex worker portrayed honestly and nicely who was not dying, suffering or there to Make A Point?

I was intrigued, then wrote it off since I was stubborn.

Then, a funny thing happened. I wanted to know what happened next. I wound up watching more, I got my heartstrings tugged, I laughed and I watched the whole thing start to unfold...

and well, here I am, waiting for my costume bits to come together so I can go see Browncoats at DragonCon.

There's humor, there's love, there's adventure and crassness and foolishness and violence and joy. I wish there was more and I'm glad the movie is coming out.

So, that's my two cents.


Friday, August 19, 2005 7:30 AM


Firefly is incredibly witty, scary, exciting, romantic, deep, clever.... and you should go out and buy it without question as I'm sure hundreds of people will line up to tell you.

It was however, a very hard sell for a network. It's a western (a genre which doesn't do very well) in space (a niche market) with a majorly unknown cast. Fox tried to understand it but they couldn't. It didn't make any kind of sense to them. So they advertised it badly, put it in a Friday night death slot and often pre-empted it for sports. Oh, and they showed it out of order too, putting the pilot on last. This is why it was cancelled.

The box set is pretty cheap atm so it's worth picking up. If you don't like it there's a good chance you can resell it on ebay.


And the premiere is closer...


Friday, August 19, 2005 8:43 AM



Originally posted by Sidane:
Does this kind of well delivered humour feature in the series as well?



Oh, certainly. Every episode contains classic lines, quips and moments that are still highly amusing (to me at least) after seeing the entire DVD set at least half a dozen times. Not only that, but it has the wonderful plots and storytelling that Joss Whedon and his fabulous writers are known for. The characters feel like real people, every last one of them, each with their own faults, motives and abilities that make them all the more believable. The actors play them wonderfully, and it doesn't matter that they're 'unknowns', their talent is undeniable. The universe is well-crafted, though we didn't get to see as much of it as we all wish. It's also a BEAUTIFUL show - it's shot much like a Western, with lens flares, zooms, camera shaking, ect. It fits perfectly for the shows and makes it very interesting to watch.

I got into Firefly because I was a Buffy fan, and wanted to see this new bit of Joss and I picked up the DVDs. I couldn't bring myself to watch the last episode for almost a week after flying through the rest of the series - it almost hurt knowing there was nothing left of this smart, wonderful show. Now, we get a movie. It's prime time to jump into the Browncoat 'verse - you can proudly proclaim that you knew about the series before the feature film was released, and you'll be joining our ranks right along with many other new fans...the promotion for the movie and fan's need for it to do well has brought the Browncoat recruit list to an all-time high. We're a nice, smart bunch and you're sure to pick up a friend or two along the way to true Firefly addiction.

"'s kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Friday, August 19, 2005 8:49 AM



Originally posted by JessicaMelusine:

and well, here I am, waiting for my costume bits to come together so I can go see Browncoats at DragonCon.


Hey, Jessica! I'm going to Dragon*Con, too! You gonna be in the parade?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Friday, August 19, 2005 9:00 AM


You gotta get the DVDs if for no other reason than to be a part of this thing before it hits.

The stories told in Firefly and Serenity are compelling, but so too are the stories of Firefly and Serenity. You want to have the experience of watching the last episode on the DVDs, standing up, and asking out loud to anyone who'll listen, "How the hell did this show get canceled!??!?!"

You can understand the answer to that question - mismanagement by the network, production costs not paying out in ratings, the need for more relay-racing dwarves in primetime..., but after watching the DVDs, you will not be able to comprehend the answer. The question will remain. How could this show have been canceled?

This is the question that Joss Whedon has, that drove him to get this movie made. It is the question that the actors have, that got them to all sign on for the movie. It is the question that so many of us fans have, that drives us to look like idiots babbling on endlessly about a little show that so few have heard of.

Any self-respecting sci-fi fan wants to be a part of this; wants to know the significance of Serenity before going to see it; wants to be the one that turned their friends on to it. (I'm appealing to your ego here.)

And yes, Firefly is consistently laugh-out-loud funny while being serious and dramatic, because the drama and the comedy come from the characters, rather than from contrivances.

[edited for spelling]

Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, August 19, 2005 9:07 AM


Oooh, I should!
Okay, you've sold me; parade it is:)


Friday, August 19, 2005 9:53 AM


I'm glad your sold...
I was thinking I might have to release the monkey nija's, but that is a different matter...

Q: What do you have when you are holding two little green balls in your hand.
A: Kermit's undivided attention.


