USA Network buys rights to air Serenity in 2008

UPDATED: Friday, November 4, 2005 05:02
VIEWED: 14261
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Monday, October 17, 2005 4:34 AM



In addition to "Virgin," USA bought two other titles from NBC U: Kate Hudson horror movie "The Skeleton Key," which went for about $5 million, and Joss Whedon's "Serenity," which fetched $3 million or so. USA's sister Sci Fi Channel will get some plays of "Serenity," which is a continuation of "Firefly," the space Western cancelled by the Fox Network in midseason despite its cult following. USA gets "Skeleton" and "Serenity" in May 2008 and "Virgin" in July 2008, after all three complete their first-window runs on HBO as part of an exclusive pay TV deal.

I still think that if DVD sales go well, Sci-Fi channel is setting themselves up for bringing back the show.


Eat 'em up, chomp, chomp.


Monday, October 17, 2005 4:45 AM


The nice thing is that 2008 is still a while away, so there should be a lot of DVD sales before people decide they can just see it on TV. Unfortunately it might mean we won't get any more of the 'verse until 2008. Hopefully not though! :D


Monday, October 17, 2005 4:52 AM



Originally posted by GatorMarc:
I still think that if DVD sales go well, Sci-Fi channel is setting themselves up for bringing back the show.

Sigh. If this is true, I will have to cave and get extended cable and pay another $50 a month. :(


Monday, October 17, 2005 4:57 AM



Originally posted by Kazzahdrane:
The nice thing is that 2008 is still a while away, so there should be a lot of DVD sales before people decide they can just see it on TV. Unfortunately it might mean we won't get any more of the 'verse until 2008. Hopefully not though! :D

Well, you have to figure that that's only 2 1/2 years away from now. That's not an unusual length of time to wait.

My hope:

* Serenity does well on DVD sales.
* Firefly continues to do well on DVD sales.
* Sci-Fi channel continues to do well in both Firefly repeats and on Battlestar Gallactica, which was a big step for them in producing a big budget sci-fi show.
* Sci-Fi decides that in Fall of '08 or Winter '09, they'll make new Firefly shows or some sort of spinoff. They'll air the entire Firefly series plus Serenity to jumpstart the new show.


Eat 'em up, chomp, chomp.


Monday, October 17, 2005 4:58 AM



Originally posted by est120:

Originally posted by GatorMarc:
I still think that if DVD sales go well, Sci-Fi channel is setting themselves up for bringing back the show.

Sigh. If this is true, I will have to cave and get extended cable and pay another $50 a month. :(

Wow... that's pricey. I only pay $50 and that is for full digital cable... 160 channels or something.

Sci-Fi is part of the basic cable package.


Eat 'em up, chomp, chomp.


Monday, October 17, 2005 5:13 AM


Wahoo. Is that $3 million that we can add to our magic number?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."

"I love Matt, he's great!!" Summer Glau, re me!


Monday, October 17, 2005 5:23 AM


I would wet myself with glee if USA/Sci-Fi managed to wrangle the rights to produce new episodes of Firefly. I would wet myself right on the spot. With GLEE.


Monday, October 17, 2005 5:26 AM


I'm almost wetting myself at the thought...

If they can produce Battlestar Galactica on a budget, then Firefly has to be a possibility...



Monday, October 17, 2005 5:38 AM


Especially cuz SG-1 is no longer doing it for them.

Hey, PsychicRiver you need to read my Dallas Comic Con post.

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

Stillshiny's Shop - I'm thinkin we rose again
Hey! Did YOU buy one of my shirts? Tell me what ya think....

Listen to "The Signal"


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:10 AM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
Wahoo. Is that $3 million that we can add to our magic number?

Yep, in addition to the unknown amount they're getting from HBO.



Monday, October 17, 2005 7:20 AM



Originally posted by Rabit:
Yep, in addition to the unknown amount they're getting from HBO.



The thing that I would be really concerned about with this, is would any of the BDH's be available for this? They're certainly not going to wait 2 1/2 years for this to (possibly) pan out.

