Firefly Season 2 On DVD

UPDATED: Monday, October 10, 2005 05:24
VIEWED: 8883
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Friday, October 7, 2005 6:49 AM


i need everyones help!!!

how far would u go to get a second season of our favorite show FIREFLY? would u spend $100.00 to pre-order a season 2 DVD box set? if we cant get the show back on the air, lets try to get season 2 made for DVD only.

if every fan gave $100.00 each to Joss, would there be enough money to pay for a second season on FIREFLY? i dont know, but i am willing to try. i dont know how much it cost to make the 14 original episodes, but i bellieve we can raise enough money to make 14 more!!!

if 1,000 fans paid Joss W. $100.00 each to pre-order a box set...he would have $100,000 towards one episode.

if 10,000 fans did the same we could send Joss W. $1,000,000 towards one episode.

i know that there r more than 10,000 fans out there, but if u think that still isnt enough, ask your family and friends to donate $100.00 instead of some lame X-mas gift like socks and underware. would u give up a video game for your birthday, if it ment being a part of the new FIREFLY revolution. what about donating $5.00 every week for 52 weeks we would have $260.00, or $10.00 every week for a whole year...that is $520.00 from each of us.

we could do it, i know we can...i believe!!!

plus, if we can show the network labels that we want more FIREFLY and SERENITY, maybe they will come around and help, like they have with the movie.

but just reading this thread isnt enough, we need to somehow get the message out there to the rest of the world. go to your local news paper and buy an ad asking for suport. i am sure that Joss W., the cast and crew, as well as FOX administators read the paper. if we can get an ad going in every major city from every state we would make headlines. WE WILL NOT BE SHOT DOWN IF WE GET NATIONAL ATTENTION.

i dont know any other way to get this started, so help me, and help yourselves by giving suggestions. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE i cant do it alone. we must all stand together.

ps: i know i write a lot, sorry.


Friday, October 7, 2005 6:58 AM


your quest in noble, however i think it would cost way too much. maybe if each browncoat put in 500 thousand. maybe.....


Friday, October 7, 2005 7:01 AM


so, we go an episode at a time


Friday, October 7, 2005 7:06 AM


That's not realistic, actors don't work one episode at a time.

If you could raise a few million you could do maybe a scifi channel then direct to dvd movie/mini-series that re-cycles the current sets used in the movie for maybe a reasonable price.


Friday, October 7, 2005 7:14 AM


true, actors dont work an episode at a time, but from what i have read, they actors loved this show. so if there was a chance to make an episode or two in there spare time, to keep hope alive, maybe they'd do it. i know i would. i also know that making a sci-fi tv show is expensive and it would be a slow process, but again...

if 10,000 fans donated $10.00 a week for one year (52 weeks = $520.00) we would have $5,200,000 in a year...that is a good chunk of change.


Friday, October 7, 2005 7:20 AM


Sure they love the show, but they have bills to pay.

A lot of them will be offered roles on other tv shows etc that demand all their time and they can't turn it down to appear in one episode. And if you're hoping for them doing it in their off hours, how likely is it for all of them to have off hours at the same time?

Be hopeful, but at the same time be realistic.


Friday, October 7, 2005 7:22 AM


Production costs for a one-hour drama are approximately $2 million per episode. For a show with special effects shots, like a sci-fi series, the costs may be higher.

Times a typical 24-episode season: $48 million.

Serenity cost something like $40 million, didn't it?

Well, if they're looking to spend another $40-$50 million, I wish they'd put it toward a second season, rather than another movie.


Friday, October 7, 2005 2:06 PM


It's not just the actors themselves, although by far they are the most visible faces you see from the show. There are also the problem of coordinating stage hands, make up, lighting, costumes, etc, etc. all of the rest of the behind the scene crews. Yeah sure, you might say some of these people are "replaceble cogs", but by far most of these folks have build up an experience in doing what they know for the show - not to mention known what they do. Imagine the disaster that maybe if you have a completely new make up or costuming crew come in and really have no idea how to dress the characters - good thing, at least they don't have any "spock ears" to put on, but consistent look needs a consisten and experienced crew all the same.

Then there is the static set, most of the show is done on stage sets that take up space, which takes up money - you can't just take apart the set and store it quick like at the end of the work day - then put it up in 5 minutes the next time the money is there.

Sorry for being long winded, but this is just the normal stuff that runs off the top of my head when a mission plan is needed...


Originally posted by Ananti:
Sure they love the show, but they have bills to pay.

