Serenity & Firefly: Message from a New Fan

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:45
VIEWED: 3600
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Monday, October 10, 2005 12:58 PM


I'm not sure this is being said but as a new fan to this series/movie I have to say I'm in love with firefly and serenity. (And Inara) I'd never heard of Serenity or Firefly until the movie trailer popped up and showed off some pretty instense space battles.

I expected a cheesy action movie and was introduced to a completely new universe that sucked me in and reminded me what sci-fi is supposed to be.

I have since used netflix to watch every episode of Firefly and have to say I'm stunned that I missed this show when it was on TV and am delighted that the movie brought this poetry into my life.

The theater was audibly shaken in the scene when the pilot dies. There was a horrible shriek and gasps when he died and it was obvious that this was a gut renching loss for a lot of people in the audience. I didn't see why the pilot died at first but that moment was when I realized that I needed to watch the tv series asap.

That kind of immersion in a story takes talent and for everyone doubting the movie and it's creator I say keep in mind that your horrified reactions to that event probably helped a lot of people want to know more about why him dieing was such a horrible event.

The movie may not be everything you want but it pulled me in and got me to watch every single episode of the series in 2 days. I look forward to this series returning to TV and continuing this story. (Crossing fingers, please, oh please)


Monday, October 10, 2005 1:16 PM


Welcome to the wonderful (albeit painful) world of the Browncoats! It's always great to have a new conversion. I hope that you'll do your friends a favor and introduce them to the 'verse too. I highly recommend purchasing the series on DVD. It's not very expensive (usually) and trust me, it gets better every time you watch it - and even better every time you share it with someone new.

Just a note, since you're new to the board: even though most of the Browncoat faithful here in the US have already seen the movie (multiple times), we do have some folks in other countries that haven't had a chance to see it yet. To help them avoid spoiling surprises, we like to tag our subject lines with a spoiler warning if there's discussion of the movie events in the message.

Keep flyin'!


Monday, October 10, 2005 1:37 PM


The same goes for me too. I am a new fan that honestly didn't give Firefly a chance when it was introduced . My mistake, when the boyfriend bargained me to just give it a real chance, I ended up falling in love. No really I tripped and fell, made quite a ruckus too. This now leaves a little bashful feeling having been so mislead in the first place. Yesterday after seeing the movie a second time at the theater I excitedly went online to Amazon and ordered the series DVD version for myself, along with that gorgeous soundtrack from the flick, and now anxiously awaiting it's arrival. Thank you Firefly, and your undoubted loyalists who have such an impact on the success of all of this. Thank You.

Rachel C.


Monday, October 10, 2005 1:38 PM


The same goes for me too. I am a new fan that honestly didn't give Firefly a chance when it was introduced . My mistake, when the boyfriend bargained me to just give it a real chance, I ended up falling in love. No really I tripped and fell, made quite a ruckus too. This now leaves a little bashful feeling having been so mislead in the first place. Yesterday after seeing the movie a second time at the theater I excitedly went online to Amazon and ordered the series DVD version for myself, along with that gorgeous soundtrack from the flick, and now anxiously awaiting it's arrival. Thank you Firefly, and your undoubted loyalists who have such an impact on the success of all of this. Thank You.

Rachel C.


Monday, October 10, 2005 1:38 PM


The same goes for me too. I am a new fan that honestly didn't give Firefly a chance when it was introduced . My mistake, when the boyfriend bargained me to just give it a real chance, I ended up falling in love. No really I tripped and fell, made quite a ruckus too. This now leaves a little bashful feeling having been so mislead in the first place. Yesterday after seeing the movie a second time at the theater I excitedly went online to Amazon and ordered the series DVD version for myself, along with that gorgeous soundtrack from the flick, and now anxiously awaiting it's arrival. Thank you Firefly, and your undoubted loyalists who have such an impact on the success of all of this. Thank You.

Rachel C.