"The last thing I want is that any of our descendents should look back in some years and despise us for not daring to act when we had so much capacity to act. We must dare to seek how, why and on what we agree. We shall thus be able to join together to look for alternative solutions and new ways of managing the world's challenges. Being diverse is our richness, acting together will be our strength". (Federico Mayor; 02-04-01;
UBUNTU Constituent Meeting).


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:40 AM


this is not really that suprising.
both Sci-fi, and USA are owned by ....
(drum roll please)...

kinda similar to the 'trek franchies airing on spike, which, like paramount( who owns 'trek) is owned by viacom.

Nothing like filming a major motion picture to make you feel better about your show being cancelled.
- Nathan Fillion
- Adam Baldwin
Well played Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:47 AM


First time in a while to post, but are you all nuts? Is there anyone out there who honestly expects Joss Whedon to return to this story down the road? He has done his best, but he has moved on - those of you who read his latest post and didn't read into that I think are deluding yourselves.

Me, I would love to see Firefly return. Not in movies, but in episodes. BUT... Joss answered too many questions, changed up the tone just enough, and killed off too many needed crewmembers in Serenity to allow it to be "Firefly" to me anymore. My post-Katrina Firefly fan group all agree that killing off Wash and Book was an unnecessary plot point, especially if there was any hope for a sequel. We understand that in real life, this stuff happens. But movies are not real life. You keep your main characters alive so that your audiences have something permanent to hold on to, to return to whenever the next "episode" appears, be it the next week or 5 years down the road. That act was an act of ending, nothing less. It was a fair ending too, don't get me wrong, if it never comes back, at least I feel like a major portion of the story has been told.

I love Firefly. I get pissed every time I watch the eps on DVD because I just can't believe that Fox was that stupid, or that the show was THAT good (gets better every time I watch)! Right now, I'm just trying to convince myself that at least we got that much of a story, more than we would have gotten if it had started out as a movie.

USA buys the rights to show the eps 2-1/2 years from now? Unfortunately, big deal.


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:48 AM



Originally posted by Jaron95:
I would wet myself with glee if USA/Sci-Fi managed to wrangle the rights to produce new episodes of Firefly. I would wet myself right on the spot. With GLEE.

Just as long as SciFi doesn't screw it up, which they have a tendancy to do with a lot of propteries they buy from other sources.

Lady Shelley


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:56 AM



Originally posted by mrpresident:
Me, I would love to see Firefly return. Not in movies, but in episodes. BUT... Joss answered too many questions, changed up the tone just enough, and killed off too many needed crewmembers in Serenity to allow it to be "Firefly" to me anymore. My post-Katrina Firefly fan group all agree that killing off Wash and Book was an unnecessary plot point, especially if there was any hope for a sequel. We understand that in real life, this stuff happens. But movies are not real life. You keep your main characters alive so that your audiences have something permanent to hold on to, to return to whenever the next "episode" appears, be it the next week or 5 years down the road. That act was an act of ending, nothing less. It was a fair ending too, don't get me wron

I'm guessing by your comments about how you cannot kill off a major character that you've never seen any other Joss Whedon show.


USA buys the rights to show the eps 2-1/2 years from now? Unfortunately, big deal.

No. USA bought the rights for the network broadcast for the movie which also allows sci-fi to run the movie. 2-3 years is a normal gap for time from theater to dvd to premium channels to network.

The episodes are already in syndication and sci-fi has rights to air them (and is).


Eat 'em up, chomp, chomp.


Monday, October 17, 2005 8:01 AM


OK, GatorMarc, you seem pretty knowledgeable from reading your comments on other posts, as well as your response to mine. Do you honestly think it really has a chance in hell of returning to the small screen?


Monday, October 17, 2005 8:07 AM



Originally posted by mrpresident:
OK, GatorMarc, you seem pretty knowledgeable from reading your comments on other posts, as well as your response to mine. Do you honestly think it really has a chance in hell of returning to the small screen?