A lot of them will be offered roles on other tv shows etc that demand all their time and they can't turn it down to appear in one episode. And if you're hoping for them doing it in their off hours, how likely is it for all of them to have off hours at the same time?

Be hopeful, but at the same time be realistic.

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Friday, October 7, 2005 3:52 PM



The fact is that independent financing could be achieved (Wall Street / City of London etc) the first task would be to buy-out/pay-off the contract with Murdoch's Fox that restricts further TV production/transmission. It is just a clause to get money. Good Lawyers could get rid of this obstacle.
The global DVD market is a superb insurance that at the least assures breaking-even and most likely far better. There is no need to do separate discs for Europe etc. The discs should be 60hz ALL REGION CODED with 20 languages represented in the form of optional subtitles. Most fans where and whoever they are will find at least one language they can handle. Also there are new styles of TV box set packaging out there now that are even more compact and lighter. If an additional disc was used the episodes could be spread across more discs and the bit-rate for image and sound quality improved. I do not think 22 or 24 episodes is needed I think a cable-style 13 episode Season would be a better structure and then better budgets for the entire process.

PS. There is one more decision that would make sense for DVD release and to make the production more efficient to shoot and more cost effective and that is to shoot in HD not film-stock.


Friday, October 7, 2005 4:14 PM


ok, that sounds like lots of money, and in fact even more money *up front*.

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Friday, October 7, 2005 4:24 PM


No more than an average movie and besides the property is already a known franchise with a huge following and the highest selling TV related DVD on Amazon with the most customer reviews on Amazon of any TV show and as many as the biggest films in history. There is nothing about it that is an unknown entity. Movies get money up front all the time including independent movies.


Friday, October 7, 2005 4:29 PM


I think the best way to do it is to convince HBO maybe they should fund it?

If you can convince them that having the show would lead to, I don't know 500,000 additional subscritions to their channel?

That's 500,000 X 8 month X $10 per month?

That's $40 million right there, and you haven't even talked about the DVD sales. Assuming 500,000 sold and they made $30 on each that's another 15 million.

HBO produced some very expensive shows like Deadwood, Carnivale, Rome, that had no built in fanbase.


Friday, October 7, 2005 4:37 PM


Honestly, if i thought it'd help, i'd send Joss my $100, or even $10/week to see Firefly Season 2.

I get all teary-eyed every time i think about Firefly & how i'll most likely never see it again (with the obvious exception of my season 1 set).

I ordered my 2nd DVD set 'cause i loan mine out so much i never get a chance to watch it. Just trying to convert as many Browncoats as i can. Sure, there may be more movies but it ain't the same. I want Firefly back!

I'm a 30-something father & husband & all i can think about in my spare time is this TV show... how weird is that? I'm even toying with the idea of getting the Serenity Logo tattooed somewhere... Damn you Joss for making me love it so much :-P

"That's why i never kiss'em on the mouth."


Friday, October 7, 2005 4:37 PM


Hey, nice to read some of the more original crazy talk! No offense meant, but really, I just can't stop giggling.

First of all, as said above, the cost per episode is probably around $2-3M (the pilot allegedly costing upwards of $10M), you also have to take into account that the show would have to have "development time" (which could be years, with everything that would have to be done before actually hiring a staff and getting the actors back) and each episode is shot months before it's actually aired, so in order to get a season, you're gonna have to put up MILLIONS of dollars right off and then wait YEARS to actually get anything out of it. That sound like a sane plan to you? (For FANS, not for a production company.) Production isn't as instant as you turning on your DVD player.

Secondly, and far more importantly, at the present time, Joss has stated unequivocally that Firefly the series will not return and has even suggested that he doesn't want to do that. If that changes, I'll be doing that infamous "happy dance" myself.

And, here's a crazy thought, what if not all of the original crew want to do the series? You gonna replace one of the characters with a different actor, or a different character, and continue on your merry way? Firefly is a great thing as it is, and forcing another series if it isn't right would... tarnish it....

I'd put more hope into more movies or, as Adam Baldwin and Chris Buchanan stated, the possibility of a spin-off of the series.


无 党派 人士


Friday, October 7, 2005 4:49 PM


无 党派 人士

Just out of curiosity, but who gave you that translation?

I ask because I have a feeling it means something other than what you think it means.


Friday, October 7, 2005 4:59 PM



Originally posted by Ananti:
无 党派 人士

Just out of curiosity, but who gave you that translation?

I ask because I have a feeling it means something other than what you think it means.

Co-workers from Shanghai. They said it roughly translates as "non-partisan personage" or... independent... and it looks pretty. Are they playing a joke on me?

