OK Now I'm maybe scared...

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 02:47
VIEWED: 13269
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005 8:40 PM


On the front page of this site it shows the box office stats for Serenity. It shows a continued decline. Although during Monday-Thursday not a good chance of there being a lot of people going ot the theatre. For one they are school nights and I think most people work more during the weekdays than weekends. Anyways not surpriseing to see the huge decline for Monday and Tuesday showings.

Well I'm scared. I went and saw it for my 2nd time earlier today and instead of it being nearly packed, it was nearly empty. I guess this weekend will really tell us how well the movie is going to do in theatres.

According to this site this weekend will be the determining factor weither or not we get another movie or season. If that is true, then that scares the hell outta me. Imma expect Serenity to be #1 overall in box office of earnings 7th-9th. But I don't think it will get a lot more than it did the 30th.

Can this weekend really be the determining factor weither or not we get another movie or season? I mean what about the DVD sales? Hell the DVD sales will probably bring in more money. Plus the movie hasn't come out in other countries yet. I don't see how this weekend will decide the fate of the franchise.

Anyways saw it my 2nd time finally. Seemed much shorter though 2nd time around. draged my mom and her boyfriend along. My moms bf loved the movie, but he wasn't much of a fan of Firefly back in 2002. He really liked the writing and directing of Serenity a lot. I figure he didn't care for the series much cause not even half the episodes were writen by Joss from what I understand.

Well it was fun to see again. Not sure if I'll see it a 3rd time in theatres. I'll surely watch it plenty when I get it on DVD. Absolutely to the point where I can remember every line of the movie like I can with some others. Though paying $5 ($7 if after 5pm) for a ticket, $3.75 for a larg soda that makes me have to go pee so badly at the end of the movie, and $5 for a larg popcorn, altogether being $13.75-$15.75 not includeing if I'd decide to get some candy, wich if I would then would be $18-$20 total if I went and saw the movie a 3rd time. Don't think I want to spend that kind of money ono a movie I know every thing about and the shock and awe is gone.

What I mean is that this 2nd time seeing it when \L/@5h d13b (In code to avoid spoiler)it wasn't really shocking (since I knew it was coming) and I didn't feel as sad. And the suspense after that when the rest had to fight Reavers off wasn't really there. Still honest movie and still pretty darn funny and mighty shiney!

"I'm a leaf in the wind. Watch as I soa-"
Big Damn Fansite - Where the Browncoats gather.


Wednesday, October 5, 2005 8:49 PM


Friend, let me tell you - the box office means nothing for "Firefly" or "Serenity". Remember, the series was kicked off the air, then sold in the top 10 of all TV series DVDs.

Even if by some chance the movie does not meet expectations in the theaters, we know that the DVD movie sales will be exceptional.

Oh, and I know quite a few fans who couldn't hit the first weekend, and will paying there dues soon. Keep the hope. And just remember...

The Browncoats are always out there - we are out of this World.



Wednesday, October 5, 2005 8:53 PM


for the 1st week in Australia, Serenity made $1,489,797 ($1,130,519 US Dollars).

It finished in 8th position.

Also note: This past weekend was Australias Highest Grossing weekend at the Box Office for 11 weeks


Wednesday, October 5, 2005 9:09 PM


Hello tullyano7,

I checked your link and it showed serenity in 6th not 8th place.

I guess this weekend coming will be the make or brake time.


Wednesday, October 5, 2005 9:13 PM


To quote Dune:
"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Wednesday, October 5, 2005 10:02 PM


6th is for the Weekend
8th is for the Entire Week


Wednesday, October 5, 2005 10:24 PM


Worrying indeed

"My God - you're like a trained ape. Without the training."
"Come a day there won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about at all..."
I know the secret.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 12:39 AM


That's actually a good figure. I was in Australia for the last week, and I saw LOADS of tralers for Cinderella Man, a couple for Wallace & Gromit, and one for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but none at all for Serenity.

