Joss and 5 BDH's at DragonCon!!!

UPDATED: Sunday, August 21, 2005 16:00
VIEWED: 20016
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Thursday, May 5, 2005 7:42 AM


And a fun aside regarding the con suite - picture being in a hotel hospitality suite with that many people. In the corner of a room, a TV set is playing Out of Gas, and when the ballad hits the speakers, everybody - and I do mean EVERYbody - sings along. It's very cool. And Shinyhappyklin belts it out louder than anyone in the room. Very cool!


Thursday, May 5, 2005 7:50 AM


Me and my crew will be there Thursday afternoon BC1, sometime closer I'll email you my cell or something so we can all meet up (unless you bring your flag, then we'll just all flock to you) :)


Thursday, May 5, 2005 7:52 AM



Originally posted by sita:
Hey Browncoat1! Hey All!

I'm a little concerned that Fireflygal thought that only 24-18 people used the consuite last year. While I don't have any con experience whatsoever, I do have nearly ten years in the hotel business, and if the goal is to promote the movie, I wouldn't consider that party a win at all. That's just not much of a turnout and hardly seems worth the expense. I mean, someone could get a double guestroom, shout 'Browncoat party tonight in room ____' after one of the BDH panels, and fit more people in with people spilling out and milling around in the hallway. Suddenly, to great effect, we have a crowd for any BDHs, who may or may not drop by the party, to see.

Hugs! sita:)

Oh Boy did I phrase that poorly. Sita, I'm sorry. the time I was there, there were about 2 dozen Browncoats watching Firefly, there were more folk just hanging around and there was also another room. What went on the other times I wasn't in the room, I can't say. So I'm really sorry but I didn't mean to imply there was a low turnout. One thing to remember is that people go in and out all the time but there is a con going on meanwhile that folks are at. There also is a room limit and it was hit when I was there watching the episodes, so 48 people may be the max for fire regs, but whatever the number was we were there. I think I said that a little better this time??

I aim to misbehave


Thursday, May 5, 2005 8:04 AM



Originally posted by Stillshiny:
Looks most likely that we're gonna hook up with SITA. So FIREFLYGAL, which hotel are you in? I guess it may not necessarily matter, just curious. When it all boils down what's important is where the folk with the browncoats is at. And our BDH's of course. Don't know if I can put much to the Consuite. We'll have to see. But it sure as anything looks like we're going. Just work on the preparations & getting the final arrangements.

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss

Hey StillShiny that's great news! My friends and I stay at the Marriott but I know Browncoat1 and his folks stay at the Hyatt, but it really doesn't matter. Try calling the Hyatt (sorry don't have the number handy) because it is definitely more convenient, but more costly staying at the Con hotels. Figure about a 15% hotel tax, somewhere in that neighborhood, it's crazy.

I aim to misbehave


Thursday, May 5, 2005 8:08 AM


I appreciate the info. thanks

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Thursday, May 5, 2005 8:14 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
I think as we get closer to Dragon Con we should get a list going of who all plans to attend so we can discuss meeting up to introduce ourselves, or get reacquainted for those of us that were fortunate enough to have met last year.

I am thinking of doing a Browncoat flag or Independent flag to carry around so it can be seen above the heads of the crowd so other browncoats can rally to it to mix and mingle. What do you think?

Hey BC1
I'm thinking maybe no list needed, probably get a mite lengthy and cumbersome, we just do like last year and meet at a designated time and place, might be easiest and more than 1 meeting if there's a need.

Everyone will be a Browncoat, so we don't have to worry about it Seriously, the flag idea is cool, but I may have something "easier" though not as visible. I'll have another post shortly.

I aim to misbehave


Thursday, May 5, 2005 8:17 AM



Originally posted by Stillshiny:
I appreciate the info. thanks

I'm just full of it StillShiny...

I aim to misbehave


Thursday, May 5, 2005 8:30 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by sita:
Hey Browncoat1! Hey All!

I think I'll just join the list you told SlayThis about, as that will allow me to help plan as well.

That will work too.

We are in the middle of planning now, but feel free to jump right in. You may want to read some of the older posts w/ "Dragon Con" in the subject line to bring yourself up to speed.


I like to do that. I'm a planner.

That makes two of us Sita. It makes my wife a bit crazy at times when I try to make plans and stick to them, but she will tell you that I make a good gorram plan.