无 党派 人士


Friday, October 7, 2005 5:16 PM


Do you mean it to be "independent" as:

1. someone who is in *the* Independent party
2. someone who has no affiliation to any party
3. a state of without dependence on anyone or anything?

b/c that phrase is the most like #2.


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by Ananti:
无 党派 人士

Just out of curiosity, but who gave you that translation?

I ask because I have a feeling it means something other than what you think it means.

Co-workers from Shanghai. They said it roughly translates as "non-partisan personage" or... independent... and it looks pretty. Are they playing a joke on me?

无 党派 人士

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Friday, October 7, 2005 5:19 PM


No, just that it's a very bad translation of "Independents", which I guess is what you're going for.

It means "Non-Partisan" and "Neutral", which is not the same thing as "Independent". It would be the difference between some one like Jayne who sat out the war versus someone like Mal who took the side of the Independents.

Independent is better translated as "獨立",

so "獨立派人士" is the contextually correct translation.


Friday, October 7, 2005 5:28 PM



Originally posted by Howard:
No more than an average movie and besides the property is already a known franchise with a huge following and the highest selling TV related DVD on Amazon with the most customer reviews on Amazon of any TV show and as many as the biggest films in history. There is nothing about it that is an unknown entity. Movies get money up front all the time including independent movies.

People here know it to be a known franchise and a huge following. Outside of this circle, not so much. Let's be realistic and put some numbers on it. Can you quantify an estimate on how much or large (in terms of numbers of folks worldwide) of a following we are talking about...

I mean what you proposed sounded great, I am asking how much money can each of those folks in this huge following do we need have them pledge...
or are you saying that it should be relatively easy for someone at the studio to open their billfold and spring for it - just because of the huge following?

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Friday, October 7, 2005 5:34 PM



Originally posted by Ananti:
No, just that it's a very bad translation of "Independents", which I guess is what you're going for.

It means "Non-Partisan" and "Neutral", which is not the same thing as "Independent". It would be the difference between some one like Jayne who sat out the war versus someone like Mal who took the side of the Independents.

Whelp, now that the thread has been hijacked for the moment - and that's totally Ananti's fault - I've always been a Jayne Girl. I was aiming for the noun from a political standpoint, not the adjective (behavioral or characteristic). Politically non-partisan is "independent," though not necessarily affiliated with the Independents like Cap'n TightPants was.

(Here endeth my willing participation in thread hijackery. Thanks. And sorry.)

无 党派 人士


Friday, October 7, 2005 5:41 PM


Sorry, but I just have to give an exasperated "Good grief" to translating An Independent - as in a soldier who fights for Independece and against domination as this --> "獨立派人士" ... That directly translates as someone (ostensibly, a personage, which doesn't say anything about fighting, battles, or war) who makes up and stands by their own rules... But no one in their right mind would even use those words to say that. And I realize that that's what happens when you piece together words from a dictionary. Yes, those words do mean that, but people don't use those words like that.

I think the closest thing that carries that meaning is a guerilla fighter/warrior.



Originally posted by Ananti:
No, just that it's a very bad translation of "Independents", which I guess is what you're going for.

It means "Non-Partisan" and "Neutral", which is not the same thing as "Independent". It would be the difference between some one like Jayne who sat out the war versus someone like Mal who took the side of the Independents.

Independent is better translated as "獨立",

so "獨立派人士" is the contextually correct translation.

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Friday, October 7, 2005 8:29 PM


A 2nd season that comes out for only DVD and isn't on TV? No. That would be... dumb imo. Just do another movie instead. I'd like anothe season though.

"I'm a leaf in the wind. Watch as I soa-"
Big Damn Fansite - Where the Browncoats gather.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 6:11 AM


Could you please try and apply a bit more common sense.

The world is not monolithic. DVD is now equal to either theatrical or TV in its own right. A DVD season would in some territories be both on DVD first then TV second in other parts of the world it would be DVD only. DVD is in an age of multi-channel TV that has segmented the market bigger in its own right than any channel or network. There are for example loads of people around the world who have HBO shows on DVD but have never had HBO or even a local channel that shows their content as Channel 4 does here in the UK. But still despite HBO shows being on free TV in the UK the DVD both local and imported sell even better than the on-air ratings. People just use the TV airings to see if they like a show then buy the DVD.

There is no reason why a straight to DVD release cannot have an advertising campaign to inform people and a website that shows enticing samples like the 9 minutes of the movie running at the moment.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 6:37 AM


Aren't only shows the BBC co-produced together with HBO are broadcasted over on free tv in UK?