It's opening here in the UK tomorrow, with previews at some cinemas from today. Be interesting to see what our weekend looks like.

By the way, I thought I heard that the figures from all the prescreenings were going to be included in the opening weekend figures? oes anyone know if that actually happened?

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Thursday, October 6, 2005 12:46 AM


We all need to go this weekend.
I personally do not want to rely on projected dvd sales to see if there will be a sequel.
Eat before you go.
Buy the small soda.
Get to the theater this weekened.
I know I am going again, and dragging people with me, kicking and screaming all the way. (Not really. They won't scream.)


Sex and violence on the big screen, where it belongs.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 1:49 AM


i think people are saying this weekend is the determining fact, is because most movies drop a vary large percent in totaly earning there second week. if we make another 10mil or in that territory i think we will have done good.

to paraphrase our Capt:
Fox said they could cancel our show forever.
We made then choke on those words.
And that makes us mighty...

or something like that.. can't quite remember

"Are those grenades?"
*Andersen AFB, Guam*


Thursday, October 6, 2005 1:59 AM



post those posters!

"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -tee shirt some girl was wearing at Megacon. <-my webcomic


Thursday, October 6, 2005 2:14 AM


I'm in Adelaide and I saw my first TV trailer for Serenity at arround 9.00pm on the Saturday before the movie was supposed open on Thursday the 29th of September. Also, I have only seen the trailor about 3 times since then, dispite my TV being on for arround 5 hours a night during prime-time!!!! NOT ENOUGH EXPOSURE!!!!!!!!!

I also know heaps of people who will be going to see the movie this weekend.

I personally would probably not go to see the movie again after this weekend (went on Thursday when it was released and may go again this weekend) as tickets here are expensive ($15 adult ticket) and I am definately going to be buying the DVD. I think the movie ROCKS!!!!!


Thursday, October 6, 2005 2:18 AM


Here's something Joss said in an interview up in Edinburgh, just before the world premiere, when asked about what the movie needs to do:

"Its been in the press that something like fifty domestic, eighty globally, but that hasn’t been confirmed by higher-ups and I doubt it ever will because these situations are so mutable. But I think it’s a fair number. It’s not simple. It’s easy to get surrounded by fans and think ‘We’re in the bucket!’ But step ten feet away and not a soul in the world knows what this movie is. So it’s not a simple goal, but it is a fair one."

So really, it needs word of mouth following that opening weekend, but definitely can do it.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 2:20 AM


Must admit this does make me a mite nervous, especially with the comment on the main page about this weekend deciding the sequel's fate. :( Our original plans to see it with friends fell thru...stupid Bengals having to be on TV this weekend! Maybe I can convince the wife to go see it again...or talk to my family who wants to see it...that'll be more tickets! - blog - videos - store

River: "So we'll integrate non-progressional evolution theory with God's creation of Eden. Eleven inherent metaphoric parallels already there. Eleven. Important number. Prime number. One goes into the house of eleven eleven times, but always comes out one. Noah's ark is a problem."


Thursday, October 6, 2005 2:48 AM


The Punisher did horribly in theatres makeing just $33 million domestically $20 million overseas for a little over $50 million total, but there are plans to make a sequel based on DVD sales. So I don't know why the second weekend is make or break. Especially if the 3rd week is bigger than the second. The main point must be that the 2nd week needs to be big enough to keep us in the theatres a little longer.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 3:01 AM


I find it hard to believe that Box Office receipts mean nothing. I have no doubt that Universal might make a sequel based solely and mostly on DVD sales and that might be where Serenity makes its money, I don’t know, but I’ve seen movies that were made for DVD and they are for shit. The big movie sequels, with the big budgets, seem to be those with big Box Office receipts. That’s my impression. I don’t really know anything about it.

I really expected Serenity to do much better then it has, and maybe it will, some movies take a weekend or two to get off their feet. There may be lots of people out there that are still undecided about whether to see it. Maybe they’ll see it after reading the reviews, as the reviews are mostly positive. But Firefly had considered critical acclaim when it was on TV, and that didn’t seem to help the ratings much.

