Who are your 3 favorite Firefly series characters and why ?

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 15:06
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Monday, August 29, 2005 12:51 PM


Who are your 3 personal favorite characters from the Firefly series (whom you most admire) and please say why, for each ones named.


Monday, August 29, 2005 1:08 PM


I don't know if admiration plays into it, but my favorite is Jayne. His character is so subtly 3-dementional that at first it seems that there is nothing too him but a money grubbing meany. However, after many episodes, we learn there is so much more to him . . . plus he gets all the good lines

#2, Would have to be Book. Here's another character who has as side to him we never see. I've spent a great deal of time trying to decipher excatly what his past is and weather he's a good guy or a bad guy.

Finally, I'd have to say Kaylee. This is due to a simple ability to relate to her. Of all our big damn heroes, she's the one I'm most like.


Monday, August 29, 2005 1:34 PM


For me, it goes like this:

Mal: I wish I had his strength of character, his willingness to stand up for the morals and the people he believes in, and his willingness to risk everything for those beliefs and those people. Oh, and I wish I looked like that, too!

Kaylee: I tend to see the good side of folk, and she embodies this characteristic. Everyone in her view has something to offer, some redeeming quality that makes them shiny. You have to be a real scary SOB to get on Kaylee's bad side.

Wash: I love his ability to find humor in every situation, coupled with his willingness to stand his ground, even with the captain, when he knows that he knows better.

Of course, I can find something (lots of things) about all of the characters that I admire or find interesting, but those would be my top 3.

"Dear I was pompous and my sister was crazy ... Today, we were kidnapped by hill folk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


Monday, August 29, 2005 1:46 PM


Kaylee - hot in that cute way

Wash - he's me...err, I'm him

Jayne - ruttin goofball!


**Winner of That Other Shiny Caption Game #2**

River: "So we'll integrate non-progressional evolution theory with God's creation of Eden. Eleven inherent metaphoric parallels already there. Eleven. Important number. Prime number. One goes into the house of eleven eleven times, but always comes out one. Noah's ark is a problem."


Monday, August 29, 2005 2:10 PM


Mal, because he's the kind of guy I want to be.
Kaylee, because she's the kind of gal I want to be with.
Wash, because he's the kind of guy I am.

"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over."


Monday, August 29, 2005 2:34 PM



Originally posted by BDuncan:
Who are your 3 personal favorite characters from the Firefly series (whom you most admire) and please say why, for each ones named.

#1 Simon -- He did the impossible in saving River and is living with the consequences of that decision. It's not an easy transition for him, but he is getting used to his new life.

#2 Zoe -- I love strong female characters. She's the type of woman who is going to survive a situation on pure guts and will power.

#3 Mal -- He's making his own life on his own terms, Alliance be damned. He's a strong leader, but a compassionate one.

Lady Shelley


Monday, August 29, 2005 3:01 PM


1. Kaylee. 'Cause she's Kaylee. Why are we still talking about this?

2. Jayne. He's half of me with a (much) lower I.Q. but has the guns to make up for the missin' points. ('Cept I don't own or need any guns), and a bit more inept at polite conversation.

3. Wash (with moustashe). Hawiian shirts, wacky sense of humor, he reminds me of my Uncle Russ. Or Uncle Russ reminds me of Wash, I'm still of two minds on that part.

4 Book. Remove the religiosity and keep the "calm at (almost) all times" attitude, and that would be the other half of me.

The real-life box droppin', man-ape gone wrong thing, now without the pesky falling boxes


Monday, August 29, 2005 3:09 PM


OK- I'll mix it up.

5 of the previous 6 people named kaylee. i'll never forgive her for turning her back on river. although OiS redeemed her.

1. Mal- a leader, a survivor, and one tough hombre.
2. River- for her tragedy, and mystery, and potential (and I haven't seen the movie yet!)
3. Inara- because she's classy and independent and openly sensual.


Monday, August 29, 2005 5:23 PM


I can only pick three? 'Cause I'd like to pick all nine if I could... fine then...

1. Kaylee. I admire her because she's real. She doesn't pretend to be who she's not, she has no pretentions about being a big, tough, strong fighter. She's scared of guns and she'll admit it. Kaylee is wise in a way that most people don't understand: she finds enjoyment in everyday life, she appreciates things for what they can give and won't let the little things drag her down.

