Would a big name actor/actress have helped ticket sales?

UPDATED: Monday, October 17, 2005 07:20
VIEWED: 2338
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Monday, October 17, 2005 4:33 AM


A hypothetical question. Would Serentiy have garnered a bigger non-fan base audience if a more widely known actor/actress were cast in a prominent role? This is not in any way a slight on Chiwetel Ejiofor who I thought was quite good in his role. To be honest, though, I had never heard of him before this movie (though he has been in a number of pretty big movies. It seems that name recognition is a pretty big deal in the movies and sometimes movies that are only so-so do very well because of a performer's own fan base. What do people think?


Monday, October 17, 2005 4:50 AM


Almost undoubtably yes. If Tom Cruise(for example) had played the Operative, or Mr Universe, that probably would have helped sales an awful lot.

However, one of the things I love most about the movie is that there are NO big names in it. It's not just a vehicle for a big-name actor which so many films these days are. The casting was perfect :)


Monday, October 17, 2005 4:51 AM


I think there is something to your ideaf for the domestic market. How many times have you mentioned a movie to a friend and their first question is: "Who's in it?"

Since you mention only the Operative, your question implies that did not consider replacing any of the BDH's with better known actors. Good! I know I would have screamed if they used different actors other for the most compelling reasons, e.g death, illness, or contractual commitments.

But, OK, replace Chiwetel Ejiofor (who I think did a wonderful job) with a better known actor. What does that cost? An extra $5 million? Now, how much money does the movie have to make back? It just may not have made financial sense for a "small" movie.

Also, I'm thinking that for foreign markets, especially non-English speaking markets, a Big Name may not matter at all. And, those markets may yet save us.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Monday, October 17, 2005 4:51 AM


I think there is something to your ideaf for the domestic market. How many times have you mentioned a movie to a friend and their first question is: "Who's in it?"

Since you mention only the Operative, your question implies that did not consider replacing any of the BDH's with better known actors. Good! I know I would have screamed if they used different actors other for the most compelling reasons, e.g death, illness, or contractual commitments.

But, OK, replace Chiwetel Ejiofor (who I think did a wonderful job) with a better known actor. What does that cost? An extra $5 million? Now, how much money does the movie have to make back? It just may not have made financial sense for a "small" movie.

Also, I'm thinking that for foreign markets, especially non-English speaking markets, a Big Name may not matter at all. And, those markets may yet save us.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Monday, October 17, 2005 5:47 AM


I think that the kind of people a big name actor/actress would attract probably wouldn't have "got" Serenity. I could be wrong, but that's just what I think. Also, most people I know won't go see a movie just because of who's in it. They see it because they think the previews show the possibility of a good movie. Besides, I think the casting was fantastic as it was.

The hell with this! I'm going to live!


Monday, October 17, 2005 5:57 AM


yeah, definitely yes....
the only reason 'Flightplan' is doing good business is because of Jody Foster
and I'm sure Vigo M. is the secret behind the 'History of Violence' success...
if 'Serenity' had had either Jody or Vigo as The Operative then I'm sure it would have been a bigger box office draw,
BUT I don't think it would have been a better movie.
I loved it just the way it was, and so did most of the critics.

Now obviously, if some big name star gets interested and wants to be in a sequel, then I think that that would be just the thing to get a sequel made.

I'll also bet that Joss will learn this lesson and avoid casting unknown actors as 'Wonder Woman' or in 'Goners' is sad but true, if you are going to earn money at the box office you do need a name to attract the public's attention.


Monday, October 17, 2005 6:46 AM



Originally posted by embers:
I'll also bet that Joss will learn this lesson and avoid casting unknown actors as 'Wonder Woman' or in 'Goners' is sad but true, if you are going to earn money at the box office you do need a name to attract the public's attention.

Different situation - Wonder Woman sells on the name of the main character - plus the need for them to tie in to several sequels if it does well.

Goners is likely to be (not knowing much about it) lower budget than Serenity, so lesser known actors a la most horror films these days - when your film costs $10 million to make, a $10 mill opening weekend looks much better - because even with a huge tail off, the movie is likely to be all profit from the second or third weekend.

"I threw up on your bed"


Monday, October 17, 2005 6:47 AM


Would a big name actor want to play second fiddle to a bunch of unknowns? One has to take ego into account. Most star vehicles are, as the name implies, vehicles for the star of the film. Of course, they could have gotten big name marquee draw by replacing our BDHs, but that would have been a horrible idea.


Monday, October 17, 2005 6:54 AM


Undoubtedly a big-name actor would have made more money.

That being said, it would have been more expensive, so the money might not have been worth it.

Also, the only "meaty" enough part for such an actor is The Operative, and even that role isn't all that big. I think if they had cast a bigger name actor, the role would have been larger and we would have had a very different movie, with even less focus on the BDHs.


Monday, October 17, 2005 6:57 AM


I big name would have helped sales, but hurt production cost. I also can't really see the movie being much better with a big name in it. However, I can see it being much worse.

I'm happy with what we got. If we can't convince Universal to make a sequel, at least we got our BDM.


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:09 AM


Without a doubt, but as was said it would have increased the budget also. Hell even if Joss had put in a hokey cameo for someone, say like William Shatner coming in to play Mal's father or summit, or Carrie Fisher walks in as the 'super' companion to Inara..... (Hey I think I might have an ability for cheese here....) all these tricks would have upped the awareness!!!

Anyway..... Thankfully Joss avoided any of that and went for long term greatness. Stayed true to the piece....This film is gonna be huge in five - ten years time. It'll creep up on people and be regarded as the greatest flick ever!!!!



Monday, October 17, 2005 7:13 AM


It would have been intersting to have Laurence Fishburn (AKA Gina's real life "baby") play The Operative. However, he may have blown the budget and the "Matrix" baggage may have done more harm than good.

"The Signal" podcast actually asked Gina about LF being in Serenity sequels & she said "it depends on the script" so maybe?


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:20 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I would agree w/ everyone else, that yes, a "big" name may have helped at the box office, but it would driven up production costs as well.

I think that a Tom Cruise or some other Hollywood type would have distracted from our cast and the story itself though, so I am glad that Joss did not go that route. Joss seems pretty fond of giving new actor a shot instead going to one of the big names. I think it has paid off big time as we have the best cast of any sci fi show.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

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