I suppose the message here is don’t rely on the public to do the job of Browncoats. Open up your piggy bank, free up some time and go see this movie, until your ears begin to bleed.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 3:11 AM


Like Annie above, I don't want to rely--and I don't think the new suits in Universal aren't either--on future dvd sales to ensure a sequel, and think that next weekend's numbers will either sway them one way or the other. I'm planning on watching it again next weekend and bringing a friend or two, doing what I can to prevent the usual second-week 40% drop in revenue. Anything higher than 6.5 million will allay any fears I have that Serenity will be the last we see of Firefly and its BDHs. Of course, more would be better, but it's gonna be difficult in light of past box office patterns. Plus, it's gonna be an long, difficult (but do-able) battle to reach the $50 million domestic take to ensure a sequel. I see that Wallace and Gromit is gonna be in, like, 3000-plus theaters, and will probably be next weekend's leader. I also see that In Your Shoes (Cameron Diaz and Shirley McClaine in the same movie?) is gonna open in, like, hmmm, I forget, but it's over 2000. I hope Serenity's numbers aren't gonna be lower than a movie about women wearing figuratively wearing each other's shoes. I was listening to an NPR report on the movie, and the dialogue from the clips was so cringe-inducing. Uh, I'm stressing...gotta shift back to work mode now.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 4:08 AM


I've said this before on another thread, and I'll say it again: There's a reason why your dietician tells you not to check your weight more than once a week; if you check it daily, normal fluctuation will ruin your morale.

Serenity is an action/adventure movie folks. Action/adventure flicks usually lose position mid-week; theater goers tend to save them for the weekend, when they can work off the adrenaline afterwards without worrying about work the next morning.

I ain't so sure it's really make-or-break this weekend, but it sure would be a fine thing if figures didn't drop more than 10-20%; that could keep us in theaters for a good long time. So go see it again, with 6-8 people you love...

"She's tore up plenty. But she'll fly true." -- Zoë Washburn


Thursday, October 6, 2005 5:16 AM


Like I said on another similar thread, if they are truly trying to figure out whether the sequel is worthwhile, 2nd week is too early to figure that out. 2nd week is usually used to figure out whether they will actually keep the damn thing in the theatres for a 3rd and a 4th week - however that's usually only done in a pretty tight market... Even Universal themselves don't have *that many* movies coming out this coming few weeks, let alone big budget blockbusters... November is a different story though. Unfortuantely, lots of movies are yanked on the end of 2nd week without much fanfare before they can do anymore harm - unfortuantely, to the DVD sales. But then again, you are looking at a pretty good lengthy int'l release schedule for FFS, so it doesn't make sense to look at the short range and canned it early... I guess they have the choice of canning it in the States if the 2nd week take drops drastically and just opt to keep it out in the int'l release and see what it does...

I don't know, all hand-wringing aside and realistically, 2nd week take at least cannot drop or drop much. If it does, it really looks poor for keeping it in the theatres in the coming few weeks before November... November has some powerhouse blockbusters coming out that will test the patience of the theatre owners if they perceive that they can trade it out for something that will drive up more popcorn and bon-bon sales for them...

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:01 AM


I bought 2 tickets on Friday (we missed the show)
I bought 2 tickets Saturday and we got drinks and popcorn.
I went again Monday, alone. I bought no concessions. If I can go 2 hours normally without a drink or food, certainly I can do it for a 2 hour movie. (Actually I can go alot longer than that, since it's Ramadhan its closer to 12 hours now.)
And I don't even consider myself a browncoat. A devoted fan who spreads the word, someone who didn't mind the unused tickets bec. it would help the movie. I'm more like a brown jacket.
And I will be more than happy to see the movie at least two more times.
If you LOVE your show, if you love your BDH, as another poster said YOU HOLD!
As Zoe said, "If we lose this ground, we lose it all. You are going to HOLD THIS POSITION!"
I think all browncoats should buy at least two tickets this weekend. If you can.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:24 AM


Exactly...all Browncoats have to see this movie again this weekend, whether it is the deal breaking weekend or not. (Cause there's still overseas etc) This movie HAS TO do well!!! I've seen Serenity 4 times now and I plan on going this weekend too. Let's do the impossible guys!!