Does it have a good chance? No.

But then again, no one thought Battlestar Gallactica had a chance in hell of getting picked up as a series by Sci-Fi because of the CGI budget. It's probably their most successful show right now. And Firefly has done very well for them in syndication.

The timeline fits. If the movie does reasonably well on DVD sales, you could see Sci-Fi/Universal at least considering a made for TV miniseries or movie. It's a distinct possibility. Don't write it off yet. This is a good franchise.


Eat 'em up, chomp, chomp.


Monday, October 17, 2005 8:21 AM


Don't rule out USA either. Their Sunday night lineup of The Dead Zone/The 4400 has proved very successful by cable standards. And I feel like TDZ has already jumped the shark and I've stopped watching, so, who know what they'll need to fill it in a few years?

The 4400 leading into Firefly... that'd be cool.

"You are on the Global Frequency."


Monday, October 17, 2005 8:30 AM



Originally posted by mrpresident:
My post-Katrina Firefly fan group all agree that killing off Wash and Book was an unnecessary plot point, especially if there was any hope for a sequel.

Actually, the reason Wash and Book bit it, is most likely due to the fact that you can't have that many primary players and even have a hope to get all of their stories told in a sequel (or even a trilogy). For TV, that's fine, but for a movie, it's too many characters. Ultimately, I would like to have seen a return to TV than a movie, but I'll take it none the less!

"The last thing I want is that any of our descendents should look back in some years and despise us for not daring to act when we had so much capacity to act. We must dare to seek how, why and on what we agree. We shall thus be able to join together to look for alternative solutions and new ways of managing the world's challenges. Being diverse is our richness, acting together will be our strength". (Federico Mayor; 02-04-01;
UBUNTU Constituent Meeting).


Monday, October 17, 2005 8:32 AM



Originally posted by Barclay:
And I feel like TDZ has already jumped the shark and I've stopped watching, so, who know what they'll need to fill it in a few years?

The 4400 leading into Firefly... that'd be cool.

"You are on the Global Frequency."

Jumped the shark! Nice Happy Days reference. I love it!!

"The last thing I want is that any of our descendents should look back in some years and despise us for not daring to act when we had so much capacity to act. We must dare to seek how, why and on what we agree. We shall thus be able to join together to look for alternative solutions and new ways of managing the world's challenges. Being diverse is our richness, acting together will be our strength". (Federico Mayor; 02-04-01;
UBUNTU Constituent Meeting).


Monday, October 17, 2005 8:58 AM


I don't have any expertise on the subject, besides being a fan, but the movie seemed to be an ending, and it was a good ending. I love the show, but don't expect it to be back with original crew or Joss at the helm, that dog is dead. I'm hardly an expert, but May 2008 doesn't seem to be realistic as a follow up to the movie or the series. I wish that I could have more Firefly on the small screen, that is where it belongs, but I'm also realistic. Lucas has the right idea in taking his series to the small screen. Follow the money and you will find George Lucas. Unless they start filming Firefly season two within a year it seems unrealistic to me.


Monday, October 17, 2005 9:15 AM


Nothing has been predictable with this franchise, so it is impossible to predict where it will go from here.

I would love more TV. I would love more movies. I will accept it if it's the end.

I aim to misbehave.


Monday, October 17, 2005 9:18 AM



Originally posted by everyworldspinnin:

The thing that I would be really concerned about with this, is would any of the BDH's be available for this? They're certainly not going to wait 2 1/2 years for this to (possibly) pan out.

Anyone notice how much our BDH's aged from Firefly to the BDM? The women did fine but Nathan and Sean looked significantly older. A show with older actors may not fit the TV demographic. And, at what point does Nathan get too old for fistfights?

On the other hand, Firefly has a large adult fan base and the new BSG seems to be doing fine.

I'm a big proponet of a new format: 6-8 TV movies (Serenity pilot length) per year as specials. Room enough for a story without having to be an epic like the BDM. Less special effects and more character driven like Firefly.