I'm a little concerned that Fireflygal thought that only 24-18 people used the consuite last year. While I don't have any con experience whatsoever, I do have nearly ten years in the hotel business, and if the goal is to promote the movie, I wouldn't consider that party a win at all. That's just not much of a turnout and hardly seems worth the expense. I mean, someone could get a double guestroom, shout 'Browncoat party tonight in room ____' after one of the BDH panels, and fit more people in with people spilling out and milling around in the hallway. Suddenly, to great effect, we have a crowd for any BDHs, who may or may not drop by the party, to see.

Whereas, the same number of partygoers in a suite, not so much.

I would say that FFG's estimation is probably pretty close.

The problem is that the Con Suites that the Hyatt Regency offer are two room deals. One room is used for food storage and prep, so only one room is actually used for the parties. That room is maybe 20' x 12', and part of that is taken up by the drink machine, tables for food, furniture & the TV. Doesn't leave much room for bodies.

I like the idea of maybe getting a panel room, say something like Centennial rooms I & II @ the Hyatt, and having a big premiere party in it. That would be a good suggestion to throw at Sendmeawave over at the SEBrowncoats yahoo group.


I'm not trying to be a naysayer. I'm really not. I just wanted y'all to think about that, because if we do it, we need to promote the consuite like we're selling ice that's melting in the heat. Anyone who appears mildly interested in hearing more about Serenity should be dragged up there. The suite is a commodity - a very expensive commodity. And the value is limited to a fixed place in time. Every minute it's empty is money wasted.

I totally agree w/ you. We as fans are responsible for promoting the film and getting the buzz going. The fan table we set up last year helped a lot, and will again this year. The fan run and Con run panels held helped a bunch too, but an event where the BDHs might be able to make an appearance in a room of hundreds if not thousands of fans and curious sci fiers.


Wow, that sounded harsh. I didn't mean for it to... Sorry to veer off on into a trademark sita profitability rant, but I think we should give a lot of thought to how we're going to use the room before we commit. There might actually be a better application of the money - a better way to promote the movie to con goers - if we get creative.

Food for thought.

Hugs! sita:)

Don't apologize for calling it like it is. I don't.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, May 5, 2005 8:36 AM


Hey Stillshiny I sent ya an email!

"Oh My God It's Grotesque! Oh And There's Something In A Jar."


Thursday, May 5, 2005 9:24 AM


Sita, there were a LOT more people who came THROUGH the Consuite. The problem last year was space. There was only room for about 24 people to actually STAY in the lounge area. My friend and I crawled under a table and knelt behind one of the couches for a while, just to participate and watch part of "Serenity." I'm not sure what the plans are this year for the suite, but I do hope there's more room. :) Those of us sitting around had a lot of fun, though I left before Adam's arrival. :( (Still kicking myself for that one.)

By the way, I'll be there again this year! Staying with my friend nearby, though, so no roomie offers, I'm afraid!

...still a little whimsical in the brain pan...


Thursday, May 5, 2005 1:29 PM


I still like the flag idea. :) well if you see a tall semi-asian man with what look's like a five and a half foot tall Niska on his shoulders then that's me.


Thursday, May 5, 2005 4:31 PM



Originally posted by SlayThis:
And a fun aside regarding the con suite - picture being in a hotel hospitality suite with that many people. In the corner of a room, a TV set is playing Out of Gas, and when the ballad hits the speakers, everybody - and I do mean EVERYbody - sings along. It's very cool. And Shinyhappyklin belts it out louder than anyone in the room. Very cool!

Oh I'm really self-conscious...especially since singing is NOT my strong suit (that's my mom's gig)...slaythis, are you the guy who had the "Badger Specials" slipped inside of your jacket??? Hmmmmmm????

Let's just say we DO have fun!

As a clarification to this whole con suite thing, Dragon*Con has a con suite available pretty much 24 hours a day for people to grab a free snack and a place to decompress. They let groups use it in blocks of 2-4 hours at a time, and that's how we got it. Didn't cost us anything but time (props to those who did help with cleaning and stuff). There was a wonderful Captain Sisko clone who kept things under control (and provided occasional harrassment to moi...I still owe him one! ) If we were to try to do our OWN, we'd have to keep it staffed when ever it was open, and it'd have to be open a lot to make it worthwhile.