"Oh I'm going to the special hell."-Mal


Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:33 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Listen up people, that goes double for you Rakarr.

So the #s are out, & they don't look as good as we might like. So? What are you going to do about it? Sitting here worrying is not going to keep us in the air. Only getting out there & buying tickets, guerilla marketing, convincing people to go, or talking the movie up online is going to get us there.

So some of us are getting scared. That's normal. I ain't saying I'm not concerned, but we can't let it bring down morale. Like Rocketjock said, if you keep looking @ numbers & whinging about them it is going to distract you from doing what you can about getting us a sequel.

Sure there was no one in the theatre w/ you Rakarr, it is Thursday, a weekday. Try going tomorrow night when theatres do their real business. I can assure you it will be different from your experience today.

I'm not asking anything of anyone that ain't got it to give. I am asking each and everyone of you to do all you can, everything you know you have in you, to help push the BDM up where she belongs. All of us have fought to long & hard to give up now. Joss, Universal, the cast, all the other fans have waited so long & given so much to get this film on the big screen. Can we do give less than 100% back to them? Could we call ourselves Browncoats if we didn't.

You think about that and you ask yourself, "Have I done all I can to help Serenity along". If the answer is no, than get your butt back out there and do what you can. If you can honestly say you have given your all, than great work. We appreciate all your effort.

Don't lose faith Browncoats. Faith and being stubborn as Whitefall mules got us this far. It will take us the rest of the way.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:54 AM



Originally posted by Browncoat1:
Don't lose faith Browncoats. Faith and being stubborn as Whitefall mules got us this far. It will take us the rest of the way.

Hell yeah!

And don't forget, it's never too late to spread word of mouth. I've been recommending the film to everyone at my university; especially people who are acquaintances but not friends. I tell 'em I saw this awesome movie, Serenity, last weekend and they really need to go see it because it's just that good. Yesterday, I even contrived a reason to go see my astronomy professor during office hours (I totally get the course, so coming up with a question to ask was kinda tough) and after we'd developed a rapport in answering the question (don't know him that well, it's a big lecture course), I recommend the film to him. So spend as much as you can to keep the BDM flying, but don't forget to get other people to spend their bucks, too. (More people in theater also means more customers for the DVD when it comes out, so it's a two-for-one deal)

We can win this thing, we just have to work hard.

Now I'm off to see my advisor to ask about my honors thesis--and recommend the BDM.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:07 AM



Originally posted by tullyano7:
for the 1st week in Australia, Serenity made $1,489,797 ($1,130,519 US Dollars).

It finished in 8th position.

Also note: This past weekend was Australias Highest Grossing weekend at the Box Office for 11 weeks

Deuce Bigalow garnered more than Serenity-are you kidding me? Dukes of Hazzard above that?!? What does that say about Australian movie watching preferences? OMG!

Browncoat Monk

Ain't no place I can be since I found Serenity...


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:08 AM


Are Australia's numbers counted in that total on the homepage of this website. Cuz if they're not, then I'll be a little calmer.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:14 AM


One of the main reasons this second weekend is important is the fact that the first couple weeks (sometimes longer depends on the distribution contract negotiated way in advance) the studios get a much larger cut of the ticket revenues. So our slow and steady build up of fanbase/viewership isn't going to help in the short term. In the long term yes, but we are probably looking at another 3 years before a sequel. Studio execs don't think like normal businessmen-if they did they would not greenlight a lot of the sequels (or even original movies) that they do already. For example, Deuce Bigalow 2-the sequel nobody wanted-why? There wasn't a good financial reason or any other reason either (personal fanaticism, story needed to be completed, etc.).