There are LOTS of stories to be told about this 'verse. (Just think of the 12 seasons about Vampires, for christsakes!). And, I hate to say it, some of the passengers and crew could (and knowing Joss probably would) get off, one way or another, and new characters could get on.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Monday, October 17, 2005 9:18 AM



Originally posted by everyworldspinnin:

The thing that I would be really concerned about with this, is would any of the BDH's be available for this? They're certainly not going to wait 2 1/2 years for this to (possibly) pan out.

Anyone notice how much our BDH's aged from Firefly to the BDM? The women did fine but Nathan and Sean looked significantly older. A show with older actors may not fit the TV demographic. And, at what point does Nathan get too old for fistfights?

On the other hand, Firefly has a large adult fan base and the new BSG seems to be doing fine.

I'm a big proponet of a new format: 6-8 TV movies (Serenity pilot length) per year as specials. Room enough for a story without having to be an epic like the BDM. Less special effects and more character driven like Firefly.

There are LOTS of stories to be told about this 'verse. (Just think of the 12 seasons about Vampires, for christsakes!). And, I hate to say it, some of the passengers and crew could (and knowing Joss probably would) get off, one way or another, and new characters could get on.

"'Course, there are other schools of thought."


Monday, October 17, 2005 9:42 AM


Sci-Fi and Fantasy are very trendy at this point. The only thing that I can see is if Universal is looking to jump on that bandwagon. Then we would see two sequels and the series in 2008. I didn't like the change from storytelling about a family to an action flick,and the change in the Doc's character was pretty huge, I prefer the TV series. The changes in the actors was very noticeable, I can see the changes in appearance being too much by 2008. The feeling that I received from Joss's post is that this is over, but I could be misreading it or he could be trying to motivate the Browncoats to higher movie sales.

All good things come to and end, unless money is involved.


Monday, October 17, 2005 9:54 AM


This is great news!

No one's mentioned that, during the HBO phase, the powers that be will have access to HBO's "On Demand" numbers from the various cable outlets that support that feature.

Hopefully the "On Demand" statistics for Serenity will be impressive!



Monday, October 17, 2005 10:20 AM


2008, good. Gives just enough time to move out West....and audition for a nice juicy role!

Semper Fidelis


Monday, October 17, 2005 11:18 AM


I agree with GatorMarc.... SciFi is the place that this may come to. Maybe in a series and maybe as a made for TV movie or miniseries. And if they did that from time to time with our BDH, I would be forever happy. At least we'd get that much. As for the thought... would the cast do it? I think they would. I get the impression from every interview that I've read that Nathan Fillion is aboard no matter what, and I'll bet the rest are too.



Monday, October 17, 2005 11:29 AM


But would you watch the show sans ....

Select to view spoiler:

Wash and Book?

"The last thing I want is that any of our descendents should look back in some years and despise us for not daring to act when we had so much capacity to act. We must dare to seek how, why and on what we agree. We shall thus be able to join together to look for alternative solutions and new ways of managing the world's challenges. Being diverse is our richness, acting together will be our strength". (Federico Mayor; 02-04-01;
UBUNTU Constituent Meeting).


Monday, October 17, 2005 11:45 AM


2 1/2 years? ouch. I cant handle that. 1 1/2years would work. Poeple would have forgotten all about it by then. Its too bad...


Monday, October 17, 2005 12:35 PM


I think we'd all LOVE to see more Firefly, but just because USA bought the rights to movie doesn't mean that SciFi or anybody else will pick it up, unless fans keep giving the grief about it or the movie all of a sudden makes $50 million more. But, you guys gave them enough grief to get a movie out of it, so who's to say that they won't do a show or miniseries? My best friend really liked the Star Trek Enterprise series, and I know that when it got cancelled he was very hopeful that SciFi or Spike or somebody would pick it up, but it didn't happen and I think maybe that's because it wasn't too popular even among veteran Trekkies and wasn't reviewed well by critics (from what I understand, I didn't follow the show). If fans keep going at it and we all know critics love it, maybe the networks can be convinced, especially if shows like Battlestar and Invasion keep doing well...I tend to think that based on Joss' comments a miniseries may be more likely than a TV series. Never hurts to hope...I'm a new fan and I'm sure glad that you guys didn't give up after the show's cancellation or there'd be no movie and maybe no DVD set. Why give up now if you didn't before?