2. River. I admire her because she's strong, a lot stronger than anyone on that ship has given her credit for. She went through hell and she survived. War Stories showed us exactly how finely tuned a weapon she could be if she wanted. OiS showed us exactly how much she doesn't want that. Her potential for danger is much the same, if not worse, than Early's. Her plan could easily have included violence and Early's death. But it didn't, she lured him out of the ship and away from everyone. She's also very tragic and brilliant and beautiful.

Plus, I'm a sucker for the broken ones.

3. Zoe. I admire her because she's strong and I don't mean just physically, but emotionally as well. She's warm and kind and gentle, but not overly so. Her relationship with Wash is incredibly beautiful. I have heard many people say that Inara/Kaylee are the nurturers of the ship, which they are at some points, but so is Zoe. She steers Mal when he needs it, keeps everyone in a straight line and she holds them all together when Mal's not there.

Just a note, I don't believe Kaylee turned her back on River. If you're talking about her being freaked out in 'War Stories', that's a totally understandable reaction from Kaylee's perspective. What River did was scary and, not only did she kill three men without even looking, she then quite happily bragged about it to Kaylee as if they were still playing with apples, as if the lives of these men were nothing. She didn't turn her back on River, merely put a little distance between them as she tried to sort out this new development in her head.

If you're talking about Kaylee telling Early where River sleeps, then that too is understandable from Kaylee's perspective. What Early threatened her with was ugly and violent and not something Kaylee was prepared to deal with. Many people have crumbled under less. Kaylee punishes herself for this and it's River that finally tells her it's okay.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Monday, August 29, 2005 6:08 PM



Simon: He reminds me of me in a lot of ways. Maybe cause I tend to be awkward sometimes lol. But he loves his sister probably more than anyone else and that's the same for me :P Plus all he's done to save her is awsome ^^

Kaylee: The kind of girl I like.

Wash: All the characters are funny but I guess he could be seen as the main comic relief? That's why I like him anyway.

It is kinda hard to list favourites because each character contributes something wonderful to the show. But if you put a gun to my head those are who I'd say :P

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, August 29, 2005 7:00 PM


woops, sorry for the double post.


Monday, August 29, 2005 7:01 PM


Wash, Simon and Jayne.

Wash: He's the most like me.

Simon: He was willing to sacrifice everything for his sister. He gave up everything for what family he had left.

Jayne: He really is a good guy despite being kind of dull-witted and coarse. He means well and is actually VERY loyal to Mal.


Monday, August 29, 2005 7:05 PM


Kaylee- she has a wonderful personality, sees the best in everything, and is the most pure. also, im the most like her, so i identify with her most. in addition, she is nuts about engines, and i myself am nuts about spacecraft engines, both real and theoretical.

Mal- free, independent, passionate, natural leader, badass, and general big damn nice guy who knows who the bad guys are, then shoots them. he longs for simplicity in a world so complicated you cant breathe; hes the embodyment of that spirit in all of us that sometimes says, "screw it! im goin home!"

Zoe- GIRL POWER!! she can simply kick all kinds of ass seven ways from tuesday(vis. War Stories when she does that sommersault thing and blows people away) she has a wonderful sense of humor, and still manages to stay femmine though it all. fircely loyal, but strong moral standards, so she aint a pushover.

When the stars shine bright through the engine's trail and the dust of another world drops behind; When my ship is free of the open sky, its a damn good day to my way of mind; Theres a barren planet you never can leave, theres a rocky valley where we lost a war; Theres a cross worn 'round a soldier's neck, theres a man's faith died on Serenity's floor, but i stood my ground and ill fight once more; Its the last oath that i ever swore


Monday, August 29, 2005 9:54 PM


Jayne - Cause, like, if Jayne drove a cab, he'd be me..

Kaylee - Cause she's a fellow gearhead and happy enough to offset a whole lotta grumpiness.

Zoe - Cause she's just pure 100% Grade A badass.

Ooo oh oh oh !

Shiny thought!

Zoe kickin the everlivin snot out of Darth Vader - cause she could do it!
Now THERE is a nice mental picture...