Browncoat Monk

Ain't no place I can be since I found Serenity...


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:23 AM


i can't believe you did that...

i haven't seen the movie. i didn't watch the series back in the day and my buddy got me a copy of the dvd's. i've been obsessed with them. i've watched them repeatedly in prep for the movie which i'm going to see this saturday. i found this site. i've even talked to a few folks on it. i'm saving the money to buy a resin Mal gun... i'm avoiding every single post that says "spoiler"... and then this!!

What I mean is that this 2nd time seeing it when \L/@5h d13b (In code to avoid spoiler)

i mean... what firefly fan isn't going to be fluent in l33t?

my heart is broken. i'm not angry... just so very disapointed. i know i'd have found out when i went to see the flick, but i'd have rather found out on my own. for shame... shaaaaaaame! *points the finger of shame*

"hey, alright, i might be gorramed"


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:27 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by KayleeFrye:
Are Australia's numbers counted in that total on the homepage of this website. Cuz if they're not, then I'll be a little calmer.

It is my understanding the #s on the homepage only reflect U.S. (domestic) box office, so it does not include the $ amounts from Australia or Canada.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:44 AM


To quote “Space: Above and Beyond”:

{Flips over table}
“…Its ok to be scared…”

EV Nova Firefly mod Message Board:


Thursday, October 6, 2005 9:19 AM



Originally posted by pyrefx:
i can't believe you did that...

i haven't seen the movie. i didn't watch the series back in the day and my buddy got me a copy of the dvd's. i've been obsessed with them. i've watched them repeatedly in prep for the movie which i'm going to see this saturday. i found this site. i've even talked to a few folks on it. i'm saving the money to buy a resin Mal gun... i'm avoiding every single post that says "spoiler"... and then this!!

What I mean is that this 2nd time seeing it when \L/@5h d13b (In code to avoid spoiler)

i mean... what firefly fan isn't going to be fluent in l33t?

my heart is broken. i'm not angry... just so very disapointed. i know i'd have found out when i went to see the flick, but i'd have rather found out on my own. for shame... shaaaaaaame! *points the finger of shame*

"hey, alright, i might be gorramed"

shouldn't it be d3@b ? bunch of gibberish...

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 9:20 AM



Originally posted by BrowncoatMonk:

Originally posted by tullyano7:
for the 1st week in Australia, Serenity made $1,489,797 ($1,130,519 US Dollars).

It finished in 8th position.

Also note: This past weekend was Australias Highest Grossing weekend at the Box Office for 11 weeks

Deuce Bigalow garnered more than Serenity-are you kidding me? Dukes of Hazzard above that?!? What does that say about Australian movie watching preferences? OMG!

Browncoat Monk

Ain't no place I can be since I found Serenity...

Dukes of Hazzard had the Jessica Simpson thing going, but Deuce? That's a big drunken rental if I'll see it.

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 9:32 AM



Originally posted by Jasonzzz:

Dukes of Hazzard had the Jessica Simpson thing going, but Deuce? That's a big drunken rental if I'll see it.

It beyond incredible for no other reason than it's been out for quite a few weeks--how the hell is Deuce higher than a new release (combine that with the fact that it sucks harder than a certain 'blonde' woman going before the U.S. Supreme Court). I am seriously aghast at that notion because that is seriously hurting whatever positive image I have of Australia and said residents' artistic sensibilities.

Browncoat Monk

Ain't no place I can be since I found Serenity...


Thursday, October 6, 2005 10:41 AM


Well BrowncoatMonk, Serenity actually did better in Australia than in the US Comparatively, when you take into account population and exchange rates!!!!!


Thursday, October 6, 2005 11:43 AM


That chaps the ol' US hide - I mean pride... eeeha! I think we gots ourselves a good 'ol town rustle up.


Originally posted by tullyano7:
Well BrowncoatMonk, Serenity actually did better in Australia than in the US Comparatively, when you take into account population and exchange rates!!!!!