Monday, October 17, 2005 12:53 PM


Yes...............I would.
Becaue I know Joss would make it worth it.

Joss knows what he is doing. He originally planned for the show to run a number of years and had all sorts of plans for the characters I'm sure. And as for them aging... well, for one thing, if this is the way Nathan is going to age, then I'm still more than ok. And Joss must have known the characters would age and change.

Yes, oh, yes I'd watch it.



Monday, October 17, 2005 1:38 PM


Is it so hard to write "SPOILERS" before writing spoilers? The movie hasn't reached most of Europe yet and you just spoiled big time for me :(


Monday, October 17, 2005 1:41 PM


Am I the only one here who read the article and thought that if they're prepared to pay $5m for The Skeleton Key, Serenity should be worth $8-10m?


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:08 PM


I can't believe I am reading these threads. I can't believe I registered on this site. Why did I turn into such a geek??? I used to be somewhat normal. Why am I following the box office returns??? Is there a 12 step program for Firefly/Serenity addiction???


Monday, October 17, 2005 7:30 PM


I KNEW IT! I just posted the following on another thread before I saw this one... Here's all the behind of the scenes info (of sorts since I'm guessing, but look at all the connections :) )...

Here are two scenarios. Universal’s television division (Universal Television) is shopping around for gems for next year’s line-up. A few of the Execs probably took note of Firefly and contacted Fox with an offer to purchase the brand. If Fox agreed obviously Universal Television would promptly ask Whedon and cast to pick where they left off and begin filming Season two (don't be surprized if UT sells the show to NBC since that network is taking a rating's hit). However if Fox feels the film and DVD sales are strong enough they might just resurrect the series and bring back Whedon and cast. As a fallback plan if Universal doesn't own the franchise by next year they hope the series continued booming DVD sales will help the film's DVD sales when it comes out next year.

I couldn't think of a third scenario because most film studios won't greenlight a project unless it has huge ROI. If either scenario occurs the Fans win. So start cheering because somethings a-brewing!


Monday, October 17, 2005 9:31 PM


Of course, I'm pretty sure Joss expressed disgust at the thought of working with FOX again...

Who'd want to after they killed off your beautiful baby?


Monday, October 17, 2005 9:54 PM


I agree - I used to be a normal mother and businesswoman until I got hooked by my teeenage son. Now the latest box office figures are the first thing I check each morning.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 3:46 AM


Gotta love the Browncoats....

any news will do


woah, do you think they attacked him to support a new series? Joss probably controls the insect world and this is his way of trying to tell us.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 6:15 AM



Originally posted by Kazzahdrane:
Of course, I'm pretty sure Joss expressed disgust at the thought of working with FOX again...

Who'd want to after they killed off your beautiful baby?

Worked for Family Guy.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:45 AM



Originally posted by Gorba916:

Originally posted by Kazzahdrane:
Of course, I'm pretty sure Joss expressed disgust at the thought of working with FOX again...

Who'd want to after they killed off your beautiful baby?

Worked for Family Guy.

He even got a second show out of the deal (American Dad).


Eat 'em up, chomp, chomp.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:56 AM


Yeah Jidiot...

I am 42 years old...and a female..NOT a pimply-faced 16 year old who lives in my parent's basement!!! What they hell is wrong with me?? Why do I want to redecorate my bedroom to look the the inside of Inara's shuttle. Why do I suddenly want to get a tattoo of the serenity logo...or maybe a cute little firefly??? Why does a man in a brown coat and tight pants make me all floopy??