My suggestion? We take whatever $$ we have and use it toward making a kick-ass fan table, and making a really cool Shindig party. Also to make more of a Serenity presence in the parade so we have our own identity instead of being lumped with the Buffistas.

Also, re the's fun, but last year it ran right before a BDH panel, and by the time I got out of the parade, I had to race to the conference room, and even though I still had an hour to go, I had to squeeze into a seat with one other person (luckily, a friend) so I could get a seat upfront, and then endure the heckling by Harlan Ellison because of all the Firefly folk invading his panel...

Can we try to see if we can avoid having a BDH event that close to the parade again? Or making sure that those of us out there hoofing it get primo seats saved for our trouble? It would be a kindness.

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."
Shiny stuff for Browncoats at:


Friday, May 6, 2005 4:09 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

SHK wrote:


Also, re the's fun, but last year it ran right before a BDH panel, and by the time I got out of the parade, I had to race to the conference room, and even though I still had an hour to go, I had to squeeze into a seat with one other person (luckily, a friend) so I could get a seat upfront, and then endure the heckling by Harlan Ellison because of all the Firefly folk invading his panel...

Can we try to see if we can avoid having a BDH event that close to the parade again? Or making sure that those of us out there hoofing it get primo seats saved for our trouble? It would be a kindness.


Last year I ran from the end of the parade to the panel room and wound up getting stuck in nearly the last row. A bit disappointing to say the least.

I know the parade time is locked, and I am not sure how much flexibility there is for the panels. If there is another panel w/ the BDHs scheduled near the time of the parade this year I will just skip the parade.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, May 6, 2005 4:32 AM


Ok Browncoats, I believe this is the time to make our request know to the DragonCon staff about perhaps scheduling NOTHING during parade time, certainly guarantees an audience. I have skipped the parade because of panel conflicts and I would like to see and perhaps be IN the parade. Also maybe allowing an hour after the parade to start things up again. And if they can't do any of that, at least perhaps we can convince them NOT to schedule the Firefly BDHs till way later. Let the calls to DragonCon begin...770-909-0115 (M-F 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST) or or fax 770-909-0112.

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items


Friday, May 6, 2005 7:55 AM


Ok, editing my post does NOT bump this thread back up. So much for the sneaky way, I'll be blatant.

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items


Friday, May 6, 2005 3:54 PM


Keep this up there

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items


Saturday, May 7, 2005 11:55 AM


Bump, we need to get communicating our thoughts to DragonCon, Browncoats

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items


Sunday, May 8, 2005 3:02 PM



I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items


Sunday, May 8, 2005 8:52 PM



Originally posted by fireflygal:
Ok Browncoats, I believe this is the time to make our request know to the DragonCon staff about perhaps scheduling NOTHING during parade time, ... And if they can't do any of that, at least perhaps we can convince them NOT to schedule the Firefly BDHs till way later. ...

It ain't gonna help. They have so much to schedule, and the main ballrooms are a scarce commodity. Count on there being something big opposite the parade. If you're lucky, it will be other big stars that you can live without seeing.

But if you want to be in the parade and there ends up being a BDH panel opposite or immediately after, it may come down to having friends get good seats and videotaping the panel for you.

To get an idea of how things typically run, check out last year's D*C schedule here...

(download the "2004 Schedule Grid" PDF file)


Monday, May 9, 2005 2:43 AM



Originally posted by Stillshiny:
Looks most likely that we're gonna hook up with SITA. So FIREFLYGAL, which hotel are you in? I guess it may not necessarily matter, just curious. When it all boils down what's important is where the folk with the browncoats is at. And our BDH's of course. Don't know if I can put much to the Consuite. We'll have to see. But it sure as anything looks like we're going. Just work on the preparations & getting the final arrangements.

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss

Well gee thanks for sending me an email about your plans there pal. =sarcasm= I've been checking my email for your respsonse for the past week. Don't ya ever check your email ?

Well looks like I'm gonna have to find someone else to group up with cuz my preference woulda been to take my BF along but he can't go.

So if anyone needs a roomate, I'm 22 years old, female, compatible fandoms (Buffy, Angel, Firefly ( DUH!), StarWars, Dune, Anime).

"Oh My God It's Grotesque! Oh And There's Something In A Jar."


Monday, May 9, 2005 2:56 AM


Hmmmm. actually sent this message on the 5th.