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 11:52 AM



Originally posted by pyrefx:
i can't believe you did that...

i haven't seen the movie. i didn't watch the series back in the day and my buddy got me a copy of the dvd's. i've been obsessed with them. i've watched them repeatedly in prep for the movie which i'm going to see this saturday. i found this site. i've even talked to a few folks on it. i'm saving the money to buy a resin Mal gun... i'm avoiding every single post that says "spoiler"... and then this!!

What I mean is that this 2nd time seeing it when \L/@5h d13b (In code to avoid spoiler)

i mean... what firefly fan isn't going to be fluent in l33t?

my heart is broken. i'm not angry... just so very disapointed. i know i'd have found out when i went to see the flick, but i'd have rather found out on my own. for shame... shaaaaaaame! *points the finger of shame*

I'm a firefly fan and I have no idea what l33t is. or how you just look at that code and know what it means. Don't you have to click it or something. Forgive my ignorance, but I just don't see how you saw a spoiler by looking at that without clicking it or something.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 11:54 AM


Never mind I see it. It took me a while to figure it out. I ain't that bright. Sorry.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 12:06 PM


To agree with others, we shouldn't just rely on the DVD sales. What happened with Firefly was unique, we shouldn't expect to see it again. Grab some friends, get your family and go see it one last time. We've got to do something. I have a feeling that Universal (and possibly other studios) will be watching how the ticket sales go. Universal took a gamble taking Joss on and they probably want to see some immediate results. Joss himself probably used up a lot of favors and contacts getting this movie going. If we're not careful, there might not be another Firefly movie, or possibly even another Joss Whedon movie.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 12:20 PM


A fear of mine is that Serenity will become the "Swingers" of the 2000's. A movie that hardly anyone saw, but everybody loved.

But you're forgetting an entire part of the world has yet to see this film, and that CAN change everything.

I may be showing my age, but what the hell. Does anyone remember the movie Highlander? Came out in like 1985, and I really liked it. Problem was that, oh 99.9999% of America really didn't. Then the movie opened in Europe, and it kicked some serious ass. What happened then? Highlander 2:The Quickening, Highlander: Endgame, a TV series, etc.

So, long story short, it's looking like North America isn't getting it (I so hope that changes this weekend). So Europe, Australia, Asia, please bail us out again! We're counting on you!!!


Thursday, October 6, 2005 12:34 PM


I've stepped up. I'm gonna hold.

Take a look at my "Money Where My Mouth Is" thread.

I'm not saying my way is right for everybody, but I know this: it's already convinced at least one "I'll wait for the DVD" guy to make a special trip to the theater this weekend. I hope he's the first of many.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 12:43 PM


If you're expecting this weekend to rescue the franchise, you're in for a big disappointment. The drop will be more than 50% and probably 60%.

I'm just thankful I have the Firefly DVD set. It will have to quench my thirst as I don't plan to buy the Serenity DVD.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 12:44 PM


I'm a new fan and plan on seeing the movie this weekend.

I'm sorry I wasn't aware of the show back when it first aired. SciFi had it on at a bad time for me, so instead of taping the show I bought the DVD set (which I received on Monday).

I spent the last two days watching the series and I have to say that I'm very impressed. I found myself laughing out loud late last night watching the series. The series was interesting, funny, exciting and most of all had me wanting to know more... I would really love to see it picked back up as a series again as movies take to long to carry a story line.

It would make a greate SciFi series (if they would put it at a good time).



Thursday, October 6, 2005 12:51 PM


That severe? the normal trend might not hold. The first weekend report had over half of the visits were from fans. so, if everyone goes and see the movie at least TWICE as often as they did last weekend, if not THREE times more. That ought to be enough to at least cover the loss from the walkins form last weekend.

I say go and buy out the showings, just pay for all the tickets and give it out to folks standing by the box office wondering what they want to see... Put it on your credit card, plenty of loan places that will float you until the next pay check. If you already have a HELOC on your house, just go ahead and write that extra check out to yourself - pay it off when the next paycheck comes.