Monday, October 10, 2005 1:39 PM


The same goes for me too. I am a new fan that honestly didn't give Firefly a chance when it was introduced . My mistake, when the boyfriend bargained me to just give it a real chance, I ended up falling in love. No really I tripped and fell, made quite a ruckus too. This now leaves a little bashful feeling having been so mislead in the first place. Yesterday after seeing the movie a second time at the theater I excitedly went online to Amazon and ordered the series DVD version for myself, along with that gorgeous soundtrack from the flick, and now anxiously awaiting it's arrival. Thank you Firefly, and your undoubted loyalists who have such an impact on the success of all of this. Thank You.

Rachel C.


Monday, October 10, 2005 1:42 PM


Whoops. I couldn't get the darned thing to go through and now there's 3 of the same post. My apologies!

Rachel C.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 6:46 AM


First let me introduce myself. This is my first post on this forum.. :)

Briefly, I saw Serentiy by mistake. I won't go into details of how/why that happened.. but let's just say it was one of the best mistakes I have made in a long long while.. and I am pretty good at making them.. :) lol. I had only read that Serenity was a continuation of Firefly the day before I saw the movie. Well, let's just say that I was litteraly BLOWN away!!!! I think to say much more about how I l oved it would just be preaching to the choir.. at least in this forum..

I will often mention to friends/co-workers and such if I saw a movie I really liked/loved, but that is about it.. I will simply mention that I saw a movie I really liked. And I love any great story, especially one that speaks to my soul.. weither it's a drama or sci-fi or anything in between. But I rarely if ever point-blank will recommend and tell someone that they HAVE to see a movie.. and if I do, I usually will tailor it to weither or not I think they would also like it. The last time I can even remember actually recommending a movie to anyone was the first Matrix movie. And even then.. I only recommended it to people how I know like sci-fi, anime, action, comics, etc. And the Matrix wasn't even a movie that really hit's much on an "emotional" level.. sure it has "cool" characters.. but not one's you really love. I was mainly recommending it based on it's incredible visuals, camera work, editing, sound, solid interesting story, and yes, also special effects that really hadn't been done much before. I didn't point blank recommend it to everyone. However with Serenity, I simply can't stop recommending it to EVERYONE.. irregardless of what I think their movie tastes are.. I loved it that much. To paraphrase Simon.. I just wanted you all to know the weight of what I mean when I say that I am recommending the movie to everyone.. ;)

I ran out within a few days to buy the DVD of the series.. and have since watched the "true" pilot and then the first three episodes. I am both cursed and blessed at the same time. I am blessed that I still have a whole 10 more episodes to watch that will be "new" to me.. and cursed, because I so terribly want to sit down and devour them all back to back only cursing how long it takes to watch each episode.. like wishing I could watch them all in just a matter of seconds!!! lol I have managed thus far not to just devour them all so as to draw them out as long as I can.. and savor each and every one.. no less than Kaylee does strawberries..

I so far have loved the spisodes (nothing the differences between the tv and movie formats) every bit as much as the movie.. maybe even MORE so.. I orginally did see the pilot when it aired (The Train Job). I remember seeing the commercials for the show and thought it looked interesting.. and actually I was incredibly pulled by Morena's character Inara. I loved the idea of having a "companion" as part of the show, and I was even more intriged that her occupation was now legal.. and I was absolutly floored by the twist that not only is her occupation legal.. but that she is a highly regarded citizen, for the most part anyway I thought.. wow.. we may really have something unique here. That aspect is what actually caught my attention to watch the show. Needless to say, "The Train Job" as an overall "good" episode in and of itself.. was NOT the best intro to Firefly's deeply layered 'verse. The idiots at Fox who decided to air this episode first, should be tar and featherd.. and then hanged. But cut loose just in time to be tar and featherd and hanged again!!! Had they aired the "true" pilot first.. I would have been hooked from the get go and would have been spreadking the wrd this entire time. How many others out there like me are there?