Friday, August 19, 2005 10:04 AM


sean put your monkeys away

they are only for 'special' cases

oh and go buy the boxset

you will love the show

Pirate Steve defines the word cool..... - big damn shindigs


Friday, August 19, 2005 10:53 AM


Of course, it's not like you're going to find someone here who'll say, "Yeah..not that good. Don't bother." So you're not really getting objectivity here.

But let's hope you weren't looking for it.

And Sean-put the mokeys away. You gotta give a newbie at least a week to get used to us before we release the Ninja monkeys on them.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Friday, August 19, 2005 11:01 AM


I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.

Buy the set. Amazon or (save the receipt)

Watch the set.

If you don't like it enough to keep in your personal video library, I'll give you what you paid for it, plus $5.00, plus pay shipping for you to send it to me.

I'm serious. Do it now.

The posters on this thread are your witnesses that I made the offer.

(It's a really safe offer.)

To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. --Robt. Heinlein


Friday, August 19, 2005 12:04 PM


My only pitch is: try watching it. Firefly sells itself.


Friday, August 19, 2005 3:12 PM



You can say you knew it was all gonna be like this years from now when Serenity 3 is out and the biggest thing since (even bigger than) Star Wars!!!

Buy those dvd's! You sound intelligent, that's all you need to love 'em!

That's my pitch Chrisisall


Friday, August 19, 2005 6:10 PM



Originally posted by Sidane:
Does this kind of well delivered humour feature in the series as well?

To get a feel for the quality of the writing you could check out the Firefly quotes page on IMDb. It's usually a good sign when the quotes page gets so long you could probably put a couple of complete scripts together just from the lines people thought were worth noting.


Sunday, August 21, 2005 2:44 PM


dude, buy , rent, borrow the dvd set. This kind of thing sells itself.

I bought it and it was one of the best purchases I made in 2005.

"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -tee shirt some girl was wearing at Megacon. <-my webcomic


Sunday, August 21, 2005 7:09 PM


I would like to suggest that you purchase the set from via the link on the left side of the homepage and support this website.

I can empathize with you since I too was a late convert to Firefly. It takes the best parts of sci-fi mixed with the best parts of westerns and makes glory.

Really, the character development, plots, atmosphere, dialogue, and EVERYTHING else is superior.

Doo yoo know wat a rep-yoo-TAY-shun ees? Eet's pee-pull tock-eeng, gaw-seep, eet's not... to hold, tutch eet, yoo can't ... Now, for yoo, mai rep-yoo-TAY-shun ees not frum gaw-seep.


Monday, August 22, 2005 12:32 AM


Well, I'll offer my 2 bits...

First off, though my only knowledge of westerns is "Blazing Saddles", that black and white 'annie oakley' show, and more notably "Shane", I would offer that Firefly really has none of the simple things you look for in a western.

Sure, there might be pistols and the occasional shootout, but that makes perfect sense in the sci-fi side of this show. The sci-fi side is much stronger, with the ship and the economy the ship operates in all run by the sci-fi aspect. Pistols are cheaper: people buy them. If shooting people will get you money, some people will shoot people. (only one of the firefly gang is definitly in this category) So, simply put, you wont find the shovanism, heroism, and bravado that you find in classic westerns.

Instead, you find only the deeper meanings of the western: the dream of being free, and the idea that making do with all you've got is a way of life. Thus, if you liked westerns, but HATE sci-fi... well you still might like the show, but maybe not. But if you like smart sci-fi, and hate (or even dont mind) westerns, you should really enjoy this show.

Just trying to make a distinction on the sci-fi/western dilemna.

P.S. Here's a fact. (probably) The number ONE reason why people dont like Firefly (if they've even heard of it) is that they haven't seen it. So, basically, watch it. Yeah. That's about it.


I survived a day in Whitefall and all I got was this lousy signature!

Terrifying Space Monkey of Destiny


Monday, August 22, 2005 1:40 AM


Thanks for all the replies guys.

Well I picked up the DVD set over the weekend and have already watched the first 4 episodes.

My expectations were high after all I've read, including what's in this topic, and in my experience that usually results in disappointment. Not this time though, I am VERY impressed. This is a bloody good show!

I fired up the pilot just to see the first few seconds, not intending to watch it at that time, but the opening scene just sucked me in and I watched the whole double episode straight through. I knew I was on to a winner when that happened.

And you are totally right about the humour, it's superb. I haven't laughed out loud so often watching a TV show in a long time.