Tuesday, October 18, 2005 5:25 PM


I can think of worse ways to have a mid life crisis

With a whole family of Firefly fans, it has been the major topic at dinner each night and a great disappointment that the figures are bad.

However we are promoting it madly to all our 50 something friends and I think my son has seen it 3 times and taken a lot of friends to see it.

By the way we are in Australia and it has done over $2 million here, although I think that is Aussie $ so not so good in US terms.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:13 PM



Spoiler tags fuck heads.

I dont spend all my time avoiding spoilers like

Select to view spoiler:

"Wash and Book die"

for fun, I avoid them because I havent seen the movie yet and I dont want it spoiled.

Doesnt get released here in New Zealand until the 11th of thanks for nothing retards.

(thats to those in this thread that didnt use spoiler tags or mark their posts with !!SPOILER!! etc.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:15 PM


No disrespect to the previous posters. I love Firefly/Serenity as much as you do. But, lets be realistic on USA purchasing the telecast rights of the movie. USA and all other broadcast/cable networks buy movie packages from motion pictures companies/syndicators all the time. The Serenity movie was part of a package deal that also included The 40 Year Old Virgin and The Skeleton Key. $3 million for telecast rights is a very low figure.

With USA purchasing Serenity to telecast on USA and SciFi, this does not mean any new Firefly or Serenity sequel in the near future. So, please stop hoping for more 'verse. This movie deal has no bearing on any further adventures for Mal and Co.

The only hope is Universal deciding to make a movie sequel. Of course, with the very poor showing at the domestic box office, it's not likely we'll see our BDH together again in new adventures.

Maybe the upcoming DVD sales will help launch a new adventure or the movie is well received on HBO and later on USA. Who knows? But, right now, Serenity is loved by critics and hardcore fans, but is considered a major box office bomb. The latter is what matters most.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 9:14 PM



Originally posted by mrpresident:
My post-Katrina Firefly fan group all agree that killing off Wash and Book was an unnecessary plot point, especially if there was any hope for a sequel. We understand that in real life, this stuff happens. But movies are not real life. You keep your main characters alive so that your audiences have something permanent to hold on to, to return to whenever the next "episode" appears, be it the next week or 5 years down the road. That act was an act of ending, nothing less.

Not really. Characters evolve and characters die. Comic books, historically, are full of characters who have evolved over time and characters who have died. And of new characters who came on board at one time or another. It's the nature of a continuing story.

Secondly, I think the plot points concerning the deaths of Book and Wash were there for a reason. You can't think Mal would start fighting a war unless someone he really cared about was killed (Book). And you can't believe that any of the characters are in real danger unless someone dies (Wash). The whole time that the crew were fighting off the Reavers, my heart was pounding cause if Wash could die, anyone could. I especially jumped when River was grabbed by the Reavers. "No! They can't kill River!!!" But it was a distinct possibility which is why I had that reaction. So while those two deaths were sad moments for fans, they did add a lot to the movie than if no one had died. Cause then you'd think that everyone is invincible and the danger they were facing would have no credibility to it whatsoever.


Friday, November 4, 2005 3:49 AM



Originally posted by mrpresident:
OK, GatorMarc, you seem pretty knowledgeable from reading your comments on other posts, as well as your response to mine. Do you honestly think it really has a chance in hell of returning to the small screen?

Just like in *real life*, people go thru multitudes of danger and some go unscathed, some die, for apparently no good reason at all - so do movies and shows. Yeah, some times exec kill off shows just because of exactly no good reasons. $hit happens in real life as does in the almighty JW universes.

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Friday, November 4, 2005 3:53 AM



Originally posted by iamspacecase:
I don't have any expertise on the subject, besides being a fan, but the movie seemed to be an ending, and it was a good ending. I love the show, but don't expect it to be back with original crew or Joss at the helm, that dog is dead. I'm hardly an expert, but May 2008 doesn't seem to be realistic as a follow up to the movie or the series. I wish that I could have more Firefly on the small screen, that is where it belongs, but I'm also realistic. Lucas has the right idea in taking his series to the small screen. Follow the money and you will find George Lucas. Unless they start filming Firefly season two within a year it seems unrealistic to me.

hmmm... however, things like Star Trek came back after very very long time. I remember standing in the stores waiting for the laserdiscs to come out.... ooooh la la..