Well.. I guess we may never truely know what might have been.. all we can do now is fight for a BDS!!!!! Or even better, a return of the series!!!!!! Well.. whatever it takes.. count me in!!!!



Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:02 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Glad you liked the series & movie Tumbler. Welcome to the fandom.

The best way to help is to get people to check out the film & the DVDs of the series. The more people we turn onto the movie, the better our odds of a future.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:13 AM



I had only read that Serenity was a continuation of Firefly the day before I saw the movie. Well, let's just say that I was litteraly BLOWN away!!!!

You should have seen the big goofy lookin' smile I let our when I read this .


"The Train Job" as an overall "good" episode in and of itself.. was NOT the best intro to Firefly's deeply layered 'verse. The idiots at Fox who decided to air this episode first, should be tar and featherd.. and then hanged. But cut loose just in time to be tar and featherd and hanged again!!!

Ok wow. (Rolf) You really got me. Ok I mean, YEAH! Let's tar those scoundrels and toss some chickens at them. Then make them march down the road with their pants pulled down to their ankles. That ought 'a show 'em!
I am very awakened by your post, because I agree completely with you my dear lad! We are perfect examples of mistakes, what we need is a bunch of little accidents all over the world into accidentally seeing, or being bargained with to see this show(or series).
Thank you for your good taste of humor it was delightful .

Rachel C.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:15 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

*pours Kaylee's very FRESH wine and passes the cup to Tumbler*

*Bats eyelashes nearly Inara-like, if Inara were to ever bat eyelashes*

How completely refreshing it is to hear from someone who was recruited by the movie!

Welcome aboard!

I draw...therefore I am.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:43 AM


I, too, am a recent convert to the Firefly/Serenity 'verse.

I had never heard of the show until June of this year when a writer for The Oregonian newpaper mentioned the advance screening for Serenity. I saw my first episode ("Trash") last Friday on the SciFi Channel, and I have seen the first nine minutes of the movie, so my total viewing time is about 52 minutes.

I really, really like this show.

Within the first three minutes of "Trash", I knew what I was watching: a show featuring well-drawn characters equipped with interesting dialogue living in a plausible reality. By the first commercial break I was hooked. By the end of the episode I actually cared about these people.

There was a TV show called "Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years" that aired in 1995 - 1996. This show also featured deep, well-drawn characterizations, interesting if not especially witty dialogue, high production values, and a gritty, lived-in feel that made you believe you were in Montana in the late 19th century. To me "Firefly" feels very much like that show set in space. I don't know if or how much Whedon was influenced by "Lonesome Dove", but there are several positive similiarities.

I plan on seeing the movie tomorrow (Wednesday), and catching the episodes as they show on SciFi. I don't have a DVD player as yet but this may be the impetus to buy one.

To Josh Whedon and the legions of fans that kept this jewel alive: Good Show!


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:45 AM


I, too, am a recent convert to the Firefly/Serenity 'verse.

I had never heard of the show until June of this year when a writer for The Oregonian newpaper mentioned the advance screening for Serenity. I saw my first episode ("Trash") last Friday on the SciFi Channel, and I have seen the first nine minutes of the movie, so my total viewing time is about 52 minutes.

I really, really like this show.

Within the first three minutes of "Trash", I knew what I was watching: a show featuring well-drawn characters equipped with interesting dialogue living in a plausible reality. By the first commercial break I was hooked. By the end of the episode I actually cared about these people.

There was a TV show called "Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years" that aired in 1995 - 1996. This show also featured deep, well-drawn characterizations, interesting if not especially witty dialogue, high production values, and a gritty, lived-in feel that made you believe you were in Montana in the late 19th century. To me "Firefly" feels very much like that show set in space. I don't know if or how much Whedon was influenced by "Lonesome Dove", but there are several positive similiarities.

I plan on seeing the movie tomorrow (Wednesday), and catching the episodes as they show on SciFi. I don't have a DVD player as yet but this may be the impetus to buy one.

To Josh Whedon and the legions of fans that kept this jewel alive: Good Show!






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