Tuesday, August 30, 2005 12:15 AM


Ok well everybody loves a lover and a hero to boot so of the magnificent 9; I would have to say that my favorites are Inara (completely accepting of everyone, the perfect godess/whore), Jayne (man ape with a heart), and Zoe (warrior woman who could possible kick Xena's ass).

That having been said the opening question of this thread seems to imply that the entire series is up for grabs, so in the name of giving love to the unloved my real favorite three characters are:

1. Yo/Saff/Bridge- Because I want to be just like her when I grow up.

2. Niska- He's like your cute, old Russian grandpa only thing he tortures people to death.

3. Badger- Why? Why not and I've always had a thing for men in hats.

Phaedra (a bad luck name)


Tuesday, August 30, 2005 12:26 AM


Favorites at this point in time:
The Ship Serenity: she is always there providing shelter and 'space'and unless her needs are totally ignored, has always worked.
Inara for her sensuousness and confidence. Her voice, her grace and command of her self (nothing like me)
River, to see the world as she does, even before she was damaged it must have been amazing to think like her, and she mends her thoughts are coming together. To be so smart... oh the thoughts one could think.

Does Joss count as a character??


Tuesday, August 30, 2005 3:28 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

First would have to be Mal. I share a lot of traits w/ him and having been a soldier and served in some unpleasantness, I can kind of sympathize with our captain. I can appreciate Mal's desire to be free, out past the reach of an interfering government. I respect & admire his dedication to his crew and how he would do anything for them. His charisma and leadership abilities make him a great captain, but it is his willingness to do anything to protect his crew & keep them together.

My second favorite character is Jayne. Of all the characters I think that Jayne has a lot of room for emotional growth & the way Adam portrays him is perfect. He is funny, a bit on the slow side, but when push comes to shove, he will be in your corner, even if the money isn't all that good.

My third favorite character is Kaylee. Her optimism, cheerfulness, and almost innocent way of looking at things makes her the soul of the crew, and of Serenity herself. No power in the 'verse can stop Kaylee from being cheerful. Captain said so himself.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, August 30, 2005 4:27 AM


#1 - Mal: for his strength, his dark humor, his loyalty, and his morals. Now if only he could cook, cuz then I'd want to marry someone just like him...;) lol

#2 - Zoe: for her strength, her loyalty, her ability to say a lot with few words (which obviously I can't do), and her courage.

#3 - Kaylee: for her cheerfulness, her optimism, and her skill with mechanics.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 1:16 PM


1) WASH - His sense of humor, fair play and sarcasm fits in to my mind set.

2) JAYNE - He's just too funny for words. Can that really be a person? You betcha! (Plus I like Adam Baldwin. He does a great job with the character.)

3) Dunnae. River and Kaylee are a match. I like the whole series but have only two favs.

"Tis the season for the fireplace. Fa la la la la. La la. La la.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 1:26 PM


1) Wash & Zoe as a couple
I get them. They remind me of me and my hubby.

2) Cpt. Tightpants
I understand his struggle against overwhelming forces

3) Inara
She is a total woman...sensual and smart and not asshamed to use her brains or her body.

"Funny and sexy. You have no idea. And you never will."


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 3:32 PM


I was just thinking about this actually..
1. Jayne. cause i'm a sucker for a big muscly guy with a knife who isn't (really) a bad guy.
2. Zoe. she seriously has some of the best lines in the show. As funny as Jayne or Wash can be, it's always Zoe's one-liners that crack me up.. "Your disreputable men are here."
3. Mal. cause he's just so pathetic. That sounds bad. hmm.. the way that it's obvious he doesn't know martial arts, and he's not good at everything, and sometimes he doesn't cope well with what's happening, but he just keeps on getting up and trying again, no matter what.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 3:50 PM


1.Jayne (see making of dvd for answer lol)



all tough characters


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 3:50 PM


1.Jayne (see making of dvd for answer lol)



all tough characters


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 3:53 PM


Jayne. He's a pig. I like a good honest pig once in a while.

Mal. The not-quite-a-hero. I'm a sucker for lost causes, too, so I guess I identify.

Kaylee. Everybody needs some sunshine!