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Friday, November 4, 2005 3:55 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

I agree with GatorMarc.... SciFi is the place that this may come to. Maybe in a series and maybe as a made for TV movie or miniseries. And if they did that from time to time with our BDH, I would be forever happy. At least we'd get that much. As for the thought... would the cast do it? I think they would. I get the impression from every interview that I've read that Nathan Fillion is aboard no matter what, and I'll bet the rest are too.


I love it when fans of a post apocalyptic show with a pessimistic view of the future - gets optimistic about the future...

Haken needs new equipment to keep the site shiny. Donate.

Given the freedom to do so, anarchy will result in an organic organization unto itself.


Friday, November 4, 2005 3:57 AM



Originally posted by SadLittleKing:

Originally posted by mrpresident:
My post-Katrina Firefly fan group all agree that killing off Wash and Book was an unnecessary plot point, especially if there was any hope for a sequel. We understand that in real life, this stuff happens. But movies are not real life. You keep your main characters alive so that your audiences have something permanent to hold on to, to return to whenever the next "episode" appears, be it the next week or 5 years down the road. That act was an act of ending, nothing less.

Not really. Characters evolve and characters die. Comic books, historically, are full of characters who have evolved over time and characters who have died. And of new characters who came on board at one time or another. It's the nature of a continuing story.

Secondly, I think the plot points concerning the deaths of Book and Wash were there for a reason. You can't think Mal would start fighting a war unless someone he really cared about was killed (Book). And you can't believe that any of the characters are in real danger unless someone dies (Wash). The whole time that the crew were fighting off the Reavers, my heart was pounding cause if Wash could die, anyone could. I especially jumped when River was grabbed by the Reavers. "No! They can't kill River!!!" But it was a distinct possibility which is why I had that reaction. So while those two deaths were sad moments for fans, they did add a lot to the movie than if no one had died. Cause then you'd think that everyone is invincible and the danger they were facing would have no credibility to it whatsoever.

actually I think that it opens up plot points for a sequel,
Zoe had managed to keep her inner peace throughout the war, and she said she wasn't so afraid of losing something that she didn't want to have it...
but I'm thinking that this could all be changed for her now. I think she had finally met up with real loss and pain, and she is going to be changed when we see her again....

Also River is suddenly much more important, rather than being a crazy passanger she is now right in the center of the action (for future action)...

In a lot of ways, everything has changed...
change is scary
but it keeps things lively!

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Friday, November 4, 2005 5:02 AM


Embers, I agree. My daughter and I were talking about it yesterday and we both said, (trying not to be spoilery!) that we were genuinely afraid that they were all in mortal danger. We were convinced this was impossible to get out of. We were heart in our throat frightened for every single one of them! A lady in the audience ahead of me, was visibly cluthing her head and semi groaning... " they have had it, OMG, OMG".

I haven't been a fan of any other Joss shows... I think that may have to change somewhat now, but I understand from other references that he's a fearless writer. That is what we like about him.

As for the future. River is THEIR weapon now. That is interesting in and of itself to me. I like the feeling I get of her connection to Mal and Serenity. There are other stories to tell, other heists to do. There are still villians left in the 'verse... a couple I can think of right off the top of my head. There are still unresolved love interests... that is of interest to me too.

I'm not gonna give up. Just about everyone who sees the movie or the show falls in love. Can't walk away as if it's just another movie. A connection is made. I think that connection bodes well for all of us Browncoats. Look at all the new folk signing on here who have seen the movie, just the movie... and are now looking for more. After they see the DVD's of the show, they can't help but be hooked.

My daughter, 19, says she loves it that River is now more in the action. I think you would find others who feel the same.

We're still flyin'!

"You want to meet the real me now?" Mal






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