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 6:50 AM


I have not read most of the posts in this thread, bad me, but here is what I have to say and I hope people will listen. (Even though it is longwinded.)

The reported cost for one episode of Firefly was 2,000,000 USD, the number of fans estimated as of ther first trailer of Serenity was more than 2,000,000 which means to make an episode of Firefly it would cost about one dollar a fan.

The problem with that is simple, as has been stated people do not work one episode at a time, and the 2 million cost was for episodes after the creation of the set and such.

On the other hand once you get the ball rolling it should be self sustaining.

To make a direct to DVD season it would have to start out with enough money to set up and shoot several episodes, then sell those and use the money made to film the next and so forth.

Sahara is currently going out on DVD for $20 around here, for $20 per fan you could get ten times as many hours from a Firefly DVD set. To build in a safeguard charge twenty dollars for ten episodes instead of Twenty, I’d pay that.

Still, the problem remains: how do you get it started?

What I think we should do is set up an account and accept donations to save the show for a period of five years (I think that’s a good amount of time.) If at the end of that enough money has been collected to build the sets and film a few episodes we make an offer to the cast and crew do so, no promises, just film as many as can be afforded. At the end of that the episodes are released to DVD and sold, even if you donated you’d still have to buy the DVD. Money from the sales would be used to film more episodes if there was enough.

What if there is not enough money or the crew doesn’t accept the offer? Well people get back what they put in plus any interest it accumulated.

Why five years? It would take a long time and by setting a time period it makes people less likely to assume it is dead, also you need to know when you get your money back if it doesn't work. Of course if enough money were collected before then we could do it then.

What if Joss says it won’t work and to give up?
Ignore him.
Well the thing is that no one will take it seriously unless it works, and it will never work unless people take it seriously. It requires irrationality to have a hope of success.


The only things that I think need to be done for this is to set up an accounting system so we can know who put in what, so that they can get it back if it all fails, and to find a way to guarantee that the money can only be used to restart the show, so people know it isn’t a scam.

I really want to do this, not just for Firefly but to see if it can be done. Can you get enough money from the fans alone to cut out the middleman in TV shows? (The middleman already screwed us over so who cares if he doesn’t take kindly?)


I plan to set it up, though what I plan doesn’t ever seem to relate to reality remotely. I think that merely finding out if it is possible is worth temporarily sinking money into, and the only way it wouldn’t be temporary is if it worked, which is definitely worth it.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 8:24 AM



here is what i think we could do first. someone needs to go to a lawyer. that way there is a real back up so people wont think it is a scam. i was also thinking, it cant be just any bank account, what about a swis bank account, they r as secure as it gets. as for keep a log of information on who donated etc, that could be done with a secure website.

what do u think?


Saturday, October 8, 2005 8:50 AM


Yeah, definitely need a lawyer, also someone who knows finance so we know a good place to put the money.

I think it might actually be a good idea to create to separate collections, one that is in a bank, perhaps more than one bank, and another collection that goes to be invested. Investing money has a chance of making more money, but it risks losing it. Let people chose which one their money goes into.

I think there are web sites that can securely accept donations and keep track of who made them, as for Swiss banks, I have no idea about banks, that’s why someone who understands finance would be good.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 8:51 AM


Aren't fans of Enterprise trying to do the same thing? I personnally don't think it would work. Many people may buy a finished product but no where near enough would put up money before it's even made. The only it would work would be a rich millionaire paying for it. Anyone here work for Microsoft and want to lend their DVDs to the directors?


Saturday, October 8, 2005 9:41 AM


I there really are 2 million fans (where are they for the film, the box office doesn't show it) just have each of them give $25US per season each (a dollar for 25 episodes and lets say 4 seasons so $100US. I doubt it would be worth making any less for the cast and it still might even hurt their careers in the long run) So all the actors and production staff could be paid to make the episodes. Now when they release the DVD you each need to buy them at the minimal price of $59.99US (if you are we lucky. This is the cost of the best selling shows like Lost, Alias, and Desperate Housewives. Sopranos cost $99.95US and I get sick just think about the Star Trek boxed set.) The Distribution company needs to make money. So now we are looking at $239.90US (doesn't include Tax) for all four sets and each of people that put in that amount would have to buy the sets or it’s a waste to produce the DVDs any way. So the Grand total would be $339.90 without even knowing if the actors want to do it before a single episode has been even produced and that is about the lowest price possible. It would most likely be much more. I think every one is going to say, "Yeah, let’s do that right now" but when it's time to collect the money most will be absent that day. Oh I almost forgot the amazingly large cost for the production rights from our dear friends at Fox (whom we've insulted nearly hourly on this site) and Universal. The cost of that might be a lot more that ten million from each studio (and if Joss is against it, not to mention the actors, the right might never sell and without them it's a huge waste of money). So here's my logic if you are willing to spend that much money do it now in the theater. It truly is you best last hope for any more Firefly/Serenity.