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 4:01 PM


River, Duh!, she can kick nearly all other Joss Whedon characters to the pavement without breaking a sweat!

Wash, 'cause he's the cautious goofball I instantly identified with when he first popped up on my TV screen back in '02

Last but not least, Simon, because he has a deep love for his sister, that says "I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe, even if it means pissin' off The Captain."


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 4:13 PM


I *Love* Kaylee- She is SOO cute- plus she looks like a friend of mine! Also she just seems like a multi-faceted character.

Next is Jayne- He's shiny and what I wouldn't give for an hour with him and his gun collection

River is my third favorite. I was upset when Dru left Buffy and River seemed like an adequate replacement. I don't know why but something about Dru and River's characters speak to me.

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 5:08 PM


Mal: cause I love my captain

Simon: I'd love a brother like him

River/Wash: I love them equally for different reasons... obviously

River: she can kick butt, while still being adorable and fragile
Wash: he's funny, but strong


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 5:53 PM


Jayne...Jayne...and ummm...Mal? Or maybe Jayne.

Jayne is just damned cool. To state it any more eloquently would be very un-Jayne.

Mal also kicks ass. He had me at storming onto the ship and ending a Mexican standoff with a quick shot to the head. Scre Tom Cruise!!!



Tuesday, November 8, 2005 9:18 PM


Serenity. As I noticed while I was posting in another thread, I would instantly feel a part of this crew, and what a great litttle arc she is.

Mal, because freedom is as important to me as it is to him, and I understand some of the kinds of sacrifices you have to make for it. I don't think I would have chosen him before the movie, but now that he has rediscovered the courage of his convictions, yup, Mal.

River, because she has all the great qualities the others have (loyalty, strength, buttkicking, compassion, humor, faith...) in spades, plus a vivid imagination (attacking the independents with dinos?) for lots of silly fun.

Of course everybody else is going to be there too.

Thanks to viral marketing...SERENITY: reopening soon in a theater near you.
Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 9:27 PM


#1 Kaylee: hot, smart, and a nympho...she also says whatever she is thinkin (like in OiS at the end when she is tellin River about the 14 year old guy who must have been a genetic freak cuz....well ya know)

#2 River: hot, smart, and says whatever she feels...and shes a badass

#3 Wash: hot, smart...oh no wait I was just copy/ pasting there for a sec ;P..but really I like Wash cuz hes funny and he is the bravest person on the crew (he sits on the ship and worries while his wife goes out and does dangerous things, which is easy to do)


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 4:46 AM


Can't very well choose between the big 9, so I'll stick to guest characters.

Interstingly enough, they all appear in Shindig.

1. Badger - because he was originally written to be played by Joss, so there was a lot of love put into his character, and it showed. He may be double-crossing scum, but at least he's honest about it.

2. Murphy - Sure, the man doesn't have many lines, but the ones he does have a brilliant. And besides, it's Larry Pennell, so you can't go wrong.

3. Sir Warrick Harrow - He's clearly a good judge of people, and just an all around interesting character. I love his sarcasm.

I was sad for many reasons when they cancelled Firefly, but re-watching it over and over again, I get more saddened by the fact that beautifully conceived side characters like Harrow and Murphy, both of whom beg to recur in the series simply be merit of the on-screen presence, never got a chance to be seen again.

"Of course, you couldn't buy an invite with a diamond the size of a testicle, but I got my hands on a couple."


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 4:51 AM


Jayne for his unique Jaynenessness..ness

Kaylee for cheery optimism.

And err..cant decide between the rest.


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 5:15 AM


I came to love them all...but right off the bat (when I first saw the show on TV) I loved:

Jayne: clearly the 'bad guy' but I felt he had a kind heart, hidden in there somewhere

River: obviously she had a lot of growth ahead of her, leading to some real power...

Book: I felt that he had secrets from early on, he seemed to know too much about things you wouldn't expect a Sheppard to know, and of course the Ident card on 'Ariel' confirmed my suspicions.

As you can see, I go for the characters who I feel have the most growth ahead of them...the people who are happy, like Wash & Zoe, seem less interesting to me.
Just as people we already know quite a bit about, like Mal, Kaylee and Simon, are less interesting to me.

And I'm afraid I didn't like Inara, her story didn't seem interesting to me...
but eventually I warmed up to her.