Yes, we got it. We are in negotiations with another person at the moment. However, if that falls through, You will most likely be the
first person we contact. We hope you don't mind sharing a room with my wife & I. We're not looking for anything fancy, just a decent place to put our heads down & sleep. I should have a definite answer in the next day or so. The room we are considering is 89$ a night with two
double beds. My wife & I are both in our early 30's and have had a 17 year old girl from Korea staying with us since January. Though unfortunately she won't be able to make it for this trip. Like I said I'll keep you posted. For any more info on me check out my profile.

- Show quoted text -

On 5/5/05, <> wrote:
> Shiney of FIREFLYFANS.NET has sent you the following message:
> -------------------------
> Did ya get my email ? did I send it to the right place ? Or have you already goptten the people you wanna share a room with ?
> -------------------------
> To respond to Shiney, you can go here:

Find a crew, Find a job, Keep flying...
-Rob aka (Still Shiny)

AND this on the 6th.

So it's looks like you may be our roomie. So tell us a bit more bout yourself.


So, anyway, when we hadn't heard back from ya, my wife & I really started questioning whetther we we're gonna be able to afford this trip, either way. The more we really looked at it, we realized we just don't have the cash to do it. The biggest hang-up was the airfare, about 400.00$ bucks a piece.
Sorry, the communication brokedown. But, maybe it's a clue that this is not a wise idea for us right now. I do believe you will find a suitable roomie.

And my apologies for any frustration.

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Monday, May 9, 2005 3:06 AM


It's not that I'm trying to cause trouble or insult anyone. It's just that now that I realize I'll most likely be going it alone, its kinda scarey for someone that's been as sheltered as I have. And even though I have family there, it would be impolite to ask for lodging and then proceed to ignore them because everyday of the Con I'm rushing out the door to get to some event. You get what I mean ?

So I'm planning on asking for 10 days off work so that after the Con I can hang out with my relatives. Make my Great Aunts happy, they haven't seen me in YEARS. So that's why I want to pay my lodgings for the Con rather than try and mooch off my kickass family (this is a branch I get along with very well but they aren't scifi people otherwise I'd convince a cousin to go with me).

=sighs= Ok, if anything if you'll be at the Renaissance then if it doens't work out. I'll book a room there and then proceed to beg around if anyone wants to room with me. At least then I'd know there were some Browncoats in the Hotel.

"Oh My God It's Grotesque! Oh And There's Something In A Jar."


Thursday, June 2, 2005 3:47 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

Rich, a.k.a Sendmeawave, is the browncoat in Atlanta that is coordinating the Firefly/Browncoat table, the fan panels, and the possibility of a Con suit. I will be happy to pass your very kind offer along to him.

I am a little confused. I thought that Sendmeawave was going to be too busy, and handed things off to NDREAMS for this year, or at least the organization of the planning meeting this weekend. It might be better to put Sita in touch with Cary rather than Rich.

Either way it will be good to see more Browncoats there, and I know that all cash donations will be humbly accepted.


Thursday, June 2, 2005 3:56 PM



Originally posted by fireflygal:
Bump, we need to get communicating our thoughts to DragonCon, Browncoats

There will probably be more hard information to lay down after the SEBC planning meeting on Sat. So, expect a fairly big organizational thread to be forthcomming.


Thursday, June 2, 2005 4:59 PM


Hi OneDollarWilliam
You're right about SendMeAWave being too busy, and NDreams picking the ball up but if you take a look at Browncoat1's post, it was way before we knew SendMeAWave would be too busy :) There's actually a more current volunteer thread, started by NDreams that you might want to post on instead of this one.

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items


Saturday, August 20, 2005 1:36 PM


Did u find a roommate? I am looking for a roommate. I am staying at the hyatt and cant afford the room by myself. However I wont stay in the room with a female by myself.


Saturday, August 20, 2005 1:37 PM


BTW my e-mail is


Sunday, August 21, 2005 4:00 PM


Since I received no emails or messages in respsonse from anyone. I had to scrap my Dragon*Con plans. May anyone who is going have an excellent time. =sighs=

So far this is the third trip this year I have planned to make and that I have had to dissolve due to lack of interest from anyone. Oh well, no vacation for this cashier for 2005. Oh Man I need some Haagen Dazs.

"Oh My God It's Grotesque! Oh And There's Something In A Jar."
"I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you."






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