Carpe Diem!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, October 8, 2005 9:53 AM


Most HBO and other top US TV shows are on shown on CHANNEL 4 which has nothing to do with the BBC.

Channel 4 has:

Without a Trace
Desperate Housewives
They had ANGEL for a short time then CHANNEL 5 got it.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 9:57 AM


You are MISSING just about ALL the points I made in my scenario in your comprehension.

1. I mentioned lower costs by shooting HD a season for the price of one modest movie (less than the price of SERENITY)
2. If for DVD first the producers keep the revenue and not a network.
3. It is already a known property
4. My proposal designed the disc for global sale.
5. Think world don't think provincial!!


Saturday, October 8, 2005 10:13 AM


Okay kids how about taking a break from this site and try doing some relevant reading at


you just might start demanding more substance from Saint Joss.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 10:16 AM


Do you mean regular "Cable TV" channels or specifically "the HBO" channel? b/c everything
else that you've listed are either on regular "cable TV" channels (I mean non-premium and not-HBO channels), or they were originally on HBO, but now the older shows (i.e. already out on DVD or soon to be) are on syndication and available on other channels...

In other words, I can see those shows that you listed on non-HBO channels, so I am thinking that doesn't make them to be HBO shows... but then you might have meant "cable TV"...

That's why I am wondering about that, I've seen that various History Channel, HBO specials that are done in collaboration with BBC - and they would definitely more likely make them available on BBC as well...


Originally posted by Howard:
Most HBO and other top US TV shows are on shown on CHANNEL 4 which has nothing to do with the BBC.

Channel 4 has:

Without a Trace
Desperate Housewives
They had ANGEL for a short time then CHANNEL 5 got it.

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 10:21 AM


It is a mixture of stuff from different sources SOPRANOS AND SIX FEET UNDER are certainly HBO sourced.
Yes BBC co-prods are on BBC but that is now more the past. It is more common ten years ago. Now its more likely natural history with Discovery.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 11:20 AM


I am new to Firefly and new to this forum. Like the rest of you I would lOVE to see a continuation of the series. Stright to DVD may be a good solution.

Another solution could be online distribution. I know that shorter films (ie BMW films)have been produced for the internet, why not 1 hour episodes. With the growing availability of high speed internet this is the direction that media is heading anyway. Why shouldn't our BIG DAMN SERIES pave the way.

It seems reasonable to me that a corporate sponsor could make the episodes available through their website. This could be a Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Sony, or any other company with a large worldwide advertising budget. Rather than commercial free like dvd, they can insert their own ads. After an initial first run via the net, the familiar DVD box set could then be distributed.

Can't stop the signal!!!


Saturday, October 8, 2005 4:34 PM



Originally posted by jnelcar:

It seems reasonable to me that a corporate sponsor could make the episodes available through their website. This could be a Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Sony, or any other company with a large worldwide advertising budget. Rather than commercial free like dvd, they can insert their own ads. After an initial first run via the net, the familiar DVD box set could then be distributed.

Can't stop the signal!!!

ROTFLOL, instead of BlueSun mercs, we'll see M$, CaCaCola, Zony, and McD's stuff in the show... Why not, I guess, VW was the featured advertiser at the Worldwide Premiere...

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Monday, October 10, 2005 4:26 AM



Originally posted by Howard:

you just might start demanding more substance from Saint Joss.

if i knew how to contact Joss W., i would, as well as the cast, known crew (set designers, make up personel etc), and executives from fox and other well known possible contributors. if anyone knows how please introduce them to this thread. thanks

so there is no confusion, i am not asking for anyones personal information, only that if some one could pass them the thread title, or link.


Monday, October 10, 2005 5:24 AM



Originally posted by Howard:
Okay kids how about taking a break from this site and try doing some relevant reading at


you just might start demanding more substance from Saint Joss.

Wow Howard...briefly scanned those sites and I'll look into 'em more later, believe me! Talk about some blind partisan/uninformed/intellectually dishonest/inanae drivel! Might want to take this kind of crap over to the Real World area. Just a recommendation to keep from highjacking the thread and maintaining commity among the posters here.






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