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 6:34 AM


I wasn't gonna play, cuz it was so hard to choose, but now I'm gonna.

1. Jayne, cuz he's just so funny, and he has layers, like an onion . . . that has layers.

2. River, cuz she's so very interesting, strong, and yet still manages to have fun even after being tortured. Also, she cares a lot about her brother, to which I can relate.

3. Kaylee, because she's very cheerful, yet surprisingly intelligent, and manages to seem innocent while being a bit of a nympho at the same time. It's a very interesting contradiction.

4. Everyone else is tied for a very close fourth.

I give to you the Seeker of Serenity, the Valkyrie Warrior, the Gourmet Cook and the Truth Scoper.


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 9:28 AM


Mal-He's my big damn hero. I love his combination of wit and folksy wisdom, along with his lack of compunction about shoving baddies into jet engines.

Kaylee- She and I share a love of machines. Her proclivity to fiddle and her general sweet disposition is heart warming. Also, she's cute, especially when covered in engine grease

Jayne- he doesn't spoil things by thinking too hard. Simply put, he's an oaf, but he does the job without fail.

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. – H.L. Mencken


Sunday, November 13, 2005 11:22 AM


Ummm...Can I pick them all?

Mal: Ya gotta love the hero who thinks he's the anti-hero. Totally. And he's just so..very...pretty.

Kaylee: Can't you tell by my name? She rox and is so happy and bubbly.

Simon: He's also so pretty and cares so much for his sister. I think it's sweet. And plus: Kaylee/Simon! Need I say anymore.


Hey to all the FF obsessed people!

No, Cap'n, I think it's shiny!--Kaylee, o'course.

Yeah, but she's our witch, so cut her the hell down! --Mal in "Safe."


Sunday, November 13, 2005 5:03 PM


I think just picking a "favourite" would be cheating. The thing I love about this show is how all the characters really ARE 3d, even if we usually think of them in one particular way (Zoe=warrior, Jayne=thug). The ones that impressed me the most are:
1.) The captain. He really isn't a "hero". He doesn't want to save the day, he just wants to save his day. And still sometimes he'll give that up to do the right thing. I love how even as the captain, unlike in other shows/movies, he actually screws up. When he's too caught up in maintaining his authority to pay attention to Kaylee dying, when he's caught by a rhetorical question (" can't."), and how he has silly, undignified sides to him ("by my pretty floral bonnet"). He's a character I can believe in.
2.) River. After her, I can't really go back and appreciate Drusilla as much (her prototype). River's insanity is more than a pleasing eccentricity. It really means sometimes she behaves/says things that don't follow at all. But sometimes we get to see the real River, the unfractured River shine through, and that's amazing. Summer Glau completely awed me with her work in the R. Tam Sessions.
3.) Book. Here we have a man of God. A true believer, a good man. I don't know when I've seen this on film ever, because he is neither an ideal nor a comedic figure. He honestly tries to be good, and struggles with it, and when he breaks his principles, he suffers. Also, his past intrigues me so much...
4.) Early. I know, I'm only supposed to list 3, but he needs to be mentioned. Like River, or even more than her, he is crazy. Some of what he says you can find a deep meaning in, but sometimes that fails, and he is just crazy. He reminds me of real crazy people I have talked to, but more intelligent and philosophical.

"it has some sweet character deaths -- I mean moments!" - Joss Whedon


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 2:48 PM


My all time favorite FF character would have to be Zoe. She's hilarious in a serious way and I think Joss showed this very well. I just like her sarcasim.
#2 Would have to be Mal of course. How could he not be one of the three fave's of anyone. He is a great captain and has sucj a wonderful personality. Another genius creation by Joss.
#3 I'm going to have to go with Inara. I think she brings a nurturing aspect to the crew that is needed. She seems to bring everybody together as a family.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005 3:06 PM


My first pick would be Zoe. I identify with her the most. We have very similar personalities.

Secondly would be Mal. He has this silent wisdom that I love. High morals, good heart, and great ass.

Thirdly, I'd have to say Book. He's full of knowledge and grace. And I love his cool temperment. Don't hear him raising his voice much at all, yet he gets his point across every time.


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"






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