Firefly is a really well produced show, with a great story and characters, but for me it's the brilliant pieces of humour that elevate it to a higher level.

"Mercy is the mark of a great man..."
"Guess I'm just a good man..."
*Stab again*
"Well I'm alright...."


Can't say I was too enamoured with the western aspect of the show, but it's grown on me. Sci-fi/Western is a very strange mix but it works!

If I had to describe Firefly in one sentence, it would be "Han Solo the TV series". That says it all in my book. They've even got the striped trousers!! :)

Looking forward to the rest of the series, but knowing there's only 14 episodes I don't want to rush too quickly to the end.


PS - I think I'm in love with Inara Serra


Monday, August 22, 2005 2:20 AM


in response to your ps, Sidane, that would make you, Capt Reynolds and most of the guys that I know who have seen Firefly.

Personally, I'll stick to Capt Reynolds.


Monday, August 22, 2005 4:58 AM


Yep, we're all hopelessly enfatuated with Inara.

It's great to hear that you liked it, Sidane.

Time for some Thrilling Zoics.


Monday, August 22, 2005 5:15 AM



Originally posted by Whitefall:
First off, though my only knowledge of westerns is "Blazing Saddles", that black and white 'annie oakley' show, and more notably "Shane", I would offer that Firefly really has none of the simple things you look for in a western.

Sure, there might be pistols and the occasional shootout, but that makes perfect sense in the sci-fi side of this show. The sci-fi side is much stronger, with the ship and the economy the ship operates in all run by the sci-fi aspect. Pistols are cheaper: people buy them. If shooting people will get you money, some people will shoot people. (only one of the firefly gang is definitly in this category) So, simply put, you wont find the shovanism, heroism, and bravado that you find in classic westerns.

Instead, you find only the deeper meanings of the western: the dream of being free, and the idea that making do with all you've got is a way of life. Thus, if you liked westerns, but HATE sci-fi... well you still might like the show, but maybe not. But if you like smart sci-fi, and hate (or even dont mind) westerns, you should really enjoy this show.

I'll second that. Firefly is not a western in the sense of classical westerns where good guys wear white hats and bad guys wear black. Interestingly, bad guys wear hats period.

At the same time, I'd argue that different westerns (although perhaps not classic ones) end up finding parallels in Firefly. The moral stand Mal takes in The Train Job, for example, is similar to that of Gary Cooper in High Noon. Everyone expects him to watch out for number one, but his personal moral code holds both men to a higher standard. The much maligned Heart of Gold is not dissimilar from Unforgiven (hired guns working to help whores) and/or Magnificent Seven (ensemble gang hired to help villagers from abusive outlaws).

On a visual level, Firefly is based on the look and feel of many westerns. The horses, revolvers, wood shacks, etc. help a lot, but the atmosphere is a throwback to old westerns as well. Following a brutal civil war, "civilization" expands into new territories. Accompanying new settlers is a sense of lawlessness where the U.S. and/or Alliance can't or won't or doesn't exert much influence.

That said, the essay compilation "Finding Serenity" features an essay on the lack of chivalry in Firefly. In my estimation, that's not a strike against it. The total absence of women in westerns, except for damsels in distress, is one of my problems with it.

Doo yoo know wat a rep-yoo-TAY-shun ees? Eet's pee-pull tock-eeng, gaw-seep, eet's not... to hold, tutch eet, yoo can't ... Now, for yoo, mai rep-yoo-TAY-shun ees not frum gaw-seep.


Monday, August 22, 2005 5:36 AM



"On a visual level, Firefly is based on the look and feel of many westerns. The horses, revolvers, wood shacks, etc. help a lot, but the atmosphere is a throwback to old westerns as well. Following a brutal civil war, "civilization" expands into new territories. Accompanying new settlers is a sense of lawlessness where the U.S. and/or Alliance can't or won't or doesn't exert much influence."

It's not so much a "Western" thing as it is a "frontier" thing. The frontier being any place just a half a step past the city limits of "civilization". A place where a commonly agreed upon code of what's right and what's wrong replaces the enforcement efforts of a formal constabulary.

I think a great example of this is the opening of Our Mrs. Reynolds, where the townfolk aquire the services of folk competant to deal with the efforts of the marauders/pirates preying on those passing by.

If "the system" can't protect you, you have to take steps to protect yourself.

Of course, the Alliance calls this "vigilantiism"--people taking the law into their own hands.

To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. --Robt. Heinlein






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