Go watch every single showing, do it, do it, do it!


Originally posted by fireflyfan278:
If you're expecting this weekend to rescue the franchise, you're in for a big disappointment. The drop will be more than 50% and probably 60%.

I'm just thankful I have the Firefly DVD set. It will have to quench my thirst as I don't plan to buy the Serenity DVD.

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 12:55 PM


Are you kidding? I don't plan to see it again and I get free tickets.


Friday, October 7, 2005 2:09 AM


I'm a firefly fan and I have no idea what l33t is. or how you just look at that code and know what it means. Don't you have to click it or something. Forgive my ignorance, but I just don't see how you saw a spoiler by looking at that without clicking it or something.

christ... now i really feel like a geek...

"I call her Vera."


Friday, October 7, 2005 12:32 PM


Posted by Joss on the OB

Post subject: Worst. Movie. Ever.


was probably "Summer Holiday" with Mickey Rooney. Can you believe that kid was the biggest star in the world? Funny world.

Meanwhile, I'm just rounding out the weekend with a little praise for my dear peeps. Considering everything we've had to overcome, this is an extraordinary achievment. And you guys have been in the front lines. I lurk, I know all. So thanks. Some of you might know that this flick means more than a little to me.

Yes, the second weekend will tell all, as we've always known. I'm not here to push you guys -- you push yourselves way harder than I could anyway. I'm just trying to figure out how to get the message out to the guys that aren't you, that don't know any of you, and that don't run into someone who saw the film. I'll be hounding the extremely patient Uni execs on that very subject. Like the lady said, "People have to know".

It's not that there HAS to be a sequel. It's just that I've got so many IDEAS...


Sunday, October 9, 2005 6:28 AM



Originally posted by tullyano7:
Well BrowncoatMonk, Serenity actually did better in Australia than in the US Comparatively, when you take into account population and exchange rates!!!!!

As a mathematician (with degree etc.) what caught my eye was how flat a curve the range of 1-8 was with a sudden dropoff at 9-10. I would like to see the full chart. I suspect that there is a much lower theater to population ratio leading people that want to go see a movie (movie-watching is apparently popular) they go see whatever is available (if a movie is full they go to the next movie in the queue).

But seriously, Deuce Bigalow II?!? Two and three hard to fault them but why? Is he Australia's Jerry Lewis or what?

Browncoat Monk

Ain't no place I can be since I found Serenity...


Monday, October 10, 2005 9:51 PM


I'm a HUGE "Firefly" / "Serenity" fan but have know idea what l33t means.

Please help me out by explaining. Never been that great at codes or things like that. sorry.


Monday, October 10, 2005 11:01 PM


Serenity has done quite well for a sci-fi show in Australia.

It's done over $2million ($1.6million USD) so far. lists it as having made $1.6 million in the UK's first weekend. So far 15% of $21million (9/10/05) has come from overseas.

tell me though, is the Canadian figure included in the US figure, or separate?


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 2:14 AM


my god, am i really having to explain this? hold on a second, i've gotta make sure my pocket protector is in place... ok... check. and now for an extra layer of tape around my glasses.... ok... check.

Alright. L33t is the language of computer and internet geeks everywhere. It's where you take numbers and other characters and use them in the place of letters; for example L33t translates to "Leet", which is a shortened version of the word "Elite", which the people who made the language concider themselves... i guess.

search the web. there's all sorts of explanations better than mine. If you know what you're looking at, l33t is easy to translate, or maybe i'm just incredibly smart and perceptive... never been accused of that before...

"I call her Vera."


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 3:29 AM


Well, it took me a second to see what you were talking about, too. I'd only vaguely heard about L33t on a couple other boards.

My definition would be: It's kind of a "pig latin" for the internet.

I don't think you're a geek for knowing about it, but the fact that you could read it at a glance is kind of suspicious.

"Appears they've cancelled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."






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